Esempio n. 1
function template_webslice_recent_posts()
    global $context, $scripturl, $txt;
    echo '
	<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 1px solid black; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 0; font: 100.01%/100% Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
		<div style="background-color: #080436; color: #ffffff; padding: 4px;">
			', cleanXml($txt['recent_posts']), '
    $alternate = 0;
    foreach ($context['recent_posts_data'] as $item) {
        echo '
		<div style="background-color: ', $alternate ? '#ECEDF3' : '#F6F6F6', '; font-size: 90%; padding: 2px;">
			<strong><a href="', $item['link'], '">', cleanXml($item['subject']), '</a></strong> ', cleanXml($txt['by']), ' ', cleanXml(!empty($item['poster']['link']) ? '<a href="' . $item['poster']['link'] . '">' . $item['poster']['name'] . '</a>' : $item['poster']['name']), '
        $alternate = !$alternate;
    echo '
	<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 0; font: 100.01%/100% Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
		<div style="font-size: xx-small;" class="righttext">';
    if ($context['user']['is_guest']) {
        echo '
			<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=login">', $txt['login'], '</a>';
    } else {
        echo '
			', cleanXml($context['user']['name']), ', ', cleanXml($txt['msg_alert_you_have']), ' <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=pm">', cleanXml($context['user']['messages']), ' ', cleanXml($context['user']['messages'] != 1 ? $txt['msg_alert_messages'] : $txt['message_lowercase']), '</a>', cleanXml($txt['newmessages4'] . ' ' . $context['user']['unread_messages']), ' ', cleanXml($context['user']['unread_messages'] == 1 ? $txt['newmessages0'] : $txt['newmessages1']);
    echo '
  * @covers MarkupTranslator\Translators\Github::translate
  * @dataProvider translateProvider
 public function testTranslate($text, $expected)
     $translator = new Github();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, cleanXml($translator->translate($text)));
 *	Provide the list of possible notification recipients.
 *	@since 2.0
function shd_ajax_notify()
    global $txt, $context, $smcFunc, $user_profile, $modSettings, $sourcedir;
    $session_check = checkSession('get', '', false);
    // check the session but don't die fatally.
    if (!empty($session_check)) {
        return $context['ajax_return'] = array('error' => $txt[$session_check]);
    require_once $sourcedir . '/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Notifications.php';
    if (!empty($context['ticket_id'])) {
        $query = shd_db_query('', '
			SELECT hdt.private, hdt.id_member_started, id_member_assigned, id_dept, status
			FROM {db_prefix}helpdesk_tickets AS hdt
			WHERE {query_see_ticket}
				AND hdt.id_ticket = {int:ticket}', array('ticket' => $context['ticket_id']));
        if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($query) != 0) {
            $ticket = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query);
    if (empty($ticket) || !shd_allowed_to('shd_singleton_email', $ticket['id_dept']) || $ticket['status'] == TICKET_STATUS_CLOSED || $ticket['status'] == TICKET_STATUS_DELETED) {
        return $context['ajax_return'] = array('error' => $txt['shd_no_ticket']);
    // So, we need to start figuring out who's going to be notified, who won't be and who we might be interested in notifying.
    $notify_list = array('being_notified' => array(), 'optional' => array(), 'optional_butoff' => array());
    // Let's get all the possible actual people. The possible people who can be notified... well, they're staff.
    $staff = shd_get_visible_list($ticket['id_dept'], $ticket['private'], $ticket['id_member_started'], empty($modSettings['shd_admins_not_assignable']), false);
    // Let's start figuring it out then! First, get the big ol' lists.
    $query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_member, notify_state
		FROM {db_prefix}helpdesk_notify_override
		WHERE id_ticket = {int:ticket}', array('ticket' => $context['ticket_id']));
    while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query)) {
        $notify_list[$row['notify_state'] == NOTIFY_NEVER ? 'optional_butoff' : 'being_notified'][$row['id_member']] = true;
    // Did we exclude admins? If we did, we would have scooped the list of admins. If they're in the 'not being notified but you can...' list, remove them.
    if (!empty($context['list_admin_exclude'])) {
        foreach ($context['list_admin_exclude'] as $user_id) {
            if (isset($notify_list['optional_butoff'][$user_id])) {
    // Now we get the list by preferences. This is where it starts to get complicated.
