public function testDateOffset() { $date = new Date('2015-04-25+01:00'); $this->assertEquals(2015, $date->getYear()); $this->assertEquals(4, $date->getMonth()); $this->assertEquals(25, $date->getDay()); $this->assertEquals(3600, $date->getOffset()); $this->assertInstanceOf('DateTimeZone', $date->getTimeZone()); $this->assertEquals('2015-04-25+01:00', $date->toString()); }
function testSetByLocaleStringShort() { $date = new Date(); $locale = new Locale('en'); $date->setByLocaleString($locale, 'Thu 20 Jan 2005', '%a %d %b %Y'); $this->assertEqual($date->getMonth(), 1); $this->assertEqual($date->getYear(), 2005); $this->assertEqual($date->getDay(), 20); }
public static function getAgeByBirthDate(Date $birthDate, $actualDate = null) { if ($actualDate) { Assert::isInstance($actualDate, 'Date'); } else { $actualDate = Date::makeToday(); } $result = $actualDate->getYear() - $birthDate->getYear(); if ($actualDate->getMonth() < $birthDate->getMonth() || $actualDate->getMonth() == $birthDate->getMonth() && $actualDate->getDay() < $birthDate->getDay()) { // - Happy birthday? // - Happy go to hell. Not yet in this year. --$result; } return $result; }
public function isEquals(Date $date) { return $this->year === $date->getYear() && $this->month === $date->getMonth() && $this->day === $date->getDay(); }
/** * Returns an array of conversions. * * @param array $aParams * @return array */ function getConversions($aParams) { $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $oDbh =& OA_DB::singleton(); $where = ''; if (!empty($aParams['day'])) { $aParams['day_begin'] = $aParams['day_end'] = $aParams['day']; } if (!empty($aParams['day_begin'])) { $oStart = new Date($aParams['day_begin']); $oStart->setHour(0); $oStart->setMinute(0); $oStart->setSecond(0); $oStart->toUTC(); $where .= ' AND ac.tracker_date_time >= ' . $oDbh->quote($oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp'); } if (!empty($aParams['day_end'])) { $oEnd = new Date($aParams['day_end']); $oEnd->setHour(23); $oEnd->setMinute(59); $oEnd->setSecond(59); $oEnd->toUTC(); $where .= ' AND ac.tracker_date_time <= ' . $oDbh->quote($oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp'); } if (!empty($aParams['month'])) { $oStart = new Date("{$aParams['month']}-01"); $oStart->setHour(0); $oStart->setMinute(0); $oStart->setSecond(0); $oEnd = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth($oStart->getDay(), $oStart->getMonth, $oStart->getYear(), '%Y-%m-%d')); $oEnd->setHour(0); $oEnd->setMinute(0); $oEnd->setSecond(0); $oEnd->subtractSeconds(1); $oStart->toUTC(); $oEnd->toUTC(); $where .= ' AND ac.tracker_date_time >= ' . $oDbh->quote($oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp'); $where .= ' AND ac.tracker_date_time <= ' . $oDbh->quote($oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp'); } if (!empty($aParams['day_hour'])) { $oStart = new Date("{$aParams['day_hour']}:00:00"); $oStart->setMinute(0); $oStart->setSecond(0); $oEnd = new Date($oStart); $oStart->setMinute(59); $oStart->setSecond(59); $where .= ' AND ac.tracker_date_time >= ' . $oDbh->quote($oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp'); $where .= ' AND ac.tracker_date_time <= ' . $oDbh->quote($oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp'); } if (!empty($aParams['agency_id'])) { $where .= ' AND c.agencyid=' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['agency_id'], 'integer'); } if (!empty($aParams['clientid'])) { $where .= ' AND c.clientid=' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['clientid'], 'integer'); } if (isset($aParams['zonesIds'])) { $where .= ' AND ac.zone_id IN (' . $oDbh->escape(implode(',', $aParams['zonesIds'])) . ")"; } if (!empty($aParams['campaignid'])) { $where .= ' AND m.campaignid=' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['campaignid'], 'integer'); } if (!empty($aParams['bannerid'])) { $where .= ' AND d.bannerid=' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['bannerid'], 'integer'); } if (!empty($aParams['statuses'])) { $where .= ' AND ac.connection_status IN (' . $oDbh->escape(implode(',', $aParams['statuses'])) . ')'; } if (isset($aParams['startRecord']) && is_numeric($aParams['startRecord']) && is_numeric($aParams['perPage'])) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['perPage'], 'text', false) . ' OFFSET ' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['startRecord'], 'text', false); } elseif (!empty($aParams['perPage'])) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $oDbh->quote($aParams['perPage'], 'integer', false) . ' OFFSET 0'; } else { $limit = ''; } $query = "SELECT\n ac.data_intermediate_ad_connection_id as connection_id,\n c.clientid,\n m.campaignid,\n m.campaignname AS campaignname,\n ac.tracker_id as tracker_id,\n ac.connection_status,\n ac.connection_date_time