exists() public method

Checks if the dir exists
public exists ( ) : boolean
return boolean
Esempio n. 1
File: hook.php Progetto: nob/joi
  * Run the instance of a given hook
  * @param string  $namespace  The namespace (addon/aspect) calling the hook
  * @param string  $hook       Name of hook
  * @param string  $type       Cumulative/replace/call
  * @param mixed   $return     Pass-through values
  * @param mixed   $data       Data to pass to hooked method
  * @return mixed
 public static function run($namespace, $hook, $type = NULL, $return = NULL, $data = NULL)
     // @Todo: Clean this up globally
     $addons_path = BASE_PATH . Config::getAddOnsPath();
     if (Folder::exists($addons_path) && Folder::exists(APP_PATH . '/core/tags')) {
         $finder = new Finder();
         $files = $finder->files()->in($addons_path)->in(APP_PATH . '/core/tags')->name("hooks.*.php");
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             require_once $file->getRealPath();
             $class_name = 'Hooks_' . $file->getRelativePath();
             $hook_class = new $class_name();
             $method = $namespace . '__' . $hook;
             if (!method_exists($hook_class, $method)) {
             if ($type == 'cumulative') {
                 $response = $hook_class->{$method}($data);
                 if (is_array($response)) {
                     $return = is_array($return) ? $return + $response : $response;
                 } else {
                     $return .= $response;
             } elseif ($type == 'replace') {
                 $return = $hook_class->{$method}($data);
             } else {
     } else {
         Log::error('Add-ons path not found', 'hooks');
     return $return;
Esempio n. 2
 public function unlink()
     $f = new Folder($this->temp);
 public function newFile($name, $contents)
     $file = new File($this->t, $name);
     $path = new Folder($file->getPath());
     $path->exists() || $path->create();
  * Constructor
  * @param   io.Folder folder
  * @throws  lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given folder does not exist
 public function __construct(Folder $folder)
     if (!$folder->exists()) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException('Folder "' . $folder->getURI() . '" does not exist!');
     $this->folder = $folder;
Esempio n. 5
 public function getFiles($formset, $path, $extension = "yaml")
     if (!Folder::exists($path)) {
         return array();
     $finder = new Finder();
     $matches = $finder->name("*." . $extension)->depth(0)->files()->followLinks()->in($path);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($matches as $file) {
         $file_data = Parse::yaml($file->getContents());
         $file_data['datestamp'] = date($this->config['datestamp_format'], $file->getMTime());
         $meta = array('path' => $file->getRealpath(), 'filename' => $file->getFilename(), 'formset' => $formset, 'extension' => $file->getExtension(), 'datestamp' => $file->getMTime());
         $data = array('meta' => $meta, 'fields' => $file_data);
         $files[] = $data;
     return array_reverse($files);
Esempio n. 6
 public function getFiles($formset, $path, $extension = "yaml")
     if (!Folder::exists($path)) {
         return array();
     $finder = new Finder();
     $matches = $finder->name("*." . $extension)->depth(0)->files()->followLinks()->in($path);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($matches as $file) {
         // Ignore page.md
         if ($file->getFilename() == 'page.md') {
         $file_data = Parse::yaml($file->getContents());
         $file_data['datestamp'] = date(array_get($this->config, 'datestamp_format', "m/d/Y"), $file->getMTime());
         $meta = array('path' => $file->getRealpath(), 'filename' => $file->getFilename(), 'formset' => $formset, 'extension' => $file->getExtension(), 'datestamp' => $file->getMTime());
         $meta['edit_path'] = Path::trimSlashes(Path::trimFileSystemFromContent(substr($meta['path'], 0, -1 - strlen($meta['extension']))));
         $data = array('meta' => $meta, 'fields' => $file_data);
         $files[] = $data;
     return array_reverse($files);
  * Execute action
  * @return  int
 public function perform()
     $args = $this->getArguments();
     while ($entry = $this->archive->getEntry()) {
         if (!$this->_filter($entry, $args)) {
         $f = new File($entry);
         $data = $this->archive->extract($entry);
         if (!($this->options & Options::SIMULATE)) {
             // Create folder on demand. Note that inside a XAR, the directory
             // separator is *ALWAYS* a forward slash, so we need to change
             // it to whatever the OS we're currently running on uses.
