Esempio n. 1
function getFiles($labbarcode)
    global $db;
    $files = array();
    $query = 'select id, urid, name, size from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_files where labbarcode="' . prepareDatabaseString($labbarcode) . '"';
    $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
    if ($result != null && $db->getNumberOfRows($result) > 0) {
        while ($row = $db->getRow($result)) {
            $files[] = array(id => $row['id'], urid => $row['urid'], name => $row['name'], size => $row['size']);
    return $files;
Esempio n. 2
 private function storeAnswer($primkey, $variable, $answer, $striptags = true)
     global $engine;
     $localdb = null;
     if (Config::useTransactions() == true) {
         global $transdb;
         $localdb = $transdb;
     } else {
         global $db;
         $localdb = $db;
     $dirty = $this->getDirty();
     $prim = $primkey;
     $var = $variable;
     $ans = $answer;
     if ($ans == "" && $ans !== 0) {
         // preserve '0' as answer
         $ans = null;
     $version = getSurveyVersion();
     $language = getSurveyLanguage();
     $mode = getSurveyMode();
     $suid = getSurvey();
     // set session language/mode here if changed through routing!
     if ($ans != null) {
         if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_LANGUAGE)) {
         } else {
             if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_MODE)) {
                 $_SESSION['PARAMS'][SESSION_PARAM_MODE] = $ans;
             } else {
                 if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_VERSION)) {
                     $_SESSION['PARAMS'][SESSION_PARAM_VERSION] = $ans;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_TEMPLATE)) {
                         $_SESSION['PARAMS'][SESSION_PARAM_TEMPLATE] = $ans;
     /* set attributes for data record processing in export */
     $this->suid = $suid;
     $this->primkey = $prim;
     $this->language = $language;
     $this->mode = $mode;
     $this->version = $version;
     $this->ts = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time());
     if (Config::prepareDataQueries() == false) {
         global $survey;
         $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         if ($ans == null && $ans !== 0) {
             $answer = 'null';
         } else {
             $answer = '"' . prepareDatabaseString($ans, $striptags) . '"';
             if ($key != "") {
                 $answer = "aes_encrypt('" . prepareDatabaseString($ans, $striptags) . "', '" . $key . "')";
         $queryparams = 'suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, version, language, mode';
         $queryvalues = prepareDatabaseString($suid);
         $queryvalues .= ",'" . prepareDatabaseString($prim) . "'";
         $queryvalues .= ",'" . prepareDatabaseString($var) . "'";
         $queryvalues .= "," . $answer;
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($dirty);
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($version);
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($language);
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($mode);
         $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data (' . $queryparams . ') VALUES (' . $queryvalues . ')';
         //echo $query;
         if ($localdb->executeQuery($query)) {
             $this->variable["answer"] = $ans;
             // hook for extra storage
             if (function_exists("storeAnswerExtra")) {
             return true;
         return false;
     } else {
         $bp = new BindParam();
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $suid);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $prim);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $var);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $ans);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $dirty);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $version);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $language);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $mode);
         global $survey;
         $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         $answer = "?";
         if ($key != "") {
             $answer = "aes_encrypt(?, '" . $key . "')";
         $queryparams = 'suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, version, language, mode';
         $queryvalues = '?,?,?,' . $answer . ',?,?,?,?';
         $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data (' . $queryparams . ') VALUES (' . $queryvalues . ')';
         if ($localdb->executeBoundQuery($query, $bp->get())) {
             $this->variable["answer"] = $ans;
             // hook for extra storage
             if (function_exists("storeAnswerExtra")) {
                 storeAnswerExtra($queryparams, $queryvalues, $bp);
             return true;
         return false;
Esempio n. 3
 function saveChanges()
     global $db;
     $query = 'UPDATE ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_lab SET ';
     $query .= 'barcode = aes_encrypt("' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getBarcode()) . '", "' . Config::labKey() . '"), ';
     $query .= 'labbarcode = aes_encrypt("' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBarcode()) . '", "' . Config::labKey() . '"), ';
     $query .= 'consent1 = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsent1()) . '",';
     $query .= 'consent2 = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsent2()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'consent3 = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsent3()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'consent4 = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsent4()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'consent5 = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsent5()) . '",  ';
     $query .= 'refusal = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getRefusal()) . '",  ';