AS connection_date_time,\n ac.tracker_date_time as date_time,\n t.trackername,\n ac.tracker_ip_address,\n ac.tracker_country,\n ac.connection_action,\n t.type AS connection_type,\n ac.tracker_country,\n ac.ad_id,\n ac.creative_id,\n ac.zone_id,\n ac.comments\n FROM\n {$conf['table']['prefix']}{$conf['table']['clients']} AS c,\n {$conf['table']['prefix']}{$conf['table']['data_intermediate_ad_connection']} AS ac,\n {$conf['table']['prefix']}{$conf['table']['banners']} AS d,\n {$conf['table']['prefix']}{$conf['table']['campaigns']} AS m,\n {$conf['table']['prefix']}{$conf['table']['trackers']} AS t\n WHERE\n c.clientid=m.clientid\n AND m.campaignid=d.campaignid\n AND d.bannerid=ac.ad_id\n AND t.trackerid=ac.tracker_id\n AND ac.inside_window = 1\n " . $where . "\n ORDER BY\n ac.tracker_date_time\n {$limit}"; $aStats = $oDbh->queryAll($query, null, MDB2_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, true); $oNow = new Date(); foreach (array_keys($aStats) as $k) { $oDate = new Date($aStats[$k]['date_time']); $oDate->setTZbyID('UTC'); $oDate->convertTZ($oNow->tz); $aStats[$k]['date_time'] = $oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); $oDate = new Date($aStats[$k]['connection_date_time']); $oDate->setTZbyID('UTC'); $oDate->convertTZ($oNow->tz); $aStats[$k]['connection_date_time'] = $oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); } return $aStats; }
function transferFormerFinishedTransactions($account) { global $us; if ($us->getProperty('autoExpandPlannedTransactions') == false) { return; } $now = new Date(); $now->setHour(0); $now->setMinute(0); $now->setSecond(0); $account->setType('planned'); $account->setFilter(array(array('key' => 'beginDate', 'op' => 'le', 'val' => $now))); try { $lastInsertDate = $us->getProperty('Account_' . $account->getId() . '_LastTransferFormerFinishedTransactions'); } catch (BadgerException $ex) { $lastInsertDate = new Date('1000-01-01'); } $us->setProperty('Account_' . $account->getId() . '_LastTransferFormerFinishedTransactions', $now); if (!$lastInsertDate->before($now)) { return; } while ($currentTransaction = $account->getNextPlannedTransaction()) { $date = new Date($currentTransaction->getBeginDate()); $dayOfMonth = $date->getDay(); //While we are before now and the end date of this transaction while (!$date->after($now) && !$date->after(is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getEndDate()) ? new Date('9999-12-31') : $tmp)) { if ($date->after($lastInsertDate)) { $account->addFinishedTransaction($currentTransaction->getAmount(), $currentTransaction->getTitle(), $currentTransaction->getDescription(), new Date($date), $currentTransaction->getTransactionPartner(), $currentTransaction->getCategory(), $currentTransaction->getOutsideCapital(), false, true); } //do the date calculation switch ($currentTransaction->getRepeatUnit()) { case 'day': $date->addSeconds($currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency() * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'week': $date->addSeconds($currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency() * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'month': //Set the month $date = new Date(Date_Calc::endOfMonthBySpan($currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(), $date->getMonth(), $date->getYear(), '%Y-%m-%d')); //And count back as far as the last valid day of this month while ($date->getDay() > $dayOfMonth) { $date->subtractSeconds(24 * 60 * 60); } break; case 'year': $newYear = $date->getYear() + $currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(); if ($dayOfMonth == 29 && $date->getMonth() == 2 && !Date_Calc::isLeapYear($newYear)) { $date->setDay(28); } else { $date->setDay($dayOfMonth); } $date->setYear($newYear); break; default: throw new BadgerException('Account', 'IllegalRepeatUnit', $currentTransaction->getRepeatUnit()); exit; } } } }
/** * Formats a * * @param util.Date d * @return string */ public function format(Date $d) { $out = ''; foreach ($this->format as $token) { switch ($token) { case '%Y': $out .= $d->getYear(); break; case '%m': $out .= str_pad($d->getMonth(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case '%d': $out .= str_pad($d->getDay(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case '%H': $out .= str_pad($d->getHours(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case '%M': $out .= str_pad($d->getMinutes(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case '%S': $out .= str_pad($d->getSeconds(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case '%p': $h = $d->getHours(); $out .= $h >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'; break; case '%I': $out .= str_pad($d->getHours() % 12, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case '%z': $out .= $d->getTimeZone()->getName(); break; case '%Z': $out .= $d->getOffset(); break; case is_array($token): $out .= $token[1][call_user_func(array($d, 'get' . $token[0])) - 1]; break; default: $out .= $token; } } return $out; }
/** * DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::_date2array() * * Takes a string representing a date or a unix timestamp and turns it into an * array suitable for use with the QuickForm data element. * When using a string, make sure the format can be handled by the PEAR::Date constructor! * * Beware: For the date conversion to work, you must at least use the letters "d", "m" and "Y" in * your format string (see "dateElementFormat" option). If you want to enter a time as well, * you will have to use "H", "i" and "s" as well. Other letters will not work! Exception: You can * also use "M" instead of "m" if you want plain text month names. * * @param mixed $date A unix timestamp or the string representation of a date, compatible to strtotime() * @return array * @access protected */ function _date2array($date) { $da = array(); if (is_string($date)) { // Get PEAR::Date class definition, if needed include_once 'Date.php'; $dObj = new Date($date); $da['d'] = $dObj->getDay(); $da['l'] = $da['D'] = $dObj->getDayOfWeek(); $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = $dObj->getMonth(); $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = $dObj->getYear(); $da['H'] = $dObj->getHour(); $da['h'] = $da['H'] % 12; if ($da['h'] == 0) { $da['h'] = 12; } $da['i'] = $dObj->getMinute(); $da['s'] = $dObj->getSecond(); if ($da['H'] >= 12) { $da['a'] = 'pm'; $da['A'] = 'PM'; } else { $da['a'] = 'am'; $da['A'] = 'AM'; } unset($dObj); } else { if (is_int($date)) { $time = $date; } else { $time = time(); } $da['d'] = date('d', $time); $da['l'] = $da['D'] = date('w', $time); $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = date('m', $time); $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = date('Y', $time); $da['H'] = date('H', $time); $da['h'] = date('h', $time); $da['i'] = date('i', $time); $da['s'] = date('s', $time); $da['a'] = date('a', $time); $da['A'] = date('A', $time); } $this->debug('<i>_date2array():</i> from ' . $date . ' ...'); return $da; }
/** * Checks if the given day is the current day * * @param mixed $stamp Any timestamp format recognized by Pear::Date * * @return boolean * @access protected */ function isToday($stamp) { static $today = null; if (is_null($today)) { $today = new Date(); } $date = Calendar_Engine_PearDate::stampCollection($stamp); return $date->day == $today->getDay() && $date->month == $today->getMonth() && $date->year == $today->getYear(); }
private function computeSubscriptionDays($p_publication, $p_subscriptionTime) { $startDate = new Date(); if ($p_publication->getTimeUnit() == 'D') { return $p_subscriptionTime; } elseif ($p_publication->getTimeUnit() == 'W') { return 7 * $p_subscriptionTime; } elseif ($p_publication->getTimeUnit() == 'M') { $endDate = new Date(); $months = $p_subscriptionTime + $endDate->getMonth(); $years = (int)($months / 12); $months = $months % 12; $endDate->setYear($endDate->getYear() + $years); $endDate->setMonth($months); } elseif ($p_publication->getTimeUnit() == 'Y') { $endDate = new Date(); $endDate->setYear($endDate->getYear() + $p_subscriptionTime); } $dateCalc = new Date_Calc(); return $dateCalc->dateDiff($endDate->getDay(), $endDate->getMonth(), $endDate->getYear(), $startDate->getDay(), $startDate->getMonth(), $startDate->getYear()); }
/** * @covers Geissler\Converter\Model\Date::getDay */ public function testGetDay() { $this->assertInstanceOf($this->class, $this->object->setDay(19)); $this->assertEquals(19, $this->object->getDay()); }
/** * Returns a date in the format used by MS-DOS. * * @see * @param util.Date date * @return int */ protected function dosDate(Date $date) { return (($date->getYear() - 1980 & 0x7f) << 4 | $date->getMonth() & 0xf) << 5 | $date->getDay() & 0x1f; }
/** * Actualiza los datos de la tarea duplicada. * @version 26-02-09 * @author Ana Martín */ protected function updateDuplicarTareaFromRequest() { $tarea = $this->getRequestParameter('tarea'); $value = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->getTimestampForCulture($tarea['fecha_inicio']['date'], $this->getUser()->getCulture()); $mi_date = new Date($value); $mi_date->setHours(isset($tarea['fecha_inicio']['hour']) ? $tarea['fecha_inicio']['hour'] : 0); $mi_date->setMinutes(isset($tarea['fecha_inicio']['minute']) ? $tarea['fecha_inicio']['minute'] : 0); $this->nueva_tarea->setFechaInicio($mi_date->getTimestamp()); if (isset($tarea['fecha_vencimiento'])) { $value = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->getTimestampForCulture($tarea['fecha_vencimiento']['date'], $this->getUser()->getCulture()); $mi_date = new