             $dir = new Folder(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname($entry)));
             if (!$dir->exists()) {
             FileUtil::setContents($f, $data);
         $this->options & Options::VERBOSE && $this->out->writeLinef('%10s %s', number_format(strlen($data), 0, FALSE, '.'), $entry);
 public function folderExists()
     return Folder::exists(Path::assemble(BASE_PATH, $this->config['destination']));
 private function list_files($theme_selected)
     $files = array();
     $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption('--', '');
     $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . $this->templates_path . $theme_selected . $this->tpl_files_path);
     foreach ($folder->get_files('`\\.tpl$`') as $file) {
         $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption($file->get_name(), $file->get_name_without_extension());
     foreach (ModulesManager::get_activated_modules_map_sorted_by_localized_name() as $id => $module) {
         $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $module->get_id() . '/templates');
         if ($folder->exists()) {
             foreach ($folder->get_files('`\\.tpl$`') as $file) {
                 $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption(LangLoader::get_message('module', 'admin-modules-common') . ' ' . ModulesManager::get_module($module->get_id())->get_configuration()->get_name() . ' : ' . $file->get_name(), $module->get_id() . '/' . $file->get_name_without_extension());
     $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/user/templates');
     if ($folder->exists()) {
         foreach ($folder->get_files('`\\.tpl$`') as $file) {
             $files[] = new FormFieldSelectChoiceOption(LangLoader::get_message('users', 'user-common') . ' : ' . $file->get_name(), 'user/' . $file->get_name_without_extension());
     return $files;
Esempio n. 10
  * @desc Redirect to update script when it is present and not installed.
 private static function redirect_to_update_script_if_needed()
     $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/update');
     if ($folder->exists() && !AppContext::get_request()->get_is_localhost() && version_compare(GeneralConfig::load()->get_phpboost_major_version(), UpdateServices::NEW_KERNEL_VERSION, '<')) {
         AppContext::get_response()->redirect(new Url(HOST . DIR . '/update'));
 private function delete_folder($folder_name)
     $folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $folder_name);
     if ($folder->exists()) {
Esempio n. 12
  * Entry point
  * @param   text.doclet.RootDoc root
  * @return  var
 public function start(RootDoc $root)
     $this->processor = new MarkupBuilder();
     // Option: API (will be used in title, default: none)
     $this->api = $this->option('api');
     // Option: Gen (will be used in footer)
     $this->gen = $this->option('gen');
     // Option: CSS to embed (filename, default: none)
     if ($css = $this->option('css')) {
         $this->css = FileUtil::getContents(new File($css));
     // Option: Output folder (default: Current directory, created if non-existant)
     $target = new Folder($this->option('output', '.'));
     $target->exists() || $target->create();
     // Compute hierarchy
     $this->hierarchy = array();
     $seen = array();
     while ($this->classes->hasNext()) {
         $class = $this->classes->next();
         if (isset($seen[$class->qualifiedName()])) {
         $seen[$class->qualifiedName()] = TRUE;
         $key = $class->containingPackage()->name();
         if (!isset($this->hierarchy[$key])) {
             $sub = new Folder($target, strtr($key, '.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
             $sub->exists() || $sub->create();
             $this->hierarchy[$key] = array('target' => $sub, 'doc' => $class->containingPackage(), 'contents' => array(INTERFACE_CLASS => array(), ORDINARY_CLASS => array(), ENUM_CLASS => array(), EXCEPTION_CLASS => array(), ERROR_CLASS => array()));
         $this->hierarchy[$key]['contents'][$class->classType()][] = $class;
     // Generate HTML files
     $this->writeOverview($this->hierarchy, $target)->close();
     Console::writeLine($target, ']');
Esempio n. 13
  * Perform this action
  * @param   string[] args
 public function perform(array $args)
     $installation = new Installation();
