public function testBuildGetDate() { $retval = 0; $build = new Build(); $build->Id = 1; $build->ProjectId = 1; $build->Filled = true; $row = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT nightlytime FROM project WHERE id=1'); $original_nightlytime = $row['nightlytime']; // Test the case where the project's start time is in the evening. pdo_query("UPDATE project SET nightlytime = '20:00:00' WHERE id=1"); $build->StartTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('2009-02-23 19:59:59')); $expected_date = '2009-02-23'; $date = $build->GetDate(); if ($date !== $expected_date) { $this->fail("Evening case: expected {$expected_date}, found {$date}"); $retval = 1; } $build->StartTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('2009-02-23 20:00:00')); $expected_date = '2009-02-24'; $build->NightlyStartTime = false; $date = $build->GetDate(); if ($date !== $expected_date) { $this->fail("Evening case: expected {$expected_date}, found {$date}"); $retval = 1; } // Test the case where the project's start time is in the morning. pdo_query("UPDATE project SET nightlytime = '09:00:00' WHERE id=1"); $build->StartTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('2009-02-23 08:59:59')); $expected_date = '2009-02-22'; $build->NightlyStartTime = false; $date = $build->GetDate(); if ($date !== $expected_date) { $this->fail("Morning case: expected {$expected_date}, found {$date}"); $retval = 1; } $build->StartTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('2009-02-23 09:00:00')); $expected_date = '2009-02-23'; $build->NightlyStartTime = false; $date = $build->GetDate(); if ($date !== $expected_date) { $this->fail("Morning case: expected {$expected_date}, found {$date}"); $retval = 1; } pdo_query("UPDATE project SET nightlytime = '{$original_nightlytime}' WHERE id=1"); if ($retval === 0) { $this->pass('Tests passed'); } return $retval; }
public function testGithubPRComment() { echo "1. testGithubPRComment\n"; global $configure; $this->login(); // Create a project named CDash and set its repository information. $settings = ['Name' => 'CDash', 'Description' => 'CDash', 'CvsUrl' => '', 'CvsViewerType' => 'github', 'BugTrackerFileUrl' => '', 'repositories' => [['url' => '', 'branch' => 'master', 'username' => $configure['github_username'], 'password' => $configure['github_password']]]]; $this->ProjectId = $this->createProject($settings); if ($this->ProjectId < 1) { return 1; } // Setup subprojects by submitting the Project.xml file. global $configure; // Submit the file. $url = $this->url . '/submit.php?project=CDash'; $result = $this->uploadfile($url, dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/GithubPR/Project.xml'); $this->deleteLog($this->logfilename); // Submit a failing test. echo "Submitting Test.xml\n"; if (!$this->submitPullRequestFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/GithubPR/Test.xml')) { return 1; } // Submit a broken build. echo "Submitting Build.xml\n"; if (!$this->submitPullRequestFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/GithubPR/Build.xml')) { return 1; } // Submit a failed configure. echo "Submitting Configure.xml\n"; if (!$this->submitPullRequestFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/GithubPR/Configure.xml')) { return 1; } // Make sure these builds link back to the GitHub PR. $row = pdo_single_row_query("SELECT id, parentid FROM build\n WHERE name = 'test_PR_comment' AND parentid>0 LIMIT 1"); $build = new Build(); $build->Id = $row['id']; $build->FillFromId($build->Id); $date = $build->GetDate(); // Parent view $content = $this->connect($this->url . "/api/v1/index.php?project=CDash&date={$date}"); $jsonobj = json_decode($content, true); $buildgroup = array_pop($jsonobj['buildgroups']); $build_response = $buildgroup['builds'][0]; if ($build_response['changelink'] !== '') { $this->fail("Expected changelink not found for parent build. Found: " . $build_response['changelink']); } if ($build_response['changeicon'] !== 'img/Octocat.png') { $this->fail("Expected changeicon not found for parent build. Found: " . $build_response['changeicon']); } // Child view $parentid = $row['parentid']; $content = $this->connect($this->url . "/api/v1/index.php?project=CDash&parentid={$parentid}"); $jsonobj = json_decode($content, true); if ($jsonobj['changelink'] !== '') { $this->fail("Expected changelink not found for parent build"); } if ($jsonobj['changeicon'] !== 'img/Octocat.png') { $this->fail("Expected changeicon not found for parent build"); } // Delete the project now that we're done with it. $this->deleteProject($this->ProjectId); }
function echo_main_dashboard_JSON($project_instance, $date) { $start = microtime_float(); $noforcelogin = 1; include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config/config.php'; require_once 'include/pdo.php'; include 'public/login.php'; include_once 'models/banner.php'; include_once 'models/build.php'; include_once 'models/subproject.php'; $response = array(); $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}"); if (!$db) { $response['error'] = 'Error connecting to CDash database server'; echo json_encode($response); return; } if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) { $response['error'] = 'Error selecting CDash database'; echo json_encode($response); return; } $projectid = $project_instance->Id; $project = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'"); if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) { $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project); $projectname = $project_array['name']; if (isset($project_array['testingdataurl']) && $project_array['testingdataurl'] != '') { $testingdataurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array['testingdataurl'])); } } else { $response['error'] = "This project doesn't exist. Maybe the URL you are trying to access is wrong."; echo json_encode($response); return; } if (!checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $project_array['id'], 1)) { $response['requirelogin'] = 1; echo json_encode($response); return; } $response = begin_JSON_response(); $response['title'] = "CDash - {$projectname}"; $response['feed'] = $CDASH_ENABLE_FEED; $response['showcalendar'] = 1; $Banner = new Banner(); $Banner->SetProjectId(0); $text = $Banner->GetText(); $banners = array(); if ($text !