Esempio n. 1
 public function request($method, $url = '', $body = null, $headers = array())
     $headers['user-agent'] = Constants::DAV_USER_AGENT;
     $sLog = "REQUEST: " . $method;
     if ($url != '') {
         $sLog = $sLog . " " . $url;
     if ($body != null) {
         $sLog = $sLog . "\r\nBody:\r\n" . $body;
     \CApi::Log($sLog, \ELogLevel::Full, 'dav-');
     \CApi::LogObject($headers, \ELogLevel::Full, 'dav-');
     $response = array();
     try {
         $response = parent::request($method, $url, $body, $headers);
     } catch (\Sabre\DAV\Exception $ex) {
         \CApi::LogObject($ex->getMessage(), \ELogLevel::Full, 'dav-');
         throw $ex;
     $sLog = "RESPONSE: " . $method;
     if (!empty($response['body'])) {
         $sLog = $sLog . "\r\nBody:\r\n" . $response['body'];
     \CApi::Log($sLog, \ELogLevel::Full, 'dav-');
     if (!empty($response['headers'])) {
         \CApi::LogObject($response['headers'], \ELogLevel::Full, 'dav-');
     return $response;
  * @param CAccount $oAccount
 public function ChangePasswordProcess($oAccount)
     if (0 < strlen($oAccount->PreviousMailPassword) && $oAccount->PreviousMailPassword !== $oAccount->IncomingMailPassword) {
         $cpanel_hostname = CApi::GetConf('plugins.cpanel-change-password.config.hostname', 'localhost');
         $cpanel_username = CApi::GetConf('plugins.cpanel-change-password.config.username', 'local');
         $cpanel_password = CApi::GetConf('plugins.cpanel-change-password.config.password', '');
         $email_user = urlencode($oAccount->Email);
         $email_password = urlencode($oAccount->IncomingMailPassword);
         $email_domain = urlencode($oAccount->Domain->Name);
         $query = "https://" . $cpanel_hostname . ":2083/execute/Email/passwd_pop?email=" . $email_user . "&password="******"&domain=" . $email_domain;
         $curl = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         $header[0] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($cpanel_username . ":" . $cpanel_password) . "\n\r";
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $query);
         $result = curl_exec($curl);
         if ($result == false) {
             CApi::Log("curl_exec threw error \"" . curl_error($curl) . "\" for {$query}");
             throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountNewPasswordUpdateError);
         } else {
             $json_res = json_decode($result);
             if (!$json_res->status) {
                 throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountNewPasswordUpdateError);
Esempio n. 3
 public static function Init($oTenant = null)
     $bResult = false;
     $oUser = null;
     $oClient = self::CreateClient($oTenant);
     if ($oClient) {
         if ($success = $oClient->Initialize()) {
             if ($success = $oClient->Process()) {
                 if (strlen($oClient->access_token)) {
                     $success = $oClient->CallAPI('', 'GET', array(), array('FailOnAccessError' => true), $oUser);
             $success = $oClient->Finalize($success);
         if ($oClient->exit) {
             $bResult = false;
         if ($success && $oUser) {
             // if you need re-ask user for permission
             $aSocial = array('type' => self::$ConnectorName, 'id' => $oUser->id, 'name' => $oUser->name, 'email' => isset($oUser->email) ? $oUser->email : '', 'access_token' => $oClient->access_token, 'scopes' => self::$Scopes);
             \CApi::Log('social_user_' . self::$ConnectorName);
             $bResult = $aSocial;
         } else {
             $bResult = false;
             self::_socialError($oClient->error, self::$ConnectorName);
     return $bResult;
Esempio n. 4
  * This method is called before any HTTP method, but after authentication.
  * @param string $sMethod
  * @param string $path
  * @throws \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotAuthenticated
  * @return bool
 public function beforeMethod($sMethod, $path)
     $aHeaders = $this->server->httpRequest->getHeaders();
     \CApi::Log($sMethod . ' ' . $path, \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
     \CApi::LogObject($aHeaders, \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
     $bLogBody = (bool) \CApi::GetConf('labs.dav.log-body', false);
     if ($bLogBody) {
         $body = $this->server->httpRequest->getBodyAsString();
         \CApi::LogObject($body, \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
     \CApi::Log('', \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
Esempio n. 5
 public static function Init($oTenant = null)
     $bResult = false;
     $oUser = null;
     $oClient = self::CreateClient($oTenant);
     if ($oClient) {
         if ($success = $oClient->Initialize()) {
             if ($success = $oClient->Process()) {
                 if (strlen($oClient->access_token)) {
                     $success = $oClient->CallAPI('', 'GET', array(), array('FailOnAccessError' => true), $oUser);
                 } else {
                     $oClient->error = $oClient->authorization_error;
                     $success = false;
             $success = $oClient->Finalize($success);
         if ($oClient->exit) {
             $bResult = false;
         if ($success && $oUser) {
             // if you need re-ask user for permission
             $iExpiresIn = 3600;
             $dAccessTokenExpiry = new DateTime($oClient->access_token_expiry);
             $aAccessToken = json_encode(array('access_token' => $oClient->access_token, 'created' => $dAccessTokenExpiry->getTimestamp() - $iExpiresIn, 'expires_in' => $iExpiresIn));
             $aSocial = array('type' => self::$ConnectorName, 'id' => $oUser->id, 'name' => $oUser->name, 'email' => isset($oUser->email) ? $oUser->email : '', 'access_token' => $aAccessToken, 'refresh_token' => $oClient->refresh_token, 'scopes' => self::$Scopes);
             \CApi::Log('social_user_' . self::$ConnectorName);
             $bResult = $aSocial;
         } else {
             $bResult = false;
             self::_socialError($oClient->error, self::$ConnectorName);
     return $bResult;
Esempio n. 6
  * @return void
 public function Handle()
     $sVersion = file_get_contents(PSEVEN_APP_ROOT_PATH . 'VERSION');
     define('PSEVEN_APP_VERSION', $sVersion);
     if (!class_exists('MailSo\\Version')) {
         echo 'MailSo';
         return '';
     } else {
         if (!class_exists('\\CApi') || !\CApi::IsValid()) {
             echo 'AfterLogic API';
             return '';
     $sPathInfo = \trim(\trim($this->oHttp->GetServer('PATH_INFO', '')), ' /');
     if (!empty($sPathInfo)) {
         if ('dav' === \substr($sPathInfo, 0, 3)) {
             return '';
     /* @var $oApiIntegrator \CApiIntegratorManager */
     $oApiIntegrator = \CApi::Manager('integrator');
     // ------ Redirect to HTTPS
     $oSettings =& \CApi::GetSettings();
     $bRedirectToHttps = $oSettings->GetConf('Common/RedirectToHttps');
     $bHttps = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== "off" || isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == "443";
     if ($bRedirectToHttps && !$bHttps) {
         header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     // ------
     /* @var $oApiCapability \CApiCapabilityManager */
     $oApiCapability = \CApi::Manager('capability');
     $sResult = '';
     $sQuery = \trim(\trim($this->oHttp->GetServer('QUERY_STRING', '')), ' /');
     $iPos = \strpos($sQuery, '&');
     if (0 < $iPos) {
         $sQuery = \substr($sQuery, 0, $iPos);
     $aPaths = explode('/', $sQuery);
     if (0 < count($aPaths) && !empty($aPaths[0])) {
         $sFirstPart = strtolower($aPaths[0]);
         if ('ping' === $sFirstPart) {
             @header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
             $sResult = 'Pong';
         } else {
             if ('pull' === $sFirstPart) {
                 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
                     pclose(popen("start /B git pull", "r"));
                 } else {
                     exec("git pull > /dev/null 2>&1 &");
             } else {
                 if ('ajax' === $sFirstPart) {
                     $aResponseItem = null;
                     $sAction = $this->oHttp->GetPost('Action', null);
                     try {
                         \CApi::Log('AJAX: Action: ' . $sAction);
                         if ('SystemGetAppData' !== $sAction && \CApi::GetConf('labs.webmail.csrftoken-protection', true) && !$this->validateToken()) {
                             throw new \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException(\ProjectCore\Notifications::InvalidToken);
                         } else {
                             if (!empty($sAction)) {
                                 $sMethodName = 'Ajax' . $sAction;
                                 if (method_exists($this->oActions, $sMethodName) && is_callable(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName))) {
                                     $aResponseItem = call_user_func(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName));
                                 if (\CApi::Plugin()->JsonHookExists($sMethodName)) {
                                     $aResponseItem = \CApi::Plugin()->RunJsonHook($this->oActions, $sMethodName, $aResponseItem);
                         if (!is_array($aResponseItem)) {
                             throw new \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException(\ProjectCore\Notifications::UnknownError);
                     } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                         //if ($oException instanceof \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException &&
                         //	\ProjectCore\Notifications::AuthError === $oException->getCode())
                         //	$oApiIntegrator = /* @var $oApiIntegrator \CApiIntegratorManager */ \CApi::Manager('integrator');
                         //	$oApiIntegrator->setLastErrorCode(\ProjectCore\Notifications::AuthError);
                         //	$oApiIntegrator->logoutAccount();
                         $sAction = empty($sAction) ? 'Unknown' : $sAction;
                         $aAdditionalParams = null;
                         if ($oException instanceof \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException) {
                             $aAdditionalParams = $oException->GetObjectParams();
                         $aResponseItem = $this->oActions->ExceptionResponse(null, $sAction, $oException, $aAdditionalParams);
                     @header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
                     \CApi::Plugin()->RunHook('ajax.response-result', array($sAction, &$aResponseItem));
                     $sResult = \MailSo\Base\Utils::Php2js($aResponseItem, \CApi::MailSoLogger());
                     //				\CApi::Log('AJAX: Response: '.$sResult);
                 } else {
                     if ('upload' === $sFirstPart) {
                         $aResponseItem = null;
                         $sAction = empty($aPaths[1]) ? '' : $aPaths[1];
                         if ($this->oHttp->IsPut()) {
                             $rPutData = fopen("php://input", "r");
                             $aFilePath = array_slice($aPaths, 3);
                             $sFilePath = implode('/', $aFilePath);
