protected function getDestinationPath(Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request) { if (!$request->hasHeader('Destination')) { throw new BadRequestException(); } $dest = $request->getHeader('Destination'); if (preg_match("'^(?:https?:)?//'i", $dest)) { try { $uri = new Uri($dest); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new BadRequestException($e); } if (0 !== strpos((string) $uri, rtrim($baseUri, '/') . '/')) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_BAD_GATEWAY); } return Uri::decode(substr($uri->getPath(), strlen(rtrim($baseUri->getPath(), '/') . '/'))); } if (preg_match("'^/.*'", $dest)) { $path = '/' . trim($dest, '/'); $base = rtrim('/' . $baseUri->getPath(), '/') . '/'; if (0 !== strpos($path, $base)) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_BAD_GATEWAY); } return Uri::decode(substr($path, strlen($base))); } throw new BadRequestException(); }
public function interceptRequest(HttpRequest $request) { if ($this->secure && !$request->isSecure()) { $response = new HttpResponse(Http::REDIRECT_IDENTICAL); $response->setHeader('Location', $request->getUri()->setScheme('https')); return $response; } if (!$this->secure && $request->isSecure()) { $response = new HttpResponse(Http::REDIRECT_IDENTICAL); $response->setHeader('Location', $request->getUri()->setScheme('http')); return $response; } }
/** * Dispatch the given request and return the generated HTTP response. * * HINT: This method will transform the response entity into a StringEntity populated with the contents of * the original entity, HTTP headers of the original entity will be preserved. * * NOTE: If you do not specify a host in the URL it will be set to! * * @param HttpRequest $request * @return HttpResponse * * @throws \RuntimeException When the dispatcher did not return an HTTP response and no other exception was thrown. */ public function dispatch(HttpRequest $request) { $uri = $request->getUri(); if (NULL === $uri->getHost()) { $request->setUri($uri->setHost('')->setPort(Http::PORT)); } $dispatcher = $this->container->get(DispatcherInterface::class); $chain = $this->container->get(MiddlewareChain::class); $response = $dispatcher->handleRequest($request, $chain, true); if (!$response instanceof HttpResponse) { $type = is_object($response) ? get_class($response) : gettype($response); throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Expecting an HttpResponse object, given %s', $type)); } return $response; }
public function __construct(HttpRequest $request, SignatureProviderInterface $signature = NULL) { $this->signature = $signature; $tmp = trim($request->getCookie(self::COOKIE_NAME, '')); if ($tmp !== '') { $this->messages = []; $input = base64_decode($tmp); if ($this->signature !== NULL) { $input = $this->signature->verify($input); } foreach ((array) json_decode($input, true) as $message) { $this->messages[] = new FlashMessage($message['type'], $message['message']); } $this->modified = true; } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function updateCredentials(HttpRequest $request) { $this->setStatus(self::AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED); $path = trim($request->getUri()->getPath(false), '/'); $logoutPath = trim((new Uri($this->auth->getLogoutUri()))->getPath(false), '/'); if ($path === $logoutPath) { return; } $session = $this->securityContext->getSession(); if ($session->isInitialized()) { $data = (array) $session->get($this->auth->getKey(), NULL); $identity = NULL; if (isset($data[FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_IDENTITY])) { $identity = (string) $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_IDENTITY]; } if ($identity !== NULL) { $principal = $this->auth->getPrincipalProvider()->findPrincipal($identity); if ($principal !== NULL) { $this->setPrincipal($principal); return $this->setStatus(self::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL); } } } if ($request->isPost(false) && $request->getMediaType()->is(Http::FORM_ENCODED)) { $fields = $request->getEntity()->getFields(); $data = isset($fields['auth']) ? (array) $fields['auth'] : []; $data = isset($data[$this->auth->getKey()]) ? (array) $data[$this->auth->getKey()] : []; if (array_key_exists(FormAuthenticationProvider::FIELD_USERNAME, $data)) { $this->username = (string) $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::FIELD_USERNAME]; } if (array_key_exists(FormAuthenticationProvider::FIELD_PASSWORD, $data)) { $this->password = (string) $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::FIELD_PASSWORD]; } if (array_key_exists(FormAuthenticationProvider::FIELD_GUARD, $data)) { $guard = (string) $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::FIELD_GUARD]; $data = (array) $session->get($this->auth->getKey(), NULL); if (array_key_exists(FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_GUARD, $data)) { if ((string) $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_GUARD] == $guard) { $this->guarded = true; } } } return $this->setStatus(self::AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED); } }
