copy() public static method

public static copy ( $file, $destination )
Esempio n. 1
  * Aplicar template de um arquivo único.
  * @param $file
  * @param $target
 public function file($file, $target)
     // Verificar se template existe na lista
     if ($this->files->exists($file) != true) {
         error('Template %s não foi encontrado', $file);
     $this->outpath = '';
     $this->filters = [$target];
     // Criar diretório destino
     $path = $this->files->path($target);
     // Copiar arquivo
     $this->files->copy($file, $target);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 2
 public function processThumb($imgsrc, $_id, $isUrl = true)
     $_id = empty($_id) ? $this->_id : $_id;
     $storage = Yii::app()->params['feed_path'];
     $temp = Yii::app()->params['temp'];
     $fileInfo = explode('.', $imgsrc);
     $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
     $fileName = 'tmp_' . $_id . "." . $fileType;
     $tmpFile = $temp . DS . $fileName;
     if ($isUrl) {
         $res_get_file = FileRemote::getFromUrl($imgsrc, $tmpFile);
     } else {
         $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
         $res_get_file = $fileSystem->copy($imgsrc, $tmpFile);
     if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
         $fileDest = StorageHelper::generalStoragePath($_id, $fileType, $storage);
         /*$fileSystem = new Filesystem();
           $copy = $fileSystem->copy($tmpFile,$fileDest);*/
         $width = Yii::app()->params['profile_image']['thumb']['width'];
         $height = Yii::app()->params['profile_image']['thumb']['height'];
         $resizeObj = new ResizeImage($tmpFile);
         $rs = $resizeObj->resizeImage($width, $height, 0);
         $res = $resizeObj->saveImage($fileDest, 100);
         if ($resizeObj) {
             $feed = self::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($_id));
             $fileDest = str_replace($storage, '', $fileDest);
             $feed->thumb = $fileDest;
             $res = $feed->save();
             return $res;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("create file temp error!", 7);
Esempio n. 3
 protected function beforeGetContentBody()
     $sn = time();
     $i = 0;
     $tmpFile = $temp = Yii::app()->params['temp'];
     $storage = Yii::app()->params['feed_path'];
     $cdn = Yii::app()->params['cdn_url'];
     $contentParttern = $this->config['content_pattern'];
     foreach ($this->html->find("{$contentParttern} img") as $e) {
         $imgSrc = $e->src;
         if (!empty($imgSrc)) {
             $fileInfo = explode('.', $imgSrc);
             $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
             $fileName = 'tmp_' . $sn . $i . "." . $fileType;
             $sfile = $tmpFile . DS . $fileName;
             $res_get_file = FileRemote::getFromUrl($imgSrc, $sfile);
             if ($res_get_file && file_exists($sfile)) {
                 $fileDest = StorageHelper::generalStoragePath($sn . $i, $fileType, $storage);
                 $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
                 $copy = $fileSystem->copy($sfile, $fileDest);
                 if ($copy) {
                     echo $fileDest . "\n";
                     $fileDestUrl = str_replace($storage, $cdn, $fileDest);
                     $fileDestUrl = str_replace(DS, "/", $fileDestUrl);
                     echo $fileDestUrl . "\n";
                     $e->src = $fileDestUrl;
                     echo 'replace file content success' . "\n";
                 } else {
                     echo 'replace file content error' . "\n";
Esempio n. 4
 private function moveDefaultTemplate()
     $this->log('Moving default template...');
     $fileDir = $this->container->getParameter('claroline.param.files_directory');
     $defaultTemplate = $this->container->getParameter('claroline.param.default_template');
     $newTemplateDir = $fileDir . '/templates';
     $newTemplate = $newTemplateDir . '/';
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $fs->copy($defaultTemplate, $newTemplate);
Esempio n. 5
  * Compile PDF/image preview for any kind of file
  * @return  mixed  array or false
 protected function _compile()
     // Combine file and folder data
     $items = $this->_sortIncoming();
     // Get stored remote connections
     $remotes = $this->_getRemoteConnections();
     // Params for repo call
     $params = array('subdir' => $this->subdir, 'remoteConnections' => $remotes);
     // Incoming
     $commit = Request::getInt('commit', 0);
     $download = Request::getInt('download', 0);
     // Check that we have compile enabled
     if (!$this->params->get('latex')) {
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'files', 'name' => 'compiled'));
     // Get selected item
     if (!$items) {
     } else {
         foreach ($items as $element) {
             foreach ($element as $type => $item) {
                 // Get our metadata
                 $file = $this->repo->getMetadata($item, 'file', $params);
     // We need a file
     if (empty($file)) {
     // Path for storing temp previews
     $imagePath = trim($this->model->config()->get('imagepath', '/site/projects'), DS);
     $outputDir = DS . $imagePath . DS . strtolower($this->model->get('alias')) . DS . 'compiled';
     // Make sure output dir exists
     if (!is_dir(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) {
         if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) {
     // Get LaTeX helper
     $compiler = new \Components\Projects\Helpers\Compiler();
     // Tex compiler path
     $texPath = DS . trim($this->params->get('texpath'), DS);
     $view->file = $file;
     $view->oWidth = '780';
     $view->oHeight = '460';
     $view->url = Route::url($this->model->link('files'));
     $cExt = 'pdf';
     // Take out Google native extension if present
     $fileName = $file->get('name');
     if (in_array($file->get('ext'), \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getGoogleNativeExts())) {
         $fileName = preg_replace("/." . $file->get('ext') . "\\z/", "", $file->get('name'));
     // Tex file?
