function process() { $edit =& $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/league/edit.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('status', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'status')); $this->smarty->assign('seasons', getOptionsFromQuery("SELECT id AS theKey, display_name AS theValue FROM season ORDER BY year, id")); $this->smarty->assign('days', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'day')); $this->smarty->assign('ratios', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'ratio')); $this->smarty->assign('schedule_types', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'schedule_type')); $this->smarty->assign('display_sotg', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'display_sotg')); $this->smarty->assign('excludeTeams', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'excludeTeams')); /* TODO: 10 is a magic number. Make it a config variable */ $this->smarty->assign('tiers', getOptionsFromRange(0, 10)); /* TODO: 5 is a magic number. Make it a config variable */ $this->smarty->assign('rounds', getOptionsFromRange(0, 5)); $this->smarty->assign('games_before_repeat', getOptionsFromRange(0, 9)); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("league/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); } else { /* Deal with multiple days and start times */ if (strpos($league->day, ",")) { $league->day = explode(',', $league->day); } $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->league); } return true; }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/event/edit.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('event_types', $this->event_types); $this->smarty->assign('currency_codes', getCurrencyCodes()); $this->smarty->assign('time_choices', getOptionsFromTimeRange(00, 2400, 30)); $this->smarty->assign('yes_no', array('No', 'Yes')); $this->smarty->assign('seasons', getOptionsFromQuery("SELECT id AS theKey, display_name AS theValue FROM season ORDER BY year, id")); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("event/view/" . $this->event->registration_id)); } else { # Smarty form auto-fill can't handle booleans directly, # so we substitute: $this->event->multiple = $this->event->multiple ? 1 : 0; $this->event->anonymous = $this->event->anonymous ? 1 : 0; $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->event); } return true; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $lr_session->expire(); local_redirect(url("login")); return true; }
function process() { $edit =& $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/season/edit.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('yes_no', array('No', 'Yes')); $this->smarty->assign('seasons', getOptionsFromEnum('season', 'season')); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("season/view/" . $this->season->id)); } else { /* Deal with multiple days and start times */ if (strpos($season->day, ",")) { $season->day = explode(',', $season->day); } $this->season->archived = $this->season->archived ? 1 : 0; $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->season); } return true; }
function process() { global $lr_session; // Using these multiple times, so saving them $is_admin = $lr_session->is_admin(); $is_captain = $lr_session->is_captain_of($this->team->team_id); $this->title = "{$this->team->name} » Roster Status"; if ($this->team->roster_deadline > 0 && !$lr_session->is_admin() && time() > $this->team->roster_deadline) { info_exit('The roster deadline has passed.'); } if (!$this->player) { $this->title = "{$this->team->name} » Add Player"; if (!($is_admin || $is_captain)) { error_exit("You cannot add a person to that team!"); } $new_handler = new person_search(); $new_handler->smarty =& $this->smarty; $new_handler->initialize(); $new_handler->ops['Add to ' . $this->team->name] = 'team/roster/' . $this->team->team_id; $new_handler->process(); $this->template_name = $new_handler->template_name; return true; } if (!$this->player->is_player()) { error_exit('Only registered players can be added to a team.'); } $events = $this->player->is_eligible_for($this->team->team_id); if ($events !== true) { // Captains and admins can modify players even if they haven't registered for events. // That way, the onus is on the player to register, saving captains the hassle. // So, only disable the roster change for players if (!($is_admin || $is_captain)) { $this->smarty->assign('prerequisites', $events); $this->smarty->assign('disabled', 'disabled="disabled"'); } } $this->positions = Team::get_roster_positions(); $this->currentStatus = $this->team->get_roster_status($this->player->user_id); $this->permittedStates = $this->permitted_roster_states(); $edit =& $_POST['edit']; if ($this->player->status != 'active' && $edit['status'] && $edit['status'] != 'none') { error_exit("Inactive players may only be removed from a team. Please contact this player directly to have them activate their account."); } if ($edit['step'] != 'perform') { $this->smarty->assign('current_status', $this->positions[$this->currentStatus]); $this->smarty->assign('player', $this->player); $this->smarty->assign('team', $this->team); $this->smarty->assign('states', $this->permittedStates); return true; } if (!array_key_exists($edit['status'], $this->permittedStates)) { error_exit("You do not have permission to set that status."); } if (!$this->team->set_roster_status($this->player->user_id, $edit['status'], $this->currentStatus)) { error_exit("Could not set roster status for {$this->player->fullname}"); } local_redirect(url("team/view/" . $this->team->team_id)); return true; }
