Esempio n. 1
 function _importfolder($oFolder, $sPath)
     $oPermission = KTPermission::getByName('ktcore.permissions.addFolder');
     $aDocPaths = $this->oStorage->listDocuments($sPath);
     if (PEAR::isError($aDocPaths)) {
         return $aDocPaths;
     $oDocObjects = array();
     foreach ($aDocPaths as $sDocumentPath) {
         $res = $this->_importdocument($oFolder, $sDocumentPath);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             return $res;
         // Store document object
         $this->uploadedDocs[] = $res;
     $aFolderPaths = $this->oStorage->listFolders($sPath);
     if (PEAR::isError($aFolderPaths)) {
         return $aFolderPaths;
     $oFolderObjects = array();
     foreach ($aFolderPaths as $sFolderPath) {
         $sFolderBasePath = basename($sFolderPath);
         $sFolderBasePath = $this->is_utf8($sFolderBasePath) ? $sFolderBasePath : utf8_encode($sFolderBasePath);
         if (Folder::folderExistsName($sFolderPath, KTUtil::getId($oFolder))) {
             $_SESSION['KTErrorMessage'][] = sprintf(_kt("The folder %s is already present in %s.  Adding files into pre-existing folder."), $sFolderBasePath, $oFolder->getName());
             $aOptions = Folder::getList("parent_id = " . KTUtil::getId($oFolder) . ' AND name = "' . DBUtil::escapeSimple($sFolderBasePath) . '"');
             if (PEAR::isError($aOptions)) {
                 return $aOptions;
             if (count($aOptions) != 1) {
                 return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(_kt("Two folders named %s present in %s. Unable to decide which to use..."), $sFolderName, $oFolder->getName()));
             } else {
                 $oThisFolder = $aOptions[0];
         } else {
             if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($this->oUser, $oPermission, $oFolder)) {
                 $oThisFolder = KTFolderUtil::add($oFolder, $sFolderBasePath, $this->oUser, true);
             } else {
                 $oThisFolder = $oFolder;
                 if (!in_array('Your documents have been added to this folder and not the folder structure within the upload file because you do not have permission to add any folders.', $_SESSION['KTErrorMessage'])) {
                     $_SESSION['KTErrorMessage'][] = sprintf(_kt('Your documents have been added to this folder and not the folder structure within the upload file because you do not have permission to add any folders.'));
         if (PEAR::isError($oThisFolder)) {
             return $oThisFolder;
         $res = $this->_importfolder($oThisFolder, $sFolderPath);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             return $res;
         // Store folder object
         $this->uploadedFolders[] = $res;
  * GET method helper
  * @param  array  parameter passing array
  * @param  int    MainFolder ID
  * @return bool   true on success
 function _GETFolder(&$options, $iMainFolderID)
     global $default;
     $this->ktwebdavLog("Entering _GETFolder. options are " . print_r($options, true), 'info', true);
     $oMainFolder =& Folder::get($iMainFolderID);
     $aFolderID = array();
     $aChildren = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', $iMainFolderID));
     //        $sFolderName = $oMainFolder->getName();
     if (is_writeable("../var") && is_writeable("../var/log")) {
         $writeperms = "<font color=\"green\"><b>OK</b></font>";
     } else {
         $writeperms = "<font color=\"red\"><b>NOT SET</b></font>";
     if ($this->ktdmsPath != '') {
         $ktdir = $this->ktdmsPath;
     $srv_proto = split('/', $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']);
     $proto = strtolower($srv_proto[0]);
     // check if ssl enabled
     if ($proto == 'http' && $default->sslEnabled) {
         $proto = 'https';
     $dataSafe = '';
     if ($this->safeMode != 'off') {
         $dataSafe = "<div style=\"color: orange;\" align=\"center\">NOTE: Safe mode is currently enabled, only viewing and downloading of documents will be allowed.</div><br><br>";
     $data = "<html><head><title>KTWebDAV - The KnowledgeTree WebDAV Server</title></head>";
     $data .= "<body>";
     $data .= "<div align=\"center\"><IMG src=\"../resources/graphics/ktlogo-topbar_base.png\" width=\"308\" height=\"61\" border=\"0\"></div><br>";
     $data .= "<div align=\"center\"><h2><strong>Welcome to KnowledgeTree WebDAV Server</strong></h2></div><br><br>";
     $data .= "<div align=\"center\">To access KTWebDAV copy the following URL and paste it into your WebDAV enabled client...</div><br><br>";
     $data .= $dataSafe;
     $data .= "<div align=\"center\"><strong>" . $proto . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "</strong></div>";
     $data .= "</body>";
     $options['mimetype'] = 'text/html';
     $options["data"] = $data;
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
 function copy($oSrcFolder, $oDestFolder, $oUser, $sReason, $sDestFolderName = NULL, $copyAll = true)
     $sDestFolderName = empty($sDestFolderName) ? $oSrcFolder->getName() : $sDestFolderName;
     if (KTFolderUtil::exists($oDestFolder, $sDestFolderName)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(_kt("Folder with the same name already exists in the new parent folder"));
     // FIXME the failure cleanup code here needs some serious work.