     $installation->setBase(new Folder(isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : dirname(Runtime::getInstance()->bootstrapScript()) . '/..'));
     $force = in_array('-f', $args);
     with($version = $installation->getVersion());
     Console::writeLine('===> Local version ', $version, ' @ ', $installation->getBase());
     if (strstr($version, '-dev')) {
         Console::writeLine('*** Cannot update development checkouts');
         return 2;
     // Query releases website for newer versions
     $c = new HttpConnection(self::UPGRADE_URL);
     $r = $c->get(new RequestData($version));
     switch ($r->getStatusCode()) {
         case HttpConstants::STATUS_OK:
         case HttpConstants::STATUS_NOT_EXTENDED:
             Console::writeLine('*** ', $this->readLine($r->getInputStream()));
             return 2;
         case HttpConstants::STATUS_SEE_OTHER:
             $upgrade = $r->getHeader('X-Upgrade-To');
             $base = $r->getHeader('Location');
             Console::writeLine('---> Upgrading to ', $upgrade, ' (', $base, ')');
             $target = new Folder($installation->getBase(), $upgrade);
             $target->exists() || $target->create();
             // Verify dependencies
             $this->extract($base, 'depend', $target);
             with($p = new Properties($target->getURI() . 'depend.ini'));
             $verify = 1;
             $rtversion = phpversion();
             $extensions = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', get_loaded_extensions()));
             foreach ($p->readSection('php') as $op => $compare) {
                 if (!version_compare(phpversion(), $compare, $op)) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP version ' . $op . ' ' . $compare . ' required, have ' . $rtversion);
             foreach ($p->readSection('ext.required') as $ext => $usage) {
                 if (!isset($extensions[$ext])) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP Extension ' . $ext . ' required for ' . $usage);
             foreach ($p->readSection('ext.conflict') as $ext => $usage) {
                 if (isset($extensions[$ext])) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP Extension ' . $ext . ' conflicts (' . $usage . ')');
             foreach ($p->readSection('ext.optional') as $ext => $usage) {
                 if (!isset($extensions[$ext])) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP Extension ' . $ext . ' not found, needed for ' . $usage . ' (ignoring)');
             foreach ($p->readSection('ini') as $setting => $match) {
                 $value = ini_get($setting);
                 if (!preg_match($match, $value)) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP .ini setting ' . $setting . ' needs to match ' . $match . ' (but is ' . $value . ')');
             // Remove depend.ini, finally check if we should continue
             create(new File($p->getFilename()))->unlink();
             if (!$verify) {
                 if (!$force) {
                     return 3;
                 Console::writeLine('!!! Ignoring errors because -f was passed');
             // Download base, tools, libraries and meta information
             $this->extract($base, 'base', $target);
             $this->extract($base, 'tools', $target);
             $this->extract($base, 'lib', $target);
             $this->extract($base, 'meta-inf', $target);
             // Verify it works by running the XP Framework core unittests
             $tests = array('net.xp_framework.unittest.core.**');
             Console::writeLine('---> Running tests with [USE_XP=', $upgrade, ']:');
             $rt = Runtime::getInstance();
             set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(rtrim($target->getURI(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), '', $target->getURI() . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xp-net.xp_framework-' . $upgrade . '.xar')));
             with($p = $rt->newInstance($rt->startupOptions(), 'class', 'xp.unittest.Runner', $tests));
             while (!$p->out->eof()) {
             while (!$p->err->eof()) {
             $exit = $p->close();
             // Nonzero exit means failure
             if (0 !== $exit) {
                 Console::writeLine('*** Test run failed, please consult above error messsages');
                 return 2;
             Console::writeLine('===> Done, installed @ ', $target);
             return 0;