                             $this->oActions->SetActionParams(array('FileData' => array('name' => basename($sFilePath), 'size' => (int) $this->oHttp->GetHeader('Content-Length'), 'tmp_name' => $rPutData), 'AdditionalData' => json_encode(array('Type' => empty($aPaths[2]) ? 'personal' : strtolower($aPaths[2]), 'CalendarID' => empty($aPaths[2]) ? '' : strtolower($aPaths[2]), 'Folder' => dirname($sFilePath), 'Path' => dirname($sFilePath), 'GroupId' => '', 'IsShared' => false)), 'IsExt' => '1' === (string) $this->oHttp->GetQuery('IsExt', '0') ? '1' : '0', 'TenantHash' => (string) $this->oHttp->GetQuery('TenantHash', ''), 'AuthToken' => $this->oHttp->GetHeader('Auth-Token'), 'AccountID' => empty($aPaths[2]) ? '0' : strtolower($aPaths[2])));
                             try {
                                 $sMethodName = 'Upload' . $sAction;
                                 if (method_exists($this->oActions, $sMethodName) && is_callable(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName))) {
                                     $aResponseItem = call_user_func(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName));
                                 if (!is_array($aResponseItem) && empty($sError)) {
                                     throw new \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException(\ProjectCore\Notifications::UnknownError);
                             } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                                 $aResponseItem = $this->oActions->ExceptionResponse(null, 'Upload', $oException);
                                 $sError = 'exception';
                             if (0 < strlen($sError)) {
                                 $aResponseItem['Error'] = $sError;
                         } else {
                             try {
                                 $sMethodName = 'Upload' . $sAction;
                                 if (method_exists($this->oActions, $sMethodName) && is_callable(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName))) {
                                     $sError = '';
                                     $sInputName = 'jua-uploader';
                                     $iError = UPLOAD_ERR_OK;
                                     $_FILES = isset($_FILES) ? $_FILES : null;
                                     if (isset($_FILES, $_FILES[$sInputName], $_FILES[$sInputName]['name'], $_FILES[$sInputName]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$sInputName]['size'], $_FILES[$sInputName]['type'])) {
                                         $iError = isset($_FILES[$sInputName]['error']) ? (int) $_FILES[$sInputName]['error'] : UPLOAD_ERR_OK;
                                         if (UPLOAD_ERR_OK === $iError) {
                                             $this->oActions->SetActionParams(array('AccountID' => $this->oHttp->GetPost('AccountID', ''), 'FileData' => $_FILES[$sInputName], 'AdditionalData' => $this->oHttp->GetPost('AdditionalData', null), 'IsExt' => '1' === (string) $this->oHttp->GetPost('IsExt', '0') ? '1' : '0', 'TenantHash' => (string) $this->oHttp->GetPost('TenantHash', ''), 'Token' => $this->oHttp->GetPost('Token', ''), 'AuthToken' => $this->oHttp->GetPost('AuthToken', '')));
                                             $aResponseItem = call_user_func(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName));
                                         } else {
                                             $sError = $this->oActions->convertUploadErrorToString($iError);
                                     } else {
                                         if (!isset($_FILES) || !is_array($_FILES) || 0 === count($_FILES)) {
                                             $sError = 'size';
                                         } else {
                                             $sError = 'unknown';
                                 if (!is_array($aResponseItem) && empty($sError)) {
                                     throw new \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException(\ProjectCore\Notifications::UnknownError);
                             } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                                 $aResponseItem = $this->oActions->ExceptionResponse(null, 'Upload', $oException);
                                 $sError = 'exception';
                             if (0 < strlen($sError)) {
                                 $aResponseItem['Error'] = $sError;
                         @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
                         $sResult = \MailSo\Base\Utils::Php2js($aResponseItem);
                     } else {
                         if ('speclogon' === $sFirstPart || 'speclogoff' === $sFirstPart) {
                             \CApi::SpecifiedUserLogging('speclogon' === $sFirstPart);
                         } else {
                             if ('sso' === $sFirstPart) {
                                 $oApiIntegratorManager = \CApi::Manager('integrator');
                                 try {
                                     $sHash = $this->oHttp->GetRequest('hash');
                                     if (!empty($sHash)) {
                                         $sData = \CApi::Cacher()->get('SSO:' . $sHash, true);
                                         $aData = \CApi::DecodeKeyValues($sData);
                                         if (!empty($aData['Email']) && isset($aData['Password'], $aData['Login'])) {
                                             $oAccount = $oApiIntegratorManager->loginToAccount($aData['Email'], $aData['Password'], $aData['Login']);
                                             if ($oAccount) {
                                     } else {
                                 } catch (\Exception $oExc) {
                             } else {
                                 if ('autodiscover' === $sFirstPart) {
                                     $oSettings =& \CApi::GetSettings();
                                     $sInput = \file_get_contents('php://input');
                                     $aMatches = array();
                                     $aEmailAddress = array();
                                     \preg_match("/\\<AcceptableResponseSchema\\>(.*?)\\<\\/AcceptableResponseSchema\\>/i", $sInput, $aMatches);
                                     \preg_match("/\\<EMailAddress\\>(.*?)\\<\\/EMailAddress\\>/", $sInput, $aEmailAddress);
                                     if (!empty($aMatches[1]) && !empty($aEmailAddress[1])) {
                                         $sIncMailServer = trim($oSettings->GetConf('WebMail/ExternalHostNameOfLocalImap'));
                                         $sOutMailServer = trim($oSettings->GetConf('WebMail/ExternalHostNameOfLocalSmtp'));
                                         if (0 < \strlen($sIncMailServer) && 0 < \strlen($sOutMailServer)) {
                                             $iIncMailPort = 143;
                                             $iOutMailPort = 25;
                                             $aMatch = array();
                                             if (\preg_match('/:([\\d]+)$/', $sIncMailServer, $aMatch) && !empty($aMatch[1]) && is_numeric($aMatch[1])) {
                                                 $sIncMailServer = preg_replace('/:[\\d]+$/', $sIncMailServer, '');
                                                 $iIncMailPort = (int) $aMatch[1];
                                             $aMatch = array();
                                             if (\preg_match('/:([\\d]+)$/', $sOutMailServer, $aMatch) && !empty($aMatch[1]) && is_numeric($aMatch[1])) {
                                                 $sOutMailServer = preg_replace('/:[\\d]+$/', $sOutMailServer, '');
                                                 $iOutMailPort = (int) $aMatch[1];
                                             $sResult = \implode("\n", array('<Autodiscover xmlns="">', '	<Response xmlns="' . $aMatches[1] . '">', '		<Account>', '			<AccountType>email</AccountType>', '			<Action>settings</Action>', '			<Protocol>', '				<Type>IMAP</Type>', '				<Server>' . $sIncMailServer . '</Server>', '				<LoginName>' . $aEmailAddress[1] . '</LoginName>', '				<Port>' . $iIncMailPort . '</Port>', '				<SSL>' . (993 === $iIncMailPort ? 'on' : 'off') . '</SSL>', '				<SPA>off</SPA>', '				<AuthRequired>on</AuthRequired>', '			</Protocol>', '			<Protocol>', '				<Type>SMTP</Type>', '				<Server>' . $sOutMailServer . '</Server>', '				<LoginName>' . $aEmailAddress[1] . '</LoginName>', '				<Port>' . $iOutMailPort . '</Port>', '				<SSL>' . (465 === $iOutMailPort ? 'on' : 'off') . '</SSL>', '				<SPA>off</SPA>', '				<AuthRequired>on</AuthRequired>', '			</Protocol>', '		</Account>', '	</Response>', '</Autodiscover>'));
                                     if (empty($sResult)) {
                                         $usec = $sec = 0;
                                         list($usec, $sec) = \explode(' ', microtime());
                                         $sResult = \implode("\n", array('<Autodiscover xmlns="">', empty($aMatches[1]) ? '	<Response>' : '	<Response xmlns="' . $aMatches[1] . '">', '		<Error Time="' . \gmdate('H:i:s', $sec) . \substr($usec, 0, \strlen($usec) - 2) . '" Id="2477272013">', '			<ErrorCode>600</ErrorCode>', '			<Message>Invalid Request</Message>', '			<DebugData />', '		</Error>', '	</Response>', '</Autodiscover>'));
                                     header('Content-Type: text/xml');
                                     $sResult = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?' . '>' . "\n" . $sResult;
                                 } else {
                                     if ('profile' === $sFirstPart) {
                                         /* @var $oApiIosManager \CApiIosManager */
                                         $oApiIosManager = \CApi::Manager('ios');
                                         $oAccount = $oApiIntegrator->getLogginedDefaultAccount();
                                         $mResultProfile = $oApiIosManager && $oAccount ? $oApiIosManager->generateXMLProfile($oAccount) : false;
                                         if ($mResultProfile !== false) {
                                             header('Content-type: application/x-apple-aspen-config; chatset=utf-8');
                                             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="afterlogic.mobileconfig"');
                                             echo $mResultProfile;
                                         } else {
                                     } else {
                                         if ('ios' === $sFirstPart) {
                                             $sResult = file_get_contents(PSEVEN_APP_ROOT_PATH . 'templates/Ios.html');
                                             $iUserId = $oApiIntegrator->getLogginedUserId();
                                             if (0 < $iUserId) {
                                                 $oAccount = $oApiIntegrator->getLogginedDefaultAccount();
                                                 $bError = isset($aPaths[1]) && 'error' === strtolower($aPaths[1]);
                                                 // TODO