Date($value); $mi_date->setHours(isset($tarea['fecha_vencimiento']['hour']) ? $tarea['fecha_vencimiento']['hour'] : 0); $mi_date->setMinutes(isset($tarea['fecha_vencimiento']['minute']) ? $tarea['fecha_vencimiento']['minute'] : 0); $this->nueva_tarea->setFechaVencimiento($mi_date->getTimestamp()); } else { if (isset($tarea['duracion'])) { $duracion_minutos = $tarea['duracion']; $fecha_vencimiento = mktime($mi_date->getHours(), $mi_date->getMinutes() + $duracion_minutos, 0, $mi_date->getMonth(), $mi_date->getDay(), $mi_date->getYear()); $this->nueva_tarea->setFechaVencimiento(date('Y-m-d H:i', $fecha_vencimiento)); } else { $this->nueva_tarea->setFechaVencimiento($mi_date->getTimestamp()); } } if (isset($tarea['id_usuario'])) { $this->nueva_tarea->setIdUsuario($tarea['id_usuario']); } }
function getTemplateArrayCalendar($o_minDay, $s_date, $period) { // today $today = new Date(getDateFromTimestamp(time())); $tsToday = $today->getTimestamp(); // date asked for statistics $dateAsked = new Date($s_date); // used for going througt the month $date = new Date($s_date); $month = $date->getMonth(); $year = $date->getYear(); $prefixDay = $year . "-" . $month . "-"; $date->setDate($prefixDay . '01'); $week = $date->getWeek(); $day = 1; $ts = $date->getTimestamp(); while ($date->getMonth() == $month) { // day exists in stats, isn't it too old or in the future ? if ($date->getTimestamp() >= $o_minDay->getTimestamp() && $date->getTimestamp() <= $tsToday) { $exists = 1; } else { $exists = 0; } // day selected for stats view ? if ($period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_DAY && $date->getDay() == $dateAsked->getDay() || $period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_WEEK && $date->getWeek() == $dateAsked->getWeek() || $period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_MONTH || $period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR) { $selected = 1; } else { $selected = 0; } $weekNo = $date->getWeek() - $week; if (defined('MONDAY_FIRST') && MONDAY_FIRST == 'no' && date("w", $ts) == 0) { $weekNo += 1; } $dayOfWeek = (int) (!defined('MONDAY_FIRST') || MONDAY_FIRST == 'yes' ? date("w", $ts) == 0 ? 6 : date("w", $ts) - 1 : date("w", $ts)); $return[$weekNo][$dayOfWeek] = array('day' => substr($date->getDay(), 0, 1) === '0' ? substr($date->getDay(), 1, 2) : $date->getDay(), 'date' => $date->get(), 'exists' => $exists, 'selected' => $selected); $date->addDays(1); //these 2 lines useless? to check $ts = $date->getTimeStamp(); $date->setTimestamp($ts); } foreach ($return as $key => $r) { $row =& $return[$key]; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { if (!isset($row[$i])) { $row[$i] = "-"; } } ksort($row); } return $return; }
public static function dayDifference(Date $left, Date $right) { return gregoriantojd($right->getMonth(), $right->getDay(), $right->getYear()) - gregoriantojd($left->getMonth(), $left->getDay(), $left->getYear()); }
function getVisitsFrequencyNewReturningGraph() { $all = $this->getContent('vis_period'); switch ($this->archive->periodType) { case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_WEEK: $typeDateDisplay = 2; $typeDateDisplayGraph = 8; break; case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_MONTH: $typeDateDisplay = 2; $typeDateDisplayGraph = 8; break; case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR: $typeDateDisplay = 5; $typeDateDisplayGraph = 10; break; } $new = $returning = $axis = array(); ksort($all); foreach ($all as $date => $info) { $new[] = $info[ARRAY_INDEX_NEW_COUNT]; $returning[] = $info[ARRAY_INDEX_RETURNING_COUNT]; switch ($this->archive->periodType) { case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_DAY: $dateD = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['generique_tempsheure'], $date); break; case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_WEEK: $dateD = getDateDisplay($typeDateDisplayGraph, new Date($date)); break; case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_MONTH: $dateDD = new Date($date); $dateD = $dateDD->getDay(); break; case DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR: $dateDD = new Date($date); $dateD = $GLOBALS['lang']['moistab_graph'][$dateDD->getMonth()]; break; } $axis[] = $dateD; } return array('data1' => array('data' => $new, 'legend' => $GLOBALS['lang']['frequence_nouvellesvisites']), 'data2' => array('data' => $returning, 'legend' => $GLOBALS['lang']['frequence_visitesconnues']), 'axis' => $axis, 'title' => $GLOBALS['lang']['frequence_nouveauxconnus']); }
