function migrate($migration, $connection) { echo 'importing ' . $migration . '... '; $connection->query(utf8_decode(Filesystem::read('db/migrations/' . $migration))); $connection->create(array('table' => 'schema_migrations', 'values' => array('version' => get_migration_version($migration)))); echo 'done' . PHP_EOL; }
/** * getLogs - Returns an array of search engine query log entries * * @access public * @return void */ public function getLogs() { if (file_exists($this->logPath)) { $log = Filesystem::read($this->logPath); $levels = array(); $this->logs = explode("\n", $log); } else { return array(); } return $this->logs; }
function migrate($migration, $connection) { echo 'importing ' . $migration . '... '; $ext = Filesystem::extension($migration); if ($ext == 'php') { require_once 'db/migrations/' . $migration; $classname = get_migration_name($migration); $classname::migrate($connection); } else { $connection->query(utf8_decode(Filesystem::read('db/migrations/' . $migration))); } $connection->create(array('table' => 'schema_migrations', 'values' => array('version' => get_migration_version($migration)))); echo 'done' . PHP_EOL; }
public function run(array $arguments) { if (count($arguments) > 2) { $text = "Too much arguments\n"; $code = 1; } elseif (!empty($arguments[1])) { $parser = new Parser($this->filesystem); $text = $parser->run($this->filesystem->read($arguments[1])); $code = 0; } else { $readme = $this->filesystem->read(__DIR__ . '/../README.MD'); $readme = str_replace('``', '', $readme); $text = <<<TEXT Nginx conf parser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {$readme} TEXT; $code = 0; } return array($code, $text); }
/** * Set driver by image type */ public function __construct($path) { parent::__construct($path); $this->methods = new Core_ArrayObject($this->methods); switch ($this->info->type) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $this->source = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); break; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $this->source = imagecreatefromgif($path); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $this->source = imagecreatefrompng($path); imagealphablending($this->source, TRUE); imagesavealpha($this->source, TRUE); break; case IMAGETYPE_ICO: $this->source = imagecreatefromstring(Filesystem::read($path)); break; } }
/** * Method to rename the template in the XML files and rename the language files * * @return boolean true if successful, false otherwise * @since 2.5 */ protected function fixTemplateName() { // Rename Language files // Get list of language files $result = true; $files = Filesystem::files($this->getState('to_path'), '.ini', true, true); $newName = strtolower($this->getState('new_name')); $oldName = $this->getTemplate()->element; foreach ($files as $file) { $newFile = str_replace($oldName, $newName, $file); $result = Filesystem::move($file, $newFile) && $result; } // Edit XML file $xmlFile = $this->getState('to_path') . '/templateDetails.xml'; if (Filesystem::exists($xmlFile)) { $contents = Filesystem::read($xmlFile); $pattern[] = '#<name>\\s*' . $oldName . '\\s*</name>#i'; $replace[] = '<name>' . $newName . '</name>'; $pattern[] = '#<language(.*)' . $oldName . '(.*)</language>#'; $replace[] = '<language${1}' . $newName . '${2}</language>'; $contents = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $contents); $result = Filesystem::write($xmlFile, $contents) && $result; } return $result; }
public function getLog() { $config = $this->getConfig(); $log = Filesystem::read($config['endpoint']['localhost']['log_path']); $levels = array(); $this->logs = explode("\n", $log); return $this; }
/** * Checks if the file can be uploaded * * @param array File information * @param string An error message to be returned * @return boolean */ public static function canUpload($file, &$err) { $params = Component::params('com_media'); if (empty($file['name'])) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_UPLOAD_INPUT'; return false; } if ($file['name'] !== Filesystem::clean($file['name'])) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILENAME'; return false; } $format = strtolower(Filesystem::extension($file['name'])); // Media file names should never have executable extensions buried in them. $executable = array('php', 'js', 'exe', 'phtml', 'java', 'perl', 'py', 'asp', 'dll', 'go', 'ade', 'adp', 'bat', 'chm', 'cmd', 'com', 'cpl', 'hta', 'ins', 'isp', 'jse', 'lib', 'mde', 'msc', 'msp', 'mst', 'pif', 'scr', 'sct', 'shb', 'sys', 'vb', 'vbe', 'vbs', 'vxd', 'wsc', 'wsf', 'wsh'); $explodedFileName = explode('.', $file['name']); if (count($explodedFileName > 2)) { foreach ($executable as $extensionName) { if (in_array($extensionName, $explodedFileName)) { $app->enqueueMessage(Lang::txt('JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETYPE'), 