/** * array getLatLongFromAddress(int). * * Retrieves information about a given adress from the GoogleMaps API unless the given data is * found in function-result-cache. * * Example return: * return array( "lat" => "39.2866799", "lng" => "-76.619677", "state" => "MD", "city" => "Baltimore", "zip" => "21201", "street" => "300 W Pratt St", "streetName" => "W Pratt St", "streetNumber " => "300", ); */ function getLatLongFromAddress($address) { $secondsIn1Day = 86400; $daysIn1Year = 365; $secondsIn1Year = $secondsIn1Day * $daysIn1Year; // Call _getLatLongFromAddress() if there is no function-result-cache return call_user_func_cache($secondsIn1Year, '_getLatLongFromAddress', $address); // The function call_user_func_cache() is defined in FunctionResultCachingSupport.php }
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