                                                 @setcookie('skip_ios', '1', time() + 3600 * 3600, '/', null, null, true);
                                                 $sResult = strtr($sResult, array('{{IOS/HELLO}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/HELLO', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P1}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P1', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P2}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P2', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P3}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P3', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P4}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P4', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P5}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P5', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P6}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P6', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_P7}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_P7', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_BUTTON_YES}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_BUTTON_YES', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_BUTTON_SKIP}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_BUTTON_SKIP', $oAccount), '{{IOS/DESC_BUTTON_OPEN}}' => \CApi::ClientI18N('IOS/DESC_BUTTON_OPEN', $oAccount), '{{AppVersion}}' => PSEVEN_APP_VERSION, '{{IntegratorLinks}}' => $oApiIntegrator->buildHeadersLink()));
                                             } else {
                                         } else {
                                             if ('raw' === $sFirstPart) {
                                                 $sAction = empty($aPaths[1]) ? '' : $aPaths[1];
                                                 try {
                                                     if (!empty($sAction)) {
                                                         $sMethodName = 'Raw' . $sAction;
                                                         if (method_exists($this->oActions, $sMethodName)) {
                                                             $this->oActions->SetActionParams(array('AccountID' => empty($aPaths[2]) || '0' === (string) $aPaths[2] ? '' : $aPaths[2], 'RawKey' => empty($aPaths[3]) ? '' : $aPaths[3], 'IsExt' => empty($aPaths[4]) ? '0' : ('1' === (string) $aPaths[4] ? '1' : 0), 'TenantHash' => empty($aPaths[5]) ? '' : $aPaths[5], 'AuthToken' => empty($aPaths[6]) ? '' : $aPaths[6]));
                                                             if (!call_user_func(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName))) {
                                                                 \CApi::Log('False result.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                         } else {
                                                             \CApi::Log('Invalid action.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                     } else {
                                                         \CApi::Log('Empty action.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                 } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                                                     \CApi::LogException($oException, \ELogLevel::Error);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ('post' === $sFirstPart) {
                                                     $sAction = $this->oHttp->GetPost('Action');
                                                     try {
                                                         if (!empty($sAction)) {
                                                             $sMethodName = 'Post' . $sAction;
                                                             if (method_exists($this->oActions, $sMethodName) && is_callable(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName))) {
                                                                 if (!call_user_func(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName))) {
                                                                     \CApi::Log('False result.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                             } else {
                                                                 \CApi::Log('Invalid action.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                         } else {
                                                             \CApi::Log('Empty action.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                     } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                                                         \CApi::LogException($oException, \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (\CApi::IsHelpdeskModule()) {
                                                         $sResult = $this->indexHTML(true, $this->oHttp->GetQuery('helpdesk'));
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($this->oHttp->HasQuery('invite')) {
                                                             $aInviteValues = \CApi::DecodeKeyValues($this->oHttp->GetQuery('invite'));
                                                             $oApiUsersManager = \CApi::Manager('users');
                                                             $oApiCalendarManager = \CApi::Manager('calendar');
                                                             if (isset($aInviteValues['organizer'])) {
                                                                 $oAccountOrganizer = $oApiUsersManager->getAccountByEmail($aInviteValues['organizer']);
                                                                 if (isset($oAccountOrganizer, $aInviteValues['attendee'], $aInviteValues['calendarId'], $aInviteValues['eventId'], $aInviteValues['action'])) {
                                                                     $oCalendar = $oApiCalendarManager->getCalendar($oAccountOrganizer, $aInviteValues['calendarId']);
                                                                     if ($oCalendar) {
                                                                         $oEvent = $oApiCalendarManager->getEvent($oAccountOrganizer, $aInviteValues['calendarId'], $aInviteValues['eventId']);
                                                                         if ($oEvent && is_array($oEvent) && 0 < count($oEvent) && isset($oEvent[0])) {
                                                                             if (is_string($sResult)) {
                                                                                 $sResult = file_get_contents(PSEVEN_APP_ROOT_PATH . 'templates/CalendarEventInviteExternal.html');
                                                                                 $dt = new \DateTime();
                                                                                 if (!$oEvent[0]['allDay']) {
                                                                                     $sDefaultTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone($oAccountOrganizer->getDefaultStrTimeZone());
                                                                                 $sAction = $aInviteValues['action'];
                                                                                 $sActionColor = 'green';
                                                                                 $sActionText = '';
                                                                                 switch (strtoupper($sAction)) {
                                                                                     case 'ACCEPTED':
                                                                                         $sActionColor = 'green';
                                                                                         $sActionText = 'Accepted';
                                                                                     case 'DECLINED':
                                                                                         $sActionColor = 'red';
                                                                                         $sActionText = 'Declined';
                                                                                     case 'TENTATIVE':
                                                                                         $sActionColor = '#A0A0A0';
                                                                                         $sActionText = 'Tentative';
                                                                                 $sDateFormat = 'm/d/Y';
                                                                                 $sTimeFormat = 'h:i A';
                                                                                 switch ($oAccountOrganizer->User->DefaultDateFormat) {
                                                                                     case \EDateFormat::DDMMYYYY:
                                                                                         $sDateFormat = 'd/m/Y';
                                                                                     case \EDateFormat::DD_MONTH_YYYY:
                                                                                         $sDateFormat = 'd/m/Y';
                                                                                         $sDateFormat = 'm/d/Y';
                                                                                 switch ($oAccountOrganizer->User->DefaultTimeFormat) {
                                                                                     case \ETimeFormat::F24:
                                                                                         $sTimeFormat = 'H:i';
                                                                                     case \EDateFormat::DD_MONTH_YYYY:
                                                                                         $sTimeFormat = 'h:i A';
                                                                                         $sTimeFormat = 'h:i A';
                                                                                 $sDateTime = $dt->format($sDateFormat . ' ' . $sTimeFormat);
                                                                                 $mResult = array('{{COLOR}}' => $oCalendar->Color, '{{EVENT_NAME}}' => $oEvent[0]['subject'], '{{EVENT_BEGIN}}' => ucfirst(\CApi::ClientI18N('REMINDERS/EVENT_BEGIN', $oAccountOrganizer)), '{{EVENT_DATE}}' => $sDateTime, '{{CALENDAR}}' => ucfirst(\CApi::ClientI18N('REMINDERS/CALENDAR', $oAccountOrganizer)), '{{CALENDAR_NAME}}' => $oCalendar->DisplayName, '{{EVENT_DESCRIPTION}}' => $oEvent[0]['description'], '{{EVENT_ACTION}}' => $sActionText, '{{ACTION_COLOR}}' => $sActionColor);
                                                                                 $sResult = strtr($sResult, $mResult);
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 \CApi::Log('Empty template.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             \CApi::Log('Event not found.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         \CApi::Log('Calendar not found.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                     $sAttendee = $aInviteValues['attendee'];
