"> <?php tpl_flush(); /* flush the output buffer */ // Page-Header DokuWiki page tpl_includeFile('pageheader.html'); // Page-Header DokuWiki page if ($ACT == 'show') { tpl_include_page('pageheader', 1, 1); } // render the content into buffer for later use ob_start(); tpl_content(false); $content = ob_get_clean(); $toc = bootstrap3_toc(tpl_toc(true), true); $content = '<div class="dw-content">' . $content . '</div>'; // Include Page Tools require_once 'tpl_page_tools.php'; // Include the TOC layout if ($toc) { require_once 'tpl_toc.php'; } else { echo $content; } tpl_flush(); // Page-Footer hook tpl_includeFile('pagefooter.html'); // Page-Footer DokuWiki page if ($ACT == 'show') { tpl_include_page('pagefooter', 1, 1);
<?php // Page icons (print, email, share link, etc.) require_once 'tpl_page_icons.php'; tpl_flush(); /* flush the output buffer */ // Page-Header DokuWiki page tpl_includeFile('pageheader.html'); // Page-Header DokuWiki page if ($ACT == 'show') { tpl_include_page('pageheader', 1, 1, bootstrap3_conf('useACL')); } // render the content into buffer for later use ob_start(); tpl_content(false); $content = bootstrap3_content(ob_get_clean()); $toc = bootstrap3_toc(true); // Include Page Tools require_once 'tpl_page_tools.php'; if ($toc) { echo '<div class="dw-page-row row">'; } echo '<div class="dw-content' . ($toc ? ' dw-content-with-toc col-sm-9' . (bootstrap3_conf('tocPosition') == 'left' ? ' col-md-push-3' : '') : '') . '">'; echo $content; echo '</div>'; // Include the TOC layout if ($toc) { echo '<div class="dw-toc hidden-print col-sm-3' . (bootstrap3_conf('tocPosition') == 'left' ? ' col-sm-pull-9' : '') . '">' . $toc . '</div></div>'; } tpl_flush(); // Page-Footer hook tpl_includeFile('pagefooter.html');
"> <?php tpl_flush(); /* flush the output buffer */ tpl_includeFile('pageheader.html'); // render the content into buffer for later use ob_start(); tpl_content(false); $content = ob_get_clean(); ?> <div class="pull-right hidden-print"> <div class="toc-affix" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="150"> <?php bootstrap3_toc(tpl_toc(true)); ?> </div> </div> <!-- wikipage start --> <?php echo $content; ?> <!-- wikipage stop --> <?php tpl_flush(); tpl_includeFile('pagefooter.html'); ?>