     $oPerm = KTPermission::getByName('');
     $oBaseFolderPerm = KTPermission::getByName('ktcore.permissions.addFolder');
     if (!KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($oUser, $oBaseFolderPerm, $oDestFolder)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('You are not allowed to create folders in the destination.'));
     // Check if the source folder inherits its permissions
     // Get source PO id and its parent PO id
     $iSrcPoId = $oSrcFolder->getPermissionObjectID();
     $oSrcParent = Folder::get($oSrcFolder->getParentID());
     $iSrcParentPoId = $oSrcParent->getPermissionObjectID();
     // If the folder defines its own permissions then we copy the permission object
     // If the source folder inherits permissions we must change it to inherit from the new parent folder
     $bInheritPermissions = false;
     if ($iSrcPoId == $iSrcParentPoId) {
         $bInheritPermissions = true;
     $aFolderIds = array();
     // of oFolder
     $aDocuments = array();
     // of oDocument
     $aFailedDocuments = array();
     // of String
     $aFailedFolders = array();
     // of String
     $aRemainingFolders = array($oSrcFolder->getId());
     while (!empty($aRemainingFolders) && $copyAll) {
         $iFolderId = array_pop($aRemainingFolders);
         $oFolder = Folder::get($iFolderId);
         if (PEAR::isError($oFolder) || $oFolder == false) {
             return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(_kt('Failure resolving child folder with id = %d.'), $iFolderId));
         // don't just stop ... plough on.
         if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($oUser, $oPerm, $oFolder)) {
             $aFolderIds[] = $iFolderId;
         } else {
             $aFailedFolders[] = $oFolder->getName();
         // child documents
         $aChildDocs = Document::getList(array('folder_id = ?', array($iFolderId)));
         foreach ($aChildDocs as $oDoc) {
             if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($oUser, $oPerm, $oDoc)) {
                 $aDocuments[] = $oDoc;
             } else {
                 $aFailedDocuments[] = $oDoc->getName();
         // child folders.
         $aCFIds = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', array($iFolderId)), array('ids' => true));
         $aRemainingFolders = kt_array_merge($aRemainingFolders, $aCFIds);
     if (!empty($aFailedDocuments) || !empty($aFailedFolders)) {
         $sFD = '';
         $sFF = '';
         if (!empty($aFailedDocuments)) {
             $sFD = _kt('Documents: ') . implode(', ', $aFailedDocuments) . '. ';
         if (!empty($aFailedFolders)) {
             $sFF = _kt('Folders: ') . implode(', ', $aFailedFolders) . '.';
         return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('You do not have permission to copy these items. ') . $sFD . $sFF);
     // first we walk the tree, creating in the new location as we go.
     // essentially this is an "ok" pass.
