function run()
     try {
         $election_input_path = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . ELECTION_VOTERS_INGEST_PATH;
         $files = scandir($election_input_path);
         $manager = new ElectionManager(new SapphireElectionRepository(), new SapphireFoundationMemberRepository(), new SapphireVoteRepository(), new SapphireVoterFileRepository(), new VoteFactory(), new VoterFileFactory(), new ElectionFactory(), SapphireTransactionManager::getInstance());
         foreach ($files as $file_name) {
             if ($this->isCSV($file_name) && (list($election_id, $open_date, $close_date) = $this->isValidElectionFileName($file_name))) {
                 try {
                     echo printf('processing file %s' . PHP_EOL, $file_name);
                     list($count, $not_processed) = $manager->ingestVotersForElection($election_input_path . '/' . $file_name, $election_id, $open_date, $close_date);
                     echo printf('file %s - processed %d rows - not processed %d rows' . PHP_EOL, $file_name, $count, count($not_processed));
                     if (count($not_processed) > 0) {
                         echo 'not processed details ... ' . PHP_EOL;
                         echo var_dump($not_processed) . PHP_EOL;
                     echo printf('deleting file %s ...' . PHP_EOL, $file_name);
                     unlink($election_input_path . '/' . $file_name);
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     SS_Log::log($ex, SS_Log::ERR);
                     echo $ex->getMessage();
         return 'OK';
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         SS_Log::log($ex, SS_Log::ERR);
         echo $ex->getMessage();
Esempio n. 2
 function testUpload()
     // create tmp file
     $tmpFileName = 'UploadTest-testUpload.txt';
     $tmpFilePath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $tmpFileName;
     $tmpFileContent = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
         $tmpFileContent .= '0';
     file_put_contents($tmpFilePath, $tmpFileContent);
     // emulates the $_FILES array
     $tmpFile = array('name' => $tmpFileName, 'type' => 'text/plaintext', 'size' => filesize($tmpFilePath), 'tmp_name' => $tmpFilePath, 'extension' => 'txt', 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK);
     $v = new UploadTest_Validator();
     // test upload into default folder
     $u1 = new Upload();
     $file1 = $u1->getFile();
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file1->getFullPath()), 'File upload to standard directory in /assets');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($file1->getFullPath(), Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/' . Upload::$uploads_folder) !== false, 'File upload to standard directory in /assets');
     // test upload into custom folder
     $customFolder = 'UploadTest-testUpload';
     $u2 = new Upload();
     $u2->load($tmpFile, $customFolder);
     $file2 = $u2->getFile();
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file2->getFullPath()), 'File upload to custom directory in /assets');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($file2->getFullPath(), Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/' . $customFolder) !== false, 'File upload to custom directory in /assets');
     rmdir(Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/' . $customFolder);
  * @param $locale
 public function __construct($locale = null)
     $this->defaultLocale = $locale ? $locale : i18n::get_lang_from_locale(i18n::default_locale());
     $this->basePath = Director::baseFolder();
     $this->baseSavePath = Director::baseFolder();
 public function updateSettingsFields(FieldList $fields)
     $systemThemes = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->getAvailableThemes();
     $partials = $themes = array('' => '', 'none' => '(none)');
     foreach ($systemThemes as $key => $themeName) {
         if (file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . '/themes/' . $themeName . '/templates/')) {
             $themes[$key] = $themeName;
         } else {
             $partials[$key] = $themeName;
     $themeDropdownField = new DropdownField("AppliedTheme", 'Applied Theme', $themes);
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Theme', $themeDropdownField);
     $current = $this->appliedTheme();
     if ($current) {
         $themeDropdownField->setRightTitle('Current effective theme: ' . $current);
     } else {
         $themeDropdownField->setRightTitle('Using default site theme');
     $themeDropdownField = new DropdownField("PartialTheme", 'Partial Theme', $partials);
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Theme', $themeDropdownField);
     $current = $this->appliedPartialTheme();
     if ($current) {
         $themeDropdownField->setRightTitle('Current effective partial theme: ' . $current);
     } else {
         $themeDropdownField->setRightTitle('Please only use a specific applied theme OR a partial theme, not both!');
 function init()
     // Special case for dev/build: Defer permission checks to DatabaseAdmin->init() (see #4957)
     $requestedDevBuild = stripos($this->request->getURL(), 'dev/build') === 0;
     // We allow access to this controller regardless of live-status or ADMIN permission only
     // if on CLI.  Access to this controller is always allowed in "dev-mode", or of the user is ADMIN.