             throw new IllegalStateException('Unexpected response ' . xp::stringOf($r));
Esempio n. 14
  * Attempts to load an add-on file
  * @param integer  $type  Type of add-on file to load
  * @param string  $addon  Add-on to load
  * @return Addon
  * @throws Exception
 public static function loadAddonResource($type, $addon)
     $folders = Config::getAddOnLocations();
     $file = null;
     $type_map = array(self::PLUGIN => array('abbreviation' => 'pi', 'name' => 'plugin'), self::FIELDTYPE => array('abbreviation' => 'ft', 'name' => 'fieldtype'), self::HOOKS => array('abbreviation' => 'hooks', 'name' => 'hooks'), self::TASKS => array('abbreviation' => 'tasks', 'name' => 'tasks'), self::MODIFIER => array('abbreviation' => 'mod', 'name' => 'modifier'), self::API => array('abbreviation' => 'api', 'name' => 'API'));
     if (!isset($type_map[$type])) {
         Log::error("Unknown add-on type.", "API", "Resource");
         throw new Exception("Unknown add-on type.");
     // grab the abbreviation and name
     $addon_details = $type_map[$type];
     $abbr = $addon_details['abbreviation'];
     $name = $addon_details['name'];
     // loop through folders looking for addon
     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
         if (Folder::exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $folder . $addon) && File::exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $folder . $addon . '/' . $abbr . '.' . $addon . '.php')) {
             $file = $folder . $addon . '/' . $abbr . '.' . $addon . '.php';
     if (!$file) {
         Log::error("Could not find files to load the `{$addon}` {$name}.", "API", "Resource");
         throw new Exception("Could not find files to load the `{$addon}` {$name}.");
     $class = ucwords($name) . "_" . $addon;
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Improperly formatted {$name} object.");
     return new $class();
  * Creates an array of breadcrumbs for a given Folder, ready to be
  * transformed to JSON
  * @param  Folder $folder 
  * @return array
 protected function createBreadcrumbJSON(Folder $folder)
     $breadcrumbs = array();
     while ($folder->exists()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = array('title' => $folder->Title, 'id' => $folder->ID);
         $folder = $folder->Parent();
     $breadcrumbs[] = array('title' => ASSETS_DIR, 'id' => 0);
     return array_reverse($breadcrumbs);
Esempio n. 16
     * Removes all storage files last modified before a given $date
     * @param mixed  $date  Date to use as threshold for deletion
     * @param string  $folder  Folder to apply wipe to with namespaced storage
     * @return void
    public function purgeFromBefore($date, $folder="")
        $path = $this->contextualize($folder . "/");

        if (!Folder::exists($path)) {

        $finder = new Finder();
        $files  = $finder->files()
            ->date("< " . Date::format("F j, Y H:i:s", $date))

        foreach ($files as $file) {
Esempio n. 17
 private function delete_old_files_user()
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/controllers/UserErrorCSRFController.class.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/controllers/UserMaintainController.class.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/phpboost/EventsCommentsTopic.class.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/phpboost/EventsExtensionPointProvider.class.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/services/UserLostPasswordService.class.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/templates/ErrorViewBuilder.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/templates/UserMaintainController.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/user/util/UserDisplayResponse.class.php'));
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/user/controllers/error'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
	 * Copy a file, or recursively copy a folder and its contents.
	 * After executing this method successfully, this object will not point to the new folder!
	 * This method can only copy files and folders, all other things will be ignored.
	 * If the source path does not exist this function returns false. If the function could only
	 * do a partial copy the function returns false after trying to copy the remaining files.
	 * New folders are created with the default permissions set by Folder::create().
	 * This function implements the ftp fallback!
