function cw_fbauth_user_login($user) { global $tables, $current_area; cw_load('crypt', 'user', 'mail'); $user_data = cw_query_first("SELECT customer_id, email, password\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$tables['customers']} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE oauth_uid='" . $user['id'] . "' AND oauth_type='F' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND usertype='" . $current_area . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND status='Y'"); if (!empty($user_data)) { // login user global $email, $password, $action; $email = $user_data['email']; $password = text_decrypt($user_data['password']); $action = 'login'; cw_include('include/login.php'); } else { // create user $register = array(); $register['email'] = $user['email']; if (strpos($user['email'], "") !== FALSE) { cw_header_location("index.php?target=fb_auth_get_email", TRUE); } $register['password'] = $register['password2'] = md5(uniqid('cw_', TRUE), TRUE); $register['usertype'] = $current_area; $partner_membership =& cw_session_register('partner_membership'); $register['membership_id'] = $partner_membership; $customer_id = cw_user_create_profile($register); $identifiers =& cw_session_register('identifiers', array()); $identifiers[$current_area] = array('customer_id' => $customer_id); $customer = array('oauth_uid' => $user['id']); cw_array2update('customers', $customer, "customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); $address = array('main' => 1, 'firstname' => $user['first_name'], 'lastname' => $user['last_name']); $additional_info = array('sex' => $user['gender'] == 'male' ? 1 : 0); $userinfo = array('addresses' => $address, 'additional_info' => $additional_info); cw_user_update($userinfo, $customer_id, $customer_id); cw_user_send_modification_mail($customer_id, TRUE); } }
function cw_import_users($xcart_conf) { cw_load('crypt', 'user'); extract($xcart_conf); extract(cw_vers_diff_attr($conn)); fout("<br /><br />Import of Users...<br />"); if ($clean_users) { $cw_admins = cw_query("select * from cw_customers u left join cw_customers_addresses a\n\t\t\ton u.customer_id=a.customer_id and a.main=1 where u.usertype='A'"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_customers"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_customers_system_info"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_customers_customer_info"); } $users_per_run = 500; global $page; if (!isset($page)) { $page = 1; } $users_offset = $users_per_run * ($page - 1); $users_count = $users_per_run; $where_ids_range = "WHERE id > 58965"; $users = cw_query("select * from xcart_customers {$where_ids_range} order by usertype in ('P','A') desc, login=email desc limit {$users_offset}, {$users_count}", $conn); $users_count = count($users); $processed_customers = array(); $i = 1; $em = array(); $user_ind = array(); foreach ($users as $k => $v) { $v['password'] = cw_user_get_hashed_password(text_decrypt($v['password'], $blowfish_key)); extract($v); $membership_id = $membershipid; //$email=$login; if ($uwithid) { $customer_id = $id; } else { $customer_id = $i++; } $processed_customers[] = $id; $language = strtoupper($language); if (in_array($email, $em)) { $log = str_replace(" ", "-", $login); $email = "{$log}-{$email}"; $users[$k]['email'] = "{$log}-{$email}"; } $em[] = $email; if ($usertype == 'A' || $usertype == 'P') { $usertype = 'A'; } else { $usertype = 'C'; } $arr = compact('customer_id', 'usertype', 'password', 'email', 'status', 'membership_id', 'language'); $usrs[$customer_id] = $arr; cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers', $arr); $creation_customer_id = $customer_id; $creation_date = $first_login; //time(); $modification_customer_id = $customer_id; $modification_date = time(); //$last_login=time(); - already extracted $arr = compact('customer_id', 'creation_customer_id', 'creation_date', 'modification_customer_id', 'modification_date', 'last_login'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers_system_info', $arr); $web_user = 1; cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers_customer_info', compact('customer_id', 'web_user')); $ul[] = $email; $companies[$customer_id] = $company; $user_ind[$login] = $customer_id; $users[$k]['userid'] = $customer_id; fout(); } fout("<br /><br />Import of an Address Book...