                                                                     if (!empty($sAttendee)) {
                                                                         $oApiCalendarManager->updateAppointment($oAccountOrganizer, $aInviteValues['calendarId'], $aInviteValues['eventId'], $sAttendee, $aInviteValues['action']);
                                                         } else {
                                                             if (\CApi::IsCalendarPubModule()) {
                                                                 $sResult = $this->indexHTML(false, '', $this->oHttp->GetQuery('calendar-pub'));
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if (\CApi::IsFilesPubModule()) {
                                                                     $sResult = $this->indexHTML(false, '', '', $this->oHttp->GetQuery('files-pub'));
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ('min' === $sFirstPart || 'window' === $sFirstPart) {
                                                                         $sAction = empty($aPaths[1]) ? '' : $aPaths[1];
                                                                         try {
                                                                             if (!empty($sAction)) {
                                                                                 $sMethodName = $aPaths[0] . $sAction;
                                                                                 if (method_exists($this->oActions, $sMethodName)) {
                                                                                     if ('Min' === $aPaths[0]) {
                                                                                         $oMinManager = \CApi::Manager('min');
                                                                                         $mHashResult = $oMinManager->getMinByHash(empty($aPaths[2]) ? '' : $aPaths[2]);
                                                                                         $this->oActions->SetActionParams(array('Result' => $mHashResult, 'Hash' => empty($aPaths[2]) ? '' : $aPaths[2]));
                                                                                     } else {
                                                                                         $this->oActions->SetActionParams(array('AccountID' => empty($aPaths[2]) || '0' === (string) $aPaths[2] ? '' : $aPaths[2], 'RawKey' => empty($aPaths[3]) ? '' : $aPaths[3]));
                                                                                     $mResult = call_user_func(array($this->oActions, $sMethodName));
                                                                                     $sTemplate = isset($mResult['Template']) && !empty($mResult['Template']) && is_string($mResult['Template']) ? $mResult['Template'] : null;
                                                                                     if (!empty($sTemplate) && is_array($mResult) && file_exists(PSEVEN_APP_ROOT_PATH . $sTemplate)) {
                                                                                         $sResult = file_get_contents(PSEVEN_APP_ROOT_PATH . $sTemplate);
                                                                                         if (is_string($sResult)) {
                                                                                             $sResult = strtr($sResult, $mResult);
                                                                                         } else {
                                                                                             \CApi::Log('Empty template.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                                     } else {
                                                                                         if (!empty($sTemplate)) {
                                                                                             \CApi::Log('Empty template.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                                         } else {
                                                                                             if (true === $mResult) {
                                                                                                 $sResult = '';
                                                                                             } else {
                                                                                                 \CApi::Log('False result.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                     \CApi::Log('Invalid action.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 \CApi::Log('Empty action.', \ELogLevel::Error);
                                                                         } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if ('twilio' === $sFirstPart) {
                                                                             $sResult = $this->oTwilio->getTwiML($aPaths, $this->oHttp);
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             if ('plugins' === $sFirstPart) {
                                                                                 $sType = !empty($aPaths[1]) ? trim($aPaths[1]) : '';
                                                                                 if ('js' === $sType) {
                                                                                     @header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8');
                                                                                     $sResult = \CApi::Plugin()->CompileJs();
                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                     if ('images' === $sType) {
                                                                                         if (!empty($aPaths[2]) && !empty($aPaths[3])) {
                                                                                             $oPlugin = \CApi::Plugin()->GetPluginByName($aPaths[2]);
                                                                                             if ($oPlugin) {
                                                                                                 echo $oPlugin->GetImage($aPaths[3]);
                                                                                     } else {
                                                                                         if ('fonts' === $sType) {
                                                                                             if (!empty($aPaths[2]) && !empty($aPaths[3])) {
                                                                                                 $oPlugin = \CApi::Plugin()->GetPluginByName($aPaths[2]);
                                                                                                 if ($oPlugin) {
                                                                                                     echo $oPlugin->GetFont($aPaths[3]);
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 if ('postlogin' === $sFirstPart && \CApi::GetConf('labs.allow-post-login', false)) {
                                                                                     $oSettings =& \CApi::GetSettings();
                                                                                     $sEmail = trim((string) $this->oHttp->GetRequest('Email', ''));
                                                                                     $sLogin = (string) $this->oHttp->GetRequest('Login', '');
                                                                                     $sPassword = (string) $this->oHttp->GetRequest('Password', '');
                                                                                     $sAtDomain = trim($oSettings->GetConf('WebMail/LoginAtDomainValue'));
                                                                                     if (\ELoginFormType::Login === (int) $oSettings->GetConf('WebMail/LoginFormType') && 0 < strlen($sAtDomain)) {
                                                                                         $sEmail = \api_Utils::GetAccountNameFromEmail($sLogin) . '@' . $sAtDomain;
                                                                                         $sLogin = $sEmail;
                                                                                     if (0 !== strlen($sPassword) && 0 !== strlen($sEmail . $sLogin)) {
                                                                                         try {
                                                                                             $oAccount = $oApiIntegrator->loginToAccount($sEmail, $sPassword, $sLogin);
                                                                                         } catch (\Exception $oException) {
                                                                                             $iErrorCode = \ProjectCore\Notifications::UnknownError;
                                                                                             if ($oException instanceof \CApiManagerException) {
                                                                                                 switch ($oException->getCode()) {
                                                                                                     case \Errs::WebMailManager_AccountDisabled:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::WebMailManager_AccountWebmailDisabled:
                                                                                                         $iErrorCode = \ProjectCore\Notifications::AuthError;
                                                                                                     case \Errs::UserManager_AccountAuthenticationFailed:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::WebMailManager_AccountAuthentication:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::WebMailManager_NewUserRegistrationDisabled:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::WebMailManager_AccountCreateOnLogin:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::Mail_AccountAuthentication:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::Mail_AccountLoginFailed:
                                                                                                         $iErrorCode = \ProjectCore\Notifications::AuthError;
                                                                                                     case \Errs::UserManager_AccountConnectToMailServerFailed:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::WebMailManager_AccountConnectToMailServerFailed:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::Mail_AccountConnectToMailServerFailed:
                                                                                                         $iErrorCode = \ProjectCore\Notifications::MailServerError;
                                                                                                     case \Errs::UserManager_LicenseKeyInvalid:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::UserManager_AccountCreateUserLimitReached:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::UserManager_LicenseKeyIsOutdated:
