public function verifyUserByToken($username, $token) { $username = Sanitize::html($username); $token = Sanitize::html($token); $username = trim($username); $token = trim($token); if (empty($username) || empty($token)) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Username or Token-email empty. Username: '******' - Token-email: ' . $token); return false; } $user = $this->dbUsers->getDb($username); if ($user == false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Username does not exist: ' . $username); return false; } $currentTime = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); if ($user['tokenEmailTTL'] < $currentTime) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Token-email expired: ' . $username); return false; } if ($token === $user['tokenEmail']) { // Set the user loggued. $this->setLogin($username, $user['role']); // Invalidate the current token. $this->dbUsers->generateTokenEmail($username); Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'User logged succeeded by Token-email - Username: '******'Token-email incorrect.'); } return false; }
public function reindexPosts($db) { $tagsIndex = array(); $currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // Foreach post foreach ($db as $postKey => $values) { $tags = $values['tags']; // Foreach tag from post foreach ($tags as $tagKey => $tagName) { if (isset($tagsIndex[$tagKey])) { array_push($tagsIndex[$tagKey]['posts'], $postKey); } else { $tagsIndex[$tagKey]['name'] = $tagName; $tagsIndex[$tagKey]['posts'] = array($postKey); } } } $this->db['postsIndex'] = $tagsIndex; if ($this->save() === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return true; }
echo '<li>'; // --- BLUDIT COVER IMAGE --- echo '<hr>'; HTML::bluditCoverImage(); echo '<hr>'; // --- BLUDIT QUICK IMAGES --- HTML::bluditQuickImages(); // --- BLUDIT IMAGES V8 --- HTML::bluditImagesV8(); echo '</li>'; // ---- ADVANCED TAB ---- echo '<li>'; // Status input HTML::formSelect(array('name' => 'status', 'label' => $L->g('Status'), 'class' => 'uk-width-1-1 uk-form-medium', 'options' => array('published' => $L->g('Published'), 'draft' => $L->g('Draft')), 'selected' => 'published', 'tip' => '')); // Date input HTML::formInputText(array('name' => 'date', 'value' => Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT), 'class' => 'uk-width-1-1 uk-form-large', 'tip' => $L->g('To schedule the post just select the date and time'), 'label' => $L->g('Date'))); // Slug input HTML::formInputText(array('name' => 'slug', 'value' => '', 'class' => 'uk-width-1-1 uk-form-large', 'tip' => $L->g('you-can-modify-the-url-which-identifies'), 'label' => $L->g('Friendly URL'))); echo '</li>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; HTML::formClose(); ?> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#jsdate").datetimepicker({format:"<?php echo DB_DATE_FORMAT;
public function regenerateCli() { $db = $this->db; $newPaths = array(); $fields = array(); // Default fields and value foreach ($this->dbFields as $field => $options) { if (!$options['inFile']) { $fields[$field] = $options['value']; } } //$tmpPaths = glob(PATH_PAGES.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $tmpPaths = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_PAGES); foreach ($tmpPaths as $directory) { $key = basename($directory); if (file_exists($directory . DS . 'index.txt')) { // The key is the directory name $newPaths[$key] = true; } // Recovery pages from subdirectories //$subPaths = glob($directory.DS.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $subPaths = Filesystem::listDirectories($directory . DS); foreach ($subPaths as $subDirectory) { $subKey = basename($subDirectory); if (file_exists($subDirectory . DS . 'index.txt')) { // The key is composed by the directory/subdirectory $newPaths[$key . '/' . $subKey] = true; } } } foreach ($newPaths as $key => $value) { if (!isset($this->db[$key])) { // Default values for the new pages. $fields['status'] = CLI_STATUS; $fields['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); $fields['username'] = '******'; // Create the entry for the new page. $this->db[$key] = $fields; } $Page = new Page($key); // Update all fields from FILE to DATABASE. foreach ($fields as $f => $v) { // If the field exists on the FILE, update it. if ($Page->getField($f)) { $valueFromFile = $Page->getField($f); if ($f == 'tags') { // Generate tags array. $this->db[$key]['tags'] = $this->generateTags($valueFromFile); } elseif ($f == 'date') { // Validate Date from file if (Valid::date($valueFromFile, DB_DATE_FORMAT)) { $this->db[$key]['date'] = $valueFromFile; } } else { // Sanitize the values from file. $this->db[$key][$f] = Sanitize::html($valueFromFile); } } } } // Remove old pages from db foreach (array_diff_key($db, $newPaths) as $key => $data) { unset($this->db[$key]); } // Save the database. if ($this->save() === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return $this->db != $db; }