function transferFinishedTransactions($account, $plannedTransaction) { $now = new Date(); $date = new Date($plannedTransaction->getBeginDate()); $dayOfMonth = $date->getDay(); //While we are before now and the end date of this transaction while (!$date->after($now) && !$date->after(is_null($tmp = $plannedTransaction->getEndDate()) ? new Date('9999-12-31') : $tmp)) { $account->addFinishedTransaction($plannedTransaction->getAmount(), $plannedTransaction->getTitle(), $plannedTransaction->getDescription(), new Date($date), $plannedTransaction->getTransactionPartner(), $plannedTransaction->getCategory(), $plannedTransaction->getOutsideCapital(), false, true); //do the date calculation switch ($plannedTransaction->getRepeatUnit()) { case 'day': $date->addSeconds($plannedTransaction->getRepeatFrequency() * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'week': $date->addSeconds($plannedTransaction->getRepeatFrequency() * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'month': //Set the month $date = new Date(Date_Calc::endOfMonthBySpan($plannedTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(), $date->getMonth(), $date->getYear(), '%Y-%m-%d')); //And count back as far as the last valid day of this month while ($date->getDay() > $dayOfMonth) { $date->subtractSeconds(24 * 60 * 60); } break; case 'year': $newYear = $date->getYear() + $plannedTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(); if ($dayOfMonth == 29 && $date->getMonth() == 2 && !Date_Calc::isLeapYear($newYear)) { $date->setDay(28); } else { $date->setDay($dayOfMonth); } $date->setYear($newYear); break; default: throw new BadgerException('Account', 'IllegalRepeatUnit', $plannedTransaction->getRepeatUnit()); exit; } } }
<?php $date = new Date(); $date->setDMY(1, 4, 2010); $date->setToLastMonthDay(); echo $date->getDay();
/** * Adds a holiday to the driver's holidays * * @param string $internalName internal name - must not contain characters * that aren't allowed as variable-names * @param mixed $date date (timestamp | string | PEAR::Date object) * @param string $title holiday title * * @access protected * @return void */ function _addHoliday($internalName, $date, $title) { if (!is_a($date, 'Date')) { $date = new Date($date); } $this->_dates[$internalName] = $date; $this->_titles['C'][$internalName] = $title; $isodate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date->getMonth(), $date->getDay(), $date->getYear()); if (!isset($this->_holidays[$isodate])) { $this->_holidays[$isodate] = array(); } array_push($this->_holidays[$isodate], $internalName); array_push($this->_internalNames, $internalName); }
/** * Build the internal arrays that contain data about holidays. * * @access protected * @return boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object * @throws object PEAR_ErrorStack */ function _buildHolidays() { parent::_buildHolidays(); /* * Labour Day. */ $labourDay = Date_Calc::nWeekdayOfMonth(1, 1, 3, $this->_year); $this->_addHoliday('labourDay', $labourDay, "Labour Day"); /* * Foundation Day (Queen's Birthday in other states). * See */ $foundationDay = Date_Calc::nWeekdayOfMonth(1, 1, 6, $this->_year); $this->_addHoliday('foundationDay', $foundationDay, "Foundation Day"); /* * The Queen's Birthday. There is no firm rule to determine this date before * it is proclaimed, but it is usually the last Monday of September or the * first Monday of October, to fit in with school terms and the Perth Royal * Show. Here we assume that whichever of the two is closest to the start of * Octber will be the holiday; this has been verified to be correct up to and * including 2013, but dates beyond then should be verified once they've been * proclaimed (and something added here to account for historical and future * irregularities). */ $y = $this->_year; $lastMonSept = new Date(Date_Calc::nWeekdayOfMonth('last', 1, 9, $y)); $firstMonOct = new Date(Date_Calc::nWeekdayOfMonth(1, 1, 10, $y)); $daysToEnd = 30 - $lastMonSept->getDay(); $daysToStart = $firstMonOct->getDay(); if ($daysToEnd < $daysToStart) { $queensBirthday = $lastMonSept; } else { $queensBirthday = $firstMonOct; } $this->_addHoliday('queensBirthday', $queensBirthday, "Queen's Birthday"); }
/** * A method to calculate the range of dates that a statistics screen needs to display. * * Returns an array of values where: * * - If "week" or "day" is the breakdown, array is of days, indexed by "YYYY-MM-DD", * and formatted using the user's local format for days. * * - If "month" is the breakdown, array is of months, indexed by "YYYY-MM", * and formatted using the user's local format for months and days. * * - If "dow" is the breakdown, array is of days of the week, indexed by the integers * 0 to 6, and formatted with the user's local weekday names. * * - If "hour" is the breakdown, array is of hours of the day, indexed by the integers * 0 to 23, and formatted in the format "00:00 - 00:59", "01:00 01:59", etc. * * @param array $aDates An array of the start and end dates in use by the day * span selector element, if set. * @param string $breakdown The breakdown type in use. One of "week", "day", "month", * "dow" or "hour". * @param