Esempio n. 1
function auth()
    global $auth_can_disconnect;
    global $connect_id_auteur, $connect_nom, $connect_bio, $connect_email;
    global $connect_nom_site, $connect_url_site, $connect_login, $connect_pass;
    global $connect_activer_imessage, $connect_activer_messagerie;
    global $connect_status;
    global $author_session, $prefs;
    global $clean_link;
    // This reloads $GLOBALS['db_ok'], just in case
    // If there is not SQL connection, quit.
    if (!$GLOBALS['db_ok']) {
        lcm_html_start("Technical problem", "install");
        // annoy sql_errno()
        echo "\n<!-- \n";
        echo "\t* Flag connect: " . $GLOBALS['flag_connect'] . "\n\t";
        lcm_query("SELECT count(*) from lcm_meta");
        echo "\n-->\n\n";
        echo "<div align='left' style='width: 600px;' class='box_error'>\n";
        echo "\t<h3>" . _T('title_technical_problem') . "</h3>\n";
        echo "\t<p>" . _T('info_technical_problem_database') . "</p>\n";
        if (lcm_sql_errno()) {
            echo "\t<p><tt>" . lcm_sql_errno() . " " . lcm_sql_error() . "</tt></p>\n";
        } else {
            echo "\t<p><tt>No error diagnostic was provided.</tt></p>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        return false;
    // Initialise variables (avoid URL hacks)
    $auth_login = "";
    $auth_pass = "";
    $auth_pass_ok = false;
    $auth_can_disconnect = false;
    // Fetch identification data from authentication session
    if (isset($_COOKIE['lcm_session'])) {
        if (verifier_session($_COOKIE['lcm_session'])) {
            if ($author_session['status'] == 'admin' or $author_session['status'] == 'normal') {
                $auth_login = $author_session['username'];
                $auth_pass_ok = true;
                $auth_can_disconnect = true;
    } else {
        if ($_REQUEST['privet'] == 'yes') {
            // Failed login attempt: cookie failed
            $link = new Link("lcm_cookie.php?cookie_test_failed=yes");
            $url = str_replace('/./', '/', $clean_link->getUrl());
            $link->addVar('var_url', $url);
            @header("Location: " . $link->getUrl());
    // If not authenticated, ask for login / password
    if (!$auth_login) {
        $url = $clean_link->getUrl();
        @header("Location: lcm_login.php?var_url=" . urlencode($url));
    // Search for the login in the authors' table
    $auth_login = addslashes($auth_login);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM lcm_author WHERE username='******' AND status !='external' AND status !='6forum'";
    $result = @lcm_query($query);
    if ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
        $connect_id_auteur = $row['id_author'];
        $connect_nom = $row['name_first'];
        $connect_login = $row['username'];
        $connect_pass = $row['password'];
        $connect_status = $row['status'];
        $connect_activer_messagerie = "non";
        $connect_activer_imessage = "non ";
        // Set the users' preferences
        $prefs = unserialize(get_magic_quotes_runtime() ? stripslashes($row['prefs']) : $row['prefs']);
        // Default values for some possibly unset preferences
        if (!isset($prefs['page_rows']) || intval($prefs['page_rows']) < 1) {
            $prefs['page_rows'] = 15;
        if (!isset($prefs['theme']) || !$prefs['theme']) {
            $prefs['theme'] = 'green';
        if (!isset($prefs['screen']) || !$prefs['screen']) {
            $prefs['screen'] = 'wide';
        if (!isset($prefs['font_size']) || !$prefs['font_size']) {
            $prefs['font_size'] = 'medium_font';
        if (!isset($prefs['case_owner']) || !$prefs['case_owner']) {
            $prefs['case_owner'] = 'my';
        if (!isset($prefs['case_period']) || !$prefs['case_period']) {
            $prefs['case_period'] = '91';
        if (!isset($prefs['mode']) || !$prefs['mode']) {
            $prefs['mode'] = 'simple';
        if (!isset($prefs['time_intervals']) || !$prefs['time_intervals']) {
            $prefs['time_intervals'] = 'relative';
            $prefs['time_intervals_notation'] = 'hours_only';
    } else {
        // This case is a strange possibility: the author is authentified
        // OK, but he does not exist in the authors table. Possible cause:
        // the database was restaured and the author does not exist (and
        // the user was authentified by another source, such as LDAP).
