function dir_list_form() { global $fm_root_atual, $dir_atual, $quota_mb, $resolveIDs, $order_dir_list_by, $islinux, $cmd_name, $ip, $is_reachable, $path_info, $fm_color; $ti = getmicrotime(); clearstatcache(); $out = "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4 width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">\n"; if ($opdir = @opendir($dir_atual)) { $entry_count = 0; $file_count = 0; $dir_count = 0; $total_size = 0; $uplink = ""; $entry_list = array(); $highlight_cols = 0; while ($file = readdir($opdir)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_file($dir_atual . $file)) { $ext = strtolower(strrchr($file, ".")); $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "file"; // Função filetype() returns only "file"... $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = filesize($dir_atual . $file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = getsize($dir_atual . $file); if (strstr($ext, ".")) { $entry_list[$entry_count]["ext"] = $ext; $entry_list[$entry_count]["extt"] = $ext; } else { $entry_list[$entry_count]["ext"] = ""; $entry_list[$entry_count]["extt"] = " "; } $file_count++; } elseif (is_dir($dir_atual . $file)) { // Recursive directory size disabled // $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = total_size($dir_atual.$file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "dir"; $dir_count++; } $entry_list[$entry_count]["name"] = $file; $entry_list[$entry_count]["date"] = date("Ymd", filemtime($dir_atual . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["time"] = date("his", filemtime($dir_atual . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["datet"] = date("d/m/Y h:i:s", filemtime($dir_atual . $file)); if ($islinux && $resolveIDs) { $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = show_perms(fileperms($dir_atual . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["u"] = getuser(fileowner($dir_atual . $file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["g"] = getgroup(filegroup($dir_atual . $file)); } else { $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = base_convert(fileperms($dir_atual . $file), 10, 8); $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = substr($entry_list[$entry_count]["p"], strlen($entry_list[$entry_count]["p"]) - 3); $entry_list[$entry_count]["u"] = fileowner($dir_atual . $file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["g"] = filegroup($dir_atual . $file); } $total_size += $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"]; $entry_count++; } } closedir($opdir); if ($file_count) { $highlight_cols = $islinux ? 7 : 5; } else { $highlight_cols = $islinux ? 6 : 4; } if ($entry_count) { $or1 = "1A"; $or2 = "2D"; $or3 = "3A"; $or4 = "4A"; $or5 = "5A"; $or6 = "6D"; $or7 = "7D"; switch ($order_dir_list_by) { case "1A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or1 = "1D"; break; case "1D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC); $or1 = "1A"; break; case "2A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "p", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or2 = "2D"; break; case "2D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "p", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or2 = "2A"; break; case "3A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or3 = "3D"; break; case "3D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or3 = "3A"; break; case "4A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC); $or4 = "4D"; break; case "4D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "g", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "u", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC); $or4 = "4A"; break; case "5A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "size", SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC); $or5 = "5D"; break; case "5D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "size", SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC); $or5 = "5A"; break; case "6A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "date", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "time", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or6 = "6D"; break; case "6D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "date", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "time", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or6 = "6A"; break; case "7A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "ext", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or7 = "7D"; break; case "7D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list, "type", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, "ext", SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC, "name", SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC); $or7 = "7A"; break; } } $out .= "\r\n <script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n <!