     $oStorage =& KTStorageManagerUtil::getSingleton();
     $aFolderMap = array();
     $sTable = 'folders';
     $sGetQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $sTable . ' WHERE id = ? ';
     $aParams = array($oSrcFolder->getId());
     $aRow = DBUtil::getOneResult(array($sGetQuery, $aParams));
     $aRow['name'] = $sDestFolderName;
     $aRow['description'] = $sDestFolderName;
     $aRow['parent_id'] = $oDestFolder->getId();
     $aRow['parent_folder_ids'] = sprintf('%s,%s', $oDestFolder->getParentFolderIDs(), $oDestFolder->getId());
     $aRow['full_path'] = $oDestFolder->getFullPath() . '/' . $aRow['name'];
     $id = DBUtil::autoInsert($sTable, $aRow);
     if (PEAR::isError($id)) {
         return $id;
     $sSrcFolderId = $oSrcFolder->getId();
     $aFolderMap[$sSrcFolderId]['parent_id'] = $id;
     $aFolderMap[$sSrcFolderId]['parent_folder_ids'] = $aRow['parent_folder_ids'];
     $aFolderMap[$sSrcFolderId]['full_path'] = $aRow['full_path'];
     $aFolderMap[$sSrcFolderId]['name'] = $aRow['name'];
     $oNewBaseFolder = Folder::get($id);
     $res = $oStorage->createFolder($oNewBaseFolder);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         // it doesn't exist, so rollback and raise..
         return $res;
     $aRemainingFolders = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', array($oSrcFolder->getId())), array('ids' => true));
     while (!empty($aRemainingFolders) && $copyAll) {
         $iFolderId = array_pop($aRemainingFolders);
         $aParams = array($iFolderId);
         $aRow = DBUtil::getOneResult(array($sGetQuery, $aParams));
         // since we are nested, we will have solved the parent first.
         $sPrevParentId = $aRow['parent_id'];
         $aRow['parent_id'] = $aFolderMap[$aRow['parent_id']]['parent_id'];
         $aRow['parent_folder_ids'] = sprintf('%s,%s', $aFolderMap[$sPrevParentId]['parent_folder_ids'], $aRow['parent_id']);
         $aRow['full_path'] = sprintf('%s/%s', $aFolderMap[$sPrevParentId]['full_path'], $aRow['name']);
         $id = DBUtil::autoInsert($sTable, $aRow);
         if (PEAR::isError($id)) {
             return $id;
         $aFolderMap[$iFolderId]['parent_id'] = $id;
         $aFolderMap[$iFolderId]['parent_folder_ids'] = $aRow['parent_folder_ids'];
         $aFolderMap[$iFolderId]['full_path'] = $aRow['full_path'];
         $aFolderMap[$iFolderId]['name'] = $aRow['name'];
         $oNewFolder = Folder::get($id);
         $res = $oStorage->createFolder($oNewFolder);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             // first delete, then rollback, then fail out.
             return $res;
         $aCFIds = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', array($iFolderId)), array('ids' => true));
         $aRemainingFolders = kt_array_merge($aRemainingFolders, $aCFIds);
     // now we can go ahead.
     foreach ($aDocuments as $oDocument) {
         $oChildDestinationFolder = Folder::get($aFolderMap[$oDocument->getFolderID()]['parent_id']);
         $res = KTDocumentUtil::copy($oDocument, $oChildDestinationFolder);
         if (PEAR::isError($res) || $res === false) {
             return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('Delete Aborted. Unexpected failure to copydocument: ') . $oDocument->getName() . $res->getMessage());
     $sComment = sprintf(_kt("Folder copied from %s to %s"), $oSrcFolder->getFullPath(), $oDestFolder->getFullPath());
     if ($sReason !== null) {
         $sComment .= sprintf(_kt(" (reason: %s)"), $sReason);
     $oTransaction = KTFolderTransaction::createFromArray(array('folderid' => $oFolder->getId(), 'comment' => $sComment, 'transactionNS' => 'ktcore.transactions.copy', 'userid' => $oUser->getId(), 'ip' => Session::getClientIP()));
     // If the folder inherits its permissions then we set it to inherit from the new parent folder and update permissions
     // If it defines its own then copy the permission object over
     if ($bInheritPermissions) {
         $aOptions = array('evenifnotowner' => true);
         KTPermissionUtil::inheritPermissionObject($oNewBaseFolder, $aOptions);
     } else {
     // and store
     return true;
  * Updates permission lookups for this folder and any ancestors, but
  * only if they use the same permission object.