                                                                                                     case \Errs::TenantsManager_AccountCreateUserLimitReached:
                                                                                                         $iErrorCode = \ProjectCore\Notifications::LicenseProblem;
                                                                                                     case \Errs::Db_ExceptionError:
                                                                                                         $iErrorCode = \ProjectCore\Notifications::DataBaseError;
                                                                                             $sRedirectUrl = \CApi::GetConf('', './');
                                                                                             \CApi::Location($sRedirectUrl . '?error=' . $iErrorCode);
                                                                                         if ($oAccount instanceof \CAccount) {
                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                     if ('mobile' === $sFirstPart) {
                                                                                         if ($oApiIntegrator && $oApiCapability && $oApiCapability->isNotLite()) {
                                                                                     } else {
                                                                                         \CApi::Plugin()->RunServiceHandle($sFirstPart, $aPaths);
                                                                                         $sResult = @ob_get_clean();
                                                                                         if (0 === strlen($sResult)) {
                                                                                             $sResult = $this->getIndexHTML();
     } else {
         $sResult = $this->getIndexHTML();
     // Output result
     echo $sResult;
Esempio n. 7
  * @param int $iUserId
  * @param string $sSearch
  * @param int $iRequestLimit
  * @return bool|array
 public function GetSuggestContactItems($iUserId, $sSearch, $iRequestLimit)
     $aResult = array();
     $sDefaultAB = \afterlogic\DAV\Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_DEFAULT_NAME;
     $sCollectedAB = \afterlogic\DAV\Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_COLLECTED_NAME;
     $aCollectedContactItems = $this->Dav->GetVcards($this->AddressBookHomeSet . $sCollectedAB);
     $aDefaultContactItems = $this->Dav->GetVcards($this->AddressBookHomeSet . $sDefaultAB);
     $aContactItems = array_merge($aDefaultContactItems, $aCollectedContactItems);
     foreach ($aContactItems as $oItem) {
         $sItemId = $oItem['href'];
         $vCard = null;
         try {
             $vCard = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($oItem['data']);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             CApi::Log('SABREDAV: Invalid VCard with Id=' . $sItemId);
         if (isset($vCard)) {
             $oContactItem = new CContactListItem();
             if (empty($sSearch) || stripos($oContactItem->Name, $sSearch) !== false || stripos($oContactItem->Email, $sSearch) !== false) {
                 $aResult[] = $oContactItem;
     $this->sortItems($aResult, EContactSortField::Frequency, ESortOrder::ASC);
     return array_slice($aResult, 0, $iRequestLimit);
Esempio n. 8
  * @return void
 public function InitAjaxAction($sPostName, $sTab, &$sMessage, &$sError, &$sRef)
     if ($this->oTableAjaxAction && $this->IsInTab($sTab)) {
         $sQueryAction = CPost::Get('QueryAction', '');
         $sAjaxActionFunction = ucfirst($sTab) . ucfirst($sQueryAction) . (empty($sPostName) ? '' : '_' . $sPostName);
         if (method_exists($this->oTableAjaxAction, $sAjaxActionFunction)) {
             CApi::Log('call ' . get_class($this) . '->TableAjaxAction->' . $sAjaxActionFunction . '()');
             if (!empty($this->oTableAjaxAction->LastError)) {
                 $sError = $this->oTableAjaxAction->LastError;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($this->oTableAjaxAction->LastMessage)) {
                     $sMessage = $this->oTableAjaxAction->LastMessage;
             if (!empty($this->oTableAjaxAction->Ref)) {
                 $sRef = $this->oTableAjaxAction->Ref;
             if (!empty($sError)) {
                 CApi::Log('function ' . $sAjaxActionFunction . '() return $sError = ' . $sError, ELogLevel::Error);
Esempio n. 9
  * @return bool
 public function Disconnect()
     $result = false;
     if ($this->oPDO != null) {
         if (is_resource($this->rResultId)) {
         $this->rResultId = null;
         if (CApi::$bUseDbLog) {
             CApi::Log('DB : disconnect from ' . $this->sUser . '@' . $this->sHost);
         $this->oPDO = null;
         $result = true;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 10
  * @param object $oObject
  * @param object $oHelper
  * @return array
 public static function DbInsertArrays($oObject, $oHelper)
     $aResult = array(false, false);
     $sQueryParams = '';
     $bUseLogQueryParams = (bool) CApi::GetConf('labs.db.log-query-params', false);
     $aStaticMap = $oObject->getMap();
     $aMap = api_AContainer::DbWriteKeys($aStaticMap, true);
     $aDbKeys = array_keys($aMap);
     $aResult[0] = array_map(array(&$oHelper, 'EscapeColumn'), $aDbKeys);
     $aDbValues = array_values($aMap);
     foreach ($aDbValues as $iIndex => $sKey) {
         $mValue = $oObject->{$sKey};
         if (isset($aStaticMap[$sKey][0])) {
             if ('password' === $aStaticMap[$sKey][0]) {
                 $mValue = api_Utils::EncodePassword($mValue);
             } else {
                 if ('datetime' === $aStaticMap[$sKey][0]) {
                     $mValue = $oHelper->TimeStampToDateFormat($mValue);
                 } else {
                     if ('serialize' === $aStaticMap[$sKey][0]) {
                         $mValue = '' === $mValue ? '' : serialize($mValue);
         $aDbValues[$iIndex] = is_string($mValue) ? $oHelper->EscapeString($mValue) : (int) $mValue;
         if ($bUseLogQueryParams) {
             $sDbKey = isset($aDbKeys[$iIndex]) ? $aDbKeys[$iIndex] : '!unknown!';
             $sQueryParams .= API_CRLF . API_TAB . $sDbKey . ' = ' . $aDbValues[$iIndex];
     $aResult[1] = $aDbValues;
     if ($bUseLogQueryParams) {
     return $aResult;
Esempio n. 11
  * @return bool
 public function Modify($sModifyDn, $aModifyEntry)
     $bResult = false;
     if (!empty($sModifyDn)) {
         if (!empty($this->sSearchDN)) {
             $sModifyDn = $sModifyDn . ',' . $this->sSearchDN;
         CApi::Log('ldap_modify = ' . $sModifyDn);
         $bResult = !!@ldap_modify($this->rLink, $sModifyDn, $aModifyEntry);
     return $bResult;
Esempio n. 12
  * @param string $sLine
  * @return bool
 public function WriteLine($sLine, $aHideValues = array())
     $sLine = $sLine . "\r\n";
     $sLogLine = 0 < count($aHideValues) ? str_replace($aHideValues, '*******', $sLine) : $sLine;
     CApi::Log('NET > ' . api_Utils::ShowCRLF($sLogLine));
     if (!@fputs($this->rConnect, $sLine)) {
         CApi::Log('NET[Error] < Could not send user request', ELogLevel::Error);
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 13
 public static function LogEnd()
     CApi::Log('# script shutdown');
Esempio n. 14
  * @param CAccount $oAccount
  * @return bool
 public function ClearAllContactsAndGroups($oAccount)
     $bResult = false;
     $oAddressBooks = new \Sabre\CardDAV\UserAddressBooks(\afterlogic\DAV\Backend::Carddav(), $this->Principal);
     foreach ($oAddressBooks->getChildren() as $oAddressBook) {
         if ($oAddressBook && $oAddressBook instanceof \Sabre\CardDAV\AddressBook) {
             try {
                 $bResult = true;
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $bResult = false;
     return $bResult;
Esempio n. 15
  * @param string $sTab
  * @return void
 protected function initAjaxActionModules($sTab)
     $sError = '';
     $sMessage = '';
     $sRef = '';
     if ($this->IsAuth()) {
         if (!$this->IsOnlyReadAuthType()) {
             try {
                 foreach ($this->aModules as $oModule) {
                     if ($oModule->IsInTab($sTab)) {
                         $oModule->InitAjaxAction('Pre', $sTab, $sMessage, $sError, $sRef);
                 if (empty($sError)) {
                     foreach ($this->aModules as $oModule) {
                         if ($oModule->IsInTab($sTab)) {
                             $oModule->InitAjaxAction('', $sTab, $sMessage, $sError, $sRef);
                 if (empty($sError)) {
                     foreach ($this->aModules as $oModule) {
                         if ($oModule->IsInTab($sTab)) {
                             $oModule->InitAjaxAction('Post', $sTab, $sMessage, $sError, $sRef);
             } catch (Exception $oException) {
                 if (empty($sError)) {
                     $sError = $oException->getMessage();
         } else {
             $sError = AP_LANG_ADMIN_ONLY_READ;
     } else {
         $sError = AP_LANG_LOGIN_ACCESS_ERROR;
     $sOb = @ob_get_contents();
     if (0 < strlen($sOb)) {
         CApi::Log(AP_CRLF . $sOb, ELogLevel::Error);
         if (!empty($sError)) {
             $sError = 'Json parse error';
     $sAjaxResult = '{ "null": "null"';
     if (!empty($sError)) {
         $sAjaxResult .= ', "error": "' . ap_Utils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript($sError, '"') . '"';
     } else {
         if (!empty($sMessage)) {
             $sAjaxResult .= ', "message": "' . ap_Utils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript($sMessage, '"') . '"';
     if (!empty($sRef)) {
         $sAjaxResult .= ', "ref": "' . ap_Utils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript($sRef, '"') . '"';
         if (!empty($sError)) {
         } else {
             if (!empty($sMessage)) {
     $sAjaxResult .= ' }';
     echo $sAjaxResult;
     CApi::Log('AJAX: ' . $sAjaxResult);
Esempio n. 16
 public function Execute()
     CApi::Log('---------- Start cron script', ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
     $oTimeZoneUTC = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
     $oNowDT_UTC = new \DateTime('now', $oTimeZoneUTC);
     $iNowTS_UTC = $oNowDT_UTC->getTimestamp();
     $oStartDT_UTC = clone $oNowDT_UTC;
     $oStartDT_UTC->sub(new DateInterval('PT30M'));
     if (file_exists($this->sCurRunFilePath)) {
         $handle = fopen($this->sCurRunFilePath, 'r');
         $sCurRunFileTS = fread($handle, 10);
         if (!empty($sCurRunFileTS) && is_numeric($sCurRunFileTS)) {
             $oStartDT_UTC = new \DateTime("@{$sCurRunFileTS}");
     $iStartTS_UTC = $oStartDT_UTC->getTimestamp();
     if ($iNowTS_UTC >= $iStartTS_UTC) {
         CApi::Log('Start time: ' . $oStartDT_UTC->format('r'), ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
         CApi::Log('End time: ' . $oNowDT_UTC->format('r'), ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
         $aEvents = $this->GetReminders($iStartTS_UTC, $iNowTS_UTC);
         foreach ($aEvents as $sEmail => $aUserCalendars) {
             foreach ($aUserCalendars as $sCalendarUri => $aUserEvents) {
