Esempio n. 1
  * Parse an individual .gcov file.
 public function ParseGcovFile($fileinfo)
     $coverageFileLog = new CoverageFileLog();
     $coverageFileLog->AggregateBuildId = $this->AggregateBuildId;
     $coverageFileLog->PreviousAggregateParentId = $this->PreviousAggregateParentId;
     $coverageFile = new CoverageFile();
     $coverage = new Coverage();
     $coverage->CoverageFile = $coverageFile;
     // Begin parsing this file.
     // The first thing we look for is the full path to this source file.
     $file = new SplFileObject($fileinfo);
     $path = '';
     while (!$file->eof()) {
         $gcovLine = $file->current();
         $term = ':Source:';
         $pos = strpos($gcovLine, $term);
         if ($pos !== false) {
             $path = substr($gcovLine, $pos + strlen($term));
     if (empty($path)) {
     // Check if this file belongs to a different SubProject.
     $buildid = $this->Build->Id;
     if (!empty($this->SubProjectPath) && strpos($path, $this->SubProjectPath) === false) {
         // Find the SubProject that corresponds to this path.
         $query = "SELECT id, name, path FROM subproject\n                WHERE projectid = {$this->ProjectId} AND\n                endtime = '1980-01-01 00:00:00' AND\n                path != '' AND\n                '{$path}' LIKE CONCAT('%',path,'%')";
         $result = pdo_query($query);
         if (!$result || pdo_num_rows($result) == 0) {
             add_log("No SubProject found for '{$path}'", 'ParseGcovFile', LOG_INFO, $this->ProjectId, $this->Build->Id);
         $row = pdo_fetch_array($result);
         $subprojectid = $row['id'];
         $subprojectname = $row['name'];
         $subprojectpath = $row['path'];
         // Find the sibling build that performed this SubProject.
         $siblingBuild = new Build();
         $query = 'SELECT FROM build AS b
             INNER JOIN subproject2build AS sp2b ON (
             WHERE b.parentid=
             (SELECT parentid FROM build WHERE id=' . $this->Build->Id . ")\n                AND sp2b.subprojectid={$subprojectid}";
         $row = pdo_single_row_query($query);
         if ($row && array_key_exists('id', $row)) {
             $buildid = $row['id'];
             $siblingBuild->Id = $buildid;
         } else {
             // Build doesn't exist yet, add it here.
             $siblingBuild->Name = $this->Build->Name;
             $siblingBuild->ProjectId = $this->ProjectId;
             $siblingBuild->SiteId = $this->Build->SiteId;
             $siblingBuild->StartTime = $this->Build->StartTime;
             $siblingBuild->EndTime = $this->Build->EndTime;
             $siblingBuild->SubmitTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
             add_build($siblingBuild, 0);
             $buildid = $siblingBuild->Id;
         $coverageFileLog->Build = $siblingBuild;
         // Remove any part of the file path that comes before
         // the subproject path.
         $path = substr($path, strpos($path, $subprojectpath));
         // Replace the subproject path with '.'
         $path = substr_replace($path, '.', 0, strlen($subprojectpath));
     } else {
         // If this source file isn't from the source or binary directory
         // we shouldn't include it in our coverage report.
         if (!empty($this->SubProjectPath) && strpos($path, $this->SubProjectPath) !== false) {
             $path = substr($path, strpos($path, $this->SubProjectPath));
             $path = substr_replace($path, '.', 0, strlen($this->SubProjectPath));
         } elseif (strpos($path, $this->SourceDirectory) !== false) {
             $path = str_replace($this->SourceDirectory, '.', trim($path));
         } elseif (strpos($path, $this->BinaryDirectory) !== false) {
             $path = str_replace($this->BinaryDirectory, '.', trim($path));
         } else {
         $coverageFileLog->Build = $this->Build;
     // Get a reference to the coverage summary for this build.
     if ($buildid === $this->Build->Id) {
         $coverageSummary = $this->CoverageSummary;
     } else {
         if (!array_key_exists($buildid, $this->SubProjectSummaries)) {
             $coverageSummary = new CoverageSummary();
             $coverageSummary->BuildId = $buildid;
             $this->SubProjectSummaries[$buildid] = $coverageSummary;
         } else {
             $coverageSummary = $this->SubProjectSummaries[$buildid];
     // Use a regexp to resolve any /../ in this path.
     // We can't use realpath() because we're referencing a path that
     // doesn't exist on the server.
