/** * 获取账号列表 * @param $offer * @param $pageSize * @param $account */ public function ListAllAccount($offer, $pageSize, $account, $type) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "The accounts have been logged out, please re-login account", "-1", NULL); } $where = ""; if (!empty($account)) { if ($type == 1) { $where = " AND account_id = '" . $account . "'"; } else { if ($type == 2) { $where = " AND account_name like '%" . $account . "%'"; } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM bm_account WHERE account_state < 99" . $where . " ORDER BY account_id DESC LIMIT {$offer}, {$pageSize}"; // return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR,$sql,$sql,NULL); $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $ary = array(); foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $accountMDL = new AccountMDL($v[0], $v[1], $v[2], $v[3], $v[4], $v[5], $v[6], $v[7], $v[8], $v[9]); $ary[] = $accountMDL; } $count = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM bm_account WHERE account_state < 99 "); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $ary); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
public function ListGoods($lv, $type3_id, $brand_id, $offer, $pageSize) { $brand_id = intval($brand_id); if ($brand_id > 0) { $where = sprintf(" a.brand_id = %d and ", $brand_id); } else { $where = ""; } if ($lv == "1") { $from = " bm_goods a, bm_goods_type3 b, bm_goods_type2 c "; $where = $where . "c.type1_id = " . $type3_id . " and c.type2_id = b.type2_id and b.type3_id = a.type3_id and goods_state < 99 "; } else { if ($lv == "2") { $from = " bm_goods a, bm_goods_type3 b"; $where = $where . "b.type2_id = " . $type3_id . " and b.type3_id = a.type3_id and goods_state < 99 "; } else { if ($lv == "3") { $from = " bm_goods a"; $where = $where . " a.type3_id = " . $type3_id . " and goods_state < 99 "; } else { $from = " bm_goods a"; $where = $where . "goods_state < 99 "; } } } $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM" . $from . " where " . $where . "ORDER BY goods_id DESC LIMIT " . $offer . "," . $pageSize; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $o = array(); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $goodsMDL = $r[$i]; $goodsMDL = new GoodsMDL($goodsMDL[0], $goodsMDL[1], $goodsMDL[2], $goodsMDL[3], $goodsMDL[4], $goodsMDL[5], $goodsMDL[6], $goodsMDL[7], $goodsMDL[8], $goodsMDL[9], $goodsMDL[10], $goodsMDL[11], $goodsMDL[12], $goodsMDL[13], $goodsMDL[14], $goodsMDL[15]); $o[] = $goodsMDL; } $count = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT count() FROM " . $from . " where " . $where . ";"); //return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR,"0",$sql,NULL); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
public function ListStore() { if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1"); } $account_id = $_SESSION['account_ID']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM bm_store_info WHERE account_id = " . $account_id . " and shop_state < 99;"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $o = array(); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $storeMDL = $r[$i]; $storeMDL = new StoreMDL($storeMDL[0], $storeMDL[1], $storeMDL[2], $storeMDL[3], $storeMDL[4], $storeMDL[5], $storeMDL[6], $storeMDL[7], $storeMDL[8], $storeMDL[9]); $o[] = $storeMDL; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", 0, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
public function ListShoppingCart() { if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1"); } $account_id = $_SESSION['account_ID']; $sql = "SELECT a.shopping_cart_id,a.account_id,a.goods_num,a.add_time,\r\nb.goods_id,b.goods_barcode,b.goods_name,b.goods_unit,b.goods_weight,b.goods_active_stime,b.goods_active_etime,b.goods_pic_url,b.goods_number,b.goods_price,b.goods_active_price\r\n FROM bm_shopping_cart a,bm_goods b WHERE a.account_id = " . $account_id . " AND a.goods_id = b.goods_id AND b.goods_state < 99 ORDER BY a.shopping_cart_id;"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $o = array(); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $shoppingCartMDL = $r[$i]; $goodsSimpleMDL = new GoodsSimpleMDL($shoppingCartMDL[4], $shoppingCartMDL[5], $shoppingCartMDL[6], $shoppingCartMDL[7], $shoppingCartMDL[8], $shoppingCartMDL[9], $shoppingCartMDL[10], $shoppingCartMDL[11], $shoppingCartMDL[12], $shoppingCartMDL[13], $shoppingCartMDL[14]); $shoppingCartMDL = new ShoppingCartMDL($shoppingCartMDL[0], $shoppingCartMDL[1], $shoppingCartMDL[2], $shoppingCartMDL[3], $goodsSimpleMDL); $o[] = $shoppingCartMDL; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", 0, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
