Esempio n. 1
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $params
 public function addComments($sender, $params)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->entityName) || ($entityName = trim($params->CallbackParameter->entityName)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: EntityName is not provided!');
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->entityId) || ($entityId = trim($params->CallbackParameter->entityId)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: entityId is not provided!');
         if (!($entity = $entityName::get($entityId)) instanceof $entityName) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: no such a entity exisits!');
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->comments) || ($comments = trim($params->CallbackParameter->comments)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid comments passed in!');
         $comment = Comments::addComments($entity, $comments, Comments::TYPE_NORMAL);
         $results['item'] = $comment->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $params->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Esempio n. 2
 static function addStudent($inputs)
     $student = new Students();
     $student->customer_id = $inputs['customerId'];
     $student->franchisee_id = Session::get('franchiseId');
     $student->student_name = $inputs['studentName'];
     $student->student_gender = $inputs['studentGender'];
     $student->student_date_of_birth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($inputs['studentDob']));
     $student->nickname = $inputs['nickname'];
     $student->school = $inputs['school'];
     $student->location = $inputs['location'];
     $student->hobbies = $inputs['hobbies'];
     $student->emergency_contact = $inputs['emergencyContact'];
     $student->remarks = $inputs['remarks'];
     $student->health_issue = $inputs['healthIssue'];
     $student->created_by = Session::get('userId');
     $student->created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     /* echo "<pre>";
     		echo "</pre>"; */
     if ($student) {
         $commentsInput['customerId'] = $inputs['customerId'];
         $commentsInput['commentText'] = '(' . $inputs['studentName'] . ') ' . Config::get('constants.KIDS_ADDED');
         $commentsInput['commentType'] = 'ACTION_LOG';
         //$commentsInput['reminderDate']   = $inputs['reminderTxtBox'];
     return $student;
Esempio n. 3
  * Creating a instance of this
  * @param string  $name
  * @param string  $description  The description of this customer
  * @param bool    $isFromB2B    Whether this is imported via B2B
  * @param int     $mageId       The id of the customer in Magento
  * @return Ambigous <GenericDAO, BaseEntityAbstract>
 public static function create($name, $description = '', $isFromB2B = false, $mageId = 0)
     $name = trim($name);
     $description = trim($description) === '' ? $name : trim($description);
     $isFromB2B = $isFromB2B === true;
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $objects = self::getAllByCriteria('name = ?', array($name), true, 1, 1);
     if (count($objects) > 0) {
         $obj = $objects[0];
     } else {
         $obj = new $class();
     $comments = $class . '(ID=' . $obj->getId() . ')' . (count($objects) > 0 ? 'updated' : 'created') . ($isFromB2B === true ? ' via B2B' : '') . ' with (name=' . $name . ', mageId=' . $mageId . ')';
     if ($isFromB2B === true) {
         Comments::addComments($obj, $comments, Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
     Log::LogEntity($obj, $comments, Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, '', $class . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     return $obj;
Esempio n. 4
  * Creating a instance of this
  * @param string $code
  * @param string $type
  * @param bool $required
  * @param string $scope
  * @param string $description
  * @param string $isFromB2B
  * @param number $mageId
  * @return ProductAttribute
 public static function create($code, $type, $required, $scope, $description = '', $isFromB2B = false, $mageId = 0, $attributeSetMageId = 0)
     $code = trim($code);
     $type = trim($type);
     $required = trim($required) === '1' || $required === true || trim($required) === 'true' ? true : false;
     $scope = trim($scope);
     $description = trim($description);
     $isFromB2B = $isFromB2B === true;
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $objects = self::getAllByCriteria('code = ?', array($code), true, 1, 1);
     if (count($objects) > 0) {
         $obj = $objects[0];
     } else {
         $obj = new $class();
     $comments = $class . '(ID=' . $obj->getId() . ')' . (count($objects) > 0 ? 'updated' : 'created') . ($isFromB2B === true ? ' via B2B' : '') . ' with (code=' . $code . ', type="' . $type . '", required="' . $required . '", scope="' . $scope . ', mageId=' . $mageId . ', attributeSetMageId=' . $attributeSetMageId . ')';
     if ($isFromB2B === true) {
         Comments::addComments($obj, $comments, Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
     Log::LogEntity($obj, $comments, Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, '', $class . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     return $obj;
Esempio n. 5
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $params
 public function addComments($sender, $params)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->creditNote) || !($creditNote = CreditNote::get($params->CallbackParameter->creditNote->id)) instanceof CreditNote) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid CreditNote passed in!');
