Esempio n. 1
function eval_size($aSize)
    if ($aSize == 0) {
        $ret_val = Config::Lang('pOverview_unlimited');
    } elseif ($aSize < 0) {
        $ret_val = Config::Lang('pOverview_disabled');
    } else {
        $ret_val = $aSize;
    return $ret_val;
Esempio n. 2
 protected function _validate_src_server($field, $val)
     if ($val == '') {
         $msg = Config::Lang('pFetchmail_server_missing');
     } else {
         $msg = check_domain($val);
     if ($msg == '') {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->errormsg[$field] = $msg;
         return false;
Esempio n. 3
  * actually view something
  * @param string address to view
 protected function __handle($address)
     $handler = new $this->handler_to_use($this->new);
     if (!$handler->init($address)) {
     if (!$handler->view()) {
     $result = $handler->result();
     $struct = $handler->getStruct();
     foreach (array_keys($struct) as $field) {
         if (isset($struct[$field]) && empty($struct[$field]['label'])) {
             # $struct[$field]['label'] = "--- $field ---";
             $struct[$field]['display_in_list'] = 0;
         if ($struct[$field]['display_in_list'] == 0) {
             # do nothing
         } else {
             $value = $result[$field];
             $func = "_formatted_" . $field;
             if (method_exists($handler, $func)) {
                 $value = $handler->{$func}($result);
                 # call _formatted_$fieldname()
             if ($struct[$field]['type'] == 'txtl') {
                 # $value = join("\n" . str_repeat(" ", 20 + 2), $value); # multiline, one item per line
                 $value = join(", ", $value);
                 # one line, comma-separated
             } elseif ($struct[$field]['type'] == 'bool') {
                 $value = Config::Lang($value ? 'YES' : 'NO');
             $this->out(sprintf("%20s: %s", $struct[$field]['label'], $value));
  * @return boolean true on success; false on failure
  * @param string $old_password
  * @param string $new_passwords
  * @param bool $match = true
  * All passwords need to be plain text; they'll be hashed appropriately
  * as per the configuration in
 public function change_pw($new_password, $old_password, $match = true)
     list(, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
     if ($match == true) {
         if (!$this->login($this->id, $old_password)) {
             db_log($domain, 'edit_password', "MATCH FAILURE: " . $this->id);
             $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang('pPassword_password_current_text_error');
             return false;
     $set = array('password' => pacrypt($new_password));
     $result = db_update('mailbox', 'username', $this->id, $set);
     if ($result != 1) {
         db_log($domain, 'edit_password', "FAILURE: " . $this->id);
         $this->errormsg[] = Config::lang('pEdit_mailbox_result_error');
         return false;
     db_log($domain, 'edit_password', $this->id);
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
  * build_select_query
  * helper function to build the inner part of the select query
  * can be used by read_from_db() and for generating the pagebrowser
  * @param array or string - condition (an array will be AND'ed using db_where_clause, a string will be directly used)
  *                          (if you use a string, make sure it is correctly escaped!)
  *                        - WARNING: will be changed to array only in the future, with an option to include a raw string inside the array
  * @param array searchmode - operators to use (=, <, >) if $condition is an array. Defaults to = if not specified for a field.