/** * 获取所有分组信息 */ public function ListAll() { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM BM_Group"); $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if ($r != "") { $o = array(); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $groupMDL = $r[$i]; $groupMDL = new GroupMDL($groupMDL[0], $groupMDL[1], $groupMDL[2]); $o[] = $groupMDL; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", NULL, NULL); } }
/** * 获取卡批次列表 * @param unknown_type $FormName 卡申请单名称 * @param unknown_type $offer * @param unknown_type $pageSize */ public function ListCardGroup($FormName, $offer, $pageSize) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } $sql = "SELECT b.cd_CAFormName,b.cd_CardApplyer,b.cd_CAFormChecker,b.cd_CardPicker,a.*,c.cd_CardTypeName"; $sql .= " FROM CD_CardGroup a,CD_CardApplyForm b,CD_CardType c"; $sql .= " WHERE a.cd_CAFormID = b.cd_CAFormID AND a.cd_CardTypeID = c.cd_CardTypeID AND b.cd_CAFormName like '%" . $FormName . "%' ORDER BY cd_Createtime DESC LIMIT {$offer}, {$pageSize}"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $ary = array(); foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $cardGroupMDL = new CardGroupMDL($v[4], $v[5], $v[6], $v[7], $v[8], $v[9], $v[10], $v[11], $v[12], $v[0], $v[1], $v[2], $v[3], $v[13]); $ary[] = $cardGroupMDL; } $count = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT COUNT(1) AS num FROM CD_CardGroup a,CD_CardApplyForm b WHERE a.cd_CAFormID = b.cd_CAFormID AND b.cd_CAFormName like '%" . $FormName . "%'"); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $ary); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
/** * 获取申请单列表信息 * @param unknown_type $areaId * @param unknown_type $serverId * @param unknown_type $state * @param unknown_type $offer * @param unknown_type $pageSize * 申请单编号=0,服务器ID=1,服务器名称=2,标题=3,详情=4, * 发送类型=5 账号=6,账号条件=7,货币=8,道具=9,申请原因=10,申请状态=11 * 申请时间=12,申请账号=13,审核账号=14,审核说明=15,审核时间=16 */ public static function dataMentods_ListApplyItem($areaId, $serverId, $state, $offer, $pageSize) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "The accounts have been logged out, please re-login account", "-1"); } $accountName = $_SESSION['user']; $accountId = $_SESSION['account_ID']; $sql = 'SELECT bm_gameApplayId,a.bm_serverID,bm_serverName,bm_applyTitle,bm_applyDesc,'; $sql .= ' bm_sendType,bm_sendUser,bm_condition,bm_moneyItem,bm_propItem,bm_applyRemark,bm_applyState,'; $sql .= ' bm_applyTime,bm_applyAccount,bm_checkAccount,bm_checkRemark,bm_checkTime '; $sqlWhere = ' FROM bm_gameapply a,bm_accountgameserver b'; if ($state == 0) { $sqlWhere .= ' WHERE a.bm_serverID = b.bm_ServerID AND b.bm_AccountID = ' . $accountId . ' AND bm_applyState = ' . $state; } else { $sqlWhere .= ' WHERE a.bm_serverID = b.bm_ServerID AND b.bm_AccountID = ' . $accountId . ' AND bm_applyState >= ' . $state; } if ($areaId != "") { $sqlWhere .= ' AND b.bm_AreaID = ' . $areaId; } if ($serverId != "") { $sqlWhere .= ' AND b.bm_ServerID IN (' . $serverId . ')'; } $sql .= $sqlWhere . " ORDER BY bm_applyTime DESC LIMIT {$offer}, {$pageSize}"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $count = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) as num " . $sqlWhere); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $r); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
public function ListBuyType($lv, $type3_id) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } if ($lv == "1") { $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM bm_goods_brand a, bm_goods_type3 b, bm_goods_type2 c, bm_brand_type3 d where c.type1_id = %d and" . "c.type2_id = b.type2_id and b.type3_id = d.type3_id and a.brand_id = d.brand_id and a.brand_state < 99 ORDER BY brand_order;", $type3_id); } else { if ($lv == "2") { $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM bm_goods_brand a, bm_goods_type3 b, bm_brand_type3 d where b.type2_id =%d " . " and a.brand_id = d.brand_id and a.brand_state < 99 ORDER BY a.brand_order;", $type3_id); } else { if ($lv == "3") { $sql = sprintf("SELECT a.