     $canAccess = $requestedDevBuild || Director::isDev() || Director::is_cli() || Permission::check("ADMIN");
     if (!$canAccess) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this);
     // check for valid url mapping
     // lacking this information can cause really nasty bugs,
     // e.g. when running Director::test() from a FunctionalTest instance
     global $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING;
     if (Director::is_cli()) {
         if (isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING)) {
             $fullPath = $testPath = BASE_PATH;
             while ($testPath && $testPath != "/" && !preg_match('/^[A-Z]:\\\\$/', $testPath)) {
                 $matched = false;
                 if (isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING[$testPath])) {
                     $matched = true;
                 $testPath = dirname($testPath);
             if (!$matched) {
                 echo 'Warning: You probably want to define ' . 'an entry in $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING that covers "' . Director::baseFolder() . '"' . "\n";
         } else {
             echo 'Warning: You probably want to define $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING in ' . 'your _ss_environment.php as instructed on the "sake" page of the wiki' . "\n";
  *	Apply custom styles to the absolute description element.
  *	@parameter <{DESCRIPTION_CSS}> array(string)
 public static function customise_css($styles)
     if (is_array($styles)) {
         // Determine the path to write against.
         $URL = DESCRIPTIVE_PATH . '/css/custom.css';
         $path = Director::baseFolder() . "/{$URL}";
         // Collate each custom style where appropriate.
         $CSS = '#cms-menu-descriptive {' . PHP_EOL;
         foreach ($styles as $style => $value) {
             if (!is_numeric($style)) {
                 $CSS .= "\t{$style}: {$value} !important;" . PHP_EOL;
                 // Apply any possible background change.
                 if (strtolower($style) === 'background') {
                     $background = '#cms-menu-descriptive:before,' . PHP_EOL . '#cms-menu-descriptive:after {' . PHP_EOL;
                     $background .= "\tborder-top: 10px solid {$value} !important;" . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
                     $background .= '#cms-menu-descriptive:before {' . PHP_EOL;
                     $background .= "\tborder-top: 13px solid !important;" . PHP_EOL;
                     $background .= "\tborder-top-color: inherit !important;" . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL;
         $CSS .= '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $background;
         // Write the custom styles.
         file_put_contents($path, $CSS);
         chmod($path, 0664);
Esempio n. 7
  * Setup the environment to point to a temporary location
  * @param type $path
 protected function setTemporaryPath($path)
     $this->envPath = $path;
     $this->envPath = realpath($this->envPath);
     Injector::inst()->load(array('DNData' => array('properties' => array('EnvironmentDir' => $this->envPath, 'KeyDir' => TEMP_FOLDER . '/deploynaut_test/gitkeys', 'DataTransferDir' => Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/transfers', 'GitUser' => ''))));
 public function Thumbnail($page = 1)
     // Only thumbnail PDF files
     if (strtolower($this->owner->getExtension()) != 'pdf') {
         return false;
     $file_filename = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $this->owner->getFilename();
     if (!file_exists($file_filename)) {
         return false;
     $cache_filename = $this->owner->getFilename() . '.page-' . (int) $page . '.jpg';
     // Check for existing cached thumbnail
     if (file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $cache_filename) && filemtime(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $cache_filename) > filemtime($file_filename)) {
         $img = DataObject::get_one('Image', "Filename = '" . $cache_filename . "'");
         if ($img) {
             return $img;
     // Create and cache the thumbnail
     $command = self::$convert_path . ' -density 300x300 ' . escapeshellarg($file_filename . '[' . ((int) $page - 1) . ']') . ' -quality 100 -resize 2000x -units PixelsPerInch ' . escapeshellarg(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $cache_filename);
     $out = shell_exec($command);
     //var_dump( $command );
     if (!file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $cache_filename)) {
         return false;
     $img = new Image();
     $img = DataObject::get_one('Image', "Filename = '" . $cache_filename . "'");
     return $img;
  * @param SilverStripeContentItem $item
  * @param type $parentObject
  * @param type $duplicateStrategy
  * @return TransformResult 
 public function transform($item, $parentObject, $duplicateStrategy)
     $newFile = $this->getTypeForFile($item->Name);
     $newFile = new $newFile();