     $tex = $compiler->isTexFile($fileName);
     // Build temp name
     $tempBase = $tex ? 'temp__' . \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::takeOutExt($fileName) : $fileName;
     $tempBase = str_replace(' ', '_', $tempBase);
     // Get file contents
     if (!empty($this->_remoteService) && $file->get('converted')) {
         // Load remote resource
         $resource = $this->_connect->loadRemoteResource($this->_remoteService, $this->model->get('owned_by_user'), $file->get('remoteId'));
         $cExt = $tex ? 'tex' : \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getGoogleImportExt($resource['mimeType']);
         $cExt = in_array($cExt, array('tex', 'jpeg')) ? $cExt : 'pdf';
         $url = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getDownloadUrl($resource, $cExt);
         // Get data
         $view->data = $this->_connect->sendHttpRequest($this->_remoteService, $this->model->get('owned_by_user'), $url);
     } elseif ($file->exists()) {
         $view->data = $file->isImage() ? NULL : $file->contents();
     } else {
     // LaTeX file?
     if ($tex && !empty($view->data)) {
         // Clean up data from Windows characters - important!
         $view->data = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $view->data);
         // Compile and get path to PDF
         $contentFile = $compiler->compileTex($file->get('fullPath'), $view->data, $texPath, PATH_APP . $outputDir, 1, $tempBase);
         // Read log (to show in case of error)
         $logFile = $tempBase . '.log';
         if (file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile)) {
             $view->log = Filesystem::read(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile);
         if (!$contentFile) {
     } elseif ($file->get('converted') && !empty($view->data)) {
         $tempBase = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Google::getImportFilename($file->get('name'), $cExt);
         // Write content to temp file
         $this->_connect->fetchFile($view->data, $tempBase, PATH_APP . $outputDir);
         $contentFile = $tempBase;
     } elseif (!$this->getError()) {
         // Make sure we can handle preview of this type of file
         if ($file->get('ext') == 'pdf' || $file->isImage() || !$file->isBinary()) {
             Filesystem::copy($file->get('fullPath'), PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase);
             $contentFile = $tempBase;
     $url = $this->model->link('files');
     $url .= $this->repo->isLocal() ? '' : '&repo=' . $this->repo->get('name');
     $url .= $this->subdir ? '&subdir=' . urlencode($this->subdir) : '';
     // Parse output
     if (!empty($contentFile) && file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile)) {
         // Get compiled content mimetype
         $cType = Filesystem::mimetype(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
         // Is image?
         if (strpos($cType, 'image/') !== false) {
             // Fix up object width & height
             list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
             $xRatio = $view->oWidth / $width;
             $yRatio = $view->oHeight / $height;
             if ($xRatio * $height < $view->oHeight) {
                 // Resize the image based on width
                 $view->oHeight = ceil($xRatio * $height);
             } else {
                 // Resize the image based on height
                 $view->oWidth = ceil($yRatio * $width);
         // Download compiled file?