* FROM bm_goods_brand a, bm_brand_type3 b where b.type3_id = %d and a.brand_id = b.brand_id and a.brand_state < 99 ORDER BY a.brand_order;", $type3_id); } else { $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM bm_goods_brand where brand_state < 99 ORDER BY brand_order;"); } } } $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if ($r != "") { $o = array(); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $goodsBrandMDL = $r[$i]; $goodsBrandMDL = new GoodsBrandMDL($goodsBrandMDL[0], $goodsBrandMDL[1], $goodsBrandMDL[2], $goodsBrandMDL[3]); $o[] = $goodsBrandMDL; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, 1, $count, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", NULL, NULL); } }
public function getBossTemplate() { $sql = "SELECT \t\r\n\t\tboss_id, \r\n\t\tboss_type,\r\n\t\tmap_id,\r\n\t\trelive_time,\r\n\t\trelive_time2,\r\n\t\tname,\r\n\t\tlevel,\r\n\t\tremark,\r\n\t\tdorp,\r\n\t\trelive_position\r\n\t\tFROM \r\n\t\tt_boss_template \r\n\t\tORDER BY level;"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $o = array(); if ($r != "") { $count = count($r); $lable = array("int", "int", "int", "int", "string", "string", "int", "string", "string", "string"); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $item = $r[$i]; $o[] = $item; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $lable, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", NULL, NULL); } }
public function getItemFusionTemplate() { $sql = "SELECT \t\r\n\t\titem_template_id1,\r\n\t\titem_template_id2,\r\n\t\tfusion_num,\r\n\t\tfusion_template_id\r\n\t\tFROM \r\n\t\tt_item_fusion_template;"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $o = array(); if ($r != "") { $count = count($r); $lable = array("int", "int", "int", "int"); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $item = $r[$i]; $o[] = $item; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $lable, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", NULL, NULL); } }
/** * 获取所有分组信息 */ public function ListAll() { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } $sql = sprintf("select a.type1_id,a.type1_name,b.type2_id,b.type2_name,c.type3_id,c.type3_name" . " from bm_goods_type1 a, bm_goods_type2 b, bm_goods_type3 c" . " where a.type1_id = b.type1_id and b.type2_id = c.type2_id" . " order by a.type1_order, b.type2_order, c.type3_order"); $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if ($r != "") { $o = array(); $count = count($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $goodsTypeMDL = $r[$i]; $goodsTypeMDL = new GoodsTypeMDL($goodsTypeMDL[0], $goodsTypeMDL[1], $goodsTypeMDL[2], $goodsTypeMDL[3], $goodsTypeMDL[4], $goodsTypeMDL[5]); $o[] = $goodsTypeMDL; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, 1, $count, $o); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", NULL, NULL); } }
/** * 获取卡订单申请中卡种类信息 * @param unknown_type $FormID */ public function getCardListByFormID($FormID) { $sql_group = "SELECT a.cd_CroupID,b.cd_CardTypeName FROM CD_CardGroup a,CD_CardType b WHERE a.cd_CardTypeID = b.cd_CardTypeID AND a.cd_CAFormID = " . $FormID; $r_group = sql_fetch_rows($sql_group); if (!empty($r_group)) { $ListCard = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($r_group); $i++) { $rightsServ = $r_group[$i]; $sql_card = "SELECT cd_CardSN,cd_CardPassword FROM cd_card WHERE cd_CroupID = " . $rightsServ[0]; $r_card = $r_group = sql_fetch_rows($sql_card); if (!empty($r_card)) { $objList = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($r_card); $j++) { $card = array(); $card[] = $r_card[$j][0]; $card[] = $r_card[$j][1]; $card[] = $rightsServ[1]; $objList[] = $card; } $ListCard[] = $objList; } } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "", NULL, $ListCard); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::EXCEPTION, "执行错误", NULL, NULL); } }
private static function getServerInfoTOhttprequest1($URI, $serverIdString) { $sql = "SELECT bm_ServerConnString,bm_ServerID FROM bm_gameserver WHERE bm_ServerID IN(" . $serverIdString . ")"; $rs = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $resultArray = array(); if (!empty($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { $servAry = json_decode($v[0], true); $host_IP = $servAry['socket']['ip']; $host_port = $servAry['socket']['port']; $ary = array(); $ary[] = "http://" . $host_IP . ":" . $host_port . $URI; $ary[] = $v[1]; $resultArray[] = $ary; } } return $resultArray; }