	 * @see Folder::create()
	 * @param string Destination path
	 * @return bool Returns true on success, false on failure
	public function copy($dest) {
		if ($this->exists() == false) {
			return false;
		$folder = new Folder($dest);
		// Create destination directory if missing
		if ($folder->exists() == false && $folder->create() == false) {
			return false;
		$ret = true;
		if ($this->exists() && !$this->isEmpty()) {
			foreach ($this->getContents() as $content) {
				if ($content->copy($dest.self::SEPARATOR.$content->name()) == false) {
					$ret = false;
		return $ret;
Esempio n. 19
File: statamic.php Progetto: nob/joi
 public static function fetch_content_by_url($path)
     $data = NULL;
     $content_root = Config::getContentRoot();
     $content_type = Config::getContentType();
     if (File::exists("{$content_root}/{$path}.{$content_type}") || is_dir("{$content_root}/{$path}")) {
         // endpoint or folder exists!
     } else {
         $path = Path::resolve($path);
     if (File::exists("{$content_root}/{$path}.{$content_type}")) {
         $page = basename($path);
         $folder = substr($path, 0, -1 * strlen($page) - 1);
         $data = Statamic::get_content_meta($page, $folder);
     } elseif (Folder::exists("{$content_root}/{$path}")) {
         $data = Statamic::get_content_meta("page", $path);
     return $data;
  * Perform this action
  * @param   string[] args
 public function perform(array $args)
     with($target = new Folder($args[1]));
     $target->exists() || $target->create();
     $this->extract(self::BASE_URL, $args[0], $target);
Esempio n. 21
  * Get a file
  * @param   string filename
  * @return  org.webdav.WebdavObject
  * @throws  lang.ElementNotFoundException
  * @throws  org.webdav.OperationNotAllowedException
 public function get($filename, $token = NULL)
     $this->c->debug('FILENAME', $filename);
     $this->c->debug('TOKEN', $token);
     $filename = $this->_normalizePath($filename);
     // check for lock
     $lockinfo = $this->getLockInfo($filename);
     if ($lockinfo and $lockinfo['type'] == 'exclusive' and 'opaquelocktoken:' . $lockinfo['token'] != $token) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException($filename . ' is locked exclusive');
     if (is_dir($this->base . $filename)) {
         $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::GET Dir', $filename);
         $f = new Folder($this->base . $filename);
         if (!$f->exists()) {
             throw new ElementNotFoundException($filename . ' not found');
         while ($maxdepth >= 0 && ($entry = $f->getEntry())) {
             $isdir = is_dir($this->base . $filename . '/' . $entry);
             $atime = date('H:i:s  d.m.y', fileatime($this->base . $filename . '/' . $entry));
             if ($isdir) {
                 $flist[0][$entry] .= sprintf('
         <td><a href="%s/">%s</a></td>
         ', rawurlencode($entry), $entry, $atime);
             } else {
                 $flist[1][$entry] .= sprintf('
         <td><a href="%s">%s</a></td>
         <td>%s Bytes</td>
         ', rawurlencode($entry), $entry, $atime, filesize($this->base . $filename . '/' . $entry));
         $html = '<table cellpadding=3>' . (strlen($filename) > 2 ? '<tr><td><a href="../">..</a></td><td>&lt;DIR&gt;</tr>' : '') . implode('', $flist[0]);
         $flist = $html . implode('', $flist[1]) . '</table>';
         $o = new WebdavObject($f->uri, NULL, strlen($flist), 'text/html', new Date(filectime($f->uri)), new Date(filemtime($f->uri)));
         return $o;
     $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::GET filename', $filename);
     $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::GET base', $this->base);
     // Open file and read contents
     // contentype
     if (!file_exists($this->base . $filename)) {
         throw new ElementNotFoundException($filename . ' not found');
     $f = new File($this->base . $filename);
     $contentType = '';
     $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::get ', $this->base . filename);
     $eProps = $this->propStorage->getProperties($f->uri);
     if (!empty($eProps['getcontenttype'])) {
         $contentType = $eProps['getcontenttype'][0];
     if (empty($contentType)) {
         $contentType = MimeType::getByFilename($f->uri, 'text/plain');
     $o = new WebdavObject($f->uri, NULL, $f->size(), $contentType, new Date($f->createdAt()), new Date($f->lastModified()));
     try {
     } catch (FileFoundException $e) {
         throw new ElementNotFoundException($filename . ' not found');
     $this->c->debug('OBJ', $o->properties);
     return $o;
 private function delete_old_files()