     $query .= 'refusalreason = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getRefusalReason()) . '",  ';
     $query .= 'refusaldate = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getRefusalDate()) . '",  ';
     $query .= 'cd4res = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getCD4res()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'cd4date = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getCD4date()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'survey = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getSurvey()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'measures = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getMeasures()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'vision = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getVision()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'anthropometrics = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getAnthropometrics()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'requestform = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getRequestForm()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'urid = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getUrid()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labvisitts = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabVisitTs()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'fielddbsshipmentdate = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getFieldDBSShipmentDate()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'fielddbsreceiveddate = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getFieldDBSReceivedDate()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'fielddbscollecteddate = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getFieldDBSCollectedDate()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'fielddbsshipmentreturneddate = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getFieldDBSReceivedDateFromLab()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'fielddbsclinicresultsissueddate = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getFieldDBSClinicResultsIssued()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'fielddbsstatus =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getFieldDBSStatus()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labdbslocation =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabDBSLocation()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labdbsposition =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabDBSPosition()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodstatus =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodStatus()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodshipmentdate =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodShipmentDate()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodshipmentreturneddate =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodReceivedDateFromLab()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodlocation =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodLocation()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodposition =  "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodPosition()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodsenttolab = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodSentToLab()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'labbloodnotcollected = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getLabBloodNotCollected()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'consenturid = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsentUrid()) . '", ';
     $query .= 'consentts = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getConsentTs()) . '" ';
     $query .= 'WHERE primkey = "' . prepareDatabaseString($this->getPrimkey()) . '"';
     //echo '<br/><br/><br/>' . $query;
Esempio n. 4
 function captureScreenshot()
     global $db;
     $l = $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_LANGUAGE);
     $m = $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_MODE);
     $v = $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_VERSION);
     $result = urldecode(loadvar(POST_PARAM_SCREENSHOT));
     $stateid = $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_STATEID);
     $primkey = $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_PRIMKEY);
     $suid = $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_SUID);
     $screen = gzcompress($result, 9);
     if ($stateid == "") {
         $stateid = 1;
     $bp = new BindParam();
     $scid = null;
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $scid);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $suid);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $primkey);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $stateid);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $screen);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $m);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $l);
     $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $v);
     $key = $this->survey->getDataEncryptionKeyDirectly($m, $l, $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_DEFAULT_MODE), $this->getParam(POST_PARAM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE));
     if ($key == "") {
         $query = "insert into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_screendumps(scdid, suid, primkey, stateid, screen, mode, language, version) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
     } else {
         $query = "insert into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_screendumps(scdid, suid, primkey, stateid, screen, mode, language, version) values (?,?,?,?,aes_encrypt(?, '" . $key . "'),?,?,?)";
     //echo $query;
     $db->executeBoundQuery($query, $bp->get());
Esempio n. 5
function captureScreenshot($result)
    global $engine, $survey, $db;
    $l = getSurveyLanguage();
    $m = getSurveyMode();
    $v = getSurveyVersion();