public function regenerateCli() { $db = $this->db; $allPosts = array(); $fields = array(); $currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // Generate default fields and values. foreach ($this->dbFields as $field => $options) { if (!$options['inFile']) { $fields[$field] = $options['value']; } } $fields['status'] = CLI_STATUS; $fields['date'] = $currentDate; $fields['username'] = '******'; // Recovery posts from the first level of directories $tmpPaths = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_POSTS); foreach ($tmpPaths as $directory) { if (file_exists($directory . DS . 'index.txt')) { // The key is the directory name. $key = basename($directory); // All keys posts $allPosts[$key] = true; // Create the new entry if not exists on DATABASE. if (!isset($this->db[$key])) { // New entry on database $this->db[$key] = $fields; } // Create the post from FILE. $Post = new Post($key); // Update all fields from FILE to DATABASE. foreach ($fields as $f => $v) { // If the field exists on the FILE, update it. if ($Post->getField($f)) { $valueFromFile = $Post->getField($f); if ($f == 'tags') { // Generate tags array. $this->db[$key]['tags'] = $this->generateTags($valueFromFile); } elseif ($f == 'date') { // Validate Date from file if (Valid::date($valueFromFile, DB_DATE_FORMAT)) { $this->db[$key]['date'] = $valueFromFile; if ($valueFromFile > $currentDate) { $this->db[$key]['status'] = 'scheduled'; } } } else { // Sanitize the values from file. $this->db[$key][$f] = Sanitize::html($valueFromFile); } } } } } // Remove orphan posts from db, the orphan posts are posts deleted by hand (directory deleted). foreach (array_diff_key($db, $allPosts) as $key => $data) { unset($this->db[$key]); } // Sort posts before save. $this->sortByDate(); // Save the database. if ($this->save() === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return $this->db != $db; }
function install($adminPassword, $email, $timezone) { global $Language; $stdOut = array(); if (!date_default_timezone_set($timezone)) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); } $currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // ============================================================================ // Create directories // ============================================================================ // 7=read,write,execute | 5=read,execute $dirpermissions = 0755; $firstPostSlug = 'first-post'; if (!mkdir(PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PAGES . 'error', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PAGES . 'error'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PAGES . 'about', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PAGES . 'about'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'simplemde', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'simplemde'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'about', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'about'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_PROFILES, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_UPLOADS_PROFILES; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_TMP, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_TMP; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_THUMBNAILS, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_UPLOADS_THUMBNAILS; error_log($errorText, 0); } // ============================================================================ // Create files // ============================================================================ $dataHead = "<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); ?>" . PHP_EOL; // File pages.php $data = array('error' => array('description' => 'Error page', 'username' => 'admin', 'tags' => array(), 'status' => 'published', 'date' => $currentDate, 'position' => 0), 'about' => array('description' => $Language->get('About your site or yourself'), 'username' => 'admin', 'tags' => array(), 'status' => 'published', 'date' => $currentDate, 'position' => 1)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'pages.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File posts.php $data = array($firstPostSlug => array('description' => $Language->get('Welcome to Bludit'), 'username' => 'admin', 'status' => 'published', 'tags' => array('bludit' => 'Bludit', 'cms' => 'CMS', 'flat-files' => 'Flat files'), 'allowComments' => 'false', 'date' => $currentDate)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'posts.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File site.php $data = array('title' => 'BLUDIT', 'slogan' => 'CMS', 'description' => '', 'footer' => 'Copyright © ' . Date::current('Y'), 'language' => $Language->getCurrentLocale(), 'locale' => $Language->getCurrentLocale(), 'timezone' => $timezone, 'theme' => 'log', 'adminTheme' => 'default', 'homepage' => '', 'postsperpage' => '6', 'uriPost' => '/post/', 'uriPage' => '/', 'uriTag' => '/tag/', 'url' => PROTOCOL . DOMAIN . HTML_PATH_ROOT, 'emailFrom' => 'no-reply@' . DOMAIN); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'site.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File users.php $salt = getRandomString(); $passwordHash = sha1($adminPassword . $salt); $data = array('admin' => array('firstName' => $Language->get('Administrator'), 'lastName' => '', 'twitter' => '', 'role' => 'admin', 'password' => $passwordHash, 'salt' => $salt, 'email' => $email, 'registered' => $currentDate)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'users.