== false) { $banners[] = $text; } $Banner->SetProjectId($projectid); $text = $Banner->GetText(); if ($text !== false) { $banners[] = $text; } $response['banners'] = $banners; $site_response = array(); // If parentid is set we need to lookup the date for this build // because it is not specified as a query string parameter. if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) { $parentid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET['parentid']); $parent_build = new Build(); $parent_build->Id = $parentid; $date = $parent_build->GetDate(); $response['parentid'] = $parentid; } else { $response['parentid'] = -1; } list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array['nightlytime']); // Main dashboard section get_dashboard_JSON($projectname, $date, $response); $response['displaylabels'] = $project_array['displaylabels']; $page_id = 'index.php'; $response['childview'] = 0; if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/models/proProject.php')) { include_once 'local/models/proProject.php'; $pro = new proProject(); $pro->ProjectId = $projectid; $response['proedition'] = $pro->GetEdition(1); } if ($currentstarttime > time() && !isset($_GET['parentid'])) { $response['error'] = 'CDash cannot predict the future (yet)'; echo json_encode($response); return; } // Menu definition $response['menu'] = array(); $beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime; $end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24; $beginning_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp); $end_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp); if ($project_instance->GetNumberOfSubProjects($end_UTCDate) > 0) { $response['menu']['subprojects'] = 1; } if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) { $page_id = 'indexchildren.php'; $response['childview'] = 1; // When a parentid is specified, we should link to the next build, // not the next day. $previous_buildid = $parent_build->GetPreviousBuildId(); $current_buildid = $parent_build->GetCurrentBuildId(); $next_buildid = $parent_build->GetNextBuildId(); $base_url = 'index.php?project=' . urlencode($projectname); if ($previous_buildid > 0) { $response['menu']['previous'] = "{$base_url}&parentid={$previous_buildid}"; } else { $response['menu']['noprevious'] = '1'; } $response['menu']['current'] = "{$base_url}&parentid={$current_buildid}"; if ($next_buildid > 0) { $response['menu']['next'] = "{$base_url}&parentid={$next_buildid}"; } else { $response['menu']['nonext'] = '1'; } } elseif (!has_next_date($date, $currentstarttime)) { $response['menu']['nonext'] = 1; } // Check if a SubProject parameter was specified. $subproject_name = @$_GET['subproject']; $subprojectid = false; if ($subproject_name) { $SubProject = new SubProject(); $subproject_name = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($subproject_name)); $SubProject->SetName($subproject_name); $SubProject->SetProjectId($projectid); $subprojectid = $SubProject->GetId(); if ($subprojectid) { // Add an extra URL argument for the menu $response['extraurl'] = '&subproject=' . urlencode($subproject_name); $response['subprojectname'] = $subproject_name; $subproject_response = array(); $subproject_response['name'] = $SubProject->GetName(); $dependencies = $SubProject->GetDependencies(); if ($dependencies) { $dependencies_response = array(); foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { $dependency_response = array(); $DependProject = new SubProject(); $DependProject->SetId($dependency); $dependency_response['name'] = $DependProject->GetName(); $dependency_response['name_encoded'] = urlencode($DependProject->GetName()); $dependency_response['nbuilderror'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['nbuildwarning'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['nbuildpass'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['nconfigureerror'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['nconfigurewarning'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['nconfigurepass'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['ntestpass'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['ntestfail'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); $dependency_response['ntestnotrun'] = $DependProject->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate); if (strlen($DependProject->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) { $dependency_response['lastsubmission'] = 'NA'; } else { $dependency_response['lastsubmission'] = $DependProject->GetLastSubmission(); } $dependencies_response[] = $dependency_response; } $subproject_response['dependencies'] = $dependencies_response; } $response['subproject'] = $subproject_response; } else { add_log("SubProject '{$subproject_name}' does not exist", __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_WARNING); } } if (isset($testingdataurl)) { $response['testingdataurl'] = $testingdataurl; } // updates $updates_response = array(); $gmdate = gmdate(FMT_DATE, $currentstarttime); $updates_response['url'] = 'viewChanges.php?project=' . urlencode($projectname) . '&date=' . $gmdate; $dailyupdate = pdo_query("SELECT count(ds.dailyupdateid),count(distinct\n FROM dailyupdate AS d LEFT JOIN dailyupdatefile AS ds ON (ds.dailyupdateid =\n WHERE'{$gmdate}' and d.projectid='{$projectid}' GROUP BY ds.dailyupdateid"); if (pdo_num_rows($dailyupdate) > 0) { $dailupdate_array = pdo_fetch_array($dailyupdate); $updates_response['nchanges'] = $dailupdate_array[0]; $updates_response['nauthors'] = $dailupdate_array[1]; } else { $updates_response['nchanges'] = -1; } $updates_response['timestamp'] = date('l, F d Y - H:i T', $currentstarttime); $response['updates'] = $updates_response; // This array is used to track if expected builds are found or not. $received_builds = array(); // Get info about our