     $folderPath = $parentObject->getRelativePath();
     $parentId = $parentObject ? $parentObject->ID : 0;
     $filter = '"ParentID" = \'' . Convert::raw2sql($parentId) . '\' and "Title" = \'' . Convert::raw2sql($item->Name) . '\'';
     $existing = DataObject::get_one('File', $filter);
     if ($existing && $duplicateStrategy == ExternalContentTransformer::DS_SKIP) {
         // just return the existing children
         return new TransformResult($existing, null);
     } else {
         if ($existing && $duplicateStrategy == ExternalContentTransformer::DS_OVERWRITE) {
             $newFile = $existing;
     $newFile->Name = $item->Name;
     $newFile->RemoteNodeId = $item->getSS_ID();
     $newFile->RemoteSystemId = $item->getSource()->ID;
     $newFile->Title = $item->Title;
     $newFile->ParentID = $parentId;
     $filepath = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $newFile->Filename;
     return new TransformResult($newFile, null);
 function testFileLinkRewritingOnVirtualPages()
     // File setup
     touch(Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/testscript-test-file.pdf');
     // Publish the source page
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'page1');
     // Create a virtual page from it, and publish that
     $svp = new SubsitesVirtualPage();
     $svp->CopyContentFromID = $page->ID;
     // Rename the file
     $file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'file1');
     $file->Name = 'renamed-test-file.pdf';
     // Verify that the draft and publish virtual pages both have the corrected link
     $this->assertContains('<img src="assets/renamed-test-file.pdf"', DB::query("SELECT \"Content\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"ID\" = {$svp->ID}")->value());
     $this->assertContains('<img src="assets/renamed-test-file.pdf"', DB::query("SELECT \"Content\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\" WHERE \"ID\" = {$svp->ID}")->value());
     // File teardown
     $testFiles = array('/assets/testscript-test-file.pdf', '/assets/renamed-test-file.pdf');
     foreach ($testFiles as $file) {
         if (file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . $file)) {
             unlink(Director::baseFolder() . $file);
  * Return an image object representing the image in the given format.
  * This image will be generated using generateFormattedImage().
  * The generated image is cached, to flush the cache append ?flush=1 to your URL.
  * Just pass the correct number of parameters expected by the working function
  * @param string $format The name of the format.
  * @return Image_Cached
 public function getFormattedImage($format)
     $args = func_get_args();
     if ($this->ID && $this->Filename && Director::fileExists($this->Filename)) {
         $cacheFile = call_user_func_array(array($this, "cacheFilename"), $args);
         $fullPath = Director::baseFolder() . "/" . $cacheFile;
         if (!file_exists($fullPath) || self::$flush) {
             call_user_func_array(array($this, "generateFormattedImage"), $args);
             // If this image should be compressed, compress it now
             if ($this->getCompressed()) {
                 $compressor = $this->getCompressor();
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // Do nothing, leave the uncompressed image in-place
         $cached = Injector::inst()->createWithArgs('Image_Cached', array($cacheFile));
         // Pass through the title so the templates can use it
         $cached->Title = $this->Title;
         // Pass through the parent, to store cached images in correct folder.
         $cached->ParentID = $this->ParentID;
         return $cached;
 public function process()
     $post = $this->getObject();
     if ($post) {
         $author = $post->Owner();
         $balance = $author->Balance;
         if (self::$api_key && $post->Content != self::SPAM_CONTENT) {
             require_once Director::baseFolder() . '/microblog/thirdparty/defensio/Defensio.php';
             $defensio = new Defensio(self::$api_key);
             $document = array('type' => 'comment', 'content' => $post->Content, 'platform' => 'silverstripe_microblog', 'client' => 'MicroBlog Defensio-PHP | 0.1 | Marcus Nyeholt |', 'async' => 'false');
             try {
                 $result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
                 if ($result && isset($result[1])) {
                     if ($result[1]->allow == 'false') {
                         $post->Content = self::SPAM_CONTENT;
                         $post->Down += self::SPAM_DOWN;
                         $author->Down += self::SPAM_DOWN;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 SS_Log::log($e, SS_Log::WARN);
         if ($post->Content != self::SPAM_CONTENT) {
     $this->isComplete = true;
Esempio n. 13
 function init()
     // We allow access to this controller regardless of live-status or ADMIN permission only
     // if on CLI.  Access to this controller is always allowed in "dev-mode", or of the user is ADMIN.