         if ($download) {
             $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile);
             // Serve up file
             $server = new \Hubzero\Content\Server();
             $server->filename(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
             $result = $server->serve_attachment(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile, $pdfName, false);
             if (!$result) {
                 // Should only get here on error
                 App::abort(404, Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_SERVER_ERROR'));
             } else {
         // Add compiled PDF to repository?
         if ($commit && $tex) {
             $pdfName = str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile));
             $where = $this->subdir ? $this->subdir . DS . $pdfName : $pdfName;
             if (Filesystem::copy(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile, $this->_path . DS . $where)) {
                 // Checkin into repo
                 $params = array('subdir' => $this->subdir);
                 $params['file'] = $this->repo->getMetadata($pdfName, 'file', $params);
                 $this->repo->call('checkin', $params);
                 if ($this->repo->isLocal()) {
                     $this->model->saveParam('google_sync_queue', 1);
                 \Notify::message(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_SUCCESS_COMPILED'), 'success', 'projects');
                 // Redirect to file list
         // Generate preview image for browsers that cannot embed pdf
         if ($cType == 'application/pdf') {
             // GS path
             $gspath = trim($this->params->get('gspath'), DS);
             if ($gspath && file_exists(DS . $gspath . DS . 'gs')) {
                 $gspath = DS . $gspath . DS;
                 $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile);
                 $pdfPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile;
                 $exportPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '%d.jpg';
                 exec($gspath . "gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile={$exportPath} {$pdfPath} 2>&1", $out);
                 if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) {
                     $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg');
                     if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) {
                         $hi->resize($view->oWidth, false, false, true);
                         $hi->save(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg');
                     } else {
                         return false;
                 if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) {
                     $image = $tempBase . '1.jpg';
     } elseif (!$this->getError()) {
     $view->file = $file;
     $view->outputDir = $outputDir;
     $view->embed = $contentFile;
     $view->cType = $cType;
     $view->subdir = $this->subdir;
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->image = !empty($image) ? $image : NULL;
     $view->model = $this->model;
     $view->repo = $this->repo;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
Esempio n. 6
  * Get preview image
  * @return  mixed
 public function getPreview($model, $hash = '', $get = 'name', $render = '', $hashed = NULL)
     if (!$model instanceof Project) {
         return false;
     $image = NULL;
     if (!$hashed) {
         $hash = $hash ? $hash : $this->get('hash');
         $hash = $hash ? substr($hash, 0, 10) : '';
         // Determine name and size
         switch ($render) {
             case 'medium':
                 $hashed = md5($this->get('name') . '-' . $hash) . '.png';
                 $maxWidth = 600;
                 $maxHeight = 600;
             case 'thumb':
                 $hashed = $hash ? Helpers\Html::createThumbName($this->get('name'), '-' . $hash, 'png') : NULL;
                 $maxWidth = 80;
                 $maxHeight = 80;
                 $hashed = $hash ? Helpers\Html::createThumbName($this->get('name'), '-' . $hash . '-thumb', 'png') : NULL;
                 $maxWidth = 180;
                 $maxHeight = 180;
     // Target directory
     $target = PATH_APP . DS . trim($model->config()->get('imagepath', '/site/projects'), DS);
     $target .= DS . strtolower($model->get('alias')) . DS . 'preview';
     $remoteThumb = NULL;
     if ($this->get('remoteId') && $this->get('modified')) {
         $remoteThumb = substr($this->get('remoteId'), 0, 20) . '_' . strtotime($this->get('modified')) . '.png';
     if ($hashed && is_file($target . DS . $hashed)) {
         // First check locally generated thumbnail
         $image = $target . DS . $hashed;
     } elseif ($remoteThumb && is_file($target . DS . $remoteThumb)) {
         // Check remotely generated thumbnail
         $image = $target . DS . $remoteThumb;
         // Copy this over as local thumb