                 foreach ($aUserEvents as $aUserEvent) {
                     $aSubEvents = $aUserEvent['data'];
                     if (isset($aSubEvents, $aSubEvents['vcal'])) {
                         $vCal = $aSubEvents['vcal'];
                         foreach ($aSubEvents as $mKey => $aEvent) {
                             if ($mKey !== 'vcal') {
                                 $oAccount = $this->getAccount($sEmail);
                                 $oCalendar = $this->getCalendar($oAccount, $sCalendarUri);
                                 if ($oCalendar) {
                                     $sEventId = $aEvent['uid'];
                                     $sEventStart = $aEvent['start'];
                                     $iEventStartTS = $aEvent['startTS'];
                                     $sEventName = $aEvent['subject'];
                                     $sEventText = $aEvent['description'];
                                     $bAllDay = $aEvent['allDay'];
                                     $sDate = $aUserEvent['time'];
                                     $sSubject = $this->getSubject($oAccount, $sEventStart, $iEventStartTS, $sEventName, $sDate, $iNowTS_UTC, $bAllDay);
                                     $aAccounts = array();
                                     $aAccounts[] = $oAccount;
                                     $aCalendarUsers = $this->oApiCalendarManager->getCalendarUsers($oAccount, $oCalendar);
                                     if (0 < count($aCalendarUsers)) {
                                         foreach ($aCalendarUsers as $aCalendarUser) {
                                             $oCalendarAccount = $this->getAccount($aCalendarUser['email']);
                                             if ($oCalendarAccount) {
                                                 $aAccounts[] = $oCalendarAccount;
                                     foreach ($aAccounts as $oAccountItem) {
                                         $bIsMessageSent = $this->sendMessage($oAccountItem, $sSubject, $sEventName, $sDate, $oCalendar->DisplayName, $sEventText, $oCalendar->Color);
                                         if ($bIsMessageSent) {
                                             $this->oApiCalendarManager->updateReminder($oAccountItem->Email, $sCalendarUri, $sEventId, $vCal->serialize());
                                             CApi::Log('Send reminder for event: \'' . $sEventName . '\' started on \'' . $sDate . '\' to \'' . $oAccountItem->Email . '\'', \ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
                                         } else {
                                             CApi::Log('Send reminder for event: FAILED!', ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
                                 } else {
                                     CApi::Log('Calendar ' . $sCalendarUri . ' not found!', ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
         file_put_contents($this->sCurRunFilePath, $iNowTS_UTC);
     CApi::Log('---------- End cron script', ELogLevel::Full, 'cron-');
Esempio n. 17
  * The method create contact in global address book for each system account
  * @param CAccount $oAccount
  * @param bool $bSelfOnly
  * @return bool
 public function synchronizeExternalContacts($oAccount, $bSelfOnly = false)
     $aIds = array();
     if ($this->oApiGContactsManager) {
         if ($bSelfOnly) {
             $oGlobalContact = $this->oApiGContactsManager->getContactByTypeId($oAccount, $oAccount->IdUser, true);
             /* @var $oGlobalContact CContact */
             if ($oGlobalContact) {
                 $mContactId = $this->oApiContactsMainManager->ConvertedContactLocalId($oAccount, $oGlobalContact->IdContact, EContactType::Global_);
                 if ($mContactId) {
                     $aIds[$mContactId] = $oGlobalContact->IdContact;
         } else {
             $aIds = $this->oApiContactsMainManager->ConvertedContactLocalIdCollection($oAccount, EContactType::Global_);
         if ($aIds && is_array($aIds) && 0 < count($aIds)) {
             CApi::Log('synchronizeExternalContacts: ' . count($aIds));
             $aLinkedContact = $this->oApiContactsMainManager->ContactIdsLinkedToGroups(array_keys($aIds));
             $aLinkedContact = is_array($aLinkedContact) ? $aLinkedContact : array();
             $aContactToDelete = array();
             foreach ($aIds as $iLocalContactId => $sGlobalId) {
                 if (in_array($iLocalContactId, $aLinkedContact)) {
                     $oGlobalContact = $this->oApiGContactsManager->getContactById($oAccount, $sGlobalId, true);
                     if ($oGlobalContact) {
                         $oLocalGlobalContact = $this->oApiContactsMainManager->getContactById($oAccount->IdUser, $iLocalContactId, true);
                         if ($oLocalGlobalContact && EContactType::Global_ === $oLocalGlobalContact->Type) {
                             if ($oLocalGlobalContact->CompareAndComputedByNewGlobalContact($oGlobalContact)) {
                                 $this->updateContact($oLocalGlobalContact, false);
                     } else {
                         $aContactToDelete[] = $iLocalContactId;
                 } else {
                     $aContactToDelete[] = $iLocalContactId;
             if (0 < count($aContactToDelete)) {
                 $this->deleteContacts($oAccount->IdUser, $aContactToDelete);
             return true;
         } else {
             CApi::Log('synchronizeExternalContacts: none');
     return true;
Esempio n. 18
  * @param string $path
  * @throws \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotAuthenticated
  * @return bool
 public function afterUnbind($path)
     if (self::isFilestoragePrivate($path) || self::isFilestorageCorporate($path)) {
         $oAccount = $this->getAccount();
         if ($oAccount) {
             $iType = self::getTypeFromPath($path);
             $sFilePath = self::getFilePathFromPath(dirname($path));
             $sFileName = basename($path);
             $oMin = $this->getMinMan();
             $this->sOldPath = $path;
             $this->sOldID = implode('|', array($oAccount->IdAccount, $iType, $sFilePath, $sFileName));
             $aData = $oMin->GetMinByID($this->sOldID);
             \CApi::Log('OldID: ' . $this->sOldID, \ELogLevel::Full, 'fs-');
             \CApi::Log('NewID: ' . $this->sNewID, \ELogLevel::Full, 'fs-');
             if (isset($this->sNewPath)) {
                 //					$node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($this->sNewPath);
                 //					\CApi::LogObject($node, \ELogLevel::Full, 'fs-');
             if (isset($this->sNewID) && !empty($aData['__hash__'])) {
                 $aNewData = explode('|', $this->sNewID);
                 $aParams = array('Type' => $aNewData[1], 'Path' => $aNewData[2], 'Name' => $aNewData[3], 'Size' => $aData['Size']);
                 $oMin->UpdateMinByID($this->sOldID, $aParams, $this->sNewID);
             } else {
     return true;
Esempio n. 19
                        $oContactTo->IdContact = '';
                        if (empty($oContactTo->FullName)) {
                            $oContactTo->FullName = $oContactTo->FirstName . ' ' . $oContactTo->LastName;
                        						if (0 < count($oContact->GroupsIds))
                        							foreach ($oContact->GroupsIds as $sGroupId)
                        								$oGroup = $oApiContactsManagerTo->GetGroupById($iUserId, (string) $sGroupId);
                        $oContactTo->GroupsIds = array();
                        CApi::Log('Add contact: ' . $oListItem->Id, ELogLevel::Full, 'migration-');
                        $oContactTo->__SKIP_VALIDATE__ = true;
                    } else {
                        CApi::Log('Skip contact: ' . $oListItem->Id, ELogLevel::Full, 'migration-');
                CApi::Log('--------------------', ELogLevel::Full, 'migration-');
    $iCurUsersPage = 0;
Esempio n. 20
  * @param int $iCode
  * @param Exception $oPrevious = null
  * @param array $aParams = array()
  * @param array $aObjectParams = array()
 public function __construct($iCode, $oPrevious = null, $aParams = array(), $aObjectParams = array())
     if (CApiErrorCodes::Validation_InvalidPort === $iCode) {
         CApi::Log('Exception error: ' . CApiErrorCodes::GetMessageByCode($iCode, $aParams), ELogLevel::Error);
         $iCode = CApiErrorCodes::Validation_InvalidPort_OutInfo;
     } else {
         if (CApiErrorCodes::Validation_InvalidEmail === $iCode) {
             CApi::Log('Exception error: ' . CApiErrorCodes::GetMessageByCode($iCode, $aParams), ELogLevel::Error);
             $iCode = CApiErrorCodes::Validation_InvalidEmail_OutInfo;
         } else {
             if (CApiErrorCodes::Validation_FieldIsEmpty === $iCode) {
                 CApi::Log('Exception error: ' . CApiErrorCodes::GetMessageByCode($iCode, $aParams), ELogLevel::Error);
                 $iCode = CApiErrorCodes::Validation_FieldIsEmpty_OutInfo;
     $this->aObjectParams = $aObjectParams;
     $this->oPrevious = $oPrevious ? $oPrevious : null;
     if ($this->oPrevious) {
         CApi::Log('Previous Exception: ' . $this->oPrevious->getMessage(), ELogLevel::Error);
     parent::__construct(CApiErrorCodes::GetMessageByCode($iCode, $aParams), $iCode);
Esempio n. 21
  * @param string $sErrorDesc
  * @return void
 protected function errorLog($sErrorDesc)
     CApi::Log('DB ERROR < ' . trim($sErrorDesc), ELogLevel::Error);
Esempio n. 22
  * Delete a calendar and all it's objects 
  * @param string $calendarId 
  * @return void
 public function deleteCalendar($calendarId)
     \CApi::Log('deleteCalendar', \ELogLevel::Full, 'del-');
Esempio n. 23
  * @return array
 public function AjaxSystemDoServerInitializations()
     $oAccount = $this->getAccountFromParam();
     $bResult = false;
     $oApiIntegrator = \CApi::Manager('integrator');
     if ($oAccount && $oApiIntegrator) {
     $oApiHelpdesk = \CApi::Manager('helpdesk');
     if ($this->oApiCapability->isGlobalContactsSupported($oAccount, true)) {
         $oApiContacts = $this->ApiContacts();
         if ($oApiContacts && method_exists($oApiContacts, 'synchronizeExternalContacts')) {
             $bResult = $oApiContacts->synchronizeExternalContacts($oAccount);
     $oCacher = \CApi::Cacher();
     $bDoGC = false;
     $bDoHepdeskClear = false;
     if ($oCacher && $oCacher->IsInited()) {
         $iTime = $oCacher->GetTimer('Cache/ClearFileCache');
         if (0 === $iTime || $iTime + 60 * 60 * 24 < time()) {
             if ($oCacher->SetTimer('Cache/ClearFileCache')) {
                 $bDoGC = true;
         if ($oApiHelpdesk) {
             $iTime = $oCacher->GetTimer('Cache/ClearHelpdeskUsers');
             if (0 === $iTime || $iTime + 60 * 60 * 24 < time()) {
                 if ($oCacher->SetTimer('Cache/ClearHelpdeskUsers')) {
                     $bDoHepdeskClear = true;
     if ($bDoGC) {
         \CApi::Log('GC: FileCache / Start');
         \CApi::Log('GC: FileCache / End');
     if ($bDoHepdeskClear && $oApiHelpdesk) {
         \CApi::Log('GC: clear Unregistred Users');
         \CApi::Log('GC: clear Online');
     return $this->DefaultResponse($oAccount, __FUNCTION__, $bResult);
Esempio n. 24
  * Downloads message from IMAP and returns it.