--\r\n function getCookieVal (offset) {\r\n var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (';', offset);\r\n if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length;\r\n return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));\r\n }\r\n function getCookie (name) {\r\n var arg = name + '=';\r\n var alen = arg.length;\r\n var clen = document.cookie.length;\r\n var i = 0;\r\n while (i < clen) {\r\n var j = i + alen;\r\n if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j);\r\n i = document.cookie.indexOf(' ', i) + 1;\r\n if (i == 0) break;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n function setCookie (name, value) {\r\n var argv = SetCookie.arguments;\r\n var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length;\r\n var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;\r\n var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null;\r\n var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null;\r\n var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false;\r\n document.cookie = name + '=' + escape (value) +\r\n ((expires == null) ? '' : ('; expires=' + expires.toGMTString())) +\r\n ((path == null) ? '' : ('; path=' + path)) +\r\n ((domain == null) ? '' : ('; domain=' + domain)) +\r\n ((secure == true) ? '; secure' : '');\r\n }\r\n function delCookie (name) {\r\n var exp = new Date();\r\n exp.setTime (exp.getTime() - 1);\r\n var cval = GetCookie (name);\r\n document.cookie = name + '=' + cval + '; expires=' + exp.toGMTString();\r\n }\r\n function go(arg) {\r\n document.location.href='" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&dir_atual={$dir_atual}'+arg+'/';\r\n }\r\n function resolveIDs() {\r\n document.location.href='" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&set_resolveIDs=1&dir_atual={$dir_atual}';\r\n }\r\n var entry_list = new Array();\r\n // Custom object constructor\r\n function entry(name, type, size, selected){\r\n = name;\r\n this.type = type;\r\n this.size = size;\r\n this.selected = false;\r\n }\r\n // Declare entry_list for selection procedures"; foreach ($entry_list as $i => $data) { $out .= "\nentry_list['entry{$i}'] = new entry('" . $data["name"] . "', '" . $data["type"] . "', " . $data["size"] . ", false);"; } $out .= "\r\n // Select/Unselect Rows OnClick/OnMouseOver\r\n var lastRows = new Array(null,null);\r\n function selectEntry(Row, Action){\r\n var MarkColor = '#" . $fm_color['Mark'] . "';\r\n var Cells = Row.getElementsByTagName('td');\r\n if (multipleSelection){\r\n // Avoid repeated onmouseover events from same Row ( cell transition )\r\n if (Row != lastRows[0]){\r\n if (Action == 'over') {\r\n if (entry_list[].selected){\r\n if (entry_list[].type == 'dir') DefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "';\r\n else DefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['File'] . "';\r\n if (unselect(entry_list[])) {\r\n for (var c=0; c < " . (int) $highlight_cols . "; c++) {\r\n if (c == 0 && entry_list[].type=='file' && !entry_list[].selected) Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = '#" . $fm_color['FileFirstCell'] . "';\r\n else Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = DefaultColor;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Change the last Row when you change the movement orientation\r\n if (lastRows[0] != null && lastRows[1] != null){\r\n var LastRowID = lastRows[0].id;\r\n var LastRowDefaultColor;\r\n if (entry_list[LastRowID].type == 'dir') LastRowDefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "';\r\n else LastRowDefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['File'] . "';\r\n if ( == lastRows[1].id){\r\n var LastRowCells = lastRows[0].getElementsByTagName('td');\r\n if (unselect(entry_list[LastRowID])) {\r\n for (var c=0; c < " . (int) $highlight_cols . "; c++) {\r\n if (c == 0 && entry_list[LastRowID].type=='file' && !entry_list[LastRowID].selected) LastRowCells[c].style.backgroundColor = '#" . $fm_color['FileFirstCell'] . "';\r\n else LastRowCells[c].style.backgroundColor = LastRowDefaultColor;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n if (select(entry_list[])){\r\n for (var c=0; c < " . (int) $highlight_cols . "; c++) {\r\n if (c == 0 && entry_list[].type=='file' && !entry_list[].selected) Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = '#" . $fm_color['FileFirstCell'] . "';\r\n else Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = MarkColor;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Change the last Row when you change the movement orientation\r\n if (lastRows[0] != null && lastRows[1] != null){\r\n var LastRowID = lastRows[0].id;\r\n if ( == lastRows[1].id){\r\n var LastRowCells = lastRows[0].getElementsByTagName('td');\r\n if (select(entry_list[LastRowID])) {\r\n for (var c=0; c < " . (int) $highlight_cols . "; c++) {\r\n if (c == 0 && entry_list[LastRowID].type=='file' && !entry_list[LastRowID].selected) LastRowCells[c].style.backgroundColor = '#" . $fm_color['FileFirstCell'] . "';\r\n else LastRowCells[c].style.backgroundColor = MarkColor;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n lastRows[1] = lastRows[0];\r\n lastRows[0] = Row;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n if (Action == 'click') {\r\n var newColor = null;\r\n if (entry_list[].selected){\r\n var DefaultColor;\r\n if (entry_list[].type == 'dir') DefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "';\r\n else DefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['File'] . "';\r\n if (unselect(entry_list[])) newColor = DefaultColor;\r\n } else {\r\n if (select(entry_list[])) newColor = MarkColor;\r\n }\r\n if (newColor) {\r\n lastRows[0] = lastRows[1] = Row;\r\n for (var c=0; c < " . (int) $highlight_cols . "; c++) {\r\n if (c == 0 && entry_list[].type=='file' && !entry_list[].selected) Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = '#" . $fm_color['FileFirstCell'] . "';\r\n else Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = newColor;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // Disable text selection and bind multiple selection flag\r\n var multipleSelection = false;\r\n if ( {\r\n document.onselectstart=new Function('return false');\r\n document.onmousedown=switch_flag_on;\r\n document.onmouseup=switch_flag_off;\r\n // Event mouseup is not generated over scrollbar.. curiously, mousedown is.. go figure.