function show()
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_ADMIN, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $objPersonnel = CreateObject('dcl.htmlPersonnel');
     $oDBPersonnel = CreateObject('dcl.dbPersonnel');
     if ($oDBPersonnel->Load($GLOBALS['DCLID']) == -1) {
     $t =& CreateSmarty();
     $oSelect = CreateObject('dcl.htmlSelect');
     $t->assign('CMB_USERS', $objPersonnel->GetCombo(0, 'responsible', 'lastfirst', 0, false));
     $begindate = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['begindate']);
     if ($begindate !== null) {
         $t->assign('VAL_BEGINDATE', $begindate);
     } else {
         $t->assign('VAL_BEGINDATE', '');
     $enddate = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['enddate']);
     if ($enddate !== null) {
         $t->assign('VAL_ENDDATE', $enddate);
     } else {
         $t->assign('VAL_ENDDATE', '');
     SmartyDisplay($t, 'htmlSecAuditBrowse.tpl');
 function submitModify()
     global $g_oSec;
     if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['contact_license_id'])) === null || ($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['contact_id'])) === null || ($product_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['product_id'])) === null || ($registered_on = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['registered_on'])) === null || ($expires_on = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['expires_on'])) === null) {
         trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_CONTACT, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.boContactLicense');
     $obj->modify(array('contact_license_id' => $id, 'contact_id' => $contact_id, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'product_version' => $_REQUEST['product_version'], 'license_id' => $_REQUEST['license_id'], 'registered_on' => $registered_on, 'expires_on' => $expires_on, 'license_notes' => $_REQUEST['license_notes'], 'modified_on' => DCL_NOW, 'modified_by' => $GLOBALS['DCLID']));
 function _GetSQL()
     $aItems = $this->_aTypeInfo[$this->group][$this->sub];
     $orderby = isset($_REQUEST['order']) && $_REQUEST['order'] == 'count' ? 'count(*)' : $aItems[3];
     $sql = sprintf('select count(*), %s, %s, t.dcl_status_type_id, t.dcl_status_type_name from ', $aItems[2], $aItems[3]);
     $sql .= sprintf('%s a, %s w, dcl_status_type t, statuses s', $aItems[0], $this->group);
     if ($this->group == 'workorders' && $this->sub == 'account') {
         $sql .= ', dcl_org ac';
     $sql .= sprintf(' where %s = %s ', $aItems[4], $aItems[2]);
     if ($this->group == 'workorders' && $this->sub == 'account') {
         $sql .= ' AND w.jcn = a.wo_id AND w.seq = a.seq ';
     $sql .= 'and w.status = and s.dcl_status_type = t.dcl_status_type_id and ';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['chkLimitByDate']) && $_REQUEST['chkLimitByDate'] == 1) {
         $dateFrom = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateFrom']);
         $dateTo = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateTo']);
         $oDB = new dclDB();
         // for sql side date formatting
         $sql .= '((t.dcl_status_type_id = 1 and w.createdon between ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($dateFrom) . ' and ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($dateTo) . ') or ';
         $sql .= '(t.dcl_status_type_id = 2 and w.closedon between ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($dateFrom) . ' and ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($dateTo) . ')) ';
     } else {
         $sql .= 't.dcl_status_type_id != 3 ';
     if ($aItems[5] != '') {
         $sql .= ' and (' . $aItems[5] . ') ';
     $sql .= sprintf('group by %s, %s, t.dcl_status_type_id, t.dcl_status_type_name order by %s', $aItems[2], $aItems[3], $orderby);
     return $sql;
 function ShowReport($query, $iGroupColumn)
     $bExport = isset($_REQUEST['export']) && $_REQUEST['export'] == '1';
     $objS = CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses');
     $objPr = CreateObject('dcl.dbPriorities');
     $objSe = CreateObject('dcl.dbSeverities');
     $objW = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders');
     $oPM = CreateObject('dcl.dbProjectmap');
     $objDB = new dclDB();
     $aGroupOptions = array('1' => 'Project', '2' => 'Action', '3' => 'Date', '4' => 'Product', '5' => 'by');
     $groupBy = $_REQUEST['groupby'];
     if (!array_key_exists($groupBy, $aGroupOptions)) {
         $groupBy = '0';
     $oMeta =& CreateObject('dcl.DCL_MetadataDisplay');
     $responsible = 0;
     $department = 0;
     if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '1') {
         if (($responsible = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['responsible'])) === null) {
             trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
         $sReportFor = $oMeta->GetPersonnel($responsible);
     } else {
         if (($department = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['department'])) === null) {
             trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
