Esempio n. 1
function smarty_function_poll($params, &$smarty)
    global $polllib;
    global $dbTiki;
    global $commentslib;
    global $feature_poll_comments;
    // Param = zone
    if (!is_object($polllib)) {
        include_once 'lib/polls/polllib_shared.php';
    include_once 'lib/commentslib.php';
    if (isset($rate)) {
        if (!$tikilib->page_exists($rate)) {
            return false;
    if (empty($id)) {
        $id = $polllib->get_random_active_poll();
    if ($id) {
        $menu_info = $polllib->get_poll($id);
        $channels = $polllib->list_poll_options($id);
        if ($feature_poll_comments == 'y') {
            $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki);
            $comments_count = $commentslib->count_comments("poll:" . $menu_info["pollId"]);
        $smarty->assign('comments', $comments_count);
        $smarty->assign('ownurl', 'tiki-poll_results.php?pollId=' . $id);
        $smarty->assign('menu_info', $menu_info);
        $smarty->assign('channels', $channels);
Esempio n. 2
function smarty_function_poll($params, $smarty)
    global $polllib, $dbTiki, $commentslib, $prefs;
    global $tiki_p_view_poll_results, $tiki_p_vote_poll;
    // Param = zone
    if (!is_object($polllib)) {
        include_once 'lib/polls/polllib_shared.php';
    include_once 'lib/comments/commentslib.php';
    if (isset($rate)) {
        if (!$tikilib->page_exists($rate)) {
            return false;
    if (empty($id)) {
        $id = $polllib->get_random_poll("a");
    if ($id == "current") {
        $id = $polllib->get_random_poll("c");
    if ($tiki_p_view_poll_results != 'y' && $tiki_p_vote_poll != 'y') {
        return tra('You do not have permission to use this feature');
    if ($id) {
        $menu_info = $polllib->get_poll($id);
        if ($menu_info) {
            $channels = $polllib->list_poll_options($id);
            if ($prefs['feature_poll_comments'] == 'y') {
                $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki);
                $comments_count = $commentslib->count_comments("poll:" . $menu_info["pollId"]);
            } else {
                $comments_count = 0;
            $smarty->assign('comments_cant', $comments_count);
            if ($tiki_p_view_poll_results == 'y') {
                $smarty->assign('ownurl', 'tiki-poll_results.php?pollId=' . $id);
            $smarty->assign('menu_info', $menu_info);
            $smarty->assign('channels', $channels);
            $ret = $smarty->fetch('tiki-poll.tpl');
            return $ret;
Esempio n. 3
if (!empty($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y') {
    $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"] > 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST["post_reply"]) && isset($_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"])) {
    $threadId_if_reply = $_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"];
} else {
    $threadId_if_reply = 0;
// $end_time = microtime(true);
// print "TIME4 in comments.php: ".($end_time - $start_time)."\n";
$comments_coms = $commentslib->get_comments($comments_objectId, $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"], $comments_offset, $comments_per_page, $thread_sort_mode, $_REQUEST["comments_commentFind"], $_REQUEST['comments_threshold'], $thread_style, $threadId_if_reply);
// $end_time = microtime(true);
// print "TIME5 in comments.php: ".($end_time - $start_time)."\n";
if ($comments_prefix_var == 'forum:') {
    $comments_cant = $commentslib->count_comments('topic:' . $_REQUEST['comments_parentId']);
    // comments in the topic not in the forum
} else {
    $comments_cant = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);
$comments_cant_page = $comments_coms['cant'];
$smarty->assign('comments_below', $comments_coms["below"]);
$smarty->assign('comments_cant', $comments_cant);
//print "<pre>";
//print "</pre>";
// Offset management
$comments_maxRecords = $comments_per_page;
//print "<pre>Counts: ";
//print ",";
Esempio n. 4
function wikiplugin_articles($data, $params)
    global $smarty, $tikilib, $prefs, $tiki_p_read_article, $tiki_p_articles_read_heading, $dbTiki, $pageLang;
    global $artlib;
    require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php';
