/** * Добавление нового блока в буфер * * @param string $path * @param int|null $position * @return boolean */ public function add($path, $position = null) { if (array_key_exists($path, $this->blocks)) { return false; } $parse_path = explode(".", $path); $diff = array_diff($parse_path, array('')); if (count($parse_path) - count($diff) != 0) { return false; } foreach ($parse_path as $value) { if (mb_substr($value, 0, 1) == '_') { return false; } } $file_path = ROOT_PATH . '/app/blocks/' . implode("/", $parse_path) . '.php'; if (is_file($file_path)) { require_once $file_path; $class = mb_ucwords(implode("_", $parse_path)) . "_Block"; if (!is_null($position)) { $this->positions[$path] = $position; } $this->blocks[$path] = new $class(); return true; } else { return false; } }
function test_mb_ucwords() { $this->assertEquals('Åäö', mb_ucwords('åäö')); $this->assertEquals('Åäö Öäå', mb_ucwords('åäö öäå')); $this->assertEquals(ucwords('H.G. Wells'), mb_ucwords('H.G. Wells')); $this->assertEquals(ucwords('h.g. wells'), mb_ucwords('h.g. wells')); $this->assertEquals(ucwords('H.G. WELLS'), mb_ucwords('H.G. WELLS')); }
protected function modify_element($element) { if ($this->mb) { return mb_ucwords($element); } else { return ucwords($element); } }
protected function modify_paramvalue($from_value) { if ($this->mb) { return mb_ucwords($from_value); } else { return ucwords($from_value); } }
function wikify_album() { global $wgRequest, $wgOut; $this->artist = trim(mb_ucwords($wgRequest->getVal('artist'))); $this->album = trim($wgRequest->getVal('album')); $this->year = trim($wgRequest->getVal('year')); $discog = trim($wgRequest->getVal('discog')); $method = $wgRequest->getVal('method', null); if ($method) { if (in_array($method, $this->getMethods())) { if ($wgRequest->getVal('cover')) { $wikiText = wfMsgNoTrans("wft-album-header", $this->artist, mb_ucwords($this->album), $this->album, $this->year) . "\n"; } else { $wikiText = wfMsgNoTrans("wft-album-header-nocover", $this->artist, mb_ucwords($this->album), $this->album, $this->year) . "\n"; } $wikiText .= $this->{"format_" . $method}($discog); $wikiText .= wfMsgNoTrans("wft-album-footer", $this->artist, $this->album, $this->year) . "\n\n"; $wgOut->addHTML("<textarea rows='15' cols='100'>{$wikiText}</textarea>"); } else { $this->displayError(wfMsg("wft-error-unknownmethod", $method)); } } }
function neworder($core, $data, $file = false) { $sid = (int) $data['site']; $spc = (int) $data['from']; $fid = (int) $data['flow']; $oid = (int) $data['offer']; $tgt = (int) $data['target']; $iptext = $data['ip']; $ip = ip2int($iptext); $name = $data['name'] ? $core->text->line($data['name']) : 'Без Воображения'; $ind = (int) $data['index']; $area = $core->text->line($data['area']); $city = $core->text->line($data['city']); $street = $core->text->line($data['street']); $addr = $core->text->line($data['addr']); if ($addr == 'Уточнить по телефону') { $addr = ''; } if ($addr == 'Адрес узнать по телефону') { $addr = ''; } $comm = $core->text->line($data['comm']); $phone = (string) trim(preg_replace('#[^0-9]+#i', '', $data['phone'])); $pres = $data['present'] > 0 ? (int) $data['present'] : 0; $cnt = $data['count'] > 0 ? (int) $data['count'] : 1; $more = $data['more'] > 0 ? (int) $data['more'] : 0; $dsc = $data['discount'] > 0 && $data['discount'] < 100 ? (int) $data['discount'] : 0; $cntr = $data['country'] ? strtolower(substr($core->text->link($data['country']), 0, 2)) : false; $dlvr = $data['delivery'] > 0 ? (int) $data['delivery'] : 1; $exti = (int) $data['exti']; $extu = $exti ? preg_replace('#[^0-9A-Za-z\\_\\-\\.]+#i', '', $data['extu']) : 0; $exts = $exti ? preg_replace('#[^0-9A-Za-z\\_\\-\\.]+#i', '', $data['exts']) : 0; $utmi = (int) $data['utmi']; $utmc = (int) $data['utmc']; $utms = (int) $data['utms']; $items = is_array($data['items']) ? serialize($data['items']) : ''; $meta = $data['meta'] ? addslashes(serialize(unserialize(stripslashes($data['meta'])))) : ''; $addr1 = $core->text->line($data['addr1']); $addr2 = $core->text->line($data['addr2']); $addr3 = $core->text->line($data['addr3']); if ($addr1) { $addr .= ', ' . $addr1; } if ($addr2) { $addr .