public function invokeHandlers($pathInfo, Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request) { if ($request->isOptions()) { $response = new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_NO_CONTENT); $response->setHeader('MS-Author-Via', 'DAV'); try { $event = new PopulateOptionsEvent($this->storage->findResource($pathInfo)); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { return new HttpResponse(WebDav::CODE_NOT_FOUND); } $this->dispatcher->notify($event); $response->setHeader('DAV', implode(', ', $event->features)); $response->setHeader('Allow', implode(', ', $event->allow)); $response->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0'); return $response; } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { try { $response = $handler->handle($pathInfo, $baseUri, $request, $this->storage); } catch (MethodNotAllowedException $e) { break; } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { return new HttpResponse(WebDav::CODE_NOT_FOUND); } if ($response !== NULL) { if (!$response->hasHeader('Cache-Control')) { $response->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0'); } return $response; } } try { $resource = $this->storage->findResource($pathInfo); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { return new HttpResponse(WebDav::CODE_NOT_FOUND); } $event = new PopulateOptionsEvent($resource); $this->dispatcher->notify($event); $response = new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); $response->setHeader('MS-Author-Via', 'DAV'); $response->setHeader('DAV', implode(', ', $event->features)); $response->setHeader('Allow', implode(', ', $event->allow)); $response->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0'); return $response; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function startAuthentication(TokenInterface $token, HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response) { if (!$token instanceof FormAuthToken) { throw new SecurityException(sprintf('Invalid token %s passed to %s', get_class($token), get_class($this))); } $loginUri = new Uri($this->auth->getLoginUri()); $path = trim($request->getUri()->getPath(false), '/'); $loginPath = trim($loginUri->getPath(false), '/'); $session = $this->securityContext->getSession(); $data = (array) $session->get($this->auth->getKey(), NULL); // Save the current URI when it is not the login URI. if ($path !== $loginPath && !array_key_exists(FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_URI, $data)) { $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_URI] = (string) $request->getUri(); } $session->set($this->auth->getKey(), $data); $response->setStatus(Http::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY); $response->setReason(Http::getReason(Http::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY)); $response->setHeader('Location', $loginUri); }
public function handle($path, Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request, StorageInterface $storage) { if (!$request->isPut()) { return; } if ($request->hasHeader('Content-Range')) { throw new BadRequestException(); } $stream = $request->hasEntity() ? $request->getEntity()->getInputStream() : new StringStream(); $created = false; $storage->beginTransaction(); try { try { $resource = $storage->findResource($path); if ($resource->isCollection()) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(); } $resource = $storage->updateResource($resource, $stream); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { $parts = explode('/', $path); $name = array_pop($parts); try { $parent = $storage->findResource(implode('/', $parts)); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $ex) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_CONFLICT, $ex); } if (!$parent->isCollection()) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_CONFLICT); } $resource = $storage->createResource($parent, $name, $stream); $created = true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $storage->rollBack(); throw $e; } $storage->commit(); $response = new HttpResponse(empty($created) ? WebDav::CODE_NO_CONTENT : WebDav::CODE_CREATED); $response->setHeader('ETag', $resource->getEtag()); return $response; }
public function handle($path, Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request, StorageInterface $storage) { if (!$request->isGet() && !$request->isHead()) { return; } try { $resource = $storage->findResource($path); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { return new HttpResponse(WebDav::CODE_NOT_FOUND); } if ($resource->isCollection()) { return new HttpResponse(WebDav::CODE_NO_CONTENT); } $cacheControl = new CacheControlHeader(); $cacheControl->setPrivate(true)->setMustRevalidate(true)->setMaxAge(7200); if ($request->isGet() && ($response = $request->evaluatePreconditions($resource->getEtag()))) { return $response->setHeader($cacheControl); } $response = new HttpResponse(); $response->setHeader($cacheControl); $response->setHeader('Content-Type', $resource->getMediaType()); $response->setHeader('ETag', $resource->getEtag()); if ($request->isGet()) { $response->setEntity($resource->getInputStream()); } return $response; }
