Esempio n. 1
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_options_contact()
    $groups['info'] = array('icon' => '', 'title' => __('Contact Infomation', kopa_get_domain()), 'fields' => array());
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_info_caption', 'name' => 'contact_info_caption', 'label' => __('Caption', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '', 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'default' => __('Contact information', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => 'contact_info_description', 'name' => 'contact_info_description', 'label' => __('Descripton', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '', 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 10), 'default' => '');
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_phone', 'name' => 'contact_phone', 'label' => __('Phone number', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '');
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_fax', 'name' => 'contact_fax', 'label' => __('Fax number', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '');
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_email', 'name' => 'contact_email', 'label' => __('Email(s)', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '');
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_address', 'name' => 'contact_address', 'label' => __('Address', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '');
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_map', 'name' => 'contact_map', 'label' => __('Google Map', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => sprintf('Enter your google map code <code>latitude,longitude</code>. Example: <code>40.722868,-73.99739</code>. %s <a target="_blank" href="">%s</a>.', __('How to get it? Click', kopa_get_domain()), __('here', kopa_get_domain())), 'default' => '40.722868,-73.99739');
    $groups['info']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'media', 'id' => 'contact_map_marker', 'name' => 'contact_map_marker', 'label' => __('Gmap Marker', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('You can download, and edit marker image from PSD file. Download <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/marker.png');
     * --------------------------------------------------
     * --------------------------------------------------
    $groups['form'] = array('icon' => '', 'title' => __('Contact Form', kopa_get_domain()), 'fields' => array());
    $groups['form']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'contact_form_caption', 'name' => 'contact_form_caption', 'label' => __('Caption', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '', 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'default' => __('Contact form', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['form']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => 'contact_form_description', 'name' => 'contact_form_description', 'label' => __('Descripton', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '', 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 10), 'default' => '');
    $groups['form']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'group', 'id' => 'recaptcha', 'name' => 'recaptcha', 'label' => __('reCaptcha', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'sub_fields' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'id' => 'recaptcha_skin', 'name' => 'recaptcha_skin', 'label' => __('<code>SKIN</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('To view skins preview, click <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>.<br/>To create your public & private key, click <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => 'clean', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('recaptcha_skin', 'clean'), 'options' => array('off' => __('-- Hide --', kopa_get_domain()), 'clean' => __('Clean', kopa_get_domain()), 'red' => __('Red', kopa_get_domain()), 'white' => __('White', kopa_get_domain()), 'blackglass' => __('Black glass', kopa_get_domain())), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control', 'kopa_recaptcha_skin'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'label_begin' => '<div>', 'label_end' => '</div>', 'attributes' => array('onchange' => 'KopaThemeOptions.onChangeReCaptchaSkin(event, jQuery(this));')), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'recaptcha_public_key', 'name' => 'recaptcha_public_key', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('recaptcha_public_key'), 'default' => '6Lc6ou4SAAAAAF2yR3zRLTSljpTCPpdFRqWD5wXt', 'label' => __('<code>PUBLIC KEY</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>'), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'recaptcha_private_key', 'name' => 'recaptcha_private_key', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('recaptcha_private_key'), 'default' => '6Lc6ou4SAAAAAO1_5edZqUythRWLGxgHGyDTYRUJ', 'label' => __('<code>PRIVATE KEY</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>')));
    $groups['form']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => 'contact_reply_template', 'name' => 'contact_reply_template', 'label' => __('Mail Reply Template', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => 'Variable: <code>[contact_name]</code>, <code>[contact_email]</code>, <code>[contact_message]</code>', 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 10), 'default' => '<p>Aloha!</p>
<p>You have a new message from  [contact_name] ([contact_email])</p>
    return apply_filters('kopa_options_contact', $groups);
Esempio n. 2
  * @package Kopa
  * @subpackage Core
  * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 1.0.0
 public static function get_title()
     $title = '';
     $pattern = '';
     if (is_main_query() && 'true' == KopaOptions::get_option('seo_status', 'true')) {
         $pattern = '[site_name] - [site_desc]';
         if (is_archive()) {
             if (is_tag() || is_category()) {
                 $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_taxonomy', '[term_type] - [term_name] - [pagination_paged] - [site_name]');
             } else {
                 if (is_author()) {
                     $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_author', 'Posts created by [author_name] - [site_name]');
         } else {
             if (is_search()) {
                 $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_search', 'Search pages: You searched for [search_phrase] return [search_result_count] results - [site_name]');
             } else {
                 if (is_singular()) {
                     if (is_page()) {
                         $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_page', '[page_name] - [site_name]');
                         if (is_front_page()) {
                             $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_front_page', '[site_name] - [site_desc]');
                     } else {
                         if (is_single()) {
                             $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_post', '[post_name] - Created by [post_author_name] - In category: [post_cats] - Tagged with: [post_tags] - [site_name] - [site_desc]');
                 } else {
                     if (is_404()) {
                         $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_404', 'Oops! 404 Page not found - [site_name] - [site_desc]');
                     } else {
                         if (is_home()) {
                             $pattern = KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_home_page', 'Latest News - [pagination_paged] - [site_name] - [site_desc]');
     if (empty($pattern)) {
         global $page, $paged;
         $title = wp_title('|', FALSE, 'right');
         $title .= get_bloginfo('name');
         $site_description = get_bloginfo('description', 'display');
         if ($site_description && (is_home() || is_front_page())) {
             $title .= " | {$site_description}";
         if ($paged >= 2 || $page >= 2) {
             $title .= ' | ' . sprintf(__('Page %s', kopa_get_domain()), max($paged, $page));
     } else {
         $title = do_shortcode($pattern);
     return apply_filters('kopa_seo_get_title', $title);
Esempio n. 3
  * @package Kopa
  * @subpackage Core
  * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 1.0.0
