function pf_smallgroups() { global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; if (!isset($wpdb->pf_students)) { $wpdb->pf_students = $table_prefix . 'pf_students'; } //gets current user info global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); //gets current group $current_group = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_currentgroup', true); $message = ""; //edit small groups if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'editsmallgroups') { $students = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->pf_students} WHERE groupID={$current_group} AND student_status=0")); $validator = new FormValidator(); foreach ($students as $student) { $validator->addValidation("smallgroup_" . $student->ID, "req", "Error: Small group name required."); $validator->addValidation("smallgroup_" . $student->ID, "maxlen=20", "Error: Name of small group too long (max 20)."); $validator->addValidation("smallgroup_" . $student->ID, "alnum", "Error: Name of small group can be letters and numbers only."); } if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { //update db foreach ($students as $student) { $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_students} \n SET \n smallgroup='" . $_POST['smallgroup_' . $student->ID] . "'\n WHERE ID=" . $student->ID)); } $message .= "Changes Saved"; } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } //gets student info $students = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT student_firstname, student_lastname, smallgroup, ID FROM {$wpdb->pf_students} WHERE groupID={$current_group} AND student_status=0")); echo "<font color=red>" . $message . "</font>"; if ($students) { echo "<table>"; //headings of table echo "<tr>\n <th>Student Name</th>\n <th>Small Group</th>\n </tr>"; echo "<form name='editsmallgroups' method='POST' action='' accept-charset='UTF-8'>"; foreach ($students as $student) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $student->student_firstname . " " . $student->student_lastname . "</td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='smallgroup_" . $student->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='20' value='" . $student->smallgroup . "'></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>\n <input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='editsmallgroups'>\n <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Save Changes'> \n </td></tr>\n </form>\n </table>"; } else { echo "There are no students in this group.<br>Click <a href='/?page_id=54'>here</a> to add students."; } }
function ValidateRegistrationSubmission() { //This is a hidden input field. Humans won't fill this field. if (!empty($_POST[$this->GetSpamTrapInputName()])) { //The proper error is not given intentionally $this->HandleError("Automated submission prevention: case 2 failed"); return false; } $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("name", "req", "Please fill in Name"); $validator->addValidation("email", "email", "The input for Email should be a valid email value"); $validator->addValidation("email", "req", "Please fill in Email"); $validator->addValidation("username", "req", "Please fill in UserName"); $validator->addValidation("password", "req", "Please fill in Password"); if (!$validator->ValidateForm()) { $error = ''; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $error .= $inpname . ':' . $inp_err . "\n"; } $this->HandleError($error); return false; } return true; }
$user = new User(); $user->setUserId($_SESSION['userId']); $user->setLoginId($user1->getLoginId()); $user->setPassword($_REQUEST["password"]); $user->setFirstName($_REQUEST["firstName"]); $user->setLastName($_REQUEST["lastName"]); $user->setEmailId($_REQUEST["email"]); $user->setAddress($_REQUEST["address"]); $user->setPhoneNumber($_REQUEST["phoneNo"]); $user->setSecurityAnswer($_REQUEST["passwordRecoveryQues"]); $user->setSecurityQuestion($_REQUEST["passwordRecoveryAns"]); $_SESSION['userToBeUpdated'] = serialize($user); header("Location: ../controller/Controller.php"); } else { echo "<B>Validation Errors:</B>"; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { echo "<p>{$inpname} : {$inp_err}</p>\n"; } } } $disp_loginName = isset($_POST['loginName']) ? $_POST['loginName'] : $user1->getLoginId(); $disp_password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : $user1->getPassword(); $disp_firstName = isset($_POST['firstName']) ? $_POST['firstName'] : $user1->getFirstName(); $disp_lastName = isset($_POST['lastName']) ? $_POST['lastName'] : $user1->getLastName(); $disp_email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : $user1->getEmailId(); $disp_address = isset($_POST['address']) ? $_POST['address'] : $user1->getAddress(); $disp_phoneNo = isset($_POST['phoneNo']) ? $_POST['phoneNo'] : $user1->getPhoneNumber(); $disp_securityQuestion = isset($_POST['passwordRecoveryQues']) ? $_POST['passwordRecoveryQues'] : $user1->getSecurityQuestion(); $disp_securityAnswer = isset($_POST['passwordRecoveryAns']) ? $_POST['passwordRecoveryAns'] : $user1->getSecurityAnswer(); ?>