public function handle($path, Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request, StorageInterface $storage) { if (!$request->isDelete()) { return; } $resource = $storage->findResource($path); if ($resource->isCollection() && $request->hasHeader('Depth')) { $depth = $request->getHeader('Depth', 'infinity'); if ($depth != 'infinity') { throw new BadRequestException(); } } $storage->beginTransaction(); try { $storage->deleteResource($resource); } catch (\Exception $e) { $storage->rollBack(); throw $e; } $storage->commit(); return new HttpResponse(WebDav::CODE_NO_CONTENT); }
protected function parseBody(HttpRequest $request) { $body = $request->getContents(); if ($body === '') { return; } try { $xml = (new XmlDocumentBuilder())->buildFromSource($body); } catch (XmlParseException $e) { throw new BadRequestException($e); } $root = $xml->documentElement; if ($root->namespaceURI != WebDav::NS_DAV || $root->localName != 'mkcol') { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($xml); $xpath->registerNamespace('D', WebDav::NS_DAV); $proppatch = new ProppatchRequest(); foreach ($xpath->query('/mkcol/*') as $el) { if ($el->namespaceURI != WebDav::NS_DAV) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } if ($el->localName == 'set') { $nodes = $xpath->query('D:prop/*', $el); if ($nodes->length < 1) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } foreach ($nodes as $set) { $proppatch->addOperation(new SetPropertyOperation(new XmlName($set), $set)); } } else { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } } if ($proppatch->count() < 1) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } return $proppatch; }
protected function parseBody(HttpRequest $request) { if (!$request->hasEntity()) { return new AllPropRequest(); } $contents = trim($request->getContents()); if ($contents == '') { return new AllPropRequest(); } try { $xml = (new XmlDocumentBuilder())->buildFromSource($contents); } catch (XmlParseException $e) { throw new BadRequestException($e); } $root = $xml->documentElement; if ($root->namespaceURI != WebDav::NS_DAV || $root->localName != 'propfind') { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($xml); $xpath->registerNamespace('D', WebDav::NS_DAV); $nodes = $xpath->query('/D:propfind/D:*'); if ($nodes->length == 0) { throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } $nodes = $xpath->query('/D:propfind/D:propname'); if ($nodes->length == 1) { return new PropNameRequest(); } $nodes = $xpath->query('/D:propfind/D:allprop'); if ($nodes->length == 1) { return $this->parseAllPropRequest($nodes->item(0)->parentNode, $xpath); } $nodes = $xpath->query('/D:propfind/D:prop'); if ($nodes->length > 0) { return $this->parsePropfindRequest($nodes, $xpath); } throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); }
public function handle($path, Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request, StorageInterface $storage) { if ($request->getMethod() != WebDav::METHOD_REPORT) { return; } try { $resource = $storage->findResource($path); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { throw new NotFoundException($e); } try { $xml = (new XmlDocumentBuilder())->buildFromSource($request->getContents()); } catch (XmlParseException $e) { throw new BadRequestException($e); } $name = new XmlName($xml->documentElement); foreach ($this->generators as $generator) { if ($generator->getReportName() == $name && $generator->isSupported($resource)) { return $generator->generateReport($xml->documentElement, $resource, $baseUri, $request, $this->dispatcher); } } throw new UnsupportedReportException(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function updateCredentials(HttpRequest $request) { $this->setStatus(self::NO_CREDENTIALS); $this->username = NULL; $this->password = NULL; if ('' === ($auth = trim($request->getHeader('Authorization', '')))) { return; } $parts = preg_split("'\\s+'", $auth, 2); if (!is_array($parts) || count($parts) != 2 || strtolower($parts[0]) !== 'basic') { return; } $credentials = explode(':', (string) @base64_decode($parts[1]), 2); if (!is_array($credentials) || count($credentials) != 2) { return; } $username = $credentials[0]; if (false !== ($index = strrpos($username, '\\\\'))) { $username = substr($username, $index + 1); } $this->username = trim($username); $this->password = trim($credentials[1]); $this->setStatus(self::AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED); }
protected function sendChunkedEntity(StreamInterface $stream, HttpRequest $request, $compress) { $stream->write("\r\n"); $body = new ChunkEncodedOutputStream($stream); $body->setCloseCascade(false); if ($compress) { $body = new DeflateOutputStream($body, DeflateOutputStream::GZIP); } try { $request->getEntity()->send($body); } finally { $body->close(); } }