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/formatting/smileys.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/smileys.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/langs/en.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/langs/fr.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/editor_plugin.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/editor_plugin_src.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/fullscreen.htm'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/searchreplace/editor_plugin.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/searchreplace/editor_plugin_src.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/searchreplace/searchreplace.htm'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/cell.htm'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/editor_plugin.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/editor_plugin_src.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/merge_cells.htm'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/row.htm'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/table.htm'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_popup.js'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_src.js'));
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/emotions'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/inlinepopups'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/searchreplace/js'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/searchreplace/langs'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/js'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/plugins/table/langs'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/themes/advanced'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js/tinymce/utils'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
Esempio n. 23
     * Upload file(s)
     * @param  string $destination  Where the file is going
     * @param  string $id           The field took look at in the files array
     * @return array
    public static function uploadBatch($destination = null, $id = null)
        $destination = $destination ?: Request::get('destination');
        $id          = $id ?: Request::get('id');
        $files       = self::standardizeFileUploads($_FILES);
        $results     = array();
        // Resizing configuration
        if ($resize = Request::get('resize')) {
            $width   = Request::get('width', null);
            $height  = Request::get('height', null);
            $ratio   = Request::get('ratio', true);
            $upsize  = Request::get('upsize', false);
            $quality = Request::get('quality', '75'); 
        // If $files[$id][0] exists, it means there's an array of images.
        // If there's not, there's just one. We want to change this to an array.
        if ( ! isset($files[$id][0])) {
            $tmp = $files[$id];
            $files[$id][] = $tmp;
        // Process each image
        foreach ($files[$id] as $file) {
            // Image data
            $path = File::upload($file, $destination);
            $name = basename($path);
            // Resize
            if ($resize) {
                $image = \Intervention\Image\Image::make(Path::assemble(BASE_PATH, $path));
                $resize_folder = Path::assemble($image->dirname, 'resized');
                if ( ! Folder::exists($resize_folder)) {
                $resize_path = Path::assemble($resize_folder, $image->basename);
                $path = Path::toAsset($resize_path);
                $name = basename($path);
                $image->resize($width, $height, $ratio, $upsize)->save($resize_path, $quality);
            $results[] = compact('path', 'name');

        return $results;
 private function delete_old_files()
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/GalleryUrlBuilder.class.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/admin_gallery_cat.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/admin_gallery_cat_add.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/admin_xmlhttprequest.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/pics/index.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/pics/thumbnails/index.php'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/admin_gallery_cat.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/admin_gallery_cat_add.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/admin_gallery_cat_del.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/admin_gallery_cat_edit.tpl'));
     $file = new File(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/admin_gallery_cat_edit2.tpl'));
     $folder = new Folder(Url::to_rel('/' . $this->module_id . '/templates/js'));
     if ($folder->exists()) {
Esempio n. 25
        $path = str_replace('.html', '', $path);

    $app->config['current_path'] = $path;

    // init some variables for below
    $content_root  = Config::getContentRoot();
    $content_type  = Config::getContentType();
    $response_code = 200;
    $visible       = true;
    $add_prev_next = false;

    $template_list = array('default');

    // set up the app based on if a
    if (File::exists("{$content_root}/{$path}.{$content_type}") || Folder::exists("{$content_root}/{$path}")) {
        // endpoint or folder exists!