     $canAccess = Director::isDev() || Director::is_cli() || Permission::check("ADMIN");
     if (!$canAccess) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this, "This page is secured and you need administrator rights to access it. " . "Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.");
     // check for valid url mapping
     // lacking this information can cause really nasty bugs,
     // e.g. when running Director::test() from a FunctionalTest instance
     global $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING;
     if (Director::is_cli()) {
         if (isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING)) {
             $fullPath = $testPath = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
             while ($testPath && $testPath != "/" && !preg_match('/^[A-Z]:\\\\$/', $testPath)) {
                 $matched = false;
                 if (isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING[$testPath])) {
                     $matched = true;
                 $testPath = dirname($testPath);
             if (!$matched) {
                 echo 'Warning: You probably want to define ' . 'an entry in $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING that covers "' . Director::baseFolder() . '"' . "\n";
         } else {
             echo 'Warning: You probably want to define $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING in ' . 'your _ss_environment.php as instructed on the "sake" page of the wiki' . "\n";
  * Creates a content service asset object based on a given resampled file path
  * @param type $filename
  * @return ContentServiceAsset
 protected function createResampledAsset($filename)
     $fullpath = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $filename;
     $asset = ContentServiceAsset::get()->filter('Filename', $filename)->first();
     if (!$asset) {
         $asset = new ContentServiceAsset();
     $this->service = singleton('ContentService');
     $asset->Filename = $filename;
     $asset->SourceID = $this->ID;
     $asset->ParentID = $this->ParentID;
     $mtime = time();
     $writer = $this->service->getWriterFor($asset, 'FilePointer', $this->targetStore());
     if ($writer) {
         if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
             // likely that cached image never got built correctly.
             $name = \Controller::join_links(dirname($filename), $mtime, basename($filename));
             $writer->write(fopen($fullpath, 'r'), $name);
             $asset->FilePointer = $writer->getContentId();
             $reader = $writer->getReader();
             if ($reader && $reader->exists()) {
         } else {
             $asset = null;
     } else {
         $asset = null;
     return $asset;
  * Store the contents of a folder on a CDN. 
  * If processReferences is set, relative URL references are attempted to be 
  * detected and stored remotely as well, with the file to be stored rewritten 
  * to refer to the CDN value. This really is only useful for CSS 
  * @param string $folder
  * @param boolean $processReferences 
 public function storeThemeFile($toCdn, $file, $forceUpdate = false, $processReferences = false)
     $mtime = @filemtime($file);
     $relativeName = self::CDN_THEME_PREFIX . '/' . $mtime . '/' . trim(str_replace(Director::baseFolder(), '', $file), '/');
     if (!$forceUpdate) {
         // see if the file already exists, if not we do NOT do an update
         $reader = $this->contentService->findReaderFor($toCdn, $relativeName);
         if ($reader && $reader->exists()) {
             return $reader->getURL();
     $clear = false;
     if ($processReferences) {
         $clear = true;
         $file = $this->processFileReferences($toCdn, $file, $forceUpdate);
     // otherwise, lets get a content writer
     $writer = $this->contentService->getWriter($toCdn);
     try {
         $writer->write($file, $relativeName);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         SS_Log::log($e, SS_Log::WARN);
     if ($clear && strpos($file, '.cdn') > 0) {
     $id = $writer->getContentId();
     return $writer->getReader()->getURL();
 public function generateFormattedImage($format, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null)
     $cacheFile = $this->cacheFilename($format, $arg1, $arg2);
     $gd = new GDBackend(Director::baseFolder() . "/" . $this->Filename);
     // Skip aktual generation
     return $gd;
Esempio n. 17
	function setUp() {
		$this->alternateBasePath = Director::baseFolder() . "/sapphire/tests/i18n/_fakewebroot";
		$this->alternateBaseSavePath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/i18nTextCollectorTest_webroot';
		// SSViewer and ManifestBuilder don't support different webroots, hence we set the paths manually
		global $_CLASS_MANIFEST;