 public static function detect_image_size($size)
     if ($size && 'true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_use_mobile_detect', 'false')) {
         $detect = new Mobile_Detect();
         if ($detect->isMobile()) {
         if ($detect->isTablet()) {
     return apply_filters('kopa_image_detect_image_size', $size);
Esempio n. 4
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_options_blog_posts()
    $groups['archive'] = array('icon' => '', 'title' => __('Blog post', kopa_get_domain()), 'fields' => array());
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-list', 'id' => 'exceprt_type', 'name' => 'exceprt_type', 'label' => __('For each article in list, show', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => 'excerpt', 'help' => '', 'options' => array(array('value' => 'excerpt', 'label' => __('Excerpt', kopa_get_domain())), array('value' => 'full', 'label' => __('Full content', kopa_get_domain())), array('value' => 'limit', 'label' => __('Limit number characters', kopa_get_domain()), 'sub_fields' => array(array('type' => 'number', 'id' => 'excerpt_limit', 'name' => 'excerpt_limit', 'default' => 200, 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('excerpt_limit', 200))))), 'option_args' => array('wrap_begin' => '<div class="row cleafix"><div class="col-xs-12">', 'wrap_end' => '</div></div>', 'label_begin' => '', 'label_end' => '', 'control_begin' => '', 'control_end' => ''));
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'is_display_blog_post_format', 'name' => 'is_display_blog_post_format', 'value' => 'false', 'default' => 'false', 'label' => __('Display content formatted', kopa_get_domain()), 'help_classes' => '', 'help' => __('If value is <code>Yes</code>, thumbnails has been replaced by video, audio or gallery shortcode', kopa_get_domain()), 'true' => __('Yes', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('No', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'is_display_created_date', 'name' => 'is_display_created_date', 'value' => 'true', 'default' => 'true', 'label' => __('Created Date', kopa_get_domain()), 'help_classes' => array(), 'true' => __('Show', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('Hide', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'is_display_comments', 'name' => 'is_display_comments', 'value' => 'true', 'default' => 'true', 'label' => __('Number of comments', kopa_get_domain()), 'help_classes' => array(), 'true' => __('Show', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('Hide', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'is_display_views', 'name' => 'is_display_views', 'value' => 'true', 'default' => 'true', 'label' => __('Number of views', kopa_get_domain()), 'help_classes' => array(), 'true' => __('Show', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('Hide', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'is_display_likes', 'name' => 'is_display_likes', 'value' => 'true', 'default' => 'true', 'label' => __('Number of likes', kopa_get_domain()), 'help_classes' => array(), 'true' => __('Show', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('Hide', kopa_get_domain()));
    $groups['archive']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'is_display_readmore', 'name' => 'is_display_readmore', 'value' => 'true', 'default' => 'true', 'label' => __('Read more button', kopa_get_domain()), 'help_classes' => array(), 'true' => __('Show', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('Hide', kopa_get_domain()));
    return apply_filters('kopa_options_blog_posts', $groups);
Esempio n. 5
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_options_seo()
     * SEO
     * **************************** */
    $groups['seo'] = array('icon' => '', 'title' => __('SEO - Search engine optimization', kopa_get_domain()), 'fields' => array());
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'radio-truefalse', 'id' => 'seo_status', 'name' => 'seo_status', 'value' => 'true', 'default' => 'true', 'label' => __('Status', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('If you using any SEO Plugin, please disable this option.', kopa_get_domain()), 'true' => __('Enable', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('Disable', kopa_get_domain()), 'attributes' => array('onclick' => 'KopaThemeOptions.onClickSEOStatus(event, jQuery(this));'), 'option_args' => array('classes' => array('rdo_seo_status')));
    $seo_keys = array();
    $seo_keys['site_name'] = __('Your site name', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['site_desc'] = __('Your site description', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['term_type'] = __('Type of term. E.g. category, post_tag', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['term_name'] = __('Name of category or tag', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['pagination_paged'] = __('Number of current page', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['page_name'] = __('Name of current page', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['post_name'] = __('Name of current post', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['post_author_name'] = __('Author of current post(page)', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['post_cats'] = __('Categories of current post', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['post_tags'] = __('Tags of current post', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['author_name'] = __('Name of current author (author page)', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['search_phrase'] = __('Search keyword', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys['search_result_count'] = __('Number of search results', kopa_get_domain());
    $seo_keys_help = array();
    foreach ($seo_keys as $key => $desc) {
        $seo_keys_help[] = sprintf('<span class="kopa_seo_title_key"><code>[%s]</code></span>%s', $key, $desc);
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'group', 'id' => 'seo_titles', 'name' => 'seo_titles', 'label' => __('Title', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'help' => implode('<br/>', $seo_keys_help), 'sub_fields' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_front_page', 'name' => 'seo_title_front_page', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_front_page', '[site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => '[site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>HOME</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Front Page (it\'s static page)', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_home_page', 'name' => 'seo_title_home_page', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_home_page', 'Latest News - [pagination_paged] - [site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => 'Latest News - [pagination_paged] - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>HOME</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Blog posts (display latest posts with pagination)', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_taxonomy', 'name' => 'seo_title_taxonomy', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_taxonomy', '[term_type] - [term_name] - [pagination_paged] - [site_name]- [site_desc]'), 'default' => '[term_type] - [term_name] - [pagination_paged] - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>TAXONOMY</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Category or Tag (taxonomy - display post lists with pagination)', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_page', 'name' => 'seo_title_page', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_page', '[page_name] - [site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => '[page_name] - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>PAGE</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Static Page', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_post', 'name' => 'seo_title_post', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_post', '[post_name] - Created by [post_author_name] - In category: [post_cats] - Tagged with: [post_tags] - [site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => '[post_name] - Created by [post_author_name] - In category: [post_cats] - Tagged with: [post_tags] - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>POST</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Single Post (article)', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_author', 'name' => 'seo_title_author', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_author', 'Posts created by [author_name] - [site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => 'Posts created by [author_name] - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>AUTHOR</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Author Page (display all posts created by an author)', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_search', 'name' => 'seo_title_search', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_search', 'Search pages: You searched for [search_phrase] return [search_result_count] results - [site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => 'Search pages: You searched for [search_phrase] return [search_result_count] results - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>SEARCH</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Search Page', kopa_get_domain())), array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_title_404', 'name' => 'seo_title_404', 'value' => KopaOptions::get_option('seo_title_404', 'Oops! 404 Page not found - [site_name] - [site_desc]'), 'default' => 'Oops! 404 Page not found - [site_name] - [site_desc]', 'label' => __('<code>404</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('kopa_sub_field_control'), 'wrap_begin' => '<div class="kopa_sub_field_wrap">', 'wrap_end' => '</div>', 'help' => __('Page not found', kopa_get_domain()))));
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => 'seo_keywords', 'name' => 'seo_keywords', 'label' => __('Keywords', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('Enter your website keyword(s), separated by comma.<br/>This is global keywords, for each post, page, category, tag,.. you can manual append other keyword.', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4), 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => 'seo_descriptions', 'name' => 'seo_descriptions', 'label' => __('Description', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('Enter your website description.<br/>This is global description, It will be replace by manual description from post, page, category, tag,..', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4), 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'media', 'id' => 'seo_facebook_og_image', 'name' => 'seo_facebook_og_image', 'label' => __('Facebook Open Graph Image', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '&lt;meta property="og:image" content="<code>YOUR IMAGE URL</code>"&gt;.' . __('<br/>It\'s default value for "og:image."', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_facebook_og_type', 'name' => 'seo_facebook_og_type', 'label' => __('Facebook Open Graph Type', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '&lt;meta property="og:type" content="<code>website</code>"&gt;.' . __('<br/>Enter your custom object type OR set default value is "website"."', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => 'website');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_facebook_page_id', 'name' => 'seo_facebook_page_id', 'label' => __('Facebook Page ID', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '&lt;meta property="fb:page_id" content="<code>1234567890</code>"&gt;', 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_facebook_app_id', 'name' => 'seo_facebook_app_id', 'label' => __('Facebook App ID', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '&lt;meta property="fb:app_id" content="<code>1234567890</code>"&gt;', 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_facebook_admins', 'name' => 'seo_facebook_admins', 'label' => __('Facebook Admins', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '&lt;meta property="fb:admins" content="<code>123,456,789</code>"&gt;', 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_google_profile_url', 'name' => 'seo_google_profile_url', 'label' => __('Google profile', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => '&lt;link rel="author" href="<code></code>"&gt;<br/>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s" target="_blank">Link to your Google+ profile using rel="author"</a>.', kopa_get_domain()), ''), 'default' => '');
    $groups['seo']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'seo_twitter_name', 'name' => 'seo_twitter_name', 'label' => __('Twitter cards', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('Please enter your twitter name with format <code>@your_name</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '');
     * **************************** */
    $groups['analytics'] = array('icon' => '', 'title' => __('Google analytics', kopa_get_domain()), 'fields' => array());
    $groups['analytics']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => 'tracking_code', 'name' => 'tracking_code', 'label' => NULL, 'help' => __('Enter <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics</a> code. This should be something like: <code>&ltscript type="text/javascript"&gt;  ...  &lt;/script&gt;</code>', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 10), 'control_begin' => '<div class="col-md-12">', 'control_end' => '</div>', 'help_begin' => '<div class="col-md-12">', 'help_end' => '</div>');
     * **************************** */
    $groups['verification-services'] = array('icon' => '', 'title' => __('Website Verification Services', kopa_get_domain()), 'fields' => array());
    $groups['verification-services']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'google_verify_meta', 'name' => 'google_verify_meta', 'label' => __('Google Webmaster Tools', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'help' => sprintf(__('Enter your meta key "content" value to verify your website with <a target="_blank" href="">Google Webmaster Tools</a>.<br/>Example:<br/>%s', kopa_get_domain()), '&lt;meta name="google-site-verification" content="<code>dBw5CvburAxi537Rp9qi5uG2174Vb6JwHwIRwPSLIK8</code>"&gt;'));
    $groups['verification-services']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'bing_verify_meta', 'name' => 'bing_verify_meta', 'label' => __('Bing Webmaster Center', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'help' => sprintf(__('Enter your meta key "content" value to verify your website with <a target="_blank" href="">Bing Webmaster Center</a>.<br/>Example:<br/>%s', kopa_get_domain()), '&lt;meta name="msvalidate.01" content="<code>12C1203B5086AECE94EB3A3D9830B2E</code>"&gt;'));
    $groups['verification-services']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pinterest_verify_meta', 'name' => 'pinterest_verify_meta', 'label' => __('Pinterest Site Verification', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'help' => sprintf(__('Enter your meta key "content" value to verify your website with <a target="_blank" href="">Pinterest Site Verification</a>.<br/>Example:<br/>%s', kopa_get_domain()), '&lt;meta name="p:domain_verify" content="<code>f100679e6048d45e4a0b0b92dce1efce</code>"&gt;'));
    $groups['verification-services']['fields'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'id' => 'yandex_verify_meta', 'name' => 'yandex_verify_meta', 'label' => __('Yandex Webmaster', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => '', 'help' => sprintf(__('Enter your meta key "content" value to verify your website with <a target="_blank" href="">Yandex Webmaster</a>.<br/>Example:<br/>%s', kopa_get_domain()), '&lt;meta name="yandex-verification" content="<code>44d68e1216009f40</code>"&gt;'));
    return apply_filters('kopa_options_seo', $groups);
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? '' : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     echo $before_widget;
     if (!empty($title)) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     echo '<div class="textwidget">';
     echo empty($instance['description']) ? '' : "<p class='first'>{$instance['description']}</p>";
     $address = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_address', false);
     echo !$address ? '' : '<p><span>' . __('Add:', kopa_get_domain()) . '</span>&nbsp;' . $address . '</p>';
     $fax = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_fax', false);