public function updateCredentials(HttpRequest $request) { $this->setStatus(self::NO_CREDENTIALS); $this->type = NULL; $this->username = NULL; $this->domain = NULL; $this->workstation = NULL; $this->clientBlob = NULL; $this->clientHash = NULL; $this->flags = NULL; $this->auth = NULL; if ('' === ($auth = trim($request->getHeader('Authorization', '')))) { return; } $parts = preg_split("'\\s+'", $auth, 2); if (!is_array($parts) || count($parts) != 2 || strtoupper($parts[0]) !== 'NTLM') { return; } $this->setStatus(self::AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED); $auth = @base64_decode($parts[1]); if (self::NTLM_HEADER !== substr($auth, 0, 8)) { return; } $this->auth = $auth; // Unpack the message type sent by the client, must be one of 1 or 3. $type = (int) $this->readUnsignedLong($this->auth, 8); if (1 == $type) { $this->type = 1; $this->flags = (int) $this->readUnsignedLong($this->auth, 12); } elseif (3 == $type) { $this->type = 3; $this->domain = $this->readSecurityBuffer($this->auth, 28); $this->username = $this->readSecurityBuffer($this->auth, 36); $this->workstation = $this->readSecurityBuffer($this->auth, 44); if (false !== strpos($this->username, '@')) { $tmp = explode('@', $this->username, 2); $this->username = trim($tmp[0]); $this->domain = trim($tmp[1]); } $ntlm = $this->readSecurityBuffer($this->auth, 20, false); $this->clientHash = (string) substr($ntlm, 0, 16); $this->clientBlob = (string) substr($ntlm, 16); } }
public function buildHttpRequest() { try { $method = $this->getRequestMethod(); $request = new HttpRequest($this->getRequestUri(), $method, $this->getProtocol()); $request->setRawUri($this->getRawRequestUri()); $request->setPathBase(trim($this->getBaseUri()->getPath(false), '/')); $request->setCookies($this->getCookies()); foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { $request->setHeader($name, $value); if ($name == 'content-type') { $mediaType = $request->getMediaType(); if ($mediaType->is(Http::FORM_ENCODED)) { if ($method != Http::METHOD_POST) { $fields = Uri::parseQuery(file_get_contents($this->getInputUrl())); $request->setEntity(new FormEntity($fields)); } else { $request->setEntity(new FormEntity($this->getPostParams())); } } elseif ($mediaType->is(Http::FORM_MULTIPART_ENCODED)) { if ($method != Http::METHOD_POST) { throw new \RuntimeException('Multipart requests must be POST'); } $request->setEntity(new MultipartFormEntity($this->getPostParams(), $this->getFiles())); } } } if (!$request->hasEntity()) { $request->setEntity(new StreamEntity(ResourceInputStream::fromUrl($this->getInputUrl()))); } } catch (BadRequestException $e) { throw $e; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new BadRequestException($e); } return $request; }
/** * @Route("POST /deployments/archive") */ public function deployArchive(HttpRequest $request, $name = '', array $extensions = []) { if (!$request->hasEntity()) { throw new \RuntimeException('No file has been uploaded'); } $builder = $this->repositoryService->createDeployment($name); $builder->addExtensions($extensions); $in = $request->getEntity()->getInputStream(); $archive = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'era'); $fp = fopen($archive, 'wb'); try { while (false !== ($chunk = $in->read())) { fwrite($fp, $chunk); } } finally { @fclose($fp); } $builder->addArchive($archive); $deployment = $this->repositoryService->deploy($builder); $definitions = $this->repositoryService->createProcessDefinitionQuery()->deploymentId($deployment->getId())->findAll(); $response = new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_CREATED); $response->setHeader('Location', $this->uri->generate('../show-deployment', ['id' => $deployment->getId()])); $response->setEntity(new JsonEntity(['deployment' => $deployment, 'definitions' => $definitions, 'resources' => array_values($deployment->findResources()), '_links' => ['self' => $this->uri->generate('../show-deployment', ['id' => $deployment->getId()])]])); return $response; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function authenticate(SecurityContextInterface $context, TokenInterface $token, HttpRequest $request) { if (!$token instanceof FormAuthToken) { throw new SecurityException(sprintf('Token %s not supported by provider %s', get_class($token), get_class($this))); } $this->failedLogin = false; $this->username = $token->getUsername(); $this->guard = bin2hex(random_bytes($this->guardByteCount)); $path = trim($request->getUri()->getPath(false), '/'); $loginPath = trim((new Uri($this->getLoginUri()))->getPath(false), '/'); $logoutPath = trim((new Uri($this->getLogoutUri()))->getPath(false), '/'); $isLogin = $path === $loginPath; $isLogout = $path === $logoutPath; $session = $context->getSession(); if ($isLogout) { $session->remove($this->getKey()); $token->setPrincipal(new AnonymousPrincipal()); $token->setStatus(TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL); return; } if ($isLogin) { try { if ($request->isPost(false)) { $identity = $token->getUsername(); $password = $token->getPassword(); // Fetch user independent of guard in order to prevent leakage of timing information. $principal = $this->getPrincipalProvider()->findPrincipalUsingPassword($identity, $password); // Invalidate when guard fails. if (!