    $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
    $stateid = $engine->getStateId();
    if ($engine->getForward() == true) {
    //$screen = gzcompress(preg_replace($i, $ii, $result), 9);
    $screen = gzcompress($result, 9);
    if ($stateid == "") {
        $stateid = 1;
    $primkey = $engine->getPrimaryKey();
    $bp = new BindParam();
    $suid = $engine->getSuid();
    $scid = null;
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $scid);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $suid);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $primkey);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $stateid);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $screen);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $m);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $l);
    $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $v);
    if ($key == "") {
        $query = "insert into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_screendumps(scdid, suid, primkey, stateid, screen, mode, language, version) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
    } else {
        $query = "insert into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_screendumps(scdid, suid, primkey, stateid, screen, mode, language, version) values (?,?,?,?,aes_encrypt(?, '" . $key . "'),?,?,?)";
    //echo $query;
    $db->executeBoundQuery($query, $bp->get());
    return "";
Esempio n. 6
 function getFieldNotNull($survey, $fieldname)
     global $db;
     $dataStr = '';
     $actions = array();
     $query = 'select DATE(ts) as dateobs, count(*) as cntobs, primkey from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data where suid = ' . $survey . ' and variablename="' . $fieldname . '" and length(primkey) > ' . Config::getMinimumPrimaryKeyLength() . ' and length(primkey) < ' . Config::getMaximumPrimaryKeyLength() . '  and answer is not null group by DATE(ts) order by ts asc';
     $total = 0;
     $dataStr .= "[Date.UTC(2014,  6, 20), 0   ],";
     $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
     while ($row = $db->getRow($result)) {
         $key = $row['dateobs'];
         $total += $row['cntobs'];
         $dataStr .= "[Date.UTC(" . substr($key, 0, 4) . ", " . (substr($key, 5, 2) - 1) . ", " . substr($key, 8, 2) . "), " . $total . "],";
     $returnStr = rtrim($dataStr, ',');
     return $returnStr;
Esempio n. 7
 function processParaData($name = "")
     $query = "select max(pid) as pid from " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_processed_paradata where suid=" . $this->survey->getSuid();
     //echo $query;
     $pid = 0;
     $res = $this->db->selectQuery($query);
     if ($res) {
         $row = $this->db->getRow($res);
         $pid = $row["pid"];
         if ($pid == "") {
             $pid = 0;
     $arr = array();
     $decrypt = "paradata as data_dec";
     $key = "";
     if ($this->survey->getDataEncryptionKey() != "") {
         $key = $this->survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         $decrypt = "aes_decrypt(paradata, '" . $this->survey->getDataEncryptionKey() . "') as data_dec";
     if ($name == "") {
         $query = "select *, {$decrypt} from " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_paradata where pid > {$pid} and suid=" . $this->survey->getSuid() . ' order by primkey, pid asc';
     } else {
         $query = "select *, {$decrypt} from " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_paradata where pid > {$pid} and suid=" . $this->survey->getSuid() . ' and (displayed = "' . $name . '" OR displayed like "%' . $name . '~%") order by primkey, pid asc';
     //echo $query;
     $res = $this->db->selectQuery($query);
     $codes = array_values(Common::errorCodes());
     if ($res) {
         $oldprimkey = "";
         $arr = array();
         if ($this->db->getNumberOfRows($res) > 0) {
             $num = $db->getNumberOfRows($res);
             $cnt = 0;
             while ($row = $this->db->getRow($res)) {
                 // end of primkey, so store
                 if ($oldprimkey != "" && $row["primkey"] != $oldprimkey) {
                     // k: varname
                     // a: array of error codes with number of times
                     foreach ($arr as $k => $a) {
                         foreach ($a as $error => $times) {
                             $query = "replace into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_processed_paradata (`pid`, `suid`, `primkey`, `rgid`, `variablename`, `answer`, `language`, `mode`, `version`, `ts`) values (";
                             if ($key != "") {
                                 $query .= $row["pid"] . "," . $row["suid"] . ",'" . $row["primkey"] . "'," . $row["rgid"] . ",'" . strtolower($k . "_" . $error) . "',aes_encrypt('" . $times . "','" . $key . "')," . $row["language"] . "," . $row["mode"] . "," . $row["version"] . ",'" . $row["ts"] . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $query .= $row["pid"] . "," . $row["suid"] . ",'" . $row["primkey"] . "'," . $row["rgid"] . ",'" . strtolower($k . "_" . $error) . "','" . $times . "'," . $row["language"] . "," . $row["mode"] . "," . $row["version"] . ",'" . $row["ts"] . "'";
                             $query .= ")";
                             //echo $query . "<hr>";
                     // reset
                     $arr = array();
                 $oldprimkey = $row["primkey"];
                 $line = strtoupper($row["displayed"]);
                 // if displayed == variable OR displayed contains ~varname~ or displayed starts with varname~, process; otherwise skip
                 if ($name == "" || $line == strtoupper($name) || contains($line, "~" . $name . "~") || startsWith($line, $name . "~")) {
                     $line = $row["data_dec"];
                     $line = str_replace("FO=", "FO:", $line);
                     $line = str_replace("FI=", "FI:", $line);
                     $a = explode("||", $line);