\r\n window.onscroll=new Function('multipleSelection=false');\r\n } else {\r\n if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);\r\n if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);\r\n window.onmousedown=switch_flag_on;\r\n window.onmouseup=switch_flag_off;\r\n }\r\n // Using same function and a ternary operator couses bug on double click\r\n function switch_flag_on(e) {\r\n lastRows[0] = lastRows[1] = null;\r\n if ({\r\n multipleSelection = (event.button == 1);\r\n } else {\r\n multipleSelection = (e.which == 1);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n function switch_flag_off(e) {\r\n if ({\r\n multipleSelection = (event.button != 1);\r\n } else {\r\n multipleSelection = (e.which != 1);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var total_dirs_selected = 0;\r\n var total_files_selected = 0;\r\n function unselect(Entry){\r\n if (!Entry.selected) return false;\r\n Entry.selected = false;\r\n sel_totalsize -= Entry.size;\r\n if (Entry.type == 'dir') total_dirs_selected--;\r\n else total_files_selected--;\r\n update_sel_status();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n function select(Entry){\r\n if(Entry.selected) return false;\r\n Entry.selected = true;\r\n sel_totalsize += Entry.size;\r\n if(Entry.type == 'dir') total_dirs_selected++;\r\n else total_files_selected++;\r\n update_sel_status();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n function is_anything_selected(){\r\n var selected_dir_list = new Array();\r\n var selected_file_list = new Array();\r\n for(var x=0;x<" . (int) count($entry_list) . ";x++){\r\n if(entry_list['entry'+x].selected){\r\n if(entry_list['entry'+x].type == 'dir') selected_dir_list.push(entry_list['entry'+x].name);\r\n else selected_file_list.push(entry_list['entry'+x].name);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n document.form_action.selected_dir_list.value = selected_dir_list.join('<|*|>');\r\n document.form_action.selected_file_list.value = selected_file_list.join('<|*|>');\r\n return (total_dirs_selected>0 || total_files_selected>0);\r\n }\r\n function formatsize (arg) {\r\n var resul = '';\r\n if (arg>0){\r\n var j = 0;\r\n var ext = new Array(' bytes',' Kb',' Mb',' Gb',' Tb');\r\n while (arg >= Math.pow(1024,j)) ++j;\r\n resul = (Math.round(arg/Math.pow(1024,j-1)*100)/100) + ext[j-1];\r\n } else resul = '0 Mb';\r\n return resul;\r\n }\r\n var sel_totalsize = 0;\r\n function update_sel_status(){\r\n var t = total_dirs_selected+' " . et('Dir_s') . " " . et('And') . " '+total_files_selected+' " . et('File_s') . " " . et('Selected_s') . " = '+formatsize(sel_totalsize);\r\n document.getElementById(\"sel_status\").innerHTML = t;\r\n }\r\n // Select all/none/inverse\r\n function selectANI(Butt){\r\n var MarkColor = '#" . $fm_color['Mark'] . "';\r\n for(var x=0;x<" . (int) count($entry_list) . ";x++){\r\n if (entry_list['entry'+x].type == 'dir'){\r\n var DefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "';\r\n } else {\r\n var DefaultColor = '#" . $fm_color['File'] . "';\r\n }\r\n var Row = document.getElementById('entry'+x);\r\n var Cells = Row.getElementsByTagName('td');\r\n var newColor = null;\r\n switch (Butt.value){\r\n case '" . et('SelAll') . "':\r\n if (select(entry_list[])) newColor = MarkColor;\r\n break;\r\n case '" . et('SelNone') . "':\r\n if (unselect(entry_list[])) newColor = DefaultColor;\r\n break;\r\n case '" . et('SelInverse') . "':\r\n if (entry_list[].selected){\r\n if (unselect(entry_list[])) newColor = DefaultColor;\r\n } else {\r\n if (select(entry_list[])) newColor = MarkColor;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (newColor) {\r\n for (var c=0; c < " . (int) $highlight_cols . "; c++) {\r\n if (entry_list[].type=='file' && c==0 && !entry_list[].selected) Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = '#" . $fm_color['FileFirstCell'] . "';\r\n else Cells[c].style.backgroundColor = newColor;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (Butt.value == '" . et('SelAll') . "'){\r\n Butt.value = '" . et('SelNone') . "';\r\n } else if (Butt.value == '" . et('SelNone') . "'){\r\n Butt.value = '" . et('SelAll') . "';\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n function download(arg){\r\n parent.frame1.location.href='" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=3&dir_atual={$dir_atual}&filename='+escape(arg);\r\n }\r\n function upload(){\r\n var w = 400;\r\n var h = 200;\r\n'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=10&dir_atual={$dir_atual}', '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n