Esempio n. 1
  * Performs any necessary cleanup on a filename to make it safe to use.
  * @access protected
  * @param string $filename the name of an uploaded file
  * @return string the cleaned-up filename
 function _clean_filename($filename)
     return sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($filename);
 function _run_error_checks_callback()
     $file_uploaded = false;
     if ($this->manager->_is_element('upload_file')) {
         $file = $this->manager->get_element('upload_file');
         if (($file->state == 'received' or $file->state == 'pending') and file_exists($file->tmp_full_path)) {
             // name our file with the friendly uploaded file name
             $new_filename = sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($file->file['name']);
             $new_path = dirname($file->tmp_full_path) . '/' . $new_filename;
             copy($file->tmp_full_path, $new_path);
             $file_uploaded = true;
             $user = new entity($this->manager->admin_page->user_id);
             $stream = new $this->file_transfer_utility_class($user->get_value('name'), $new_path);
             $this->check_if_file_has_been_previously_imported($stream, $user);
             if (!$this->manager->_has_errors()) {
                 $this->transfer_uploaded_file($stream, $user, $new_path);
             } else {
     if (!$file_uploaded && $this->manager->get_value('import_file')) {
         $user = new entity($this->manager->admin_page->user_id);
         $stream = new $this->file_transfer_utility_class($user->get_value('name'));
         $this->check_if_file_has_been_previously_imported($stream, $user);
         if (!$this->manager->_has_errors()) {
             $this->do_file_import($stream, $user);
     if ($this->manager->get_value('reason_managed_media') && $this->manager->get_value('delivery_methods') && $this->manager->get_value('url')) {
     if (!$this->manager->get_value('reason_managed_media') && !$this->manager->get_value('import_file')) {
 function place_local_media($entity_id = "", $new_local_file = "")
     if ($this->ssh == null) {
     // ssh is null if the streaming object is incomplete (no netid or no streaming_media folder)
     if ($entity_id == "") {
         return 0;
     if (strcmp($new_local_file, "") != 0) {
         $this->local_file = $new_local_file;
     // if passed a new file, use it instead
     if ($this->local_file == "") {
         return 0;
     $entity_prefix = $this->_entity_prefix($entity_id);
     // determine file path details
     $local_path_parts = pathinfo($this->local_file);
     // chop up the local path into an array
     $local_path = $local_path_parts['dirname'];
     // full path sans filename
     $local_filename = $local_path_parts['basename'];
     // filename only
     $remote_filename = sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($local_filename);
     // filename only
     $destination_path = REASON_STREAM_BASE_PATH . REASON_STREAM_DIR . '/' . $this->_entity_prefix($entity_id) . "/" . $entity_id . "/" . $remote_filename;
     if (!$this->_check_for_allowed_path($destination_path)) {
         $this->last_error = "streaming_server.php: place_media() destination path \"{$destination_path}\" forbidden.";
         return 0;
     // copy the file to it's entity location
     $remote_path_parts = pathinfo($destination_path);
     // chop up the remote path into an array
     $this->ssh->local_path = $local_path_parts['dirname'];
     $this->ssh->remote_path = $remote_path_parts['dirname'];
     $this->ssh->_scp_exec_to($local_path_parts['basename'], $remote_path_parts['basename']);
     // verify that it exists there
     if (!$this->ssh->remote_file_exists($destination_path)) {
         $this->last_error = "streaming_server.php: place_local_media() copy to destination path \"{$destination_path}\" failed.";
         return 0;
     return 1;
Esempio n. 4
	if (empty($session['files'][$name]))
		$session['files'][$name] = array();
	$index = get_next_index($session['files'][$name]);
	$session['files'][$name][$index] = array(
		'name' => $filename,
		'path' => $temp_path,
		'original_path' => $unscaled_path
	$response[$name] = array(
		'index' => $index,
		'filename' => sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($filename),
		'uri' => $temp_uri,