                     $displayed = explode("~", $row["displayed"]);
                     $variables = array();
                     foreach ($displayed as $d) {
                         if (startsWith($d, ROUTING_IDENTIFY_SUBGROUP) == false && startsWith($d, ROUTING_IDENTIFY_ENDSUBGROUP) == false) {
                             $variables[] = $d;
                     foreach ($a as $k) {
                         $t = explode(":", $k);
                         $code = $t[0];
                         // error code
                         if (inArray($code, $codes)) {
                             $s = explode("=", $t[1]);
                             $varname = $s[0];
                             $number = str_replace("answer", "", str_replace("_name[]", "", $varname));
                             // find varname
                             if (isset($variables[$number - 1])) {
                                 $variable = $variables[$number - 1];
                                 if (isset($arr[strtoupper($variable)])) {
                                     $vararray = $arr[strtoupper($variable)];
                                 } else {
                                     $vararray = array();
                                 if (isset($vararray[strtoupper($code)])) {
                                     //echo $k . '------adding for: ' . $oldprimkey . '----' . $variable . "<hr>";
                                     $vararray[strtoupper($code)] = $vararray[strtoupper($code)] + 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $vararray[strtoupper($code)] = 1;
                                 $arr[strtoupper($variable)] = $vararray;
                         } else {
                             if (inArray($code, array("FO", "FI"))) {
                                 foreach ($variables as $variable) {
                                     if (isset($arr[strtoupper($variable)])) {
                                         $vararray = $arr[strtoupper($variable)];
                                     } else {
                                         $vararray = array();
                                     if (isset($vararray[strtoupper($code)])) {
                                         //echo $k . '------adding for: ' . $oldprimkey . '----' . $variable . "<hr>";
                                         $vararray[strtoupper($code)] = $vararray[strtoupper($code)] + 1;
                                     } else {
                                         $vararray[strtoupper($code)] = 1;
                                     $arr[strtoupper($variable)] = $vararray;
                 // this was last one, so store
                 if ($cnt == $num) {
                     // k: varname
                     // a: array of error codes with number of times
                     foreach ($arr as $k => $a) {
                         foreach ($a as $error => $times) {
                             $query = "replace into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_processed_paradata (`pid`, `suid`, `primkey`, `rgid`, `variablename`, `answer`, `language`, `mode`, `version`, `ts`) values (";
                             if ($key != "") {
                                 $query .= $row["pid"] . "," . $row["suid"] . ",'" . $row["primkey"] . "'," . $row["rgid"] . ",'" . strtolower($k . "_" . $error) . "',aes_encrypt('" . $times . "','" . $key . "')," . $row["language"] . "," . $row["mode"] . "," . $row["version"] . ",'" . $row["ts"] . "'";
                             } else {
                                 $query .= $row["pid"] . "," . $row["suid"] . ",'" . $row["primkey"] . "'," . $row["rgid"] . ",'" . strtolower($k . "_" . $error) . "','" . $times . "'," . $row["language"] . "," . $row["mode"] . "," . $row["version"] . ",'" . $row["ts"] . "'";
                             $query .= ")";
                             //echo $query . "<hr>";
                     // reset
                     $arr = array();
Esempio n. 8
 function getLastSurveyAction($sessionid, $primkey)
     global $db;
     $query = 'select asid from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_actions where sessionid = \'' . prepareDatabaseString($sessionid) . '\' and primkey = \'' . prepareDatabaseString($primkey) . '\' and systemtype = ' . USCIC_SURVEY . " and actiontype != " . ACTION_WINDOW_IN . " and actiontype != " . ACTION_WINDOW_OUT . " order by asid desc limit 0,1";
     if ($result = $db->selectQuery($query)) {
         if ($db->getNumberOfRows($result) == 0) {
             return 0;
         $row = $db->getRow($result);
         return $row["asid"];
     return -1;
Esempio n. 9
        $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
        if ($result != null && $db->getNumberOfRows($result) > 0) {
            $row = $db->getRow($result);
            header('Content-type: image/jpg');
            if ($row['picture'] != null) {
                print $row['picture1'];
            } else {
                //display 'empty' image
                header('Content-type: image/jpg');
                echo file_get_contents('../../images/nopicture.png');
        } else {
            //display 'empty' image
            header('Content-type: image/jpg');
            echo file_get_contents('../../images/nopicture.png');
    } else {
        $query = 'replace into ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_pictures (primkey, variablename, picture) VALUES (';
        $query .= '"' . addslashes($id) . '", ';
        $query .= '"' . addslashes($fieldname) . '", ';
        //$query .= '"' . addslashes(base64_decode(implode("", $_POST))) . '") ';
        $query .= 'AES_ENCRYPT("' . addslashes(base64_decode(implode("", $_POST))) . '", "' . Config::filePictureKey() . '")) ';
Esempio n. 10
 function showOutputParaDataRes()
     $de = new DataExport(loadvar('survey'));
     if (loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_FILENAME) != "") {
         $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_FILENAME, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_FILENAME));