function execute(){\r\n document.form_action.cmd_arg.value = prompt('" . et('TypeCmd') . ".');\r\n if(document.form_action.cmd_arg.value.length>0){\r\n if(confirm('" . et('ConfExec') . " \\' '+document.form_action.cmd_arg.value+' \\' ?')) {\r\n var w = 800;\r\n var h = 600;\r\n'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=6&dir_atual={$dir_atual}&cmd='+escape(document.form_action.cmd_arg.value), '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function decompress(arg){\r\n if(confirm('" . strtoupper(et('Decompress')) . " \\' '+arg+' \\' ?')) {\r\n document.form_action.action.value = 72;\r\n document.form_action.cmd_arg.value = arg;\r\n document.form_action.submit();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function edit_file(arg){\r\n var w = 800;\r\n var h = 600;\r\n if(confirm('" . strtoupper(et('Edit')) . " \\' '+arg+' \\' ?'))'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=7&dir_atual={$dir_atual}&filename='+escape(arg), '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n function config(){\r\n var w = 600;\r\n var h = 400;\r\n'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=2', 'win_config', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n function server_info(arg){\r\n var w = 800;\r\n var h = 600;\r\n'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=5', 'win_serverinfo', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n function shell(){\r\n var w = 800;\r\n var h = 600;\r\n'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=9', '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n function view(arg){\r\n var w = 800;\r\n var h = 600;\r\n if(confirm('" . strtoupper(et('View')) . " \\' '+arg+' \\' ?'))'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=4&dir_atual={$dir_atual}&filename='+escape(arg), '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=yes');\r\n }\r\n function rename(arg){\r\n var nome = '';\r\n if (nome = prompt('" . strtoupper(et('Ren')) . " \\' '+arg+' \\' " . et('To') . " ...')) document.location.href='" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&action=3&dir_atual={$dir_atual}&old_name='+escape(arg)+'&new_name='+escape(nome);\r\n }\r\n function set_dir_dest(arg){\r\n document.form_action.dir_dest.value=arg;\r\n if (document.form_action.action.value.length>0) test(document.form_action.action.value);\r\n else alert('" . et('JSError') . ".');\r\n }\r\n function sel_dir(arg){\r\n document.form_action.action.value = arg;\r\n document.form_action.dir_dest.value='';\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) alert('" . et('NoSel') . ".');\r\n else {\r\n if (!getCookie('sel_dir_warn')) {\r\n alert('" . et('SelDir') . ".');\r\n document.cookie='sel_dir_warn'+'='+escape('true')+';';\r\n }\r\n parent.frame2.set_flag(true);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function set_chmod_arg(arg){\r\n document.form_action.chmod_arg.value=arg;\r\n if (document.form_action.action.value.length>0) test(document.form_action.action.value);\r\n else alert('" . et('JSError') . "');\r\n }\r\n function chmod(arg){\r\n document.form_action.action.value = arg;\r\n document.form_action.dir_dest.value='';\r\n document.form_action.chmod_arg.value='';\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) alert('" . et('NoSel') . ".');\r\n else {\r\n var w = 280;\r\n var h = 180;\r\n'" . $path_info["basename"] . "?action=8', '', 'width='+w+',height='+h+',fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function test_action(){\r\n if (document.form_action.action.value != 0) return true;\r\n else return false;\r\n }\r\n function test_prompt(arg){\r\n var erro='';\r\n var conf='';\r\n if (arg == 1){\r\n document.form_action.cmd_arg.value = prompt('" . et('TypeDir') . ".');\r\n } else if (arg == 2){\r\n document.form_action.cmd_arg.value = prompt('" . et('TypeArq') . ".');\r\n } else if (arg == 71){\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) erro = '" . et('NoSel') . ".';\r\n else document.form_action.cmd_arg.value = prompt('" . et('TypeArqComp') . "');\r\n }\r\n if (erro!=''){\r\n document.form_action.cmd_arg.focus();\r\n alert(erro);\r\n } else if(document.form_action.cmd_arg.value.length>0) {\r\n document.form_action.action.value = arg;\r\n document.form_action.submit();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function strstr(haystack,needle){\r\n var index = haystack.indexOf(needle);\r\n return (index==-1)?false:index;\r\n }\r\n function valid_dest(dest,orig){\r\n return (strstr(dest,orig)==false)?true:false;\r\n }\r\n // ArrayAlert - Selection debug only\r\n function aa(){\r\n var str = 'selected_dir_list:\\n';\r\n for (x=0;x<selected_dir_list.length;x++){\r\n str += selected_dir_list[x]+'\\n';\r\n }\r\n str += '\\nselected_file_list:\\n';\r\n for (x=0;x<selected_file_list.length;x++){\r\n str += selected_file_list[x]+'\\n';\r\n }\r\n alert(str);\r\n }\r\n function test(arg){\r\n var erro='';\r\n var conf='';\r\n if (arg == 4){\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) erro = '" . et('NoSel') . ".\\n';\r\n conf = '" . et('RemSel') . " ?\\n';\r\n } else if (arg == 5){\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) erro = '" . et('NoSel') . ".