     // For a source file that contains:
     //   #include "src/../include/foo.h"
     // CDash will report the covered file as include/foo.h
     $pattern = "#/[^/]*?/\\.\\./#";
     while (strpos($path, "/../") !== false) {
         $path = preg_replace($pattern, "/", $path, 1);
     $coverageFile->FullPath = trim($path);
     $lineNumber = 0;
     // The lack of rewind is intentional.
     while (!$file->eof()) {
         $gcovLine = $file->current();
         // "Ordinary" entries in a .gcov file take the following format:
         // <lineNumber>: <timesHit>: <source code at that line>
         // So we check if this line matches the format & parse the
         // data out of it if so.
         $fields = explode(':', $gcovLine, 3);
         if (count($fields) > 2) {
             // Separate out delimited values from this line.
             $timesHit = trim($fields[0]);
             $lineNumber = trim($fields[1]);
             $sourceLine = rtrim($fields[2]);
             if ($lineNumber > 0) {
                 $coverageFile->File .= $sourceLine;
                 // cannot be <br/> for backward compatibility.
                 $coverageFile->File .= '<br>';
             // This is how gcov indicates a line of unexecutable code.
             if ($timesHit === '-') {
             // This is how gcov indicates an uncovered line.
             if ($timesHit === '#####') {
                 $timesHit = 0;
             $coverageFileLog->AddLine($lineNumber - 1, $timesHit);
         } else {
             $coveredBranches = 0;
             $uncoveredBranches = 0;
             $throwBranches = 0;
             $fallthroughBranches = 0;
             while (count($fields) < 3 && !$file->eof()) {
                 // Parse branch coverage here.
                 if (substr($gcovLine, 0, 6) === 'branch') {
                     // Figure out whether this branch was covered or not.
                     if (strpos($gcovLine, 'taken 0%') !== false) {
                         $uncoveredBranches += 1;
                     } else {
                         $coveredBranches += 1;
                     // Also keep track of the different types of branches encountered.
                     if (strpos($gcovLine, '(throw)') !== false) {
                         $throwBranches += 1;
                     } elseif (strpos($gcovLine, '(fallthrough)') !== false) {
                         $fallthroughBranches += 1;
                 $gcovLine = $file->current();
                 $fields = explode(':', $gcovLine);
             // Don't report branch coverage for this line if we only
             // encountered (throw) and (fallthrough) branches here.
             $totalBranches = $coveredBranches + $uncoveredBranches;
             if ($totalBranches > 0 && $totalBranches > $throwBranches + $fallthroughBranches) {
                 $coverageFileLog->AddBranch($lineNumber - 1, $coveredBranches, $totalBranches);
     // Save these models to the database.
     $coverageFileLog->BuildId = $buildid;
     $coverageFileLog->FileId = $coverageFile->Id;
     // Query the filelog to get how many lines & branches were covered.
     // We do this after inserting the filelog because we want to accurately
     // reflect the union of the current and previously existing results
     // (if any).
     $stats = $coverageFileLog->GetStats();
     $coverage->LocUntested = $stats['locuntested'];
     $coverage->LocTested = $stats['loctested'];
     $coverage->Covered = 1;
     $coverage->BranchesUntested = $stats['branchesuntested'];
     $coverage->BranchesTested = $stats['branchestested'];
     // Add any labels.
     if (array_key_exists($path, $this->Labels)) {
         foreach ($this->Labels[$path] as $labelText) {
             $label = new Label();
     // Add this Coverage to our summary.
Esempio n. 2
/** Function to deal with the external tool mechanism */
function post_submit()
    include "models/buildfile.php";
    // We expect POST to contain the following values.
    $vars = array('project', 'build', 'stamp', 'site', 'track', 'type', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'datafilesmd5');
    foreach ($vars as $var) {
        if (!isset($_POST[$var]) || empty($_POST[$var])) {
            $response_array['status'] = 1;
            $response_array['description'] = 'Variable \'' . $var . '\' not set but required.';
            echo json_encode($response_array);
    $projectname = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['project']));
    $buildname = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['build']));
    $buildstamp = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['stamp']));
    $sitename = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['site']));
    $track = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['track']));
    $type = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['type']));
    $starttime = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['starttime']));
    $endtime = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['endtime']));
    // Check if we have the CDash@Home scheduleid
    $scheduleid = 0;
    if (isset($_POST["clientscheduleid"])) {
        $scheduleid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_POST["clientscheduleid"]);
    // Add the build
    $build = new Build();
    $build->ProjectId = get_project_id($projectname);
    $build->StartTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $starttime);
    $build->EndTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $endtime);
    $build->SubmitTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
    $build->Name = $buildname;
    $build->InsertErrors = false;
    // we have no idea if we have errors at this point
    // Get the site id
    $site = new Site();
    $site->Name = $sitename;
    $build->SiteId = $site->Id;
    // Make this an "append" build, so that it doesn't result in a separate row
    // from the rest of the "normal" submission.
