function strVolJobCodeMonthlyDetail($sRpt, $bReport, $lStartRec, $lRecsPerPage)
     $bAllJobCodes = $sRpt->lJobCodeID <= 0;
     $strOut = '<br>';
     $strMoYr = strXlateMonth($sRpt->lMonth) . ' ' . $sRpt->lYear;
     $strOut .= $this->strShiftJobCodesSummaryViaMonth($strMoYr, $sRpt, $bAllJobCodes);
     $strOut .= $this->strShiftJobCodesDetailsViaMonth($strMoYr, $sRpt, $bAllJobCodes);
     $strOut .= $this->strUnJobCodesDetailsViaMonth($strMoYr, $sRpt, $bAllJobCodes);
     return $strOut;
 function eventIDsViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, &$eventIDs)
     $eventIDs = new stdClass();
     $eventIDs->lMonth = $lMonth;
     $eventIDs->strMonth = strXlateMonth($lMonth);
     $eventIDs->lYear = $lYear;
     $eventIDs->events = array();
     $sqlStr = "SELECT\n            ved_dteEvent,\n            vem_strEventName, vem_lKeyID, COUNT(ved_lKeyID) AS lNumDates\n         FROM vol_events_dates\n            INNER JOIN vol_events ON ved_lVolEventID=vem_lKeyID\n\n         WHERE MONTH(ved_dteEvent) = {$lMonth}\n            AND YEAR(ved_dteEvent) = {$lYear}\n            AND NOT vem_bRetired\n         GROUP BY vem_lKeyID\n         ORDER BY  vem_strEventName, vem_lKeyID;";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     $eventIDs->lNumEvents = $lNumEvents = $query->num_rows();
     if ($lNumEvents > 0) {
         $idx = 0;
         foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
             $eventIDs->events[$idx] = new stdClass();
             $ev =& $eventIDs->events[$idx];
             $ev->lNumDates = $row->lNumDates;
             $ev->strEvent = $row->vem_strEventName;
             $ev->lEventID = $row->vem_lKeyID;
Esempio n. 3

if ($lNumJC == 0) {
    echoT('<br><i>There is no job code info for ' . $lYear . '.</i>');
$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->lTableWidth = 900;
$attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 350;
$attributes->bStartOpen = false;
showJobCodes('For the year ' . $lYear, $lNumJC, $jobCodes, false, $attributes, null);
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 12; ++$idx) {
    showJobCodes(strXlateMonth($idx) . ' ' . $lYear, $jcMonth[$idx]->lNumJC, $jcMonth[$idx]->jobCodes, true, $attributes, $idx);
function showJobCodes($strLabel, $lNumJC, $jobCodes, $bUseAtts, $attributes, $lMonth)
    if ($bUseAtts) {
        $attributes->bCloseDiv = false;
        $attributes->divID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_Div';
        $attributes->divImageID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_DivImg';
        openBlock($strLabel, '', $attributes);
    } else {
        openBlock($strLabel, '');
    if ($lNumJC == 0) {
        echoT('<i>No job code information for this month.</i><br>');
    } else {

if ($lNumLocations == 0) {
    echoT('<br><i>There are no client locations defined in your database.</i><br><br>');
openBlock('Client Birthdays', '');
$clsForm = new generic_form();
$clsForm->strLabelClass = $clsForm->strLabelRowLabelClass = $clsForm->strLabelClassRequired = 'enpViewLabel';
$clsForm->strTitleClass = 'enpViewTitle';
$clsForm->strEntryClass = 'enpView';
$clsForm->strStyleExtraLabel = 'width: 90pt;';
$clsForm->bValueEscapeHTML = false;
echoT('<table width="800" border="0">');
// location selection
$clsForm->strStyleExtraLabel = 'width: 80pt; padding-top: 8px;';
$strOut = '<select name="ddlLoc">
         <option value="-1" selected>All locations</option>' . $ddlLocs . '</select>';
echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Location', $strOut, 1));
// month selection
$strOut = '<select name="ddlMonth">' . "\n";
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 12; ++$idx) {
    $strOut .= '<option value="' . $idx . '">' . strXlateMonth($idx) . '</option>' . "\n";
$strOut .= '</select>' . "\n";
echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Birthdays in', $strOut, 1));
echoT($clsForm->strSubmitEntry('Run Report', 2, 'cmdSubmit', 'text-align: center;'));
echoT('</table>' . form_close('<br>'));

$strDate = strXlateMonth($lMonth) . ' ' . $lYear;