<br />"); if ($clean_users) { db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_customers_addresses"); } //$i=10000; //address book id start if ($withab) { $addresses = cw_query("select * from xcart_address_book where userid in ('" . implode("','", $processed_customers) . "')", $conn); } else { foreach ($users as $v) { extract($v); if ($b_firstname != '' || 1) { //$id=$i++; $firstname = $b_firstname; $lastname = $b_lastname; $address = $b_address; $city = $b_city; $county = $b_county; $state = $b_state; $country = $b_country; $zipcode = $b_zipcode; $default_b = 'Y'; $default_s = 'N'; $addresses[] = compact('id', 'userid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address', 'city', 'county', 'state', 'country', 'zipcode', 'default_b', 'default_s', 'phone', 'fax'); } if ($s_firstname != '' || 1) { //$id=$i++; $firstname = $s_firstname; $lastname = $s_lastname; $address = $s_address; $city = $s_city; $county = $s_county; $state = $s_state; $country = $s_country; $zipcode = $s_zipcode; $default_b = 'N'; $default_s = 'Y'; $addresses[] = compact('id', 'userid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address', 'city', 'county', 'state', 'country', 'zipcode', 'default_b', 'default_s', 'phone', 'fax'); } } } unset($users); $cust_addr_ids = array(); foreach ($addresses as $v) { extract($v); $address_id = $id; $customer_id = $userid; $region = $county; $main = $default_b == 'Y' ? 1 : 0; $current = $default_s == 'Y' ? 1 : 0; if (isset($companies[$customer_id])) { $company = $companies[$customer_id]; } else { $company = ''; } $arr = compact('address_id', 'customer_id', 'main', 'current', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'region', 'zipcode', 'phone', 'fax', 'company'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers_addresses', $arr); $cust_addr_ids[$customer_id] = array(); if ($main) { $cust_addr_ids[$customer_id]['main'] = $address_id; } if ($current) { $cust_addr_ids[$customer_id]['current'] = $address_id; } fout(); } unset($addresses); if (isset($cw_admins) && is_array($cw_admins) && !empty($cw_admins)) { $uid = intval(cw_query_first_cell("select customer_id from cw_customers order by customer_id desc limit 1")) + 1; foreach ($cw_admins as $v) { if (!in_array($v['email'], $ul)) { $v['customer_id'] = $uid; extract($v); compact('customer_id', 'usertype', 'password', 'email', 'status', 'membership_id', 'language'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers', $v); $ul[] = $v['email']; $creation_date = time(); $creation_customer_id = $customer_id; $modification_customer_id = $customer_id; $modification_date = time(); $last_login = time(); $arr = compact('customer_id', 'creation_customer_id', 'creation_date', 'modification_customer_id', 'modification_date', 'last_login'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers_system_info', $arr); $web_user = 1; cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers_customer_info', compact('customer_id', 'web_user')); if (!isset($firstname) || ($firstname = '')) { $firstname = 'Admin'; } if (!isset($lastname) || ($lastname = '')) { $lastname = 'Admin'; } $main = 1; $arr = compact('customer_id', 'main', 'current', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address', 'state', 'country', 'region', 'zipcode', 'phone', 'fax', 'company'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_customers_addresses', $arr); $uid++; } } } // wishlists /* $wishlist=cw_query("select * from xcart_wishlist",$conn); db_query ("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_wishlist"); foreach ($wishlist as $v) { extract($v); if ($uwithid) $customer_id=$userid; else $customer_id=$user_ind[$login]; $wishlist_id=$wishlistid; $product_id=$productid; $arr=compact('wishlist_id','customer_id','product_id','amount','amount_purchased','options','event_id','object'); cw_array2insert_esc ('cw_wishlist',$arr); fout(); } */ fout("<br /><br />Import of Orders & Invoices...<br />"); //print_r($cust_addr_ids); // orders, invoices if ($clean_docs) { db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_docs"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_docs_info"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_docs_settings"); db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_docs_user_info"); } $orders_per_run = 250; $orders_offset = $orders_per_run * ($page - 1); $orders_count = $orders_per_run; $where_orderids_range = "WHERE orderid > 63375"; $orders = cw_query("select * from xcart_orders {$where_orderids_range} limit {$orders_offset}, {$orders_count}", $conn); $orders_count = count($orders); $doc_ids = array(); $processed_orders = array(); //$doc_id=$doc_info_id=1; $type = "O"; //$_display_id=$_display_doc_id=1; foreach ($orders as $v) { extract($v); //$doc_ids[$orderid]=$doc_id; $doc_id = $orderid; $processed_orders[] = $orderid; $doc_info_id = $doc_id; $doc_ids[$orderid] = $orderid; $year = date("Y", $date); $display_id = "SW " . $doc_id; $display_doc_id = $doc_id; $arr = compact('doc_id', 'doc_info_id', 'type', 'display_id', 'display_doc_id', 'year', 'date', 'status'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_docs', $arr); $payment_id = $paymentid; $display_total = $total; $display_subtotal = $subtotal; $shipping_id = $shippingid; $details = cw_crypt_text(text_decrypt($details, $blowfish_key)); $applied_taxes = $taxes_applied; $shipping_id = $shippingid; $display_shipping_cost = $shipping_cost; $shipping_label = isset($shipping) ? $shipping : ''; $payment_label = $payment_method; $discount_value = $discount; $arr = compact('doc_info_id', 'total', 'display_total', 'subtotal', 'display_subtotal', 'extra', 'details', 'payment_id', 'shipping_id', 'shipping_cost', 'notes', 'tax', 'applied_taxes', 'customer_notes', 'payment_label', 'payment_surcharge', 'shipping_id', 'shipping_cost', 'display_shipping_cost', 'shipping_label', 'giftcert_discount', 'coupon', 'coupon_discount', 'discount', 'discount_value'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_docs_info', $arr); $show_price = 0; $arr = compact('doc_info_id', 'show_price'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_docs_settings', $arr); if ($uwithid) { $customer_id = $userid; } else { $customer_id = $user_ind[$login]; } $cust_inf = cw_query_first("select c.usertype, from cw_customers where customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); $usertype = $cust_inf['usertype']; $email = $cust_inf['email']; $main_address_id = cw_query_first_cell("select address_id from cw_customers_addresses where customer_id='{$customer_id}' and main=1"); $current_address_id = cw_query_first_cell("select address_id from cw_customers_addresses where customer_id='{$customer_id}' and current=1"); /* $usertype=$usrs[$customer_id]['usertype']; if (isset($cust_addr_ids[$customer_id]['main'])) $main_address_id=$cust_addr_ids[$customer_id]['main']; else $main_address_id=0; if (isset($cust_addr_ids[$customer_id]['current'])) $current_address_id=$cust_addr_ids[$customer_id]['current']; else $current_address_id=0; $email=$usrs[$customer_id]['email']; */ $arr = compact('doc_info_id', 'customer_id', 'usertype', 'main_address_id', 'current_address_id', 'email', 'tax_number', 'tax_exempt'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_docs_user_info', $arr); $display_id++; $display_doc_id++; $doc_id++; $doc_info_id++; fout(); } unset($orders); unset($usrs); if ($clean_docs) { db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE cw_docs_items"); } $details = cw_query("select * from xcart_order_details where orderid in ('" . implode("','", $processed_orders) . "')", $conn); foreach ($details as $v) { extract($v); $item_id = $itemid; $doc_id = $doc_ids[$orderid]; $product_id = $productid; if ($uwithid) { $warehouse_customer_id = $provider; } else { $warehouse_customer_id = $user_ind[$provider]; } $arr = compact('item_id', 'doc_id', 'product_id', 'productcode', 'product', 'product_options', 'price', 'amount', 'extra_data', 'warehouse_customer_id'); cw_array2insert_esc('cw_docs_items', $arr); } if ($users_count || $orders_count) { return $page + 1; } else { return 0; } }
function cw_user_get_current_ccinfo($customer_id) { global $tables; $cc_info = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['customers_ccinfo']} where customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); if ($cc_info) { $cc_info['card_number'] = text_decrypt($cc_info['card_number']); if (is_null($cc_info['card_number'])) { cw_log_flag("log_decrypt_errors", "DECRYPT", " Could not decrypt the field 'Card number' for the user " . $userinfo['customer_id'], true); } $cc_info['card_cvv2'] = text_decrypt($cc_info['card_cvv2']); if (is_null($cc_info['card_cvv2'])) { cw_log_flag("log_decrypt_errors", "DECRYPT", " Could not decrypt the field 'Card CVV2' for the user " . $userinfo['customer_id'], true); } } return $cc_info; }
function sendUserInformation($params) { if (isset($params["email"])) { $sendParams; $sql = "SELECT * from user"; $sql .= " WHERE email=:email "; $sendParams['email'] = $params['email']; $result = queryDatabase($sql, $sendParams); $count = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $count++; $body = "Here is your requested user information.\r\n"; $body .= "username: "******"username"] . "\r\n"; $body .= "password: "******"password"]) . "\r\n \r\n"; $email = $row["email"]; } if ($count == 1) { $headers = "From: \r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0 "; mail($email, "Your MiG account information", $body, $headers); sendSuccess(); } else { if ($count == 0) { die("No such email"); } else { die("Contact System administrator"); } } } else { die("No email was provided"); } }
