/** * Get html for creating of this component, depending on defined settings. * @return string html */ public function GetOutputHtml() { // check consistency if ($this->actionText == null) { throw new Exception('Invite Friends Error: Main Title is not set.'); } if ($this->content == null) { throw new Exception('Invite Friends Error: Content is not set.'); } if ($this->confirmButtonText == null) { throw new Exception('Invite Friends Error: Confirm Button Title is not set.'); } // set defaults if ($this->actionUrl == null) { $this->actionUrl = AppConfig::GetAppCanvasUrl(); } if ($this->acceptUrl == null) { $this->acceptUrl = $this->actionUrl; } if ($this->appName == null) { $this->appName = AppConfig::GetAppName(); } $html = "<fb:serverfbml "; if ($this->width != null) { $html .= "width='" . $this->width . "' "; } $html .= ">\n"; $html .= "<script type='text/fbml'>\n"; $html .= "<div style='" . $this->cssStyle . "' class='" . $this->cssClass . "' >\n"; $html .= "<fb:fbml>\n"; $html .= "<fb:request-form method=\"GET\" target=\"_top\" action=\""; $html .= $this->actionUrl; $html .= "\" content=\""; $html .= $this->content; $html .= "\n<fb:req-choice url='"; $html .= $this->acceptUrl; $html .= "' label='"; $html .= $this->confirmButtonText; $html .= "' />\"\n type=\""; $html .= $this->appName; $html .= "\" invite=\"true\">\n"; $html .= "<fb:multi-friend-selector target=\"_top\" condensed=\"false\" exclude_ids=\""; $html .= $this->excludeFriends; $html .= "\" actiontext=\""; $html .= $this->actionText; $html .= "\" showborder=\""; if ($this->showBorder == true) { $html .= "true"; } else { $html .= "false"; } $html .= "\" rows=\""; $html .= $this->rowsCount; if ($this->columnsCount < 5) { $html .= "\" cols=\""; $html .= $this->columnsCount; } $html .= "\" email_invite=\""; if ($this->emailInvite == true) { $html .= "true"; } else { $html .= "false"; } $html .= "\" import_external_friends=\""; if ($this->importExternalFriends == true) { $html .= "true"; } else { $html .= "false"; } $html .= "\" />\n"; $html .= "</fb:request-form>\n"; $html .= "</fb:fbml>\n"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</script>\n"; $html .= "</fb:serverfbml>\n"; return $html; }
/** * Get html for creating of this component, depending on defined settings. * @return string html */ public function GetOutputHtml() { // check consistency if ($this->content == null) { throw new Exception('Invite Friends Error: Content is not set.'); } if ($this->confirmButtonText == null) { throw new Exception('Invite Friends Error: Confirm Button Title is not set.'); } // set defaults if ($this->actionUrl == null) { $this->actionUrl = AppConfig::GetAppCanvasUrl(); } if ($this->acceptUrl == null) { $this->acceptUrl = $this->actionUrl; } if ($this->appName == null) { $this->appName = AppConfig::GetAppName(); } $html = "<div style='" . $this->cssStyle . "' class='" . $this->cssClass . "' >\n"; $html .= "<fb:serverfbml "; if ($this->width != null) { $html .= "width='" . $this->width . "' "; } $html .= ">\n"; $html .= "<script type='text/fbml'>"; $html .= "<div style='" . $this->cssStyle . "' class='" . $this->cssClass . "' >\n"; $html .= "<fb:fbml>"; $html .= "<fb:request-form method=\"GET\" target=\"_top\" action=\""; $html .= $this->actionUrl; $html .= "\" content=\""; $html .= $this->content; $html .= "<fb:req-choice url='"; $html .= $this->acceptUrl; $html .= "' label='"; $html .= $this->confirmButtonText; $html .= "' />\" type=\""; $html .= $this->appName; $html .= "\" invite=\"true\">"; $html .= "<fb:multi-friend-selector condensed=\"true\" exclude_ids=\""; $html .= $this->excludeFriends; $html .= "\" style=\"width:"; $html .= $this->selectorWidth; $html .= "px\" unselected_rows=\""; $html .= $this->unselectedRows; $html .= "\" selected_rows=\""; $html .= $this->selectedRows; $html .= "\" />"; $html .= "<fb:request-form-submit />"; $html .= "</fb:request-form> "; $html .= "</fb:fbml>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</script>"; $html .= "</fb:serverfbml>"; $html .= "</div>"; return $html; }
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] == "localhost") { Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 2; } require_once 'AppConfig.php'; if (AppConfig::GetAppId() == null) { throw new Exception("AppId key is not set. Please edit AppConfig.php file and set value from your application"); } if (AppConfig::GetSecret() == null) { throw new Exception("App secret key is not set. Please edit AppConfig.php file and set value from your application"); } if (AppConfig::GetAppName() == null) { throw new Exception("App name is not set. Please edit AppConfig.php file and set value from your application"); } if (AppConfig::GetAppCanvasUrl() == null) { throw new Exception("App Canvas URL is not set. Please edit AppConfig.php file and set value from your application"); } require_once 'GraphApi.php'; require_once 'LoginButton.php'; require_once 'RequestDialog.php'; require_once 'InviteFriends.php'; require_once 'InviteFriendsCondensed.php'; require_once 'StreamPublish.php'; require_once 'Permissions.php'; require_once 'LikeButton.php'; require_once 'SendButton.php'; require_once 'LikeBox.php'; require_once 'Comments.php'; require_once 'Bookmark.php'; require_once 'Recommendations.php';