if ($lNumPVRecs <= 0) {
    echoT('<br><br><i>There were no for patient visits for ' . $strDate . '.<br><br></i>');
      <table class="enpRptC">
            <td class="enpRptTitle" colspan="7">
               Volunteer Patient Visits for ' . $strDate . '
         <td class="enpRptLabel">
         <td class="enpRptLabel">
         <td class="enpRptLabel">
         <td class="enpRptLabel">
         <td class="enpRptLabel">
 function strSponMonthIncomeReport(&$sRpt, &$displayData, $lStartRec, $lRecsPerPage)
     global $genumDateFormat;
     $strOut = '';
     $strLimit = " LIMIT {$lStartRec}, {$lRecsPerPage} ";
     $this->sponIncomeViaMonthVars($sRpt, $lYear, $lMonth, $lACOID);
     $cACO = new madmin_aco();
     $cACO->loadCountries(false, true, true, $lACOID);
     $cCountry = $cACO->countries[0];
     $strOut = '<table class="enpView">
            <td class="enpViewLabel" colspan="2" style="text-align: left; font-size: 13pt;">
               Sponsorship Income
            <td class="enpViewLabel">
               Accounting Country:
            <td class="enpView">' . $cCountry->strName . ' ' . $cCountry->strCurrencySymbol . ' ' . $cCountry->strFlagImg . '
            <td class="enpViewLabel">
            <td class="enpView">' . strXlateMonth($lMonth) . ' ' . $lYear . '
     $sqlStr = "SELECT\n            gi_lKeyID, gi_lSponsorID,\n            gi_dteDonation,\n            gi_curAmnt, gi_lForeignID, sp_lForeignID,\n            payer.pe_bBiz AS bPayerBiz, payer.pe_strLName AS strPayerLName, payer.pe_strFName AS strPayerFName,\n            payer.pe_strAddr1, payer.pe_strAddr2, payer.pe_strCity, payer.pe_strState, payer.pe_strZip, payer.pe_strCountry,\n            spon.pe_bBiz AS bSponBiz, spon.pe_strLName AS strSponLName, spon.pe_strFName AS strSponFName\n         FROM gifts\n            INNER JOIN people_names AS payer ON gi_lForeignID=payer.pe_lKeyID\n            INNER JOIN sponsor               ON gi_lSponsorID=sp_lKeyID\n            INNER JOIN people_names AS spon  ON sp_lForeignID=spon.pe_lKeyID\n\n         WHERE NOT gi_bRetired\n            AND gi_lACOID={$lACOID}\n            AND MONTH(gi_dteDonation)={$lMonth}\n            AND YEAR (gi_dteDonation)={$lYear}\n            AND gi_lSponsorID IS NOT NULL\n         ORDER BY gi_dteDonation, gi_lKeyID\n         {$strLimit};";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     $lNumRows = $query->num_rows();
     if ($lNumRows > 0) {
         $strOut .= '
         <table class="enpRptC">
               <td class="enpRptLabel">
                  Payment ID
               <td class="enpRptLabel">
                  Sponsor ID
               <td class="enpRptLabel">
               <td class="enpRptLabel">
               <td class="enpRptLabel">
               <td class="enpRptLabel">
         foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
             $lPayID = $row->gi_lKeyID;
             $lSponsorID = $row->gi_lSponsorID;
             $lSponsorFID = $row->sp_lForeignID;
             $lPayerID = $row->gi_lForeignID;
             // gift ID
             $strOut .= '
                <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . strLinkView_SponsorPayment($lPayID, 'View payment record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lPayID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '
             // sponsor ID
             $strOut .= '
                <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . strLinkView_Sponsorship($lSponsorID, 'View sponsorship record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lSponsorID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '
             // Amount
             $strOut .= '
                <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right; padding-left: 14px;">' . number_format($row->gi_curAmnt, 2) . '
             // Date
             $strOut .= '
                <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right;">' . date($genumDateFormat, dteMySQLDate2Unix($row->gi_dteDonation)) . '
             // Payer