    $possible_members = array();
    // People who want replies to their own ticket, without including the ticket starter because they'd know about it...
    if (!empty($modSettings['shd_notify_new_reply_own']) && $context['user']['id'] != $ticket['id_member_started']) {
        $possible_members[$ticket['id_member_started']]['new_reply_own'] = true;
    // The ticket is assigned to someone and they want to be notified if it changes.
    if (!empty($modSettings['shd_notify_new_reply_assigned']) && !empty($ticket['id_member_assigned']) && $context['user']['id'] != $ticket['id_member_assigned']) {
        $possible_members[$ticket['id_member_assigned']]['new_reply_assigned'] = true;
    // So, if you're staff, and you've replied to this ticket before, do you want to be notified this time?
    if (!empty($modSettings['shd_notify_new_reply_previous'])) {
        $query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT id_member
			FROM {db_prefix}helpdesk_ticket_replies
			WHERE id_ticket = {int:ticket}
			GROUP BY id_member', array('ticket' => $context['ticket_id']));
        $responders = array();
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($query)) {
            $responders[] = $row[0];
        // this shouldn't be nil, ever, because we're replying, so the topic already exists so there's at least one name in there...
        $responders = array_intersect($responders, $staff);
        foreach ($responders as $id) {
            $possible_members[$id]['new_reply_previous'] = true;
    // If you're staff, did you have 'spam my inbox every single time' selected?
    if (!empty($modSettings['shd_notify_new_reply_any'])) {
        foreach ($staff as $id) {
            $possible_members[$id]['new_reply_any'] = true;
    // Now we have the list of possibles, exclude everyone who is either set to on, or off, since we don't need to query those for preferences.
    foreach ($possible_members as $id => $type_list) {
        if (isset($notify_list['being_notified'][$id]) || isset($notify_list['optional_butoff'][$id])) {
    if (!empty($possible_members)) {
        // Get the default preferences
        $prefs = shd_load_user_prefs(false);
        $pref_groups = $prefs['groups'];
        $base_prefs = $prefs['prefs'];
        // Build a list of users -> default prefs. We know this is for the list of possible contenders only.
        $member_prefs = array();
        $pref_list = array();
        foreach ($possible_members as $id => $type_list) {
            foreach ($type_list as $type => $value) {
                $member_prefs[$id][$type] = $base_prefs['notify_' . $type]['default'];
                $pref_list['notify_' . $type] = true;
        // Grab pref list from DB for these users and update
        $query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT id_member, variable, value
			FROM {db_prefix}helpdesk_preferences
			WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})
				AND variable IN ({array_string:variables})', array('members' => array_keys($possible_members), 'variables' => array_keys($pref_list)));
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query)) {
            $row['id_member'] = (int) $row['id_member'];
            $variable = substr($row['variable'], 7);
            if (isset($member_prefs[$row['id_member']][$variable])) {
                $member_prefs[$row['id_member']][$variable] = $row['value'];
        // unset $members where member pref doesn't indicate they want it on.
        foreach ($member_prefs as $id => $value) {
            foreach ($value as $pref_id => $pref_item) {
                if (empty($pref_item)) {
        // Now, it's possible that we have a ticket that the starter can't see, but that their preferences would indicate they'd like a reply.
        // What should be done here is to remove them from the automatic list, and make them part of the ping list instead.
        if (!empty($ticket['id_member_started']) && !in_array($ticket['id_member_started'], $staff)) {
            $possible_members[$ticket['id_member_started']] = array();
        // Now the clever bit, we've taken everyone who wasn't on the normal notify list, and figured out what their preferences are.
        // We now traverse $possible_members by id, if the array is empty, we know none of their preferences accounted for emails - so they're possible.
        // Otherwise we add them to the list of being notified.
        foreach ($possible_members as $id => $list) {
            if (empty($list)) {
                $notify_list['optional'][$id] = true;
            } else {
                $notify_list['being_notified'][$id] = true;
    // By now we have three lists that include people who will be notified, people who could be notified, and people who don't really want to be.
    // Let's translate that into a list of people that we can make use of.
    $members = array_merge(array_keys($notify_list['being_notified']), array_keys($notify_list['optional']), array_keys($notify_list['optional_butoff']));
    if (!empty($members)) {
        // Get everyone's name.
        $loaded = loadMemberData($members);
        foreach ($loaded as $user) {
            if (!empty($user_profile[$user]) && $user_profile[$user]['is_activated'] > 0 && $user_profile[$user]['is_activated'] < 10) {
                // active & not banned
                $people[$user] = array('id' => $user, 'name' => $user_profile[$user]['real_name']);
        // Right, now let's step through and tidy up the three lists
        foreach ($notify_list as $list_type => $list_members) {
            foreach ($list_members as $id_member => $data) {
                if (isset($people[$id_member]) && $id_member != $context['user']['id']) {
                    // We really shouldn't be in this list.