= ', ' . $addr2; } if ($addr3) { $addr .= ', ' . $addr3; } if (!($oid && ($offer = $core->wmsale->get('offer', $oid)))) { return 'offer'; } $site = $sid ? $core->wmsale->get('site', $sid) : false; $flow = $fid ? $core->wmsale->get('flow', $fid) : false; $ext = $exti ? $core->wmsale->get('ext', $exti) : false; $status = $data['status'] ? (int) $data['status'] : 1; if ($status == 1) { $status = $offer['offer_payment'] == 1 ? 0 : 1; } $userid = $flow ? $flow['user_id'] : ($ext ? $ext['user_id'] : false); if ($userid && $core->user->get($userid, 'user_ban')) { return 'security'; } if ($phone) { // Name and address $name = mb_ucwords($name); if (!$ind) { if (preg_match('#^([0-9]+)#i', $addr, $ind)) { $ind = $ind[1]; $ad = preg_split('#[\\s,\\.]+#i', $addr, 2); $addr = trim($ad[1], ' ,'); } else { $ind = ''; } } // Price, presents and discounts if ($data['items']) { $price = $cnt = 0; $vars = $core->wmsale->get('vars', $offer['offer_id']); foreach ($vars as &$v) { if ($data['items'][$v['var_id']]) { $cnt += $data['items'][$v['var_id']]; $price += $data['items'][$v['var_id']] * $v['var_price']; } } unset($v, $vars); } else { $price = $cnt * $offer['offer_price']; } if ($dsc) { $price = ceil($price * ((100 - $dsc) / 100)); } if ($pres) { $price += $core->lang['presentp'][$pres]; } if ($more) { $price += $more; } if ($offer['offer_delivery']) { $price += $core->lang['deliverp'][$dlvr]; } else { $dlvr = 0; } // GeoIP data $geoipdata = geoip($core, $iptext); if ($geoipdata) { $geoip = array('geoip_country' => $geoipdata['country'], 'geoip_city' => $geoipdata['city'], 'geoip_region' => $geoipdata['region'], 'geoip_district' => $geoipdata['district'], 'geoip_lat' => $geoipdata['lat'], 'geoip_lng' => $geoipdata['lng']); if (!$cntr) { $cntr = $geoip['geoip_country']; } if (!$addr && !$city) { $city = $geoip['geoip_city']; } if (!$addr && !$area) { $area = $geoip['geoip_region']; } } else { $geoip = false; } // Check IP and phone if ($phone[0] == '9' && strlen($phone) == 10) { $phone = '7' . $phone; } if (substr($phone, 0, 2) == '89') { $phone = '79' . substr($phone, 2); } if (substr($phone, 0, 2) == '99') { $phone = '79' . substr($phone, 2); } $pok = substr($phone, 0, 2) == '79' ? 1 : 0; // Check for bans $phs = $core->db->field("SELECT `status` FROM " . DB_BAN_PH . " WHERE `phone` = '{$phone}' LIMIT 1"); $ips = $core->db->field("SELECT `status` FROM " . DB_BAN_IP . " WHERE `ip` = '{$ip}' LIMIT 1"); if ($phs || $ips) { return 'ban'; } // Guess gender automatically $nc = new NCLNameCaseRu(); $gender = $nc->genderDetect($name) != NCL::$MAN ? 2 : 1; unset($nc); // Script based company guess $comp = 0; if ($offer['offer_script']) { $scr = explode("\n", $offer['offer_script']); foreach ($scr as $sc) { // Prepare script line to process $sc = trim($sc); if (!$sc) { continue; } // Get company for the script line if (preg_match('/#([0-9]+)/si', $sc, $ms)) { $cms = $ms[1]; } else { continue; } // Get type and ID to match if (preg_match('#([a-z]+)\\:([0-9]+)#si', $sc, $ms)) { $iid = $ms[2]; $iit = $ms[1]; if (!($iid && $iit)) { continue; } } else { continue; } // Match if it matches switch ($iit) { case 'user': if ($flow['user_id'] == $iid) { $comp = $cms; } break; case 'flow': if ($fid == $iid) { $comp = $cms; } break; case 'site': if ($sid == $iid) { $comp = $cms; } break; case 'space': if ($spc == $iid) { $comp = $cms; } break; case 'ext': if ($exti == $iid) { $comp = $cms; } break; case 'country': if ($cntr == $iid) { $comp = $cms; } break; } if ($comp) { break; } // If script worked OK } unset($sc, $scr); } if (!$comp) { if ($offer['offer_mr'] && !$site['site_comp']) { $ct = $core->db->field("SELECT comp_id FROM " . DB_ORDER . " WHERE order_time > '" . (time() - 604800) . "' AND ( order_phone = '{$phone}' OR order_ip = '{$ip}' ) ORDER BY order_id DESC LIMIT 1"); $mrt = unserialize($offer['offer_mrt']); if (!