     echo !$fax ? '' : '<p><span>' . __('Fax:', kopa_get_domain()) . '</span>&nbsp;' . $fax . '</p>';
     $mobile = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_phone', false);
     echo !$mobile ? '' : '<p><span>' . __('Mobile:', kopa_get_domain()) . '</span>&nbsp;' . $mobile . '</p>';
     $email = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_email', false);
     echo !$email ? '' : '<p><span>' . __('Email:', kopa_get_domain()) . '</span>&nbsp;' . $email . '</p>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo $after_widget;
Esempio n. 7
  * @package Kopa
  * @subpackage Core
  * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 1.0.0
 public static function get_pre_next_post()
     $data = array();
     $is_in_same_cat = 'true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_prev_next_links_same_cat', 'true') ? true : false;
     $prev = get_previous_post($is_in_same_cat);
     if ($prev) {
         if ($prev) {
             $data['prev']['id'] = $prev->ID;
             $data['prev']['url'] = get_permalink($prev->ID);
             $data['prev']['title'] = get_the_title($prev->ID);
             $data['prev']['date'] = date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($prev->post_date_gmt));
     $next = get_next_post($is_in_same_cat);
     if ($next) {
         if ($next) {
             $data['next']['id'] = $next->ID;
             $data['next']['url'] = get_permalink($next->ID);
             $data['next']['title'] = get_the_title($next->ID);
             $data['next']['date'] = date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($next->post_date_gmt));
     return $data;
Esempio n. 8
    <div class="container">
        <div id="main-content" class="pull-left">
if (have_posts()) {
    $metadata = array();
    $metadata['cats'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_category', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['date'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_datetime', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['comments'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_comments', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['views'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_views', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['likes'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_likes', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['shares'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_shares', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['tags'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_tag', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['thumb'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_thumbnail_standard', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['thumb_other'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_thumbnail_other', true, 'Boolean');
    while (have_posts()) {
        $post_id = get_the_ID();
        $post_url = get_permalink();
        $post_title = get_the_title();
        $post_format = get_post_format();
                    <article <?php 
                        <header class="clearfix">
                            <h1 class="title-post entry-title"><?php 
        echo $post_title;
Esempio n. 9
        $post->add_meta_box(__('Custom Thumbnails', kopa_get_domain()), 'kopa-metabox-post-custom-thumbnail', $second_metaboxes);
 * Add metaboxes "SEO" for Post
if ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('seo_status', 'false')) {
    $metaboxes['fields'] = array(array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_keywords', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_keywords', 'label' => __('Keywords', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('Enter keyword(s) of current post, separated by comma.', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4), 'default' => ''), array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_descriptions', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_descriptions', 'label' => __('Description', kopa_get_domain()), 'help' => __('Enter description of current post', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4), 'default' => ''));
    $post->add_meta_box(__('SEO - Search engine optimization', kopa_get_domain()), 'kopa-metabox-post-seo', $metaboxes);
 * Add metaboxes for post's taxonomies
$limis = array();
$limis['inherit'] = __('-- Inherit setting from Reading Settings --', kopa_get_domain());
$limis['-1'] = __('Display all posts on a page', kopa_get_domain());
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
    $limis[$i] = $i;
$taxonomy_fields = array();
$taxonomy_fields[] = array('type' => 'select', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'posts_per_page', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'posts_per_page', 'label' => __('Posts per page', kopa_get_domain()), 'default' => 'inherit', 'classes' => array('percent30'), 'options' => $limis);
$taxonomy_fields[] = array('type' => 'select', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'is_display_content_formatted', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'is_display_content_formatted', 'default' => 'inherit', 'label' => __('Is display content formatted', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('percent30'), 'options' => array('inherit' => __('-- Inherit setting from Theme Options --', kopa_get_domain()), 'true' => __('Yes', kopa_get_domain()), 'false' => __('No', kopa_get_domain())));
$taxonomy_fields[] = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'is_use_custom_layout', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'is_use_custom_layout', 'default' => 'false', 'classes' => array('ckb_is_use_custom_layout_toggle'), 'label' => __('Is use custom layout for this post', kopa_get_domain()), 'is_append_label_before_control' => false, 'help' => NULL, 'attributes' => array('onchange' => 'KopaLayout.isUseCustomLayoutToggle(event, jQuery(this));'));
$taxonomy_fields[] = array('type' => 'layout', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'layout', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'layout', 'label' => NULL, 'default' => $tmp_kopaSettings['taxonomy'], 'template_hierarchy' => 'taxonomy');
if ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('seo_status', 'false')) {
    $taxonomy_fields[] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_keywords', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_keywords', 'label' => __('Keywords', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4), 'default' => '');
    $taxonomy_fields[] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'id' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_descriptions', 'name' => KOPA_OPT_PREFIX . 'seo_descriptions', 'label' => __('Description', kopa_get_domain()), 'classes' => array('linedtextarea'), 'attributes' => array('rows' => 4), 'default' => '');
$post->add_taxonomy_fields($taxonomy_fields, 'category');
$post->add_taxonomy_fields($taxonomy_fields, 'post_tag');
Esempio n. 10
  * Enqueue custom font - selected by admin
  * @package Kopa
  * @subpackage Core
  * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return NULl
 function load_font()
     global $google_font;
     $character_sets = KopaOptions::get_option('character_sets', array());
     $subset = '';
     if (!empty($character_sets)) {
         $subset = sprintf('&subset=%s', implode(',', $character_sets));
     $typos = kopa_options_typography();
     foreach ($typos as $group) {
         foreach ($group['fields'] as $field) {
             if ('font' == $field['type']) {
                 $value = KopaOptions::get_option($field['name'], $field['default']);
                 if (isset($value) || !empty($value)) {
                     if ('off' != $value['family']) {
                         $font_family = str_replace(' ', '+', $google_font['items'][$value['family']]['family']);
                         $cssID = sprintf('css-dynamic-%s-family', $field['name']);
                         $tmp = sprintf('', $font_family, $value['weight'], $subset);
                         wp_enqueue_style($cssID, $tmp, array(), NULL);
                         $this->typography[$field['name']] = $value;
                         $this->typography[$field['name']]['family'] = $google_font['items'][$value['family']]['family'];
Esempio n. 11

