function show($orderBy = 'short') { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } commonHeader(); $oView = CreateObject('dcl.boView'); $oView->startrow = 0; $oView->numrows = 25; $filterActive = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['filterActive'])) { $filterActive = DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['filterActive']); } $oView->table = 'dcl_contact'; $oView->title = 'Browse Contacts'; $oView->AddDef('columnhdrs', '', array('ID', 'Last Name', 'First Name', 'Phone', 'Email', 'Internet')); $oView->AddDef('columns', '', array('contact_id', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'dcl_contact_phone.phone_number', 'dcl_contact_email.email_addr', 'dcl_contact_url.url_addr')); $oView->AddDef('order', '', array('last_name', 'first_name')); if ($filterActive == 'Y' || $filterActive == 'N') { $oView->AddDef('filter', 'active', "'{$filterActive}'"); } $oHtml = CreateObject('dcl.htmlContactBrowse'); $oHtml->Render($oView); }
function submitModify() { global $g_oSession, $dcl_info, $g_oSec; if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PREFS, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $bHasChanges = false; $o = CreateObject('dcl.dbPreferences'); $o->personnel_id = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $o->preferences_data = $g_oSession->Value('dcl_preferences'); if (!isset($o->preferences_data) || !is_array($o->preferences_data) || count($o->preferences_data) < 1) { $o->preferences_data = array('DCL_PREF_TEMPLATE_SET' => $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_TEMPLATE_SET'], 'DCL_PREF_LANGUAGE' => $dcl_info['DCL_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'], 'DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT' => 'N', 'DCL_PREF_CREATED_WATCH_OPTION' => 4); $o->Add(); $bHasChanges = true; } $sOldTpl = $o->preferences_data['DCL_PREF_TEMPLATE_SET']; foreach ($_REQUEST as $pref => $setting) { if (substr($pref, 0, 9) != 'DCL_PREF_') { continue; } if ($pref == 'DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT') { $setting = DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT']); } if ($o->Value($pref) != $setting) { $bHasChanges = true; $o->Register($pref, $setting); } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT'])) { $bHasChanges = true; $o->Register('DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT', 'N'); } if ($bHasChanges) { $o->Edit(); $g_oSession->Register('dcl_preferences', $o->preferences_data); $g_oSession->Edit(); } // Template change? $sNewTpl = $o->preferences_data['DCL_PREF_TEMPLATE_SET']; if ($sNewTpl != $sOldTpl) { // Do we need to break out of frames? $menuAction = 'menuAction=htmlPreferences.modify'; $sNewIsFramed = file_exists(DCL_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sNewTpl . '/frameset.php'); $sOldIsFramed = file_exists(DCL_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sOldTpl . '/frameset.php'); if ($sOldIsFramed) { if ($sNewIsFramed) { RefreshTop(menuLink(DCL_WWW_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sNewTpl . '/frameset.php', $menuAction)); } else { RefreshTop(menuLink('', $menuAction)); } } else { if ($sNewIsFramed) { RefreshTop(menuLink(DCL_WWW_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sNewTpl . '/frameset.php', $menuAction)); } } } $this->modify(); }
function modify($aSource) { $aSource['active'] = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($aSource['active']); parent::modify($aSource); $oWSP = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkspaceProduct'); $oWSP->serialize($aSource['workspace_id'], $aSource['products'], false); $oWSU = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkspaceUser'); $oWSU->serialize($this->oDB->workspace_id, $aSource['users'], false); }
function dbmodify() { global $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_FAQ, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.dbFaq'); $obj->InitFromGlobals(); $obj->active = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['active']); $obj->modifyby = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $obj->modifyon = DCL_NOW; $obj->Edit(); $objH =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlFaq'); $objH->ShowFaq($obj); }