        // Note: we use to show a strange error message which would advice
        // to logout, but since it occurs only after db upgrade, just logout
        // brutally (with cookie_admin=no to forget the username).
        lcm_header('Location: lcm_cookie.php?cookie_admin=no&logout=' . $auth_login);
    if (!$auth_pass_ok) {
        @header("Location: lcm_login.php?var_erreur=pass");
    // [ML] Again, not sure how this is used, but we can ignore it for now
    // TODO (note: nouveau == new)
    if ($connect_status == 'nouveau') {
        $query = "UPDATE lcm_author SET status = 'normal' WHERE id_author = {$connect_id_auteur}";
        $result = lcm_query($query);
        $connect_status = 'normal';
    // PHP sessions are started here, and stopped at logout
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
    if ($ok) {
        // Force cookies for admins
        if ($auth->username and $auth->status == 'admin') {
            $cookie_admin = "@" . $auth->username;
        $query = "SELECT * \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_author\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE username='******'";
        $result = lcm_query($query);
        if ($row_author = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
            $cookie_session = creer_cookie_session($row_author);
        $cible->addVar('privet', 'yes');
    } else {
        $cible = new Link("lcm_login.php");
        $cible->addVar('var_login', $login);
        $cible->addVar('var_url', urldecode($url));
        if ($session_password || $session_password_md5) {
            $cible->addVar('var_erreur', 'pass');
// Set a session cookie?
if ($cookie_session) {
    if ($session_remember == 'yes') {
        lcm_setcookie('lcm_session', $cookie_session, time() + 3600 * 24 * 14);
    } else {
        lcm_setcookie('lcm_session', $cookie_session);
    $prefs = $row_author['prefs'] ? unserialize($row_author['prefs']) : array();
    $prefs['cnx'] = $session_remember == 'yes' ? 'perma' : '';
Esempio n. 3
     // Time spent on case by authors
 // Time spent on case by authors
 case 'times':
     // List authors on the case
     $show_more_times = _request('more_times') ? true : false;
     $q = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\ta.id_author, name_first, name_middle, name_last,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fu.date_end) > 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(fu.date_end)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fu.date_start), 0)) as time,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(sumbilled) as sumbilled\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM  lcm_author as a, lcm_followup as fu\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fu.id_author = a.id_author\n\t\t\t\t\t  AND fu.id_case = {$case}\n\t\t\t\t\t  AND fu.hidden = 'N'\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY fu.id_author";
     $result = lcm_query($q);
     // Show table headers
     echo '<fieldset class="info_box">';
     show_page_subtitle(_T('case_subtitle_times'), 'reports_intro');
     $link_details = new Link();
     $link_details->addVar('more_times', intval(!$show_more_times));
     echo "<table border='0' class='tbl_usr_dtl' width='99%'>\n";
     echo "<tr>\n";
     echo "<th class='heading'>" . _Th('case_input_author') . '&nbsp;' . '<a title="' . _T('fu_button_stats_' . ($show_more_times ? 'less' : 'more')) . '" href="' . $link_details->getUrl() . '">' . '<img src="images/spip/' . ($show_more_times ? 'moins' : 'plus') . '.gif" alt="" border="0" />' . '</a>' . "</th>\n";
     echo "<th class='heading' width='120' nowrap='nowrap' align='right'>" . _Th('time_input_length') . ' (' . _T('time_info_short_hour') . ")</th>\n";
     $total_time = 0;
     $total_sum_billed = 0.0;
     $meta_sum_billed = read_meta('fu_sum_billed');
     if ($meta_sum_billed == 'yes') {
         $currency = read_meta('currency');
         echo "<th class='heading' width='120' nowrap='nowrap' align='right'>" . _Th('fu_input_sum_billed') . ' (' . $currency . ")</th>\n";
     echo "</tr>\n";
     // Show table contents & calculate total
     while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
         $total_time += $row['time'];
Esempio n. 4
function show_list_end($current_pos = 0, $number_of_rows = 0, $allow_show_all = false, $prefix = '')
    global $prefs;
    $prefix_var = $prefix ? $prefix . '_' : '';
    echo "</table>\n";
    // Navigation for previous/next screens