if ('comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
    die(__('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!', kopa_get_domain()));
if (post_password_required()) {
if (is_single() && 'true' != KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_post_comments_system', 'true')) {
global $kopaCurrentLayout;
<div id="comments">    
if (have_comments()) {
    global $post;
            <h3 class="comments-title"><span><span><span><?php 
    echo KopaUtil::get_comments($post->ID);

            <ul class="comment-list clearfix">
    wp_list_comments(array('walker' => null, 'style' => 'ul', 'short_ping' => true, 'callback' => 'kopa_list_comments', 'type' => 'all'));

Esempio n. 12
                            <div id="<?php 
        printf('kopa-group-%s', KopaUtil::str_uglify($groups['title']));
                                <p class="kopa-tab-title clearfix"><span class="kopa-tab-title-left pull-left"><?php 
        echo $groups['title'];
                                <div class="kopa-tab-body" style="display: <?php 
        echo $sub_tab_display;
        foreach ($groups['fields'] as $field) {
            $field['value'] = KopaOptions::get_option($field['name'], $field['default']);
            if (empty($field['label']) || !isset($field['label'])) {
                $theme_options_args['control_begin'] = '<div class="col-xs-12">';
            } else {
                $theme_options_args['control_begin'] = '<div class="col-xs-9">';
            echo KopaControl::get_html(array_merge($theme_options_args, $field));
Esempio n. 13
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_get_social_links()
    $social_links = KopaInit::get_social_icons();
    <ul id="header-social-links">
    foreach ($social_links as $slug => $info) {
        $href = KopaOptions::get_option("social_link_{$slug}");
        if ('rss' == $slug) {
            if (empty($href)) {
                $href = get_bloginfo_rss('rss2_url');
            } elseif ('HIDE' == $href) {
                $href = '';
        if (!empty($href)) {
            printf('<li><a class="kopa-social-link" href="%s" target="_blank" title="%s" rel="nofollow"><i class="%s"></i></a></li>', $href, $info['title'], $info['icon']);
Esempio n. 14
    <div class="container">
        <div id="main-content" class="pull-left">
if (have_posts()) {
    global $post;
    $exceprt_type = KopaOptions::get_option('exceprt_type', 'limit');
    $excerpt_limit = KopaOptions::get_option('excerpt_limit', 200, 'Int');
    $metadata = array();
    $metadata['date'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_created_date', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['comments'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_comments', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['views'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_views', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['likes'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_likes', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['readmore'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_readmore', true, 'Boolean');
    $metadata['formatted'] = apply_filters('kopa_blog_is_display_blog_post_format', KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_blog_post_format', true, 'Boolean'));
                <div class="list-post-cat">
                    <ul class="list-post-cat-item list-unstyled">
    $loop_index = 0;
    while (have_posts()) {
        $post_id = get_the_ID();
        $post_url = get_permalink();
        $post_title = get_the_title();
        $post_format = get_post_format();
        $post_classes = 0 == $loop_index ? array('blog-page-1-first-post') : array();
                            <li <?php 
Esempio n. 15