    $build->Append = true;
    // TODO: Check the labels and generator and other optional
    if (isset($_POST["generator"])) {
        $build->Generator = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['generator']));
    $subprojectname = "";
    if (isset($_POST["subproject"])) {
        $subprojectname = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_POST['subproject']));
    // Check if this build already exists.
    $buildid = $build->GetIdFromName($subprojectname);
    // If not, add a new one.
    if ($buildid === 0) {
        $buildid = add_build($build, $scheduleid);
    // Returns the OK submission
    $response_array['status'] = 0;
    $response_array['buildid'] = $buildid;
    $buildfile = new BuildFile();
    // Check if the files exists
    foreach ($_POST['datafilesmd5'] as $md5) {
        $buildfile->md5 = $md5;
        $old_buildid = $buildfile->MD5Exists();
        if (!$old_buildid) {
            $response_array['datafilesmd5'][] = 0;
        } else {
            $response_array['datafilesmd5'][] = 1;
            // Associate this build file with the new build if it has been previously
            // uploaded.
            require_once "copy_build_data.php";
            copy_build_data($old_buildid, $buildid, $type);
    echo json_encode($response_array);
Esempio n. 3
 function testBuildModel()
     $build = new Build();
     $builderror = new BuildError();
     $builderror->Type = 0;
     $builderror->Text = 'error';
     $buildwarning = new BuildError();
     $buildwarning->Type = 1;
     $buildwarning->Text = 'warning';
     if ($build->GetName() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetName didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->GetLabels() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetLabels didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->GetGroup() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetGroup didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->GetNumberOfErrors() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetNumberOfErrors didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->GetNumberOfWarnings() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetNumberOfWarnings didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->SetSubProject('1234') !== false) {
         $this->fail("SetSubProject didn't return false for empty project id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->GetSubProjectName() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetSubProjectName didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->GetErrorDifferences() !== false) {
         $this->fail("GetErrorDifferences didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->ComputeUpdateStatistics() !== false) {
         $this->fail("ComputeUpdateStatistics didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->ComputeDifferences() !== false) {
         $this->fail("ComputeDifferences didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->ComputeConfigureDifferences() !== false) {
         $this->fail("ComputeConfigureDifferences didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->ComputeTestTiming() !== false) {
         $this->fail("ComputeTestTiming didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->InsertLabelAssociations() !== false) {
         $this->fail("InsertLabelAssocations didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->UpdateEndTime('2010-08-07') !== false) {
         $this->fail("UpdateEndTime didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->SaveTotalTestsTime('100') !== false) {
         $this->fail("SaveTotalTestsTime didn't return false for empty build id");
         return 1;
     $build->Id = '1';
     if ($build->ComputeTestTiming() !== false) {
         $this->fail("ComputeTestTiming didn't return false for empty project id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->ComputeUpdateStatistics() !== false) {
         $this->fail("ComputeUpdateStatistics didn't return false for empty project id");
         return 1;
     $build->ProjectId = '2';
     $build->SiteId = '1';
     if (strpos(file_get_contents($this->logfilename), "New subproject detected") === false) {
         $this->fail("'New subproject detected' not found in log after calling SetSubProject for invalid subproject id");
         return 1;
     if ($build->Exists() == false) {
         $this->fail("Exists returned false for a valid build id");
         return 1;
     $build->Id = '98765';
     $build->Type = '';
     //force this empty for coverage purposes
     $build->StartTime = '2009-12-18 14:19:11';
     $build->EndTime = '2009-12-18 14:20:23';
     $build->SubmitTime = '2012-01-25 16:43:11';
     if ($build->Exists() == true) {
         $this->fail("Exists returned true for an invalid build id");
         return 1;
     $build->Append = true;
     $build->InsertErrors = true;
     return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 public function testBuildRemovalWorksAsExpected()
     require_once 'include/common.php';
     require_once 'include/pdo.php';
     require_once 'models/build.php';
     require_once 'models/buildconfigure.php';
     require_once 'models/builderror.php';
     require_once 'models/buildfailure.php';
     require_once 'models/buildgroup.php';
     require_once 'models/buildnote.php';
     require_once 'models/buildupdate.php';
     require_once 'models/coverage.php';
     require_once 'models/dynamicanalysis.php';
     require_once 'models/dynamicanalysissummary.php';
     require_once 'models/image.php';
     require_once 'models/label.php';
     require_once 'models/test.php';
     require_once 'models/uploadfile.php';
     $time = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
     // Find an existing site.