		$_CLASS_MANIFEST['i18nTestModule'] = $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/code/i18nTestModule.php';
		$_CLASS_MANIFEST['i18nTestModule_Addition'] = $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/code/i18nTestModule.php';
		$_CLASS_MANIFEST['i18nTestModuleDecorator'] = $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18nothermodule/code/i18nTestModuleDecorator.php';
		global $_ALL_CLASSES;
		$_ALL_CLASSES['parents']['i18nTestModule'] = array('DataObject'=>'DataObject','Object'=>'Object');
		$_ALL_CLASSES['parents']['i18nTestModule_Addition'] = array('Object'=>'Object');
		$_ALL_CLASSES['parents']['i18nTestModuleDecorator'] = array('DataObjectDecorator'=>'DataObjectDecorator','Object'=>'Object');

		$_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[''] = array(
			'main' => $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/templates/',
			'Layout' => $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/templates/Layout/',
		$_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[''] = array(
			'Includes' => $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/templates/Includes/',
		$_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[''] = array(
			'main' => $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/templates/',
			'Layout' => $this->alternateBasePath . '/i18ntestmodule/templates/Layout/',
 public function clearResampledImages()
     $files = glob(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $this->Parent()->Filename . "_resampled/*-{$this->Name}");
     foreach ($files as $file) {
  * @param int $amount
  * @return array
 function getGoogleFonts($amount = 30)
     $fontFile = Director::baseFolder() . '/boilerplate/fonts/google-web-fonts.txt';
     //Total time the file will be cached in seconds, set to a week
     $cacheTime = 86400 * 7;
     if (file_exists($fontFile) && $cacheTime < filemtime($fontFile)) {
         $content = json_decode(file_get_contents($fontFile));
     } else {
         $url = '' . SiteConfig::current_site_config()->FontAPI;
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
         $fontContent = curl_exec($ch);
         $fp = fopen($fontFile, 'w');
         fwrite($fp, $fontContent);
         $content = json_decode($fontContent);
     if ($amount == 'all') {
         return $content->items;
     } else {
         return array_slice($content->items, 0, $amount);
 protected function userCaller()
     $bt = debug_backtrace(2);
     if (!isset($bt[5])) {
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     for ($i = 2, $c = count($bt); $i < $c; $i++) {
         $history = $bt[$i];
         if (!isset($history['file'])) {
         $file = trim(str_replace($base, '', $history['file']), '/');
         $bits = explode('/', $file);
         if (in_array($bits[0], $this->userCode) && $i < 15) {
             if (!isset($history['class'])) {
                 $history['class'] = '';
             if (!isset($history['type'])) {
                 $history['type'] = '';
             return $history;
Esempio n. 21
 static function folderModTime($folder, $extensionList = null, $recursiveCall = false)
     //$cacheID = $folder . ',' . implode(',', $extensionList);
     //if(!$recursiveCall && self::$cache_folderModTime[$cacheID]) return self::$cache_folderModTime[$cacheID];
     $modTime = 0;
     if (!Filesystem::isAbsolute($folder)) {
         $folder = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $folder;
     $items = scandir($folder);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if ($item[0] != '.') {
             // Recurse into folders
             if (is_dir("{$folder}/{$item}")) {
                 $modTime = max($modTime, self::folderModTime("{$folder}/{$item}", $extensionList, true));
                 // Check files
             } else {
                 if ($extensionList) {
                     $extension = strtolower(substr($item, strrpos($item, '.') + 1));
                 if (!$extensionList || in_array($extension, $extensionList)) {
                     $modTime = max($modTime, filemtime("{$folder}/{$item}"));
     //if(!$recursiveCall) self::$cache_folderModTime[$cacheID] = $modTime;
     return $modTime;
 public function squareImage()
     Folder::find_or_make(Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/ytimages');
     if (!file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/ytimages/' . $this->Code . '.png')) {
         //Your Image
         $imgSrc = "{$this->Code}/hqdefault.jpg";
         //getting the image dimensions
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imgSrc);
         //saving the image into memory (for manipulation with GD Library)
         $myImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgSrc);
         // calculating the part of the image to use for thumbnail
         if ($width > $height) {
             $y = 0;