    $default = array('max' => -1, 'start' => 0, 'usePagination' => 'n', 'topicId' => '', 'topic' => '', 'sort' => 'publishDate_desc', 'type' => '', 'lang' => '', 'quiet' => 'n', 'categId' => '', 'largefirstimage' => 'n', 'urlparam' => '', 'translationOrphan' => '', 'showtable' => 'n');
    $auto_args = array('lang', 'topicId', 'topic', 'sort', 'type', 'lang', 'categId');
    $params = array_merge($default, $params);
    extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
    $filter = '';
    if ($prefs['feature_articles'] != 'y') {
        //	the feature is disabled or the user can't read articles, not even article headings
        return "";
    $urlnext = '';
    if ($usePagination == 'y') {
        //Set offset when pagniation is used
        if (!isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) {
            $start = 0;
        } else {
            $start = $_REQUEST["offset"];
        //Default to 10 when pagination is used
        if ($max == -1) {
            $countPagination = 10;
        foreach ($auto_args as $arg) {
            if (!empty(${$arg})) {
                $paramsnext[$arg] = ${$arg};
        $paramsnext['_type'] = 'absolute_path';
        $urlnext = smarty_function_query($paramsnext, $smarty);
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('quiet', $quiet);
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('urlparam', $urlparam);
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('urlnext', $urlnext);
    if (!isset($containerClass)) {
        $containerClass = 'wikiplugin_articles';
    $smarty->assign('container_class', $containerClass);
    $dateStartTS = 0;
    $dateEndTS = 0;
    // if a period of time is set, date start and end are ignored
    if (isset($periodQuantity)) {
        switch ($periodUnit) {
            case 'hour':
                $periodUnit = 3600;
            case 'day':
                $periodUnit = 86400;
            case 'week':
                $periodUnit = 604800;
            case 'month':
                $periodUnit = 2628000;
        if (is_int($periodUnit)) {
            $dateStartTS = $tikilib->now - $periodQuantity * $periodUnit;
            $dateEndTS = $tikilib->now;
    } else {
        if (isset($dateStart)) {
            $dateStartTS = strtotime($dateStart);
        if (isset($dateEnd)) {
            $dateEndTS = strtotime($dateEnd);
    if (isset($fullbody) && $fullbody == 'y') {
        $smarty->assign('fullbody', 'y');
    } else {
        $smarty->assign('fullbody', 'n');
        $fullbody = 'n';
    $smarty->assign('largefirstimage', $largefirstimage);
    if (!isset($overrideDates)) {
        $overrideDates = 'n';
    if (!empty($translationOrphan)) {
        $filter['translationOrphan'] = $translationOrphan;
    if (!empty($articleId)) {
        $filter['articleId'] = $articleId;
    if (!empty($notArticleId)) {
        $filter['notArticleId'] = $notArticleId;
    include_once "lib/comments/commentslib.php";
    $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki);
    if (count($categId) == 0) {
        $categIds = '';
    } elseif (count($categId) == 1) {
        // For performance reasons, if there is only one value, the SQL query should not return IN () as it does with arrays
        // So we send a single value instead of a single-value array
        $categIds = $categId[0];
    } else {
        // We want the list of articles which are in all categories
        $categIds = array('AND' => $categId);
    $listpages = $artlib->list_articles($start, $max, $sort, '', $dateStartTS, $dateEndTS, 'admin', $type, $topicId, 'y', $topic, $categIds, '', '', $lang, '', '', $overrideDates == 'y', 'y', $filter);
    if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && empty($translationOrphan)) {
        global $multilinguallib;
        include_once "lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php";
        $listpages['data'] = $multilinguallib->selectLangList('article', $listpages['data'], $pageLang);
    for ($i = 0, $icount_listpages = count($listpages["data"]); $i < $icount_listpages; $i++) {
        $listpages["data"][$i]["parsed_heading"] = $tikilib->parse_data($listpages["data"][$i]["heading"], array('min_one_paragraph' => true));
        if ($fullbody == 'y') {
