Esempio n. 1
  * Constructor - Sets the templateDir and compileDir for the Smarty files
  * @param <String> - $media Layout/Media name
 function __construct($media = '')
     $THISDIR = dirname(__FILE__);
     $compileDir = '';
     $templateDir = [];
     if (!empty($media)) {
         self::$currentLayout = $media;
         $customTemplatesDir = $THISDIR . '/../../custom/layouts/' . $media;
         $templateDir[] = $THISDIR . '/../../layouts/' . $media;
         $compileDir = $THISDIR . '/../../cache/templates_c/' . $media;
     } else {
         self::$currentLayout = Yeti_Layout::getActiveLayout();
         $templateDir[] = $THISDIR . '/../../custom/layouts/' . self::$currentLayout;
         $templateDir[] = $THISDIR . '/../../layouts/' . self::$currentLayout;
     $templateDir[] = $THISDIR . '/../../custom/layouts/' . self::getDefaultLayoutName();
     $templateDir[] = $THISDIR . '/../../layouts/' . self::getDefaultLayoutName();
     $compileDir = $THISDIR . '/../../cache/templates_c/' . self::getDefaultLayoutName();
     if (!file_exists($compileDir)) {
         mkdir($compileDir, 0777, true);
     self::$debugViewer = AppConfig::debug('DEBUG_VIEWER');
     // Escape all {$variable} to overcome XSS
     // We need to use {$variable nofilter} to overcome double escaping
     // TODO: Until we review the use disabled.
     //$this->registerFilter('variable', array($this, 'safeHtmlFilter'));
     // FOR DEBUGGING: We need to have this only once.
     static $debugViewerURI = false;
     if (self::$debugViewer && $debugViewerURI === false) {
         $debugViewerURI = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
         if (!empty($_POST)) {
             $debugViewerURI .= '?' . http_build_query($_POST);
         } else {
             $debugViewerURI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $this->log("URI: {$debugViewerURI}, TYPE: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function load($key, $config)
     switch ($key) {
         case 'debug':
             self::$debug = $config;
         case 'developer':
             self::$developer = $config;
         case 'security':
             self::$security = $config;
         case 'securityKeys':
             self::$securityKeys = $config;
         case 'performance':
             self::$performance = $config;
         case 'relation':
             self::$relation = $config;
Esempio n. 3
 public function checkError($message, $dieOnError = false, $query = false, $params = false)
     if ($this->hasActiveTransaction) {
     if ($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError) {
         $backtrace = false;
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             $backtrace = Vtiger_Functions::getBacktrace();
         $message = ['message' => $message, 'trace' => $backtrace, 'query' => $query, 'params' => $params];
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($message, true, 'DatabaseException.tpl');
Esempio n. 4
 * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is:  SugarCRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 * ****************************************************************************** */
/* * *******************************************************************************
 * $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/include/logging.php,v 1.1 2004/08/17 13:23:37 gjayakrishnan Exp $
 * Description:  Kicks off log4php.
 * ****************************************************************************** */
require_once 'include/ConfigUtils.php';
// Performance Optimization: Configure the log folder
if (AppConfig::debug('LOG4PHP_DEBUG')) {
    define('LOG4PHP_DIR', 'libraries/log4php.debug');
} else {
    define('LOG4PHP_DIR', 'libraries/log4php');
// END
require_once LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerManager.php';
require_once LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerPropertyConfigurator.php';
$config = new LoggerPropertyConfigurator();
global $log;
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger('System');
Esempio n. 5
 function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('System');
     vglobal('log', $log);
     if (AppConfig::main('forceSSL') && !Vtiger_Functions::getBrowserInfo()->https) {
         header("Location: https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
     // Better place this here as session get initiated
     //skipping the csrf checking for the forgot(reset) password
     if (AppConfig::main('csrfProtection') && $request->get('mode') != 'reset' && $request->get('action') != 'Login') {
         require_once 'libraries/csrf-magic/csrf-magic.php';
         require_once 'config/csrf_config.php';
     // TODO - Get rid of global variable $current_user
     // common utils api called, depend on this variable right now
     $currentUser = $this->getLogin();
     vglobal('current_user', $currentUser);
     $currentLanguage = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getLanguage();
     vglobal('current_language', $currentLanguage);
     $module = $request->getModule();
     $qualifiedModuleName = $request->getModule(false);
     if ($currentUser && $qualifiedModuleName) {
         $moduleLanguageStrings = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getModuleStringsFromFile($currentLanguage, $qualifiedModuleName);
         vglobal('mod_strings', $moduleLanguageStrings['languageStrings']);
     if ($currentUser) {
         $moduleLanguageStrings = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getModuleStringsFromFile($currentLanguage);
         vglobal('app_strings', $moduleLanguageStrings['languageStrings']);
     $view = $request->get('view');
     $action = $request->get('action');
     $response = false;
     try {
         if ($this->isInstalled() === false && $module != 'Install') {
         if (empty($module)) {
             if ($this->hasLogin()) {
                 $defaultModule = AppConfig::main('default_module');
                 if (!empty($defaultModule) && $defaultModule != 'Home') {
                     $module = $defaultModule;
                     $qualifiedModuleName = $defaultModule;
                     $view = 'List';
                     if ($module == 'Calendar') {
                         // To load MyCalendar instead of list view for calendar