buildgroups. $buildgroups_response = array(); $buildgroup_result = pdo_query("SELECT,, bgp.position FROM buildgroup AS bg\n LEFT JOIN buildgroupposition AS bgp ON (\n WHERE bg.projectid={$projectid} AND bg.starttime < '{$beginning_UTCDate}' AND\n (bg.endtime > '{$beginning_UTCDate}' OR\n bg.endtime='1980-01-01 00:00:00')"); while ($buildgroup_array = pdo_fetch_array($buildgroup_result)) { $buildgroup_response = array(); $groupname = $buildgroup_array['name']; $buildgroup_response['id'] = $buildgroup_array['id']; $buildgroup_response['name'] = $groupname; $buildgroup_response['linkname'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $groupname); $buildgroup_response['position'] = $buildgroup_array['position']; $buildgroup_response['numupdatedfiles'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numupdateerror'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numupdatewarning'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['updateduration'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['configureduration'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numconfigureerror'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numconfigurewarning'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numbuilderror'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numbuildwarning'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numtestnotrun'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numtestfail'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['numtestpass'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['testduration'] = 0; $buildgroup_response['hasupdatedata'] = false; $buildgroup_response['hasconfiguredata'] = false; $buildgroup_response['hascompilationdata'] = false; $buildgroup_response['hastestdata'] = false; $buildgroup_response['hasnormalbuilds'] = false; $buildgroup_response['hasparentbuilds'] = false; $buildgroup_response['builds'] = array(); $received_builds[$groupname] = array(); $buildgroups_response[] = $buildgroup_response; } // Filters: // $filterdata = get_filterdata_from_request($page_id); $filter_sql = $filterdata['sql']; $limit_sql = ''; if ($filterdata['limit'] > 0) { $limit_sql = ' LIMIT ' . $filterdata['limit']; } unset($filterdata['xml']); $response['filterdata'] = $filterdata; $response['filterurl'] = get_filterurl(); // Check if we should be excluding some SubProjects from our // build results. $include_subprojects = false; $exclude_subprojects = false; $included_subprojects = array(); $excluded_subprojects = array(); $selected_subprojects = ''; $num_selected_subprojects = 0; $filter_on_labels = false; $share_label_filters = false; foreach ($filterdata['filters'] as $filter) { if ($filter['field'] == 'subprojects') { if ($filter['compare'] == 92) { $excluded_subprojects[] = $filter['value']; } elseif ($filter['compare'] == 93) { $included_subprojects[] = $filter['value']; } } elseif ($filter['field'] == 'label') { $filter_on_labels = true; } } if ($filter_on_labels && $project_instance->ShareLabelFilters) { $share_label_filters = true; $response['sharelabelfilters'] = true; $label_ids_array = get_label_ids_from_filterdata($filterdata); $label_ids = '(' . implode(', ', $label_ids_array) . ')'; } // Include takes precedence over exclude. if (!empty($included_subprojects)) { $num_selected_subprojects = count($included_subprojects); $selected_subprojects = implode("','", $included_subprojects); $selected_subprojects = "('" . $selected_subprojects . "')"; $include_subprojects = true; } elseif (!empty($excluded_subprojects)) { $num_selected_subprojects = count($excluded_subprojects); $selected_subprojects = implode("','", $excluded_subprojects); $selected_subprojects = "('" . $selected_subprojects . "')"; $exclude_subprojects = true; } // add a request for the subproject $subprojectsql = ''; if ($subproject_name && is_numeric($subprojectid)) { $subprojectsql = ' AND sp2b.subprojectid=' . $subprojectid; } // Use this as the default date clause, but if $filterdata has a date clause, // then cancel this one out: // $date_clause = "AND b.starttime<'{$end_UTCDate}' AND b.starttime>='{$beginning_UTCDate}' "; if ($filterdata['hasdateclause']) { $date_clause = ''; } $parent_clause = ''; if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) { // If we have a parentid, then we should only show children of that build. // Date becomes irrelevant in this case. $parent_clause = 'AND (b.parentid = ' . qnum($_GET['parentid']) . ') '; $date_clause = ''; } elseif (empty($subprojectsql)) { // Only show builds that are not children. $parent_clause = 'AND (b.parentid = -1 OR b.parentid = 0) '; } $build_rows = array(); // If the user is logged in we display if the build has some changes for him $userupdatesql = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['cdash']) && array_key_exists('loginid', $_SESSION['cdash'])) { $userupdatesql = "(SELECT count(updatefile.updateid) FROM updatefile,build2update,user2project,\n user2repository\n WHERE\n AND build2update.updateid=updatefile.updateid\n AND user2project.projectid=b.projectid\n AND user2project.userid='" . $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'] . "'\n AND user2repository.userid=user2project.userid\n AND (user2repository.projectid=0 OR user2repository.projectid=b.projectid)\n AND AS userupdates,"; } $sql = get_index_query(); $sql .