            $listpages["data"][$i]["parsed_body"] = $tikilib->parse_data($listpages["data"][$i]["body"], array('min_one_paragraph' => true, 'is_html' => $prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] === 'y' && $prefs['wysiwyg_htmltowiki'] !== 'y'));
        $comments_prefix_var = 'article:';
        $comments_object_var = $listpages["data"][$i]["articleId"];
        $comments_objectId = $comments_prefix_var . $comments_object_var;
        $listpages["data"][$i]["comments_cant"] = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);
    global $artlib;
    require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php';
    $topics = $artlib->list_topics();
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('topics', $topics);
    if (!empty($topic) && !strstr($topic, '!') && !strstr($topic, '+')) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('topic', $topic);
    } elseif (!empty($topicId) && is_numeric($topicId)) {
        if (!empty($listpages['data'][0]['topicName'])) {
            $smarty->assign_by_ref('topic', $listpages['data'][0]['topicName']);
        } else {
            $topic_info = $artlib->get_topic($topicId);
            if (isset($topic_info['name'])) {
                $smarty->assign_by_ref('topic', $topic_info['name']);
    if (!empty($type) && !strstr($type, '!') && !strstr($type, '+')) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('type', $type);
    if ($usePagination == 'y') {
        $smarty->assign('maxArticles', $max);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $start);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant', $listpages['cant']);
    if (!empty($order)) {
        foreach ($listpages['data'] as $i => $article) {
            $memo[$article['articleId']] = $i;
        foreach ($order as $articleId) {
            if (isset($memo[$articleId])) {
                $list[] = $listpages['data'][$memo[$articleId]];
        foreach ($listpages['data'] as $i => $article) {
            if (!in_array($article['articleId'], $order)) {
                $list[] = $article;
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('listpages', $list);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('listpages', $listpages["data"]);
    $smarty->assign('usePagination', $usePagination);
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('actions', $actions);
    if (isset($titleonly) && $titleonly == 'y') {
        return "~np~ " . $smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles-titleonly.tpl') . " ~/np~";
    } else {
        return "~np~ " . $smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles.tpl') . " ~/np~";
    //return str_replace("\n","",$smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles.tpl')); // this considers the hour in the header like a link
Esempio n. 5
if ($forum_check[0] == 'forum') {
    $smarty->assign('forumId', $forum_check[1]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["comments_grandParentId"])) {
    $smarty->assign('comments_grandParentId', $_REQUEST["comments_grandParentId"]);
if (!empty($forum_mode) && $forum_mode == 'y') {
    $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"] > 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST["post_reply"]) && isset($_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"])) {
    $threadId_if_reply = $_REQUEST["comments_reply_threadId"];
} else {
    $threadId_if_reply = 0;
$comments_coms = $commentslib->get_comments($comments_objectId, $_REQUEST["comments_parentId"], $comments_offset, $_REQUEST["comments_maxComments"], $_REQUEST["comments_sort_mode"], $_REQUEST["comments_commentFind"], $_REQUEST['comments_threshold'], $_REQUEST["comments_style"], $threadId_if_reply);
$comments_cant = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);
$comments_cant_page = $comments_coms['cant'];
$smarty->assign('comments_below', $comments_coms["below"]);
$smarty->assign('comments_cant', $comments_cant);
//print "<pre>";
//print "</pre>";
// Offset management
$comments_maxRecords = $_REQUEST["comments_maxComments"];
//print "<pre>Counts: ";
//print ",";
//print "</pre>";
if ($comments_maxRecords != 0) {
    $comments_cant_pages = ceil($comments_cant_page / $comments_maxRecords);
    $categId = '';
$smarty->assign_by_ref('categId', $categId);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
    $_REQUEST['lang'] = '';
