function pleac_Printing_Correct_Plurals() { function pluralise($value, $root, $singular = '', $plural = 's') { return $root . ($value > 1 ? $plural : $singular); } // ------------ $duration = 1; printf("It took %d %s\n", $duration, pluralise($duration, 'hour')); printf("%d %s %s enough.\n", $duration, pluralise($duration, 'hour'), pluralise($duration, '', 'is', 'are')); $duration = 5; printf("It took %d %s\n", $duration, pluralise($duration, 'hour')); printf("%d %s %s enough.\n", $duration, pluralise($duration, 'hour'), pluralise($duration, '', 'is', 'are')); // ---------------------------- function plural($singular) { $s2p = array('/ss$/' => 'sses', '/([psc]h)$/' => '${1}es', '/z$/' => 'zes', '/ff$/' => 'ffs', '/f$/' => 'ves', '/ey$/' => 'eys', '/y$/' => 'ies', '/ix$/' => 'ices', '/([sx])$/' => '$1es', '$' => 's'); foreach ($s2p as $s => $p) { if (preg_match($s, $singular)) { return preg_replace($s, $p, $singular); } } } // ------------ foreach (array('mess', 'index', 'leaf', 'puppy') as $word) { printf("%6s -> %s\n", $word, plural($word)); } }
function after_get_record(&$record, $query, $url, $params) { global $CONF; $module = Module::load('fed'); $ds = $module->get_datasource(); $result = $ds->retrieve('/stats' . $url); $record['view_count'] = @$result['count']; $record['view_count_msg'] = 'This record has been viewed ' . @$result['count'] . ' ' . pluralise(@$result['count'], 'time') . '.'; $record['sidebar'][] = new RecordScoreFacet($record, $query, $result, $url, $CONF['url'] . '/score.php'); }
function relative_time($date) { $elapsed = time() - $date; if ($elapsed <= 1) { return 'Just now'; } $times = array(31104000 => 'year', 2592000 => 'month', 604800 => 'week', 86400 => 'day', 3600 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second'); foreach ($times as $seconds => $title) { $rounded = $elapsed / $seconds; if ($rounded > 1) { $rounded = round($rounded); return $rounded . ' ' . pluralise($rounded, $title) . ' ago'; } } }
public function activityUpdatesBySubject($dryrun = false) { echo "<h3>Running Activity Tweet Update</h3><i>Date Started: " . date('r') . "</i>" . BR . BR; if ($dryrun == "true") { echo "<pre>RUNNING IN DRY-RUN MODE - NO ACTUAL TWEETS WILL BE SENT!!! Remove /true in the URL to run properly!</pre>"; } // Setup our API access $this->load->library('twitter'); $twitter = new Twitter(array('consumerKey' => $this->consumer_key, 'consumerSecret' => $this->consumer_secret)); $twitter->setOAuthToken($this->oauth_access_token); $twitter->setOAuthTokenSecret($this->oauth_access_secret); // Go and get our activity information $service_url = registry_url('services/rda/getLatestActivityBySubject/' . $this->num_days_history); $data = @json_decode(@file_get_contents($service_url), true); if (!isset($data['results']) || count($data['results']) == 0) { echo "No activity information to be displayed. No updates matched the query at " . $service_url; return; } else { echo "<h4>Found " . count($data['results']) . " updates for the past " . $this->num_days_history . " days...</h4>"; // Reverse the sort order so largest update counts come last (i.e. highest on the Twitter feed) krsort($data['results']); foreach ($data['results'] as $idx => $update) { try { // Format our tweet message $tweet = sprintf("%d %s added with the subject '%s' #ANZSRC%s", $update['num_records'], pluralise("collection", $update['num_records']), ellipsis($update['value']), $update['notation']); echo "Sending Tweet: <i>" . $tweet . "</i>..."; flush(); if (!$dryrun) { $twitter->statusesUpdate($tweet); echo "sent " . BR; flush(); } sleep(0.5); // Pause between big chunks of tweets if ($idx % 5 == 0) { sleep(5); } } catch (TwitterException $e) { echo BR . BR . "Unable to send Tweet to Twitter API: " . $e->getMessage() . BR . BR; } catch (Exception $e) { echo BR . BR . "Unknown Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . BR . BR; } } } return; }
function relative_time($time) { $elapsed = time() - $time; if ($elapsed <= 60) { return 'Just now'; } $times = array(2592000 => 'month', 604800 => 'week', 86400 => 'day', 3600 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute'); if ($elapsed > key($times)) { return date(Config::get('metadata.date_format'), $time); } foreach ($times as $seconds => $title) { $rounded = $elapsed / $seconds; if ($rounded > 1) { $rounded = round($rounded); return $rounded . ' ' . pluralise($rounded, $title) . ' ago'; } } }