function modify($aSource) { global $g_oSec; if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $aSource['active'] = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($aSource['active']); parent::modify($aSource); $sTypes = join(',', $aSource['contact_type_id']); $sql = 'DELETE FROM dcl_contact_type_xref WHERE contact_id = ' . $aSource['contact_id']; if (count($aSource['contact_type_id']) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND contact_type_id NOT IN (' . $sTypes . ')'; } $this->oDB->Execute($sql); $oContactTypeXref =& CreateObject('dcl.boContactTypeXref'); foreach ($aSource['contact_type_id'] as $contact_type_id) { if (!$oContactTypeXref->exists(array('contact_id' => $aSource['contact_id'], 'contact_type_id' => $contact_type_id))) { $oContactTypeXref->Add(array('contact_id' => $aSource['contact_id'], 'contact_type_id' => $contact_type_id)); } } }
function submitToggle() { global $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ACTION)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } if (($wo_task_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['wo_task_id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $task_complete = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['task_complete']); $obj = CreateObject('dcl.boWorkOrderTask'); $aSource = array('wo_task_id' => $wo_task_id, 'task_complete' => $task_complete); $obj->toggleComplete($aSource); $objWO =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlWorkOrderDetail'); $objWO->Show($obj->oDB->wo_id, $obj->oDB->seq); }
function modify($aSource) { $aSource['active'] = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($aSource['active']); parent::modify($aSource); }
function dbsearch() { commonHeader(); $personnel = isset($_REQUEST['personnel']) && is_array($_REQUEST['personnel']) ? $_REQUEST['personnel'] : array(); $type = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['type']); $priority = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['priority']); $status = @$_REQUEST['status']; $account = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['account']); $is_public = @$_REQUEST['is_public']; $entity_source_id = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['entity_source_id']); $createdon = @$_REQUEST['createdon']; $closedon = @$_REQUEST['closedon']; $statuson = @$_REQUEST['statuson']; $lastactionon = @$_REQUEST['lastactionon']; $module_id = isset($_REQUEST['module_id']) && is_array($_REQUEST['module_id']) ? $_REQUEST['module_id'] : array(); $tags = $_REQUEST['tags']; $searchText = $_REQUEST['searchText']; $columns = $_REQUEST['columns']; $groups = $_REQUEST['groups']; $order = $_REQUEST['order']; $columnhdrs = $_REQUEST['columnhdrs']; $dcl_status_type = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['dcl_status_type']); $product = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['product']); $department = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['department']); $dateFrom = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateFrom']); $dateTo = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateTo']); $oDB = new dclDB(); if (strlen($columnhdrs) > 0) { $columnhdrs = explode(',', $columnhdrs); } else { $columnhdrs = array(); } if (strlen($columns) > 0) { $columns = explode(',', $columns); } else { $columns = array(); } if (strlen($groups) > 0) { $groups = explode(',', $groups); } else { $groups = array(); } if (strlen($order) > 0) { $order = explode(',', $order); } else { $order = array(); } $objView =& CreateObject('dcl.boView'); $objView->table = 'tickets'; if (count($personnel) > 0 || count($department) > 0) { $fieldList = array('responsible', 'createdby', 'closedby'); $bStrippedDepartments = false; $pers_sel = array(); foreach ($fieldList as $field) { if (!isset($_REQUEST[$field]) || $_REQUEST[$field] != '1') { continue; } if (count($personnel) > 0) { if (!$bStrippedDepartments) { $bStrippedDepartments = true; // Have actual personnel? If so, only set personnel for their associated departments instead of the department // then unset the department from the array foreach ($personnel as $encoded_pers) { list($dpt_id, $pers_id) = explode(',', $encoded_pers); $pers_sel[count($pers_sel)] = $pers_id; if (count($department) > 0 && in_array($dpt_id, $department)) { foreach ($department as $key => $department_id) { if ($department_id == $dpt_id) { unset($department[$key]); break; } } } } } $pers_sel = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($pers_sel); if (count($pers_sel) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('filter', $field, $pers_sel); } } if (count($department) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('filter', $field . '.department', $department); } } } $fieldList = array('priority', 'type', 'account', 'entity_source_id'); while (list($key, $field) = each($fieldList)) { ${$field} = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray(${$field}); if (count(${$field}) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('filter', $field, ${$field}); } } if (trim($tags) != '') { $objView->AddDef('filter', 'dcl_tag.tag_desc', $tags); } if (count($is_public) > 0) { foreach ($is_public as $publicValue) { $objView->AddDef('filter', 'is_public', $oDB->Quote(DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($publicValue))); } } if (count($module_id) > 0) { // Have modules? If so, only set module IDs for their associated products instead of the product ID // then unset the product id from the array $module = array(); foreach ($module_id as $encoded_mod) { list($mod_prod_id, $mod_id) = explode(',', $encoded_mod); $module[count($module)] = $mod_id; if (count($product) > 0 && in_array($mod_prod_id, $product)) { foreach ($product as $key => $product_id) { if ($product_id == $mod_prod_id) { unset($product[$key]); break; } } } } $module = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($module); if (count($module) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('filter', 'module_id', $module); } } if (count($product) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('filter', 'product', $product); } if (count($status) > 0) { // Have statuses? If so, only set status IDs for their associated types instead of the status type ID // then unset the status type id from the array $statuses = array(); foreach ($status as $encoded_status) { list($type_id, $status_id) = explode(',', $encoded_status); if (($type_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($type_id)) !== null && ($status_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($status_id)) !== null) { $statuses[count($statuses)] = $status_id; if (count($dcl_status_type) > 0 && in_array($type_id, $dcl_status_type)) { foreach ($dcl_status_type as $key => $status_type_id) { if ($status_type_id == $type_id) { unset($dcl_status_type[$key]); break; } } } } } $objView->AddDef('filter', 'status', $statuses); } if (count($dcl_status_type) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('filter', 'statuses.dcl_status_type', $dcl_status_type); } if ($dateFrom !== null || $dateTo !== null) { if ($dateFrom !== null) { $dateFrom .= ' 00:00:00'; } else { $dateFrom = ''; } if ($dateTo !== null) { $dateTo .= ' 23:59:59'; } else { $dateTo = ''; } $fieldList = array('createdon', 'closedon', 'statuson', 'lastactionon'); foreach ($fieldList as $field) { if (${$field} == '1') { $objView->AddDef('filterdate', $field, array($dateFrom, $dateTo)); } } } if ($searchText != '') { $objView->AddDef('filterlike', 'issue', $searchText); $objView->AddDef('filterlike', 'summary', $searchText); } if (count($columns) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('columns', '', $columns); } else { $objView->AddDef('columns', '', array('ticketid', 'responsible', 'product', 'account', 'status', 'contact', 'contactphone', 'summary')); } if (count($groups) > 0) { foreach ($groups as $key => $groupField) { if ($groupField == '') { $groups[$key] = 'priorities.weight'; } else { if ($groupField == '') { $groups[$key] = 'severities.weight'; } } } $objView->AddDef('groups', '', $groups); } if (count($columnhdrs) > 0) { $objView->AddDef('columnhdrs', '', $columnhdrs); } if (count($order) > 0) { foreach ($order as $key => $orderField) { if ($orderField == '') { $order[$key] = 'priorities.weight'; } else { if ($orderField == '') { $order[$key] = 'severities.weight'; } } } $objView->AddDef('order', '', $order); } else { $objView->AddDef('order', '', array('ticketid')); } $objView->style = 'report'; if (isset($_REQUEST['title']) && $_REQUEST['title'] != '') { $objView->title = $oDB->GPCStripSlashes($_REQUEST['title']); } else { $objView->title = STR_TCK_TICKETSEARCHRESULTS; } $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlTicketResults'); $obj->Render($objView); }
function show() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } CleanArray($_REQUEST); $oDB = new dclDB(); $oView = CreateObject('dcl.boView'); $oView->table = 'dcl_contact'; $oView->AddDef('columnhdrs', '', array(STR_CMMN_ID, STR_CMMN_ACTIVE, STR_CMMN_LASTNAME, STR_CMMN_FIRSTNAME, 'Organization', 'Phone', 'Email', 'Internet')); $oView->AddDef('columns', '', array('contact_id', 'active', 'last_name', 'first_name')); $oView->AddDef('order', '', array('last_name', 'first_name', 'contact_id')); $oView->numrows = 25; $filterActive = DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['filterActive']); if ($filterActive == 'Y' || $filterActive == 'N') { $oView->AddDef('filter', 'active', "'{$filterActive}'"); } $filterSearch = isset($_REQUEST['filterSearch']) ? $_REQUEST['filterSearch'] : ''; if ($filterSearch != '') { $oView->AddDef('filterlike', 'last_name', $filterSearch); } $filterStartsWith = isset($_REQUEST['filterStartsWith']) ? $_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'] : ''; if ($filterStartsWith != '') { $oView->AddDef('filterstart', 'last_name', $filterStartsWith); } $filterOrgID = isset($_REQUEST['org_id']) ? DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['org_id']) : null; if ($filterOrgID !== null) { $oView->AddDef('filter', 'dcl_org_contact.org_id', $filterOrgID); } $this->sColumnTitle = STR_CMMN_OPTIONS; $this->bShowPager = true; $this->Render($oView); }