// Get a list of last changes to the Wiki database
$listpages = $tikilib->list_articles($offset, $prefs['maxArticles'], $sort_mode, $find, $pdate, $user, $type, $topic, 'y', $topicName, $categId, '', '', $_REQUEST['lang']);
if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y') {
    include_once "lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php";
    $listpages['data'] = $multilinguallib->selectLangList('article', $listpages['data']);
$temp_max = count($listpages["data"]);
for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) {
    $listpages["data"][$i]["parsed_heading"] = $tikilib->parse_data($listpages["data"][$i]["heading"]);
    $comments_prefix_var = 'article:';
    $comments_object_var = $listpages["data"][$i]["articleId"];
    $comments_objectId = $comments_prefix_var . $comments_object_var;
    $listpages["data"][$i]["comments_cant"] = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);
$topics = $artlib->list_topics();
$smarty->assign_by_ref('topics', $topics);
$smarty->assign('maxArticles', $prefs['maxArticles']);
// If there're more records then assign next_offset
$smarty->assign_by_ref('listpages', $listpages["data"]);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('cant', $listpages["cant"]);
include_once 'tiki-section_options.php';
// Display the template
$smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-view_articles.tpl');
Esempio n. 7
$smarty->assign('offset', 0);
$smarty->assign('sort_mode', $sort_mode);
$smarty->assign('total', $total);
$smarty->assign('find', '');
$smarty->assign('filters', array());
$smarty->assign('currentPage', 1);
$smarty->assign('lastPage', ceil($total / 5));
// licenca padrao
if ($licencaId = $tikilib->get_user_preference($view_user, 'licencaPadrao')) {
    $lController = new PersistentObjectController("License");
    $licenca = $lController->noStructureFindAll(array("id" => $licencaId));
    $smarty->assign('licenca', $licenca[0]);
$userPosts = $bloglib->list_user_posts($view_user, 0, 5);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($userPosts['data']); $i++) {
    $userPosts['data'][$i]['commentsCount'] = $commentslib->count_comments('post:' . $userPosts['data'][$i]['postId']);
$smarty->assign('userPosts', $userPosts);
$liveChannels = array();
$result = $tikilib->query('select * from el_ice where user = ?', array($view_user));
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
    $liveChannels[] = $row;
$smarty->assign('liveChannels', $liveChannels);
$userMessages = $messulib->list_user_messages($view_user, 0, 5, 'date_desc', '', '', '', '', 'messages');
$total = $userMessages['cant'];
$smarty->assign('userMessages', $userMessages);
$smarty->assign('msgMaxRecords', 5);
$smarty->assign('msgOffset', 0);
$smarty->assign('msgTotal', $total);
$smarty->assign('msgPage', 1);
Esempio n. 8
function wikiplugin_articles($data, $params)
    global $smarty, $tikilib, $prefs, $tiki_p_read_article, $tiki_p_articles_read_heading, $dbTiki, $pageLang;
    extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
    if ($prefs['feature_articles'] != 'y' || $tiki_p_read_article != 'y' && $tiki_p_articles_read_heading != 'y') {
        //	the feature is disabled or the user can't read articles, not even article headings
        return "";
    if (!isset($max)) {
        $max = '3';
    if (!isset($start)) {
        $start = '0';
    if (!isset($topicId)) {
        $topicId = '';
    if (!isset($topic)) {
        $topic = '';
    if (!isset($sort)) {
        $sort = 'publishDate_desc';
    // Adds filtering by type if type is passed
    if (!isset($type)) {
        $type = '';
    if (!isset($categId)) {
        $categId = '';
    if (!isset($lang)) {
        $lang = '';
    if (!isset($quiet)) {
        $quiet = 'n';
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('quiet', $quiet);
    include_once "lib/commentslib.php";
    $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki);
    $listpages = $tikilib->list_articles($start, $max, $sort, '', 0, $tikilib->now, 'admin', $type, $topicId, 'y', $topic, $categId, '', '', $lang);
    if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y') {
        global $multilinguallib;
        include_once "lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php";