'notice'); return false; } } } $allowable = explode(',', $params->get('upload_extensions')); $ignored = explode(',', $params->get('ignore_extensions')); if ($format == '' || $format == false || !in_array($format, $allowable) && !in_array($format, $ignored)) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETYPE'; return false; } $maxSize = (int) ($params->get('upload_maxsize', 0) * 1024 * 1024); if ($maxSize > 0 && (int) $file['size'] > $maxSize) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE'; return false; } $imginfo = null; if ($params->get('restrict_uploads', 1)) { $images = explode(',', $params->get('image_extensions')); if (in_array($format, $images)) { // if its an image run it through getimagesize // if tmp_name is empty, then the file was bigger than the PHP limit if (!empty($file['tmp_name'])) { if (($imginfo = getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) === FALSE) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_IMG'; return false; } } else { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE'; return false; } } elseif (!in_array($format, $ignored)) { // if its not an image...and we're not ignoring it $allowed_mime = explode(',', $params->get('upload_mime')); $illegal_mime = explode(',', $params->get('upload_mime_illegal')); if (function_exists('finfo_open') && $params->get('check_mime', 1)) { // We have fileinfo $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $type = finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']); if (strlen($type) && !in_array($type, $allowed_mime) && in_array($type, $illegal_mime)) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_MIME'; return false; } finfo_close($finfo); } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type') && $params->get('check_mime', 1)) { // we have mime magic $type = mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']); if (strlen($type) && !in_array($type, $allowed_mime) && in_array($type, $illegal_mime)) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_MIME'; return false; } } elseif (!User::authorise('core.manage')) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNNOTADMIN'; return false; } } } $xss_check = Filesystem::read($file['tmp_name'], false, 256); $html_tags = array('abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'applet', 'area', 'audioscope', 'base', 'basefont', 'bdo', 'bgsound', 'big', 'blackface', 'blink', 'blockquote', 'body', 'bq', 'br', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'comment', 'custom', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'fn', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'hr', 'html', 'iframe', 'ilayer', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'isindex', 'keygen', 'kbd', 'label', 'layer', 'legend', 'li', 'limittext', 'link', 'listing', 'map', 'marquee', 'menu', 'meta', 'multicol', 'nobr', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'nosmartquotes', 'object', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'param', 'plaintext', 'pre', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'script', 'select', 'server', 'shadow', 'sidebar', 'small', 'spacer', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'tt', 'ul', 'var', 'wbr', 'xml', 'xmp', '!DOCTYPE', '!--'); foreach ($html_tags as $tag) { // A tag is '<tagname ', so we need to add < and a space or '<tagname>' if (stristr($xss_check, '<' . $tag . ' ') || stristr($xss_check, '<' . $tag . '>')) { $err = 'COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNIEXSS'; return false; } } return true; }
/** * Read SSH key * * @return string - .ssh/authorized_keys file content */ private function readKey() { // Webdav path $base = DS . 'webdav' . DS . 'home'; $user = DS . $this->member->get('username'); $ssh = DS . '.ssh'; $auth = DS . 'authorized_keys'; // Real home directory $homeDir = $this->member->get('homeDirectory'); $key = ''; // First, make sure webdav is there and that the necessary folders are there if (!Filesystem::exists($base)) { // Not sure what to do here return $key = false; } if (!Filesystem::exists($homeDir)) { // Try to create their home directory require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_tools' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'utils.php'; if (!\Components\Tools\Helpers\Utils::createHomeDirectory($this->member->get('username'))) { return $key = false; } } if (!Filesystem::exists($base . $user . $ssh)) { // User doesn't have an ssh directory, so try to create one (with appropriate permissions) if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory($base . $user . $ssh, 0700)) { return $key = false; } } if (!Filesystem::exists($base . $user . $ssh . $auth)) { // Try to create their authorized keys file $content = ''; // J25 passes param by reference so couldn't use constant below Filesystem::write($base . $user . $ssh . $auth, $content); if (!Filesystem::exists($base . $user . $ssh . $auth)) { return $key = false; } else { // Set correct permissions on authorized_keys file JPath::setPermissions($base . $user . $ssh . $auth, '0600'); return $key; } } // Read the file contents $key = Filesystem::read($base . $user . $ssh . $auth); return $key; }