if (!$validator->ValidateForm($content_section)) { cw_add_top_message($validator->GetErrors(), 'E'); cw_header_location('index.php?target=cms&edit=Y&mode=' . ($action == 'add_new_content_section' ? 'add' : 'update&contentsection_id=' . $contentsection_id)); } // Warnings $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("name", "req", cw_get_langvar_by_name('msg_ab_warn_empty_contentsection_name')); if ($content_section['type'] == 'html' || $content_section['type'] == 'image') { $validator->addValidation("url", "req", cw_get_langvar_by_name('msg_ab_warn_empty_contentsection_url')); } // $validator->addValidation("url","url",'Invalid URL'); if ($content_section['type'] == 'image') { $validator->addValidation("alt", "req", cw_get_langvar_by_name('msg_ab_warn_empty_contentsection_alt_text')); } if (!$validator->ValidateForm($content_section)) { cw_add_top_message($validator->GetErrors(), 'W'); } unset($validator); /* * Insert or Update */ if ($action == 'add_new_content_section') { $contentsection_id = cw_array2insert('cms', $content_section); } elseif ($action == 'update_content_section') { cw_array2update('cms', $content_section, "contentsection_id = '" . $contentsection_id . "'"); db_query("DELETE FROM {$tables['cms_restrictions']} WHERE contentsection_id = '" . $contentsection_id . "'"); } $data = array('skin' => $content_section['skin']); cw_array2update('cms', $data, "service_code = '" . addslashes($content_section['service_code']) . "'"); $presaved_content_section['contentsection_id'] = $contentsection_id; if ($current_language == $config['default_customer_language']) {
function pf_students() { global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; if (!isset($wpdb->pf_students)) { $wpdb->pf_students = $table_prefix . 'pf_students'; } //gets current user info global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); //gets current group $current_group = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_currentgroup', true); //gets groups for current user $groups = pf_getgroups(); $message = ""; //add students if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'addstudents') { $validator = new FormValidator(); $student->ID = "new"; require "validation_studentdata.php"; if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { // add the new student $newstudent = array($_POST['firstname_new'], $_POST['lastname_new'], $_POST['pass_new'], $_POST['email_new'], $_POST['group_new']); pf_addstudenttodb($newstudent); $message = "New student added."; } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } //import students from csv file if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'csvimport') { ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); //check the file is a .csv file $file = $_FILES['csv_file']; $allowedExtensions = array("csv"); if ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { if (!in_array(end(explode(".", strtolower($file['name']))), $allowedExtensions)) { $message = "Invalid file type! File must be a .csv file."; } else { $arr_rows = file($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name']); if (is_array($arr_rows)) { $validator = new FormValidator(); foreach ($arr_rows as $row) { //this is messy but is to make the validation script work // split into values: first, last, pass, email $arr_values = split(",", $row); $_POST['firstname_new'] = $arr_values[0]; $_POST['lastname_new'] = $arr_values[1]; $_POST['pass_new'] = trim($arr_values[2]); $_POST['email_new'] = trim($arr_values[3]); $_POST['group_new'] = $current_group; $student->ID = "new"; require "validation_studentdata.php"; } if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { //update db foreach ($arr_rows as $row) { // split into values: first, last, pass, email $arr_values = split(",", $row); // add the new student $newstudent = array($arr_values[0], $arr_values[1], trim($arr_values[2]), trim($arr_values[3]), $current_group); pf_addstudenttodb($newstudent); } $message = "Import Success"; } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } } } } //edit students if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'editstudents') { $students = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->pf_students} WHERE groupID={$current_group} AND student_status=0")); $validator = new FormValidator(); foreach ($students as $student) { require "validation_studentdata.php"; } if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { //update db foreach ($students as $student) { // update student $studentdata = array($_POST['firstname_' . $student->ID], $_POST['lastname_' . $student->ID], $_POST['pass_' . $student->ID], $_POST['email_' . $student->ID], $_POST['group_' . $student->ID], $student->ID); pf_updatestudentindb($studentdata); if ($_POST['delete_' . $student->ID]) { //this doesn't delete student from db, just changes status to 1 $studentstatusdata = array(1, $student->ID); pf_changestudentstatusindb($studentstatusdata); } } $message .