             $x = ($width - $height) / 2;
             $smallestSide = $height;
         } else {
             $x = 0;
             $y = ($height - $width) / 2;
             $smallestSide = $width;
         // copying the part into thumbnail
         $thumbSize = 120;
         $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbSize, $thumbSize);
         imagecopyresampled($thumb, $myImage, 0, 0, $x, $y, $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $smallestSide, $smallestSide);
         imagepng($thumb, Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/ytimages/' . $this->Code . '.png');
     return '/assets/ytimages/' . $this->Code . '.png';
 function publishPages($urls)
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     $framework = FRAMEWORK_DIR;
     // Get variable that can turn off the rsync component of publication
     if (isset($_GET['norsync']) && $_GET['norsync']) {
     $extraArg = "";
     if (self::$excluded_folders) {
         foreach (self::$excluded_folders as $folder) {
             $extraArg .= " --exclude " . escapeshellarg($folder);
     foreach (self::$targets as $target) {
         // Transfer non-PHP content from everything to the target; that will ensure that we have all the JS/CSS/etc
         $rsyncOutput = `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --exclude /.htaccess --exclude /web.config --exclude '*.php' --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '*.git' --exclude '*~' {$extraArg} --delete . {$target}`;
         // Then transfer "safe" PHP from the cache/ directory
         $rsyncOutput .= `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '*~' {$extraArg} --delete cache {$target}`;
         // Transfer framework/static-main.php to the target
         $rsyncOutput .= `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --delete {$framework}/static-main.php {$target}/{$framework}`;
         if (StaticPublisher::echo_progress()) {
             echo $rsyncOutput;
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     $localFileNames = array_values(FileSystemTools::nodot_files(FileSystemTools::build_path(Director::baseFolder(), Replicant::config()->get('files_path'))));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new DropdownField('FileName', 'Database dump to restore', array_combine($localFileNames, $localFileNames)));
     return $fields;
	function init() {
		// check for valid url mapping
		// lacking this information can cause really nasty bugs,
		// e.g. when running Director::test() from a FunctionalTest instance
		if(Director::is_cli()) {
			if(isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING)) {
				$fullPath = $testPath = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
				while($testPath && $testPath != "/") {
					$matched = false;
					if(isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING[$testPath])) {
						$matched = true;
					$testPath = dirname($testPath);
				if(!$matched) {
					echo 'Warning: You probably want to define '.
						'an entry in $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING that covers "' . Director::baseFolder() . '"' . "\n";
			else {
				echo 'Warning: You probably want to define $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING in '.
					'your _ss_environment.php as instructed on the "sake" page of the wiki' . "\n";
  * Finds the path for specified file.
  * @param string $fileOrUrl
  * @return string|boolean
 protected static function path_for_file($fileOrUrl)
     if (preg_match('{^//|http[s]?}', $fileOrUrl)) {
         return $fileOrUrl;
     } elseif (Director::fileExists($fileOrUrl)) {
         $filePath = preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $fileOrUrl);
         $prefix = Director::baseURL();
         $mtimesuffix = "";
         $suffix = '';
         if (Requirements::get_suffix_requirements()) {
             $mtimesuffix = "?m=" . filemtime($filePath);
             $suffix = '&';
         if (strpos($fileOrUrl, '?') !== false) {
             if (strlen($suffix) == 0) {
                 $suffix = '?';
             $suffix .= substr($fileOrUrl, strpos($fileOrUrl, '?') + 1);
             $fileOrUrl = substr($fileOrUrl, 0, strpos($fileOrUrl, '?'));
         } else {
             $suffix = '';
         return "{$prefix}{$fileOrUrl}{$mtimesuffix}{$suffix}";
     } else {
         return false;
 public function init()
     $themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
     if (Locator::getLocations()) {
     $featured = Locator::getLocations(array('Featured' => 1))->count() > 0 ? 'featuredLocations: true' : 'featuredLocations: false';
     // map config based on user input in Settings tab
     // AutoGeocode or Full Map
     $load = $this->data()->AutoGeocode ? 'autoGeocode: true, fullMapStart: false,' : 'autoGeocode: false, fullMapStart: true, storeLimit: 1000, maxDistance: true,';