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File security.php $randomKey = getRandomString(); $randomKey = sha1($randomKey); $data = array('key1' => $randomKey, 'minutesBlocked' => 5, 'numberFailuresAllowed' => 10, 'blackList' => array()); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'security.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File tags.php file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'tags.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('postsIndex' => array('bludit' => array('name' => 'Bludit', 'posts' => array('first-post')), 'cms' => array('name' => 'CMS', 'posts' => array('first-post')), 'flat-files' => array('name' => 'Flat files', 'posts' => array('first-post'))), 'pagesIndex' => array()), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // PLUGINS // File plugins/pages/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'homeLink' => true, 'label' => $Language->get('Pages')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/about/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'about' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'label' => $Language->get('About'), 'text' => $Language->get('this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/simplemde/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'simplemde' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'tabSize' => 4, 'toolbar' => '"bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote", "unordered-list", "|", "link", "image", "code", "horizontal-rule", "|", "preview", "side-by-side", "fullscreen", "guide"'), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/tags/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'label' => $Language->get('Tags')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File FILENAME for error page $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('Error') . ' Content: ' . $Language->get('The page has not been found'); file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . 'error' . DS . FILENAME, $data, LOCK_EX); // File FILENAME for about page $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('About') . ' Content: ' . $Language->get('the-about-page-is-very-important') . ' ' . $Language->get('change-this-pages-content-on-the-admin-panel'); file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . 'about' . DS . FILENAME, $data, LOCK_EX); // File FILENAME for welcome post $text1 = Text::replaceAssoc(array('{{ADMIN_AREA_LINK}}' => PROTOCOL . DOMAIN . HTML_PATH_ROOT . 'admin'), $Language->get('Manage your Bludit from the admin panel')); $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('First post') . ' Content: ## ' . $Language->get('Whats next') . ' - ' . $text1 . ' - ' . $Language->get('Follow Bludit on') . ' [Twitter]( / [Facebook]( / [Google+]( - ' . $Language->get('Chat with developers and users on Gitter') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Visit the support forum') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Read the documentation for more information') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Share with your friends and enjoy'); file_put_contents(PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug . DS . FILENAME, $data, LOCK_EX); return true; }
public function add($args) { $dataForDb = array(); // Verify arguments with the database fields. foreach ($this->dbFields as $field => $options) { // If the user send the field. if (isset($args[$field])) { // Sanitize if will be saved on database. if (!$options['inFile']) { $tmpValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]); } else { $tmpValue = $args[$field]; } } else { $tmpValue = $options['value']; } // Set type settype($tmpValue, gettype($options['value'])); // Save on database $dataForDb[$field] = $tmpValue; } // Check if the user alredy exists. if ($this->userExists($dataForDb['username'])) { return false; } // Current date. $dataForDb['registered'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // Password $dataForDb['salt'] = Text::randomText(SALT_LENGTH); $dataForDb['password'] = sha1($dataForDb['password'] . $dataForDb['salt']); // Save the database $this->db[$dataForDb['username']] = $dataForDb; if ($this->save() === false) { Log::set(__METHOD__ . LOG_SEP . 'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return true; }