     $row = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT id FROM site LIMIT 1');
     $siteid = $row['id'];
     // Label
     $label = new Label();
     $label->SetText('remove me');
     // Build
     $build = new Build();
     $build->Name = 'RemovalWorksAsExpected';
     $build->ProjectId = 1;
     $build->InsertErrors = true;
     $build->SiteId = $siteid;
     $build->StartTime = $time;
     $build->EndTime = $time;
     $build->SubmitTime = $time;
     $buildgroup = new BuildGroup();
     $build->GroupId = $buildgroup->GetGroupIdFromRule($build);
     $info = new BuildInformation();
     $info->SetValue('OSNAME', 'Windows');
     $build->Information = $info;
     // BuildError
     $error = new BuildError();
     $error->Text = 'error: asdf';
     // BuildFailure
     $failure = new BuildFailure();
     $failure->StdError = 'failure: asdf';
     // Create another build to test shared resources.
     $existing_build = new Build();
     $existing_build->Id = $build->Id;
     $existing_build->SubmitTime = $time;
     $existing_build->InsertErrors = true;
     $existing_build->Id = null;
     // BuildConfigure
     $configure = new BuildConfigure();
     $configure->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $configure->StartTime = $time;
     $configure->EndTime = $time;
     $configure->Command = 'cmake';
     $configure->Log = "precontext\nWARNING: bar\npostcontext";
     $configure->Status = 5;
     // BuildNote
     $note = new BuildNote();
     $note->Name = 'my note';
     $note->Text = 'note text';
     $note->Time = $time;
     $note->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $shared_note = new BuildNote();
     $shared_note->Name = 'my shared note';
     $shared_note->Text = 'shared note text';
     $shared_note->Time = $time;
     $shared_note->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $shared_note->BuildId = $existing_build->Id;
     // buildtesttime
     // BuildUpdate
     $updatefile = new BuildUpdateFile();
     $updatefile->Author = 'My Self';
     $updatefile->Committer = 'My Self';
     $updatefile->Email = '*****@*****.**';
     $updatefile->CommitterEmail = '*****@*****.**';
     $updatefile->Revision = 2;
     $updatefile->PriorRevision = 1;
     $updatefile->Filename = 'foo.cpp';
     $updatefile->Status = 'MODIFIED';
     $update = new BuildUpdate();
     $update->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $update->StartTime = $time;
     $update->EndTime = $time;
     $update->Command = 'git fetch';
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO build2update (buildid, updateid)\n            VALUES ({$existing_build->Id}, {$update->UpdateId})");
     // Coverage
     $file1 = new CoverageFile();
     $file1->FullPath = '/path/to/unshared.php';
     $file1->File .= "this unshared line gets covered<br>";
     $file1->File .= "this unshared line does not<br>";
     $coverage1 = new Coverage();
     $coverage1->Covered = 1;
     $coverage1->CoverageFile = $file1;
     $coverage1->LocTested = 1;
     $coverage1->LocUntested = 1;
     $file2 = new CoverageFile();
     $file2->FullPath = '/path/to/shared.php';
     $file2->File .= "this shared line gets covered<br>";
     $file2->File .= "this shared line does not<br>";
     $coverage2 = new Coverage();
     $coverage2->Covered = 1;
     $coverage2->CoverageFile = $file2;
     $coverage2->LocTested = 1;
     $coverage2->LocUntested = 1;
     $summary = new CoverageSummary();
     $summary->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $log1 = new CoverageFileLog();
     $log1->AddLine(1, 1);
     $log1->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $log1->FileId = $file1->Id;
     $log2 = new CoverageFileLog();
     $log2->AddLine(1, 1);
     $log2->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $log2->FileId = $file2->Id;
     // Also add coverage to existing build to test that shared files
     // do not get deleted.