  * @param CAccount $oAccount Account object.
  * @param string $sFolderFullNameRaw Raw full name of the Folder.
  * @param int $iUid UID of the message to download.
  * @param string $sRfc822SubMimeIndex = ''. Index at which a message is taken to parse. Index is used if the message is another message attachment.
  * @param bool $bParseICalAndVcard = false. If **true** ical and vcard attachments will be parsed.
  * @param bool $bParseAsc = false. If **true** attachments with extension .asc will be parsed.
  * @param int $iBodyTextLimit = 0. If **> 0** will be received only part of the message body. If **= 0** the message body is not limited.
  * @return CApiMailMessage
  * @throws CApiInvalidArgumentException
 public function getMessage($oAccount, $sFolderFullNameRaw, $iUid, $sRfc822SubMimeIndex = '', $bParseICalAndVcard = false, $bParseAsc = false, $iBodyTextLimit = 0)
     if (0 === strlen($sFolderFullNameRaw) || !is_numeric($iUid) || 0 >= (int) $iUid) {
         throw new CApiInvalidArgumentException();
     $iUid = (int) $iUid;
     $oImapClient =& $this->_getImapClient($oAccount);
     $oMessage = false;
     $sICalMimeIndex = '';
     $sVCardMimeIndex = '';
     $aTextMimeIndexes = array();
     $aAscPartsIds = array();
     $aFetchResponse = $oImapClient->Fetch(array(\MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODYSTRUCTURE), $iUid, true);
     $oBodyStructure = 0 < count($aFetchResponse) ? $aFetchResponse[0]->GetFetchBodyStructure($sRfc822SubMimeIndex) : null;
     if ($oBodyStructure) {
         $aTextParts = $oBodyStructure->SearchHtmlOrPlainParts();
         if (is_array($aTextParts) && 0 < count($aTextParts)) {
             foreach ($aTextParts as $oPart) {
                 $aTextMimeIndexes[] = array($oPart->PartID(), $oPart->Size());
         if ($bParseICalAndVcard) {
             $aICalPart = $oBodyStructure->SearchByContentType('text/calendar');
             $oICalPart = is_array($aICalPart) && 0 < count($aICalPart) ? $aICalPart[0] : null;
             $sICalMimeIndex = $oICalPart ? $oICalPart->PartID() : '';
             $aVCardPart = $oBodyStructure->SearchByContentType('text/vcard');
             $aVCardPart = $aVCardPart ? $aVCardPart : $oBodyStructure->SearchByContentType('text/x-vcard');
             $oVCardPart = is_array($aVCardPart) && 0 < count($aVCardPart) ? $aVCardPart[0] : null;
             $sVCardMimeIndex = $oVCardPart ? $oVCardPart->PartID() : '';
         if ($bParseAsc) {
             $aAscParts = $oBodyStructure->SearchByCallback(function ($oPart) {
                 return '.asc' === \strtolower(\substr(\trim($oPart->FileName()), -4));
             if (is_array($aAscParts) && 0 < count($aAscParts)) {
                 foreach ($aAscParts as $oPart) {
                     $aAscPartsIds[] = $oPart->PartID();
     $aFetchItems = array(\MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::INDEX, \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::UID, \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::RFC822_SIZE, \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::INTERNALDATE, \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::FLAGS, 0 < strlen($sRfc822SubMimeIndex) ? \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_PEEK . '[' . $sRfc822SubMimeIndex . '.HEADER]' : \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_HEADER_PEEK);
     if (0 < count($aTextMimeIndexes)) {
         if (0 < strlen($sRfc822SubMimeIndex) && is_numeric($sRfc822SubMimeIndex)) {
             $sLine = \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_PEEK . '[' . $aTextMimeIndexes[0][0] . '.1]';
             if (\is_numeric($iBodyTextLimit) && 0 < $iBodyTextLimit && $iBodyTextLimit < $aTextMimeIndexes[0][1]) {
                 $sLine .= '<0.' . (int) $iBodyTextLimit . '>';
             $aFetchItems[] = $sLine;
         } else {
             foreach ($aTextMimeIndexes as $aTextMimeIndex) {
                 $sLine = \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_PEEK . '[' . $aTextMimeIndex[0] . ']';
                 if (\is_numeric($iBodyTextLimit) && 0 < $iBodyTextLimit && $iBodyTextLimit < $aTextMimeIndex[1]) {
                     $sLine .= '<0.' . (int) $iBodyTextLimit . '>';
                 $aFetchItems[] = $sLine;
     if (0 < strlen($sICalMimeIndex)) {
         $aFetchItems[] = \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_PEEK . '[' . $sICalMimeIndex . ']';
     if (0 < strlen($sVCardMimeIndex)) {
         $aFetchItems[] = \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_PEEK . '[' . $sVCardMimeIndex . ']';
     if (0 < count($aAscPartsIds)) {
         foreach ($aAscPartsIds as $sPartID) {
             $aFetchItems[] = \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODY_PEEK . '[' . $sPartID . ']';
     if (!$oBodyStructure) {
         $aFetchItems[] = \MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\FetchType::BODYSTRUCTURE;
     $aFetchResponse = $oImapClient->Fetch($aFetchItems, $iUid, true);
     if (0 < count($aFetchResponse)) {
         $oMessage = CApiMailMessage::createInstance($sFolderFullNameRaw, $aFetchResponse[0], $oBodyStructure, $sRfc822SubMimeIndex, $aAscPartsIds);
     if ($oMessage) {
         $sFromEmail = '';
         $oFromCollection = $oMessage->getFrom();
         if ($oFromCollection && 0 < $oFromCollection->Count()) {
             $oFrom =& $oFromCollection->GetByIndex(0);
             if ($oFrom) {
                 $sFromEmail = trim($oFrom->GetEmail());
         if (0 < strlen($sFromEmail)) {
             $oApiUsersManager = CApi::Manager('users');
             $oSettings =& CApi::GetSettings();
             $bAlwaysShowImagesInMessage = !!$oSettings->GetConf('WebMail/AlwaysShowImagesInMessage');
             $oMessage->setSafety($bAlwaysShowImagesInMessage ? true : $oApiUsersManager->getSafetySender($oAccount->IdUser, $sFromEmail, true));
         /*if ($bParseAsc && 0 < count($aAscPartsIds))
         if ($bParseICalAndVcard) {
             $oApiCapa = CApi::Manager('capability');
             $oApiFileCache = CApi::Manager('filecache');
             // ICAL
             $sICal = $oMessage->getExtend('ICAL_RAW');
             if (!empty($sICal) && $oApiCapa->isCalendarSupported($oAccount)) {
                 $oApiCalendarManager = CApi::Manager('calendar');
                 if ($oApiCalendarManager) {
                     $mResult = $oApiCalendarManager->processICS($oAccount, trim($sICal), $sFromEmail);
                     if (is_array($mResult) && !empty($mResult['Action']) && !empty($mResult['Body'])) {
                         $sTemptFile = md5($mResult['Body']) . '.ics';
                         if ($oApiFileCache && $oApiFileCache->put($oAccount, $sTemptFile, $mResult['Body'])) {
                             $oIcs = CApiMailIcs::createInstance();
                             $oIcs->Uid = $mResult['UID'];
                             $oIcs->Sequence = $mResult['Sequence'];
                             $oIcs->File = $sTemptFile;
                             $oIcs->Attendee = isset($mResult['Attendee']) ? $mResult['Attendee'] : null;
                             $oIcs->Type = $mResult['Action'];
                             $oIcs->Location = !empty($mResult['Location']) ? $mResult['Location'] : '';
                             $oIcs->Description = !empty($mResult['Description']) ? $mResult['Description'] : '';
                             $oIcs->When = !empty($mResult['When']) ? $mResult['When'] : '';
                             $oIcs->CalendarId = !empty($mResult['CalendarId']) ? $mResult['CalendarId'] : '';
                             if (!$oApiCapa->isCalendarAppointmentsSupported($oAccount)) {
                                 $oIcs->Type = 'SAVE';
                             // TODO
                             //								$oIcs->Calendars = array();
                             //								if (isset($mResult['Calendars']) && is_array($mResult['Calendars']) && 0 < count($mResult['Calendars']))
                             //								{
                             //									foreach ($mResult['Calendars'] as $sUid => $sName)
                             //									{
                             //										$oIcs->Calendars[$sUid] = $sName;
                             //									}
                             //								}
                             $oMessage->addExtend('ICAL', $oIcs);
                         } else {
                             CApi::Log('Can\'t save temp file "' . $sTemptFile . '"', ELogLevel::Error);
             // VCARD
             $sVCard = $oMessage->getExtend('VCARD_RAW');
             if (!empty($sVCard) && $oApiCapa->isContactsSupported($oAccount)) {
                 $oApiContactsManager = CApi::Manager('contacts');
                 $oContact = new CContact();
                 $oContact->InitFromVCardStr($oAccount->IdUser, $sVCard);
                 $oContact->IdContact = 0;
                 $bContactExists = false;
                 if (0 < strlen($oContact->ViewEmail)) {
                     if ($oApiContactsManager) {
                         $oLocalContact = $oApiContactsManager->getContactByEmail($oAccount->IdUser, $oContact->ViewEmail);