function process() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $this->save($_POST); local_redirect(url("field/view/{$this->field->fid}")); } else { $this->generate_edit_map(); } }
function perform(&$edit) { list($rc, $message) = $this->league->reschedule_games_for_day($edit['olddate'], $edit['newdate']); if ($rc) { local_redirect(url("schedule/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); } else { error_exit("Failure rescheduling games: {$message}"); } }
function process() { global $lr_session; # Nuke HTML just in case $team_name = check_form($this->team->name, ENT_NOQUOTES); $this->title = "{$team_name} » Move"; $edit = $_POST['edit']; if ($edit['step']) { if ($edit['target'] < 1) { error_exit("That is not a valid league to move to"); } if (!$lr_session->has_permission('league', 'manage teams', $edit['target'])) { error_exit("Sorry, you cannot move teams to leagues you do not coordinate"); } $targetleague = League::load(array('league_id' => $edit['target'])); if (!$targetleague) { error_exit("You must supply a valid league to move to"); } if ($targetleague->league_id == $this->team->league_id) { error_exit("You can't move a team to the league it's currently in!"); } } if ($edit['swaptarget']) { $target_team = Team::load(array('team_id' => $edit['swaptarget'])); if (!$target_team) { error_exit("You must supply a valid target team ID"); } if ($target_team->league_id == $this->team->league_id) { error_exit("You can't swap with a team that's already in the same league!"); } if ($target_team->league_id != $targetleague->league_id) { error_exit("You can't swap with a team that's not in the league you want to move to!"); } if (!$lr_session->has_permission('league', 'manage teams', $target_team->league_id)) { error_exit("Sorry, you cannot move teams to leagues you do not coordinate"); } } switch ($edit['step']) { case 'perform': $sourceleague = League::load(array('league_id' => $this->team->league_id)); $this->perform($targetleague, $target_team); local_redirect(url("league/view/" . $sourceleague->league_id)); case 'confirm': return $this->confirm($targetleague, $target_team); case 'swaptarget': return $this->choose_swaptarget($targetleague); default: return $this->choose_league(); } error_exit("Error: This code should never be reached."); }
function process() { global $dbh, $lr_session; $this->title = $this->team->name . " » Rank Fields"; if ($lr_session->has_permission('team', 'viewfieldprefs', $this->team->team_id) && !$lr_session->has_permission('team', 'edit', $this->team->team_id)) { # Non-captain team members can view the preferences return $this->process_readonly(); } $this->template_name = 'pages/team/fieldpreference.tpl'; $fields = array(); $selected = array(); // Load any currently-selected selected fields $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT r.site_id,, f.region FROM team_site_ranking r LEFT JOIN field f ON (f.fid = r.site_id) WHERE team_id = ? ORDER BY rank ASC"); $sth->execute(array($this->team->team_id)); $chosen = array(); while ($item = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $chosen[$item->site_id] = "{$item->name} ({$item->region})"; array_push($selected, $item->site_id); } if (count($chosen) > 0) { $fields['Previously Chosen'] = $chosen; } else { $fields['Previously Chosen'] = array(); } // Ugh, now figure out what fields to display $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT f.fid, f.region,\n\t\t\tFROM field f\n\t\t\tWHERE f.fid IN ( SELECT\n\t\t\t\tDISTINCT COALESCE(f.parent_fid, f.fid)\n\t\t\t\tFROM leagueteams lt,\n\t\t\t\t\tleague_gameslot_availability a,\n\t\t\t\t\tgameslot g,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield f\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tf.fid = g.fid\n\t\t\t\t\tAND g.slot_id = a.slot_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND a.league_id = lt.league_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND lt.team_id = ?)\n\t\t\tORDER BY f.region,"); $sth->execute(array($this->team->team_id)); while ($field = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { if (array_key_exists($field->fid, $fields['Previously Chosen'])) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($field->region, $fields)) { $fields[$field->region] = array(); } $fields[$field->region][$field->fid] = "{$field->name} ({$field->region})"; } $this->smarty->assign('fields', $fields); $this->smarty->assign('selected', $selected); $this->smarty->assign('team', $this->team); $edit = $_POST['edit']; if ($edit['step'] == 'perform' && $lr_session->has_permission('team', 'edit', $this->team->team_id)) { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("team/fieldpreference/" . $this->team->team_id)); } return true; }