    } else {
//        $path                        = Path::resolve($path);
        $app->config['current_url']  = $app->config['current_path'];
//        $app->config['current_path'] = $path; # override global current_path

    // check for routes
    // allows the route file to run without "route:" as the top level array key (backwards compatibility)
    $found_route        = null;
    $routes             = array_get($app->config, '_routes:routes', array_get($app->config, '_routes'));
    $parsed_route_data  = array();

    // look for matching routes
    if (is_array($routes)) {
  * Gets the count of messages with speciefied attribute
  * or all messages when no attribute was specified
  * @param   peer.mail.Mailfolder f
  * @param   int attr default 0xFFFF
  * @return  int count
 public function getMessageCount($f, $attr = 0xffff)
     $f = new Folder($f->name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cur');
     if (!$f->exists()) {
         return 0;
     $cnt = 0;
     while ($e = $f->getEntry()) {
         if ($attr & $this->_getMailFlags($e)) {
     return $cnt;
  * Copy a file, or recursively copy a folder and its contents
  * @param       string   $source    Source path
  * @param       string   $dest      Destination path
  * @return      bool     Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 private function copyRecursive($source, $dest)
     if (is_file($source)) {
         $file = new File($source);
         return $file->copy($dest);
     } elseif (is_dir($source)) {
         if (!is_dir($dest)) {
             $folder = new Folder($dest);
             if (!$folder->create()) {
                 return false;
         $folder = new Folder($source);
         $ret = true;
         if ($folder->exists() && !$folder->isEmpty()) {
             foreach ($folder->getContents() as $content) {
                 if ($content instanceof File || $content instanceof Folder) {
                     $name = $content->name();
                     $ret2 = $content->copy("{$dest}/{$name}");
                     if ($ret2 == false) {
                         $ret = false;
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 28
  * Load the config (yaml) files in a specified order:
  * 1. Loose per-site configs
  * 2. Routes
  * 3. Settings
  * 4. Theme overrides
 public static function loadAllConfigs($admin = false)
     $hash = Debug::markStart('config', 'finding');
     | YAML Mode
     | We need to know the YAML mode first (loose, strict, transitional),
     | so we parse the settings file once to check before doing anything else.
     $preload_config = YAML::parse(Config::getConfigPath() . '/settings.yaml');
     $yaml_mode = array_get($preload_config, '_yaml_mode', 'loose');
     | Default Settings
     | We keep a set of default options that the user config overrides, allowing
     | us to always have clean defaults.
     $settings_to_parse = File::get(Config::getAppConfigPath() . '/default.settings.yaml');
     | User Site Settings
     | Next we parse and override the user's settings.
     $settings_to_parse .= "\n\n" . File::get(Config::getConfigPath() . '/settings.yaml');
     | Routes and vanity URLs
     | Any URL can be manipulated by routes or vanity urls. We need this info
     | early on, before content parsing begins.
     $settings_to_parse .= "\n\n_routes:\n  " . trim(preg_replace("/\n/", "\n  ", File::get(Config::getConfigPath() . '/routes.yaml')));
     $settings_to_parse .= "\n\n_vanity_urls:\n  " . trim(preg_replace("/\n/", "\n  ", File::get(Config::getConfigPath() . '/vanity.yaml')));
     | Global Variables
     | We parse all the yaml files in the root (except settings and routes) of
     | the config folder and make them available as global template variables.
     if (Folder::exists($config_files_location = Config::getConfigPath())) {
         $files = glob($config_files_location . '/*.yaml');
         if ($files) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 if (strpos($file, 'routes.yaml') !== false || strpos($file, 'vanity.yaml') !== false || strpos($file, 'settings.yaml')) {
                 $settings_to_parse .= "\n\n" . File::get($file);
     | Parse settings up until now
     | Parses the concatenated settings string we've made so far.
     $config = YAML::parse($settings_to_parse, $yaml_mode);
     | Theme Variables
     | Theme variables need to specifically parsed later so they can override
     | any site/global defaults.