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->comments) || ($comments = trim($params->CallbackParameter->comments)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid comments passed in!');
         $comment = Comments::addComments($creditNote, $comments, Comments::TYPE_NORMAL);
         $results = $comment->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $params->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Esempio n. 6
  * Creating a instance of this
  * @param string  $name
  * @param string  $contactNo
  * @param string  $email
  * @param Address $billingAddr
  * @param bool    $isFromB2B    Whether this is imported via B2B
  * @param string  $description  The description of this customer
  * @param Address $shippingAddr The shiping address
  * @param int     $mageId       The id of the customer in Magento
  * @return Ambigous <GenericDAO, BaseEntityAbstract>
 public static function create($name, $contactNo, $email, Address $billingAddr = null, $isFromB2B = false, $description = '', Address $shippingAddr = null, $mageId = 0)
     $name = trim($name);
     $contactNo = trim($contactNo);
     $email = trim($email);
     $isFromB2B = $isFromB2B === true;
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $objects = self::getAllByCriteria('email = ?', array($email), true, 1, 1);
     if (count($objects) > 0 && $email !== '') {
         $obj = $objects[0];
     } else {
         $obj = new $class();
     $comments = 'Customer(ID=' . $obj->getId() . ')' . (count($objects) > 0 ? 'updated' : 'created') . ' via B2B with (name=' . $name . ', contactNo=' . $contactNo . ', email=' . $email . ')';
     if ($isFromB2B === true) {
         Comments::addComments($obj, $comments, Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
     Log::LogEntity($obj, $comments, Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, '', $class . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     return $obj;
Esempio n. 7
  * Adding the comments for this entity;
  * @param string $comments The new comments
  * @param string $type     The type of the comments
  * @param string $groupId  The group identifier for the comments
  * @return BaseEntityAbstract
 public function addComment($comments, $type = Comments::TYPE_NORMAL, $groupId = '', &$newComment = null)
     if (trim($comments) !== '') {
         $newComment = Comments::addComments($this, $comments, $type, $groupId);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 8
 public function editEnrollment()
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $paymentreminder_data_make_reminder_null = Comments::where('paymentfollowup_id', '=', $inputs['paymentdue_id'])->update(array('reminder_date' => Null));
     $paymentreminder_data = Comments::where('paymentfollowup_id', '=', $inputs['paymentdue_id'])->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first();
     if ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] == 'REMINDER_CALL') {
         $commentText = "Reminder call  " . 'on  ' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($inputs['reminder-date'])) . ' ' . $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     } elseif ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] == 'FOLLOW_CALL') {
         $commentText = "Follow call  " . 'on  ' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($inputs['reminder-date'])) . ' ' . $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     } elseif ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] == 'CALL_SPOUSE') {
         $commentText = "Call Spouse " . 'on  ' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($inputs['reminder-date'])) . ' ' . $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     } elseif ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] == 'NOT_AVAILABLE') {
         $commentText = "Not Available  " . 'on  ' . date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     } elseif ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] == 'NOT_INTERESTED') {
         $commentText = "NOT_INTERESTED " . 'on  ' . date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     } elseif ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] == 'CLOSE_CALL') {
         $commentText = "Followupcall closed on " . date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     $commentsInput['customerId'] = $paymentreminder_data['customer_id'];
     $commentsInput['student_id'] = $paymentreminder_data['student_id'];
     $commentsInput['paymentfollowup_id'] = $paymentreminder_data['paymentfollowup_id'];
     $commentsInput['followupType'] = $paymentreminder_data['followup_type'];
     $commentsInput['commentStatus'] = $inputs['enrollmentstatus'];
     $commentsInput['commentType'] = $inputs['enrollmenteditAction'];
     $commentsInput['commentText'] = $commentText;
     if ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] != 'CLOSE_CALL') {
         if ($inputs['enrollmentstatus'] != 'NOT_INTERESTED') {
             if (isset($inputs['reminder-date'])) {
                 $commentsInput['reminderDate'] = $inputs['reminder-date'];
     //return Response::json(array('status'=>$inputs));
     return Response::json(array('status' => 'success'));
Esempio n. 9
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $params
  * @throws Exception
 public function addPayment($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->againstEntity) || !isset($param->CallbackParameter->againstEntity->entity) || !isset($param->CallbackParameter->againstEntity->entityId) || ($entityName = trim($param->CallbackParameter->againstEntity->entity)) === '' || !($entity = $entityName::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->againstEntity->entityId))) instanceof $entityName) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid Order or CreditNote provided. Can NOT get any payments at all.');