         $sReportFor = $oMeta->GetDepartment($department);
     if (($begindate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['begindate'])) === null || ($enddate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['enddate'])) === null) {
         trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
     if ($objDB->Query($query) != -1) {
         if ($objDB->next_record()) {
             $lastJCN = 0;
             $lastSeq = 0;
             $lastGroup = $thisGroup = '<< undefined >>';
             $arrayIndex = -1;
             $count = 0;
             $subEstHours = 0.0;
             $subAppliedHours = 0.0;
             $subEtcHours = 0.0;
             $subTimeHours = 0.0;
             $totalEstHours = 0.0;
             $totalAppliedHours = 0.0;
             $totalEtcHours = 0.0;
             $totalTimeHours = 0.0;
             $oDate = new DCLDate();
             $aByDate = array();
             do {
                 $thisJCN = $objDB->f('jcn');
                 $thisSeq = $objDB->f('seq');
                 if ($groupBy == '3') {
                     $thisGroup = $oDate->ToDisplay();
                 } else {
                     if ($groupBy == '5') {
                         $thisGroup = $objDB->f('short');
                     } else {
                         if ($groupBy != '0') {
                             if ($objDB->IsFieldNull('name')) {
                                 $thisGroup = ' ';
                             } else {
                                 $thisGroup = $objDB->f('name');
                 // Skip multiple time cards
                 if ($thisJCN != $lastJCN || $thisSeq != $lastSeq || $thisGroup != $lastGroup) {
                     if ($groupBy != '0' && $thisGroup != $lastGroup && $lastGroup != '<< undefined >>') {
                         // Subtotals
                         if ($bExport) {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = 'Subtotal for ' . $lastGroup;
                         } else {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = '<b>Subtotal for ' . $lastGroup . '</b>';
                         if ($groupBy != '1') {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                             if ($groupBy == '5') {
                                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $lastGroup;
                             } else {
                                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subEstHours;
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subEtcHours;
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subAppliedHours;
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subTimeHours;
                         $ouHours = -($subEstHours - $subAppliedHours);
                         $diffHours = $ouHours;
                         if ($diffHours < 0) {
                             $diffHours = -$diffHours;
                         $ouPct = 0.0;
                         $sign = '';
                         if ($subEstHours > 0) {
                             $ouPct = $diffHours / $subEstHours * 100;
                             if ($subEstHours > $subAppliedHours && $subEstHours > 0) {
                                 $sign = '-';
                             } else {
                                 if ($subAppliedHours > $subEstHours && $subAppliedHours > 0) {
                                     $sign = '+';
                         if ($bExport) {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f (%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
                         } else {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f&nbsp;(%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
                         if ($groupBy != '0' && ($_REQUEST['bytype'] != '2' || $groupBy != '5')) {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $lastGroup;
                         $subEstHours = 0.0;
                         $subAppliedHours = 0.0;
                         $subEtcHours = 0.0;
                         $subTimeHours = 0.0;
                     $objW->Load($thisJCN, $thisSeq);
                     if ($bExport) {
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = '[' . $thisJCN . '-' . $thisSeq . '] ' . $objW->summary;
                     } else {
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = '[<a href="main.php?menuAction=boWorkorders.viewjcn&jcn=' . $thisJCN . '&seq=' . $thisSeq . '">' . $thisJCN . '-' . $thisSeq . '</a>] ' . htmlentities($objW->summary);
                     if ($groupBy != '1') {
                         if ($oPM->LoadByWO($thisJCN, $thisSeq) != -1) {
                             if ($bExport) {
                                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '[' . $oPM->projectid . '] ' . $oMeta->GetProject($oPM->projectid);
                             } else {
                                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '[<a href="main.php?menuAction=boProjects.viewproject&project=' . $oPM->projectid . '">' . $oPM->projectid . '</a>] ' . htmlentities($oMeta->GetProject($oPM->projectid));
                         } else {