function cw_doc_get($doc_id, $info_type = 0) { global $tables; global $config, $addons; global $app_main_dir; global $smarty; cw_load('warehouse', 'profile_fields'); $doc = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['docs']} where doc_id='{$doc_id}'"); $doc['info'] = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['docs_info']} where doc_info_id='{$doc['doc_info_id']}'"); $doc['info']['carrier'] = cw_call('cw_shipping_get_carrier', array($doc['info']['shipping_id'])); $doc['info']['applied_taxes'] = unserialize($doc['info']['applied_taxes']); $doc['info']['extra'] = unserialize($doc['info']['extra']); $doc['info']['extras'] = cw_call('cw_doc_get_extras_data', array($doc_id)); $doc['userinfo'] = cw_query_first("select * from {$tables['docs_user_info']} where doc_info_id='{$doc['doc_info_id']}'"); $doc['userinfo']['main_address'] = cw_user_get_address(null, $doc['userinfo']['main_address_id']); $doc['userinfo']['current_address'] = cw_user_get_address(null, $doc['userinfo']['current_address_id']); $fields_area = cw_profile_fields_get_area($doc['userinfo']['customer_id'], $doc['userinfo']['membership_id']); list($profile_sections, $profile_fields, $additional_fields) = cw_profile_fields_get_sections('U', true, $fields_area); $doc['userinfo']['profile_sections'] = $profile_sections; $doc['userinfo']['profile_fields'] = $profile_fields; $doc['related_docs'] = cw_doc_get_related($doc_id); $doc['settings'] = cw_doc_get_settings($doc['doc_info_id']); if ($addons['egoods']) { $join .= " left join {$tables['download_keys']} ON {$tables['docs_items']}.item_id={$tables['download_keys']}.item_id AND {$tables['download_keys']}.product_id={$tables['docs_items']}.product_id"; $fields .= ", {$tables['download_keys']}.download_key, {$tables['download_keys']}.expires"; } $join .= " left join {$tables['products_system_info']} on {$tables['products_system_info']}.product_id={$tables['docs_items']}.product_id"; $fields .= ", {$tables['products_system_info']}.supplier_customer_id"; $products = cw_query("select {$tables['products']}.*, {$tables['products']}.productcode as sku, {$tables['docs_items']}.*, IF({$tables['products']}.product_id IS NULL, 'Y', '') as is_deleted, IF({$tables['docs_items']}.product = '', {$tables['products']}.product, {$tables['docs_items']}.product) as product {$fields} FROM {$tables['docs_items']} LEFT JOIN {$tables['products']} ON {$tables['docs_items']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id {$join} WHERE {$tables['docs_items']}.doc_id='{$doc_id}'"); $products = cw_doc_translate_products($products, $doc['info']['language']); $is_returns = false; cw_load('warehouse'); $gift_doc_ids = cw_doc_get_related_docs($doc_id); $gift_doc_ids = array_unique(array_merge($gift_doc_ids, array($doc_id))); $giftcerts = cw_query("SELECT * {$gc_add_date} FROM {$tables['giftcerts']} WHERE doc_id in ('" . implode(',', $gift_doc_ids) . "')"); if (!empty($giftcerts) && $config['General']['use_counties'] == "Y") { foreach ($giftcerts as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v['recipient_county'])) { $giftcerts[$k]['recipient_countyname'] = cw_get_county($v['recipient_county']); } } } $doc['giftcerts'] = $giftcerts; if ($doc['info']['giftcert_ids']) { $doc['info']['applied_giftcerts'] = explode('*', $doc['info']['giftcert_ids']); if ($doc['info']['applied_giftcerts']) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($doc['info']['applied_giftcerts'] as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { continue; } list($arr['giftcert_id'], $arr['giftcert_cost']) = explode(':', $v); $tmp[] = $arr; } $doc['info']['applied_giftcerts'] = $tmp; } } $doc['is_returns'] = $is_returns; if (cw_query_first_cell("select count(*) from {$tables['docs_items']}, {$tables['download_keys']} WHERE {$tables['docs_items']}.doc_id = '{$doc_id}' and {$tables['download_keys']}.item_id = {$tables['docs_items']}.item_id ")) { $doc['is_egood'] = 'Y'; } elseif (cw_query_first_cell("select count(*) from {$tables['docs_items']}, {$tables['products']} WHERE {$tables['docs_items']}.doc_id = '{$doc_id}' and {$tables['docs_items']}.product_id={$tables['products']}.product_id AND {$tables['products']}.distribution != ''")) { $doc['is_egood'] = 'E'; } if (preg_match("/(free_ship|percent|absolute)(?:``)(.