<?php require_once 'system/classes/Filesystem.php'; require_once 'system/classes/Gui.php'; require_once 'system/classes/Security.php'; $security = new Security(); $gui = new Gui(); $filesystem = new Filesystem(); echo $gui->renderResults($filesystem->read($_GET['absolutePath'], $_GET['relativePath'], $_GET['sortName'], $_GET['sortOrder']));
/** * Compile PDF/image preview for any kind of file * * * @return mixed array or false */ protected function _compile() { // Combine file and folder data $items = $this->_sortIncoming(); // Get stored remote connections $remotes = $this->_getRemoteConnections(); // Params for repo call $params = array('subdir' => $this->subdir, 'remoteConnections' => $remotes); // Incoming $commit = Request::getInt('commit', 0); $download = Request::getInt('download', 0); // Check that we have compile enabled if (!$this->params->get('latex')) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_COMPILE_NOTALLOWED')); return; } // Output HTML $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'files', 'name' => 'compiled')); // Get selected item if (!$items) { $view->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_NO_FILES_TO_COMPILE')); $view->loadTemplate(); return; } else { foreach ($items as $element) { foreach ($element as $type => $item) { // Get our metadata $file = $this->repo->getMetadata($item, 'file', $params); break; } } } // We need a file if (empty($file)) { $view->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_NO_FILES_TO_COMPILE')); $view->loadTemplate(); return; } // Path for storing temp previews $imagePath = trim($this->model->config()->get('imagepath', '/site/projects'), DS); $outputDir = DS . $imagePath . DS . strtolower($this->model->get('alias')) . DS . 'compiled'; // Make sure output dir exists if (!is_dir(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) { if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_UPLOAD_PATH')); return; } } // Get LaTeX helper $compiler = new \Components\Projects\Helpers\Compiler(); // Tex compiler path $texPath = DS . trim($this->params->get('texpath'), DS); $view->file = $file; $view->oWidth = '780'; $view->oHeight = '460'; $view->url = Route::url($this->model->link('files')); $cExt = 'pdf'; // Take out Google native extension if present $fileName = $file->get('name'); if (in_array($file->get('ext'), \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getGoogleNativeExts())) { $fileName = preg_replace("/." . $file->get('ext') . "\\z/", "", $file->get('name')); } // Tex file? $tex = $compiler->isTexFile($fileName); // Build temp name $tempBase = $tex ? 'temp__' . \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::takeOutExt($fileName) : $fileName; $tempBase = str_replace(' ', '_', $tempBase); // Get file contents if (!empty($this->_remoteService) && $file->get('converted')) { // Load remote resource $this->_connect->setUser($this->model->get('owned_by_user')); $resource = $this->_connect->loadRemoteResource($this->_remoteService, $this->model->get('owned_by_user'), $file->get('remoteId')); $cExt = $tex ? 'tex' : \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getGoogleImportExt($resource['mimeType']); $cExt = in_array($cExt, array('tex', 'jpeg')) ? $cExt : 'pdf'; $url = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getDownloadUrl($resource, $cExt); // Get data $view->data = $this->_connect->sendHttpRequest($this->_remoteService, $this->model->get('owned_by_user'), $url); } elseif ($file->exists()) { $view->data = $file->isImage() ? NULL : $file->contents(); } else { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_COMPILE_NO_DATA')); } // LaTeX file? if ($tex && !empty($view->data)) { // Clean up data from Windows characters - important! $view->data = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $view->data); // Compile and get path to PDF $contentFile = $compiler->compileTex($file->get('fullPath'), $view->data, $texPath, PATH_APP . $outputDir, 1, $tempBase); // Read log (to show in case of error) $logFile = $tempBase . '.log'; if (file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile)) { $view->log = Filesystem::read(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile); } if (!$contentFile) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_COMPILE_TEX_FAILED')); } } elseif ($file->get('converted') && !empty($view->data)) { $tempBase = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getImportFilename($file->get('name'), $cExt); // Write content to temp file $this->_connect->fetchFile($view->data, $tempBase, PATH_APP . $outputDir); $contentFile = $tempBase; } elseif (!