     $themes_path = array_get($config, '_themes_path', '_themes');
     $theme_name = array_get($config, '_theme', 'acadia');
     // reset
     $settings_to_parse = '';
     if (Folder::exists($theme_files_location = Path::assemble(BASE_PATH, $themes_path, $theme_name))) {
         $theme_files = glob(Path::tidy($theme_files_location . '/*.yaml'));
         if ($theme_files) {
             foreach ($theme_files as $file) {
                 $settings_to_parse .= "\n\n" . File::get($file);
     // parse theme settings if any
     if ($settings_to_parse) {
         $config = YAML::parse($settings_to_parse, $yaml_mode) + $config;
     | Load Environment Configs and Variables
     | Environments settings explicitly overwrite any existing settings, and
     | therefore must be loaded late. We also set a few helper variables
     | to make working with environments even easier.
     | MIME Types
     $config = array('_mimes' => require Config::getAppConfigPath() . '/mimes.php') + $config;
     | Localization
     | We load up English by default. We're American after all. Doesn't the
     | world revolve around us? Hello? Bueller? More hamburgers please.
     $config['_translations'] = array();
     $config['_translations']['en'] = YAML::parse(Config::getAppConfigPath() . '/default.en.yaml');
     if ($lang = array_get($config, '_language', false)) {
         if (File::exists(Config::getTranslation($lang))) {
             $translation = YAML::parse(Config::getTranslation($lang));
             $config['_translations'][$lang] = Helper::arrayCombineRecursive($config['_translations']['en'], $translation);
     $finder = new Finder();
     // clear previous Finder interator results
     try {
         $translation_files = $finder->files()->in(BASE_PATH . Config::getAddonsPath() . '/*/translations')->name($lang . '.*.yaml')->depth(0)->followLinks();
         foreach ($translation_files as $file) {
             $translation = YAML::parse($file->getRealPath());
             $config['_translations'][$lang] = Helper::arrayCombineRecursive($translation, $config['_translations'][$lang]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // meh. not important.
     | Set Slim Config
     | Slim needs to be initialized with a set of config options, so these
     | need to be set earlier than the set_default_tags() method.
     // $config['view'] = new Statamic_View();
     $config['cookies.lifetime'] = $config['_cookies.lifetime'];
     if ($admin) {
         $admin_theme = array_get($config, '_admin_theme', 'ascent');
         if (!Folder::exists(BASE_PATH . Path::tidy('/' . $config['_admin_path'] . '/' . 'themes/' . $admin_theme))) {
             $admin_theme = 'ascent';
         $theme_path = Path::tidy('/' . $config['_admin_path'] . '/' . 'themes/' . $admin_theme . '/');
         $config['theme_path'] = $theme_path;
         $config['templates.path'] = '.' . $theme_path;
     } else {
         $public_path = isset($config['_public_path']) ? $config['_public_path'] : '';
         $config['theme_path'] = $themes_path . '/' . $config['_theme'] . '/';
         $config['templates.path'] = Path::tidy($public_path . $themes_path . '/' . $config['_theme'] . '/');
     if (!array_get($config, '_display_debug_panel', false)) {
     return $config;
Esempio n. 29
    if ($count > 1) {
        $admin_app->flash('success', Localization::fetch('entries_deleted'));
    } else {
        $admin_app->flash('success', Localization::fetch('entry_deleted'));
    $url = $admin_app->request()->getReferrer();
})->name('delete_entry')->via('GET', 'POST');
$admin_app->get('/delete/page', function () use($admin_app) {
    $path = Path::assemble(BASE_PATH, Config::getContentRoot(), $admin_app->request()->get('path'));
    $type = $admin_app->request()->get('type');
    if ($type == "folder" && Folder::exists($path)) {
        $admin_app->flash('success', Localization::fetch('page_deleted'));
    } else {
        if (!Pattern::endsWith($path, Config::getContentType())) {
            $path .= Config::getContentType();
        if (File::exists($path)) {
            | Delete Hook
            | Runs the delete hook, passing the file path
  * Check if a Folder object is secure
  * @param Folder $folder
  * @return boolean
 protected function isFolderSecured($folder)
     if (!$folder instanceof Folder || !$folder->exists()) {
         return false;
     switch ($folder->CanViewType) {
         case 'OnlyTheseUsers':
             return true;
         case 'Inherit':
             $parent = $folder->Parent();
             return $parent && $parent->exists() && $this->isFolderSecured($parent);
         case 'Anyone':
         case 'LoggedInUsers':
             return false;