         if ($hashed && Filesystem::copy($target . DS . $remoteThumb, $target . DS . $hashed)) {
             Filesystem::delete($target . DS . $remoteThumb);
     } else {
         // Generate thumbnail locally
         if (!file_exists($target)) {
             Filesystem::makeDirectory($target, 0755, true, true);
         // Make sure it's an image file
         if (!$this->isImage() || !is_file($this->get('fullPath'))) {
             return false;
         if (!Filesystem::copy($this->get('fullPath'), $target . DS . $hashed)) {
             return false;
         // Resize the image if necessary
         $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor($target . DS . $hashed);
         $square = $render == 'thumb' ? true : false;
         $hi->resize($maxWidth, false, false, $square);
         $hi->save($target . DS . $hashed);
         $image = $target . DS . $hashed;
     // Return image
     if ($get == 'localPath') {
         return str_replace(PATH_APP, '', $image);
     } elseif ($get == 'fullPath') {
         return $image;
     } elseif ($get == 'url') {
         return Route::url('index.php?option=com_projects&alias=' . $model->get('alias') . '&controller=media&media=' . urlencode(basename($image)));
     return basename($image);
Esempio n. 7
  * Publish supporting database files
  * @param      object  	$objPD
  * @return     boolean or error
 public function publishDataFiles($objPD, $configs)
     if (!$objPD->id) {
         return false;
     // Get data definition
     $dd = json_decode($objPD->data_definition, true);
     $files = array();
     $columns = array();
     foreach ($dd['cols'] as $colname => $col) {
         if (isset($col['linktype']) && $col['linktype'] == "repofiles") {
             $dir = '';
             if (isset($col['linkpath']) && $col['linkpath'] != '') {
                 $dir = $col['linkpath'];
             $columns[$col['idx']] = $dir;
     // No files to publish
     if (empty($columns)) {
         return false;
     $repoPath = $objPD->source_dir ? $configs->path . DS . $objPD->source_dir : $configs->path;
     $csv = $repoPath . DS . $objPD->source_file;
     if (file_exists($csv) && ($handle = fopen($csv, "r")) !== FALSE) {
         // Check if expert mode CSV
         $expert_mode = false;
         $col_labels = fgetcsv($handle);
         $col_prop = fgetcsv($handle);
         $data_start = fgetcsv($handle);
         if (isset($data_start[0]) && $data_start[0] == 'DATASTART') {
             $expert_mode = true;
         while ($r = fgetcsv($handle)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($col_labels); $i++) {
                 if (isset($columns[$i])) {
                     if (isset($r[$i]) && $r[$i] != '') {
                         $file = $columns[$i] ? $columns[$i] . DS . trim($r[$i]) : trim($r[$i]);
                         if (file_exists($repoPath . DS . $file)) {
                             $files[] = $file;
     // Copy files from repo to published location
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (!file_exists($repoPath . DS . $file)) {
             // If parent dir does not exist, we must create it
             if (!file_exists(dirname($configs->dataPath . DS . $file))) {
                 Filesystem::makeDirectory(dirname($configs->dataPath . DS . $file), 0755, true, true);
             if (Filesystem::copy($repoPath . DS . $file, $configs->dataPath . DS . $file)) {
                 // Generate thumbnail
                 $thumb = \Components\Publications\Helpers\Html::createThumbName($file, '_tn', $extension = 'gif');
                 Filesystem::copy($repoPath . DS . $file, $configs->dataPath . DS . $thumb);
                 $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor($configs->dataPath . DS . $thumb);
                 if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) {
                     $hi->resize(180, false, false, false);
                     $hi->save($configs->dataPath . DS . $thumb);
                 } else {
                     return false;
                 // Generate medium image
                 $med = \Components\Publications\Helpers\Html::createThumbName($file, '_medium', $extension = 'gif');
                 Filesystem::copy($repoPath . DS . $file, $configs->dataPath . DS . $med);
                 $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor($configs->dataPath . DS . $med);
                 if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) {
                     $hi->resize(800, false, false, false);
                     $hi->save($configs->dataPath . DS . $med);
                 } else {
                     return false;
 private function moveFile($id, $type, $fileSource)
     try {
         $pathUpload = Yii::app()->params['storage']['radioDir'] . DS . "channel" . DS;
         $filePath = $pathUpload . $id . ".png";
         $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