function test_pluralise() { $this->assertTrue(pluralise(0, 'record') == 'records'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(1, 'record') == 'record'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(2, 'record') == 'records'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(0, 'fish', '') == 'fish'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(1, 'fish', '') == 'fish'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(2, 'fish', '') == 'fish'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(0, 'dish', 'es') == 'dishes'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(1, 'dish', 'es') == 'dish'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(2, 'dish', 'es') == 'dishes'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(0, 'radi', 'i', 'us') == 'radii'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(1, 'radi', 'i', 'us') == 'radius'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(2, 'radi', 'i', 'us') == 'radii'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(0, 'm', 'ice', 'ouse') == 'mice'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(1, 'm', 'ice', 'ouse') == 'mouse'); $this->assertTrue(pluralise(2, 'm', 'ice', 'ouse') == 'mice'); }
function relative_time($date) { if (is_numeric($date)) { $date = '@' . $date; } $user_timezone = new DateTimeZone(Config::app('timezone')); $date = new DateTime($date, $user_timezone); // get current date in user timezone $now = new DateTime('now', $user_timezone); $elapsed = $now->format('U') - $date->format('U'); if ($elapsed <= 1) { return 'Just now'; } $times = array(31104000 => 'year', 2592000 => 'month', 604800 => 'week', 86400 => 'day', 3600 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second'); foreach ($times as $seconds => $title) { $rounded = $elapsed / $seconds; if ($rounded > 1) { $rounded = round($rounded); return $rounded . ' ' . pluralise($rounded, $title) . ' ago'; } } }
function theme_users_list($feed, $hide_pagination = false) { if (isset($feed->users)) { $users = $feed->users; } else { $users = $feed; } $rows = array(); if (count($users) == 0 || $users == '[]') { return '<p>No users to display.</p>'; } foreach ($users as $user) { $content = ""; if ($user->user) { $user = $user->user; } $name = theme('full_name', $user); $tweets_per_day = twitter_tweets_per_day($user); $last_tweet = strtotime($user->status->created_at); // $vicon = ($user->verified) ? theme('action_icon', "", '✔', 'verified') : ''; $content = "{$name}<br />"; //" <span class=\"actionicons\">{$vicon}</span>"; $content .= "<span class='about'>"; if ($user->description != "") { $content .= "Bio: " . twitter_parse_tags($user->description, $user->entities->description) . "<br />"; } if ($user->location != "") { $content .= theme('action_icon', "" . urlencode($user->location), "<span class='icons'>⌖</span> {$user->location}", 'Location'); $content .= "<br />"; } $content .= "Info: "; $content .= pluralise('tweet', $user->statuses_count, true) . ", "; $content .= pluralise('friend', $user->friends_count, true) . ", "; $content .= pluralise('follower', $user->followers_count, true) . ", "; $content .= "~" . pluralise('tweet', $tweets_per_day, true) . " per day<br />"; if ($user->status->created_at) { $content .= "Last tweet: "; if ($user->protected == 'true' && $last_tweet == 0) { $content .= "Private"; } else { if ($last_tweet == 0) { $content .= "Never tweeted"; } else { $content .= twitter_date('l jS F Y', $last_tweet); } } } $content .= "</span>"; $rows[] = array('data' => array(array('data' => theme('avatar', theme_get_avatar($user)), 'class' => 'avatar'), array('data' => $content, 'class' => 'status shift')), 'class' => 'tweet'); } $content = theme('table', array(), $rows, array('class' => 'followers')); if (!$hide_pagination) { #$content .= theme('pagination'); $content .= theme('list_pagination', $feed); } return $content; }
function theme_followers($feed, $hide_pagination = false) { $rows = array(); if (count($feed) == 0 || $feed == '[]') { return '<p>No users to display.</p>'; } foreach ($feed->users->user as $user) { $name = theme('full_name', $user); $tweets_per_day = twitter_tweets_per_day($user); $last_tweet = strtotime($user->status->created_at); $content = "{$name}<br /><span class='about'>"; if ($user->description != "") { $content .= "Bio: {$user->description}<br />"; } if ($user->location != "") { $content .= "Location: {$user->location}<br />"; } $content .= "Info: "; $content .= pluralise('tweet', $user->statuses_count, true) . ", "; $content .= pluralise('friend', $user->friends_count, true) . ", "; $content .= pluralise('follower', $user->followers_count, true) . ", "; $content .= "~" . pluralise('tweet', $tweets_per_day, true) . " per day<br />"; $content .= "Last tweet: "; if ($user->protected == 'true' && $last_tweet == 0) { $content .= "Private"; } else { if ($last_tweet == 0) { $content .= "Never tweeted"; } else { $content .= twitter_date('l jS F Y', $last_tweet); } } $content .= "</span>"; $rows[] = array('data' => array(array('data' => theme('avatar', $user->profile_image_url), 'class' => 'avatar'), array('data' => $content, 'class' => 'status shift')), 'class' => 'tweet'); } $content = theme('table', array(), $rows, array('class' => 'followers')); if (!$hide_pagination) { $content .= theme('list_pagination', $feed); } return $content; }