+)/S", $doc['coupon'], $found)) { $doc['coupon'] = $found[2]; $doc['coupon_type'] = $found[1]; } $order['info']['extra']['tax_info']['product_tax_name'] = ''; $_products_taxes = array(); if ($products) { foreach ($products as $k => $v) { if ($addons['sn']) { $v['serial_numbers'] = cw_query("select * from {$tables['docs_items_serials']} where item_id='{$v['item_id']}'"); } $v['product_options_txt'] = $v['product_options']; if ($v['extra_data']) { $v['extra_data'] = unserialize($v['extra_data']); if (is_array(@$v['extra_data']['display'])) { foreach ($v['extra_data']['display'] as $i => $j) { $v["display_" . $i] = $j; } } if (is_array($v['extra_data']['taxes'])) { foreach ($v['extra_data']['taxes'] as $i => $j) { if ($j['tax_value'] > 0) { $_products_taxes[$i] = $j['tax_display_name']; } } } } $v['original_price'] = $v['ordered_price'] = $v['price']; $v['price_deducted_tax'] = "Y"; if ($v['is_deleted'] != 'Y') { $v['original_price'] = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT {$tables['products_prices']}.price FROM {$tables['products_prices']} WHERE {$tables['products_prices']}.product_id = '{$v['product_id']}' AND {$tables['products_prices']}.membership_id IN (0, '{$userinfo['membership_id']}') AND {$tables['products_prices']}.quantity <= '{$v['amount']}' AND {$tables['products_prices']}.variant_id = 0"); # kornev, TOFIX if ($addons['product_options'] && $v['extra_data']['product_options']) { list($variant, $product_options) = cw_get_product_options_data($v['product_id'], $v['extra_data']['product_options'], $userinfo['membership_id']); if ($product_options === false) { unset($product_options); } else { if (empty($variant['price'])) { $variant['price'] = $v['original_price']; } $v['original_price'] = $variant['price']; unset($variant['price']); if ($product_options) { foreach ($product_options as $o) { if ($o['modifier_type'] == '%') { $v['original_price'] += $v['original_price'] * $o['price_modifier'] / 100; } else { $v['original_price'] += $o['price_modifier']; } } } $v['product_options'] = $product_options; # Check current and saved product options set if (!empty($v['product_options_txt'])) { $flag_txt = true; # Check saved product options $count = 0; foreach ($v['product_options'] as $opt) { if (preg_match("/" . preg_quote($opt['class'], "/") . ": " . preg_quote($opt['option_name'], "/") . "/Sm", $v['product_options_txt'])) { $count++; } } if ($count != count($v['product_options'])) { $flag_txt = false; } # Check current product options set if ($flag_txt) { $count = 0; $tmp = explode("\n", $v['product_options_txt']); foreach ($tmp as $txt_row) { if (!preg_match("/^([^:]+): (.*)\$/S", trim($txt_row), $match)) { continue; } foreach ($v['product_options'] as $opt) { if ($match[1] == $opt['option_name'] && $match[2] == trim($opt['name'])) { $count++; break; } } } if ($count != count($tmp)) { $flag_txt = false; } } # Force display saved product options set # if saved and current product options sets wasn't equal if (!$flag_txt) { $v['force_product_options_txt'] = true; } } if (!empty($variant)) { $v = cw_array_merge($v, $variant); } } } } $products[$k] = $v; } } $doc['products'] = $products; if (count($_products_taxes) == 1) { $order['info']['extra']['tax_info']['product_tax_name'] = array_pop($_products_taxes); } if ($order['coupon_type'] == "free_ship") { $order['shipping_cost'] = $order['coupon_discount']; $order['discounted_subtotal'] += $order['coupon_discount']; } $order['discounted_subtotal'] = price_format($order['discounted_subtotal']); # kornev, 512 is free for now (something was removed) if ($info_type & 1024 && $addons['pos']) { cw_load('pos'); $doc['pos'] = cw_pos_get_doc_info($doc['doc_info_id']); } if ($info_type & 2048) { $doc['warehouse'] = cw_warehouse_get_like_user($doc['info']['warehouse_customer_id'], $doc['info']['warehouse_customer_id']); } if ($info_type & 4096) { $doc['quotes'] = cw_doc_get_quotes($doc_id); } if ($info_type & 8192) { $doc['info']['details'] = text_decrypt($doc['info']['details']); } if ($info_type & 1) { $doc['attributes'] = cw_func_call('cw_attributes_get', array('item_id' => $doc_id, 'item_type' => 'O')); } return $doc; }
function ouputMySQLResults($result) { if (is_null($result)) { return false; } // create an array to hold the query result $resultList = array(); if ($result) { while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { if (isset($row->password)) { $row->password = text_decrypt($row->password); } foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $row->{$key} = stripslashes($value); } array_push($resultList, $row); } } header("Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); echo json_encode($resultList); //serializeArray($resultList); }