         $fileSystem->copy($fileSource, $filePath);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
Esempio n. 9
  * Publish file attachment
  * @param      object  		$objPA
  * @param      object  		$pub
  * @param      object  		$configs
  * @param      boolean  	$update   force update of file
  * @return     boolean or error
 public function publishAttachment($objPA, $pub, $configs, $update = 0)
     // Create pub version path
     if (!is_dir($configs->pubPath)) {
         if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory($configs->pubPath, 0755, true, true)) {
             return false;
     $file = $objPA->path;
     $copyFrom = isset($configs->copyFrom) ? $configs->copyFrom : $configs->path . DS . $file;
     $copyTo = $this->getFilePath($file, $objPA->id, $configs, $objPA->params);
     // Copy
     if (is_file($copyFrom)) {
         // If parent dir does not exist, we must create it
         if ($configs->dirHierarchy && !file_exists(dirname($copyTo))) {
             Filesystem::makeDirectory(dirname($copyTo), 0755, true, true);
         if (!is_file($copyTo) || $update) {
             Filesystem::copy($copyFrom, $copyTo);
     // Store content hash
     if (is_file($copyTo)) {
         $md5hash = hash_file('sha256', $copyTo);
         $objPA->content_hash = $md5hash;
         // Create hash file
         $hfile = $copyTo . '.hash';
         if (!is_file($hfile)) {
             $handle = fopen($hfile, 'w');
             fwrite($handle, $md5hash);
             chmod($hfile, 0644);
         // Produce thumbnail (if applicable)
         if ($configs->handler && $configs->handler->getName() == 'imageviewer') {
             $configs->handler->makeThumbnail($objPA, $pub, $configs);
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
 public function actionIndex()
     $my_file = Yii::app()->params['storage'] . DS . 'meme_page.txt';
     $handle = fopen($my_file, 'r');
     $page = fread($handle, filesize($my_file));
     $page = intval($page);
     for ($i = $page; $i < $page + 2; $i++) {
         echo $url = '' . $i;
         echo "\n";
         $html = file_get_html($url);
         $content = $html->find(".content-wrap", 0);
         foreach ($content->find(".social-bar") as $e) {
             $e->outertext = "";
         //echo $content;exit;
         $storage = Yii::app()->params['storage'];
         $temp = Yii::app()->params['temp'];
         $j = 0;
         foreach ($content->find(".hentry") as $e) {
             $title = $e->find(".post-title h2 a", 0)->plaintext;
             $link = $e->find(".post-title h2 a", 0)->href;
             $imageUrl = $img = $e->find(".post-content p img", 0)->src;
             $fileInfo = explode('.', $img);
             $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
             $fileName = 's_' . $j . '_' . $i . time() . "." . $fileType;
             $fileDesc = $storage . DS . $fileName;
             $tmpFile = $temp . DS . $fileName;
             if (!$this->isExists($link)) {
                 $res_get_file = FileRemote::getFromUrl($img, $tmpFile);
                 if ($res_get_file && file_exists($tmpFile)) {
                     $meme = new MemeLink();
                     $meme->title = trim($title);
                     $meme->code = trim($link);
                     $meme->link = trim($link);
                     $meme->content = $imageUrl;
                     $meme->type = 'image';
                     $meme->source = '';
                     $meme->status = 0;
                     $meme->created_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     if ($meme->save()) {
                         //copy file
                         $storage = Yii::app()->params['meme_path'];
                         $mId = $meme->_id;
                         $fileDest = StorageHelper::generalStoragePath($meme->_id, $fileType, $storage);
                         $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
                         $copy = $fileSystem->copy($tmpFile, $fileDest);
                         if ($copy) {
                             echo 'Copy file success' . "\n";
                             $img = str_replace($storage, '', $fileDest);
                             $img = str_replace(DS, '_', $img);
                             $meme->img = $img;
                         } else {
                             if ($meme->delete()) {
                                 echo 'deleted:' . $mId . "\n";
                         echo 'save success!' . "\n";
                         echo $meme->_id . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $error = $meme->getErrors();
             } else {
             echo 'File source:' . $img . "<br />";
             echo 'File dest:' . $fileDesc . "<br />";
     //write page end
     $data = $i;
     $handle = fopen($my_file, 'w') or die('Cannot open file:  ' . $my_file);
     fwrite($handle, $data);
Esempio n. 11