function process() { $this->title = "{$this->league->fullname} » Ratings Adjustment"; $this->template_name = 'pages/league/ratings.tpl'; $edit =& $_POST['edit']; // make sure the teams are loaded $this->league->load_teams(); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("league/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); } // TODO: replace with a load_teams_ordered() or maybe a flag to load_teams() ? list($order, $season, $round) = $this->league->calculate_standings(array('round' => $this->league->current_round)); $this->smarty->assign('teams', $season); return true; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $this->title = 'Registration ' . $this->registration->formatted_order_id() . ' » Add Payment'; $this->smarty->assign('reg', $this->registration); $this->smarty->assign('event', $this->event); // TODO: should be get_user() for consistency. $this->smarty->assign('registrant', $this->registration->user()); $edit = $_POST['edit']; $payment = new RegistrationPayment(); $payment->set('order_id', $this->registration->order_id); $payment->set('entered_by', $lr_session->user->user_id); $fields = array('payment_type', 'payment_amount', 'payment_method', 'paid_by', 'date_paid'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $payment->set($field, $edit[$field]); } $dataInvalid = $payment->validate(); if ($dataInvalid) { info_exit($dataInvalid . '<br>Please use your back button to return to the form, fix these errors, and try again.'); } switch ($edit['step']) { default: case 'confirm': $this->smarty->assign('payment', $payment); $this->template_name = 'pages/registration/addpayment.tpl'; break; case 'submit': if (!$payment->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save payment"); } switch ($payment->payment_type) { case 'Deposit': $this->registration->set('payment', 'Deposit Paid'); break; case 'Full': case 'Remaining Balance': $this->registration->set('payment', 'Paid'); break; } if (!$this->registration->save()) { error_exit("Internal error: couldn't save changes to registration"); } local_redirect(url("registration/view/" . $this->registration->order_id)); break; } return true; }
function process() { $this->title = "Edit Field: {$this->field->fullname}"; $edit = $_POST['edit']; switch ($edit['step']) { case 'confirm': $rc = $this->generateConfirm($edit); break; case 'perform': $this->perform($this->field, $edit); local_redirect(url("field/view/" . $this->field->fid)); break; default: $rc = $this->generateForm((array) $this->field); } return $rc; }
function process() { $this->title = "Game {$this->game->game_id} » Remove Results"; $this->template_name = 'pages/game/removeresults.tpl'; switch ($_POST['step']) { case 'perform': if (!$this->game->removeresults()) { error_exit("Could not successfully remove results for the game"); } local_redirect(url("schedule/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); break; default: $this->smarty->assign('game', $this->game); return true; } return $rc; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $this->title = "{$this->team->name} » Roster Status"; if ($this->team->roster_deadline > 0 && !$lr_session->is_admin() && time() > $this->team->roster_deadline) { error_exit('The roster deadline has passed.'); } if (!$this->player) { $this->title = "{$this->team->name} » Add Player"; if (!($lr_session->is_admin() || $lr_session->is_captain_of($this->team->team_id))) { error_exit("You cannot add a person to that team!"); } $new_handler = new person_search(); $new_handler->smarty =& $this->smarty; $new_handler->initialize(); $new_handler->ops['Add to ' . $this->team->name] = 'team/roster/' . $this->team->team_id; $new_handler->process(); $this->template_name = $new_handler->template_name; return true; } if (!$this->player->is_player()) { error_exit('Only registered players can be added to a team.'); } $this->positions = Team::get_roster_positions(); $this->currentStatus = $this->team->get_roster_status($this->player->user_id); $this->permittedStates = $this->permitted_roster_states(); $edit =& $_POST['edit']; if ($this->player->status != 'active' && $edit['status'] && $edit['status'] != 'none') { error_exit("Inactive players may only be removed from a team. Please contact this player directly to have them activate their account."); } if ($edit['step'] != 'perform') { $this->smarty->assign('current_status', $this->positions[$this->currentStatus]); $this->smarty->assign('player', $this->player); $this->smarty->assign('team', $this->team); $this->smarty->assign('states', $this->permittedStates); return true; } if (!array_key_exists($edit['status'], $this->permittedStates)) { error_exit("You do not have permission to set that status."); } if (!$this->team->set_roster_status($this->player->user_id, $edit['status'], $this->currentStatus)) { error_exit("Could not set roster status for {$this->player->fullname}"); } local_redirect(url("team/view/" . $this->team->team_id)); return true; }