             if ($row->bPayerBiz) {
                 $strName = strLinkView_BizRecord($lPayerID, 'View business record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lPayerID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->strPayerLName) . ' (business)';
             } else {
                 $strName = strLinkView_PeopleRecord($lPayerID, 'View people record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lPayerID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->strPayerLName . ', ' . $row->strPayerFName);
             $strOut .= '
                <td class="enpRpt" >' . $strName . '
             // Sponsor
             if ($lPayerID == $lSponsorFID) {
                 $strName = '<span style="color: #999; font-style: italic;">(same as payer)';
             } else {
                 if ($row->bSponBiz) {
                     $strName = strLinkView_BizRecord($lSponsorFID, 'View business record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lSponsorFID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->strSponLName) . ' (business)';
                 } else {
                     $strName = strLinkView_PeopleRecord($lSponsorFID, 'View people record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lSponsorFID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->strSponLName . ', ' . $row->strSponFName);
             $strOut .= '
                <td class="enpRpt" >' . $strName . '
             $strOut . '
         $strOut .= '</table>';
     } else {
         $strOut .= '<br><br><i>There are no records that match your search criteria</i><br>';
     return $strOut;

if ($bByMonth) {
    $strLabelExtra = ' for ' . strXlateMonth($lMonth) . ' ' . $lYear;
} elseif ($bByYear) {
    $strLabelExtra = ' for the year ' . $lYear;
} else {
    $strLabelExtra = '';
$params = array('enumStyle' => 'terse', 'clsRpt');
$clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
$clsRpt->strWidthLabel = '170pt';
$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->lTableWidth = 900;
$attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 350;
$attributes->bStartOpen = false;
displayOrgStatSet('Organization Stats' . $strLabelExtra, $clsRpt, $attributes, false, null, $orgStats, $bByYear, $lYear);
foreach ($locations as $loc) {
    $strLocName = $loc->strSafeLocationName;
    if (!$loc->bActive) {
        $strLocName .= ' (inactive)';
    displayOrgStatSet($strLocName . $strLabelExtra, $clsRpt, $attributes, true, $loc->lKeyID, $loc->stats, $bByYear, $lYear);
function displayOrgStatSet($strLabel, &$clsRpt, &$attributes, $bUseAtts, $locID, $stats, $bByYear, $lYear)
    if ($bUseAtts) {
        $attributes->bCloseDiv = false;
Esempio n. 8

if ($lNumAct == 0) {
    echoT('<br><i>There are no non-visit volunteer activities for ' . $lYear . '.</i>');
$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->lTableWidth = 900;
$attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 350;
$attributes->bStartOpen = false;
showActivities('For the year ' . $lYear, $lNumAct, $activities, false, $attributes, null);
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 12; ++$idx) {
    showActivities(strXlateMonth($idx) . ' ' . $lYear, $actMonth[$idx]->lNumAct, $actMonth[$idx]->activities, true, $attributes, $idx);
function showActivities($strLabel, $lNumAct, $activities, $bUseAtts, $attributes, $lMonth)
    if ($bUseAtts) {
        $attributes->bCloseDiv = false;
        $attributes->divID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_Div';
        $attributes->divImageID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_DivImg';
        openBlock($strLabel, '', $attributes);
    } else {
        openBlock($strLabel, '');
    if ($lNumAct == 0) {
        echoT('<i>No non-patient visit volunteer activity for this month.</i><br>');
    } else {

$params = array('enumStyle' => 'terse', 'clsRpt');
$clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
$clsRpt->strWidthLabel = '170pt';
$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->lTableWidth = 900;
$attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 350;
$attributes->bStartOpen = true;
openBlock('Monthly Report for ' . strXlateMonth($lMonth) . ' ' . $lYear, '');
showHours($clsRpt, $attributes, $lMonth, $lYear, $sngHrsMins, $sngNonPVHrs);
showVolCount($clsRpt, $attributes, $lMonth, $lYear, $lNumVolsPV, $lNumVolsNonPV, $lNumUniqueVolID);
showPatientsServed($clsRpt, $attributes, $lMonth, $lYear, $lNumPatients, $lNumPatientVisits);
function showPatientsServed($clsRpt, $attributes, $lMonth, $lYear, $lNumPatients, $lNumPatientVisits)
    $attributes->bCloseDiv = false;
    $attributes->divID = 'csDiv';
    $attributes->divImageID = 'csDivImg';
    openBlock('Patients Served', '', $attributes);
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('# Patient Visits:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(number_format($lNumPatientVisits) . ' ' . strLinkView_VMgrRptPVViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, 'View details', true)) . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('# Unique Patients:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(number_format($lNumPatients) . ' ' . strLinkView_VMgrRptUniquePatientsViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, 'View details', true)) . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    $attributes->bCloseDiv = true;
function showVolCount($clsRpt, $attributes, $lMonth, $lYear, $lNumVolsPV, $lNumVolsNonPV, $lNumUniqueVolID)
Esempio n. 10
 function strVolHoursDetailReport(&$sRpt, $lStartRec, $lRecsPerPage)
     global $genumDateFormat;
     $this->hrsSumOpts($sRpt, $bUseYear, $lYear, $bUseMon, $lMon, $bUseVolID, $lVolID);
     $strLimit = " LIMIT {$lStartRec}, {$lRecsPerPage} ";
     $strTab = 'tmp_vol_hrs';
     $this->buildPopHrsTmp($strTab, $lYear, $lMon, $lVolID);
     $strWhere = '1';
     $strTitle = 'Volunteer Details for ';
     $strFail = 'There are no volunteer hours for ';
     if ($bUseVolID) {
         $cVol = new mvol();
         $cVol->loadVolRecsViaVolID($lVolID, true);
         $vRec =& $cVol->volRecs[0];
         $strSafeName = $vRec->strSafeName;
         $strTitle .= $strSafeName . '&nbsp; &nbsp;';
         $strFail .= $strSafeName . '&nbsp; &nbsp;';
     if ($bUseMon) {
         $strMonth = strXlateMonth($lMon);
         $strTitle .= $strMonth . ' ' . $lYear;
         $strFail .= $strMonth . ' ' . $lYear;
     } else {
         $strTitle .= $lYear;
         $strFail .= $lYear;
     $sqlStr = "SELECT\n             vsa_lKeyID, tmphr_dteVolActivity,\n             tmphr_lVolID, vsa_dHoursWorked, vsa_lEventDateShiftID,\n             lgen_strListItem,\n             vs_strShiftName, vs_lEventDateID, vem_lKeyID, vem_strEventName,\n             pe_strFName, pe_strLName\n\n          FROM {$strTab}\n             INNER JOIN vol_events_dates_shifts_assign ON vsa_lKeyID            = tmphr_lEventAssignID\n             INNER JOIN volunteers                     ON tmphr_lVolID          = vol_lKeyID\n             INNER JOIN people_names                   ON vol_lPeopleID         = pe_lKeyID\n             LEFT  JOIN vol_events_dates_shifts        ON vsa_lEventDateShiftID = vs_lKeyID\n             LEFT  JOIN vol_events_dates               ON vs_lEventDateID       = ved_lKeyID\n             LEFT  JOIN vol_events                     ON ved_lVolEventID       = vem_lKeyID\n             LEFT  JOIN lists_generic                  ON vsa_lActivityID=lgen_lKeyID\n\n          ORDER BY tmphr_dteVolActivity, vsa_lKeyID\n          {$strLimit};";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     $lNumRows = $query->num_rows();
     if ($lNumRows == 0) {
         return '<br><i>' . $strFail . '.</i><br>';
     $strOut = '
      <table class="enpRptC">
            <td colspan="7" class="enpRptTitle">' . $strTitle . '
     $strOut .= '
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
               Vol ID
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $lVolID = $row->tmphr_lVolID;
         if (is_null($row->vsa_lEventDateShiftID)) {
             $strEvent = '<i>(unscheduled)</i>';