function install($adminPassword, $email, $timezoneOffset) { global $Language; $stdOut = array(); $timezone = timezone_name_from_abbr("", $timezoneOffset, 0); date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // ============================================================================ // Create directories // ============================================================================ // 7=read,write,execute | 5=read,execute $dirpermissions = 0755; $firstPostSlug = 'first-post'; if (!mkdir(PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PAGES . 'error', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PAGES . 'error'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'simplemde', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'simplemde'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_UPLOADS; error_log($errorText, 0); } // ============================================================================ // Create files // ============================================================================ $dataHead = "<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); ?>" . PHP_EOL; // File pages.php $data = array('error' => array('description' => 'Error page', 'username' => 'admin', 'tags' => array(), 'status' => 'published', 'date' => $currentDate, 'position' => 0)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'pages.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File posts.php $data = array($firstPostSlug => array('description' => 'Welcome to Bludit', 'username' => 'admin', 'status' => 'published', 'tags' => array('bludit' => 'Bludit', 'cms' => 'CMS', 'flat-files' => 'Flat files'), 'allowComments' => 'false', 'date' => $currentDate)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'posts.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File site.php $data = array('title' => 'Bludit', 'slogan' => 'cms', 'description' => '', 'footer' => Date::current('Y'), 'language' => $Language->getCurrentLocale(), 'locale' => $Language->getCurrentLocale(), 'timezone' => $timezone, 'theme' => 'pure', 'adminTheme' => 'default', 'homepage' => '', 'postsperpage' => '6', 'uriPost' => '/post/', 'uriPage' => '/', 'uriTag' => '/tag/', 'url' => 'http://' . DOMAIN . HTML_PATH_ROOT, 'cliMode' => 'true', 'emailFrom' => 'no-reply@' . DOMAIN); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'site.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); $salt = getRandomString(); $passwordHash = sha1($adminPassword . $salt); // File users.php $data = array('admin' => array('firstName' => '', 'lastName' => '', 'twitter' => '', 'role' => 'admin', 'password' => $passwordHash, 'salt' => $salt, 'email' => $email, 'registered' => $currentDate)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'users.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File security.php $data = array('minutesBlocked' => 5, 'numberFailuresAllowed' => 10, 'blackList' => array()); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'security.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File tags.php file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'tags.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('postsIndex' => array('bludit' => array('name' => 'Bludit', 'posts' => array('first-post')), 'cms' => array('name' => 'CMS', 'posts' => array('first-post')), 'flat-files' => array('name' => 'Flat files', 'posts' => array('first-post'))), 'pagesIndex' => array()), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // PLUGINS // File plugins/pages/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'homeLink' => true, 'label' => $Language->get('Pages')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/simplemde/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'simplemde' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'tabSize' => 4, 'toolbar' => '"bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote", "unordered-list", "|", "link", "image", "code", "horizontal-rule", "|", "preview", "side-by-side", "fullscreen", "guide"'), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/tags/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'label' => $Language->get('Tags')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File index.txt for error page $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('Error') . ' Content: ' . $Language->get('The page has not been found'); file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . 'error' . DS . 'index.txt', $data, LOCK_EX); // File index.txt for welcome post $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('First post') . ' Content: ## ' . $Language->get('Congratulations you have successfully installed your Bludit') . ' ### ' . $Language->get('Whats next') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Manage your Bludit from the admin panel') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Follow Bludit on') . ' [Twitter]( / [Facebook]( / [Google+]( - ' . $Language->get('Visit the support forum') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Read the documentation for more information') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Share with your friends and enjoy'); file_put_contents(PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug . DS . 'index.txt', $data, LOCK_EX); return true; }