                         //TODO: see if it has to enhanced and get the default view from module model
                         $view = 'Calendar';
                 } else {
                     $module = 'Home';
                     $qualifiedModuleName = 'Home';
                     $view = 'DashBoard';
             } else {
                 $module = 'Users';
                 $qualifiedModuleName = 'Settings:Users';
                 $view = 'Login';
             $request->set('module', $module);
             $request->set('view', $view);
         if (!empty($action)) {
             $componentType = 'Action';
             $componentName = $action;
         } else {
             $componentType = 'View';
             if (empty($view)) {
                 $view = 'Index';
             $componentName = $view;
         $handlerClass = Vtiger_Loader::getComponentClassName($componentType, $componentName, $qualifiedModuleName);
         $handler = new $handlerClass();
         if ($handler) {
             vglobal('currentModule', $module);
             $csrfProtection = vglobal('csrfProtection');
             if ($csrfProtection) {
                 // Ensure handler validates the request
             if ($handler->loginRequired()) {
             //TODO : Need to review the design as there can potential security threat
             $skipList = array('Users', 'Home', 'CustomView', 'Import', 'Export', 'Inventory', 'Vtiger', 'Migration', 'Install');
             if (!in_array($module, $skipList) && stripos($qualifiedModuleName, 'Settings') === false) {
                 $this->triggerCheckPermission($handler, $request);
             // Every settings page handler should implement this method
             if (stripos($qualifiedModuleName, 'Settings') === 0 || $module == 'Users') {
             $notPermittedModules = array('ModComments', 'Integration', 'DashBoard');
             if (in_array($module, $notPermittedModules) && $view == 'List') {
             $this->triggerPreProcess($handler, $request);
             $response = $handler->process($request);
             $this->triggerPostProcess($handler, $request);
         } else {
             throw new AppException(vtranslate('LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'));
     } catch (AppException $e) {
         $log->error($e->getMessage() . ' => ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine());
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($e->getMessage(), false);
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             exit('<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>');
     } catch (NoPermittedToRecordException $e) {
         //No permissions for the record
         $log->error($e->getMessage() . ' => ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine());
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($e->getMessage(), false, 'NoPermissionsForRecord.tpl');
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             exit('<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log->error($e->getMessage() . ' => ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine());
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException($e->getMessage(), false);
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             exit('<pre>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>');
     if ($response) {
Esempio n. 6
    $nodes[] = $directory;
// The object tree needs in turn to be passed to the server class
$server = new Yeti\DAV_Server($nodes);
$server->debugExceptions = AppConfig::debug('DAV_DEBUG_EXCEPTIONS');
// Plugins
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin($authBackend, 'YetiDAV'));
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin());
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Sync\Plugin());
if ($enableBrowser) {
    $server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Browser\Plugin());
    // Automatically guess (some) contenttypes, based on extesion
    $server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Browser\GuessContentType());
if ($enableCardDAV) {
    //CardDav integration
    $server->addPlugin(new Sabre\CardDAV\Plugin());
if ($enableCalDAV) {
    //CalDAV integration
    $server->addPlugin(new Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin());
    $server->addPlugin(new Sabre\CalDAV\Subscriptions\Plugin());
    $server->addPlugin(new Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin());
if (AppConfig::debug('DAV_DEBUG_PLUGIN')) {
    $server->addPlugin(new Yeti\Debug());
// And off we go!
Esempio n. 7
 public function checkError($message, $dieOnError = false, $query = false, $params = false)
     if ($this->hasActiveTransaction) {
     if ($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError) {
         if (AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_BACKTRACE')) {
             $queryInfo = '';
             if ($query !== false) {
                 $queryInfo .= 'Query: ' . $query . PHP_EOL;
             if ($params !== false && $params != NULL) {
                 $queryInfo .= 'Params: ' . implode(',', $params) . PHP_EOL;
             $backtrace = Vtiger_Functions::getBacktrace();
             $trace = '<pre>' . $queryInfo . $backtrace . '</pre>';
         Vtiger_Functions::throwNewException('Database ERROR: ' . PHP_EOL . $message . PHP_EOL . $trace);
Esempio n. 8
  * Initialize new Smarty object
 public function __construct()
     // selfpointer needed by some other class methods
     $this->smarty = $this;
     if (is_callable('mb_internal_encoding')) {
     $this->start_time = microtime(true);
     // set default dirs
     $this->setTemplateDir('.' . DS . 'templates' . DS)->setCompileDir('.' . DS . 'templates_c' . DS)->setPluginsDir(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR)->setCacheDir('.' . DS . 'cache' . DS)->setConfigDir('.' . DS . 'configs' . DS);
     $this->debug_tpl = 'file:' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/debug.tpl';
     if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
         $this->assignGlobal('SCRIPT_NAME', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
     $this->debugging = AppConfig::debug('DISPLAY_DEBUG_VIEWER');
     // YetiForce Sp. z o.o. //