PEAR::Date $oStatsStartDate A date object representing the first day of statistics * that are available. * @return array The array, as described above. */ function getDatesArray($aDates, $breakdown, $oStatsStartDate) { // Does the day span selector element have dates set? if ($aDates['day_begin'] && $aDates['day_end'] || $aDates['period_start'] && $aDates['period_end']) { if ($aDates['day_begin'] && $aDates['day_end']) { // Use the dates given by the day span selector element $oStartDate = new Date($aDates['day_begin']); $oEndDate = new Date($aDates['day_end']); } else { // Use the dates given by the period_start and period_end $oStartDate = new Date($aDates['period_start']); $oEndDate = new Date($aDates['period_end']); } // Adjust end date to be now, if it's in the future if ($oEndDate->isFuture()) { $oEndDate = new Date(); $aDates['day_end'] = new Date(); $aDates['day_end'] = $aDates['day_end']->format('%Y-%m-%d'); } } else { // Use the dates given by the statistics date limitation // and now $oStartDate = new Date(); $oStartDate->copy($oStatsStartDate); $oEndDate = new Date(); } // Prepare the return array $aDatesResult = array(); switch ($breakdown) { case 'week': case 'day': $oOneDaySpan = new Date_Span('1', '%d'); $oEndDate->addSpan($oOneDaySpan); $oDate = new Date(); $oDate->copy($oStartDate); while ($oDate->before($oEndDate)) { $aDatesResult[$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')] = $oDate->format($GLOBALS['date_format']); $oDate->addSpan($oOneDaySpan); } break; case 'month': $oOneMonthSpan = new Date_Span((string) ($oEndDate->getDaysInMonth() - $oEndDate->getDay() + 1), '%d'); $oEndDate->addSpan($oOneMonthSpan); $oDate = new Date(); $oDate->copy($oStartDate); while ($oDate->before($oEndDate)) { $aDatesResult[$oDate->format('%Y-%m')] = $oDate->format($GLOBALS['month_format']); $oOneMonthSpan = new Date_Span((string) ($oDate->getDaysInMonth() - $oDate->getDay() + 1), '%d'); $oDate->addSpan($oOneMonthSpan); } break; case 'dow': for ($dow = 0; $dow < 7; $dow++) { $aDatesResult[$dow] = $GLOBALS['strDayFullNames'][$dow]; } break; case 'hour': for ($hour = 0; $hour < 24; $hour++) { $aDatesResult[$hour] = sprintf('%02d:00 - %02d:59', $hour, $hour); } break; } return $aDatesResult; }
/** * A method to get the number of operation intervals in a given * start & end date range must be valid OI start & end date range * * @static * @param object $oStartDate PEAR::Date object * @param object $oEndDate PEAR::Date object * @return integer number of operation intervals remaining */ function getIntervalsRemaining($oStartDate, $oEndDate) { $operationIntervalSeconds = OX_OperationInterval::getOperationInterval() * 60; // Convert to UTC $oStartCopy = new Date($oStartDate); $oStartCopy->toUTC(); $oEndCopy = new Date($oEndDate); $oEndCopy->toUTC(); // Get timestamp of start date/time - in seconds $startDateSeconds = mktime($oStartCopy->getHour(), $oStartCopy->getMinute(), $oStartCopy->getSecond(), $oStartCopy->getMonth(), $oStartCopy->getDay(), $oStartCopy->getYear()); // Get timestamp of end date/time - in seconds $endDateSeconds = mktime($oEndCopy->getHour(), $oEndCopy->getMinute(), $oEndCopy->getSecond(), $oEndCopy->getMonth(), $oEndCopy->getDay(), $oEndCopy->getYear()); // calculate interval length in seconds $interval = $endDateSeconds - $startDateSeconds; // find number of operation intervals during interval return $interval <= 0 ? 0 : round($interval / $operationIntervalSeconds); }
/** * Expands the planned transactions. * * All occurences of planned transactions between now and the targetFutureCalcDate will be inserted * in finishedTransactions. For distinction the planned transactions will have a 'p' as first character * in their id. * * @throws BadgerException If an illegal repeat unit is used. */ public function expandPlannedTransactions() { $now = new Date(); $now->setHour(0); $now->setMinute(0); $now->setSecond(0); foreach ($this->plannedTransactions as $currentTransaction) { $date = new Date($currentTransaction->getBeginDate()); $dayOfMonth = $date->getDay(); //While we have not reached targetFutureCalcDate while ($this->targetFutureCalcDate->after($date) && !$date->after(is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getEndDate()) ? new Date('9999-12-31') : $tmp)) { $inRange = true; //Check if there is one or more valutaDate filter and apply them foreach ($this->filter as $currentFilter) { if ($currentFilter['key'] == 'valutaDate') { switch ($currentFilter['op']) { case 'eq': if (Date::compare($date, $currentFilter['val']) != 0) { $inRange = false; } break; case 'lt': if (Date::compare($date, $currentFilter['val']) >= 0) { $inRange = false; } break; case 'le': if (Date::compare($date, $currentFilter['val']) > 0) { $inRange = false; } break; case 'gt': if (Date::compare($date, $currentFilter['val']) <= 0) { $inRange = false; } break; case 'ge': if (Date::compare($date, $currentFilter['val']) < 0) { $inRange = false; } break; case 'ne': if (Date::compare($date, $currentFilter['val']) == 0) { $inRange = false; } break; case 'bw': case 'ew': case 'ct': if (strncasecmp($date->getFormatted(), $currentFilter['val']->getFormatted(), 9999) != 0) { $inRange = false; } break; } if (!