     $existing_cov = new Coverage();
     $existing_cov->Covered = 1;
     $existing_cov->CoverageFile = $file2;
     $existing_cov->LocTested = 1;
     $existing_cov->LocUntested = 1;
     $existing_summary = new CoverageSummary();
     $existing_summary->BuildId = $existing_build->Id;
     $existing_log = new CoverageFileLog();
     $existing_log->AddLine(1, 1);
     $existing_log->BuildId = $existing_build->Id;
     $existing_log->FileId = $file2->Id;
     // DynamicAnalysis
     $DA_defect = new DynamicAnalysisDefect();
     $DA_defect->Type = 'Potential Memory Leak';
     $DA_defect->Value = 5;
     $DA = new DynamicAnalysis();
     $DA->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $DA->Checker = 'Valgrind';
     $DA->FullCommandLine = 'php DA_removebuilds.php';
     $DA->Log = 'build removed successfully';
     $DA->Name = 'removal test';
     $DA->Path = '/path/to/removal/DA';
     $DA->Status = 'failed';
     $DA_summary = new DynamicAnalysisSummary();
     $DA_summary->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $DA_summary->Checker = 'Valgrind';
     // Test
     $test = new Test();
     $test->ProjectId = 1;
     $test->CompressedOutput = false;
     $test->Details = 'Completed';
     $test->Name = 'removal test';
     $test->Path = '/path/to/removal/test';
     $test->Command = 'php test_removebuilds.php';
     $test->Output = 'build removed successfully';
     $measurement = new TestMeasurement();
     $measurement->Name = 'Exit Value';
     $measurement->Type = 'text/string';
     $measurement->Value = 5;
     $image = new Image();
     $image->Extension = 'image/png';
     $image->Name = 'remove_me.png';
     $buildtest = new BuildTest();
     $buildtest->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $buildtest->TestId = $test->Id;
     $buildtest->Status = 'passed';
     $test2 = new Test();
     $test2->ProjectId = 1;
     $test2->CompressedOutput = false;
     $test2->Details = 'Completed';
     $test2->Name = 'shared test';
     $test2->Path = '/path/to/shared/test';
     $test2->Command = 'php test_sharedtest.php';
     $test2->Output = 'test shared successfully';
     $measurement2 = new TestMeasurement();
     $measurement2->Name = 'Exit Value';
     $measurement2->Type = 'text/string';
     $measurement2->Value = 0;
     $image2 = new Image();
     $image2->Extension = 'image/gif';
     $image2->Name = 'smile.gif';
     $image2->Data = base64_encode(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/smile.gif'));
     $buildtest2 = new BuildTest();
     $buildtest2->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $buildtest2->TestId = $test2->Id;
     $buildtest2->Status = 'passed';
     $buildtest2->BuildId = $existing_build->Id;
     // UploadFile
     $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/smile.gif';
     $upload1 = new UploadFile();
     $upload1->Filename = $filename;
     $upload1->IsUrl = false;
     $upload1->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $upload1->Sha1Sum = sha1_file($filename);
     $upload1->Filesize = filesize($filename);
     $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/smile2.gif';
     $upload2 = new UploadFile();
     $upload2->Filename = $filename;
     $upload2->IsUrl = false;
     $upload2->BuildId = $build->Id;
     $upload2->Sha1Sum = sha1_file($filename);
     $upload2->Filesize = filesize($filename);
     $upload2->BuildId = $existing_build->Id;
     // Various tables that are too hard to spoof with models so we resort
     // to direct insertion.
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildemail (userid, buildid, category)\n            VALUES (1, {$build->Id}, 0)");
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO builderrordiff\n            (buildid, type, difference_positive, difference_negative)\n            VALUES ({$build->Id}, 0, 1, 1)");
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO configureerrordiff (buildid, type, difference)\n            VALUES ({$build->Id}, 0, 1)");
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO coveragesummarydiff (buildid, loctested, locuntested)\n            VALUES ({$build->Id}, 1, 1)");
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO summaryemail (buildid, date, groupid)\n            VALUES ({$build->Id}, '{$time}', 1)");
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO subproject2build (subprojectid, buildid)\n            VALUES (1, {$build->Id})");
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO testdiff\n            (buildid, type, difference_positive, difference_negative)\n            VALUES ({$build->Id}, 0, 1, 1)");
     // Check that everything was created successfully.