= "WHERE b.projectid='{$projectid}' AND g.type='Daily'\n {$parent_clause} {$date_clause} {$subprojectsql} {$filter_sql} {$limit_sql}"; // We shouldn't get any builds for group that have been deleted (otherwise something is wrong) $builds = pdo_query($sql); // Log any errors $pdo_error = pdo_error(); if (strlen($pdo_error) > 0) { add_log('SQL error: ' . $pdo_error, 'Index.php', LOG_ERR); } // Gather up results from this query. $build_data = array(); while ($build_row = pdo_fetch_array($builds)) { $build_data[] = $build_row; } $dynamic_builds = array(); if (empty($filter_sql)) { $dynamic_builds = get_dynamic_builds($projectid, $end_UTCDate); $build_data = array_merge($build_data, $dynamic_builds); } // Check if we need to summarize coverage by subproject groups. // This happens when we have subprojects and we're looking at the children // of a specific build. $coverage_groups = array(); if (isset($_GET['parentid']) && $_GET['parentid'] > 0 && $project_instance->GetNumberOfSubProjects($end_UTCDate) > 0) { $groups = $project_instance->GetSubProjectGroups(); foreach ($groups as $group) { // Keep track of coverage info on a per-group basis. $groupId = $group->GetId(); $coverage_groups[$groupId] = array(); $coverageThreshold = $group->GetCoverageThreshold(); $coverage_groups[$groupId]['thresholdgreen'] = $coverageThreshold; $coverage_groups[$groupId]['thresholdyellow'] = $coverageThreshold * 0.7; $coverage_groups[$groupId]['label'] = $group->GetName(); $coverage_groups[$groupId]['loctested'] = 0; $coverage_groups[$groupId]['locuntested'] = 0; $coverage_groups[$groupId]['position'] = $group->GetPosition(); $coverage_groups[$groupId]['coverages'] = array(); } if (count($groups) > 1) { // Add a Total group too. $coverage_groups[0] = array(); $coverageThreshold = $project_array['coveragethreshold']; $coverage_groups[0]['thresholdgreen'] = $coverageThreshold; $coverage_groups[0]['thresholdyellow'] = $coverageThreshold * 0.7; $coverage_groups[0]['label'] = 'Total'; $coverage_groups[0]['loctested'] = 0; $coverage_groups[0]['locuntested'] = 0; $coverage_groups[0]['position'] = 0; } } // Fetch all the rows of builds into a php array. // Compute additional fields for each row that we'll need to generate the xml. // $build_rows = array(); foreach ($build_data as $build_row) { // Fields that come from the initial query: // id // sitename // stamp // name // siteid // type // generator // starttime // endtime // submittime // groupname // position // groupid // countupdatefiles // updatestatus // countupdatewarnings // countbuildwarnings // countbuilderrors // countbuilderrordiff // countbuildwarningdiff // configureduration // countconfigureerrors // countconfigurewarnings // countconfigurewarningdiff // counttestsnotrun // counttestsnotrundiff // counttestsfailed // counttestsfaileddiff // counttestspassed // counttestspasseddiff // countteststimestatusfailed // countteststimestatusfaileddiff // testduration // // Fields that we add within this loop: // maxstarttime // buildids (array of buildids for summary rows) // countbuildnotes (added by users) // labels // updateduration // countupdateerrors // test // $buildid = $build_row['id']; $groupid = $build_row['groupid']; $siteid = $build_row['siteid']; $parentid = $build_row['parentid']; $build_row['buildids'][] = $buildid; $build_row['maxstarttime'] = $build_row['starttime']; // Updates if (!empty($build_row['updatestarttime'])) { $build_row['updateduration'] = round((strtotime($build_row['updateendtime']) - strtotime($build_row['updatestarttime'])) / 60, 1); } else { $build_row['updateduration'] = 0; } if (strlen($build_row['updatestatus']) > 0 && $build_row['updatestatus'] != '0') { $build_row['countupdateerrors'] = 1; } else { $build_row['countupdateerrors'] = 0; } // Error/Warnings differences if (empty($build_row['countbuilderrordiffp'])) { $build_row['countbuilderrordiffp'] = 0; } if (empty($build_row['countbuilderrordiffn'])) { $build_row['countbuilderrordiffn'] = 0; } if (empty($build_row['countbuildwarningdiffp'])) { $build_row['countbuildwarningdiffp'] = 0; } if (empty($build_row['countbuildwarningdiffn'])) { $build_row['countbuildwarningdiffn'] = 0; } $build_row['hasconfigure'] = 0; if ($build_row['countconfigureerrors'] != -1 || $build_row['countconfigurewarnings'] != -1) { $build_row['hasconfigure'] = 1; } if ($build_row['countconfigureerrors'] < 0) { $build_row['countconfigureerrors'] = 0; } if ($build_row['countconfigurewarnings'] < 0) { $build_row['countconfigurewarnings'] = 0; } if (empty($build_row['countconfigurewarningdiff'])) { $build_row['countconfigurewarningdiff'] = 0; } $build_row['hastest'] = 0; if ($build_row['counttestsfailed'] != -1) { $build_row['hastest'] = 1; } if (empty($build_row['testduration'])) { $time_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT SUM(time) FROM build2test WHERE buildid='{$buildid}'")); $build_row['testduration'] = round($time_array[0], 1); } else { $build_row['testduration'] = round($build_row['testduration'], 1); } $build_rows[] = $build_row; } // Generate the JSON response from the rows of builds. $response['coverages'] = array(); $response['dynamicanalyses'] = array(); $num_nightly_coverages_builds = 0; $show_aggregate = false; $response['comparecoverage'] = 0; foreach ($build_rows as $build_array) { $groupid = $build_array['groupid']; // Find the buildgroup array for this build. $i = -1; for ($j = 0; $j < count($buildgroups_response); $j++) { if ($buildgroups_response[$j]['id'] == $groupid) { $i = $j; break; } } if ($i == -1) { add_log("BuildGroup '{$groupid}' not found for build #" . $build_array['id'], __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_WARNING); continue; } $groupname = $buildgroups_response[$i]['name']; $build_response = array(); $received_builds[$groupname][] = $build_array['sitename'] . '_' . $build_array['name']; $buildid = $build_array['id']; $siteid = $build_array['siteid']; $countChildrenResult = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(id) AS numchildren FROM build WHERE parentid=' . qnum($buildid)); $numchildren = $countChildrenResult['numchildren']; $build_response['numchildren'] = $numchildren; $child_builds_hyperlink = ''; $selected_configure_errors = 0; $selected_configure_warnings = 0; $selected_configure_duration = 0; $selected_build_errors = 0; $selected_build_warnings = 0; $selected_build_duration = 0; $selected_tests_not_run = 0; $selected_tests_failed = 0; $selected_tests_passed = 0; $selected_test_duration = 0; if ($numchildren > 0) { $child_builds_hyperlink = get_child_builds_hyperlink($build_array['id'], $filterdata); $build_response['multiplebuildshyperlink'] = $child_builds_hyperlink; $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasparentbuilds'] = true; // Compute selected (excluded or included) SubProject