Esempio n. 1
 $dbFilter = new MysqlFilter();
 $cPost = array();
 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
     $value = str_replace(",", "", $value);
     $cPost[$key] = $dbFilter->dbPrepare($value);
 //set mandatory fields
 $newsletter_conf['mandatories'] = array("fname", "sname", "email-reg-news");
 //set fields which must not contain numeric data
 $newsletter_conf['non_numeric'] = array("fname", "sname");
 //First, lets make sure there are is no numeric data in the name fields
 $userValidate = UserDataValidator::getInstance($newsletter_conf['mandatories'], '');
 if (!$userValidate->containsNumeric($cPost, $newsletter_conf['non_numeric'])) {
     //continue with processing
     //check mandatory information has been submitted
     if (FormValidator::checkMandatories($newsletter_conf['mandatories'], $cPost)) {
         //now check the email is a valid email
         //check email entered is a valid email
         $emailVerify = new EmailVerifier($cPost['email-reg-news']);
         if ($emailVerify->partVerify()) {
             //now we can check the entrant hasn't already entered
             //check for email already in database
             $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM " . $newsletter_table . " where email='" . $cPost['email-reg-news'] . "'";
             $qry = mysql_query($sql);
             $results = mysql_fetch_array($qry);
             $count = $results[0];
             if ($count < 1) {
                 //haven't already entered, so enter them!
                 //insert record into table
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $newsletter_table . " (fname, sname, email, ip, optin) VALUES ('" . $cPost['fname'] . "', '" . $cPost['sname'] . "', '" . $cPost['email-reg-news'] . "', '" . $ip . "', '" . $cPost['optin'] . "')";
                 $qry = mysql_query($sql, $db_object);
Esempio n. 2
 $dbFilter = new MysqlFilter();
 $cPost = array();
 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
     $value = str_replace(",", "", $value);
     $cPost[$key] = $dbFilter->dbPrepare($value);
 //set mandatory fields
 $prizedraw_conf['mandatories'] = array("fname", "sname", "email", "terms");
 //set fields which must not contain numeric data
 $prizedraw_conf['non_numeric'] = array("fname", "sname");
 //First, lets make sure there are is no numeric data in the name fields
 $userValidate = UserDataValidator::getInstance($prizedraw_conf['mandatories'], '');
 if (!$userValidate->containsNumeric($cPost, $prizedraw_conf['non_numeric'])) {
     //continue with processing
     //check mandatory information has been submitted
     if (FormValidator::checkMandatories($prizedraw_conf['mandatories'], $cPost)) {
         //now check email and confirm email match
         if (FormValidator::fieldMatch($cPost['email'], $cPost['email_confirm'])) {
             //now check the email is a valid email
             //check email entered is a valid email
             $emailVerify = new EmailVerifier($cPost['email']);
             if ($emailVerify->partVerify()) {
                 //now we can check the entrant hasn't already entered
                 //check for email already in database
                 $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM " . $prizedraw_table . " where email='" . $cPost['email'] . "'";
                 $qry = mysql_query($sql);
                 $results = mysql_fetch_array($qry);
                 $count = $results[0];
                 if ($count < 1) {
                     //haven't already entered, so enter them!
                     //insert record into table