\\n';\r\n else if(document.form_action.dir_dest.value.length == 0) erro = '" . et('NoDestDir') . ".';\r\n else if(document.form_action.dir_dest.value == document.form_action.dir_atual.value) erro = '" . et('DestEqOrig') . ".';\r\n else if(!valid_dest(document.form_action.dir_dest.value,document.form_action.dir_atual.value)) erro = '" . et('InvalidDest') . ".';\r\n conf = '" . et('CopyTo') . " \\' '+document.form_action.dir_dest.value+' \\' ?\\n';\r\n } else if (arg == 6){\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) erro = '" . et('NoSel') . ".';\r\n else if(document.form_action.dir_dest.value.length == 0) erro = '" . et('NoDestDir') . ".';\r\n else if(document.form_action.dir_dest.value == document.form_action.dir_atual.value) erro = '" . et('DestEqOrig') . ".';\r\n else if(!valid_dest(document.form_action.dir_dest.value,document.form_action.dir_atual.value)) erro = '" . et('InvalidDest') . ".';\r\n conf = '" . et('MoveTo') . " \\' '+document.form_action.dir_dest.value+' \\' ?\\n';\r\n } else if (arg == 9){\r\n if (!is_anything_selected()) erro = '" . et('NoSel') . ".';\r\n else if(document.form_action.chmod_arg.value.length == 0) erro = '" . et('NoNewPerm') . ".';\r\n conf = '" . et('AlterPermTo') . " \\' '+document.form_action.chmod_arg.value+' \\' ?\\n';\r\n }\r\n if (erro!=''){\r\n document.form_action.cmd_arg.focus();\r\n alert(erro);\r\n } else if(conf!='') {\r\n if(confirm(conf)) {\r\n document.form_action.action.value = arg;\r\n document.form_action.submit();\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n document.form_action.action.value = arg;\r\n document.form_action.submit();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //-->\r\n </script>"; $out .= "\r\n <form name=\"form_action\" action=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return test_action();\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"frame\" value=3>\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=0>\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"dir_dest\" value=\"\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"chmod_arg\" value=\"\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"cmd_arg\" value=\"\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"dir_atual\" value=\"{$dir_atual}\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"dir_antes\" value=\"{$dir_antes}\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"selected_dir_list\" value=\"\">\r\n <input type=hidden name=\"selected_file_list\" value=\"\">"; $out .= "\r\n <tr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20><nobr>\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"config()\" value=\"" . et('Config') . "\">\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"server_info()\" value=\"" . et('ServerInfo') . "\">\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"test_prompt(1)\" value=\"" . et('CreateDir') . "\">\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"test_prompt(2)\" value=\"" . et('CreateArq') . "\">\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"execute()\" value=\"" . et('ExecCmd') . "\">\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"upload()\" value=\"" . et('Upload') . "\">\r\n <input type=button onclick=\"shell()\" value=\"" . et('Shell') . "\">\r\n <b>{$ip}</b>\r\n </nobr>"; if ($dir_atual != $fm_root_atual) { $mat = explode("/", $dir_atual); $dir_antes = ""; for ($x = 0; $x < count($mat) - 2; $x++) { $dir_antes .= $mat[$x] . "/"; } $uplink = "<a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&dir_atual={$dir_antes}\"><<</a> "; } if ($entry_count) { $out .= "\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20><nobr>{$uplink} <a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">{$dir_atual}</a></nobr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20><nobr>\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"selectANI(this)\" value=\"" . et('SelAll') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"selectANI(this)\" value=\"" . et('SelInverse') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"test(4)\" value=\"" . et('Rem') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"sel_dir(5)\" value=\"" . et('Copy') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"sel_dir(6)\" value=\"" . et('Move') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:100\" onclick=\"test_prompt(71)\" value=\"" . et('Compress') . "\">"; if ($islinux) { $out .= "\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:100\" onclick=\"resolveIDs()\" value=\"" . et('ResolveIDs') . "\">"; } $out .= "\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:100\" onclick=\"chmod(9)\" value=\"" . et('Perms') . "\">"; $out .= "\r\n </nobr>\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20><DIV ID=\"sel_status\"></DIV></td></tr>"; $dir_out = ""; $file_out = ""; foreach ($entry_list as $ind => $dir_entry) { $file = $dir_entry["name"]; if ($dir_entry["type"] == "dir") { $dir_out .= "\r\n <tr ID=\"entry{$ind}\" onmouseover=\"selectEntry(this, 'over');\" onmousedown=\"selectEntry(this, 'click');\">\r\n <td align=left bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\"><nobr><a href=\"JavaScript:go('{$file}')\">{$file}</a></nobr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["p"]; if ($islinux) { $dir_out .