$this->getError()) { // Make sure we can handle preview of this type of file if ($file->get('ext') == 'pdf' || $file->isImage() || !$file->isBinary()) { Filesystem::copy($file->get('fullPath'), PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase); $contentFile = $tempBase; } } $url = $this->model->link('files'); $url .= $this->repo->isLocal() ? '' : '&repo=' . $this->repo->get('name'); $url .= $this->subdir ? '&subdir=' . urlencode($this->subdir) : ''; // Parse output if (!empty($contentFile) && file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile)) { // Get compiled content mimetype $cType = Filesystem::mimetype(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); // Is image? if (strpos($cType, 'image/') !== false) { // Fix up object width & height list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); $xRatio = $view->oWidth / $width; $yRatio = $view->oHeight / $height; if ($xRatio * $height < $view->oHeight) { // Resize the image based on width $view->oHeight = ceil($xRatio * $height); } else { // Resize the image based on height $view->oWidth = ceil($yRatio * $width); } } // Download compiled file? if ($download) { $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile); // Serve up file $server = new \Hubzero\Content\Server(); $server->filename(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); $server->disposition('attachment'); $server->acceptranges(false); $server->saveas($pdfName); $result = $server->serve_attachment(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile, $pdfName, false); if (!$result) { // Should only get here on error App::abort(404, Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_SERVER_ERROR')); } else { exit; } } // Add compiled PDF to repository? if ($commit && $tex) { $pdfName = str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)); $where = $this->subdir ? $this->subdir . DS . $pdfName : $pdfName; if (Filesystem::copy(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile, $this->_path . DS . $where)) { // Checkin into repo $params = array('subdir' => $this->subdir); $params['file'] = $this->repo->getMetadata($pdfName, 'file', $params); $this->repo->call('checkin', $params); if ($this->repo->isLocal()) { $this->model->saveParam('google_sync_queue', 1); } \Notify::message(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_SUCCESS_COMPILED'), 'success', 'projects'); // Redirect to file list App::redirect(Route::url($url)); return; } } // Generate preview image for browsers that cannot embed pdf if ($cType == 'application/pdf') { // GS path $gspath = trim($this->params->get('gspath'), DS); if ($gspath && file_exists(DS . $gspath . DS . 'gs')) { $gspath = DS . $gspath . DS; $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile); $pdfPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile; $exportPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '%d.jpg'; exec($gspath . "gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile={$exportPath} {$pdfPath} 2>&1", $out); if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) { $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg'); if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) { $hi->resize($view->oWidth, false, false, true); $hi->save(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg'); } else { return false; } } if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) { $image = $tempBase . '1.jpg'; } } } } elseif (!$this->getError()) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_COMPILE_PREVIEW_FAILED')); } $view->file = $file; $view->outputDir = $outputDir; $view->embed = $contentFile; $view->cType = $cType; $view->subdir = $this->subdir; $view->option = $this->_option; $view->image = !empty($image) ? $image : NULL; $view->model = $this->model; $view->repo = $this->repo; if ($this->getError()) { $view->setError($this->getError()); } return $view->loadTemplate(); }
} else { $status = ''; } $tpl->content = $gui->renderConfig($security->config, $status); $content = 'config.tpl.php'; break; case 'login': if (isset($_POST['password'])) { $retry = $security->checkLogin($_POST['password']); } $tpl->content = $gui->renderLogin(isset($retry)); $content = 'login.tpl.php'; break; case 'browser': $security->checkPath(); if (isset($_POST['submit_delete'])) { unset($_POST['submit_delete'], $_POST['p']); $filesystem->delete($security->absolutePath, $_POST); } $tpl->absolutePath = $security->absolutePath; $tpl->relativePath = $security->relativePath; $tpl->sortName = isset($_GET['sortName']) ? $_GET['sortName'] : 'filename'; $tpl->sortOrder = isset($_GET['sortOrder']) ? $_GET['sortOrder'] : 'asc'; $tpl->content = $gui->renderResults($filesystem->read($security->absolutePath, $security->relativePath, $tpl->sortName, $tpl->sortOrder)); $tpl->up = $gui->renderUp($filesystem->dirUp($security->relativePath), $security->config['root']); $content = 'browser.tpl.php'; break; } $tpl->display('header.tpl.php'); $tpl->display($content); $tpl->display('footer.tpl.php');
/** * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessage Instance of the DOM config merger is expected, got StdClass instead. */ public function testReadException() { $this->_fileResolverMock->expects($this->once())->method('get')->will($this->returnValue([$this->_file])); $model = new Filesystem($this->_fileResolverMock, $this->_converterMock, $this->_schemaLocatorMock, $this->_validationStateMock, 'fileName', [], 'StdClass'); $model->read(); }
/** * @dataProvider filesystemProvider */ public function testPutStream(Filesystem $filesystem, $adapter, $cache) { $filesystem->flushCache(); $stream = tmpfile(); fwrite($stream, 'new content'); $this->assertFalse($filesystem->has('new_file.txt')); $this->assertTrue($filesystem->putStream('new_file.txt', $stream)); fclose($stream); unset($stream); $this->assertTrue($filesystem->has('new_file.txt')); $this->assertEquals('new content', $filesystem->read('new_file.txt')); $update = tmpfile(); fwrite($update, 'modified content'); $this->assertTrue($filesystem->putStream('new_file.txt', $update)); $filesystem->flushCache(); fclose($update); $this->assertEquals('modified content', $filesystem->read('new_file.txt')); }
/** * Load the contents of a file into the registry * * @param string $file Path to file to load * @param string $format Format of the file [optional: defaults to JSON] * @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter * @return boolean True on success */ public function loadFile($file, $format = 'JSON', $options = array()) { // Get the contents of the file $data = \Filesystem::read($file); return $this->loadString($data, $format, $options); }
/** * Compiles PDF/image preview for any kind of file * * @return string */ public function compile() { // Combine file and folder data $items = $this->getCollection(); // Incoming $download = Request::getInt('download', 0); // Check that we have compile enabled // @FIXME: why are latex and compiled preview tied together? // presumedly we are also 'compiling' pdfs? if (!$this->params->get('latex')) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_COMPILE_NOTALLOWED')); return; } // Output HTML $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(['folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'files', 'name' => 'connected', 'layout' => 'compiled']); // Make sure we have an item if (count($items) == 0) { $view->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_NO_FILES_TO_COMPILE')); $view->loadTemplate(); return; } // We can only handle one file at a time $file = $items->first(); // Build path for storing temp previews $imagePath = trim($this->model->config()->get('imagepath', '/site/projects'), DS); $outputDir = DS . $imagePath . DS . strtolower($this->model->get('alias')) . DS . 'compiled'; // Make sure output dir exists if (!is_dir(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) { if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_UPLOAD_PATH')); return; } } // Get LaTeX helper $compiler = new \Components\Projects\Helpers\Compiler(); // Tex compiler path $texPath = DS . trim($this->params->get('texpath'), DS); // Set view args and defaults $view->file = $file; $view->oWidth = '780'; $view->oHeight = '460'; $view->url = $this->model->link('files'); $cExt = 'pdf'; // Tex file? $tex = $compiler->isTexFile($file->getName()); // Build temp name $tempBase = $tex ? 'temp__' . \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::takeOutExt($file->getName()) : $file->getName(); $tempBase = str_replace(' ', '_', $tempBase); $view->data = $file->isImage() ? NULL : $file->read(); // LaTeX file? if ($tex && !empty($view->data)) { // Clean up data from Windows characters - important! $view->data = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $view->data); // Store file locally $tmpfile = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase; file_put_contents($tmpfile, $view->data); // Compile and get path to PDF $contentFile = $compiler->compileTex($tmpfile, $view->data, $texPath, PATH_APP . $outputDir, 1, $tempBase); // Read log (to show in case of error) $logFile = $tempBase . '.log'; if (file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile)) { $view->log = Filesystem::read(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile); } if (!