function signOn() { if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { // User was authenticated by the HTTP server $username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'])) { $username = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER']; } if ($username) { // Support ActiveDirectory domain specification with either // "user@domain" or "domain\user" formats if (strpos('@', $username) !== false) { list($username, $domain) = explode('@', $username, 2); } elseif (strpos('\\', $username) !== false) { list($domain, $username) = explode('\\', $username, 2); } $username = trim(strtolower($username)); if (($user = new StaffSession($username)) && $user->getId()) { return $user; } // TODO: Consider client sessions } }
function lookupAndSync($username) { if (($user = new StaffSession($username)) && $user->getId()) { return $user; } // TODO: Auto-create users, etc. }
function login($username, $passwd, &$errors, $strike = true) { global $ost, $cfg; if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) { if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) { $errors['err'] = 'Max. failed login attempts reached'; $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time(); //reset timer. } else { //Timeout is over. //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout. $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null; $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0; } } if (!$username || !$passwd || is_numeric($username)) { $errors['err'] = 'Username and password required'; } if ($errors) { return false; } if (($user = new StaffSession(trim($username))) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($passwd)) { self::_do_login($user, $username); Signal::send('auth.login.succeeded', $user); $user->cancelResetTokens(); return $user; } $info = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $passwd); Signal::send('auth.login.failed', null, $info); //If we get to this point we know the login failed. $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1; if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) { $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.'; $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time(); $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n"; $ost->logWarning('Excessive login attempts (' . $username . ')', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError()); } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) { //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning. $alert = 'Username: '******'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']; $ost->logWarning('Failed staff login attempt (' . $username . ')', $alert, false); } return false; }
function signOn($errors = array()) { global $ost; if (!isset($_POST['userid']) || !isset($_POST['token'])) { return false; } elseif (!($_config = new Config('pwreset'))) { return false; } elseif (($staff = new StaffSession($_POST['userid'])) && !$staff->getId()) { $errors['msg'] = __('Invalid user-id given'); } elseif (!($id = $_config->get($_POST['token'])) || $id != $staff->getId()) { $errors['msg'] = __('Invalid reset token'); } elseif (!($ts = $_config->lastModified($_POST['token'])) && $ost->getConfig()->getPwResetWindow() < time() - strtotime($ts)) { $errors['msg'] = __('Invalid reset token'); } elseif (!$staff->forcePasswdRest()) { $errors['msg'] = __('Unable to reset password'); } else { return $staff; } }
$msg = $msg ? $msg : 'Se Requiere Autenticación'; if ($_POST && (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['passwd']))) { //$_SESSION['_staff']=array(); #Uncomment to disable login strikes. $msg = 'Datos Incorrectos'; if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) { if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) { $msg = 'Excesivos intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión'; $errors['err'] = 'Has llegado al máximo de intentos de conexión fallidos.'; } else { //Timeout is over. //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout. $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null; $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0; } } if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($_POST['passwd'])) { //update last login. db_query('UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId())); //Figure out where the user is headed - destination! $dest = $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['dest']; //Now set session crap and lets roll baby! $_SESSION['_staff'] = array(); //clear. $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $_POST['username']; $user->refreshSession(); //set the hash. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight(); Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Inicio de sesión de Staff', sprintf("%s Identificado como [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); //Debug. //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
/* First order of the day is see if the user is logged in and with a valid session. * User must be valid staff beyond this point * ONLY super admins can access the helpdesk on offline state. */ if (!function_exists('staffLoginPage')) { //Ajax interface can pre-declare the function to trap expired sessions. function staffLoginPage($msg) { global $ost, $cfg; $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['dest'] = '/' . ltrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/'); $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['msg'] = $msg; require SCP_DIR . 'login.php'; exit; } } $thisstaff = new StaffSession($_SESSION['_staff']['userID']); //Set staff object. //1) is the user Logged in for real && is staff. if (!$thisstaff->getId() || !$thisstaff->isValid()) { if (isset($_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['msg'])) { $msg = $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['msg']; unset($_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['msg']); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['_staff']['userID']) && !$thisstaff->isValid()) { $msg = 'Session timed out due to inactivity'; } else { $msg = 'Authentication Required'; } staffLoginPage($msg); exit; } //2) if not super admin..check system status and group status
$Id: $ **********************************************************************/ require_once '../'; if (!defined('INCLUDE_DIR')) { die('Fatal Error. Kwaheri!'); } require_once INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.staff.php'; $msg = $msg ? $msg : 'Authentication Required'; if ($_POST && (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['passwd']))) { //$_SESSION['_staff']=array(); #Uncomment to disable login strikes. $msg = 'Invalid login'; if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] && time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < 3 * 60) { $msg = 'Max failed login Reached'; $errors['err'] = 'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.'; } if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($_POST['passwd'])) { db_query('UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId())); //We got a matching user and the password matched!! Nice. //Now set session crap and lets roll baby! $_SESSION['_staff'] = array(); //clear. $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $_POST['username']; $user->refreshSession(); //set the hash. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving(); //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.) $dest = $_POST['dest'] && !strstr($_POST['dest'], 'login.php') ? $_POST['dest'] : 'index.php'; @header("Location: {$dest}"); require 'index.php'; //Just incase header is messed up.