  * To be used any time a folder permission object is changed.
 function updatePermissionLookupRecursive(&$oDocumentOrFolder)
     if (is_a($oDocumentOrFolder, 'Document')) {
         // XXX: metadata versions may need attention here
     $iFolderID = $oDocumentOrFolder->getID();
     $sFolderIDs = Folder::generateFolderIDs($iFolderID);
     $sFolderIDs .= '%';
     $sWhere = 'permission_object_id = ? AND parent_folder_ids LIKE ?';
     $aParams = array($oDocumentOrFolder->getPermissionObjectID(), $sFolderIDs);
     $aFolders =& Folder::getList(array($sWhere, $aParams));
     foreach ($aFolders as $oFolder) {
     $aDocuments =& Document::getList(array($sWhere, $aParams));
     foreach ($aDocuments as $oDocument) {
Esempio n. 5
print "\n";
print "Would remove these folders (and all their contents):\n";
foreach ($aFoldersToRemove as $path) {
    print "\t{$path}\n";
print "\n";
print "Would remove these files:\n";
foreach ($aFilesToRemove as $path) {
    print "\t{$path}\n";
print "\n";
$aFolders =& Folder::getList();
foreach ($aFolders as $oFolder) {
print "These folders are not on the filesystem:\n";
foreach ($aRepoFolderProblems as $path) {
    print "\t{$path}\n";
$aDocuments =& Document::getList(array('status_id = ?', array(LIVE)));
foreach ($aDocuments as $oDocument) {
print "\n";
print "These documents are not on the filesystem:\n";
foreach ($aRepoDocumentProblems as $path) {
    print "\t{$path}\n";
Esempio n. 6
  * Get's a folder listing, recursing to the maximum depth.
  * Derived from the get_listing function.
  * <code>
  * $root = $this->ktapi->get_root_folder();
  * $listing = $root->get_full_listing();
  * foreach($listing as $val) {
  * 	if($val['item_type'] == 'F') {
  *   // It's a folder
  *   echo $val['title'];
  *  }
  * }
  * </code>
  * @author KnowledgeTree Team
  * @access public
  * @param string $what
  * @return array
 function get_full_listing($what = 'DFS')
     $what = strtoupper($what);
     $read_permission =& KTPermission::getByName(KTAPI_PERMISSION_READ);
     $folder_permission =& KTPermission::getByName(KTAPI_PERMISSION_VIEW_FOLDER);
     $config = KTConfig::getSingleton();
     $wsversion = $config->get('webservice/version', LATEST_WEBSERVICE_VERSION);
     $user = $this->ktapi->get_user();
     $contents = array();
     if (strpos($what, 'F') !== false) {
         $folder_children = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', $this->folderid));
         foreach ($folder_children as $folder) {
             if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($user, $folder_permission, $folder) || KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($user, $read_permission, $folder)) {
                 $sub_folder =& $this->ktapi->get_folder_by_id($folder->getId());
                 if (!PEAR::isError($sub_folder)) {
                     $items = $sub_folder->get_full_listing($what);
                 } else {
                     $items = array();
                 $creator = $this->_resolve_user($folder->getCreatorID());
                 if ($wsversion >= 2) {
                     $array = array('id' => (int) $folder->getId(), 'item_type' => 'F', 'custom_document_no' => 'n/a', 'oem_document_no' => 'n/a', 'title' => $folder->getName(), 'document_type' => 'n/a', 'filename' => $folder->getName(), 'filesize' => 'n/a', 'created_by' => is_null($creator) ? 'n/a' : $creator->getName(), 'created_date' => 'n/a', 'checked_out_by' => 'n/a', 'checked_out_date' => 'n/a', 'modified_by' => 'n/a', 'modified_date' => 'n/a', 'owned_by' => 'n/a', 'version' => 'n/a', 'is_immutable' => 'n/a', 'permissions' => KTAPI_Folder::get_permission_string($folder), 'workflow' => 'n/a', 'workflow_state' => 'n/a', 'mime_type' => 'folder', 'mime_icon_path' => 'folder', 'mime_display' => 'Folder', 'storage_path' => 'n/a');
                     if ($wsversion >= 3) {
                         $array['linked_folder_id'] = $folder->getLinkedFolderId();