        $listpages['data'] = $multilinguallib->selectLangList('article', $listpages['data'], $pageLang);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($listpages["data"]); $i++) {
        $listpages["data"][$i]["parsed_heading"] = $tikilib->parse_data($listpages["data"][$i]["heading"]);
        $comments_prefix_var = 'article:';
        $comments_object_var = $listpages["data"][$i]["articleId"];
        $comments_objectId = $comments_prefix_var . $comments_object_var;
        $listpages["data"][$i]["comments_cant"] = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);
    global $artlib;
    require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php';
    $topics = $artlib->list_topics();
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('topics', $topics);
    if (!empty($topic) && !strstr($topic, '!') && !strstr($topic, '+')) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('topic', $topic);
    } elseif (!empty($topicId) && is_numeric($topicId)) {
        if (!empty($listpages['data'][0]['topicName'])) {
            $smarty->assign_by_ref('topic', $listpages['data'][0]['topicName']);
        } else {
            $topic_info = $artlib->get_topic($topicId);
            if (isset($topic_info['name'])) {
                $smarty->assign_by_ref('topic', $topic_info['name']);
    if (!empty($type) && !strstr($type, '!') && !strstr($type, '+')) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('type', $type);
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('listpages', $listpages["data"]);
    if (isset($titleonly) && $titleonly == 'y') {
        return "~np~ " . $smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles-titleonly.tpl') . " ~/np~";
    } else {
        return "~np~ " . $smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles.tpl') . " ~/np~";
    //return str_replace("\n","",$smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles.tpl')); // this considers the hour in the header like a link
Esempio n. 9
  * list_blog_posts Returns all the posts for the blog $blogId
  * @param int $blogId
  * @param bool $allowDrafts
  * @param int $offset
  * @param int $maxRecords
  * @param string $sort_mode
  * @param string $find
  * @param string $date_min
  * @param string $date_max
  * @param string $approved
  * @access public
  * @return array posts
 function list_blog_posts($blogId = 0, $allowDrafts = false, $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'created_desc', $find = '', $date_min = '', $date_max = '', $approved = 'y')
     global $tikilib, $tiki_p_admin, $tiki_p_blog_admin, $tiki_p_blog_post, $user;
     global $commentslib;
     require_once 'lib/comments/commentslib.php';
     $parserlib = TikiLib::lib('parser');
     if (!is_object($commentslib)) {
         $commentslib = new Comments();
     $mid = array();
     $bindvars = array();
     $ownsblog = 'n';
     if ($blogId > 0) {
         $mid[] = "tbp.`blogId`=?";
         $bindvars[] = (int) $blogId;
         $blog_data = $this->get_blog($blogId);
         if ($user && $user == $blog_data["user"]) {
             $ownsblog = 'y';
     $mid[] = "tbp.blogId = tb.blogId";
     if (!$allowDrafts) {
         $mid[] = "`priv`!='y'";
     } else {
         // Private posts can be accessed on the following conditions:
         // user has tiki_p_admin or tiki_p_blog_admin or has written the post
         // If blog is configured with 'Allow other user to post in this blog', then also if user has tiki_p_blog_post or is owner of this blog
         if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y' and $tiki_p_blog_admin != 'y' and !isset($blog_data["public"]) || $blog_data["public"] != 'y' || $tiki_p_blog_post != 'y' and !isset($blog_data["public"]) || $blog_data["public"] != 'y' || $ownsblog != 'y') {
             if (isset($user)) {
                 $mid[] = "(tbp.`priv`!='y' or tbp.`user`=?)";
                 $bindvars[] = "{$user}";
             } else {
                 $mid[] = "tbp.`priv`!='y'";
     if ($find) {
         $findesc = '%' . $find . '%';
         $mid[] = "(tbp.`data` like ? or tbp.`title` like ?)";
         $bindvars[] = $findesc;
         $bindvars[] = $findesc;
     if ($date_min) {
         $mid[] = "tbp.`created`>=?";
         $bindvars[] = (int) $date_min;
     if ($date_max) {