  * Add files to repo from extracted archive
  * @return  boolean
 protected function _addFromExtracted($extractPath, $zipName, $target, $params, &$available)
     $reserved = isset($params['reserved']) ? $params['reserved'] : array();
     $dirPath = isset($params['subdir']) ? $params['subdir'] : NULL;
     $extracted = Filesystem::files($extractPath, '.', true, true, $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'));
     // check for viruses - scans the directory for efficency
     $command = "clamscan -i --no-summary --block-encrypted -r " . $extractPath;
     exec($command, $output, $virus_status);
     $virusChecked = FALSE;
     if ($virus_status == 0) {
         $virusChecked = TRUE;
     } else {
         $this->setError('The antivirus software has rejected your files.');
         return false;
     $z = 0;
     foreach ($extracted as $e) {
         $fileinfo = pathinfo($e);
         $a_dir = $fileinfo['dirname'];
         $a_dir = str_replace($extractPath . DS, '', $a_dir);
         // Skip certain system files
         if (preg_match("/__MACOSX/", $e) or preg_match("/.DS_Store/", $e)) {
         $file = $fileinfo['basename'];
         $size = filesize($e);
         // Run some checks, stop in case of a problem
         if (!$this->_check($file, $e, $size, $available, $virusChecked)) {
             return false;
         // Clean up filename
         $safe_dir = $a_dir && $a_dir != '.' ? Filesystem::cleanPath($a_dir) : '';
         $safe_dir = trim($safe_dir, DS);
         $safe_file = Filesystem::clean($file);
         // Strips out temporary path
         if (strpos($safe_dir, 'tmp/') !== FALSE) {
             $parts = explode('/', $safe_dir);
             $safe_dir = str_replace($parts[0] . '/', '', $safe_dir);
             $safe_dir = str_replace($parts[1] . '/', '', $safe_dir);
         $skipDir = false;
         if (is_array($reserved) && $safe_dir && in_array(strtolower($safe_dir), $reserved)) {
             $skipDir = true;
         $safeName = $safe_dir && !$skipDir ? $safe_dir . DS . $safe_file : $safe_file;
         $localPath = $dirPath ? $dirPath . DS . $safeName : $safeName;
         $where = $target . DS . $safeName;
         $exists = is_file($where) ? true : false;
         // Provision directory
         if ($safe_dir && !$skipDir && !is_dir($target . DS . $safe_dir)) {
             if (Filesystem::makeDirectory($target . DS . $safe_dir, 0755, true, true)) {
                 // File object
                 $localDirPath = $dirPath ? $dirPath . DS . $safe_dir : $safe_dir;
                 $fileObject = new Models\File(trim($localDirPath), $this->get('path'));
                 $fileObject->set('type', 'folder');
                 $params['file'] = $fileObject;
                 $params['replace'] = false;
                 // Success - check in change
                 $this->call('checkin', $params);
         // Strips out temporary path
         if (strpos($safeName, 'tmp/') !== FALSE) {
             $parts = explode('/', $safeName);
             $safeName = str_replace($parts[0] . '/', '', $safeName);
             $safeName = str_replace($parts[1] . '/', '', $safeName);
         // Copy file into project
         if (Filesystem::copy($e, $target . DS . $safeName)) {
             // File object
             $fileObject = new Models\File(trim($localPath), $this->get('path'));
             $params['file'] = $fileObject;
             $params['replace'] = $exists;
             // Success - check in change
             $this->call('checkin', $params);
     return $z;
Esempio n. 12
  * Add files to repo from extracted archive
  * @return  boolean
 protected function _addFromExtracted($extractPath, $zipName, $target, $params, &$available)
     $reserved = isset($params['reserved']) ? $params['reserved'] : array();
     $dirPath = isset($params['subdir']) ? $params['subdir'] : NULL;
     $extracted = Filesystem::files($extractPath, '.', true, true, $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX'));
     $z = 0;
     foreach ($extracted as $e) {
         $fileinfo = pathinfo($e);
         $a_dir = $fileinfo['dirname'];
         $a_dir = str_replace($extractPath . DS, '', $a_dir);
         // Skip certain system files
         if (preg_match("/__MACOSX/", $e) or preg_match("/.DS_Store/", $e)) {
         $file = $fileinfo['basename'];
         $size = filesize($e);
         // Run some checks, stop in case of a problem
         if (!$this->_check($file, $e, $size, $available)) {
             return false;
         // Clean up filename
         $safe_dir = $a_dir && $a_dir != '.' ? Filesystem::cleanPath($a_dir) : '';
         $safe_dir = trim($safe_dir, DS);
         $safe_file = Filesystem::clean($file);
         $skipDir = false;
         if (is_array($reserved) && $safe_dir && in_array(strtolower($safe_dir), $reserved)) {
             $skipDir = true;
         $safeName = $safe_dir && !$skipDir ? $safe_dir . DS . $safe_file : $safe_file;