= "<td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["u"] . "<td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["g"]; } $dir_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["sizet"] . "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["datet"]; if ($file_count) { $dir_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['Dir'] . "\" align=center>"; } // Opções de diretório if (is_writable($dir_atual . $file)) { $dir_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"JavaScript:if(confirm('" . et('ConfRem') . " \\'" . $file . "\\' ?')) document.location.href='" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&action=8&cmd_arg=" . $file . "&dir_atual={$dir_atual}'\">" . et('Rem') . "</a>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"JavaScript:rename('{$file}')\">" . et('Ren') . "</a>"; } $dir_out .= "\r\n </tr>"; } else { $file_out .= "\r\n <tr ID=\"entry{$ind}\" onmouseover=\"selectEntry(this, 'over');\" onmousedown=\"selectEntry(this, 'click');\">\r\n <td align=left bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><nobr><a href=\"JavaScript:download('{$file}')\">{$file}</a></nobr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['File'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["p"]; if ($islinux) { $file_out .= "<td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['File'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["u"] . "<td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['File'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["g"]; } $file_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['File'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["sizet"] . "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['File'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["datet"] . "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#" . $fm_color['File'] . "\">" . $dir_entry["extt"]; // Opções de arquivo if (is_writable($dir_atual . $file)) { $file_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"javascript:if(confirm('" . strtoupper(et('Rem')) . " \\'" . $file . "\\' ?')) document.location.href='" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&action=8&cmd_arg=" . $file . "&dir_atual={$dir_atual}'\">" . et('Rem') . "</a>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"javascript:rename('{$file}')\">" . et('Ren') . "</a>"; } if (is_readable($dir_atual . $file) && strpos("", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") === false) { $file_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"javascript:edit_file('{$file}')\">" . et('Edit') . "</a>"; } if (is_readable($dir_atual . $file) && strlen($dir_entry["ext"]) && strpos("", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") !== false) { $file_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"javascript:decompress('{$file}')\">" . et('Decompress') . "</a>"; } if ($is_reachable && is_readable($dir_atual . $file) && strpos(".txt#.sys#.bat#.ini#.conf#.swf#.php#.php3#.asp#.html#.htm#.jpg#.gif#.png#.bmp#", $dir_entry["ext"] . "#") !== false) { $file_out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center><a href=\"javascript:view('{$file}');\">" . et('View') . "</a>"; } $file_out .= "</tr>"; } } $out .= $dir_out; if ($entry_count) { $out .= "\r\n <tr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or1}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Name') . "</a>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or2}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Perms') . "</a>"; if ($islinux) { $out .= "<td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or3}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Owner') . "</a><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or4}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Group') . "</a>"; } $out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or5}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Size') . "</a>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or6}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Date') . "</a>"; if ($file_count) { $out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&or_by={$or7}&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">" . et('Type') . "</a>"; } $out .= "\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20>"; } $out .= $file_out; $out .= "\r\n <tr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20><nobr>\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"selectANI(this)\" value=\"" . et('SelAll') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"selectANI(this)\" value=\"" . et('SelInverse') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"test(4)\" value=\"" . et('Rem') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"sel_dir(5)\" value=\"" . et('Copy') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:60\" onclick=\"sel_dir(6)\" value=\"" . et('Move') . "\">\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:100\" onclick=\"test_prompt(71)\" value=\"" . et('Compress') . "\">"; if ($islinux) { $out .= "\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:100\" onclick=\"resolveIDs()\" value=\"" . et('ResolveIDs') . "\">"; } $out .= "\r\n <input type=\"button\" style=\"width:100\" onclick=\"chmod(9)\" value=\"" . et('Perms') . "\">"; $out .