     } else {
         $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_FILENAME, Config::dbSurveyData() . "_paradata");
     $cookievars = "";
     if (isset($_COOKIE['uscicvariablecookie'])) {
         if (loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_SUBDATA) == SUBDATA_YES) {
             $vars = explode("-", $_COOKIE['uscicvariablecookie']);
             $arr = array();
             foreach ($vars as $var) {
                 $varsplit = explode("~", $var);
                 if (loadvar('survey') == $varsplit[0]) {
                     // only consider variables from survey we are downloading for
                     $survey = new Survey($varsplit[0]);
                     $v = $survey->getVariableDescriptive($varsplit[1]);
                     if ($v->getName() != "") {
                         $arr[] = strtoupper($v->getName());
             if (sizeof($arr) > 0) {
                 $cookievars = implode("~", $arr);
     $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_VARLIST, $cookievars);
     $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_FILETYPE, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_FILETYPE));
     $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_SURVEY, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_SURVEY));
     $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_TYPEDATA, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_TYPEDATA));
     $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_FROM, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_FROM));
     $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_TO, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_TO));
         $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_FILETYPE, FILETYPE_CSV);
     } else {
         $de->setProperty(DATA_OUTPUT_FILETYPE, loadvar(DATA_OUTPUT_FILETYPE));
Esempio n. 11

require_once "../../../../dbConfig.php";
require_once "../../../../config.php";
$options = array('delete_type' => 'POST', 'db_host' => Config::dbServer(), 'db_user' => Config::dbUser(), 'db_pass' => Config::dbPassword(), 'db_name' => Config::dbName(), 'db_table' => Config::dbSurveyData() . '_files');
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
require 'UploadHandler.php';
class CustomUploadHandler extends UploadHandler
    protected function initialize()
        $this->db = new mysqli($this->options['db_host'], $this->options['db_user'], $this->options['db_pass'], $this->options['db_name']);
    protected function handle_form_data($file, $index)
        $file->title = @$_REQUEST['title'][$index];
        $file->description = @$_REQUEST['description'][$index];
    protected function handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index = null, $content_range = null)
        //    $file = parent::handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index, $content_range);
        $file = new \stdClass();
        $file->name = $name;
        $file->size = $size;
        //         $file->content = json_encode($uploaded_file);
        $file->content = str_replace(array('"', '\\'), "", $uploaded_file);
        if (file_exists($file->content)) {
            $test = file_get_contents($file->content);
            $file->description = strlen($test);
Esempio n. 12
 function hasPicture($fieldname)
     global $db;
     $query = 'select *, AES_DECRYPT(picture, \'' . Config::filePictureKey() . '\') as picture1 from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_pictures where primkey=\'' . $this->getPrimkey() . '\' and variablename = \'' . $fieldname . '\'';
     $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
     if ($result != null) {
         $row = $db->getRow($result);
         if ($row['picture'] != null) {
             return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 13
 function showFieldDBS()
     $returnStr = $this->showNurseHeader(Language::messageSMSTitle());
     $returnStr .= '<div id="wrap">';
     $returnStr .= $this->showNavBar();
     $returnStr .= '<div class="container"><p>';
     //begin content
     $returnStr .= '<ol class="breadcrumb">';
     $returnStr .= '<li>' . setSessionParamsHref(array('page' => ''), Language::labelSearch()) . '</li>';
     $returnStr .= '<li class="active">' . Language::labelNurseDBSTToLab() . '</li>';
     $returnStr .= '</ol>';
     global $db;
     $query = 'select * from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_lab where fielddbsstatus = 1';
     $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
     if ($result != null) {
         $returnStr .= '<table>';
         while ($row = $db->getRow($result)) {
             $lab = new Lab($row['primkey']);
             $returnStr .= '<tr><td>' . $lab->getBarCode() . '</td><td>' . $lab->getFieldDBSCollectedDate() . '</td></tr>';
         $returnStr .= '</table>';
     //end content
     $returnStr .= '</p></div>    </div>';
     //container and wrap
     $returnStr .= $this->showBottomBar();
     $returnStr .= $this->showFooter(false);
     return $returnStr;
Esempio n. 14
 function showSendReceiveUploadData()
     $displayNurse = new DisplayNurse();
     $communication = new Communication();
     if ($this->user->getLastData() != '' && $this->user->getLastData() != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         $tables = array('data', 'datarecords', 'states', 'times', 'remarks', 'contacts', 'observations');
     } else {
         $tables = array('data', 'datarecords', 'times', 'remarks', 'contacts', 'observations');
     $data = $communication->exportTables($tables, $this->user->getLastData(), 'primkey not like "999%"');
     //no test data
     //        $data = $communication->exportTables(array('data'), $this->user->getLastData(), 'primkey not like "999%"'); //no test data
     //        $data = $communication->exportTables(array('remarks'), $this->user->getLastData(), 'primkey not like "999%"'); //no test data
     //update lab!