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     $themePath = $base . '/' . $themeDir;
     $listTemplatePath = file_exists($themePath . '/templates/location-list-description.html') ? $themeDir . '/templates/location-list-description.html' : 'locator/templates/location-list-description.html';
     $infowindowTemplatePath = file_exists($themePath . '/templates/infowindow-description.html') ? $themeDir . '/templates/infowindow-description.html' : 'locator/templates/infowindow-description.html';
     // in page or modal
     $modal = $this->data()->ModalWindow ? 'modalWindow: true' : 'modalWindow: false';
     $kilometer = $this->data()->Unit == 'km' ? 'lengthUnit: "km"' : 'lengthUnit: "m"';
     $link = $this->Link() . 'xml.xml';
     // init map
     if (Locator::getLocations()) {
         Requirements::customScript("\n                \$(function(\$) {\n                    \$('#map-container').storeLocator({\n                        " . $load . "\n                        dataLocation: '" . $link . "',\n                        listTemplatePath: '" . $listTemplatePath . "',\n                        infowindowTemplatePath: '" . $infowindowTemplatePath . "',\n                        originMarker: true,\n                        " . $modal . ',
                     ' . $featured . ",\n                        slideMap: false,\n                        zoomLevel: 0,\n                        distanceAlert: 120,\n                        formID: 'Form_LocationSearch',\n                        inputID: 'Form_LocationSearch_address',\n                        categoryID: 'Form_LocationSearch_category',\n                        distanceAlert: -1,\n                        " . $kilometer . '
 function index()
     $posts = $this->request->postVars();
     $filename = $posts['filename'];
     $surveyID = intval($posts['surveyID']);
     if (!$filename || !Member::currentUser() || !$surveyID || !($Survey = Survey::get()->filter('ID', $surveyID)->first())) {
         return false;
     $folder = Folder::find_or_make('jsonFormFiles');
     $fullFileName = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $folder->getRelativePath() . $filename . '.json';
     $jsonString = '{"name":"' . $Survey->Name . '","startDate": "' . $Survey->StartDate . '", "endDate": "' . $Survey->EndDate . '","sections": [';
     foreach ($Survey->Sections() as $Section) {
         $jsonString .= '{"Title": "' . $Section->Title . '","Descripton": "' . $Section->Description . '","sectionQuestions": [';
         foreach ($Section->SurveyQuestions() as $SQ) {
             $jsonString .= '{"number": "' . $SQ->Number . '","title": "' . $SQ->Title . '","description":"' . $SQ->Description . '","helpText": "' . $SQ->HelpText . '","questions": [';
             foreach ($SQ->Questions() as $Question) {
                 $jsonString .= $Question->renderJson();
             $jsonString = rtrim($jsonString, ",");
             $jsonString .= ']},';
         $jsonString = rtrim($jsonString, ",");
         $jsonString .= ']},';
     $jsonString = rtrim($jsonString, ",");
     $jsonString .= ']}';
     file_put_contents($fullFileName, $jsonString);
     $Survey->LastJsonGenerated = SS_Datetime::now()->getValue();
Esempio n. 29
 public function testRelativeFixturePath()
     $relPath = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/tests/testing/YamlFixtureTest.yml';
     $obj = new YamlFixture($relPath);
     $this->assertEquals(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $relPath, $obj->getFixtureFile());
Esempio n. 30
 function testBlockedCombinedJavascript()
     $combinedFilePath = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . 'RequirementsTest_bc.js';
     // needed to get accurate file_exists() results
     $html = Requirements::includeInHTML(false, self::$html_template);
     $this->assertFalse((bool) preg_match('/src=".*\\/RequirementsTest_bc\\.js/', $html), 'blocked combined files are not included ');
     // need to re-add requirements, as Requirements::process_combined_includes() alters the
     // original arrays grml...
     // needed to get accurate file_exists() results
     $html = Requirements::includeInHTML(false, self::$html_template);
     $this->assertFalse(strpos(file_get_contents($combinedFilePath), "alert('b')") !== false, 'blocked uncombined files are not included');
     // needed to get accurate file_exists() results
     // This throws a notice-level error, so we prefix with @
     @Requirements::combine_files('RequirementsTest_ac.js', array('sapphire/tests/forms/RequirementsTest_a.js', 'sapphire/tests/forms/RequirementsTest_c.js'));
     $combinedFiles = Requirements::get_combine_files();
     $this->assertEquals(array_keys($combinedFiles), array('RequirementsTest_bc.js'), "A single file can't be included in two combined files");