                             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                     if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objDB->f('short');
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objS->name;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objPr->name;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objSe->name;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = (double) $objW->esthours;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = (double) $objW->etchours;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = (double) $objW->totalhours;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objW->eststarton;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objW->estendon;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objW->starton;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $objW->closedon;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = (double) $objDB->f('hours');
                     $ouHours = -($objW->esthours - $objW->totalhours);
                     $diffHours = $ouHours;
                     if ($diffHours < 0) {
                         $diffHours = -$diffHours;
                     $ouPct = 0.0;
                     $sign = '';
                     if ($objW->esthours > 0) {
                         $ouPct = $diffHours / $objW->esthours * 100;
                         if ($objW->esthours > $objW->totalhours && $objW->esthours > 0) {
                             $sign = '-';
                         } else {
                             if ($objW->totalhours > $objW->esthours && $objW->totalhours > 0) {
                                 $sign = '+';
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f (%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
                     if ($groupBy != '0' && ($_REQUEST['bytype'] != '2' || $groupBy != '5')) {
                         $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $thisGroup;
                     $sKey = sprintf('%d-%d', $thisJCN, $thisSeq);
                     if ($groupBy != '3' || !isset($aByDate[$sKey])) {
                         $subEstHours += (double) $objW->esthours;
                         $subAppliedHours += (double) $objW->totalhours;
                         $subEtcHours += (double) $objW->etchours;
                         $totalEstHours += (double) $objW->esthours;
                         $totalAppliedHours += (double) $objW->totalhours;
                         $totalEtcHours += (double) $objW->etchours;
                         $aByDate[$sKey] = true;
                     $lastJCN = $thisJCN;
                     $lastSeq = $thisSeq;
                     $lastGroup = $thisGroup;
                 } else {
                     $iOrdinal = 11;
                     if ($groupBy != '1') {
                     if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][$iOrdinal] += (double) $objDB->f('hours');
                 $subTimeHours += $objDB->f('hours');
                 $totalTimeHours += $objDB->f('hours');
             } while ($objDB->next_record());
             // Subtotals
             if ($bExport) {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = 'Subtotal for ' . $lastGroup;
             } else {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = '<b>Subtotal for ' . $lastGroup . '</b>';
             if ($groupBy != '1') {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                 if ($groupBy == '5') {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $lastGroup;
                 } else {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subEstHours;
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subEtcHours;
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subAppliedHours;
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
             $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $subTimeHours;
             $ouHours = -($subEstHours - $subAppliedHours);
             $diffHours = $ouHours;
             if ($diffHours < 0) {
                 $diffHours = -$diffHours;
             $ouPct = 0.0;
             $sign = '';
             if ($subEstHours > 0) {
                 $ouPct = $diffHours / $subEstHours * 100;
                 if ($subEstHours > $subAppliedHours && $subEstHours > 0) {
                     $sign = '-';
                 } else {
                     if ($subAppliedHours > $subEstHours && $subAppliedHours > 0) {
                         $sign = '+';
             if ($bExport) {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f (%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
             } else {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f&nbsp;(%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
             if ($groupBy != '0' && ($_REQUEST['bytype'] != '2' || $groupBy != '5')) {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $lastGroup;
             $subEstHours = 0.0;
             $subAppliedHours = 0.0;
             $subEtcHours = 0.0;
             $subTimeHours = 0.0;
             if ($bExport) {
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = 'Totals';