     $respondents = new Respondents();
     $respondents = $respondents->getRespondentsByUrid($_SESSION['URID']);
     foreach ($respondents as $respondent) {
         $data = 'UPDATE ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_lab set status = ' . $respondent->getStatus() . ' where primkey = \'' . prepareDatabaseString($respondent->getPrimkey()) . '\'' . ";\n";
     if ($communication->sendToServerAsFile($data, $this->user->getUrid())) {
         //success sending data to server
         //update lastdate!
         $this->user->setLastData(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         $message = $displayNurse->displaySuccess(Language::labelDataUploaded());
     } else {
         $message = $displayNurse->displayError(Language::labelDataNotUploaded());
     return $this->mainPage($message);
Esempio n. 15
 function jumpRes()
     global $db;
     $suid = getFromSessionParams('jumpsuid');
     $prim = getFromSessionParams('jumpprimkey');
     $jumpto = loadvar("jumpto");
     //echo $suid . '----' . $prim . '----' . $jumpto;
     $query = "delete from " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_states where suid=" . $suid . " and primkey='" . $prim . "' and stateid > " . $jumpto;
     $returnStr = "<html><head></head><body>";
     $returnStr .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n    window.opener.location.reload();\n    window.close();\n</script>";
     $returnStr .= '</body></html';
     //container and wrap
     echo $returnStr;
Esempio n. 16
 function saveRecord()
     if (Config::useDataRecords() == false) {
     global $db, $survey;
     $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
     $data = "?";
     if ($key != "") {
         $data = "aes_encrypt(?, '" . $key . "')";
     $datanames = $this->getDataNames();
     $names = '';
     if (is_array($datanames)) {
         $names = implode("~", $datanames);
     //echo implode("~", $datanames) . '----';
     if ($this->newrecord == true) {
         $query = "insert into " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_datarecords (suid, primkey, datanames, data) values (?,?,?,{$data})";
         $bp = new BindParam();
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $this->suid);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $this->primkey);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, gzcompress($names, 9));
         $data = gzcompress(serialize($this->data), 9);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $data);
         $db->executeBoundQuery($query, $bp->get());
         //echo 'new<br/>';
     } else {
         $query = "update " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_datarecords set datanames=?, data={$data} where suid=? and primkey=?";
         $bp = new BindParam();
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, gzcompress(implode("~", $datanames), 9));
         $data = gzcompress(serialize($this->data), 9);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $data);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $this->suid);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $this->primkey);
         $db->executeBoundQuery($query, $bp->get());
         //echo 'update<br/>';
Esempio n. 17
   } */
 function getScreenNumber($seid, $seidrgid, $rgid, $loopstring)
     //echo '<hr>INDEX:' .$this->seid . '-' . $seid . '-' . $seidrgid . '-' . $rgid . '-' . $loopstring . "<br/>";
     if (isset($this->entries[$this->seid . '-' . $seid . '-' . $seidrgid . '-' . $rgid . '-' . $loopstring])) {
         $entry = $this->entries[$this->seid . '-' . $seid . '-' . $seidrgid . '-' . $rgid . '-' . $loopstring];
         //echo '<br/>found: ' . $entry["number"];
         return $entry["number"];
     return 0;
     // something went wrong
 function getCounter()
     return $this->counter;
 function getNumberOfScreens()
     return sizeof(array_keys($this->entries));
     // $this->maxscreens;
 function delete()
     global $db;
     $del = "delete from " . Config::dbSurvey() . "_progressbars where suid=" . $this->suid . " and mainseid=" . $this->seid;
 function load()
 function save()
     global $db;
     for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($this->storeentries); $j++) {
         $entry = $this->storeentries[$j];
         $i = "replace into " . Config::dbSurvey() . "_progressbars (suid, mainseid, seid, seidrgid, rgid, number, loopstring) values(" . $this->suid . "," . $this->seid . "," . $entry["seid"] . "," . $entry["seidrgid"] . "," . $entry["rgid"] . "," . $entry["number"] . ",'" . $entry["loopstring"] . "')";