		'size' => $filesize
	if ($img_info) {
		$response[$name]['dimensions'] = array(
			'width' => $width,
			'height' => $height
		$response[$name]['orig_dimensions'] = array(
			'width' => $orig_width,
			'height' => $orig_height
Esempio n. 5
     * 	 This next part has been commented out because the final_response function seems unable to handle reuse of one error code with 
     * 	 two different messages (it currently prints out the other error message passed with the 422 code to final_response)
    if ($img_info)
    	if (!($img_info[0] > REASON_STANDARD_MIN_IMAGE_WIDTH && $img_info[1] > REASON_STANDARD_MIN_IMAGE_HEIGHT))
    		final_response(422, 'Uploaded image dimensions are too small. Please upload another image.');
    if (empty($session['files'][$name])) {
        $session['files'][$name] = array();
    $index = get_next_index($session['files'][$name]);
    $session['files'][$name][$index] = array('name' => $filename, 'path' => $temp_path, 'original_path' => $unscaled_path);
    $response[$name] = array('index' => $index, 'filename' => sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($filename), 'uri' => $temp_uri, 'size' => $filesize);
    if ($img_info) {
        $response[$name]['dimensions'] = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
        $response[$name]['orig_dimensions'] = array('width' => $orig_width, 'height' => $orig_height);
$reason_session->set(_async_upload_session_key($upload_sid), $session);
final_response(200, $response);
function check_constraints($constraints, $file)
    $path = $file->get_temporary_path();
    if (!empty($constraints['mime_types'])) {
        if (!$file->mime_type_matches($constraints['mime_types'])) {
            final_response(415, "File is not of an allowed type.");
Esempio n. 6
  * Alter and/or hide the file name field depending upon the state of the asset
  * - if just received, find a safe name, populate the field, and hide it - after the redirect
  * - if state is "existing" - don't do anything - the field remains editable
  * - if state is "pending" or "ready" (new) hide the field
 function pre_error_check_actions()
     $asset = $this->get_element('asset');
     // on an upload, set the file_name field to a safe value
     $filename = $asset->state == 'received' ? $asset->file["name"] : $this->get_value('file_name');
     if ($filename) {
         $filename = $this->get_safer_filename($filename);
         $filename = sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($filename);
         $filename = reason_get_unique_asset_filename($filename, $this->get_value("site_id"), $this->_id);
         $this->set_value('file_name', $filename);
     // hide the file_name field unless it is an existing valid asset
     if ($asset->state != 'existing') {
         $this->change_element_type('file_name', 'hidden');
     } else {
 * This function gets rid of any non filename friendly characters and adds .txt to extensions thought to be dangerous.
 * It is called safer because it doesn't stop necessarily stop someone from uploading a file that could be dangerous.
 * If your asset directory is web accessible and executable, there may well be other files one could upload and execute.
 * @todo the crazy logic used in this function should be simplified
 * @todo the notion of "safer" should be replaced with better security ... whitelist of uploadable extensions probably - add .txt to all others.
function _reason_get_safer_asset_filename($filename)
    $unsafe_to_safer = array('py' => 'py.txt', 'php' => 'php.txt', 'asp' => 'asp.txt', 'aspx' => 'aspx.txt', 'pl' => 'pl.txt', 'shtml' => 'shtml.txt', 'cfm' => 'cfm.txt', 'woa' => 'woa.txt', 'php3' => 'php3.txt', 'jsp' => 'jsp.txt', 'js' => 'js.txt', 'exe' => 'exe.txt', 'cgi' => 'cgi.txt', 'vb' => 'vb.txt', 'bat' => 'bat.txt');
    $parts = explode('.', $filename);
    if (count($parts) <= 1) {
        $parts_array = array(basename($filename), '');
    } else {
        $extension = array_pop($parts);
        $parts_array = array(basename($filename, ".{$extension}"), $extension);
    list($filename, $fext) = $parts_array;
    if (!empty($unsafe_to_safer[$fext])) {
        $fext = $unsafe_to_safer[$fext];
    if (!empty($fext)) {
        $filename .= '.' . $fext;
    $filename = sanitize_filename_for_web_hosting($filename);
    return $filename;