private function createXML() { global $Site; global $dbPages; global $dbPosts; global $Url; $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // Friendly XML code $doc->formatOutput = true; // Create urlset element $urlset = $doc->createElement('urlset'); $attribute = $doc->createAttribute('xmlns'); $attribute->value = ''; $urlset->appendChild($attribute); // --- Base URL --- // Create url, loc and lastmod elements $url = $doc->createElement('url'); $loc = $doc->createElement('loc', $Site->url()); $lastmod = $doc->createElement('lastmod', Date::current(SITEMAP_DATE_FORMAT)); // Append loc and lastmod -> url $url->appendChild($loc); $url->appendChild($lastmod); // Append url -> urlset $urlset->appendChild($url); // --- Pages and Posts --- $all = array(); $url = trim($Site->url(), '/'); // --- Pages --- $filter = trim($Url->filters('page'), '/'); $pages = $dbPages->getDB(); unset($pages['error']); foreach ($pages as $key => $db) { if ($db['status'] == 'published') { $permalink = empty($filter) ? $url . '/' . $key : $url . '/' . $filter . '/' . $key; $date = Date::format($db['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT, SITEMAP_DATE_FORMAT); array_push($all, array('permalink' => $permalink, 'date' => $date)); } } // --- Posts --- $filter = rtrim($Url->filters('post'), '/'); $posts = $dbPosts->getDB(); foreach ($posts as $key => $db) { if ($db['status'] == 'published') { $permalink = empty($filter) ? $url . '/' . $key : $url . '/' . $filter . '/' . $key; $date = Date::format($db['date'], DB_DATE_FORMAT, SITEMAP_DATE_FORMAT); array_push($all, array('permalink' => $permalink, 'date' => $date)); } } // Generate the XML for posts and pages foreach ($all as $db) { // Create url, loc and lastmod elements $url = $doc->createElement('url'); $loc = $doc->createElement('loc', $db['permalink']); $lastmod = $doc->createElement('lastmod', $db['date']); // Append loc and lastmod -> url $url->appendChild($loc); $url->appendChild($lastmod); // Append url -> urlset $urlset->appendChild($url); } // Append urlset -> XML $doc->appendChild($urlset); $doc->save(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . $this->directoryName . DS . 'sitemap.xml'); }
function install($adminPassword, $email, $timezoneOffset) { global $Language; $stdOut = array(); $timezone = timezone_name_from_abbr('', $timezoneOffset, 0); if ($timezone === false) { $timezone = timezone_name_from_abbr('', $timezoneOffset, 0); } // Workaround bug #44780 date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $currentDate = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); // ============================================================================ // Create directories // ============================================================================ // 7=read,write,execute | 5=read,execute $dirpermissions = 0755; $firstPostSlug = 'first-post'; if (!mkdir(PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PAGES . 'error', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PAGES . 'error'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PAGES . 'about', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PAGES . 'about'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tinymce', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tinymce'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'about', $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'about'; error_log($errorText, 0); } if (!mkdir(PATH_UPLOADS_PROFILES, $dirpermissions, true)) { $errorText = 'Error when trying to created the directory=>' . PATH_UPLOADS_PROFILES; error_log($errorText, 0); } // ============================================================================ // Create files // ============================================================================ $dataHead = "<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.'); ?>" . PHP_EOL; // File pages.php $data = array('error' => array('description' => 'Error page', 'username' => 'admin', 'tags' => array(), 'status' => 'published', 'date' => $currentDate, 'position' => 0), 'about' => array('description' => $Language->get('About your site or yourself'), 'username' => 'admin', 'tags' => array(), 'status' => 'published', 'date' => $currentDate, 'position' => 1)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'pages.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File posts.php $data = array($firstPostSlug => array('description' => $Language->get('Welcome to Bludit'), 'username' => 'admin', 'status' => 'published', 'tags' => array('bludit' => 'Bludit', 'cms' => 'CMS', 'flat-files' => 'Flat files'), 'allowComments' => 'false', 'date' => $currentDate)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'posts.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File site.php $data = array('title' => 'BLUDIT', 'slogan' => 'CMS', 'description' => '', 'footer' => 'Copyright © ' . Date::current('Y'), 'language' => $Language->getCurrentLocale(), 'locale' => $Language->getCurrentLocale(), 'timezone' => $timezone, 'theme' => 'pure', 'adminTheme' => 'default', 'homepage' => '', 'postsperpage' => '6', 'uriPost' => '/post/', 'uriPage' => '/', 'uriTag' => '/tag/', 'url' => 'http://' . DOMAIN . HTML_PATH_ROOT, 'cliMode' => 'true', 'emailFrom' => 'no-reply@' . DOMAIN); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'site.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File users.php $salt = getRandomString(); $passwordHash = sha1($adminPassword . $salt); $data = array('admin' => array('firstName' => $Language->get('Administrator'), 'lastName' => '', 'twitter' => '', 'role' => 'admin', 'password' => $passwordHash, 'salt' => $salt, 'email' => $email, 'registered' => $currentDate)); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'users.