* * @package Mediboard * @subpackage soins * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ $patient_id = CValue::get('patient_id', 0); $sejour_id = CValue::get('sejour_id'); $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); $sejour = new CSejour(); $sejour->load($sejour_id); if ($patient->_id) { $constantes = $patient->loadRefLatestConstantes(null, array('poids', 'taille')); $poids = '—'; $taille = '—'; $imc = '—'; $unit_poids = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes['poids']['unit']; $unit_taille = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes['taille']['unit']; if ($constantes[0]->poids) { $date = CMbDT::format($constantes[1]['poids'], CAppUI::conf('datetime')); $poids = "<span title='{$date}'>{$constantes[0]->poids} {$unit_poids}</span>"; if ($sejour && $sejour->_id) { if ($constantes[1]['poids'] < $sejour->entree || $constantes[1]['poids'] > $sejour->sortie) { // Weight outdated $msg = utf8_encode(CAppUI::tr('CPatient-msg-Entry is outdated')); $date = CMbDT::format($constantes[1]['poids'], CAppUI::conf('datetime')); $poids = "<span title='{$msg} : {$date}' style='color: firebrick;'><strong>{$constantes[0]->poids} {$unit_poids}</strong></span>"; }
* $Id$ * * @category Cabinet * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ $consult_id = CValue::get("consult_id"); $patient_id = CValue::get("patient_id"); $consult_anesth = new CConsultAnesth(); $consult_anesth->load($consult_id); $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); $constantes = reset($patient->loadRefLatestConstantes(null, array("poids", "taille"))); $auto_55 = false; $auto_imc26 = false; if ($patient->_annees) { $consult_anesth->plus_de_55_ans = $patient->_annees > 55 ? 1 : 0; $auto_55 = 1; } if ($constantes->_imc) { $consult_anesth->imc_sup_26 = $constantes->_imc > 26 ? 1 : 0; $auto_imc26 = 1; } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("consult_anesth", $consult_anesth); $smarty->assign("plus_de_55_ans", $auto_55); $smarty->assign("imc_sup_26", $auto_imc26); $smarty->display("inc_guess_ventilation.tpl");
$where[] = implode(" OR ", $whereOr); } else { $where["context_class"] = " = '{$context->_class}'"; $where["context_id"] = " = '{$context->_id}'"; } } else { $where["context_class"] = " = '{$context->_class}'"; $where["context_id"] = " = '{$context->_id}'"; } // Needed to know if we are in the right context $constantes->context_class = $context->_class; $constantes->context_id = $context->_id; $constantes->loadRefContext(); } //CConstantesMedicales::$_latest_values = array(); $latest_constantes = $patient->loadRefLatestConstantes(CMbDT::dateTime(), array(), $context, false); // On récupère dans tous les cas le poids et la taille du patient $patient->loadRefLatestConstantes(null, array("poids", "taille"), null, false); $constantes->updateFormFields(); // Pour forcer le chargement des unités lors de la saisie d'une nouvelle constante $whereOr = array(); foreach ($constants_to_draw as $_cat => $_ranks) { foreach ($_ranks as $rank => $_constants) { foreach ($_constants as $name) { if ($name[0] === "_") { continue; } $whereOr[] = "{$name} IS NOT NULL "; } } }