    $list_pages = ceil($number_of_rows / $prefs['page_rows']);
    if (!$list_pages) {
        echo "<!-- list_pages == 0 -->\n";
    $link = new Link();
    $pos = $link->getVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos');
    $link->delVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos');
    // If we are showing "All" items, do not show navigation
    if ($pos == 'all') {
        return '';
    echo "<table border='0' align='center' width='99%' class='page_numbers'>\n";
    echo '<tr><td align="left" width="15%">';
    // Previous page
    if ($current_pos > 0) {
        if ($current_pos > $prefs['page_rows']) {
            $link->addVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos', $current_pos - $prefs['page_rows']);
        echo '<a href="' . $link->getUrl($prefix) . '" class="content_link">' . "&lt; " . _T('listnav_link_previous') . '</a> ';
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo '<td align="center" width="70%">';
    // Page numbers with direct links
    if ($list_pages > 1) {
        echo _T('listnav_link_gotopage') . ' ';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $list_pages; $i++) {
            if ($i == floor($current_pos / $prefs['page_rows'])) {
                echo '[' . ($i + 1) . '] ';
            } else {
                $current_pos_val = $i * $prefs['page_rows'];
                $link = new Link();
                $link->delVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos');
                if ($current_pos_val > 0) {
                    $link->addVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos', $current_pos_val);
                echo '<a href="' . $link->getUrl($prefix) . '" class="content_link">' . ($i + 1) . '</a> ';
        if ($allow_show_all) {
            $link->delVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos');
            $link->addVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos', 'all');
            echo '<a href="' . $link->getUrl($prefix) . '" class="content_link">' . _T('listnav_link_show_all') . '</a>';
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "<td align='right' width='15%'>";
    // Next page
    $next_pos = $current_pos + $prefs['page_rows'];
    if ($next_pos < $number_of_rows) {
        $current_pos_val = $next_pos;
        $link = new Link();
        $link->addVar($prefix_var . 'list_pos', $current_pos_val);
        echo '<a href="' . $link->getUrl($prefix) . '" class="content_link">' . _T('listnav_link_next') . " &gt;" . '</a>';
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
Esempio n. 5
        } else {
            $tmp_link->addVar('show_nokw', "1");
            echo '<p><a href="' . $tmp_link->getUrl() . '" class="run_lnk">' . _T('rep_button_nokw_show') . "</a></p>\n";
    echo '<p><a href="rep_det.php?rep=' . $report->getId() . '" class="run_lnk">' . _T('rep_button_goback') . "</a></p>\n";
    // Make a link to export the report
    echo '<p>';
    $link_csv = new Link();
    $link_csv->addVar('export', 'csv');
    echo '<a href="' . $link_csv->getUrl() . '" class="exp_lnk">' . _T('rep_button_exportcsv') . '</a> ';
    $link_ods = new Link();
    $link_ods->addVar('export', 'ods');
    echo '<a href="' . $link_ods->getUrl() . '" class="exp_lnk">' . _T('rep_button_exportcsv') . ' (ODS)' . '</a>';
    // TRAD
    echo "</p>\n";
    // Print debug information, if requested
    if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
        $dbg = $report->getJournal();
        foreach ($dbg as $line) {
            echo $line;
Esempio n. 6
// Change password (if requested)
if (_session('usr_new_passwd') || !_session('username_old')) {
// Change username
if (_session('username') != _session('username_old') || !_session('username_old')) {
    change_username(_session('id_author'), _session('username_old'), _session('username'));
// Insert/update author contacts
update_contacts_request('author', _session('id_author'));
if (count($_SESSION['errors'])) {
    lcm_header("Location: edit_author.php?author=" . _session('id_author'));
$dest_link = new Link('author_det.php');
$dest_link->addVar('author', _session('id_author'));
// [ML] Not used at the moment, but could be useful eventually to send user
// back to where he was (but as a choice, not automatically, see author_det.php).
if (_session('ref_edit_author')) {
    $dest_link->addVar('ref', _session('ref_edit_author'));
// Delete session (of form data will become ghosts)
$_SESSION['form_data'] = array();
lcm_header('Location: ' . $dest_link->getUrlForHeader());