$contentFile) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_COMPILE_TEX_FAILED')); } $cType = Filesystem::mimetype(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); } else { // Make sure we can handle preview of this type of file if ($file->hasExtension('pdf') || $file->isImage() || !$file->isBinary()) { $origin = $this->connection->provider->alias . '://' . $file->getPath(); $dest = 'compiled://' . $tempBase; // Do the copy Manager::adapter('local', ['path' => PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS], 'compiled'); Manager::copy($origin, $dest); $contentFile = $tempBase; } } // Parse output if (!empty($contentFile) && file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile)) { // Get compiled content mimetype $cType = Filesystem::mimetype(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); // Is image? if (strpos($cType, 'image/') !== false) { // Fix up object width & height list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); $xRatio = $view->oWidth / $width; $yRatio = $view->oHeight / $height; if ($xRatio * $height < $view->oHeight) { // Resize the image based on width $view->oHeight = ceil($xRatio * $height); } else { // Resize the image based on height $view->oWidth = ceil($yRatio * $width); } } // Download compiled file? if ($download) { $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile); // Serve up file $server = new \Hubzero\Content\Server(); $server->filename(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile); $server->disposition('attachment'); $server->acceptranges(false); $server->saveas($pdfName); $result = $server->serve(); if (!$result) { // Should only get here on error throw new Exception(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_SERVER_ERROR'), 404); } else { exit; } } // Generate preview image for browsers that cannot embed pdf if ($cType == 'application/pdf') { // GS path $gspath = trim($this->params->get('gspath'), DS); if ($gspath && file_exists(DS . $gspath . DS . 'gs')) { $gspath = DS . $gspath . DS; $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile); $pdfPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile; $exportPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '%d.jpg'; exec($gspath . "gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile={$exportPath} {$pdfPath} 2>&1", $out); if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) { $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg'); if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) { $hi->resize($view->oWidth, false, false, true); $hi->save(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg'); } else { return false; } } if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) { $image = $tempBase . '1.jpg'; } } } } elseif (!$this->getError()) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_ERROR_COMPILE_PREVIEW_FAILED')); } $view->file = $file; $view->outputDir = $outputDir; $view->embed = $contentFile; $view->cType = $cType; $view->subdir = $this->subdir; $view->option = $this->_option; $view->image = !empty($image) ? $image : NULL; $view->model = $this->model; $view->repo = $this->repo; $view->connection = $this->connection; if ($this->getError()) { $view->setError($this->getError()); } return $view->loadTemplate(); }
public static function printUsage($type) { $type = Inflector::underscore($type); echo Filesystem::read('/lib/generators/' . $type . '/USAGE'); }
public static function tearDownAfterClass() { $connection = Connection::get('test'); $connection->query(Filesystem::read('test/sql/users_down.sql')); }
/** * Method to get a single record. * * @return mixed Object on success, false on failure. * @since 1.6 */ public function &getSource() { $item = new stdClass(); if (!$this->_template) { $this->getTemplate(); } if ($this->_template) { $fileName = $this->getState('filename'); $client = JApplicationHelper::getClientInfo($this->_template->client_id); $filePath = \Hubzero\Filesystem\Util::normalizePath($client->path . '/templates/' . $this->_template->element . '/' . $fileName); if (file_exists($filePath)) { $item->extension_id = $this->getState(''); $item->filename = $this->getState('filename'); $item->source = Filesystem::read($filePath); } else { $this->setError(Lang::txt('COM_TEMPLATES_ERROR_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $item; }
/** * Get an associative list of default pages and their content * * @return array */ private function _defaultPages() { $path = dirname(__DIR__) . DS . 'default'; if ($this->_scope != '__site__') { $path .= DS . 'groups'; } $pages = array(); if (is_dir($path)) { $dirIterator = new \DirectoryIterator($path); foreach ($dirIterator as $file) { if ($file->isDot() || $file->isDir()) { continue; } if ($file->isFile()) { $fl = $file->getFilename(); if (strtolower(\Filesystem::extension($fl)) == 'txt') { $name = \Filesystem::name($fl); $pages[$name] = \Filesystem::read($path . DS . $fl); } } } } return $pages; }