results. if ($selected_subprojects) { $select_query = "\n SELECT configureerrors, configurewarnings, configureduration,\n builderrors, buildwarnings, buildduration,\n b.starttime, b.endtime, testnotrun, testfailed, testpassed,\n btt.time AS testduration,\n FROM build AS b\n INNER JOIN subproject2build AS sb2b ON ( = sb2b.buildid)\n INNER JOIN subproject AS sb ON (sb2b.subprojectid =\n LEFT JOIN buildtesttime AS btt ON (\n WHERE b.parentid={$buildid}\n AND IN {$selected_subprojects}"; $select_results = pdo_query($select_query); while ($select_array = pdo_fetch_array($select_results)) { $selected_configure_errors += max(0, $select_array['configureerrors']); $selected_configure_warnings += max(0, $select_array['configurewarnings']); $selected_configure_duration += max(0, $select_array['configureduration']); $selected_build_errors += max(0, $select_array['builderrors']); $selected_build_warnings += max(0, $select_array['buildwarnings']); $selected_build_duration += max(0, $select_array['buildduration']); $selected_tests_not_run += max(0, $select_array['testnotrun']); $selected_tests_failed += max(0, $select_array['testfailed']); $selected_tests_passed += max(0, $select_array['testpassed']); $selected_test_duration += max(0, $select_array['testduration']); } } } else { $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasnormalbuilds'] = true; } if (strtolower($build_array['type']) == 'continuous') { $buildgroups_response[$i]['sorttype'] = 'time'; } // Attempt to determine the platform based on the OSName and the buildname $buildplatform = ''; if (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 7)) == 'windows') { $buildplatform = 'windows'; } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 8)) == 'mac os x') { $buildplatform = 'mac'; } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 5)) == 'linux' || strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 3)) == 'aix') { $buildplatform = 'linux'; } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 7)) == 'freebsd') { $buildplatform = 'freebsd'; } elseif (strtolower(substr($build_array['osname'], 0, 3)) == 'gnu') { $buildplatform = 'gnu'; } // Add link based on changeid if appropriate. $changelink = null; $changeicon = null; if ($build_array['changeid'] && $project_instance->CvsViewerType === 'github') { $changelink = $project_instance->CvsUrl . '/pull/' . $build_array['changeid']; $changeicon = 'img/Octocat.png'; } if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) { if (empty($site_response)) { $site_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename']; $site_response['siteoutoforder'] = $build_array['siteoutoforder']; $site_response['siteid'] = $siteid; $site_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name']; $site_response['buildplatform'] = $buildplatform; $site_response['generator'] = $build_array['generator']; if (!is_null($changelink)) { $site_response['changelink'] = $changelink; $site_response['changeicon'] = $changeicon; } } } else { $build_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename']; $build_response['siteoutoforder'] = $build_array['siteoutoforder']; $build_response['siteid'] = $siteid; $build_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name']; $build_response['buildplatform'] = $buildplatform; if (!is_null($changelink)) { $build_response['changelink'] = $changelink; $build_response['changeicon'] = $changeicon; } } if (isset($build_array['userupdates'])) { $build_response['userupdates'] = $build_array['userupdates']; } $build_response['id'] = $build_array['id']; $build_response['done'] = $build_array['done']; $build_response['uploadfilecount'] = $build_array['builduploadfiles']; $build_response['buildnotes'] = $build_array['countbuildnotes']; $build_response['notes'] = $build_array['countnotes']; // Figure out how many labels to report for this build. if (!array_key_exists('numlabels', $build_array) || $build_array['numlabels'] == 0) { $num_labels = 0; } else { $num_labels = $build_array['numlabels']; } $label_query = 'SELECT l.text FROM label AS l INNER JOIN label2build AS l2b ON ( INNER JOIN build AS b ON ( WHERE' . qnum($buildid); $build_labels = array(); if ($num_selected_subprojects > 0) { // Special handling for whitelisting/blacklisting SubProjects. if ($include_subprojects) { $num_labels = 0; } $labels_result = pdo_query($label_query); while ($label_row = pdo_fetch_array($labels_result)) { // Whitelist case if ($include_subprojects && in_array($label_row['text'], $included_subprojects)) { $num_labels++; $build_labels[] = $label_row['text']; } // Blacklist case if ($exclude_subprojects) { if (in_array($label_row['text'], $excluded_subprojects)) { $num_labels--; } else { $build_labels[] = $label_row['text']; } } } if ($num_labels === 0) { // Skip this build entirely if none of its SubProjects // survived filtering. continue; } } // Assign a label to this build based on how many labels it has. if ($num_labels == 0) { $build_label = '(none)'; } elseif ($num_labels == 1) { // Exactly one label for this build if (!empty($build_labels)) { // If we're whitelisting or blacklisting we've already figured // out what this label is. $build_label = $build_labels[0]; } else { // Otherwise we look it up here. $label_result = pdo_single_row_query($label_query); $build_label = $label_result['text']; } } else { // More than one label, just report the number. $build_label = "({$num_labels} labels)"; } $build_response['label'] = $build_label; // Calculate this build's total duration. $duration = strtotime($build_array['endtime']) - strtotime($build_array['starttime']); $build_response['time'] = time_difference($duration, true); $build_response['timefull'] = $duration; $update_response = array(); $countupdatefiles = $build_array['countupdatefiles']; $update_response['files'] = $countupdatefiles; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numupdatedfiles'] += $countupdatefiles; $build_response['hasupdate'] = false; if (!empty($build_array['updatestarttime'])) { $build_response['hasupdate'] = true; if ($build_array['countupdateerrors'] > 