         $localPath = $dirPath ? $dirPath . DS . $safeName : $safeName;
         $where = $target . DS . $safeName;
         $exists = is_file($where) ? true : false;
         // Provision directory
         if ($safe_dir && !$skipDir && !is_dir($target . DS . $safe_dir)) {
             if (Filesystem::makeDirectory($target . DS . $safe_dir, 0755, true, true)) {
                 // File object
                 $localDirPath = $dirPath ? $dirPath . DS . $safe_dir : $safe_dir;
                 $fileObject = new Models\File(trim($localDirPath), $this->get('path'));
                 $fileObject->set('type', 'folder');
                 $params['file'] = $fileObject;
                 $params['replace'] = false;
                 // Success - check in change
                 $this->call('checkin', $params);
         // Copy file into project
         if (Filesystem::copy($e, $target . DS . $safeName)) {
             // File object
             $fileObject = new Models\File(trim($localPath), $this->get('path'));
             $params['file'] = $fileObject;
             $params['replace'] = $exists;
             // Success - check in change
             $this->call('checkin', $params);
     return $z;
 function createImage($model, $image_path)
     if (file_exists($image_path)) {
         $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
         $s0Path = $model->getAvatarPath($model->id, "s0", false);
         // Origin
         $s1Path = $model->getAvatarPath($model->id, "s1", false);
         // Resize
         $s2Path = $model->getAvatarPath($model->id, "s2", false);
         // Thumb
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image_path);
         $imgCrop = new ImageCrop($image_path, 0, 0, $width, $height);
         $fileSystem->copy($image_path, $s0Path);
         $imgCrop->resizeFix($s1Path, 690, 250);
         $imgCrop->resizeFix($s2Path, 100, 100);
  * This method allows you to do any additional work beyond unpacking 
  * the files that is required. This could include work such as downloading
  * and unpacking an archive.
  * The following are some of the methods available to you in this file:
  * $this->curlFile($url, $destFolder)
  * $this->move($src, $dest)
  * $this->unzip($file, $destFolder)
 public function doWork()
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     // Ensure tmp working dir exists
     $tmp = $this->mRootPath . "\\tmp";
     $this->log("Creating temporary build directory: " . $tmp);
     if ($this->p->get('source') != '' && $fs->exists($this->p->get('source'))) {
         // Use WordPress codebase from source parameter
         $this->log("Copying WordPress from " . $this->p->get('source'));
         $fs->copy($this->p->get('source'), $this->mAppRoot);
     } else {
         // Download and unpack WordPress
         $this->log('Downloading WordPress');
         $file = $this->curlFile(WP_URL, $tmp);
         $this->log('Extracting WordPress');
         $this->unzip($file, $tmp);
         $this->log('Moving WordPress files to ' . $this->mAppRoot);
         $fs->move("{$tmp}\\wordpress", $this->mAppRoot);
     // Download and unpack DB abstraction layer
     $this->log('Downloading Database Abstraction Layer');
     $file = $this->curlFile(DB_ABSTRACTION_URL, $tmp);
     $this->log('Extracting Database Abstraction Layer');
     $this->unzip($file, $tmp);
     $this->log('Moving Database Abstraction Layer files to ' . $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\mu-plugins");
     $fs->copy("{$tmp}\\wordpress-database-abstraction\\wp-db-abstraction\\db.php", $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\db.php");
     $fs->move("{$tmp}\\wordpress-database-abstraction", $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\mu-plugins");
     // Download and unpack Azure Storage Plugin
     $this->log('Downloading Azure Storage Plugin');
     $file = $this->curlFile(WAZ_STORAGE_URL, $tmp);
     $this->log('Extracting Azure Storage Plugin');
     $this->unzip($file, $tmp);
     $this->log('Moving Azure Storage Plugin files to ' . $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\plugins");
     $fs->move("{$tmp}\\windows-azure-storage", $this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\plugins\\windows-azure-storage");
     if ($this->p->get('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') && $this->p->get('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') != 'false') {
         $fs->mkdir($this->mAppRoot . "\\wp-content\\blogs.dir");
         if ($this->p->get('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL')) {
             copy($this->mAppRoot . "\\resources\\Web-network-subdomains.config", $this->mAppRoot . "\\Web.config");
         } else {
             copy($this->mAppRoot . "\\resources\\Web-network-subfolders.config", $this->mAppRoot . "\\Web.config");
     // Remove tmp build folder
     $fs->rm($this->mRootPath . "/Params.class.php");