= "Changes Saved"; } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } //gets student info $students = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT student_firstname, student_lastname, student_pass, student_email, ID FROM {$wpdb->pf_students} WHERE groupID={$current_group} AND student_status=0")); echo "<font color=red>" . $message . "</font>"; echo "<table>"; //headings of table echo "<tr>\n <th>First Name</th>\n <th>Last Name</th>\n <th>Password</th>\n <th>Email</th>\n <th>Group</th>\n <th>Delete Student</th>\n </tr>"; if ($students) { echo "<form name='editstudents' method='POST' action='' accept-charset='UTF-8'>"; foreach ($students as $student) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='firstname_" . $student->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='60' value='" . $student->student_firstname . "'></td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='lastname_" . $student->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='60' value='" . $student->student_lastname . "'></td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='pass_" . $student->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='60' value='" . $student->student_pass . "'></td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='email_" . $student->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='60' value='" . $student->student_email . "'></td>"; echo "<td><select name='group_" . $student->ID . "'>"; foreach ($groups as $group) { echo "<option value=" . $group->ID; if ($group->ID == $current_group) { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . $group->group_name . "</option>"; } echo "</select></td>"; echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='delete_" . $student->ID . "' value=true></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=6 align=center>\n <input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='editstudents'>\n <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Save Changes'>\n <br><br> \n </td></tr>\n </form>"; } echo "<form name='addstudents' method='POST' action='' accept-charset='UTF-8'>"; //blank row echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='firstname_new' size='12' maxlength='60' value=''></td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='lastname_new' size='12' maxlength='60' value=''></td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='pass_new' size='12' maxlength='60' value=''></td>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='email_new' size='12' maxlength='60' value=''></td>"; echo "<td><select name='group_new'>"; foreach ($groups as $group) { echo "<option value=" . $group->ID; if ($group->ID == $current_group) { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . $group->group_name . "</option>"; } echo "</select></td>"; echo "<td> "; echo "<input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='addstudents'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add Student'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</form>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=6 align=center>"; echo "<form name=csvimport' method='POST' action='' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; echo "<b>Upload a class roster</b><br>\n <ol>\n <li>Export your class roster to a .csv (comma separated) file.</li>\n <li>Edit your class roster so that you just have 4 columns of data: First Name, Last Name, Password, Email.</li>\n <li>Check that your names are only letters, email addresses are valid etc...</li>\n <input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='csvimport'> \n <li><input type='file' name='csv_file' /> </li> \n <li><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Upload' /></li>\n <ol>\n </form>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>"; }
function pf_datefilter() { //gets current user info global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); //form validation script $message = ""; if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'datefilter') { //set new validator object for this form (see for syntax) $validator = new FormValidator(); //required $validator->addValidation("BeginDate", "req", "Begin Date is missing"); $validator->addValidation("EndDate", "req", "End Date is missing"); //are they dates $validator->addValidation("BeginDate", "regexp=/^((0?[1-9]|1[012])[-](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[-][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]{2})*\$/", "Begin Date is not in the required MM-DD-YYYY format"); $validator->addValidation("EndDate", "regexp=/^((0?[1-9]|1[012])[-](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[-][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]{2})*\$/", "End Date is not in the required MM-DD-YYYY format"); //make my own validation script? (use snippets link) //add check that begin comes before end date //tests what was sumbitted if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { //add POST to db update_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_begindate', $_POST['BeginDate']); update_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_enddate', $_POST['EndDate']); } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } //gets begin and end dates $begindate = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_begindate', true); if (!$begindate) { $begindate = "" . date("m-d-y"); add_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_begindate', $begindate, true); } $enddate = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_enddate', true); if (!$enddate) { $enddate = "" . date("m-d-y"); add_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_enddate', $enddate, true); } //output echo "<form name='datefilter' method='POST' action='' accept-charset='UTF-8'>"; echo "Begin Date: <input type='text' name='BeginDate' size='10' maxlength='10' value='{$begindate}'>"; echo " End Date: <input type='text' name='EndDate' size='10' maxlength='10' value='{$enddate}'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='datefilter'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Update'>"; echo "</form>"; echo $message; }