0) { $update_response['errors'] = 1; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numupdateerror'] += 1; } else { $update_response['errors'] = 0; if ($build_array['countupdatewarnings'] > 0) { $update_response['warning'] = 1; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numupdatewarning'] += 1; } } $duration = $build_array['updateduration']; $update_response['time'] = time_difference($duration * 60.0, true); $update_response['timefull'] = $duration; $buildgroups_response[$i]['updateduration'] += $duration; $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasupdatedata'] = true; $build_response['update'] = $update_response; } $compilation_response = array(); if ($build_array['countbuilderrors'] >= 0) { if ($include_subprojects) { $nerrors = $selected_build_errors; $nwarnings = $selected_build_warnings; $buildduration = $selected_build_duration; } else { $nerrors = $build_array['countbuilderrors'] - $selected_build_errors; $nwarnings = $build_array['countbuildwarnings'] - $selected_build_warnings; $buildduration = $build_array['buildduration'] - $selected_build_duration; } $compilation_response['error'] = $nerrors; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numbuilderror'] += $nerrors; $compilation_response['warning'] = $nwarnings; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numbuildwarning'] += $nwarnings; $compilation_response['time'] = time_difference($buildduration, true); $compilation_response['timefull'] = $buildduration; if (!$include_subprojects && !$exclude_subprojects) { // Don't show diff when filtering by SubProject. $compilation_response['nerrordiffp'] = $build_array['countbuilderrordiffp']; $compilation_response['nerrordiffn'] = $build_array['countbuilderrordiffn']; $compilation_response['nwarningdiffp'] = $build_array['countbuildwarningdiffp']; $compilation_response['nwarningdiffn'] = $build_array['countbuildwarningdiffn']; } } $build_response['hascompilation'] = false; if (!empty($compilation_response)) { $build_response['hascompilation'] = true; $build_response['compilation'] = $compilation_response; $buildgroups_response[$i]['hascompilationdata'] = true; } $build_response['hasconfigure'] = false; if ($build_array['hasconfigure'] != 0) { $build_response['hasconfigure'] = true; $configure_response = array(); if ($include_subprojects) { $nconfigureerrors = $selected_configure_errors; $nconfigurewarnings = $selected_configure_warnings; $configureduration = $selected_configure_duration; } else { $nconfigureerrors = $build_array['countconfigureerrors'] - $selected_configure_errors; $nconfigurewarnings = $build_array['countconfigurewarnings'] - $selected_configure_warnings; $configureduration = $build_array['configureduration'] - $selected_configure_duration; } $configure_response['error'] = $nconfigureerrors; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numconfigureerror'] += $nconfigureerrors; $configure_response['warning'] = $nconfigurewarnings; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numconfigurewarning'] += $nconfigurewarnings; if (!$include_subprojects && !$exclude_subprojects) { $configure_response['warningdiff'] = $build_array['countconfigurewarningdiff']; } $configure_response['time'] = time_difference($configureduration, true); $configure_response['timefull'] = $configureduration; $build_response['configure'] = $configure_response; $buildgroups_response[$i]['hasconfiguredata'] = true; $buildgroups_response[$i]['configureduration'] += $configureduration; } $build_response['hastest'] = false; if ($build_array['hastest'] != 0) { $build_response['hastest'] = true; $buildgroups_response[$i]['hastestdata'] = true; $test_response = array(); if ($include_subprojects) { $nnotrun = $selected_tests_not_run; $nfail = $selected_tests_failed; $npass = $selected_tests_passed; $testduration = $selected_test_duration; } else { $nnotrun = $build_array['counttestsnotrun'] - $selected_tests_not_run; $nfail = $build_array['counttestsfailed'] - $selected_tests_failed; $npass = $build_array['counttestspassed'] - $selected_tests_passed; $testduration = $build_array['testduration'] - $selected_test_duration; } if (!$include_subprojects && !$exclude_subprojects) { $test_response['nnotrundiffp'] = $build_array['counttestsnotrundiffp']; $test_response['nnotrundiffn'] = $build_array['counttestsnotrundiffn']; $test_response['nfaildiffp'] = $build_array['counttestsfaileddiffp']; $test_response['nfaildiffn'] = $build_array['counttestsfaileddiffn']; $test_response['npassdiffp'] = $build_array['counttestspasseddiffp']; $test_response['npassdiffn'] = $build_array['counttestspasseddiffn']; } if ($project_array['showtesttime'] == 1) { $test_response['timestatus'] = $build_array['countteststimestatusfailed']; $test_response['ntimediffp'] = $build_array['countteststimestatusfaileddiffp']; $test_response['ntimediffn'] = $build_array['countteststimestatusfaileddiffn']; } if ($share_label_filters) { $label_query_base = "SELECT b2t.status, b2t.newstatus\n FROM build2test AS b2t\n INNER JOIN label2test AS l2t ON\n (l2t.testid=b2t.testid AND l2t.buildid=b2t.buildid)\n WHERE b2t.buildid = '{$buildid}' AND\n l2t.labelid IN {$label_ids}"; $label_filter_query = $label_query_base . $limit_sql; $labels_result = pdo_query($label_filter_query); $nnotrun = 0; $nfail = 0; $npass = 0; $test_response['nfaildiffp'] = 0; $test_response['nfaildiffn'] = 0; $test_response['npassdiffp'] = 0; $test_response['npassdiffn'] = 0; $test_response['nnotrundiffp'] = 0; $test_response['nnotrundiffn'] = 0; while ($label_row = pdo_fetch_array($labels_result)) { switch ($label_row['status']) { case 'passed': $npass++; if ($label_row['newstatus'] == 1) { $test_response['npassdiffp']++; } break; case 'failed': $nfail++; if ($label_row['newstatus'] == 1) { $test_response['nfaildiffp']++; } break; case 'notrun': $nnotrun++; if ($label_row['newstatus'] == 