                    $list_members[$id_member] = $people[$id_member]['name'];
                } else {
            if (!empty($list_members)) {
                array_walk($list_members, 'shd_format_notify_name', $ticket['id_member_started']);
                $notify_list[$list_type] = $list_members;
            } else {
    if (empty($notify_list) || empty($members)) {
        return $context['ajax_raw'] = '<notify><![C' . 'DATA[' . cleanXml($txt['shd_ping_none']) . ']' . ']></notify>';
    } else {
        echo '<notify><![C', 'DATA[';
        $selected = array();
        if (!empty($_GET['list'])) {
            $_GET['list'] = explode(',', $_GET['list']);
            foreach ($_GET['list'] as $id) {
                if ((int) $id > 0) {
                    $selected[] = (int) $id;
        if (!empty($notify_list['being_notified'])) {
            echo '<span class="shd_ajax_head">', $txt['shd_ping_already_' . (count($notify_list['being_notified']) == 1 ? '1' : 'n')], '</span><br />', implode(', ', $notify_list['being_notified']);
        if (!empty($notify_list['optional'])) {
            if (!empty($notify_list['being_notified'])) {
                echo '<br /><br />';
            echo '<span class="shd_ajax_head">', $txt['shd_ping_' . (count($notify_list['optional']) == 1 ? '1' : 'n')], '</span><br />';
            foreach ($notify_list['optional'] as $id => $member) {
                echo '<div class="shd_ajaxnotify"><input type="checkbox" name="notify[', $id, ']" value="', $id, '"', in_array($id, $selected) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" /> ', $member, '</div>';
        if (!empty($notify_list['optional_butoff'])) {
            if (!empty($notify_list['being_notified']) || !empty($notify_list['optional_butoff'])) {
                echo '<br /><br />';
            echo '<span class="shd_ajax_head">', $txt['shd_ping_none_' . (count($notify_list['optional_butoff']) == 1 ? '1' : 'n')], '</span><br />';
            foreach ($notify_list['optional_butoff'] as $id => $member) {
                echo '<div class="shd_ajaxnotify"><input type="checkbox" name="notify[', $id, ']" value="', $id, '"', in_array($id, $selected) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" /> ', $member, '</div>';
        echo ']', ']></notify>';
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        return $context['ajax_raw'] = cleanXml($content);
 * This shows a webslice of the recent posts.
function template_webslice_recent_posts()
    global $context, $scripturl, $txt;
    // @todo test if this works
    echo '
	<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 1px solid black; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 0; font: 100.01%/100% Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
		<div style="background: #080436; color: #ffffff; padding: 4px;">
			', cleanXml($txt['recent_posts']), '
    // Recent posts bit
    $alternate = 0;
    foreach ($context['recent_posts_data'] as $item) {
        echo '
		<div style="background: ', $alternate ? '#ECEDF3' : '#F6F6F6', '; font-size: 90%; padding: 2px;">
			<strong><a href="', $item['link'], '">', cleanXml($item['subject']), '</a></strong> ', cleanXml($txt['by']), ' ', cleanXml(!empty($item['poster']['link']) ? '<a href="' . $item['poster']['link'] . '">' . $item['poster']['name'] . '</a>' : $item['poster']['name']), '
        $alternate = !$alternate;
    echo '
	<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 0; font: 100.01%/100% Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
		<div style="font-size: xx-small;" class="righttext">';
    // Send alerts for the logged in user if they have new PMs
    if ($context['user']['is_guest']) {
        echo '
			<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=login">', $txt['login'], '</a>';
    } else {
        echo '
			', cleanXml($context['user']['name']), cleanXml(!empty($context['can_pm_read']) ? ', ' . (empty($context['user']['messages']) ? $txt['msg_alert_no_messages'] : ($context['user']['messages'] == 1 ? sprintf($txt['msg_alert_one_message'], $scripturl . '?action=pm') : sprintf($txt['msg_alert_many_message'], $scripturl . '?action=pm', $context['user']['messages'])) . ', ' . ($context['user']['unread_messages'] == 1 ? $txt['msg_alert_one_new'] : sprintf($txt['msg_alert_many_new'], $context['user']['unread_messages']))) : '');
    echo '