$inRange) { break; } } } if (!$date->before($now) && $inRange) { $this->finishedTransactions[] = new FinishedTransaction($this->badgerDb, $this, 'p' . $currentTransaction->getId() . '_' . $date->getDate(), $currentTransaction->getTitle(), $currentTransaction->getAmount(), $currentTransaction->getDescription(), new Date($date), $currentTransaction->getTransactionPartner(), $currentTransaction->getCategory(), $currentTransaction->getOutsideCapital(), false, true, $currentTransaction, 'PlannedTransaction'); } //do the date calculation switch ($currentTransaction->getRepeatUnit()) { case 'day': $date->addSeconds($currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency() * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'week': $date->addSeconds($currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency() * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'month': //Set the month $date = new Date(Date_Calc::endOfMonthBySpan($currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(), $date->getMonth(), $date->getYear(), '%Y-%m-%d')); //And count back as far as the last valid day of this month while ($date->getDay() > $dayOfMonth) { $date->subtractSeconds(24 * 60 * 60); } break; case 'year': $newYear = $date->getYear() + $currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(); if ($dayOfMonth == 29 && $date->getMonth() == 2 && !Date_Calc::isLeapYear($newYear)) { $date->setDay(28); } else { $date->setDay($dayOfMonth); } $date->setYear($newYear); break; default: throw new BadgerException('Account', 'IllegalRepeatUnit', $currentTransaction->getRepeatUnit()); exit; } } } }
private function previousOccurence($date, $start = null) { if (is_null($start)) { $start = $this->beginDate; } $dayOfMonth = $start->getDay(); //do the date calculation switch ($this->repeatUnit) { case 'day': $date->subtractSeconds($this->repeatFrequency * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'week': $date->subtractSeconds($this->repeatFrequency * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60); break; case 'month': //Set the month $date = new Date(Date_Calc::endOfMonthBySpan(-$this->repeatFrequency, $date->getMonth(), $date->getYear(), '%Y-%m-%d')); //And count back as far as the last valid day of this month while ($date->getDay() > $dayOfMonth) { $date->subtractSeconds(24 * 60 * 60); } break; case 'year': $newYear = $date->getYear() - $this->repeatFrequency; if ($dayOfMonth == 29 && $date->getMonth() == 2 && !Date_Calc::isLeapYear($newYear)) { $date->setDay(28); } else { $date->setDay($dayOfMonth); } $date->setYear($newYear); break; default: throw new BadgerException('Account', 'IllegalRepeatUnit', $this->repeatUnit); exit; } //switch return $date; }
function fitnesslog_widget_summary_prior_years($args) { $display = new Date(); $display->setDayMonthYear($display->getDay(), $display->getMonth(), $display->getYear() - 1); // Get the arguments passed to the widget. extract($args); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; echo $display->format("%Y"); echo ' Totals'; echo $after_title; echo '<ul>'; $result = get_summary_totals("s", "py"); if ($result) { echo '<li>Swim: '; echo get_summary_totals("s", "py"); echo '</li>'; } $result = get_summary_totals("b", "py"); if ($result) { echo '<li>Bike: '; echo get_summary_totals("b", "py"); echo '</li>'; } $result = get_summary_totals("r", "py"); if ($result) { echo '<li>Run: '; echo get_summary_totals("r", "py"); echo '</li>'; } $result = get_summary_totals("str", "py"); if ($result) { echo '<li>Strength: '; echo get_summary_totals("str", "py"); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo $after_widget; }
/** * Set a given timezone for the passed date. Really modifies * the date as just the timezone is exchanged, no further * modifications are done. * * @param util.Date date * @param util.TimeZone tz * @return util.Date */ public static function setTimezone(Date $date, TimeZone $tz) { return Date::create($date->getYear(), $date->getMonth(), $date->getDay(), $date->getHours(), $date->getMinutes(), $date->getSeconds(), $tz); }
/** * DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::_date2array() * * Takes a string representing a date or a unix timestamp and turns it into an * array suitable for use with the QuickForm data element. * When using a string, make sure the format can be handled by the PEAR::Date constructor! * * Beware: For the date conversion to work, you must at least use the letters "d", "m" and "Y" in * your format string (see "dateElementFormat" option). If you want to enter a time as well, * you will have to use "H", "i" and "s" as well. Other letters will not work! Exception: You can * also use "M" instead of "m" if you want plain text month names. * * @param mixed $date A unix timestamp or the string representation of a date, compatible to strtotime() * @return array * @access protected */ function _date2array($date) { $da = array(); if (is_string($date)) { if (preg_match('/^\\d+:\\d+(:\\d+|)(\\s+[ap]m|)$/i', $date)) { $date = date('Y-m-d ') . $date; $getDate = false; } else { $getDate = true; } include_once 'Date.php'; $dObj = new Date($date); if ($getDate) { $da['d'] = $dObj->getDay(); $da['l'] = $da['D'] = $dObj->getDayOfWeek(); $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = $dObj->getMonth(); $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = $dObj->getYear(); } $da['H'] = $dObj->getHour(); $da['h'] = $da['H'] % 12; if ($da['h'] == 0) { $da['h'] = 12; } $da['g'] = $da['h']; $da['i'] = $dObj->getMinute(); $da['s'] = $dObj->getSecond(); if ($da['H'] >= 12) { $da['a'] = 'pm'; $da['A'] = 'PM'; } else { $da['a'] = 'am'; $da['A'] = 'AM'; } unset($dObj); } else { if (is_int($date)) { $time = $date; } else { $time = time(); } $da['d'] = date('d', $time); $da['l'] = $da['D'] = date('w', $time); $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = date('m', $time); $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = date('Y', $time); $da['H'] = date('H', $time); $da['g'] = date('g', $time); $da['h'] = date('h', $time); $da['i'] = date('i', $time); $da['s'] = date('s', $time); $da['a'] = date('a', $time); $da['A'] = date('A', $time); } DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::debug('<i>_date2array():</i> from ' . $date . ' to ' . serialize($da) . ' ...'); return $da; }
private function datePicker(Date $dateObj) { $yStart = empty($this->yearStart) ? "-3" : $this->yearStart; $yEnd = empty($this->yearEnd) ? "+3" : $this->yearEnd; return $this->ascList("d", 1, 31, $dateObj->getDay()) . $this->ascList("m", 1, 12, $dateObj->getMonth()) . $this->ascList("y", $this->getEvaledYear($yStart), $this->getEvaledYear($yEnd), $dateObj->getYear()); }
public function getNextRunTime($date) { // check if $date is a timestamp... if ($date instanceof Date == false && is_integer($date)) { $date = new Date($date); } // assume now $date IS instanceof Date $cSecond = $date->getSecond(); $cMinute = $date->getMinute(); $cHour = $date->getHour(); $cDay = $date->getDay(); $cMonth = $date->getMonth(); $cYear = $date->getYear(); // required to check the number of days in the month $found = false; while ($found === false) { while ($found === false) { // iterate months... $cMonth = $this->findNextInArray($cMonth, $this->monthArray); if ($cMonth === null) { break; } // find the day now while ($found === false) { $cDay = $this->findNextInArray($cDay, $this->dayArray); if ($cDay === null) { break; } // here dayOfWeek and number of days in month should be checked! $date = new Date(); $date->setYear($cYear); $date->setMonth($cMonth); $numberOfDaysInMonth = $date->getDaysInMonth(); if ($cDay > $numberOfDaysInMonth) { break; } if ($this->dayOfWeekArray !== null) { // get day of the week $date->setDay($cDay); $dayOfWeek = $date->getDayOfWeek(); if (!in_array($dayOfWeek, $this->dayOfWeekArray)) { $cDay++; continue; } } while ($found === false) { if ($cHour == 24) { break; } $cHour = $this->findNextInArray($cHour, $this->hourArray); if ($cHour === null) { break; } while ($found === false) { if ($cMinute == 60) { break; } $cMinute = $this->findNextInArray($cMinute, $this->minuteArray); if ($cMinute === null) { break; } while ($found === false) { if ($cSecond == 60) { break; } $cSecond = $this->findNextInArray($cSecond, $this->secondArray); if ($cSecond === null) { break; } else { // FOUND IT!!! WOOOO! // create Date object $date = new Date(); $date->setYear($cYear); $date->setMonth($cMonth); $date->setDay($cDay); $date->setHour($cHour); $date->setMinute($cMinute); $date->setSecond($cSecond); return $date; } } $cMinute++; $cSecond = 0; } $cHour++; $cMinute = 0; $cSecond = 0; } $cDay++; $cHour = 0; $cMinute = 0; $cSecond = 0; } $cMonth++; $cDay = 0; $cHour = 0; $cMinute = 0; $cSecond = 0; } $cYear++; $cMonth = 0; $cDay = 0; $cHour = 0; $cMinute = 0; $cSecond = 0; } }
public static function getHumanDay(Date $date, $wordDayNeed = true) { $today = Date::makeToday(); $tomorrow = $today->spawn('+1 day'); if ($date->toDate() == $today->toDate() && $wordDayNeed == true) { return 'сегодня'; } elseif ($date->toDate() == $tomorrow->toDate() && $wordDayNeed == true) { return 'завтра'; } else { return (int) $date->getDay() . ' ' . RussianTextUtils::getMonthInGenitiveCase($date->getMonth()); } }