($ct && in_array($ct, $mrt))) { if ($mrt && ($ct = wrand($mrt))) { $comp = $ct; } else { $comp = $site['comp_id']; } } else { $comp = $ct; } } else { $comp = $site['comp_id']; } } $data = array('offer_id' => $oid, 'comp_id' => $comp, 'wm_id' => $userid, 'flow_id' => $fid, 'site_id' => $sid, 'space_id' => $spc, 'target_id' => $tgt, 'utm_id' => $utmi, 'utm_src' => $utms, 'utm_cn' => $utmc, 'ext_id' => $exti, 'ext_uid' => $extu, 'ext_src' => $exts, 'order_time' => time(), 'order_ip' => $ip, 'order_country' => $cntr, 'order_name' => $name, 'order_gender' => $gender, 'order_phone' => $phone, 'order_phone_ok' => $pok, 'order_index' => $ind, 'order_area' => $area, 'order_city' => $city, 'order_street' => $street, 'order_addr' => $addr, 'order_items' => $items, 'order_meta' => $meta, 'order_count' => $cnt, 'order_present' => $pres, 'order_discount' => $dsc, 'order_delivery' => $dlvr, 'order_more' => $more, 'order_price' => $price, 'order_comment' => $comm, 'order_status' => $status, 'order_webstat' => $status); if ($geoip) { $data += $geoip; } if ($core->db->add(DB_ORDER, $data)) { $id = $core->db->lastid(); if ($file) { if (is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $dot = strrpos($file['name'], '.'); $ext = strtolower(substr($file['name'], $dot + 1)); $name = $id . '-' . substr($core->text->link(substr($file['name'], 0, $dot)), 0, 90) . '.' . $ext; $goodext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'zip', 'rar', 'rar5', '7z', 'cdr', 'pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx'); if (in_array($ext, $goodext)) { move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], sprintf(FILENAME, $name)); $core->db->edit(DB_ORDER, array('order_file' => $name), "order_id = '{$id}'"); } } } if ($exti && ($url = $core->wmsale->get('ext', $exti, 'url_new'))) { if (preg_match_all('#\\{eval:\\[(.*?)\\]\\}#si', $url, $ems)) { foreach ($ems[0] as $k => $v) { $url = str_replace($v, eval($ems[1][$k]), $url); } } $url = str_replace('{id}', $id, $url); $url = str_replace('{uid}', $extu, $url); $url = str_replace('{src}', $exts, $url); $url = str_replace('{time}', time(), $url); $url = str_replace('{price}', $price, $url); $url = str_replace('{count}', $cnt, $url); foreach ($offer as $k => $v) { $url = str_replace("{offer:{$k}}", $v, $url); } $odata = $offer['offer_pars'] ? unserialize($offer['offer_pars']) : false; if ($odata) { foreach ($odata as $k => $v) { $url = str_replace("{data:{$k}}", $v, $url); } } curl($url); } // PostBack processing if ($userid && ($pbu = $core->wmsale->get('flow', $flw, 'flow_pbu'))) { $pbd = array('id' => $id, 'offer' => $oid, 'flow' => $flw, 'target' => $tgt, 'site' => $sid, 'space' => $spc, 'count' => $cnt, 'price' => $price, 'status' => ${$status}); foreach ($pbd as $pbk => $pbv) { $pbu = str_replace('{' . $pbk . '}', $pbv, $pbu); } curl($pbu, $pbd); } return (int) $id; } else { return 'db'; } } else { return 'data'; } }
<?php function mb_ucwords($str) { $str = mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); return $str; } if (isset($_POST['search'])) { $search1 = mb_ucwords($_POST['search']); $search2 = $_POST['search']; echo $search; } else { $search2 = ''; } $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'admin', 'admin', 'test'); $config[] = '0'; $record = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM `drivers_config`"); while ($record1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($record)) { $config[$record1['name']] = $record1; } function forsort($a, $b) { if ($a['position'] > $b['position']) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } uasort($config, 'forsort'); echo '<div>'; echo '<table class="table fixed">';
/** * Capitalize the chain * * @param String $string Chain to be capitalize * * @return string */ static function capitalize($string) { return mb_ucwords($string); }
function capitalizeWords($text) { /*$result = ''; $space = true; for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen ( $text); $i++ ) { $car = strtolower ( $text[$i] ); if ( strpos( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890", $car ) !== false ) { if ($space ) $car = strtoupper ( $car ); $result .= $car; $space = false; } else $space = true; } return $result;*/ if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { if (strtoupper(mb_detect_encoding($text)) == 'UTF-8') { $text = utf8_encode($text); } } if (function_exists('mb_ucwords')) { return mb_ucwords($text); } else { return mb_convert_case($text, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); } }