  * @return array - contains query parts
 protected function build_select_query($condition, $searchmode)
     $select_cols = array();
     $yes = escape_string(Config::lang('YES'));
     $no = escape_string(Config::lang('NO'));
     if (db_pgsql()) {
         $formatted_date = "TO_DATE(text(###KEY###), '" . escape_string(Config::Lang('dateformat_pgsql')) . "')";
         $base64_decode = "DECODE(###KEY###, 'base64')";
     } elseif (db_sqlite()) {
         $formatted_date = "strftime(###KEY###, '" . escape_string(Config::Lang('dateformat_mysql')) . "')";
         $base64_decode = "base64_decode(###KEY###)";
     } else {
         $formatted_date = "DATE_FORMAT(###KEY###, '" . escape_string(Config::Lang('dateformat_mysql')) . "')";
         $base64_decode = "FROM_BASE64(###KEY###)";
     $colformat = array('ts' => "{$formatted_date} AS ###KEY###, ###KEY### AS _###KEY###", 'bool' => "CASE ###KEY### WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' THEN '1'    WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "' THEN '0'   END as ###KEY###," . "CASE ###KEY### WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' THEN '{$yes}' WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "' THEN '{$no}' END as _###KEY###", 'b64p' => "{$base64_decode} AS ###KEY###");
     # get list of fields to display
     $extrafrom = "";
     foreach ($this->struct as $key => $row) {
         if (($row['display_in_list'] != 0 || $row['display_in_form'] != 0) && $row['not_in_db'] == 0) {
             if ($row['select'] != '') {
                 $key = $row['select'];
             if ($row['extrafrom'] != '') {
                 $extrafrom = $extrafrom . " " . $row['extrafrom'] . "\n";
             if (isset($colformat[$row['type']])) {
                 $select_cols[] = str_replace('###KEY###', $key, $colformat[$row['type']]);
             } else {
                 $select_cols[] = $key;
     $cols = join(',', $select_cols);
     $table = table_by_key($this->db_table);
     $additional_where = '';
     if ($this->domain_field != "") {
         $additional_where .= " AND " . db_in_clause($this->domain_field, $this->allowed_domains);
     # if logged in as user, restrict to the items the user is allowed to see
     if (!$this->is_admin && $this->user_field != '') {
         $additional_where .= " AND " . $this->user_field . " = '" . escape_string($this->username) . "' ";
     if (is_array($condition)) {
         if (isset($condition['_']) && count($this->searchfields) > 0) {
             $simple_search = array();
             foreach ($this->searchfields as $field) {
                 $simple_search[] = "{$field} LIKE '%" . escape_string($condition['_']) . "%'";
             $additional_where .= " AND ( " . join(" OR ", $simple_search) . " ) ";
         $where = db_where_clause($condition, $this->struct, $additional_where, $searchmode);
     } else {
         if ($condition == "") {
             $condition = '1=1';
         $where = " WHERE ( {$condition} ) {$additional_where}";
     return array('select_cols' => " SELECT {$cols} ", 'from_where_order' => " FROM {$table} {$extrafrom} {$where} ORDER BY " . $this->order_by);
Esempio n. 6
  *  @return true on success false on failure
 public function delete()
     if (!$this->view()) {
         $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']);
         return false;
     db_delete('domain_admins', $this->id_field, $this->id);
     db_delete($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->id);
     db_log('admin', 'delete_admin', $this->id);
     # TODO delete_admin is not a valid db_log keyword yet, and 'admin' is not displayed in viewlog.php
     $this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang_f('pDelete_delete_success', $this->id);
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
$gen_show_status_mailbox = array();
$divide_quota = array('current' => array(), 'quota' => array());
if (is_array($tMailbox) and sizeof($tMailbox) > 0) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tMailbox); $i++) {
        $gen_show_status_mailbox[$i] = gen_show_status($tMailbox[$i]['username']);
        if (isset($tMailbox[$i]['current'])) {
            $divide_quota['current'][$i] = divide_quota($tMailbox[$i]['current']);
        if (isset($tMailbox[$i]['quota'])) {
            $divide_quota['quota'][$i] = divide_quota($tMailbox[$i]['quota']);
        if (isset($tMailbox[$i]['quota']) && isset($tMailbox[$i]['current'])) {
            $divide_quota['percent'][$i] = min(100, round($divide_quota['current'][$i] / max(1, $divide_quota['quota'][$i]) * 100));
            $divide_quota['quota_width'][$i] = $divide_quota['percent'][$i] / 100 * 120;
        } else {
            $divide_quota['current'][$i] = Config::Lang('unknown');
            $divide_quota['quota_width'][$i] = 0;
            # TODO: use special value?
class cNav_bar
    var $count, $title, $limit, $page_size, $pages, $search;
    //* arguments
    var $url;
    //* manually
    var $fInit, $arr_prev, $arr_next, $arr_top;
    //* internal
    var $anchor;
    function cNav_bar($aTitle, $aLimit, $aPage_size, $aPages, $aSearch)
Esempio n. 8
  *  @return true on success false on failure
 public function delete()
     if (!$this->view()) {
         $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang('alias_does_not_exist');
         return false;
     if ($this->result['is_mailbox']) {
         $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang('mailbox_alias_cant_be_deleted');
         return false;
     db_delete('alias', 'address', $this->id);
     list(, $domain) = explode('@', $this->id);
     db_log($domain, 'delete_alias', $this->id);
     $this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang_f('pDelete_delete_success', $this->id);
     return true;
Esempio n. 9
 * db_log
 * Action: Logs actions from admin
 * Call: db_log (string domain, string action, string data)
 * Possible actions are defined in $LANG["pViewlog_action_$action"]
function db_log($domain, $action, $data)
    $REMOTE_ADDR = getRemoteAddr();
    $username = authentication_get_username();
    if (Config::Lang("pViewlog_action_{$action}") == '') {
        die("Invalid log action : {$action}");
        // could do with something better?