                         if ($oLocalContact) {
                             $oContact->IdContact = $oLocalContact->IdContact;
                             $bContactExists = true;
                 $sTemptFile = md5($sVCard) . '.vcf';
                 if ($oApiFileCache && $oApiFileCache->put($oAccount, $sTemptFile, $sVCard)) {
                     $oVcard = CApiMailVcard::createInstance();
                     $oVcard->Uid = $oContact->IdContact;
                     $oVcard->File = $sTemptFile;
                     $oVcard->Exists = !!$bContactExists;
                     $oVcard->Name = $oContact->FullName;
                     $oVcard->Email = $oContact->ViewEmail;
                     $oMessage->addExtend('VCARD', $oVcard);
                 } else {
                     CApi::Log('Can\'t save temp file "' . $sTemptFile . '"', ELogLevel::Error);
     return $oMessage;
Esempio n. 25
  * @param CAccount $oAccount
  * @param array $aNumbers
  * @param bool $bUseCache = true
  * @return array
 public function getNamesByCallersNumbers($oAccount, $aNumbers, $bUseCache = true)
     $mResult = false;
     $oApiContactsManager = CApi::Manager('contactsmain');
     if (is_array($aNumbers) && 0 < count($aNumbers) && $oAccount && $oApiContactsManager) {
         $bFromCache = false;
         $sCacheKey = '';
         $mNamesResult = null;
         $oApiFileCache = $bUseCache ? CApi::Manager('filecache') : false;
         if ($oApiFileCache) {
             $sCacheKey = $this->_generateCacheFileName($oAccount->IdUser);
             if (!empty($sCacheKey)) {
                 $sData = $oApiFileCache->get($oAccount, $sCacheKey);
                 if (!empty($sData)) {
                     $mNamesResult = @json_decode($sData, true);
                     if (!is_array($mNamesResult)) {
                         $mNamesResult = null;
                     } else {
                         $bFromCache = true;
                         CApi::Log('Cache: get contacts names from cache (count:' . count($mNamesResult) . ')');
         if (!is_array($mNamesResult)) {
             $mNamesResult = $oApiContactsManager->GetAllContactsNamesWithPhones($oAccount);
         if (is_array($mNamesResult)) {
             if (!$bFromCache && $oApiFileCache && 0 < strlen($sCacheKey)) {
                 $oApiFileCache->put($oAccount, $sCacheKey, @json_encode($mNamesResult));
                 CApi::Log('Cache: save contacts names to cache (count:' . count($mNamesResult) . ')');
             $aNormNumbers = array();
             foreach ($aNumbers as $sNumber) {
                 $aNormNumbers[$sNumber] = api_Utils::ClearPhone($sNumber);
             foreach ($aNormNumbers as $sInputNumber => $sClearNumber) {
                 $aNormNumbers[$sInputNumber] = isset($mNamesResult[$sClearNumber]) ? $mNamesResult[$sClearNumber] : '';
             $mResult = $aNormNumbers;
     } else {
         if (is_array($aNumbers)) {
             $mResult = array();
     return $mResult;
Esempio n. 26
  * Deletes account from WebMail Pro database. 
  * @api
  * @param CAccount $oAccount Object instance with prepopulated account properties.
  * @return bool
 public function deleteAccount($oAccount)
     $bResult = false;
     try {
         if (!$oAccount) {
             $this->setLastException(new CApiManagerException(Errs::Main_UnknownError));
             return false;
         if ($oAccount->IsDefaultAccount) {
             if (0 === $oAccount->IdTenant && \strtolower($oAccount->Email) === \strtolower($this->oSettings->GetConf('Helpdesk/AdminEmailAccount'))) {
                 $this->setLastException(new CApiManagerException(Errs::HelpdeskManager_AccountCannotBeDeleted));
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (0 < $oAccount->IdTenant) {
                     $oApiTenantsManager = CApi::Manager('tenants');
                     /* @var $oApiTenantsManager CApiTenantsManager */
                     if ($oApiTenantsManager) {
                         $oTenant = $oApiTenantsManager->getTenantById($oAccount->IdTenant);
                         /* @var $oTenant CTenant */
                         if (\strtolower($oAccount->Email) === $oTenant->HelpdeskAdminEmailAccount) {
                             $this->setLastException(new CApiManagerException(Errs::HelpdeskManager_AccountCannotBeDeleted));
                             return false;
         if ($oAccount && $this->oStorage->deleteAccount($oAccount->IdAccount)) {
             if ($oAccount->IsInternal) {
                 /* @var $oApiMailSuiteManager CApiMailSuiteManager */
                 $oApiMailSuiteManager = CApi::Manager('mailsuite');
                 if ($oApiMailSuiteManager) {
             if ($oAccount->IsDefaultAccount) {
                 /* @var $oApiContactsManager CApiContactsManager */
                 $oApiContactsManager = CApi::Manager('contacts');
                 if ($oApiContactsManager) {
                 /* @var $oApiCalendarManager CApiCalendarManager */
                 $oApiCalendarManager = CApi::Manager('calendar');
                 if ($oApiCalendarManager) {
                 /* @var $oApiDavManager CApiDavManager */
                 $oApiDavManager = CApi::Manager('dav');
                 if ($oApiDavManager) {
                 /* @var $oApiFilestorageManager CApiFilestorageManager */
                 $oApiFilestorageManager = CApi::Manager('filestorage');
                 if ($oApiFilestorageManager) {
                 /* @var $oApiSocialManager CApiSocialManager */
                 $oApiSocialManager = CApi::Manager('social');
                 if ($oApiSocialManager) {
                 if (0 < $oAccount->User->IdHelpdeskUser) {
                     /* @var $oApiHelpdeskManager CApiHelpdeskManager */
                     $oApiHelpdeskManager = CApi::Manager('helpdesk');
                     if ($oApiHelpdeskManager) {
                         //$oApiHelpdeskManager->setUserAsBlocked($oAccount->IdTenant, $oAccount->User->IdHelpdeskUser);
                         $oApiHelpdeskManager->deleteUser($oAccount->IdTenant, $oAccount->User->IdHelpdeskUser);
             CApi::Log('FS: Delete "/mail/" and "/temp/" folders');
             // TODO move in storage
             $sMailRoot = CApi::DataPath() . '/mail/';
             $sTmpRoot = CApi::DataPath() . '/temp/';
             $sPath = strtolower($oAccount->Email . '.' . $oAccount->IdAccount);
             $sPath = $sPath[0] . '/' . $sPath;
             api_Utils::RecRmdir($sMailRoot . $sPath);
             api_Utils::RecRmdir($sTmpRoot . $sPath);
             $bResult = true;
         } else {
             if (null === $oAccount) {
                 $this->setLastException(new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountDoesNotExist));
     } catch (CApiBaseException $oException) {
         $bResult = false;
     return $bResult;
Esempio n. 27
  * @return string $sFileName
  * @return string
 public static function CsvToArray($sFileName)
     if (!file_exists($sFileName) || !is_readable($sFileName)) {
         return false;
     $aHeaders = null;
     $aData = array();
     @setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.UTF-8');
     \ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
     if (false !== ($rHandle = @fopen($sFileName, 'rb'))) {
         $sDelimiterSearchString = @fread($rHandle, 2000);
         $sDelimiter = (int) substr_count($sDelimiterSearchString, ',') > (int) substr_count($sDelimiterSearchString, ';') ? ',' : ';';
         while (false !== ($mRow = fgetcsv($rHandle, 5000, $sDelimiter, '"'))) {
             $mRow = preg_replace('/[\\r\\n]+/', "\n", $mRow);
             if (null === $aHeaders) {
                 if (3 >= count($mRow)) {
                     CApi::Log('Invalid csv headers');
                     return $aData;
                 $aHeaders = $mRow;
             } else {
                 $aNewItem = array();
                 foreach ($aHeaders as $iIndex => $sHeaderValue) {
                     $aNewItem[@iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', $sHeaderValue)] = isset($mRow[$iIndex]) ? $mRow[$iIndex] : '';
                 $aData[] = $aNewItem;
     ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', false);
     return $aData;
Esempio n. 28
  * @param Exception $oException
  * @param bool $bLog = true
 protected function setLastException(Exception $oException, $bLog = true)
     $this->oLastException = $oException;
     if ($bLog) {
         $sFile = str_replace(str_replace('\\', '/', strtolower(realpath(CApi::WebMailPath()))), '~ ', str_replace('\\', '/', strtolower($oException->getFile())));
         CApi::Log('Exception[' . $oException->getCode() . ']: ' . $oException->getMessage() . API_CRLF . $sFile . ' (' . $oException->getLine() . ')' . API_CRLF . '----------------------------------------------------------------------' . API_CRLF . $oException->getTraceAsString(), ELogLevel::Error);
Esempio n. 29
 protected static function _socialError($oClientError, $sSocialName)
     \CApi::Log($sSocialName, ' error');
Esempio n. 30
  * Returns the data
  * @return resource
 public function get()
     \CApi::Log($this->path, \ELogLevel::Full, 'file-');
     return fopen($this->path, 'r');