                         if ($folder->isSymbolicLink()) {
                             $array['item_type'] = "S";
                     $array['items'] = $items;
                     if ($wsversion < 3 || strpos($what, 'F') !== false && !$folder->isSymbolicLink() || $folder->isSymbolicLink() && strpos($what, 'S') !== false) {
                         $contents[] = $array;
                 } else {
                     $contents[] = array('id' => (int) $folder->getId(), 'item_type' => 'F', 'title' => $folder->getName(), 'creator' => is_null($creator) ? 'n/a' : $creator->getName(), 'checkedoutby' => 'n/a', 'modifiedby' => 'n/a', 'filename' => $folder->getName(), 'size' => 'n/a', 'major_version' => 'n/a', 'minor_version' => 'n/a', 'storage_path' => 'n/a', 'mime_type' => 'folder', 'mime_icon_path' => 'folder', 'mime_display' => 'Folder', 'items' => $items, 'workflow' => 'n/a', 'workflow_state' => 'n/a');
     if (strpos($what, 'D') !== false) {
         $document_children = Document::getList(array('folder_id = ? AND status_id = 1', $this->folderid));
         // I hate that KT doesn't cache things nicely...
         $mime_cache = array();
         foreach ($document_children as $document) {
             if (KTPermissionUtil::userHasPermissionOnItem($user, $read_permission, $document)) {
                 $created_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getCreatorID());
                 $created_date = $document->getCreatedDateTime();
                 if (empty($created_date)) {
                     $created_date = 'n/a';
                 $checked_out_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getCheckedOutUserID());
                 $checked_out_date = $document->getCheckedOutDate();
                 if (empty($checked_out_date)) {
                     $checked_out_date = 'n/a';
                 $modified_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getCreatorID());
                 $modified_date = $document->getLastModifiedDate();
                 if (empty($modified_date)) {
                     $modified_date = 'n/a';
                 $owned_by = $this->_resolve_user($document->getOwnerID());
                 $mimetypeid = $document->getMimeTypeID();
                 if (!array_key_exists($mimetypeid, $mime_cache)) {
                     $type = KTMime::getMimeTypeName($mimetypeid);
                     $icon = KTMime::getIconPath($mimetypeid);
                     $display = KTMime::getFriendlyNameForString($type);
                     $mime_cache[$mimetypeid] = array('type' => $type, 'icon' => $icon, 'display' => $display);
                 $mimeinfo = $mime_cache[$mimetypeid];
                 $workflow = 'n/a';
                 $state = 'n/a';
                 $wf = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowForDocument($document);
                 if (!is_null($wf) && !PEAR::isError($wf)) {
                     $workflow = $wf->getHumanName();
                     $ws = KTWorkflowUtil::getWorkflowStateForDocument($document);
                     if (!is_null($ws) && !PEAR::isError($ws)) {
                         $state = $ws->getHumanName();
                 if ($wsversion >= 2) {
                     $docTypeId = $document->getDocumentTypeID();
                     $documentType = DocumentType::get($docTypeId);
                     $oemDocumentNo = $document->getOemNo();
                     if (empty($oemDocumentNo)) {
                         $oemDocumentNo = 'n/a';