                 if ($groupBy != '1') {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $totalEstHours;
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $totalEtcHours;
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $totalAppliedHours;
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = $totalTimeHours;
                 $ouHours = -($totalEstHours - $totalAppliedHours);
                 $diffHours = $ouHours;
                 if ($diffHours < 0) {
                     $diffHours = -$diffHours;
                 $ouPct = 0.0;
                 $sign = '';
                 if ($totalEstHours > 0) {
                     $ouPct = $diffHours / $totalEstHours * 100;
                     if ($totalEstHours > $totalAppliedHours && $totalEstHours > 0) {
                         $sign = '-';
                     } else {
                         if ($totalAppliedHours > $totalEstHours && $totalAppliedHours > 0) {
                             $sign = '+';
                 if ($bExport) {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f (%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
                 } else {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = sprintf('%s%0.2f&nbsp;(%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct));
                 if ($groupBy != '0') {
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][] = '';
                 $nameArray = array();
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_SUMMARY;
                 if ($groupBy != '1') {
                     $nameArray[] = STR_WO_PROJECT;
                 if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                     $nameArray[] = STR_CMMN_BY;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WO_STATUS;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WO_PRIORITY;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WO_SEVERITY;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_BUDGET;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_ETC;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_TODATE;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_ESTSTART;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_ESTEND;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_START;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_END;
                 $nameArray[] = STR_WOST_TIME;
                 $nameArray[] = '+ / -';
                 if ($groupBy != '0' && ($_REQUEST['bytype'] != '2' || $groupBy != '5')) {
                     $nameArray[] = '';
                 ExportArray($nameArray, $reportArray);
             } else {
                 $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
                 if ($groupBy != '1') {
                 if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                 $ouHours = -($totalEstHours - $totalAppliedHours);
                 $diffHours = $ouHours;
                 if ($diffHours < 0) {
                     $diffHours = -$diffHours;
                 $ouPct = 0.0;
                 $sign = '';
                 if ($totalEstHours > 0) {
                     $ouPct = $diffHours / $totalEstHours * 100;
                     if ($totalEstHours > $totalAppliedHours && $totalEstHours > 0) {
                         $sign = '-';
                     } else {
                         if ($totalAppliedHours > $totalEstHours && $totalAppliedHours > 0) {
                             $sign = '+';
                 $oTable->addFooter(sprintf('%s%0.2f (%s%0.2f%%)', $sign, abs($ouHours), $sign, abs($ouPct)));
                 if ($groupBy != '0' && ($_REQUEST['bytype'] != '2' || $groupBy != '5')) {
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_SUMMARY, 'html');
                 if ($groupBy != '1') {
                     $oTable->addColumn(STR_WO_PROJECT, 'html');
                 if ($_REQUEST['bytype'] == '2') {
                     $oTable->addColumn(STR_CMMN_BY, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WO_STATUS, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WO_PRIORITY, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WO_SEVERITY, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_BUDGET, 'numeric');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_ETC, 'numeric');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_TODATE, 'numeric');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_ESTSTART, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_ESTEND, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_START, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_END, 'string');
                 $oTable->addColumn(STR_WOST_TIME, 'numeric');
                 $oTable->addColumn('+ / -', 'html');
                 if (array_key_exists($groupBy, $aGroupOptions) && ($_REQUEST['bytype'] != '2' || $groupBy != '5')) {
                     $oTable->addColumn($aGroupOptions[$groupBy], 'string');
                 $oTable->setCaption(sprintf(STR_WOST_ACTIVITYTITLE, $sReportFor, $_REQUEST['begindate'], $_REQUEST['enddate']));