} $filter = $filter . ")"; } } else { $filter = ''; } //print_r($all); if (isset($_POST["dolg"])) { $dolg = "(`dolg1` <> 0 OR `dolg2` <> 0)"; } else { $dolg = ''; } $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'admin', 'admin', 'test'); $search = ""; if (isset($_POST["search"])) { $search = $search . "WHERE (`" . $_POST["idcol"] . "` LIKE '%" . $_POST["search"] . "%' OR `" . $_POST["idcol"] . "` LIKE '%" . mb_ucwords($_POST["search"]) . "%')"; } //echo substr_count($search, 'WHERE'); if (isset($_POST["filterC"])) { if (!in_array($_POST["idcol"], $_POST["filterC"])) { if ($filter != '') { if (!substr_count($search, 'WHERE')) { $search = $search . "WHERE " . $filter; } else { $search = $search . "AND " . $filter; } } if ($dolg != '') { if (!substr_count($search, 'WHERE')) { $search = $search . "WHERE " . $dolg; } else {
/** * Return the string with all the words in upper case. * * Delimiters are used to determine what is a word. * * @param string $delimiters * * @return Rope */ public function upperWords($delimiters = " \t\r\n\f\v") { return static::of(mb_ucwords($this->contents, $delimiters, $this->encoding), $this->encoding); }
/** * Парсит путь к вызываемому классу и методу */ protected static function parse($call) { if (mb_strpos($call, ':') !== false) { $parse_call = explode(':', $call); if (count($parse_call) > 2) { return false; } $diff = array_diff($parse_call, array('')); if (count($parse_call) - count($diff) != 0) { return false; } list($path, $method) = $parse_call; } else { list($path, $method) = array($call, null); } $parse_path = explode(".", $path); $diff = array_diff($parse_path, array('')); if (count($parse_path) - count($diff) != 0) { return false; } foreach ($parse_path as $value) { if (mb_substr($value, 0, 1) == '_') { return false; } } $class = mb_ucwords(implode("_", $parse_path)) . "_Cli"; $path = ROOT_PATH . '/app/clis/' . implode("/", $parse_path) . '.php'; return array($path, $class, $method); }
<?php function mb_ucwords($str) { $str = mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); return $str; } $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'admin', 'admin', 'test'); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $POST = $_POST; $POST['name'] = mb_ucwords($POST['name']); $query1 = ''; $query2 = ''; $query3 = ''; foreach ($POST as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'information') { $b = ''; } else { $b = ', '; } $query1 = $query1 . "`" . $key . "`" . $b; $query2 = $query2 . "'" . $value . "'" . $b; $query3 = $query3 . "`" . $key . "`='" . $value . "'" . $b; } if ($POST['index'] != '') { $query = "UPDATE `drivers` SET " . $query3 . " WHERE `index`='" . $POST['index'] . "'"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO `drivers` (" . $query1 . ") VALUES (" . $query2 . ")"; } echo '<br>' . $query; $res = mysqli_query($link, $query);
/** * Получение модели события * * @param string $path * @return object */ public static function get($path) { if (array_key_exists($path, static::$models)) { return static::$models[$path]; } $parse_path = explode(".", $path); $diff = array_diff($parse_path, array('')); if (count($parse_path) - count($diff) != 0) { return false; } foreach ($parse_path as $value) { if (mb_substr($value, 0, 1) == '_') { return false; } } $file_path = ROOT_PATH . '/app/events/' . implode("/", $parse_path) . '.php'; if (is_file($file_path)) { require_once $file_path; $class = mb_ucwords(implode("_", $parse_path)) . "_Event"; return static::$models[$path] = new $class(); } else { return false; } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: just * Date: 21.11.15 * Time: 10:19 */ /* * Задача 6: * Да се състави програма, чрез която се въвежда изречение с отделни думи. * Като резултат на екрана да се извежда същия текст, но всяка отделна * дума да започва с главна буква, а следващите я букви да са малки. * Пример: супер яката задача * Изход: Супер Яката Задача */ //Enter values $text = readline('Enter your text'); //Body if (!function_exists('mb_ucwords')) { function mb_ucwords($str) { return mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); } } $text = mb_ucwords($text); //Print echo $text;