function modify($aSource) { $aSource['preferred'] = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($aSource['preferred']); parent::modify($aSource); }
function dbmodify() { global $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_FAQQUESTION, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } if (($iID = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['topicid'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $objF =& CreateObject('dcl.dbFaqtopics'); if ($objF->Load($iID) == -1) { return; } $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.dbFaqquestions'); $obj->InitFromGlobals(); $obj->active = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['active']); $obj->modifyby = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $obj->modifyon = DCL_NOW; $obj->Edit(); $objH =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlFaqtopics'); $objH->ShowTopic($objF); }
function modify(&$aSource) { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if ($this->oDB->Load($aSource['resid']) == -1) { return; } if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_RESOLUTION, DCL_PERM_MODIFY, $this->oDB->ticketid)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $iOrigStatus = $this->oDB->status; $this->oDB->InitFromArray($aSource); $this->oDB->is_public = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['is_public']); $oTicket =& CreateObject('dcl.dbTickets'); $oTicket->Load($this->oDB->ticketid); $oTicket->lastactionon = DCL_NOW; $notify = '4'; if ($oTicket->IsLastResolution($this->oDB->ticketid, $this->oDB->resid)) { if ($this->oDB->status != $oTicket->status) { $oStatus =& CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses'); $notify .= ',3'; $oTicket->statuson = DCL_NOW; if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($this->oDB->status) == 2) { $notify .= ',2'; $oTicket->closedby = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $oTicket->closedon = DCL_NOW; } else { if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($this->oDB->status) == 1) { $notify .= ',1'; } } $oTicket->status = $this->oDB->status; } else { $this->oDB->status = $iOrigStatus; } } $this->oDB->BeginTransaction(); $this->oDB->Edit(); $oTicket->Edit(); $this->oDB->EndTransaction(); $objWtch =& CreateObject('dcl.boWatches'); $objWtch->sendTicketNotification($oTicket, $notify); @$this->sendCustomerResponseEmail($oTicket); }
function submitModify() { global $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['hotlist_id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_HOTLIST, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $obj = CreateObject('dcl.boHotlist'); CleanArray($_REQUEST); $active = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['active']); $obj->modify(array('hotlist_id' => $id, 'hotlist_tag' => $_REQUEST['hotlist_tag'], 'active' => $active, 'hotlist_desc' => $_REQUEST['hotlist_desc'], 'closed_by' => $active == 'Y' ? null : $GLOBALS['DCLID'], 'closed_on' => $active == 'Y' ? null : DCL_NOW)); $oWS = createObject('dcl.htmlHotlistBrowse'); $oWS->show(); }
function modify($aSource) { $aSource['contact_type_is_main'] = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($aSource['contact_type_is_main']); parent::modify($aSource); }
function dbmodify() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_FORMTEMPLATES, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } if (($iID = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['dcl_chklst_tpl_id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $o =& CreateObject('dcl.dbChklstTpl'); if ($o->Load($iID) != -1) { $sFileName = @DCL_Sanitize::ToFileName('userfile'); if ($sFileName !== null) { $sName = ''; $oXML =& CreateObject('dcl.xmlDoc'); $oXML->ParseFile($sFileName); $oXML->FindChildNode($oXML->root, 'Name'); if ($oXML->currentNode != NULL) { $sName = $oXML->currentNode->data; $oXML->FindChildNode($oXML->root, 'Version'); if ($oXML->currentNode != NULL) { if ($sName != '') { $sName .= ' '; } $sName .= $oXML->currentNode->data; } $o->dcl_chklst_tpl_name = $sName; } } $o->dcl_chklst_tpl_active = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['dcl_chklst_tpl_active']); $o->BeginTransaction(); $o->Edit(); if ($sFileName !== null) { // Insert successful, now stow file in its place $filePath = $this->GetTplPath($o->dcl_chklst_tpl_id, true); if (copy($sFileName, $filePath)) { $o->EndTransaction(); } else { $o->RollbackTransaction(); echo STR_BO_UPLOADERR; } } else { $o->EndTransaction(); } } $this->show(); }