$token->isGuarded()) { $principal = NULL; } if ($principal !== NULL) { $session = $context->getSession(); $data = (array) $session->get($this->getKey(), NULL); $data[self::SESSION_IDENTITY] = (string) $principal->getIdentity(); $session->set($this->getKey(), $data); if (array_key_exists(self::SESSION_URI, $data)) { $uri = $data[self::SESSION_URI]; unset($data[self::SESSION_URI]); $session->set($this->getKey(), $data); $response = new HttpResponse(Http::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY); $response->setHeader('Location', $uri); return $response; } $token->setPrincipal($principal); $token->setStatus(TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL); return; } $this->failedLogin = true; } $token->setPrincipal(new AnonymousPrincipal()); $token->setStatus(TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL); return; } finally { $data = (array) $session->get($this->getKey(), []); $data[self::SESSION_GUARD] = $this->guard; $session->set($this->getKey(), $data); } } }
protected function handleUnlock(ResourceInterface $resource, Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request, LockStorageInterface $storage) { if (!$resource instanceof LockableResourceInterface) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(); } if (!$resource->isLockSupported()) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(); } if (!$resource->isLocked()) { throw new LockTokenMatchesRequestUriException(WebDav::CODE_CONFLICT); } if (!$request->hasHeader('Lock-Token')) { throw new BadRequestException(); } try { $tmp = $request->getHeader('Lock-Token', ''); $m = NULL; if (!preg_match("'^<?urn:webdav:lock:([0-9a-f\\-]{36})>?\$'i", $tmp, $m)) { throw new BadRequestException(); } $token = new UUID($m[1]); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new BadRequestException($e); } $lockInfo = $resource->getLockInfo(); if ($token != $lockInfo->getToken() || $lockInfo->getExpires() < new \DateTime()) { throw new LockTokenMatchesRequestUriException(WebDav::CODE_CONFLICT); } $storage->beginTransaction(); try { $storage->removeLock($lockInfo); } catch (\Exception $e) { $storage->rollBack(); throw $e; } $storage->commit(); return new HttpResponse(Http::CODE_NO_CONTENT); }
/** * Compute the content MD5 hash of the request body (streams request body contents to a * temporary file and incrementaly computes the hash value replacing the requests input * URL with the URL of the created file). * * @param HttpRequest $request * @return string */ protected function computeContentMd5(HttpRequest $request) { if (!$request->hasEntity()) { return md5(''); } $hash = hash_init('md5'); $in = $request->getEntity()->getInputStream(); $tmp = new \SplTempFileObject(); $fp = $tmp->openFile('wb', false); try { flock($fp, LOCK_EX); while (false !== ($chunk = $in->read())) { hash_update($hash, $chunk); fwrite($fp, $chunk); } } finally { @fclose($fp); } $request->setEntity(new StreamEntity($tmp->openFile('rb', false))); return hash_final($hash); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function terminate(HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response) { $this->dispatcher->notify(new SendResponseEvent($request, self::MASTER_REQUEST, $response, $this)); while (ob_get_level() > 1) { ob_end_flush(); } $buffer = ob_get_level() ? ob_get_clean() : ''; ini_set('default_mimetype', NULL); ini_set('default_charset', NULL); if ($response->hasEntity() && !$request->isHead()) { if ('gzip' == strtolower($response->getHeader('Content-Encoding', ''))) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression_level', 1); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 4096); } else { ob_start(NULL, 4096); } } foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $n => $headers) { switch ($n) { case 'server': case 'connection': case 'content-length': case 'content-encoding': case 'transfer-encoding': continue 2; } foreach ($headers as $index => $header) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $header[0], $header[1]), $index == 0); } } $statusLine = sprintf('%s %u %s', $response->getProtocol(), $response->getStatus(), $response->getReason()); header($statusLine, true, $response->getStatus()); if ($response->hasEntity() && !$request->isHead()) { $stream = new UrlStream('php://output', 'wb'); try { $response->getEntity()->send($stream); } finally { $stream->close(); } } if (function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) { @fastcgi_finish_request(); } $event = new TerminateEvent($request, self::MASTER_REQUEST, $response, $this); $event->bufferedContent = $buffer; $this->dispatcher->notify($event); }
protected function buildProppatchResponse(ProppatchRequest $proppatch, HttpRequest $request, StorageInterface $storage) { $builder = new PatchResponseBuilder($request->getUri(), $proppatch); return $builder->buildResponse(WebDav::CODE_MULTI_STATUS); }