                     $array = array('id' => (int) $document->getId(), 'item_type' => 'D', 'custom_document_no' => 'n/a', 'oem_document_no' => $oemDocumentNo, 'title' => $document->getName(), 'document_type' => $documentType->getName(), 'filename' => $document->getFileName(), 'filesize' => $document->getFileSize(), 'created_by' => is_null($created_by) ? 'n/a' : $created_by->getName(), 'created_date' => $created_date, 'checked_out_by' => is_null($checked_out_by) ? 'n/a' : $checked_out_by->getName(), 'checked_out_date' => $checked_out_date, 'modified_by' => is_null($modified_by) ? 'n/a' : $modified_by->getName(), 'modified_date' => $modified_date, 'owned_by' => is_null($owned_by) ? 'n/a' : $owned_by->getName(), 'version' => $document->getMajorVersionNumber() . '.' . $document->getMinorVersionNumber(), 'content_id' => $document->getContentVersionId(), 'is_immutable' => $document->getImmutable() ? 'true' : 'false', 'permissions' => KTAPI_Document::get_permission_string($document), 'workflow' => $workflow, 'workflow_state' => $state, 'mime_type' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['type'], 'mime_icon_path' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['icon'], 'mime_display' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['display'], 'storage_path' => $document->getStoragePath());
                     if ($wsversion >= 3) {
                         $array['linked_document_id'] = $document->getLinkedDocumentId();
                         if ($document->isSymbolicLink()) {
                             $array['item_type'] = "S";
                     $array['items'] = array();
                     if ($wsversion < 3 || strpos($what, 'D') !== false && !$document->isSymbolicLink() || $document->isSymbolicLink() && strpos($what, 'S') !== false) {
                         $contents[] = $array;
                 } else {
                     $contents[] = array('id' => (int) $document->getId(), 'item_type' => 'D', 'title' => $document->getName(), 'creator' => is_null($created_by) ? 'n/a' : $created_by->getName(), 'checkedoutby' => is_null($checked_out_by) ? 'n/a' : $checked_out_by->getName(), 'modifiedby' => is_null($modified_by) ? 'n/a' : $modified_by->getName(), 'filename' => $document->getFileName(), 'size' => $document->getFileSize(), 'major_version' => $document->getMajorVersionNumber(), 'minor_version' => $document->getMinorVersionNumber(), 'storage_path' => $document->getStoragePath(), 'mime_type' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['type'], 'mime_icon_path' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['icon'], 'mime_display' => $mime_cache[$mimetypeid]['display'], 'items' => array(), 'workflow' => $workflow, 'workflow_state' => $state);
     return $contents;
Esempio n. 7
  * Checks if there are symlinks that are linking to items in the current list
  * Useful if you want to prompt the user with a confirmation because they're
  * automatically deleted when their targets are deleted or archived.
  * @return boolean
 function symlinksLinkingToCurrentList()
     $symlinksPresent = false;
     foreach ($this->oActiveEntityList->getDocumentIds() as $iDocument) {
         $oDocument = Document::get($iDocument);
         if (count($oDocument->getSymbolicLinks()) > 0) {
             $symlinksPresent = true;
     if ($symlinksPresent == false) {
         foreach ($this->oActiveEntityList->getFolderIds() as $iFolder) {
             $oStartFolder = Folder::get($iFolder);
             $aRemainingFolders = array($oStartFolder->getId());
             while (!empty($aRemainingFolders)) {
                 $iFolderId = array_pop($aRemainingFolders);
                 $oFolder = Folder::get($iFolderId);
                 if (count($oFolder->getSymbolicLinks()) > 0) {
                     $symlinksPresent = true;
                 $aChildDocs = Document::getList(array('folder_id = ?', array($iFolderId)));
                 foreach ($aChildDocs as $oDoc) {
                     if (count($oDoc->getSymbolicLinks()) > 0) {
                         $symlinksPresent = true;
                 $aCFIds = Folder::getList(array('parent_id = ?', array($iFolderId)), array('ids' => true));
                 $aRemainingFolders = kt_array_merge($aRemainingFolders, $aCFIds);
     return $symlinksPresent;