function process() { $this->title = 'Registration ' . $this->registration->formatted_order_id(); $edit = $_POST['edit']; switch ($edit['step']) { case 'confirm': $rc = $this->generateConfirm($edit); break; case 'submit': $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("registration/view/" . $this->registration->order_id)); break; default: $rc = $this->generateForm(); } return $rc; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $this->title = "Game {$this->game->game_id}"; $edit = $_POST['edit']; switch ($edit['step']) { case 'confirm': $rc = $this->generateConfirm($this->game, $edit); break; case 'perform': $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("game/view/" . $this->game->game_id)); break; default: $rc = $this->generateForm(); } return $rc; }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->title = "{$this->league->fullname} » Edit Schedule"; switch ($edit['step']) { case 'perform': $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("schedule/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); break; case 'confirm': $rc = $this->generateConfirm($edit); break; default: $rc = $this->generateForm(); break; } return $rc; }
function process() { $edit =& $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/team/edit.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('status', getOptionsFromEnum('team', 'status')); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("team/view/" . $this->team->team_id)); } else { $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->team); } return true; }
function process() { $edit =& $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/note/edit.tpl'; if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(url("note/view/" . $this->note->id)); } else { $this->smarty->assign('note', $this->note); $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->note); } return true; }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->title = "Create Field"; switch ($edit['step']) { case 'confirm': $rc = $this->generateConfirm($edit); break; case 'perform': $this->field = new Field(); $this->perform($this->field, $edit); local_redirect(url("field/view/" . $this->field->fid)); break; default: $edit = array(); $rc = $this->generateForm($edit); } return $rc; }
function handle_valid($remember_me = 0, $next = null) { global $lr_session; $status = $lr_session->attr_get('status'); // New users may be treated as active, if the right setting is on if ($lr_session->user->is_active()) { $status = 'active'; } switch ($status) { case 'new': return $this->login_form("Login Denied. Account creation is awaiting approval."); case 'locked': return $this->login_form("Login Denied. Account has been locked by administrator."); case 'inactive': /* Inactive. Send this person to the revalidation page(s) */ local_redirect(url("person/activate")); break; case 'active': /* These accounts are active and can continue */ /* * If the user wants to be remembered, set the proper cookie * such that the session won't expire. */ $path = ini_get('session.cookie_path'); if (!$path) { $path = '/'; } $domain = ini_get('session.cookie_domain'); if ($remember_me) { setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, $path, $domain); } else { setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), FALSE, $path, $domain); } if ($next) { local_redirect(queryUnpickle($next)); } else { local_redirect(url("home")); } break; } return true; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $edit = $_POST['edit']; switch ($edit['step']) { case 'perform': if ($edit['password_one'] != $edit['password_two']) { error_exit("You must enter the same password twice."); } $this->person->set_password($edit['password_one']); if (!$this->person->save()) { error_exit("Couldn't change password due to internal error"); } local_redirect(url("person/view/" . $this->person->user_id)); break; default: $rc = $this->generateForm(); } return $rc; }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/field/edit.tpl'; $this->generateForm($edit); $this->smarty->assign('field', $this->field); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect('field/view/' . $this->field->fid); } else { $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->field); } return true; }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->smarty->assign('instructions', "Edit any of the following fields and click 'Submit' when done."); $this->template_name = 'pages/person/edit.tpl'; $this->generateForm($edit); $this->smarty->assign('person', $this->person); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect('person/view/' . $this->person->user_id); } else { $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->person); } return true; }