         //echo $i ."<br/>";
 /* section based progress */
 function getSectionProgress($suid, $mainseid, $seid, $rgid, $loopstring, $looprgid)
     global $engine;
     //$suid = $engine->getSuid();
     //$seid = $engine->getSeid();
     //$rgid = $engine->getRgid();
     //$loopstring = $engine->getLoopstring();
     if ($loopstring == "") {
         $loopstring = 1;
     //echo $loopstring;
     //echo $rgid . '----';
     global $db;
     $query = "select number, looptimes, outerlooprgids from " . Config::dbSurvey() . "_screens where suid=" . $suid . " and seid=" . $seid . ' and rgid=' . $rgid;
     $res = $db->selectQuery($query);
     if ($res) {
         if ($db->getNumberOfRows($res) > 0) {
             $row = $db->getRow($res);
             if ($row["looptimes"] == 1 && ($looprgid == 0 || $looprgid == "")) {
                 return $row["number"];
             } else {
                 //echo 'ohno';
                 // get loop rgid
                 //$looprgid = $engine->getLoopRgid();
                 // get number of first action in loop
                 $query = "select number from " . Config::dbSurvey() . "_screens where suid=" . $suid . " and seid=" . $seid . ' and rgid > ' . $looprgid . ' limit 0,1';
                 $res = $db->selectQuery($query);
                 if ($res) {
                     if ($db->getNumberOfRows($res) > 0) {
                         $row2 = $db->getRow($res);
                         $startloop = $row2["number"];
                         // get number right after the loop
                         $query = "select number from " . Config::dbSurvey() . "_screens where suid=" . $suid . " and seid=" . $seid . ' and rgid > ' . $rgid . ' and outerlooprgids != "' . $row["outerlooprgids"] . '" limit 0,1';
                         $res = $db->selectQuery($query);
                         if ($res) {
                             if ($db->getNumberOfRows($res) > 0) {
                                 $row1 = $db->getRow($res);
                                 //echo 'end at: ' . $row1["number"];
                                 $numberofquestions = $row1["number"] - $startloop;
                                 // number of question screens
                                 //echo $difference/($row1["number"] - $startloop);
                                 //$factor = $difference/($row["looptimes"]*$difference); // moving from one question to another the increment must be this
                                 //$loopmax = $engine->loopmax;
                                 //$loopmin = $engine->loopmin;
                                 //$loopcounters = $engine->loopcounter;
                                 // get loop data
                                 global $db;
                                 $query = "select loopmin, loopmax, loopcounter from " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_loopdata where suid=" . $suid . " and primkey='" . $engine->getPrimaryKey() . "' and mainseid=" . $mainseid . " and seid=" . $seid . " and looprgid=" . $looprgid;
                                 $res = $db->selectQuery($query);
Esempio n. 18
 function getArrayData($survey, $fieldname)
     global $db;
     $array = array();
     $query = 'select distinct variablename from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data where suid = ' . $survey . ' and variablename like "' . $fieldname . '[%" and length(primkey) > ' . Config::getMinimumPrimaryKeyLength() . ' and length(primkey) < ' . Config::getMaximumPrimaryKeyLength();
     $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
     if ($db->getNumberOfRows($result) > 0) {
         while ($row = $db->getRow($result)) {
             $array[] = $row["variablename"];
     return $array;
Esempio n. 19
 function getRespondentsByBarcode($user, $searchterm)
     global $db;
     $respondents = array();
     $query = 'select primkey from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_lab where 
           aes_decrypt(barcode, \'' . Config::filePictureKey() . '\') = \'' . prepareDatabaseString($searchterm) . '\' or
           aes_decrypt(labbarcode, \'' . Config::filePictureKey() . '\') = \'' . prepareDatabaseString($searchterm) . '\'';
     //echo $query;
     $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
     while ($row = $db->getRow($result)) {