    if (Config::bool('logging')) {
        $logdata = array('username' => "{$username} ({$REMOTE_ADDR})", 'domain' => $domain, 'action' => $action, 'data' => $data);
        $result = db_insert('log', $logdata, array('timestamp'));
        if ($result != 1) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
Esempio n. 10
require_once 'common.php';
if (safeget('token') != $_SESSION['PFA_token']) {
    die('Invalid token!');
$username = authentication_get_username();
# enforce login
$id = safeget('id');
$table = safeget('table');
$active = safeget('active');
$handlerclass = ucfirst($table) . 'Handler';
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $table) || !file_exists("model/{$handlerclass}.php")) {
    # validate $table
    die("Invalid table name given!");
$handler = new $handlerclass(0, $username);
$formconf = $handler->webformConfig();
if ($handler->init($id)) {
    # errors will be displayed as last step anyway, no need for duplicated code ;-)
    if ($active != '0' && $active != '1') {
    if ($handler->set(array('active' => $active))) {
header("Location: " . $formconf['listview']);
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
Esempio n. 11
  *  @return true on success false on failure
 public function delete()
     # TODO: check for _can_delete instead
     if (!$this->is_superadmin) {
         $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang_f('no_delete_permissions', $this->id);
         return false;
     if (!$this->view()) {
         $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang('domain_does_not_exist');
         # TODO: can users hit this message at all? init() should already fail...
         return false;
     if (Config::bool('alias_domain')) {
         # check if this domain is an alias domain target - if yes, do not allow to delete it
         $handler = new AliasdomainHandler(0, $this->admin_username);
         $handler->getList("target_domain = '" . escape_string($this->id) . "'");
         $aliasdomains = $handler->result();
         if (count($aliasdomains) > 0) {
             $this->errormsg[] = Config::Lang_f('delete_domain_aliasdomain_target', $this->id);
             return false;
     # the correct way would be to recursively delete mailboxes, aliases, alias_domains, fetchmail entries
     # with *Handler before deleting the domain, but this would be terribly slow on domains with many aliases etc.,
     # so we do it the fast way on the database level
     # cleaning up all tables doesn't hurt, even if vacation or displaying the quota is disabled
     # some tables don't have a domain field, so we need a workaround
     $like_domain = "LIKE '" . escape_string('%@' . $this->id) . "'";
     db_delete('domain_admins', 'domain', $this->id);
     db_delete('alias', 'domain', $this->id);
     db_delete('mailbox', 'domain', $this->id);
     db_delete('alias_domain', 'alias_domain', $this->id);
     db_delete('vacation', 'domain', $this->id);
     db_delete('vacation_notification', 'on_vacation', $this->id, "OR on_vacation {$like_domain}");
     db_delete('quota', 'username', $this->id, "OR username    {$like_domain}");
     db_delete('quota2', 'username', $this->id, "OR username    {$like_domain}");
     db_delete('fetchmail', 'mailbox', $this->id, "OR mailbox     {$like_domain}");
     db_delete('log', 'domain', $this->id);
     # TODO: should we really delete the log?
     # finally delete the domain
     db_delete($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->id);
     if (!$this->domain_postdeletion()) {
         $this->error_msg[] = $PALANG['domain_postdel_failed'];
     db_log($this->id, 'delete_domain', $this->id);
     # TODO delete_domain is not a valid db_log keyword yet
     $this->infomsg[] = Config::Lang_f('pDelete_delete_success', $this->id);
     return true;
Esempio n. 12
    $Admin_role = 0;
    $Return_url = "main.php";
    $fUsername = authentication_get_username();
// is vacation support enabled in $CONF ?
if ($CONF['vacation'] == 'NO') {
    header("Location: {$Return_url}");
# Suppress date.timezone warnings
$vh = new VacationHandler($fUsername);
$choice_of_reply = Config::read('vacation_choice_of_reply');
foreach (array_keys($choice_of_reply) as $key) {
    $choice_of_reply[$key] = Config::Lang($choice_of_reply[$key]);
    $tSubject = '';
    $tBody = '';
    $tActiveFrom = '';
    $tActiveUntil = '';
    $tUseremail = $fUsername;
    $tInterval_Time = '';
    $details = $vh->get_details();
    if ($details != false) {
        $tSubject = $details['subject'];
        $tBody = $details['body'];
        $tInterval_Time = $details['interval_time'];
        $tActiveFrom = $details['activeFrom'];
        $tActiveUntil = $details['activeUntil'];