1) { $test_response['nnotrundiffp']++; } break; } } } $test_response['notrun'] = $nnotrun; $test_response['fail'] = $nfail; $test_response['pass'] = $npass; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numtestnotrun'] += $nnotrun; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numtestfail'] += $nfail; $buildgroups_response[$i]['numtestpass'] += $npass; $test_response['time'] = time_difference($testduration, true); $test_response['timefull'] = $testduration; $buildgroups_response[$i]['testduration'] += $testduration; $build_response['test'] = $test_response; } $starttimestamp = strtotime($build_array['starttime'] . ' UTC'); $submittimestamp = strtotime($build_array['submittime'] . ' UTC'); // Use the default timezone. $build_response['builddatefull'] = $starttimestamp; // If the data is more than 24h old then we switch from an elapsed to a normal representation if (time() - $starttimestamp < 86400) { $build_response['builddate'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp); $build_response['builddateelapsed'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago'); } else { $build_response['builddateelapsed'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp); $build_response['builddate'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago'); } $build_response['submitdate'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $submittimestamp); // Generate a string summarizing this build's timing. $timesummary = $build_response['builddate']; if ($build_response['hasupdate'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['update'])) { $timesummary .= ', Update time: ' . $build_response['update']['time']; } if ($build_response['hasconfigure'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['configure'])) { $timesummary .= ', Configure time: ' . $build_response['configure']['time']; } if ($build_response['hascompilation'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['compilation'])) { $timesummary .= ', Build time: ' . $build_response['compilation']['time']; } if ($build_response['hastest'] && array_key_exists('time', $build_response['test'])) { $timesummary .= ', Test time: ' . $build_response['test']['time']; } $timesummary .= ', Total time: ' . $build_response['time']; $build_response['timesummary'] = $timesummary; if ($include_subprojects || $exclude_subprojects) { // Check if this build should be filtered out now that its // numbers have been updated by the SubProject include/exclude // filter. if (!build_survives_filter($build_response, $filterdata)) { continue; } } if ($build_array['name'] != 'Aggregate Coverage') { $buildgroups_response[$i]['builds'][] = $build_response; } // Coverage // // Determine if this is a parent build with no actual coverage of its own. $linkToChildCoverage = false; if ($numchildren > 0) { $countChildrenResult = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(fileid) AS nfiles FROM coverage WHERE buildid=' . qnum($buildid)); if ($countChildrenResult['nfiles'] == 0) { $linkToChildCoverage = true; } } $coverageIsGrouped = false; $loctested = $build_array['loctested']; $locuntested = $build_array['locuntested']; if ($loctested + $locuntested > 0) { $coverage_response = array(); $coverage_response['buildid'] = $build_array['id']; if ($linkToChildCoverage) { $coverage_response['childlink'] = "{$child_builds_hyperlink}##Coverage"; } if ($build_array['type'] === 'Nightly' && $build_array['name'] !== 'Aggregate Coverage') { $num_nightly_coverages_builds++; if ($num_nightly_coverages_builds > 1) { $show_aggregate = true; if ($linkToChildCoverage) { $response['comparecoverage'] = 1; } } } $percent = round(compute_percentcoverage($loctested, $locuntested), 2); if ($build_array['subprojectgroup']) { $groupId = $build_array['subprojectgroup']; if (array_key_exists($groupId, $coverage_groups)) { $coverageIsGrouped = true; $coverageThreshold = $coverage_groups[$groupId]['thresholdgreen']; $coverage_groups[$groupId]['loctested'] += $loctested; $coverage_groups[$groupId]['locuntested'] += $locuntested; if (count($coverage_groups) > 1) { // Add to Total. $coverage_groups[0]['loctested'] += $loctested; $coverage_groups[0]['locuntested'] += $locuntested; } } } $coverage_response['percentage'] = $percent; $coverage_response['locuntested'] = intval($locuntested); $coverage_response['loctested'] = intval($loctested); // Compute the diff if (!empty($build_array['loctesteddiff'])) { $loctesteddiff = $build_array['loctesteddiff']; $locuntesteddiff = $build_array['locuntesteddiff']; @($previouspercent = round(($loctested - $loctesteddiff) / ($loctested - $loctesteddiff + $locuntested - $locuntesteddiff) * 100, 2)); $percentdiff = round($percent - $previouspercent, 2); $coverage_response['percentagediff'] = $percentdiff; $coverage_response['locuntesteddiff'] = $locuntesteddiff; $coverage_response['loctesteddiff'] = $loctesteddiff; } $starttimestamp = strtotime($build_array['starttime'] . ' UTC'); $coverage_response['datefull'] = $starttimestamp; // If the data is more than 24h old then we switch from an elapsed to a normal representation if (time() - $starttimestamp < 86400) { $coverage_response['date'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp); $coverage_response['dateelapsed'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago'); } else { $coverage_response['dateelapsed'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp); $coverage_response['date'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago'); } // Are there labels for this build? // $coverage_response['label'] = $build_label; if ($coverageIsGrouped) { $coverage_groups[$groupId]['coverages'][] = $coverage_response; } else { $coverage_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename']; $coverage_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name']; $response['coverages'][] = $coverage_response; } } if (!