$trans = httppost("translatedtid"); if (is_array($trans)) { $translatedtid = $trans; } else { if ($trans) { $translatedtid = array($trans); } else { $translatedtid = array(); } } switch ($mode) { case "insert": $transintext = httppost("inserttext"); if (!httppost('insertandeditchecked')) { require_once "./modules/translationwizard/scanmodules_func.php"; wizard_insertfile($transintext, $languageschema, true); redirect('runmodule.php?module=translationwizard&op=scanmodules&error=1'); //back to the roots, no error but success } else { //if edit button was pushed rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=translationwizard&op=scanmodules&mode=saveedited' method='post'>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=translationwizard&op=scanmodules&mode=saveedited"); //rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value='". translate_inline("Show") ."'>"); //no longer necessary require "./modules/translationwizard/editchecked.php"; //if you want to edit some translations at a time } break; case "saveedited": $redirectonline = 0; require "./modules/translationwizard/multichecked.php"; //if you want to copy the checked translations with intext and the entered outtext, this commences the copy process
} require_once "./modules/translationwizard/scanmodules_func.php"; $module = httppost("module"); if (is_array($module)) { $modules = $module; } else { if ($module) { $modules = array($module); } else { $modules = array(); } } reset($modules); while (list($key, $module) = each($modules)) { $content = wizard_scanfile("modules/{$module}.php"); wizard_insertfile($content, $languageschema); } } } if (get_module_setting("translationdelete")) { if (httpget('op') == "uninstall") { $get = rawurlencode(serialize(httpallget())); require_once "./modules/translationwizard/deleteuninstalled.php"; } elseif (httpget('op') == "mass" && httppost("uninstall")) { $get = rawurlencode(serialize(httpallget())); $post = rawurlencode(serialize(httpallpost())); require_once "./modules/translationwizard/deleteuninstalled.php"; } } break; /*case "footer-modules":