function drawitems($top_item, $rows, $highlight) { printheaderb(); $query = "select count(*) as count from localtemptrans"; $db = tDataConnect(); $result = sql_query($query, $db); $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $rowCount = $row["count"]; sql_close($db); if ($rowCount == 0) { if ($_SESSION["training"] != 1) { plainmsg($_SESSION["welcomeMsg1"] . "<br />" . $_SESSION["welcomeMsg2"] . "<br />" . $_SESSION["welcomeMsg3"]); } else { plainmsg($_SESSION["trainingMsg1"] . "<br />" . $_SESSION["trainingMsg2"]); } } else { $query_range = "select * from screendisplay where trans_id >= " . $top_item . " and trans_id <= " . ($top_item + $rows) . " order by trans_id"; $db_range = tDataConnect(); $result_range = sql_query($query_range, $db_range); $num_rows = sql_num_rows($result_range); echo "<tr><td width='600' colspan='3'> </td></tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $row = sql_fetch_array($result_range); $trans_id = $row["trans_id"]; $description = $row["description"]; $total = $row["total"]; $comment = $row["comment"]; $tf = $row["status"]; $color = $row["lineColor"]; if ($trans_id == $highlight) { if ($color == "") { printitemhilite($description, $comment, $total, $tf); } else { printitemcolorhilite($color, $description, $comment, $total, $tf); } } else { if ($color == "") { printitem($description, $comment, $total, $tf); } else { printitemcolor($color, $description, $comment, $total, $tf); } } } sql_close($db_range); } }
$_SESSION["ccTender"] = 0; if (strlen($Reference) > 0) { $errorInfo = "Ref: " . $Reference; } else { $errorInfo = "Auth: " . $Auth; } $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "Unable to process<br>" . $errorInfo . "<p>[clear]"; //-------added 04/01/05 by CvR---need to save TroutD to void it ccout($User1, $Result, $TroutD, 0, $catTroutD); //----- boxMsgScreen(); } } else { if ($_SESSION["ouxWait"] < 5) { $_SESSION["ouxWait"]++; plainmsg("authorizing..."); printfooter(); } else { $_SESSION["ouxWait"] = 0; $_SESSION["ccTender"] = 0; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "Communication error<p><font size=-1>Unable to complete transaction<br>Please process card manually</font>"; boxMsgScreen(); } } ?> <HTML> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3;"> </HTML>
clearinput(); break; case "NS": if ($_SESSION["LastID"] != 0) { boxMsg("Transaction in Progress"); } else { $intAway = 1; maindisplay("nslogin.php"); } break; case "CN": if ($_SESSION["runningTotal"] == 0) { printheaderb(); receipt("cancelled"); $_SESSION["msg"] = 2; plainmsg("transaction cancelled"); } else { $intAway = 1; maindisplay("mgrlogin.php"); } break; case "TA": tender("TA", $_SESSION["runningTotal"] * 100); break; case "TB": boxMsg("credit card tender must specify amount"); break; case "EC": boxMsg("EBT tender must specify amount"); break; case "FS":