function pf_survey() { global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; if (!isset($wpdb->pf_groups)) { $wpdb->pf_groups = $table_prefix . 'pf_groups'; } //gets current user info global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); //gets current group $current_group = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'pf_currentgroup', true); $message = ""; //edit survey if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'editsurvey') { if ($_POST['askscore'] != 'true') { $_POST['askscore'] = 'false'; } if ($_POST['askcomment'] != 'true') { $_POST['askcomment'] = 'false'; } if ($_POST['disable'] != 'true') { $_POST['disable'] = 'false'; } $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("prompt", "req", "Error: Survey prompt required."); $validator->addValidation("scores", "req", "Error: Possible scores required."); $validator->addValidation("scores", "maxlen=30", "Error: Possible scores required."); $validator->addValidation("scores", "regexp=/^(([0-9a-zA-Z .]*)([,][0-9a-zA-Z .]*)*)\$/", "Error: Possible scores must be letters and numbers separated by commas."); if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { //update db $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("\n UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_groups} \n SET \n survey_prompt='" . $_POST['prompt'] . "',\n survey_askscore='" . $_POST['askscore'] . "',\n survey_scores='" . $_POST['scores'] . "',\n survey_askcomment='" . $_POST['askcomment'] . "',\n survey_disable='" . $_POST['disable'] . "'\n WHERE ID=" . $current_group)); $message .= "Changes Saved"; } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } //gets survey info for current group $surveyinfo = pf_getsurveyinfo($current_group); echo "<font color=red>" . $message . "</font>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<form name='editsurvey' method='POST' action='' accept-charset='UTF-8'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo " <td>Survey Prompt</td>"; echo " <td>"; $content = $surveyinfo->survey_prompt; $id = 'prompt'; $settings = array('textarea_rows' => 8, 'tinymce' => true); wp_editor($content, $id, $settings); echo " </td>"; echo "</tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>Ask for score</td>\n <td><input type='checkbox' name='askscore' value='true'"; if ($surveyinfo->survey_askscore == 'true') { echo " checked"; } echo "></td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>Possible scores<br><em>comma separated<br>(eg 4,3,2,1 or A,B,C,D,F)</em></td>\n <td><input type='textbox' size='30' maxlength='30' name='scores' value='" . $surveyinfo->survey_scores . "'></td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>Ask for comments</td>\n <td><input type='checkbox' name='askcomment' value='true'"; if ($surveyinfo->survey_askcomment == 'true') { echo " checked"; } echo "></td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>Disable survey</td>\n <td><input type='checkbox' name='disable' value='true'"; if ($surveyinfo->survey_disable == 'true') { echo " checked"; } echo "></td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td><input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='editsurvey'>\n <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Save Changes'> </td>\n <td><b><a href='" . $current_group . "' target='_blank'>Preview Survey</a></b>\n <br><br>\n </td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>Embed this survey in your site<br><em>copy and paste the text</em></td>\n <td><input type='text' size='100' value='<iframe src='" . $current_group . "' width=550 height=500 frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0>Loading...</iframe>'></td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>Link to this survey<br><em>copy and paste the text</em></td>\n <td><input type='text' size='100' value='" . $current_group . "'></td>\n </tr>\n \n </form>\n </table>"; }
function pf_editgroups() { global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; if (!isset($wpdb->pf_groups)) { $wpdb->pf_groups = $table_prefix . 'pf_groups'; } //gets current user info global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); //gets groups for current user $groups = pf_getgroups(); $archived_groups = pf_getarchivedgroups(); //form validation script $message = ""; if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['WhichForm'] == 'archivegroups') { //set new validator object for this form (see for syntax) $validator = new FormValidator(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $validator->addValidation("status_" . $group->ID, "req", "Error: No status selected for group " . $group->group_name); $validator->addValidation("status_" . $group->ID, "num", "Error: group_status invalid for group " . $group->group_name); $validator->addValidation("group_" . $group->ID, "req", "Error: Name left blank (was " . $group->group_name . ")"); $validator->addValidation("group_" . $group->ID, "maxlen=60", "Error: Name too long - max 60 (was " . $group->group_name . ")"); $validator->addValidation("group_" . $group->ID, "alnum_s", "Error: Only letters, numbers and spaces allowed (was " . $group->group_name . ")"); } foreach ($archived_groups as $group) { $validator->addValidation("status_" . $group->ID, "req", "Error: No status selected for group " . $group->group_name); $validator->addValidation("status_" . $group->ID, "num", "Error: group_status invalid for group " . $group->group_name); $validator->addValidation("group_" . $group->ID, "req", "Error: Name left blank (was " . $group->group_name . ")"); $validator->addValidation("group_" . $group->ID, "maxlen=60", "Error: Name too long - max 60 (was " . $group->group_name . ")"); $validator->addValidation("group_" . $group->ID, "alnum_s", "Error: Only letters, numbers and spaces allowed (was " . $group->group_name . ")"); } if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { //update db foreach ($groups as $group) { $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_groups} SET group_status=" . $_POST['status_' . $group->ID] . " WHERE ID={$group->ID}")); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_groups} SET group_name='" . $_POST['group_' . $group->ID] . "' WHERE ID={$group->ID}")); } foreach ($archived_groups as $group) { $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_groups} SET group_status=" . $_POST['status_' . $group->ID] . " WHERE ID={$group->ID}")); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_groups} SET group_name='" . $_POST['group_' . $group->ID] . "' WHERE ID={$group->ID}")); if ($_POST['delete_' . $group->ID]) { // don't delete group, just change status to 2 $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->pf_groups} SET group_status=2 WHERE ID={$group->ID}")); $message .= "You just deleted: " . $_POST['group_' . $group->ID] . "<br>"; } } $message .= "Saved"; } else { $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $message .= "{$inp_err}<br>\n"; } } } //output //gets groups for current user $groups = pf_getgroups(); $archived_groups = pf_getarchivedgroups(); echo "<font color=red>" . $message . "</font>"; echo "<table>"; //headings of table echo "<tr>\n <th>Group</th>\n <th>Status</th>\n <th>Delete Group</th>\n </tr>"; echo "<form name='archivegroups' method='POST' action='' accept-charset='UTF-8'>"; foreach ($groups as $group) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='group_" . $group->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='60' value='" . $group->group_name . "'></td>"; echo "<td><select name='status_" . $group->ID . "'>"; echo " <option value=0 selected='selected'>Active</option>"; echo " <option value=1>Archived</option>"; echo " </select></td>"; echo "<td>Must archive first</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } foreach ($archived_groups as $group) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='group_" . $group->ID . "' size='12' maxlength='60' value='" . $group->group_name . "'></td>"; echo "<td><select name='status_" . $group->ID . "'>"; echo " <option value=0>Active</option>"; echo " <option value=1 selected='selected'>Archived</option>"; echo " </select></td>"; echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='delete_" . $group->ID . "' value=true></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=3>\n <input type='hidden' name='WhichForm' value='archivegroups'>\n <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Save Changes'>\n </td></tr>"; echo "</form>\n </table>"; }
function ValidateSearchSubmission() { //This is a hidden input field. Humans won't fill this field. if (!empty($_POST[$this->GetSpamTrapInputName()])) { //The proper error is not given intentionally $this->HandleError("Automated submission prevention: case 2 failed"); return false; } $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("eventSearch", "req", "Search Field is Empty!"); if (!$validator->ValidateForm()) { $error = ''; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $error .= $inpname . ':' . $inp_err . "\n"; } $this->HandleError($error); return false; } return true; }
function ValidateRegistrationSubmission() { $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("username", "req", "Please fill in Username"); $validator->addValidation("email", "email", "The input should be a valid Email value"); $validator->addValidation("email", "req", "Please fill in Email"); $validator->addValidation("password", "req", "Please fill in Password"); if (!$validator->ValidateForm()) { $error = ''; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $error .= $inpname . ':' . $inp_err . "\n"; } $error_message .= $error . "\r\n"; return false; } return true; }
function ValidateRegistrationSubmission() { $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("firstName", "req", "Please fill in your first name"); $validator->addValidation("lastName", "req", "Please fill in your last name"); $validator->addValidation("email", "email", "The input for Email should be a valid email value"); $validator->addValidation("email", "req", "Please fill in Email"); $validator->addValidation("gender", "req", "Please fill in gender"); $validator->addValidation("birthYear", "req", "Please fill in birth year"); $validator->addValidation("password", "req", "Please fill in Password"); if (!$validator->ValidateForm()) { $error = ''; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { $error .= $inpname . ':' . $inp_err . "\n"; } $this->HandleError($error); return false; } return true; }