$youtube_params = array();
$youtube_params['showinfo'] = 'true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_youtube_showinfo', 'false') ? 1 : 0;
$youtube_params['hd'] = (int) ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_youtube_hd_enable', 'false')) ? 1 : 0;
$youtube_params['rel'] = (int) ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_youtube_rel_enable', 'false')) ? 1 : 0;
$youtube_params['theme'] = KopaOptions::get_option('youtube_theme', 'light');
$youtube_params['controls'] = (int) KopaOptions::get_option('youtube_controls', '2');
$youtube_url_params = array();
foreach ($youtube_params as $key => $val) {
    $youtube_url_params[] = "{$key}={$val}";
add_shortcode('youtube', 'kopa_shortcode_youtube');
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_shortcode_youtube($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => ''), $atts));
    $out = NULL;
    if (isset($atts['id']) && !empty($atts['id'])) {
        global $youtube_url_params;
        $out .= '<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe src="' . $atts['id'] . '?' . implode('&', $youtube_url_params) . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';
    return apply_filters('kopa_shortcode_youtube', force_balance_tags($out));
Esempio n. 16

$vimeo_params = array();
$vimeo_params['title'] = 'true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_show_vimeo_title', 'false') ? 1 : 0;
$vimeo_params['byline'] = (int) ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_show_vimeo_byline', 'false')) ? 1 : 0;
$vimeo_params['portrait'] = (int) ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_show_vimeo_portrait', 'false')) ? 1 : 0;
$vimeo_params['color'] = str_replace('#', '', KopaOptions::get_option('vimeo_color', '#00adef'));
$vimeo_url_params = array();
foreach ($vimeo_params as $key => $val) {
    $vimeo_url_params[] = "{$key}={$val}";
add_shortcode('vimeo', 'kopa_shortcode_vimeo');
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_shortcode_vimeo($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => ''), $atts));
    $out = NULL;
    if (isset($atts['id']) && !empty($atts['id'])) {
        global $vimeo_url_params;
        $out .= '<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe src="' . $atts['id'] . '?' . implode('&', $vimeo_url_params) . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';
    return apply_filters('kopa_shortcode_vimeo', force_balance_tags($out));
Esempio n. 17

$footer_infor = KopaOptions::get_option('copyright');

if ($footer_infor || has_nav_menu('bottom-nav')) {
    <div id="page-footer" >
        <div class="container">
    if ($footer_infor) {
                <p class="copy-right pull-left"><?php 
        echo $footer_infor;

    if (has_nav_menu('bottom-nav')) {
        wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'bottom-nav', 'container' => false, 'menu_id' => 'bottom-menu', 'menu_class' => 'list-inline pull-right bottom-menu'));
Esempio n. 18

                        <span class="primary-menu-mobile-button"><span class="fa fa-bars"></span></span>

    if (has_nav_menu('primary-nav')) {
        wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'primary-nav', 'container' => false, 'menu_id' => 'menu-primary-mobile', 'menu_class' => 'nav menu-primary-mobile'));

    if ('true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_search_form', 'true')) {
                            <div class="search-box pull-right">

Esempio n. 19
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? '' : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        $uri = $instance['uri'];
        $description = $instance['description'];
        echo $before_widget;
        $social_links = KopaInit::get_social_icons();
        echo '<div class="like-box clearfix">';
        foreach ($social_links as $slug => $info) {
            $href = KopaOptions::get_option("social_link_{$slug}");
            if ('rss' == $slug) {
                if (empty($href)) {
                    $href = get_bloginfo_rss('rss2_url');
                } elseif ('HIDE' == $href) {
                    $href = '';
            if (!empty($href)) {
                printf('<a class="kopa-social-link" href="%1$s" target="_blank" title="%2$s" rel="nofollow"><i class="%3$s"></i></a>', $href, $info['title'], $info['icon']);
        echo '</div>';
        if ($uri) {