$coverageIsGrouped) { $coverageThreshold = $project_array['coveragethreshold']; $response['thresholdgreen'] = $coverageThreshold; $response['thresholdyellow'] = $coverageThreshold * 0.7; } // Dynamic Analysis // if (!empty($build_array['checker'])) { // Determine if this is a parent build with no dynamic analysis // of its own. $linkToChildren = false; if ($numchildren > 0) { $countChildrenResult = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(id) AS num FROM dynamicanalysis WHERE buildid=' . qnum($build_array['id'])); if ($countChildrenResult['num'] == 0) { $linkToChildren = true; } } $DA_response = array(); $DA_response['site'] = $build_array['sitename']; $DA_response['buildname'] = $build_array['name']; $DA_response['buildid'] = $build_array['id']; $DA_response['checker'] = $build_array['checker']; $DA_response['defectcount'] = $build_array['numdefects']; $starttimestamp = strtotime($build_array['starttime'] . ' UTC'); $DA_response['datefull'] = $starttimestamp; if ($linkToChildren) { $DA_response['childlink'] = "{$child_builds_hyperlink}##DynamicAnalysis"; } // If the data is more than 24h old then we switch from an elapsed to a normal representation if (time() - $starttimestamp < 86400) { $DA_response['date'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp); $DA_response['dateelapsed'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago'); } else { $DA_response['dateelapsed'] = date(FMT_DATETIMEDISPLAY, $starttimestamp); $DA_response['date'] = time_difference(time() - $starttimestamp, false, 'ago'); } // Are there labels for this build? // $DA_response['label'] = $build_label; $response['dynamicanalyses'][] = $DA_response; } } // Put some finishing touches on our buildgroups now that we're done // iterating over all the builds. $addExpected = empty($filter_sql) && pdo_num_rows($builds) + count($dynamic_builds) > 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($buildgroups_response); $i++) { $buildgroups_response[$i]['testduration'] = time_difference($buildgroups_response[$i]['testduration'], true); $num_expected_builds = 0; if (!$filter_sql) { $groupname = $buildgroups_response[$i]['name']; $expected_builds = add_expected_builds($buildgroups_response[$i]['id'], $currentstarttime, $received_builds[$groupname]); if (is_array($expected_builds)) { $num_expected_builds = count($expected_builds); $buildgroups_response[$i]['builds'] = array_merge($buildgroups_response[$i]['builds'], $expected_builds); } } // Show how many builds this group has. $num_builds = count($buildgroups_response[$i]['builds']); $num_builds_label = ''; if ($num_expected_builds > 0) { $num_actual_builds = $num_builds - $num_expected_builds; $num_builds_label = "{$num_actual_builds} of {$num_builds} builds"; } else { if ($num_builds === 1) { $num_builds_label = '1 build'; } else { $num_builds_label = "{$num_builds} builds"; } } $buildgroups_response[$i]['numbuildslabel'] = $num_builds_label; } // Create a separate "all buildgroups" section of our response. // This is used to allow project admins to move builds between groups. $response['all_buildgroups'] = array(); foreach ($buildgroups_response as $group) { $response['all_buildgroups'][] = array('id' => $group['id'], 'name' => $group['name']); } // At this point it is safe to remove any empty buildgroups from our response. function is_buildgroup_nonempty($group) { return !empty($group['builds']); } $buildgroups_response = array_filter($buildgroups_response, 'is_buildgroup_nonempty'); // Report buildgroups as a list, not an associative array. // Otherwise any missing buildgroups will cause our view to // not honor the order specified by the project admins. $buildgroups_response = array_values($buildgroups_response); // Remove Aggregate Coverage if it should not be displayed. if (!$show_aggregate) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($response['coverages']); $i++) { if ($response['coverages'][$i]['buildname'] === 'Aggregate Coverage') { unset($response['coverages'][$i]); } } $response['coverages'] = array_values($response['coverages']); } if ($response['childview'] == 1) { // Report number of children. if (!empty($buildgroups_response)) { $numchildren = count($buildgroups_response[0]['builds']); } else { $row = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT count(id) AS numchildren FROM build WHERE parentid=' . qnum($parentid)); $numchildren = $row['numchildren']; } $response['numchildren'] = $numchildren; } // Generate coverage by group here. if (!empty($coverage_groups)) { $response['coveragegroups'] = array(); foreach ($coverage_groups as $groupid => $group) { $loctested = $group['loctested']; $locuntested = $group['locuntested']; if ($loctested == 0 && $locuntested == 0) { continue; } $percentage = round($loctested / ($loctested + $locuntested) * 100, 2); $group['percentage'] = $percentage; $group['id'] = $groupid; $response['coveragegroups'][] = $group; } } $response['buildgroups'] = $buildgroups_response; $response['enableTestTiming'] = $project_array['showtesttime']; $end = microtime_float(); $response['generationtime'] = round($end - $start, 3); if (!empty($site_response)) { $response = array_merge($response, $site_response); } echo json_encode(cast_data_for_JSON($response)); }
include 'public/login.php'; include_once 'include/common.php'; include 'include/version.php'; require_once 'include/filterdataFunctions.php'; include_once 'models/build.php'; @($date = $_GET['date']); if ($date != null) { $date = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($date)); } // If parentid is set we need to lookup the date for this build // because it is not specified as a query string parameter. if (isset($_GET['parentid'])) { $parentid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET['parentid']); $parent_build = new Build(); $parent_build->Id = $parentid; $date = $parent_build->GetDate(); } @($projectname = $_GET['project']); if ($projectname != null) { $projectname = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($projectname)); } $response = begin_JSON_response(); $response['title'] = "CDash : {$projectname}"; $response['showcalendar'] = 1; $start = microtime_float(); $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}"); pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db); if ($projectname == '') { $project_array = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT * FROM project LIMIT 1'); } else { $project_array = pdo_single_row_query("SELECT * FROM project WHERE name='{$projectname}'");