         if (!$entity instanceof Order && !$entity instanceof CreditNote) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: you can ONLY add payments for a Order or a CreditNote');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->payment) || !isset($param->CallbackParameter->payment->paidAmount) || ($paidAmount = StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency(trim($param->CallbackParameter->payment->paidAmount))) === '' || !is_numeric($paidAmount)) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid Paid Amount passed in!');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->payment->payment_method_id) || ($paymentMethodId = trim($param->CallbackParameter->payment->payment_method_id)) === '' || !($paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::get($paymentMethodId)) instanceof PaymentMethod) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid Payment Method passed in!');
         $notifyCust = isset($param->CallbackParameter->payment->notifyCust) && intval($param->CallbackParameter->payment->notifyCust) === 1 ? true : false;
         $extraComment = '';
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->payment->extraComments) || ($extraComment = trim($param->CallbackParameter->payment->extraComments)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('Some comments for this payment is required.');
         //save the payment
         $newPayment = null;
         $entity = $entity->addPayment($paymentMethod, $paidAmount, $extraComment, new UDate(), $newPayment);
         $results['item'] = $newPayment->getJson();
         //notify the customer
         if ($entity instanceof Order && $notifyCust === true && $entity->getIsFromB2B() === true) {
             $notificationMsg = trim(OrderNotificationTemplateControl::getMessage('paid', $entity));
             if ($notificationMsg !== '') {
                 B2BConnector::getConnector(B2BConnector::CONNECTOR_TYPE_ORDER, SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_WSDL), SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_USER), SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_KEY))->changeOrderStatus($entity, OrderStatus::get(OrderStatus::ID_PICKED)->getMageStatus(), $notificationMsg, true);
                 $comments = 'An email notification contains payment checked info has been sent to customer for: ' . $entity->getStatus()->getName();
                 Comments::addComments($entity, $comments, Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Esempio n. 10
 Route::any('getEventById', "EventsController@getEventById");
 Route::any('saveEvent', "EventsController@saveEvent");
 Route::any('saveSchedule', function () {
     $input = Input::all();
     if ($input['studentId'] != "") {
         $studentSchedule = StudentSchedule::addSchedule($input);
         if ($studentSchedule) {
             $status = array("status" => "success");
     header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
     return Response::json($status);
 Route::any('savecomment', function () {
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $comments = Comments::addComments($inputs);
     header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
     if ($comments) {
         return Response::json(array("status" => "success"));
     } else {
         return Response::json(array("status" => "failed"));
 Route::any('customerStudentSearch', function () {
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $term = $inputs['term'];
     $franchiseeId = Session::get('franchiseId');
     $result = DB::select('call sp_searchStudentCustomers(?, ?, ?)', array($term, $franchiseeId, '@result'));
     if (isset($result)) {
         return Response::json($result);
Esempio n. 11
 public function addIntroVisit()
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $schedule['batchId'] = $inputs['introbatchCbx'];
     $schedule['scheduleDate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($inputs['introVisitTxtBox']));
     $schedule['scheduleType'] = 'introvisit';
     $schedule['customerId'] = $inputs['customerId'];
     $schedule['studentId'] = $inputs['studentIdIntroVisit'];
     $introVisitAdd = BatchSchedule::addIntrovisit($schedule);
     $commentsInput['customerId'] = $inputs['customerId'];
     $commentsInput['commentText'] = $inputs['customerCommentTxtarea'];
     $commentsInput['reminder_type'] = "iv_scheduled";
     $commentsInput['reminderDate'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($inputs['introVisitTxtBox']));
     $comments = Comments::addComments($commentsInput);
     $customerObject = Customers::where("id", "=", $inputs['customerId'])->get();
     $customer['customerName'] = $customerObject['0']->customer_name;
     $customer['customerEmail'] = $customerObject['0']->customer_email;
     $customer['introVisitDate'] = date('d M Y', strtotime($inputs['introVisitTxtBox']));
     Mail::send('emails.account.introvisit', $customer, function ($msg) use($customer) {
         $msg->from(Config::get('constants.EMAIL_ID'), Config::get('constants.EMAIL_NAME'));
         $msg->to($customer['customerEmail'], $customer['customerName'])->subject('The Little Gym - Introductory Visit');
     if ($introVisitAdd) {
         return Response::json(array("status" => "success"));
     return Response::json(array("status" => "failed"));