            <div class="kp-newsletter">
            if (!empty($title)) {
                echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
            echo $description ? "<p>{$description}</p>" : '';

                <form class="newsletter-form clearfix" action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'<?php 
            echo $uri;
', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');
                        return true;">                                  
                    <p class="input-email clearfix">
                        <input type="text" name="email" value="" placeholder="<?php 
            _e('Your Email', kopa_get_domain());
" class="form-control email">                
                        <input type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $uri;
" name="uri"/>
                        <input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US"/>                
                        <input type="submit" value="<?php 
            _e('Subscribe', kopa_get_domain());
" class="submit">

                <div class="newsletter-response"></div>

        echo $after_widget;
Esempio n. 20
    function kopa_load_timeline_posts_fn($month, $year, $paged)
        $args = array('date_query' => array('post_type' => array('post'), 'post_status' => array('publish'), 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month)));
        if ($paged) {
            $args['paged'] = $paged;
        $posts = new WP_Query($args);
        $exceprt_type = KopaOptions::get_option('exceprt_type', 'limit');
        $excerpt_limit = KopaOptions::get_option('excerpt_limit', 200, 'Int');
        $metadata = array();
        $metadata['date'] = false;
        $metadata['comments'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_comments', true, 'Boolean');
        $metadata['views'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_views', true, 'Boolean');
        $metadata['likes'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_likes', true, 'Boolean');
        $metadata['readmore'] = KopaOptions::get_option('is_display_readmore', true, 'Boolean');
        global $post;
        while ($posts->have_posts()) {
            $post_id = get_the_ID();
            $post_title = get_the_title();
            $post_url = get_permalink();
            $post_format = get_post_format();
            if (!is_sticky()) {
                <div class="item clearfix">
                    <p class="kopa-timeline-date-small"><?php 
                echo get_the_date();
                if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
                    $image_full = KopaImage::get_post_image_src($post_id, 'full');
                    $image_croped = KopaImage::get_post_image_src($post_id, 'size_09');
                        <div class="kopa-thumb">
                            <img src="<?php 
                    echo $image_croped;
" alt="<?php 
                    echo $post_title;
                            <div class="mask"></div>
                            <a href="<?php 
                    echo $post_url;
" class="icon-link fa fa-link fa-flip-horizontal"></a>
                            <span class="icon-zoom-in fa fa-search-plus" onclick="KopaLightbox.open_image('<?php 
                    echo $image_full;

                    <div class="kp-caption">
                        <h4 class="post-title"><a href="<?php 
                echo $post_url;
" title="<?php 
                echo $post_title;
                echo $post_title;

                        <ul class="kp-meta-post list-inline">       
                $is_first = true;
                foreach ($metadata as $key => $val) {
                    if ($val) {
                        $class = $is_first ? 'metadata-first' : '';
                        $is_first = false;
                        switch ($key) {
                            case 'date':
                                printf('<li class="%s">%s<span>%s</span></li>', $class, KopaIcon::getIconDatetime(), get_the_date());
                            case 'comments':
                                            <li class="<?php 
                                echo $class;
                                echo KopaIcon::getIconComment();
                                comments_popup_link(__('No Comment', kopa_get_domain()), __('1 Comment', kopa_get_domain()), __('% Comments', kopa_get_domain()), '', __('0 Comment', kopa_get_domain()));
                            case 'views':
                                printf('<li class="%s">%s<span>%s</span></li>', $class, KopaIcon::getIconView(), KopaUtil::get_views($post_id, true));
                            case 'likes':
                                printf('<li class="%s">%s</li>', $class, KopaUtil::kopa_get_like_button($post_id, true));

                if ('excerpt' == $exceprt_type) {
                    if (has_excerpt()) {
                        printf('<p>%s</p>', get_the_excerpt());
                    } else {
                        global $post;
                        if (strpos($post->post_content, '<!--more-->')) {
                            the_content(' ');
                        } else {
                            printf('<p>%s</p>', get_the_excerpt());
                } elseif ('full' == $exceprt_type) {
                    global $more;
                    $more = true;
                } else {
                    if ($excerpt_limit) {
                        $excerpt = KopaUtil::substr($post->post_content, $excerpt_limit);
                        echo $excerpt ? sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $excerpt) : '';

                if ($metadata['readmore'] && 'full' != $exceprt_type) {
                            <a href="<?php 
                    echo $post_url;
" class="read-more"><?php 
                    _e('Read more', kopa_get_domain());