function show() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_ORG, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $oView = CreateObject('dcl.boView'); $oView->table = 'dcl_org'; $oView->AddDef('columnhdrs', '', array(STR_CMMN_ID, STR_CMMN_ACTIVE, STR_CMMN_NAME, 'Phone', 'Email', 'Internet')); $oView->AddDef('columns', '', array('org_id', 'active', 'name', 'dcl_org_phone.phone_number', 'dcl_org_email.email_addr', 'dcl_org_url.url_addr')); $oView->AddDef('order', '', array('name')); $oView->numrows = 25; $filterActive = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['filterActive']); if ($filterActive == 'Y' || $filterActive == 'N') { $oView->AddDef('filter', 'active', "'{$filterActive}'"); } $filterSearch = isset($_REQUEST['filterSearch']) ? $_REQUEST['filterSearch'] : ''; if ($filterSearch != '') { $oView->AddDef('filterlike', 'name', $filterSearch); } $filterStartsWith = isset($_REQUEST['filterStartsWith']) ? $_REQUEST['filterStartsWith'] : ''; if ($filterStartsWith != '') { $oView->AddDef('filterstart', 'name', $filterStartsWith); } $this->sColumnTitle = STR_CMMN_OPTIONS; $this->bShowPager = true; $this->Render($oView); }
function dbmodify() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_TIMECARD, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $objTC =& CreateObject('dcl.dbTimeCards'); $objOldTC =& CreateObject('dcl.dbTimeCards'); $objTC->InitFromGlobals(); if ($g_oSec->IsPublicUser()) { $objTC->is_public = 'Y'; } else { $objTC->is_public = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['is_public']); } if ($objOldTC->Load($objTC->id) == -1) { return; } if ($g_oSec->IsPublicUser() && $objOldTC->is_public == 'N') { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } // If the hours change, we'll need to adjust the workorder $hoursDiff = $objTC->hours - $objOldTC->hours; $objWO =& CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders'); if ($objWO->Load($objTC->jcn, $objTC->seq) == -1) { return; } $woChanged = false; $notify = '4'; // See if any time cards were issued after this one. If not, assume // that this time card was the last one entered and affected the work order // status when input. In other words, adjust as needed. if ($objTC->status != $objOldTC->status) { $notify .= ',3'; $objQueryTC =& CreateObject('dcl.dbTimeCards'); if ($objQueryTC->IsLastTimeCard($objTC->id, $objTC->jcn, $objTC->seq)) { // We're the last one! This does (of course) assume that time cards // are entered sequentially in correct chronological order. if ($objTC->status != $objWO->status) { $objWO->status = $objTC->status; $objWO->statuson = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']); $woChanged = true; $oStatus =& CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses'); if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($objTC->status) == 2) { $objWO->closedby = $objTC->actionby; $objWO->closedon = $objTC->actionon; $objWO->etchours = 0.0; $notify .= ',2'; // also need to close all incomplete tasks and warn user if it happens $this->closeIncompleteTasks($objTC->jcn, $objTC->seq); } } } else { // Don't allow status change if more are left. Last time card controls status of WO $objTC->status = $objOldTC->status; } } if ($hoursDiff != 0) { $objWO->totalhours += $hoursDiff; $woChanged = true; } if ($woChanged) { $objTC->BeginTransaction(); } $objTC->Edit(); if ($woChanged) { $objWO->edit(); $objTC->EndTransaction(); } $objWtch =& CreateObject('dcl.boWatches'); $objWtch->sendNotification($objWO, $notify); $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlWorkOrderDetail'); $obj->Show($objTC->jcn, $objTC->seq); }