                 $oTable->addToolbar(menuLink('', sprintf('menuAction=reportPersonnelActivity.execute&export=1&responsible=%s&begindate=%s&enddate=%s&bytype=%d&groupby=%d&department=%d', $responsible, $begindate, $enddate, $_REQUEST['bytype'], $groupBy, $department)), STR_VW_EXPORTRESULTS);
         } else {
             if ($bExport) {
             trigger_error(STR_WOST_NOACTIVITY, E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         if ($bExport) {
         trigger_error(STR_WOST_QUERYERR, E_USER_ERROR);
 function executeWorked()
     $sSQL = 'SELECT,, count(*) FROM workorders w, statuses s';
     if (count($this->aProjects) > 0) {
         $sSQL .= ', projectmap pm';
     $sSQL .= ' WHERE w.status = ';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['products'])) {
         $aProducts = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['products']);
         if (count($aProducts) > 0) {
             $sSQL .= ' AND w.product IN (' . join(',', $aProducts) . ')';
     if (count($this->aProjects) > 0) {
         $sSQL .= ' AND w.jcn = pm.jcn AND pm.seq IN (0, w.seq) AND pm.projectid in (' . implode(',', $this->aProjects) . ')';
     $oDB = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders');
     $beginDate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['begindate']);
     $endDate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['enddate']);
     if ($beginDate !== null && $endDate !== null) {
         $sSQL .= ' AND w.lastactionon BETWEEN ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($beginDate . ' 00:00:00') . ' AND ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($endDate . ' 23:59:59');
     } else {
         if ($beginDate !== null) {
             $sSQL .= ' AND w.lastactionon >= ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($beginDate . ' 00:00:00');
         } else {
             if ($endDate !== null) {
                 $sSQL .= ' AND w.lastactionon <= ' . $oDB->DisplayToSQL($endDate . ' 23:59:59');
             } else {
                 $sSQL .= ' AND w.lastactionon IS NOT NULL';
     $sSQL .= ' GROUP BY, ORDER BY 2 DESC';
     $this->executeItem($sSQL, 'Work Orders Touched', STR_WO_STATUS);
 function SearchFromStat()
     global $dcl_domain_info, $dcl_domain, $g_oSec;
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $responsible = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['responsible']);
     $product = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['product']);
     $status = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['status']);
     $begindate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['begindate']);
     $enddate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['enddate']);
     $obj = new dclDB();
     $objView = CreateObject('dcl.boView');
     $objView->style = 'report';
     $objView->title = STR_WOST_SEARCHRESULTS;
     $objView->AddDef('columns', '', array('jcn', 'seq', 'responsible.short', '', '', 'eststarton', 'deadlineon', 'etchours', 'totalhours', 'summary'));
     $objView->AddDef('order', '', array('priorities.weight', 'severities.weight', 'jcn', 'seq'));
     if ($begindate !== null || $enddate !== null) {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'statuses.dcl_status_type', '2');
         $objView->AddDef('filterdate', 'closedon', array($obj->DisplayToSQL($begindate), $obj->DisplayToSQL($enddate)));
     } else {
         if ($status !== null) {
             $objView->AddDef('filter', 'status', $status);
         } else {
             $objView->AddDef('filternot', 'statuses.dcl_status_type', '2');
     if ($responsible !== null) {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'responsible', $responsible);
     if ($product !== null) {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'product', $product);
     $obj = CreateViewObject($objView->table);
 function dbreassign()
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (($iID = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['jcn'])) === null || ($iSeq = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['seq'])) === null || ($iResponsible = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['responsible'])) === null || ($fEstHours = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDecimal($_REQUEST['esthours'])) === null || ($fEtcHours = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDecimal($_REQUEST['etchours'])) === null || ($iSeverity = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['severity'])) === null || ($iPriority = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['priority'])) === null || ($deadlineon = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['deadlineon'])) === null || ($eststarton = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['eststarton'])) === null || ($estendon = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['estendon'])) === null) {
         trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ASSIGN, $iID, $iSeq)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $objWO =& CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders');
     if ($objWO->Load($iID, $iSeq) == -1) {