             $strActivity = strLinkEdit_VolUnschedHrs($lVolID, $row->vsa_lKeyID, 'Edit activity', true, '', 12) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->lgen_strListItem);
         } else {
             $strEvent = strLinkView_VolEvent($row->vem_lKeyID, 'View event', true) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->vem_strEventName);
             $strActivity = strLinkView_VolEventDate($row->vs_lEventDateID, 'View event date/shifts', true) . '&nbsp;' . htmlspecialchars($row->vs_strShiftName);
         $strOut .= '
         <tr class="makeStripe">
            <td class="enpRpt">' . date($genumDateFormat, dteMySQLDate2Unix($row->tmphr_dteVolActivity)) . '
            <td class="enpRpt">' . str_pad($lVolID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkView_Volunteer($lVolID, 'View volunteer record', true) . '
            <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($row->pe_strLName . ', ' . $row->pe_strFName) . '
            <td class="enpRpt">' . $strEvent . '
            <td class="enpRpt">' . $strActivity . '
            <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 3px;">' . number_format($row->vsa_dHoursWorked, 2) . '
     $strOut .= '</table><br>';
     return $strOut;
function strAttendanceTable(&$cprog, $attrib)
    $lMaxDays = lDaysInMonth($attrib->lMonth, $attrib->lYear);
    $lNumERecs = $cprog->lNumERecs;
    if ($lNumERecs > 0) {
        $lATableID = $cprog->lAttendanceTableID;
        $strATable = $cprog->strAttendanceTable;
        $strAFNPrefix = $cprog->strATableFNPrefix;
        $lETableID = $cprog->lEnrollmentTableID;
        $attend = array();
        $idx = 0;
        foreach ($cprog->erecs as $erec) {
            $lERecID = $erec->lKeyID;
            $lClientID = $erec->lClientID;
            // load the enrollees
            $attend[$idx] = array();
            $attend[$idx][0] = strLinkView_ClientRecord($lClientID, 'View client record', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lClientID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($erec->strClientLName) . '</b>, ' . htmlspecialchars($erec->strClientFName);
            // enrollment link
            $attend[$idx][1] = strLinkView_CProgEnrollRec($lETableID, $lClientID, $lERecID, 'View Enrollment', true) . '&nbsp;' . str_pad($lERecID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
            // populate the attendance cells
            $strCheckImg = '<div style="display:inline-block; width: 100%; text-align: center;"><img src="' . DL_IMAGEPATH . '/misc/check06.gif"></div>';
            for ($jidx = 2; $jidx <= $lMaxDays + 1; ++$jidx) {
                if (bEnrolleeInAttendance($erec, $attrib->lMonth, $jidx - 1, $attrib->lYear)) {
                    $attend[$idx][$jidx] = $strCheckImg;
                    $strEntry = '';
                    arecIDXsViaERecDate($erec, $attrib->lMonth, $jidx - 1, $attrib->lYear, $lNumARecs, $arecIDX);
                    $lCnt = 1;
                    foreach ($arecIDX as $aIDX) {
                        $arecCurrent = $erec->arecs[$aIDX];
                        $lARecID = $arecCurrent->lKeyID;
                        if ($lNumARecs > 1) {
                            $strEntry .= '(' . $lCnt . ')<br>';
                        if ($attrib->bALink) {
                            $strEntry .= strLinkView_CProgAttendRec($lATableID, $lClientID, $lARecID, 'View attendance record', true) . str_pad($lARecID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<br>';
                        if ($attrib->bDuration) {
                            $strEntry .= '<b>duration:</b> ' . number_format($arecCurrent->dDuration, 2) . 'hr<br>';
                        if ($attrib->bActivity) {
                            $strEntry .= '<b>activity:</b> ' . strShortenString($arecCurrent->strActivity, 25, true) . '<br>';
                        if ($attrib->bCNotes) {
                            $strEntry .= '<b>case notes:</b> ' . strShortenString($arecCurrent->strCaseNotes, 25, true) . '<br>';
                    if ($strEntry != '') {
                        $attend[$idx][$jidx] .= '<br>' . $strEntry;
                } else {
                    $attend[$idx][$jidx] = '&nbsp;';
    // build the html table
    $strOut = '
          <div id="attendTable" style="width: 100%; overflow: auto; ">
          <table class="enpRpt">
                <td class="enpRptTitle" colspan="' . ($lMaxDays + 2) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($cprog->strSafeAttendLabel) . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($cprog->strProgramName) . '
                <td class="enpRptLabel" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: bottom;">Enrollee</td>
                <td class="enpRptLabel" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: bottom;">Enrollment<br>Record</td>
                <td class="enpRptLabel" colspan="' . $lMaxDays . '" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 12pt;">' . $attrib->strLinkPrev . strXlateMonth($attrib->lMonth) . ' ' . $attrib->lYear . $attrib->strLinkNext . '</td></tr><tr>' . "\n";
    for ($jidx = 1; $jidx <= $lMaxDays; ++$jidx) {
        $strOut .= '<td class="enpRptLabel" style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;' . $jidx . '&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";
    $strOut .= '</tr>' . "\n";
    for ($idx = 0; $idx < $lNumERecs; ++$idx) {
        $strOut .= '<tr class="makeStripe">' . "\n";
        $strOut .= '<td class="enpRpt" style="width: 170pt;" nowrap>' . $attend[$idx][0] . '</td>' . "\n";
        for ($jidx = 1; $jidx <= $lMaxDays + 1; ++$jidx) {
            $strOut .= '<td class="enpRpt" style="font-size: 8pt;" nowrap>' . $attend[$idx][$jidx] . '</td>' . "\n";
        $strOut .= '</tr">' . "\n";
    $strOut .= '</table></div>';
    return $strOut;

if ($lNumYearlyPV == 0) {
    echoT('<br><i>There are no patient visits for ' . $lYear . '.</i>');
$params = array('enumStyle' => 'terse', 'clsRpt');
$clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
$clsRpt->strWidthLabel = '110pt';
$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->lTableWidth = 900;
$attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 350;
$attributes->bStartOpen = false;
showPVisitReview($clsRpt, 'For the year ' . $lYear, $yearly, false, $attributes, null);
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 12; ++$idx) {
    showPVisitReview($clsRpt, strXlateMonth($idx) . ' ' . $lYear, $visitMonth[$idx], true, $attributes, $idx);
function showPVisitReview($clsRpt, $strLabel, $visitInfo, $bUseAtts, $attributes, $lMonth)
    if ($bUseAtts) {
        $attributes->bCloseDiv = false;
        $attributes->divID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_Div';
        $attributes->divImageID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_DivImg';
        openBlock($strLabel, '', $attributes);
    } else {
        openBlock($strLabel, '');
            <td class="enpRptLabel">
               Balance Due
$curChargeTot = $curPayTot = $curBalTot = 0.0;
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 12; ++$idx) {
    $curCharge = $income[$idx]->curCharge;
    $curPay = $income[$idx]->curPay;
    $curBal = $curCharge - $curPay;
    $curChargeTot += $curCharge;
    $curPayTot += $curPay;
    $curBalTot += $curBal;
            <tr class="makeStripes">
               <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: left; width: 80pt;" >' . strXlateMonth($idx) . '
               <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 5pt;">' . number_format($curCharge, 2) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkView_SponsorMonthlyCharge($idx, $lYear, $lACOID, 'View sponsor charges for this month', true) . '
               <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 5pt;">' . number_format($curPay, 2) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkView_SponsorMonthlyPayment($idx, $lYear, $lACOID, 'View sponsor payments for this month', true) . '
               <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 5pt;">' . number_format($curBal, 2) . '
         <tr class="makeStripe">
            <td class="enpRpt">
            <td class="enpRpt" style="width: 60pt; text-align: right; padding-right: 5pt;"><b>' . number_format($curChargeTot, 2) . '</b>
Esempio n. 14

$attributes = new stdClass();
$attributes->lTableWidth = 900;
$attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 350;
$attributes->bStartOpen = false;
$params = array('enumStyle' => 'terse', 'clsRpt');
$clsRpt = new generic_rpt($params);
$clsRpt->strWidthLabel = '130pt';
showVolStats($clsRpt, 'For the year ' . $lYear, $yearStats, false, $attributes, null);
for ($idx = 1; $idx <= 12; ++$idx) {
    showVolStats($clsRpt, strXlateMonth($idx) . ' ' . $lYear, $volMonth[$idx], true, $attributes, $idx);
function showVolStats($clsRpt, $strLabel, $volStats, $bUseAtts, $attributes, $lMonth)
    if ($bUseAtts) {
        $attributes->bCloseDiv = false;
        $attributes->divID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_Div';
        $attributes->divImageID = 'group_' . $lMonth . '_DivImg';
        openBlock($strLabel, '', $attributes);
    } else {
        openBlock($strLabel, '');
    // new volunteers
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('# New Volunteers:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(number_format($volStats->lNewVols)) . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    // inactive volunteers
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('# Inactive Volunteers:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(number_format($volStats->lInactiveVols) . ' <i>(volunteers who became inactive in this time period)</i>') . $clsRpt->closeRow());

echoT('<br>' . strLinkAdd_VolEvent('Add event', true) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkAdd_VolEvent('Add event', false) . '<br>');
foreach ($events as $event) {
    openBlock('Calendar of Events for <b>' . strXlateMonth($event->lMonth) . ' ' . $event->lYear . '</b>', '');
    if ($event->lNumDates == 0) {
        echoT('No events scheduled for this month');
    } else {
        $dteGroup = -1;
        echoT('<ul style="list-style-type: none; padding:0; margin:0;">');
        foreach ($event->dates as $edate) {
            $dteEvent = $edate->dteEvent;
            $lDateID = $edate->lDateKeyID;
            if ($dteEvent != $dteGroup) {
                if ($dteGroup > 0) {
                $dteGroup = $dteEvent;
                         <li><b>' . date('l \\t\\h\\e jS \\o\\f F, Y', $edate->dteEvent) . '</b>
                         <ul style="
            echoT('<li>' . htmlspecialchars($edate->strEventName) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkView_VolEvent($edate->lVolEventID, 'View event', true) . '<ul style="list-style-type: none; margin-left:-20px; ">');
            if ($edate->lNumShifts == 0) {
                echoT('<li><i>No shifts associated with this event for this date</i><br><br></li></ul>');
            } else {
                foreach ($edate->shifts as $shift) {
 function strClientBDayReport(&$sRpt, $lStartRec, $lRecsPerPage)
     global $gdteNow;
     $lMonth = $sRpt->lMonth;
     $lLocID = $sRpt->lLocID;
     if ($lLocID > 0) {
         $strLocWhere = " AND (cr_lLocationID = {$lLocID}) ";
         $loc = new mclient_locations();
         $strLocLabel = '(' . htmlspecialchars($loc->strLocation) . ')';
     } else {
         $strLocWhere = '';
         $strLocLabel = '(all locations)';
     $cClient = new mclients();
     $strOut = '';
     $cClient->strClientLimit = " LIMIT {$lStartRec}, {$lRecsPerPage} ";
     $cClient->strExtraClientWhere = "\n            {$strLocWhere}\n            AND cst_bShowInDir\n            AND MONTH(cr_dteBirth) = {$lMonth} ";
     $cClient->strClientOrder = ' DAY(cr_dteBirth), cr_dteBirth, cl_strLocation, cr_strLName, cr_strFName, cr_strMName, cr_lKeyID ';
     if ($cClient->lNumClients == 0) {
         return '<i><br>There are no clients who meet your search criteria.</i>';
     } else {
         return $this->strBasicClientRpt($cClient, 'Clients with a Birthday in ' . strXlateMonth($lMonth) . ' ' . $strLocLabel);