= "\r\n </nobr></td>\r\n </tr>"; $out .= "\r\n </form>"; $out .= "\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20>{$dir_count} " . et('Dir_s') . " " . et('And') . " {$file_count} " . et('File_s') . " = " . formatsize($total_size) . "</td></tr>"; if ($quota_mb) { $out .= "\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20>" . et('Partition') . ": " . formatsize($quota_mb * 1024 * 1024) . " " . et('Total') . " - " . formatsize($quota_mb * 1024 * 1024 - total_size($fm_root_atual)) . " " . et('Free') . "</td></tr>"; } else { $out .= "\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20>" . et('Partition') . ": " . formatsize(disk_total_space($dir_atual)) . " " . et('Total') . " - " . formatsize(disk_free_space($fm_root_atual)) . " " . et('Free') . "</td></tr>"; } $tf = getmicrotime(); $tt = $tf - $ti; $out .= "\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20>" . et('RenderTime') . ": " . substr($tt, 0, strrpos($tt, ".") + 5) . " " . et('Seconds') . "</td></tr>"; $out .= "\r\n <script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n <!--\r\n update_sel_status();\r\n //-->\r\n </script>"; } else { $out .= "\r\n <tr>\r\n <td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" width=\"1%\">{$uplink}<td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20><nobr><a href=\"" . $path_info["basename"] . "?frame=3&dir_atual={$dir_atual}\">{$dir_atual}</a></nobr>\r\n <tr><td bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\" colspan=20>" . et('EmptyDir') . ".</tr>"; } } else { $out .= "<tr><td><font color=red>" . et('IOError') . ".<br>{$dir_atual}</font>"; } $out .= "</table>"; echo $out; }
} echo "</select>\n"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$_SESSION['TBL_AUTH'] ." WHERE username ='******'"; $result = perform_query($query, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); while($row = fetch_array($result)) { $chpw_user = $row['username']; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"inp_user\" value=\"$chpw_user\">\n"; echo "Change Password for ".htmlentities($chpw_user)."\n"; } } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (getgroup($_SESSION['username']) != "admins") { ?> <tr> <td width="33%"> Old password: </td> <td colspan="2"> <input type="password" style="width: 48%;" id="oldpw" autocomplete="off"> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td width="33%"> Password: </td> <td colspan="2">
$stactives[$st] = ' class="a"'; $extra = '&view=' . $view; $extra .= '&st=' . $st; $bid = intval($_G['sr_bid']); $extra .= '&bid=' . $bid; $brandresult = C::t('#sanree_brand#sanree_brand_businesses')->getusername_by_bidanduid($_G['uid'], $bid); if (!$brandresult) { showmessage(srlang('nobrand')); } if ($brandresult['status'] != 1) { showmessage(srlang('nostatus')); } if ($brandresult['allowalbum'] != 1) { showmessage(srlang('noallowalbum')); } $brandresult['group'] = getgroup($brandresult['groupid']); $brandresult['group']['grouplogo'] = $brandresult['group']['grouplogo'] ? fiximage($brandresult['group']['grouplogo']) : 'source/plugin/sanree_brand/tpl/good/images/vip0.gif'; $brandresult['group']['maxalbumcategorytip'] = str_replace('{maxalbumcategory}', $brandresult['group']['maxalbumcategory'], srlang('maxalbumcategorytip')); $brandresult['group']['maxalbumtip'] = str_replace('{maxalbum}', $brandresult['group']['maxalbum'], srlang('maxalbumtip')); $brandresult['url'] = getburl($brandresult); if ($st == 'album_category') { if (submitcheck('postsubmit')) { foreach ($_G['sr_album_displayorder'] as $id => $title) { $setarr = array('displayorder' => intval($_G['sr_album_displayorder'][$id])); C::t('#sanree_brand#sanree_brand_album_category')->update($id, $setarr); } $extra = array(); $_G['inajax'] = 1; $url_forward = srreferer() ? getburl_by_bid($bid) : 'plugin.php?id=sanree_brand&mod=mybrand&view=myalbum&st=album_category&bid=' . $bid; if ($_G['inajax']) { $href = $url_forward;
echo json_encode(); }*/ break; case 'cashierout': $jum = json_decode($_GET['data']); $jum2 = json_decode($_GET['total']); cashierout($jum, $jum2, $username = $_SESSION['username']); break; case 'dinein': $results = array("key" => "value"); echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($results) . ')'; //dinein($_REQUEST['data']); break; case 'populategroup': getgroup(); break; case 'populatemenu': getmenu($_GET['group']); break; case 'recall': //$jum = json_decode($_GET['data']); //header('Content-Type: application/json'); $jum = $_GET['data']; //echo $_GET['data']; $return = array("test" => $jum2); $jum2 = stripslashes($jum); recall(json_decode($jum2)); break; case 'getpegawai': getpegawai();