     if ($objWO->responsible != $iResponsible || $objWO->deadlineon != $deadlineon || $objWO->eststarton != $eststarton || $objWO->estendon != $estendon || $objWO->esthours != $fEstHours || $objWO->etchours != $fEtcHours || $objWO->priority != $iPriority || $objWO->status == $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_UNASSIGN_WO'] || $objWO->severity != $iSeverity) {
         $objWO->responsible = $iResponsible;
         $objWO->deadlineon = $deadlineon;
         $objWO->eststarton = $eststarton;
         $objWO->estendon = $estendon;
         $objWO->esthours = $fEstHours;
         $oStatus =& CreateObject("dcl.dbStatuses");
         if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($objWO->status) != 2) {
             $objWO->etchours = $fEtcHours;
             if ($objWO->status == $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_UNASSIGN_WO']) {
                 $objWO->status = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_ASSIGN_WO'];
                 $objWO->statuson = $objWO->GetDateSQL();
         } else {
             $objWO->etchours = 0.0;
         $objWO->priority = $iPriority;
         $objWO->severity = $iSeverity;
         $objWtch =& CreateObject('dcl.boWatches');
         $objWtch->sendNotification($objWO, '4');
     $objHTMLWO =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlWorkOrderDetail');
     $objHTMLWO->Show($iID, $iSeq);
 function Render()
     if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['projectid'])) === null) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     if (($days = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['days'])) === null) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     if (($endon = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['endon'])) === null) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $oDate = new DCLDate();
     $endon = $oDate->ToDB();
     $oDate->time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $oDate->time), date('d', $oDate->time) - $days, date('Y', $oDate->time));
     $beginon = $oDate->ToDB();
     $sSQL = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['scope'])) {
         $sSQL = $this->GetScopeSQL($id, $beginon, $endon);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['timecards'])) {
         if ($sSQL != '') {
             $sSQL .= ' UNION ALL ';
         $sSQL .= $this->GetTimeCardSQL($id, $beginon, $endon);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) {
         if ($sSQL != '') {
             $sSQL .= ' UNION ALL ';
         $sSQL .= $this->GetWorkOrderCodeSQL($id, $beginon, $endon);
         $sSQL .= ' UNION ALL ';
         $sSQL .= $this->GetProjectCodeSQL($id, $beginon, $endon);
     if ($sSQL == '') {
         ShowError('No options selected.', __FILE__, __LINE__, null);
     $sSQL .= ' ORDER BY 2 DESC';
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     if ($oDB->Query($sSQL) !== -1) {
         $aResults = array();
         while ($oDB->next_record()) {
             $aRecord = array();
             $aRecord[] = $oDB->FormatDateForDisplay($oDB->f(1));
             $aRecord[] = $oDB->objTimestamp->ToTimeOnly();
             if ($oDB->f(0) == 4) {
                 $aRecord[] = '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=boProjects.viewproject&project=' . $id) . '">[' . $id . '] ' . htmlspecialchars($oDB->f(5)) . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $aRecord[] = '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=boWorkorders.viewjcn&jcn=' . $oDB->f(2) . '&seq=' . $oDB->f(3)) . '">[' . $oDB->f(2) . '-' . $oDB->f(3) . '] ' . htmlspecialchars($oDB->f(6)) . '</a>';
             $aRecord[] = $oDB->f(7);
             $aRecord[] = $oDB->f(8);
             $aRecord[] = $oDB->f(9);
             $aResults[] = $aRecord;
         $oTable =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
         $oTable->setCaption('Project Timeline');
         $oTable->addColumn('Date', 'string');
         $oTable->addColumn('Time', 'string');
         $oTable->addColumn('Item', 'html');
         $oTable->addColumn('Current Status', 'string');
         $oTable->addColumn('Action By', 'string');
         $oTable->addColumn('Action Description', 'string');
 function execute()
     if (($begindate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['begindate'])) === null || ($enddate = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['enddate'])) === null || ($responsible = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['responsible'])) === null) {
         trigger_error('All fields are required.');
     $oMeta =& CreateObject('dcl.DCL_MetadataDisplay');
     $obj = CreateObject('dcl.dbTickets');
     $objT = CreateObject('dcl.dbTicketresolutions');
     $sColumns = $obj->SelectAllColumns('a.');
     $query = 'select ' . $sColumns . ' from tickets a, ticketresolutions b where a.ticketid=b.ticketid and b.loggedby=' . $responsible;
     $query .= ' and b.loggedon between ' . $obj->DisplayToSQL($begindate . ' 00:00:00') . ' and ' . $obj->DisplayToSQL($enddate . ' 23:59:59');
     $query .= ' order by a.ticketid';
     if ($obj->Query($query) != -1) {
         if ($obj->next_record()) {
             $arrayIndex = -1;
             $count = 0;