                    <!-- kp-caption -->
                    <div class="more-i">
                        <div class="more-time">
                echo get_the_date('M d');
                echo get_the_date('Y');
                echo KopaIcon::getIconPostFormat($post_format);
                    <!-- more i -->
Esempio n. 21
 * @package Kopa
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.0.0
function kopa_shortcode_contact_form($atts, $content = null)
    global $kopa;
    $content = '';
    #Get config information
    $mail = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_email');
    $phone = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_phone');
    $fax = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_fax');
    $address = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_address');
    $google_map = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_map');
    $info_caption = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_info_caption');
    $info_description = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_info_description');
    $form_caption = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_form_caption');
    $form_description = KopaOptions::get_option('contact_form_description');
    $recaptcha_skin = KopaOptions::get_option('recaptcha_skin', 'off');
    $publickey = KopaOptions::get_option('recaptcha_public_key');
    $privatekey = KopaOptions::get_option('recaptcha_private_key');
    if ($google_map) {
        $maps_arr = explode(',', $google_map);
        if (2 == count($maps_arr)) {
            $content .= sprintf("<div id='kp-map' class='kp-map' data-latitude='%s' data-longitude='%s'></div>", $maps_arr[0], $maps_arr[1]);
    $content .= '<div class="contact-info">';
    $content .= '<div class="container">';
    $content .= $info_caption ? sprintf('<h3 class="contact-title">%s</h3>', $info_caption) : '';
    $content .= $info_description ? sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $info_description) : '';
    if ($mail || $phone || $working_time || $address) {
        $number_of_cols = 0;
        $number_of_cols = !empty($mail) ? $number_of_cols + 1 : $number_of_cols;
        $number_of_cols = !empty($phone) ? $number_of_cols + 1 : $number_of_cols;
        $number_of_cols = !empty($fax) ? $number_of_cols + 1 : $number_of_cols;
        $number_of_cols = !empty($address) ? $number_of_cols + 1 : $number_of_cols;
        $col_classes = array();
        switch ($number_of_cols) {
            case '1':
                $col_classes = array('col-xs-12');
            case '2':
                $col_classes = array('col-md-6', 'col-sm-6', 'col-xs-6');
            case '3':
                $col_classes = array('col-md-4', 'col-sm-6', 'col-xs-6');
                $col_classes = array('col-md-3', 'col-sm-6', 'col-xs-6');
        $content .= '<div class="row">';
        if (!empty($address)) {
            $content .= sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', $col_classes));
            $content .= '<div class="item">';
            $content .= sprintf('<span>%s</span>', KopaIcon::getIcon('fa fa-map-marker'));
            $content .= sprintf('<h4>%s</h4>', __('Address', kopa_get_domain()));
            $content .= sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $address);
            $content .= '</div>';
            $content .= '</div>';
        if (!empty($phone)) {
            $content .= sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', $col_classes));
            $content .= '<div class="item">';
            $content .= sprintf('<span>%s</span>', KopaIcon::getIcon('fa fa-phone'));
            $content .= sprintf('<h4>%s</h4>', __('Phone number', kopa_get_domain()));
            $content .= sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $phone);
            $content .= '</div>';
            $content .= '</div>';
        if (!empty($fax)) {
            $content .= sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', $col_classes));
            $content .= '<div class="item">';
            $content .= sprintf('<span>%s</span>', KopaIcon::getIcon('fa fa-print'));
            $content .= sprintf('<h4>%s</h4>', __('Fax number', kopa_get_domain()));
            $content .= sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $fax);
            $content .= '</div>';
            $content .= '</div>';
        if (!empty($mail)) {
            $content .= sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', $col_classes));
            $content .= '<div class="item">';
            $content .= sprintf('<span>%s</span>', KopaIcon::getIcon('fa fa-envelope-o'));
            $content .= sprintf('<h4>%s</h4>', __('Email', kopa_get_domain()));
            $content .= sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $mail);
            $content .= '</div>';
            $content .= '</div>';
        $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '<div class="form-contact">';
    $content .= '<div class="container">';
    $content .= $form_caption ? sprintf('<h3 class="contact-title">%s</h3>', $form_caption) : '';
    $content .= $form_description ? sprintf('<p>%s</p>', $form_description) : '';
    $content .= '<form id="contact-form" class="contact-form clearfix" action="' . admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '" method="post" autocomplete="off">';
    $content .= '<div class="row">';
    $content .= '<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-sx-12">';
    $content .= '<div class="form-group">';
    $content .= sprintf('<input class="form-control" type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact_name" placeholder="%s">', __('Name', kopa_get_domain()));
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-sx-12">';
    $content .= '<div class="form-group">';
    $content .= sprintf('<input class="form-control" type="text" id="contact_email" name="contact_email" placeholder="%s">', __('Email', kopa_get_domain()));
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '<div class="form-group">';
    $content .= sprintf('<textarea class="form-control" id="contact_message" name="contact_message" placeholder="%s"></textarea>', __('Your message', kopa_get_domain()));
    $content .= '</div>';
    if ('off' != $recaptcha_skin && $publickey && $privatekey) {
        $content .= '<div class="recaptcha-block clearfix">';
        $content .= recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
        $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '<div class="contact-button">';
    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="kopa_send_contact">';
    $content .= wp_nonce_field('kopa_send_contact', 'ajax_nonce', true, false);
    $content .= wp_nonce_field('kopa_check_recaptcha', 'ajax_nonce_recaptcha', false, false);
    $content .= '<input type="submit" name="submit-contact" id="submit-contact" class="btn btn-block style-5" value="' . __('Send', kopa_get_domain()) . '">';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</form>';
    $content .= '<div id="contact_response"></div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    return $content;