function sendTicketNotification($obj, $actions, $bShowNotifyMsg = true) { global $dcl_info, $g_oSession; if ($dcl_info['DCL_SMTP_ENABLED'] != 'Y' || !is_object($obj)) { return; } $oMail =& CreateObject('dcl.boSMTP'); $oMail->isHtml = $dcl_info['DCL_TCK_NOTIFICATION_HTML'] == 'Y'; // Got the message constructed, so send it! $objWtch =& CreateObject('dcl.dbWatches'); $query = "select distinct email_addr, whoid from personnel " . $objWtch->JoinKeyword . " dcl_contact_email ON personnel.contact_id=dcl_contact_email.contact_id AND dcl_contact_email.preferred = 'Y' "; $query .= $objWtch->JoinKeyword . ' watches ON id=whoid '; $query .= "where id = whoid AND actions in ({$actions}) and ("; $query .= sprintf('(typeid=4 AND whatid1=%d)', $obj->product); $query .= sprintf(' or (typeid=5 and whatid1=%d)', $obj->ticketid); if ($obj->account > 0) { $query .= " or (typeid = 7 and whatid1 = {$obj->account})"; } $query .= sprintf(') AND whoid != %d', $GLOBALS['DCLID']); $query .= " AND active = 'Y'"; $arrEmail = array(); $arrPublicEmail = array(); $mailFrom = ''; if ($g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL') != '') { $mailFrom = '<' . $g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL') . '>'; } if ($this->oMeta == null) { $this->oMeta =& CreateObject('dcl.DCL_MetadataDisplay'); } $bIsPublic = false; if ($obj->responsible != $GLOBALS['DCLID'] && $this->oMeta->GetPersonnel($obj->responsible) != '' && $this->oMeta->oPersonnel->active == 'Y') { $aContact = $this->oMeta->GetContact($this->oMeta->oPersonnel->contact_id); if (isset($aContact['email']) && !isset($arrEmail[$aContact['email']]) && $obj->CanView($obj, $obj->responsible, $bIsPublic)) { if ($bIsPublic) { $arrPublicEmail[$aContact['email']] = 1; } else { $arrEmail[$aContact['email']] = 1; } } } if ($obj->createdby != $GLOBALS['DCLID'] && $this->oMeta->GetPersonnel($obj->createdby) != '' && $this->oMeta->oPersonnel->active == 'Y') { $aContact = $this->oMeta->GetContact($this->oMeta->oPersonnel->contact_id); if (isset($aContact['email']) && !isset($arrEmail[$aContact['email']]) && $obj->CanView($obj, $obj->createdby, $bIsPublic)) { $oPrefs = CreateObject('dcl.dbPreferences'); if ($oPrefs->Load($obj->createdby) == -1 || $oPrefs->Value('DCL_PREF_CREATED_WATCH_OPTION') == '' || strpos($actions, $oPrefs->Value('DCL_PREF_CREATED_WATCH_OPTION')) !== false) { if ($bIsPublic) { $arrPublicEmail[$aContact['email']] = 1; } else { $arrEmail[$aContact['email']] = 1; } } } } if ('Y' == @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['copy_me_on_notification']) && $g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL') != '') { if (!isset($arrEmail[$g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL')]) && !isset($arrPublicEmail[$g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL')])) { if ($obj->CanView($obj, $GLOBALS['DCLID'], $bIsPublic)) { if ($bIsPublic) { $arrPublicEmail[$g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL')] = 1; } else { $arrEmail[$g_oSession->Value('USEREMAIL')] = 1; } } } } if ($objWtch->Query($query) != -1) { while ($objWtch->next_record()) { if (!isset($arrEmail[$objWtch->f(0)])) { if ($obj->CanView($obj, $objWtch->f(1), $bIsPublic)) { if ($bIsPublic) { $arrPublicEmail[$objWtch->f(0)] = 1; } else { $arrEmail[$objWtch->f(0)] = 1; } } } } } if (count($arrEmail) == 0 && count($arrPublicEmail) == 0) { return; } if (count($arrEmail) > 0 && count($arrPublicEmail) > 0) { foreach ($arrPublicEmail as $sEmail => $junk) { if (isset($arrEmail[$sEmail])) { unset($arrEmail[$sEmail]); } } } // Here we go! $toAddr = ''; if ($this->oMeta->GetPriority($obj->priority) != '' && $this->oMeta->oPriority->weight == 1) { $oMail->AddHeader('X-Priority: 1'); } $oMail->from = $mailFrom; $oMail->subject = sprintf('[%s %d] [%s] [%s] %s', STR_TCK_TICKET, $obj->ticketid, $this->oMeta->GetPersonnel($obj->responsible), $this->oMeta->GetStatus($obj->status), $obj->summary); $oMail->body = $this->GetTicketNotificationBody($obj, true); $oMail->to = array(); foreach ($arrEmail as $email => $junk) { $oMail->to[] = '<' . $email . '>'; if ($toAddr != '') { $toAddr .= ', '; } $toAddr .= $email; } if (count($oMail->to) > 0) { $bSuccess = $oMail->Send(); if ($bShowNotifyMsg && $toAddr != '') { if ($bSuccess) { trigger_error(sprintf(STR_BO_MAILSENT, $toAddr), E_USER_NOTICE); } else { trigger_error('Could not send email notification.', E_USER_ERROR); } } } if ($obj->is_public == 'Y' && count($arrPublicEmail) > 0) { $oMail->body = $this->GetTicketNotificationBody($obj, true); $oMail->to = array(); foreach ($arrPublicEmail as $email => $junk) { $oMail->to[] = '<' . $email . '>'; if ($toAddr != '') { $toAddr .= ', '; } $toAddr .= $email; } if (count($oMail->to) < 1) { return; } $bSuccess = $oMail->Send(); if ($bShowNotifyMsg && $toAddr != '') { if ($bSuccess) { trigger_error(sprintf(STR_BO_MAILSENT, $toAddr), E_USER_NOTICE); } else { trigger_error('Could not send email notification.', E_USER_ERROR); } } } }