     $this->verify('build', 'id', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('build2group', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('buildemail', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('builderror', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('builderrordiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('buildinformation', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('buildtesttime', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('configure', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('configureerror', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('configureerrordiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('coveragesummary', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('coveragesummarydiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('coveragefilelog', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 2);
     $this->verify('dynamicanalysissummary', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('summaryemail', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('subproject2build', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('testdiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     list($buildfailureid, $detailsid) = $this->verify_get_columns('buildfailure', ['id', 'detailsid'], 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('buildfailure2argument', 'buildfailureid', '=', $buildfailureid, 1);
     $this->verify('buildfailuredetails', 'id', '=', $detailsid, 1);
     $noteids = $this->verify_get_rows('build2note', 'noteid', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 2);
     $this->verify('note', 'id', 'IN', $noteids, 2);
     $coveragefileids = $this->verify_get_rows('coverage', 'fileid', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 2);
     $this->verify('coveragefile', 'id', 'IN', $coveragefileids, 2);
     $dynamicanalysisid = $this->verify_get_rows('dynamicanalysis', 'id', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('dynamicanalysisdefect', 'dynamicanalysisid', '=', $dynamicanalysisid, 1);
     $testids = $this->verify_get_rows('build2test', 'testid', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 2);
     $this->verify('test', 'id', 'IN', $testids, 2);
     $this->verify('testmeasurement', 'testid', 'IN', $testids, 2);
     $imgids = $this->verify_get_rows('test2image', 'imgid', 'testid', 'IN', $testids, 2);
     $this->verify('image', 'id', 'IN', $imgids, 2);
     $updateid = $this->verify_get_rows('build2update', 'updateid', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('buildupdate', 'id', '=', $updateid, 1);
     $this->verify('updatefile', 'updateid', '=', $updateid, 1);
     $uploadfileids = $this->verify_get_rows('build2uploadfile', 'fileid', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 2);
     $this->verify('uploadfile', 'id', 'IN', $uploadfileids, 2);
     $labelid = $this->verify_get_rows('label2build', 'labelid', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 1);
     $this->verify('label', 'id', '=', $labelid, 1);
     $this->verify('label2buildfailure', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 2);
     $this->verify('label2coveragefile', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 3);
     $this->verify('label2dynamicanalysis', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 1);
     $this->verify('label2test', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 2);
     // Remove the build.
     // Check that everything was deleted properly.
     $this->verify('build', 'id', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('build2group', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('build2note', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('build2test', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('build2update', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('build2uploadfile', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('buildemail', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('builderror', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('builderrordiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('buildfailure', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('buildfailure2argument', 'buildfailureid', '=', $buildfailureid, 0, true);
     $this->verify('buildfailuredetails', 'id', '=', $detailsid, 1, true);
     $this->verify('buildinformation', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('buildtesttime', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('buildupdate', 'id', '=', $updateid, 1, true);
     $this->verify('configure', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('configureerror', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('configureerrordiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('coverage', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('coveragefile', 'id', 'IN', $coveragefileids, 1, true);
     $this->verify('coveragefilelog', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('coveragesummary', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('coveragesummarydiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('dynamicanalysis', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('dynamicanalysissummary', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('dynamicanalysisdefect', 'dynamicanalysisid', '=', $dynamicanalysisid, 0, true);
     $this->verify('image', 'id', 'IN', $imgids, 1, true);
     $this->verify('label2build', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('label2buildfailure', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 1, true);
     $this->verify('label2coveragefile', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 1, true);
     $this->verify('label2dynamicanalysis', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 0, true);
     $this->verify('label2test', 'labelid', '=', $labelid, 0, true);
     $this->verify('note', 'id', 'IN', $noteids, 1, true);
     $this->verify('summaryemail', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('subproject2build', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('test', 'id', 'IN', $testids, 1, true);
     $this->verify('test2image', 'testid', 'IN', $testids, 1, true);
     $this->verify('testdiff', 'buildid', '=', $build->Id, 0, true);
     $this->verify('testmeasurement', 'testid', 'IN', $testids, 1, true);
     $this->verify('updatefile', 'updateid', '=', $updateid, 1, true);
     $this->verify('uploadfile', 'id', 'IN', $uploadfileids, 1, true);
Esempio n. 5
function create_aggregate_build($build, $siteid = null)
    require_once 'include/ctestparserutils.php';
    if (is_null($siteid)) {
        $siteid = get_server_siteid();
    $aggregate_build = new Build();
    $aggregate_build->Name = 'Aggregate Coverage';
    $aggregate_build->SiteId = $siteid;
    $date = substr($build->GetStamp(), 0, strpos($build->GetStamp(), '-'));
    $aggregate_build->SetStamp($date . "-0000-Nightly");
    $aggregate_build->ProjectId = $build->ProjectId;
    $aggregate_build->StartTime = $build->StartTime;
    $aggregate_build->EndTime = $build->EndTime;
    $aggregate_build->SubmitTime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
    $aggregate_build->InsertErrors = false;
    return $aggregate_build;