/** * Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions. * * Typical usecase: * - Initialize the model fields with values from filter form. * - Execute this method to get CActiveDataProvider instance which will filter * models according to data in model fields. * - Pass data provider to CGridView, CListView or any similar widget. * * @return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models * based on the search/filter conditions. */ public function search() { // @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched. $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('id', $this->id); $criteria->compare('email', $this->email, true); $criteria->compare('nome', $this->nome, true); $criteria->compare('cpf', $this->cpf, true); $criteria->compare('sexo', $this->sexo, true); $criteria->compare('telefone_fixo', $this->telefone_fixo, true); $criteria->compare('celular', $this->celular, true); $criteria->compare('endereco', $this->endereco, true); $criteria->compare('numero', $this->numero); $criteria->compare('complemento', $this->complemento, true); $criteria->compare('data_cadastro', $this->data_cadastro, true); if (!empty($this->placa)) { $oClientesCarros = ClienteCarro::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'placa like "%' . $this->placa . '%"')); $criteria->addCondition('t.id in (' . implode(',', CHtml::listData($oClientesCarros, 'id', 'id')) . ')'); } return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array('criteria' => $criteria)); }
public function actionGetDataJson() { $array = array(); $oModels = ClienteCarro::model()->naoExcluido()->ordenarPlaca()->findAllByAttributes(array('cliente_id' => $_POST['clienteId'])); $i = 0; if (!empty($oModels)) { foreach ($oModels as $model) { $array[$i]['id'] = intval($model->id); $array[$i]['text'] = strtoupper($model->placa); $i++; } } echo json_encode($array); }