     $fs->rm($this->mRootPath . "/FileSystem.class.php");
     echo "\n\nCongratulations! You now have a brand new Windows Azure WordPress project at " . $this->mRootPath . "\n";
Esempio n. 15
  * Make thumb
  * @return  void
 public function makeThumbnail($row, $pub, $configs)
     // Make sure we got config
     if (!$this->_config) {
     $fpath = $this->getFilePath($row->path, $row->id, $configs, $row->params);
     $thumbName = \Components\Publications\Helpers\Html::createThumbName(basename($fpath), $this->_config->params->thumbSuffix, $this->_config->params->thumbFormat);
     $thumbPath = $configs->pubPath . DS . $thumbName;
     // No file found
     if (!is_file($fpath)) {
     // Check if image
     if (!getimagesize($fpath)) {
         return false;
     $md5 = hash_file('sha256', $fpath);
     // Create/update thumb if doesn't exist or file changed
     if (!is_file($thumbPath) || $md5 != $row->content_hash) {
         Filesystem::copy($fpath, $thumbPath);
         $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor($thumbPath);
         if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) {
             $hi->resize($this->_config->params->thumbWidth, false, true, true);
         } else {
             return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 16
 protected function afterGetContentBody()
     $sn = time();
     $tmpFile = $temp = Yii::app()->params['temp'];
     $storage = Yii::app()->params['feed_path'];
     $cdn = Yii::app()->params['cdn_url'];
     $contentParttern = $this->config['content_pattern'];
     $contentPage = '';
     $k = 0;
     foreach ($this->html->find("{$contentParttern} .item-list ul li") as $e) {
     if ($k > 0) {
         $numPage = $k - 1;
         for ($j = 2; $j < $numPage; $j++) {
             $link = $this->url . '&page=' . $j;
             echo $link . "\n";
             $htmlBodyPage = file_get_html($link);
             if (is_object($htmlBodyPage)) {
                 if (isset($this->config['remove_pattern']) || !empty($this->config['remove_pattern'])) {
                     $removePattern = explode('|', $this->config['remove_pattern']);
                     foreach ($removePattern as $rpt) {
                         if ($rpt != '') {
                             foreach ($htmlBodyPage->find("{$rpt}") as $e) {
                                 $e->outertext = '';
                 foreach ($htmlBodyPage->find("a") as $e) {
                     $innerText = $e->plaintext;
                     $e->outertext = $innerText;
                     //$e->href = '#';
                 //get image for content
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($htmlBodyPage->find("{$contentParttern} img") as $e) {
                     $imgSrc = $e->src;
                     if (!empty($imgSrc)) {
                         $fileInfo = explode('.', $imgSrc);
                         $fileType = $fileInfo[count($fileInfo) - 1];
                         $fileName = 'tmp_' . $sn . $i . "." . $fileType;
                         $sfile = $tmpFile . DS . $fileName;
                         $res_get_file = FileRemote::getFromUrl($imgSrc, $sfile);
                         if ($res_get_file && file_exists($sfile)) {
                             $fileDest = StorageHelper::generalStoragePath($sn . $i, $fileType, $storage);
                             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($sfile);
                             if ($width > 500) {
                                 $width = 500;
                                 $height = 0;
                                 $resizeObj = new ResizeImage($sfile);
                                 $resizeObj->resizeImage($width, $height);
                                 $resizeObj->saveImage($fileDest, 100);
                             } else {
                                 $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
                                 $copy = $fileSystem->copy($sfile, $fileDest);
                             //resize image
                             if (file_exists($fileDest)) {
                                 echo $fileDest . "\n";
                                 $fileDestUrl = str_replace($storage, $cdn, $fileDest);
                                 $fileDestUrl = str_replace(DS, "/", $fileDestUrl);
                                 echo $fileDestUrl . "\n";
                                 //$e->src = $fileDestUrl;
                                 $e->outertext = '<img src="' . $fileDestUrl . '" title="' . $e->title . '" alt="' . $e->alt . '" />';
                                 echo 'replace file content success in page' . $j . "\n";
                             } else {
                                 echo 'replace file content error' . "\n";
                 $contentPage .= $htmlBodyPage->find($this->config['content_pattern'], 0)->innertext;
     $this->content .= $contentPage;