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File security.php $randomKey = getRandomString(); $randomKey = sha1($randomKey); $data = array('key1' => $randomKey, 'minutesBlocked' => 5, 'numberFailuresAllowed' => 10, 'blackList' => array()); file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'security.php', $dataHead . json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File tags.php file_put_contents(PATH_DATABASES . 'tags.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('postsIndex' => array('bludit' => array('name' => 'Bludit', 'posts' => array('first-post')), 'cms' => array('name' => 'CMS', 'posts' => array('first-post')), 'flat-files' => array('name' => 'Flat files', 'posts' => array('first-post'))), 'pagesIndex' => array()), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // PLUGINS // File plugins/pages/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'pages' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'homeLink' => true, 'label' => $Language->get('Pages')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/about/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'about' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'label' => $Language->get('About'), 'text' => $Language->get('this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/tinymce/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tinymce' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'plugins' => 'autoresize, fullscreen, pagebreak, link, textcolor, code', 'toolbar' => 'bold italic underline strikethrough | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist | styleselect | link forecolor backcolor removeformat | pagebreak code fullscreen'), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File plugins/tags/db.php file_put_contents(PATH_PLUGINS_DATABASES . 'tags' . DS . 'db.php', $dataHead . json_encode(array('position' => 0, 'label' => $Language->get('Tags')), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), LOCK_EX); // File index.txt for error page $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('Error') . ' Content: ' . $Language->get('The page has not been found'); file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . 'error' . DS . 'index.txt', $data, LOCK_EX); // File index.txt for about page $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('About') . ' Content: ' . $Language->get('the-about-page-is-very-important') . ' ' . $Language->get('change-this-pages-content-on-the-admin-panel'); file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES . 'about' . DS . 'index.txt', $data, LOCK_EX); // File index.txt for welcome post $data = 'Title: ' . $Language->get('First post') . ' Content: ## ' . $Language->get('Whats next') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Manage your Bludit from the admin panel') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Follow Bludit on') . ' [Twitter]( / [Facebook]( / [Google+]( - ' . $Language->get('Chat with developers and users on Gitter') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Visit the support forum') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Read the documentation for more information') . ' - ' . $Language->get('Share with your friends and enjoy'); file_put_contents(PATH_POSTS . $firstPostSlug . DS . 'index.txt', $data, LOCK_EX); return true; }
<?php HTML::title(array('title' => $L->g('Language and timezone'), 'icon' => 'globe')); HTML::formOpen(array('class' => 'uk-form-horizontal')); HTML::formInputHidden(array('name' => 'tokenCSRF', 'value' => $Security->getTokenCSRF())); HTML::legend(array('value' => $L->g('General'), 'class' => 'first-child')); HTML::formSelect(array('name' => 'language', 'label' => $L->g('Language'), 'options' => $Language->getLanguageList(), 'selected' => $Site->language(), 'class' => 'uk-width-1-3 uk-form-medium', 'tip' => $L->g('select-your-sites-language'))); HTML::formSelect(array('name' => 'timezone', 'label' => $L->g('Timezone'), 'options' => Date::timezoneList(), 'selected' => $Site->timezone(), 'class' => 'uk-width-1-3 uk-form-medium', 'tip' => $L->g('select-a-timezone-for-a-correct'))); HTML::formInputText(array('name' => 'locale', 'label' => $L->g('Locale'), 'value' => $Site->locale(), 'class' => 'uk-width-1-2 uk-form-medium', 'tip' => $L->g('you-can-use-this-field-to-define-a-set-of'))); HTML::legend(array('value' => $L->g('Date and time formats'))); HTML::formInputText(array('name' => 'dateFormat', 'label' => $L->g('Date format'), 'value' => $Site->dateFormat(), 'class' => 'uk-width-1-2 uk-form-medium', 'tip' => $L->g('Current format') . ': ' . Date::current($Site->dateFormat()))); echo '<div class="uk-form-row"> <div class="uk-form-controls"> <button type="submit" class="uk-button uk-button-primary">' . $L->g('Save') . '</button> </div> </div>'; HTML::formClose(); ?> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#jslanguage").change(function () { var locale = $("#jslanguage option:selected").val(); $("#jslocale").attr("value",locale); }); }); </script>