         if ($row['primkey'] != '') {
             $respondents[] = new Respondent($row['primkey']);
     if (sizeof($respondents) == 0) {
         //nothing found yet
         global $survey;
         $query = 'select primkey from ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data where variablename="bs021" and cast(aes_decrypt(answer, \'' . $survey->getDataEncryptionKey() . '\') as char) = \'' . prepareDatabaseString($searchterm) . '\'';
         $result = $db->selectQuery($query);
         if ($result != null && $db->getNumberOfRows($result) > 0) {
             $row = $db->getRow($result);
             $respondents[] = new Respondent($row['primkey']);
     return $respondents;
Esempio n. 20
 function getVersion()
     return $this->version;
 function setVersion($l)
Esempio n. 21
 function addLogs($variable, $answer, $di)
     if (Config::logSurveyActions() == false) {
     $localdb = null;
     if (Config::useTransactions() == true) {
         global $transdb;
         $localdb = $transdb;
     } else {
         global $db;
         $localdb = $db;
     $ans = $answer;
     if ($ans == "") {
         $ans = null;
     $prim = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     $var = $variable;
     $dirty = $di;
     $action = $this->currentaction;
     $suid = $this->getSuid();
     $version = getSurveyVersion();
     $language = getSurveyLanguage();
     $mode = getSurveyMode();
     if (Config::prepareDataQueries() == false) {
         global $survey;
         $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         $answer = '"' . prepareDatabaseString($ans) . '"';
         if ($key != "") {
             $answer = "aes_encrypt('" . prepareDatabaseString($ans) . "', '" . $key . "')";
         $localdb->executeQuery('INSERT INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_logs (suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, action, version, language, mode) VALUES (' . $suid . ',"' . $prim . '","' . $var . '",' . $answer . ',' . $dirty . ',' . $action . ',' . $version . ',' . $language . ',' . $mode . ')');
         //echo 'INSERT INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_logs (suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, action, version, language, mode) VALUES (' . $suid . ',"' . $prim . '","' . $var . '",' . $answer . ',' . $dirty . ',' . $action . ',' . $version . ',' . $language . ',' . $mode . ')<br/>';
     } else {
         $bp = new BindParam();
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $suid);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $prim);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $var);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $ans);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $dirty);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $action);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $version);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $language);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $mode);
         $answer = "?";
         global $survey;
         $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         if ($key != "") {
             $answer = "aes_encrypt(?, '" . $key . "')";
         $localdb->executeBoundQuery('INSERT INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_logs (suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, action, version, language, mode) VALUES (?,?,?,' . $answer . ',?,?,?,?,?)', $bp->get());
Esempio n. 22
 function getDataFromSurvey($d, $variablename, $default = '')
     // using data records
     if (Config::useDataRecords()) {
         $var = $d->getData($variablename);
         if (isset($var)) {
             return $var->getAnswer();
         } else {
             return $default;
     // fall back on _data table
     global $db;
     $surv = new Survey($d->getSuid());
     $decrypt = "answer as answer_dec";
     if ($surv->getDataEncryptionKey() != "") {
         $decrypt = "aes_decrypt(answer, '" . $surv->getDataEncryptionKey() . "') as answer_dec";
     $query = "select " . $decrypt . " from " . Config::dbSurveyData() . "_data where suid=" . $d->getSuid() . " and primkey='" . $d->getPrimaryKey() . "' and variablename='" . $variablename . "'";
     $res = $db->selectQuery($query);
     if ($res) {
         if ($db->getNumberOfRows($res) > 0) {
             $row = $db->getRow($res);
             return $row["answer_dec"];
     // not found or something went wrong
     return $default;