function process() { $this->template_name = 'pages/registration/delpayment.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('reg', $this->registration); $this->smarty->assign('event', $this->event); // TODO: should be get_user() for consistency. $this->smarty->assign('registrant', $this->registration->user()); $this->smarty->assign('payment', $this->payment); $this->title = 'Registration ' . $this->registration->formatted_order_id() . ' » Delete Payment'; if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Delete Payment') { if (!$this->payment->delete()) { error_exit("Could not delete payment"); } $this->registration->set('payment', 'Pending'); if (!$this->registration->save()) { error_exit("Could not save changes to registration"); } local_redirect(url("registration/view/" . $this->registration->order_id)); } return true; }
function process() { global $conf; $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->template_name = 'pages/settings/' . $this->type . '/edit.tpl'; $this->generateForm($edit); $this->smarty->assign('settings', $conf); if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit); if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit); $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors); return true; } $this->perform($edit); local_redirect('settings/' . $this->type); } else { $this->smarty->assign('edit', $conf); } return true; }
function process() { $this->title = "{$this->field->fullname} Create Game Slot"; if ($this->field->status != 'open') { error_exit("That field is closed"); } $edit =& $_POST['edit']; if ($edit['date']) { list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split("/[\\/-]/", $edit['date']); $today = getdate(); $yyyy = is_numeric($year) ? $year : $today['year']; $mm = is_numeric($month) ? $month : $today['mon']; $dd = is_numeric($day) ? $day : $today['mday']; if (!validate_date_input($yyyy, $mm, $dd)) { error_exit('That date is not valid'); } $datestamp = mktime(6, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yyyy); } switch ($edit['step']) { case 'perform': if (!$this->perform($edit, $datestamp)) { error_exit("Aieee! Bad things happened in gameslot create"); } local_redirect(url("field/view/{$this->field->fid}")); break; case 'confirm': $this->template_name = 'pages/slot/create/confirm.tpl'; return $this->generateConfirm($edit, $datestamp); break; case 'details': $this->template_name = 'pages/slot/create/step2.tpl'; return $this->generateForm($datestamp); break; default: $this->template_name = 'pages/slot/create/step1.tpl'; return true; } error_exit("Error: This code should never be reached."); }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $this->title = "{$this->person->fullname} » Approve"; if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') { /* Actually do the approval on the 'perform' step */ $this->perform($edit); local_redirect("person/listnew"); } if ($this->person->status != 'new') { error_exit("That account has already been approved"); } parent::process(); $this->template_name = 'pages/person/approve.tpl'; $sth = $this->person->find_duplicates(); $duplicates = array(); while ($user = $sth->fetchObject('Person', array(LOAD_OBJECT_ONLY))) { $duplicates[] = $user; } $this->smarty->assign('duplicates', $duplicates); return true; }
function process() { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $next = $_POST['next']; if (is_null($next)) { $next = $_GET['next']; if (is_null($next)) { $next = queryPickle('home'); } } switch ($edit['step']) { case 'perform': $this->perform($edit); local_redirect(queryUnpickle($next)); default: $this->template_name = 'pages/person/waiver.tpl'; $this->smarty->assign('next_page', $next); $this->smarty->assign('waiver_text', $this->waiver_text); $rc = true; } return $rc; }
function process() { global $lr_session; $this->title = "{$this->league->fullname} » Member Status"; if (!$this->player_id) { $new_handler = new person_search(); $new_handler->smarty =& $this->smarty; $new_handler->initialize(); $new_handler->ops['Add to ' . $this->league->fullname] = 'league/member/' . $this->league->league_id; $new_handler->extra_where = "(class = 'administrator' OR class = 'volunteer')"; $new_handler->process(); $this->template_name = $new_handler->template_name; return true; } if (!$lr_session->is_admin() && $this->player_id == $lr_session->attr_get('user_id')) { error_exit("You cannot add or remove yourself as league coordinator"); } $player = Person::load(array('user_id' => $this->player_id)); switch ($_GET['edit']['status']) { case 'remove': if (!$this->league->remove_coordinator($player)) { error_exit("Failed attempting to remove coordinator from league"); } break; default: if ($player->class != 'administrator' && $player->class != 'volunteer') { error_exit("Only volunteer-class players can be made coordinator"); } if (!$this->league->add_coordinator($player)) { error_exit("Failed attempting to add coordinator to league"); } break; } if (!$this->league->save()) { error_exit("Failed attempting to modify coordinators for league"); } local_redirect(url("league/view/" . $this->league->league_id)); }