<td> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" 添加会员 "></td> </tr> </table></form> <?php } else { echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" id=\"table_border\">"; $csql = new Dedesql(false); $csql->SetQuery("select * from #@__guest"); $csql->Execute(); $rowcount = $csql->GetTotalRow(); if ($rowcount == 0) { echo "<tr><td> 没有任何会员,请先<a href=system_guest.php?action=new>添加会员</a>。</td></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr class='row_color_head'><td>ID</td><td>姓名</td><td>性别</td><td>联系地址</td><td>联系电话</td><td>QQ/MSN</td><td>生日</td><td>会员卡号</td><td>分组</td><td>操作员</td><td>入会时间</td><td>操作</td></tr>"; while ($row = $csql->GetArray()) { echo "<tr><td>" . $row['id'] . "</td><td> " . $row['g_name'] . "</td><td>" . $row['g_sex'] . "</td><td> " . $row['g_address'] . "</td><td> " . $row['g_phone'] . "</td><td>" . $row['g_qq'] . "</td><td> " . $row['g_birthday'] . "</td><td> " . $row['g_card'] . "</td><td> " . getgroup($row['g_group'], 'group') . "</td><td>" . $row['g_people'] . "</td><td>" . $row['g_dtime'] . "</td><td><a href=guest_edit.php?id=" . $row['id'] . ">改</a> | <a href=guest_del.php?id=" . $row['id'] . ">删</a></td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; $csql->close(); } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="table_style" class="l_b"> </td> <td> </td>
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Phone No. :</td> <td><?php echo $ad['contact']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="29"> </td> <td width="90" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">College :</td> <td width="239"><?php echo getgroup($ad['group']); ?> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <table width="700" border="0"> <tr> <td width="150" rowspan="2"><a href="<?php echo $ad['img1']; ?> " rel="lightbox"><img src="<?php echo $ad['img1']; ?> " alt="" width="150" border="1" /></a></td>
<li>添加组:<input type=checkbox name=addgroup /> <li>删除组:<input type=checkbox name=delgroup /> </ul> </div> <input type=submit value=新建> <input type=reset value=重设> </form> </div> <?php } else { if ($action == "mgroup" && $user["addgroup"]) { $g = $_GET["name"]; if (!$g) { $g = $_POST["name"]; } $name = $g; $g = getgroup($g); if (!$g) { exit("<div>组名错误</div>"); } ?> <div> <form action=ctrl.php name=myform method=post onsubmit="return checkgroupform();"> <input type=hidden name=action value=mgroup> 组名:<input name=groupname type=text size=20 value="<?php echo $name; ?> " readonly />(不能修改)<br/> 默认浏览方式:<input type=checkbox name=visit <?php echocheck($g["visit"]); ?> />浏览 <input type=checkbox name=big <?php
} echo "Updated Portlet Access for {$user}<br>"; break; case "portlet_user_perm_getperm": $user = get_input('user'); $headers = get_input('headers'); $pieces = explode(",", $headers); foreach ($pieces as $header) { $header = str_replace("_", " ", $header); if (has_portlet_access($user, $header) == TRUE) { $header = str_replace(" ", "_", $header); $data->{$header} = "true"; } else { // Note: didn't really need to return false below, just did it so // the ajax wouldn't throw a null when the user had no access. $header = str_replace(" ", "_", $header); $data->{$header} = "false"; } } echo json_encode($data); break; case "group_assignments_getgroup": $users = get_input('users'); $pieces = explode(",", $users); foreach ($pieces as $user) { $user = $user; // just set to last user select for now since the select box for groups is not a multi-select } echo getgroup($user); break; }
echo "<option selected value=\"$user\">$user</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$user\">$user</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> </td> <td> <select style="width: 100%;" class="sel_user_group_assignments_grouplist" id="sel_user_group_assignments_grouplist"> <?php $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(groupname) FROM groups ORDER BY groupname ASC"; $res = perform_query($sql, $dbLink, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); while($row = fetch_array($res)) { $group = $row['groupname']; if (preg_match("/$group/", getgroup($_SESSION['username']))) { echo "<option selected value=\"$group\">$group</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$group\">$group</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div style="position: relative; left: 25%;"> <input class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' id="btnUserGroupAssignments" type="submit" value="Assign To Group"> </div> </td>
?> "> (格式:2008-08-01)</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="row_style"> 会员卡号:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="g_card" size="20" value="<?php echo $row['g_card']; ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="row_style"> 所在分组:</td> <td> <?php getgroup($row['g_group']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="row_style"> 操作员:</td> <td> <?php echo $row['g_people']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="row_style"> 操作时间:</td> <td> <?php
function reset_layout($username) { $dbLink = db_connect_syslog(DBADMIN, DBADMINPW); $sql = "DELETE FROM ui_layout WHERE userid=(SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******')"; perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "common_funcs.php"); if (getgroup($username) == 'admins') { $sql = "INSERT INTO ui_layout (userid, pagename, col, rowindex, header, content, group_access) SELECT (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'),pagename,col,rowindex,header,content, 'admins' FROM ui_layout WHERE userid=0"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO ui_layout (userid, pagename, col, rowindex, header, content, group_access) SELECT (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'),pagename,col,rowindex,header,content, group_access FROM ui_layout WHERE userid=0"; } perform_query($sql, $dbLink, "common_funcs.php"); }