         $mid[] = "tbp.`created`<=?";
         $bindvars[] = (int) $date_max;
     $mid = empty($mid) ? '' : 'where ' . implode(' and ', $mid);
     $query = "select tbp.*,tb.title as blogTitle from `tiki_blog_posts` as tbp, `tiki_blogs` as tb {$mid} order by " . $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode);
     $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_blog_posts` as tbp, `tiki_blogs` as tb {$mid}";
     $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset);
     $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars);
     $ret = array();
     while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) {
         $res["comments"] = $commentslib->count_comments('blog post:' . $res['postId']);
         $res['pages'] = $this->get_number_of_pages($res['data']);
         $res['avatar'] = $tikilib->get_user_avatar($res['user']);
         if (isset($res['excerpt']) && $res['excerpt'] != NULL) {
             $res['excerpt'] = $parserlib->parse_data($res['excerpt'], array('is_html' => true));
         if (isset($res['wysiwyg']) && $res['wysiwyg'] == 'n') {
             $res['data'] = $parserlib->parse_data($res['data']);
         $ret[] = $res;
     $retval = array();
     $retval["data"] = $ret;
     $retval["cant"] = $cant;
     return $retval;
Esempio n. 10
 private function setupComments()
     global $commentslib;
     include_once 'lib/comments/commentslib.php';
     $commentslib = new Comments();
     $count_comments = $commentslib->count_comments('wiki page:' . $this->page, 'n');
     $this->smartyassign('count_comments', $count_comments);
Esempio n. 11
function wikiplugin_articles($data, $params)
    global $smarty;
    global $tikilib;
    global $feature_articles;
    global $tiki_p_read_article;
    global $dbTiki;
    global $feature_multilingual;
    global $pageLang;
    extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
    if ($feature_articles != 'y' || $tiki_p_read_article != 'y') {
        //		the feature is disabled or the user can't read articles
        return "";
    if (!isset($max)) {
        $max = '3';
    if (!isset($start)) {
        $start = '0';
    // Addes filtering by topic if topic is passed
    if (!isset($topic)) {
        $topic = '';
    } else {
        $topic = $tikilib->fetchtopicId($topic);
    // Adds filtering by type if type is passed
    if (!isset($type)) {
        $type = '';
    if (!isset($categId)) {
        $categId = '';
    $now = date("U");
    include_once "lib/commentslib.php";
    $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki);
    $listpages = $tikilib->list_articles($start, $max, 'publishDate_desc', '', $now, 'admin', $type, $topic, 'y', '', $categId);
    if ($feature_multilingual == 'y') {
        global $multilinguallib;
        include_once "lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php";
        $listpages['data'] = $multilinguallib->selectLangList('article', $listpages['data'], $pageLang);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($listpages["data"]); $i++) {
        $listpages["data"][$i]["parsed_heading"] = $tikilib->parse_data($listpages["data"][$i]["heading"]);
        $comments_prefix_var = 'article:';
        $comments_object_var = $listpages["data"][$i]["articleId"];
        $comments_objectId = $comments_prefix_var . $comments_object_var;
        $listpages["data"][$i]["comments_cant"] = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);
    require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php';
    // Unsure of reasoning, but Ive added a isset around here for when Articles plugin is called
    // multiple times on a page. - Damian aka Damosoft
    if (isset($artlib)) {
        $topics = $artlib->list_topics();
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('topics', $topics);
    if (isset($artlib)) {
        $type = $artlib->list_types();
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('type', $type);
    // If there're more records then assign next_offset
    $smarty->assign_by_ref('listpages', $listpages["data"]);
    return "~np~ " . $smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles.tpl') . " ~/np~";
    //return str_replace("\n","",$smarty->fetch('tiki-view_articles.tpl')); // this considers the hour in the header like a link