             $prevTicketID = -1;
             do {
                 if ($obj->ticketid != $prevTicketID) {
                     $prevTicketID = $obj->ticketid;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][0] = $oMeta->GetProduct($obj->product);
                     $aOrg = $oMeta->GetOrganization($obj->account);
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][1] = $aOrg['name'];
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][2] = $oMeta->GetStatus($obj->status);
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][3] = $oMeta->GetPriority($obj->priority);
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][4] = $oMeta->GetSeverity($obj->type);
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][5] = $obj->createdon;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][6] = $obj->closedon;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][7] = 1;
                     $reportArray[$arrayIndex][8] = '<a href="' . menuLink('', 'menuAction=boTickets.view&ticketid=' . $obj->f('ticketid')) . '">[' . $obj->f('ticketid') . '] ' . htmlentities($obj->summary) . '</a>';
                 } else {
             } while ($obj->next_record());
             $oTable = CreateObject('dcl.htmlTable');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_PRODUCT, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_ACCOUNT, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_STATUS, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_PRIORITY, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_TYPE, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_CREATED, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_CLOSED, 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn('Calls', 'string');
             $oTable->addColumn(STR_TCK_SUMMARY, 'html');
             $oTable->setCaption(sprintf(STR_WOST_ACTIVITYTITLE, $oMeta->GetPersonnel($responsible), $begindate, $enddate));
         } else {
             trigger_error(STR_WOST_NOACTIVITY, E_USER_NOTICE);
     } else {
         trigger_error(STR_WOST_QUERYERR, E_USER_ERROR);
 function dbsearch()
     $personnel = isset($_REQUEST['personnel']) && is_array($_REQUEST['personnel']) ? $_REQUEST['personnel'] : array();
     $type = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['type']);
     $priority = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['priority']);
     $status = @$_REQUEST['status'];
     $account = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['account']);
     $is_public = @$_REQUEST['is_public'];
     $entity_source_id = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['entity_source_id']);
     $createdon = @$_REQUEST['createdon'];
     $closedon = @$_REQUEST['closedon'];
     $statuson = @$_REQUEST['statuson'];
     $lastactionon = @$_REQUEST['lastactionon'];
     $module_id = isset($_REQUEST['module_id']) && is_array($_REQUEST['module_id']) ? $_REQUEST['module_id'] : array();
     $tags = $_REQUEST['tags'];
     $searchText = $_REQUEST['searchText'];
     $columns = $_REQUEST['columns'];
     $groups = $_REQUEST['groups'];
     $order = $_REQUEST['order'];
     $columnhdrs = $_REQUEST['columnhdrs'];
     $dcl_status_type = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['dcl_status_type']);
     $product = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['product']);
     $department = @DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($_REQUEST['department']);
     $dateFrom = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateFrom']);
     $dateTo = DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateTo']);
     $oDB = new dclDB();
     if (strlen($columnhdrs) > 0) {
         $columnhdrs = explode(',', $columnhdrs);
     } else {
         $columnhdrs = array();
     if (strlen($columns) > 0) {
         $columns = explode(',', $columns);
     } else {
         $columns = array();
     if (strlen($groups) > 0) {
         $groups = explode(',', $groups);
     } else {
         $groups = array();
     if (strlen($order) > 0) {
         $order = explode(',', $order);
     } else {
         $order = array();
     $objView =& CreateObject('dcl.boView');
     $objView->table = 'tickets';
     if (count($personnel) > 0 || count($department) > 0) {
         $fieldList = array('responsible', 'createdby', 'closedby');
         $bStrippedDepartments = false;
         $pers_sel = array();
         foreach ($fieldList as $field) {
             if (!isset($_REQUEST[$field]) || $_REQUEST[$field] != '1') {
             if (count($personnel) > 0) {
                 if (!$bStrippedDepartments) {
                     $bStrippedDepartments = true;
                     // Have actual personnel?  If so, only set personnel for their associated departments instead of the department
                     // then unset the department from the array
                     foreach ($personnel as $encoded_pers) {
                         list($dpt_id, $pers_id) = explode(',', $encoded_pers);
                         $pers_sel[count($pers_sel)] = $pers_id;
                         if (count($department) > 0 && in_array($dpt_id, $department)) {