?> </article> <section class="footnote"> <!-- Unfortunately, CSS means everything's got to be inline. --> <p>This article is my <?php echo numeral(article_number(article_id()), true); ?> oldest. It is <?php echo count_words(article_markdown()); ?> words long<?php if (comments_open()) { ?> , and it’s got <?php echo total_comments() . pluralise(total_comments(), ' comment'); ?> for now.<?php } ?> <?php echo article_custom_field('attribution'); ?> </p> </section> </section> <?php if (comments_open()) { ?> <section class="comments">
?> chars) in the box below<br> <textarea name="note" rows="4"><?php echo @$_POST['note']; ?> </textarea> </p> <? endif /* Email note */ ?> </form> <? if ($COUNT_EMAILS_SENT): ?> <p>Emails are limited to a maximum of <?php echo $CONF['max_emails_per_session']; ?> per session. You have sent <?php echo $COUNT_EMAILS_SENT . ' ' . pluralise($COUNT_EMAILS_SENT, 'email'); ?> . <? if ($COUNT_EMAILS_SENT == ($CONF['max_emails_per_session'] - 1)): ?><br /><b>This is the last email you will be able to send in this session.</b><? endif ?> </p> <? endif /* Session count */ ?> <p>The data below will be sent by email:</p> <pre> <?php echo $EMAIL_BODY; ?> </pre> <? else: ?> <p>No records to email</p> <? endif ?>
<?php if (has_search_results()) { ?> <section class="content"> <p>We found <?php echo total_search_results(); ?> <?php echo pluralise(total_search_results(), 'result'); ?> for “<?php echo search_term(); ?> ”.</p> </section> <ul class="posts"> <?php while (search_results()) { ?> <li> <h3><?php echo article_title(); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo article_description(); ?> </p>
function theme_retweeters($feed, $hide_pagination = false) { $rows = array(); if (count($feed) == 0 || $feed == '[]') { return '<p>No one has retweeted this status.</p>'; } foreach ($feed->user as $user) { $name = theme('full_name', $user); $tweets_per_day = twitter_tweets_per_day($user); $last_tweet = strtotime($user->status->created_at); $content = "{$name}<br /><span class='about'>"; if ($user->description != "") { $content .= "Bio: " . twitter_parse_tags($user->description) . "<br />"; } if ($user->location != "") { $content .= "Location: {$user->location}<br />"; } $content .= "Info: "; $content .= pluralise('tweet', $user->statuses_count, true) . ", "; $content .= pluralise('friend', $user->friends_count, true) . ", "; $content .= pluralise('follower', $user->followers_count, true) . ", "; $content .= "~" . pluralise('tweet', $tweets_per_day, true) . " per day<br />"; $content .= "</span>"; $rows[] = array('data' => array(array('data' => theme('avatar', theme_get_avatar($user)), 'class' => 'avatar'), array('data' => $content, 'class' => 'status shift')), 'class' => 'tweet'); } $content = theme('table', array(), $rows, array('class' => 'followers')); if (!$hide_pagination) { $content .= theme('list_pagination', $feed); } return $content; }
function format_interval($timestamp, $granularity = 2) { $units = array('year' => 31536000, 'day' => 86400, 'hour' => 3600, 'min' => 60, 'sec' => 1); $output = ''; foreach ($units as $key => $value) { if ($timestamp >= $value) { $output .= ($output ? ' ' : '') . pluralise($key, floor($timestamp / $value), true); $timestamp %= $value; $granularity--; } if ($granularity == 0) { break; } } return $output ? $output : '0 sec'; }
/** * @test */ public function shouldInflectWord() { //given $count = 1; //when $inflected = pluralise($count, array('plural' => 'clients', 'singular' => 'client')); //then $this->assertEquals('client', $inflected); }
<div class="more-link"><a href="<?php echo article_url(); ?> " title="read the full article">read more →</a></div> <p class="small-note" style="padding: 20px 0 0;">By <a href="mailto:<?php echo user_authed_email(); ?> "><?php echo article_author(); ?> </a> on <?php echo article_date(); if (my_article_has_comments()) { ?> , and it’s got <?php echo my_article_total_comments() . pluralise(my_article_total_comments(), ' comment'); ?> for now.<?php } ?> .</p> </article> </li> <?php } ?> <?php /* posts(); ?> <li> <article class="wrap">