/** * 游龙意见收集 暂时放在这里 * @param $offer * @param $pageSize * @param $start * @param $end */ public function youlongLog($offer, $pageSize, $start, $end) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "The accounts have been logged out, please re-login account", "-1", NULL); } $where = ""; if (!empty($start) || !empty($end)) { $where = " where log_date >= '" . $start . "' AND log_date <='" . $end . "'"; } $sql = "SELECT log_date,log_title,log_remark FROM log_youlong " . $where . " ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT {$offer}, {$pageSize}"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $count = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM log_youlong " . $where); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $r); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } }
/** * 根据条件获取物品列表。物品名称满足模糊查询,物品ID是精确查找 * @param $offer * @param $pageSize * @param $GameID * @param $itemName * @param $type */ public function GetAllGameItemByGameIDUpdate($offer, $pageSize, $GameID, $itemName, $type) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } if ($type == "1") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM bm_item WHERE bm_GameID = " . $GameID . " AND bm_ItemGID > 100 AND bm_ItemName like '%" . $itemName . "%' ORDER BY bm_ItemID DESC LIMIT {$offer}, {$pageSize}"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $ary = array(); foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $gameItemMDL = new GameItemMDL($v[0], $v[1], $v[2], $v[3], $v[4], $v[5]); $ary[] = $gameItemMDL; } $count = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM bm_item WHERE bm_GameID = " . $GameID . " AND bm_ItemName like '%" . $itemName . "%'"); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count, $ary); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } } else { $sql_ = "SELECT * FROM bm_item WHERE bm_GameID = " . $GameID . " AND bm_ItemGID = '" . $itemName . "' ORDER BY bm_ItemID DESC LIMIT {$offer}, {$pageSize}"; $r_ = sql_fetch_rows($sql_); if (!empty($r_)) { $ary_ = array(); foreach ($r_ as $k => $v) { $gameItemMDL_ = new GameItemMDL($v[0], $v[1], $v[2], $v[3], $v[4], $v[5]); $ary_[] = $gameItemMDL_; } $count_ = sql_fetch_one_cell("SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM bm_item WHERE bm_GameID = " . $GameID . " AND bm_ItemGID = '" . $itemName . "'"); return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", $count_, $ary_); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", $sql, NULL); } } }
/** * 根据卡种类获取绑定的道具信息 * @param $cardTypeID */ public function GetCardItemByCardType($cardTypeID) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } $sql = "SELECT b.bm_ItemID,b.cd_CardItemNum,a.bm_ItemName FROM bm_item a, cd_cardaffixitem b "; $sql .= " WHERE a.bm_ItemID = b.bm_ItemID AND b.cd_CardTypeID = " . $cardTypeID; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (!empty($r)) { $ary = array(); foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $ob = array(); $ob[] = $v[0]; $ob[] = $v[1]; $ob[] = $v[2]; $ary[] = $ob; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "", NULL, $ary); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "执行出错", NULL, NULL); } }
/** * 判断一个模块是否当前账号有权限 * @param $moduleID */ public function IsMoudleHasRights($moduleID) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "0", NULL, NULL); } $User = $_SESSION['account_ID']; $sql = "SELECT a.bm_ModuleID,a.bm_ModuleName,a.bm_ModuleUrl,a.bm_FModuleID"; $sql .= " FROM BM_Module a,("; $sql .= " SELECT b.bm_ModuleID"; $sql .= " FROM bm_accountgroup a,bm_groupmodule b"; $sql .= " WHERE a.bm_GroupID = b.bm_GroupID AND a.bm_AccountID = " . $User . " UNION "; $sql .= " SELECT bm_ModuleID FROM bm_accountmodule WHERE bm_AccountID = " . $User . " ) b"; $sql .= " WHERE a.bm_ModuleID = b.bm_ModuleID AND a.bm_ModuleState < 99 AND a.bm_ModuleID = " . $moduleID; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $ModuleList = array(); if (count($r) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++) { $arry = array(); $arry[] = $r[$i][0]; //模块ID $arry[] = $r[$i][1]; //模块名称 $arry[] = $r[$i][2]; //模块地址 $arry[] = $r[$i][3]; //父模块ID $ModuleList[] = $arry; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "", count($r), $ModuleList); } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号未有权限或者执行失败", NULL, NULL); }
public function AddPurchaseInfo($purchaseID, $ary = array()) { $Time = time(); foreach (array_keys($ary) as $k => $v) { $attribute[] = "{$v}"; } $sql = "SELECT goods_id,goods_active_etime,goods_number,goods_price,goods_active_price FROM bm_goods" . " WHERE goods_id IN (" . implode(",", $attribute) . ") AND goods_state < 99;"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $count = count($r); $purchaseList = null; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = $r[$i]; foreach (array_keys($ary) as $k => $v) { if ($v == $row[0] and $ary[$v] <= $row[2]) { if ($row[1] == 0 or $row[1] <= $Time) { $price = $row[3]; $active_etime = 0; } else { $price = $row[4]; $active_etime = $row[1]; } $sql = "UPDATE bm_goods SET goods_number = goods_number - " . $ary[$v] . " WHERE goods_id = " . $row[0] . ";"; sql_query($sql); //即时更新物品库存数量 $purchaseList[] = "('{$purchaseID}','{$row['0']}','{$ary[$v]}','{$active_etime}','{$price}',0)"; break; } } } if ($purchaseList != null) { $sql = "INSERT INTO bm_purchase_info(purchase_id,goods_id,goods_num,goods_active_etime,purchase_goods_price,purchase_state)VALUES " . implode(",", $purchaseList) . " ;"; $r = sql_query($sql); //$r = 0; } else { $r = 0; } if ($r != 0) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "", $r[0]); } else { $del = "DELETE FROM bm_purchase_list WHERE purchase_id = " . $purchaseID . ";"; $r = sql_query($del); return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::EXCEPTION, "error", $sql); } }
/** * 不通过 * @param unknown_type $mailID * @param unknown_type $remark */ public function UnCheckMailApplay($mailID, $remark) { if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1"); } $sql = "SELECT g.bm_GameMailTarget, g.bm_GameMailNickName, g.bm_GameMailTitle, g.bm_GameMailDesc, g.bm_MailApplyRemark, \r\n \t\t\t\ts.bm_ServerConnString,g.bm_ServerID FROM bm_gamemail g LEFT JOIN bm_gameserver s ON g.bm_ServerID = s.bm_ServerID\r\n \t\t\t WHERE g.bm_GameMailID = {$mailID}"; $rs = sql_fetch_rows($sql); if (empty($rs)) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "邮件已经不存在或者出错", "-1"); } $dataAry['bm_ApplyState'] = 11; $dataAry['bm_CheckRemark'] = $remark; $dataAry['bm_CheckTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $dataAry["bm_Checker"] = $_SESSION['account_ID']; foreach (array_keys($dataAry) as $k => $v) { $attribute[] = "`{$v}` = '" . $dataAry[$v] . "'"; } $r_updatesql = "UPDATE bm_gamemail SET " . implode(",", $attribute) . " WHERE bm_GameMailID = {$mailID}"; $r_checkUpdate = sql_query($r_updatesql); if ($r_checkUpdate != 0) { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "", 1); } else { return new ExcuteResult(ResultStateLevel::EXCEPTION, "执行出错", NULL); } }
$fileName = "Cache/plats".date("Y-m-d").".txt"; if(file_exists($fileName)) { $file = fopen($fileName,"r"); $str = fgets($file); fclose($file); } else { */ if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } $AccountID = $_SESSION['account_ID']; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(b.bm_AreaID),a.bm_AreaName FROM bm_gamearea a,bm_accountgameserver b WHERE a.bm_AreaID = b.bm_AreaID AND b.bm_AccountID = " . $AccountID . " AND b.bm_GameID = 1 AND a.bm_AreaState < 99 ORDER BY b.bm_AreaID"; $dbData = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $str = ""; for ($i = 0; $i != count($dbData); $i++) { $row = $dbData[$i]; $line = $row[0] . "," . $row[1]; $str .= "|" . $line; } $str = substr($str, 1); // $file = fopen($fileName,"w"); // fwrite($file,$str); // fclose($file); // } echo $str;
/** * 获取当前登陆账号指定游戏 区权限信息 区ID,区名称 * @param $game */ public function GetAccountAreaRights($game) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['account_ID'])) { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "账号已登出,请重新登录", "-1", NULL); } $AccountID = $_SESSION['account_ID']; $sql = "SELECT a.bm_AreaID ,a.bm_AreaName FROM (SELECT DISTINCT bm_AreaID FROM bm_accountgameserver WHERE bm_AccountID = " . $AccountID . " AND bm_GameID = " . $game . ") b,bm_gamearea a WHERE a.bm_AreaID = b.bm_AreaID ORDER BY a.bm_AreaID"; $r = sql_fetch_rows($sql); $array = array(); if (!empty($r)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++) { $rightsServ = $r[$i]; $rights = array(); $rights[] = $rightsServ[0]; $rights[] = $rightsServ[1]; $array[] = $rights; } return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::SUCCESS, "1", count($r), $array); } else { return new DataResult(ResultStateLevel::ERROR, "", NULL, NULL); } }