                             foreach ($department as $key => $department_id) {
                                 if ($department_id == $dpt_id) {
                 $pers_sel = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($pers_sel);
                 if (count($pers_sel) > 0) {
                     $objView->AddDef('filter', $field, $pers_sel);
             if (count($department) > 0) {
                 $objView->AddDef('filter', $field . '.department', $department);
     $fieldList = array('priority', 'type', 'account', 'entity_source_id');
     while (list($key, $field) = each($fieldList)) {
         ${$field} = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray(${$field});
         if (count(${$field}) > 0) {
             $objView->AddDef('filter', $field, ${$field});
     if (trim($tags) != '') {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'dcl_tag.tag_desc', $tags);
     if (count($is_public) > 0) {
         foreach ($is_public as $publicValue) {
             $objView->AddDef('filter', 'is_public', $oDB->Quote(DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($publicValue)));
     if (count($module_id) > 0) {
         // Have modules?  If so, only set module IDs for their associated products instead of the product ID
         // then unset the product id from the array
         $module = array();
         foreach ($module_id as $encoded_mod) {
             list($mod_prod_id, $mod_id) = explode(',', $encoded_mod);
             $module[count($module)] = $mod_id;
             if (count($product) > 0 && in_array($mod_prod_id, $product)) {
                 foreach ($product as $key => $product_id) {
                     if ($product_id == $mod_prod_id) {
         $module = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($module);
         if (count($module) > 0) {
             $objView->AddDef('filter', 'module_id', $module);
     if (count($product) > 0) {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'product', $product);
     if (count($status) > 0) {
         // Have statuses?  If so, only set status IDs for their associated types instead of the status type ID
         // then unset the status type id from the array
         $statuses = array();
         foreach ($status as $encoded_status) {
             list($type_id, $status_id) = explode(',', $encoded_status);
             if (($type_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($type_id)) !== null && ($status_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($status_id)) !== null) {
                 $statuses[count($statuses)] = $status_id;
                 if (count($dcl_status_type) > 0 && in_array($type_id, $dcl_status_type)) {
                     foreach ($dcl_status_type as $key => $status_type_id) {
                         if ($status_type_id == $type_id) {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'status', $statuses);
     if (count($dcl_status_type) > 0) {
         $objView->AddDef('filter', 'statuses.dcl_status_type', $dcl_status_type);
     if ($dateFrom !== null || $dateTo !== null) {
         if ($dateFrom !== null) {
             $dateFrom .= ' 00:00:00';
         } else {
             $dateFrom = '';
         if ($dateTo !== null) {
             $dateTo .= ' 23:59:59';
         } else {
             $dateTo = '';
         $fieldList = array('createdon', 'closedon', 'statuson', 'lastactionon');
         foreach ($fieldList as $field) {
             if (${$field} == '1') {
                 $objView->AddDef('filterdate', $field, array($dateFrom, $dateTo));
     if ($searchText != '') {
         $objView->AddDef('filterlike', 'issue', $searchText);
         $objView->AddDef('filterlike', 'summary', $searchText);
     if (count($columns) > 0) {
         $objView->AddDef('columns', '', $columns);
     } else {
         $objView->AddDef('columns', '', array('ticketid', 'responsible', 'product', 'account', 'status', 'contact', 'contactphone', 'summary'));
     if (count($groups) > 0) {
         foreach ($groups as $key => $groupField) {
             if ($groupField == '') {
                 $groups[$key] = 'priorities.weight';
             } else {
                 if ($groupField == '') {
                     $groups[$key] = 'severities.weight';
         $objView->AddDef('groups', '', $groups);
     if (count($columnhdrs) > 0) {
         $objView->AddDef('columnhdrs', '', $columnhdrs);
     if (count($order) > 0) {
         foreach ($order as $key => $orderField) {
             if ($orderField == '') {
                 $order[$key] = 'priorities.weight';
             } else {
                 if ($orderField == '') {
                     $order[$key] = 'severities.weight';
         $objView->AddDef('order', '', $order);
     } else {
         $objView->AddDef('order', '', array('ticketid'));
     $objView->style = 'report';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['title']) && $_REQUEST['title'] != '') {
         $objView->title = $oDB->GPCStripSlashes($_REQUEST['title']);
     } else {
         $objView->title = STR_TCK_TICKETSEARCHRESULTS;
     $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlTicketResults');