Author: James Titcumb (
Esempio n. 1
  * Create and populate a data collection object from a resource folder
  * @param string $resourceFolder
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @return \Browscap\Data\DataCollection
 public function createDataCollection($resourceFolder)
     if (null === $this->collection) {
         throw new \LogicException('An instance of \\Browscap\\Data\\DataCollection is required for this function. ' . 'Please set it with setDataCollection');
     $this->getLogger()->debug('add platform file');
     $this->collection->addDevicesFile($resourceFolder . '/devices.json')->addPlatformsFile($resourceFolder . '/platforms.json')->addEnginesFile($resourceFolder . '/engines.json')->addDefaultProperties($resourceFolder . '/core/default-properties.json')->addDefaultBrowser($resourceFolder . '/core/default-browser.json');
     $uaSourceDirectory = $resourceFolder . '/user-agents';
     $iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($uaSourceDirectory);
     foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator) as $file) {
         /** @var $file \SplFileInfo */
         if (!$file->isFile() || $file->getExtension() != 'json') {
         $this->getLogger()->debug('add source file ' . $file->getPathname());
     return $this->collection;
Esempio n. 2
  * renders all found useragents into a string
  * @param string[]                      $section
  * @param \Browscap\Data\DataCollection $collection
  * @param array[]                       $sections
  * @param string                        $sectionName
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return XmlWriter
 public function renderSectionBody(array $section, DataCollection $collection, array $sections = array(), $sectionName = '')
     if ($this->isSilent()) {
         return $this;
     $division = $collection->getDefaultProperties();
     $ua = $division->getUserAgents();
     $defaultproperties = $ua[0]['properties'];
     $properties = array_merge(array('Parent'), array_keys($defaultproperties));
     foreach ($section as $property => $propertyValue) {
         $section[$property] = trim($propertyValue);
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         if (!isset($section[$property])) {
         if (!isset($this->outputProperties[$property])) {
             $this->outputProperties[$property] = $this->getFilter()->isOutputProperty($property, $this);
         if (!$this->outputProperties[$property]) {
         fputs($this->file, '<item name="' . $this->getFormatter()->formatPropertyName($property) . '" value="' . $this->getFormatter()->formatPropertyValue($section[$property], $property) . '"/>' . PHP_EOL);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 3
  * renders all found useragents into a string
  * @param string[]                      $section
  * @param \Browscap\Data\DataCollection $collection
  * @param array[]                       $sections
  * @param string                        $sectionName
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return JsonWriter
 public function renderSectionBody(array $section, DataCollection $collection, array $sections = [], $sectionName = '')
     if ($this->isSilent()) {
         return $this;
     $division = $collection->getDefaultProperties();
     $ua = $division->getUserAgents();
     $defaultproperties = $ua[0]['properties'];
     $properties = array_merge(['Parent'], array_keys($defaultproperties));
     foreach ($defaultproperties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
         $defaultproperties[$propertyName] = $this->expander->trimProperty($propertyValue);
     $propertiesToOutput = [];
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         if (!isset($section[$property])) {
         if (!isset($this->outputProperties[$property])) {
             $this->outputProperties[$property] = $this->getFilter()->isOutputProperty($property, $this);
         if (!$this->outputProperties[$property]) {
         if (isset($section['Parent']) && 'Parent' !== $property) {
             if ('DefaultProperties' === $section['Parent'] || !isset($sections[$section['Parent']])) {
                 if (isset($defaultproperties[$property]) && $defaultproperties[$property] === $section[$property]) {
             } else {
                 $parentProperties = $sections[$section['Parent']];
                 if (isset($parentProperties[$property]) && $parentProperties[$property] === $section[$property]) {
         $propertiesToOutput[$property] = $section[$property];
     fputs($this->file, $this->getFormatter()->formatPropertyValue(json_encode($propertiesToOutput), 'Comment'));
     return $this;
Esempio n. 4
  * expands all properties for all useragents to make sure all properties are set and make it possible to skip
  * incomplete properties and remove duplicate definitions
  * @param array $allInputDivisions
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
  * @return array
 private function expandProperties(array $allInputDivisions)
     $this->getLogger()->debug('expand all properties');
     $allDivisions = array();
     $ua = $this->collection->getDefaultProperties()->getUserAgents();
     $defaultproperties = $ua[0]['properties'];
     foreach (array_keys($allInputDivisions) as $key) {
         $this->getLogger()->debug('expand all properties for key "' . $key . '"');
         $userAgent = $key;
         $parents = array($userAgent);
         while (isset($allInputDivisions[$userAgent]['Parent'])) {
             if ($userAgent === $allInputDivisions[$userAgent]['Parent']) {
             $parents[] = $allInputDivisions[$userAgent]['Parent'];
             $userAgent = $allInputDivisions[$userAgent]['Parent'];
         $parents = array_reverse($parents);
         $browserData = $defaultproperties;
         $properties = $allInputDivisions[$key];
         foreach ($parents as $parent) {
             if (!isset($allInputDivisions[$parent])) {
             if (!is_array($allInputDivisions[$parent])) {
                 throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Parent "' . $parent . '" is not an array for key "' . $key . '"');
             if ($key !== $parent && isset($allInputDivisions[$parent]['sortIndex']) && isset($properties['sortIndex']) && $allInputDivisions[$parent]['division'] !== $properties['division']) {
                 if ($allInputDivisions[$parent]['sortIndex'] >= $properties['sortIndex']) {
                     throw new \UnexpectedValueException('sorting not ready for key "' . $key . '"');
             $browserData = array_merge($browserData, $allInputDivisions[$parent]);
         $browserData['Parents'] = implode(',', $parents);
         foreach (array_keys($browserData) as $propertyName) {
             $properties[$propertyName] = $this->trimProperty($browserData[$propertyName]);
         $allDivisions[$key] = $properties;
         if (!isset($properties['Version'])) {
             throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Version property not found for key "' . $key . '"');
         $completeVersions = explode('.', $properties['Version'], 2);
         if (!isset($properties['MajorVer']) || '#MAJORVER#' === $properties['MajorVer']) {
             $properties['MajorVer'] = (string) $completeVersions[0];
         } elseif ($properties['MajorVer'] !== (string) $completeVersions[0]) {
             throw new \UnexpectedValueException('MajorVersion from properties does not match with Version for key "' . $key . '", "' . $properties['MajorVer'] . '" was defined, "' . (string) $completeVersions[0] . '" was expected');
         if (isset($completeVersions[1])) {
             $minorVersion = (string) $completeVersions[1];
         } else {
             $minorVersion = '0';
         if (!isset($properties['MinorVer']) || '#MINORVER#' === $properties['MinorVer']) {
             $properties['MinorVer'] = $minorVersion;
         } elseif ($properties['MinorVer'] !== $minorVersion) {
             throw new \UnexpectedValueException('MinorVersion from properties does not match with Version for key "' . $key . '", "' . $properties['MinorVer'] . '" was defined, "' . $minorVersion . '" was expected');
         $allDivisions[$key] = $properties;
     return $allDivisions;
Esempio n. 5
  * Entry point for generating builds for a specified version
  * @param string                             $version
  * @param string                             $resourceFolder
  * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface           $logger
  * @param \Browscap\Writer\WriterCollection  $writerCollection
  * @param \Browscap\Helper\CollectionCreator $collectionCreator
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function run($version, $resourceFolder, LoggerInterface $logger, WriterCollection $writerCollection, CollectionCreator $collectionCreator)
     $logger->info('started creating a data collection');
     $dataCollection = new DataCollection($version);
     $collection = $collectionCreator->createDataCollection($resourceFolder);
     $logger->info('finished creating a data collection');
     $logger->info('started initialisation of writers');
     $expander = new Expander();
     $logger->info('finished initialisation of writers');
     $logger->info('started output of header and version');
     $comments = ['Provided courtesy of', 'Created on ' . $collection->getGenerationDate()->format('l, F j, Y \\a\\t h:i A T'), 'Keep up with the latest goings-on with the project:', 'Follow us on Twitter <>, or...', 'Like us on Facebook <>, or...', 'Collaborate on GitHub <>, or...', 'Discuss on Google Groups <!forum/browscap>.'];
     $writerCollection->setExpander($expander)->fileStart()->renderHeader($comments)->renderVersion($version, $collection);
     $logger->info('finished output of header and version');
     $output = [];
     $logger->info('started output of divisions');
     $division = $collection->getDefaultProperties();
     $logger->info('handle division ' . $division->getName());
     $ua = $division->getUserAgents();
     $sections = [$ua[0]['userAgent'] => $ua[0]['properties']];
     foreach (array_keys($sections) as $sectionName) {
         $section = $sections[$sectionName];
         $writerCollection->setSilent($division)->renderSectionHeader($sectionName)->renderSectionBody($section, $collection, $sections, $sectionName)->renderSectionFooter($sectionName);
     foreach ($collection->getDivisions() as $division) {
         /** @var \Browscap\Data\Division $division */
         // run checks on division before expanding versions because the checked properties do not change between
         // versions
         $sections = $expander->expand($division, $division->getName());
         $logger->info('checking division ' . $division->getName());
         foreach (array_keys($sections) as $sectionName) {
             $section = $sections[$sectionName];
             $collection->checkProperty($sectionName, $section);
         $versions = $division->getVersions();
         foreach ($versions as $version) {
             list($majorVer, $minorVer) = $expander->getVersionParts($version);
             $divisionName = $expander->parseProperty($division->getName(), $majorVer, $minorVer);
             $logger->info('handle division ' . $divisionName);
             $encodedSections = json_encode($sections);
             $encodedSections = $expander->parseProperty($encodedSections, $majorVer, $minorVer);
             $sectionsWithVersion = json_decode($encodedSections, true);
             $firstElement = current($sectionsWithVersion);
             $writerCollection->renderDivisionHeader($divisionName, $firstElement['Parent']);
             foreach (array_keys($sectionsWithVersion) as $sectionName) {
                 if (array_key_exists($sectionName, $output)) {
                     $logger->error('tried to add section "' . $sectionName . '" more than once -> skipped');
                 $section = $sectionsWithVersion[$sectionName];
                 $writerCollection->renderSectionHeader($sectionName)->renderSectionBody($section, $collection, $sectionsWithVersion, $sectionName)->renderSectionFooter($sectionName);
                 $output[$sectionName] = $sectionName;
             unset($divisionName, $majorVer, $minorVer);
     $division = $collection->getDefaultBrowser();
     $logger->info('handle division ' . $division->getName());
     $ua = $division->getUserAgents();
     $sections = [$ua[0]['userAgent'] => array_merge(['Parent' => 'DefaultProperties'], $ua[0]['properties'])];
     foreach (array_keys($sections) as $sectionName) {
         $section = $sections[$sectionName];
         $writerCollection->setSilent($division)->renderSectionHeader($sectionName)->renderSectionBody($section, $collection, $sections, $sectionName)->renderSectionFooter($sectionName);
     $logger->info('finished output of divisions');
     $logger->info('started closing writers');
     $logger->info('finished closing writers');
Esempio n. 6
  * renders the version information
  * @param string                        $version
  * @param \Browscap\Data\DataCollection $collection
  * @return \Browscap\Writer\WriterCollection
 public function renderVersion($version, DataCollection $collection)
     foreach ($this->writers as $writer) {
         $writer->renderVersion(array('version' => $version, 'released' => $collection->getGenerationDate()->format('r'), 'format' => $writer->getFormatter()->getType(), 'type' => $writer->getFilter()->getType()));
     return $this;
Esempio n. 7
  * renders all found useragents into a string
  * @param string[]                      $section
  * @param \Browscap\Data\DataCollection $collection
  * @param array[]                       $sections
  * @param string                        $sectionName
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return CsvWriter
 public function renderSectionBody(array $section, DataCollection $collection, array $sections = [], $sectionName = '')
     if ($this->isSilent()) {
         return $this;
     $division = $collection->getDefaultProperties();
     $ua = $division->getUserAgents();
     $defaultproperties = $ua[0]['properties'];
     $properties = array_merge(['PropertyName', 'MasterParent', 'LiteMode', 'Parent'], array_keys($defaultproperties));
     $values = [];
     $section['PropertyName'] = $sectionName;
     $section['MasterParent'] = $this->detectMasterParent($sectionName, $section);
     if (in_array($sectionName, ['DefaultProperties', '*'])) {
         $section['LiteMode'] = 'true';
     } else {
         $section['LiteMode'] = !isset($section['lite']) || !$section['lite'] ? 'false' : 'true';
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         if (!isset($this->outputProperties[$property])) {
             $this->outputProperties[$property] = $this->getFilter()->isOutputProperty($property, $this);
         if (!$this->outputProperties[$property]) {
         if (isset($section[$property])) {
             $value = $section[$property];
         } else {
             $value = '';
         $values[] = $this->getFormatter()->formatPropertyValue($value, $property);
     fputs($this->file, implode(',', $values) . PHP_EOL);
     return $this;
  * tests if no error is raised if all went well
  * @group data
  * @group sourcetest
 public function testCheckPropertyOk()
     $properties = array('Version' => 'abc', 'Parent' => '123', 'Device_Type' => 'Desktop', 'isTablet' => false, 'isMobileDevice' => false);
     self::assertTrue($this->object->checkProperty('test', $properties));