// Check version $errors['err'] = ' Nothing to do! System already upgraded'; $inc = ''; } elseif ($_SESSION['abort']) { // Check if already aborted die('Upgrade already aborted! Restore previous version and start all over again (logout required) or get help.'); } elseif ((double) phpversion() < 5.1) { // Too old PHP installation $errors['err'] = 'PHP installation seriously out of date. PHP 5.2+ is required.'; $wrninc = ''; } elseif (!ini_get('short_open_tag') && (double) phpversion() < 5.4) { // Check PHP version $errors['err'] = 'Short open tag disabled! - with PHP version prior to 5.4 Katak Support requires it turned on.'; $wrninc = ''; } elseif ($_POST && !$errors) { if ($adminloggedin || ($thisuser = new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $thisuser->getId() && $thisuser->check_passwd($_POST['password'])) { switch ($cfg->getVersion()) { case '0.9': //upgrading from ver. 0.9.x. $schema = './inc/ktk-upgrade-0.9.sql'; break; case '1.0': //upgrading from ver. 1.0.x. $schema = './inc/ktk-upgrade-1.0.sql'; break; default: $schema = ''; // This leads to an error in loading the schema } $vars = $errors = array(); if (!load_sql_schema($schema, $errors) && !$errors['err']) {
$msg=$_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['msg']; $msg=$msg?$msg:'Authentication Required'; if($_POST && (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['passwd']))){ //$_SESSION['_staff']=array(); #Uncomment to disable login strikes. $msg='Invalid login'; if($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) { if((time()-$_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'])<$cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) { $msg='Excessive failed login attempts'; $errors['err']='You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.'; }else{ //Timeout is over. //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout. $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']=null; $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']=0; } } if(!$errors && ($user=new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($_POST['passwd'])){ //update last login. db_query('UPDATE '.STAFF_TABLE.' SET lastlogin=NOW() WHERE staff_id='.db_input($user->getId())); //Figure out where the user is headed - destination! $dest=$_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['dest']; //Now set session crap and lets roll baby! $_SESSION['_staff']=array(); //clear. $_SESSION['_staff']['userID']=$_POST['username']; $user->refreshSession(); //set the hash. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET']=$user->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight']=$user->observeDaylight(); Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG,'Staff login',sprintf("%s logged in [%s]",$user->getUserName(),$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); //Debug. //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.) $dest=($dest && (!strstr($dest,'login.php') && !strstr($dest,'ajax.php')))?$dest:'index.php'; session_write_close(); session_regenerate_id();
function signOn() { if (isset($_SESSION[':cas']['user'])) { if (($staff = StaffSession::lookup($this->cas->getEmail())) && $staff->getId()) { if (!$staff instanceof StaffSession) { // osTicket <= v1.9.7 or so $staff = new StaffSession($staff->getId()); } return $staff; } else { $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['msg'] = 'Have your administrator create a local account'; } } }
function login($username, $passwd, &$errors, $strike = true) { global $ost, $cfg; if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) { if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) { $errors['err'] = 'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.'; } else { //Timeout is over. //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout. $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null; $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0; } } if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($username)) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($passwd)) { //update last login && password reset stuff. $sql = 'UPDATE ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' SET lastlogin=NOW() '; if ($user->isPasswdResetDue() && !$user->isAdmin()) { $sql .= ',change_passwd=1'; } $sql .= ' WHERE staff_id=' . db_input($user->getId()); db_query($sql); //Now set session crap and lets roll baby! $_SESSION['_staff'] = array(); //clear. $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $username; $user->refreshSession(); //set the hash. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['TZ_DST'] = $user->observeDaylight(); $ost->logDebug('Staff login', sprintf("%s logged in [%s]", $user->getUserName(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); //Debug. $sid = session_id(); //Current ID session_regenerate_id(TRUE); //Destroy old session ID - needed for PHP version < 5.1.0 TODO: remove when we move to php 5.3 as min. requirement. if (($session = $ost->getSession()) && is_object($session) && $sid) { $session->destroy($sid); } session_write_close(); return $user; } //If we get to this point we know the login failed. $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] += 1; if (!$errors && $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] > $cfg->getStaffMaxLogins()) { $errors['err'] = 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.'; $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = time(); $alert = 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?' . "\n" . 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] . "\n" . 'Timeout: ' . $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout() / 60 . " minutes \n\n"; $ost->logWarning('Excessive login attempts (' . $_POST['username'] . ')', $alert, $cfg->alertONLoginError()); } elseif ($_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] % 2 == 0) { //Log every other failed login attempt as a warning. $alert = 'Username: '******'username'] . "\n" . 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'TIME: ' . date('M j, Y, g:i a T') . "\n\n" . 'Attempts #' . $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes']; $ost->logWarning('Failed staff login attempt (' . $_POST['username'] . ')', $alert, false); } return false; }
} switch ($_POST['do']) { case 'sendmail': if ($staff = Staff::lookup($_POST['userid'])) { if (!$staff->sendResetEmail()) { $tpl = 'pwreset.sent.php'; } } else { $msg = 'Unable to verify username ' . Format::htmlchars($_POST['userid']); } break; case 'newpasswd': // TODO: Compare passwords $tpl = 'pwreset.login.php'; $_config = new Config('pwreset'); if (($staff = new StaffSession($_POST['userid'])) && !$staff->getId()) { $msg = 'Invalid user-id given'; } elseif (!($id = $_config->get($_POST['token'])) || $id != $staff->getId()) { $msg = 'Invalid reset token'; } elseif (!($ts = $_config->lastModified($_POST['token'])) && $ost->getConfig()->getPwResetWindow() < time() - strtotime($ts)) { $msg = 'Invalid reset token'; } elseif (!$staff->forcePasswdRest()) { $msg = 'Unable to reset password'; } else { $info = array('page' => 'index.php'); Signal::send('auth.pwreset.login', $staff, $info); Staff::_do_login($staff, $_POST['userid']); $_SESSION['_staff']['reset-token'] = $_POST['token']; header('Location: ' . $info['page']); exit; }
$msg = isset($msg) ? $msg : _('Authentication Required'); if ($_POST && (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['passwd']))) { //$_SESSION['_staff']=array(); #Uncomment to disable login strikes. $msg = _('Invalid login'); if ($_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike']) { if (time() - $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] < $cfg->getStaffLoginTimeout()) { $msg = _('Excessive failed login attempts'); $errors['err'] = _('You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.'); } else { //Timeout is over. //Reset the counter for next round of attempts after the timeout. $_SESSION['_staff']['laststrike'] = null; $_SESSION['_staff']['strikes'] = 0; } } if (!$errors && ($user = new StaffSession($_POST['username'])) && $user->getId() && $user->check_passwd($_POST['passwd'])) { //update last login. $user->update_lastlogin($user->getId()); //Figure out where the user is headed - destination! $dest = $_SESSION['_staff']['auth']['dest']; //Now set session crap and lets roll baby! $_SESSION['_staff'] = array(); //clear. $_SESSION['_staff']['userID'] = $_POST['username']; $user->refreshSession(); //set the hash. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $user->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight'] = $user->observeDaylight(); Sys::log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Staff login', sprintf('%s ' . _('logged in'), $user->getUserName()), $user->getUserName()); //Debug //Redirect to the original destination. (make sure it is not redirecting to login page.)
function authOrCreate($username) { global $cfg; switch ($this->type) { case 'staff': if (($user = StaffSession::lookup($username)) && $user->getId()) { if (!$user instanceof StaffSession) { // osTicket <= v1.9.7 or so $user = new StaffSession($user->getId()); } return $user; } else { $staff_groups = preg_split('/;|,/', $config->get('multiauth-staff-group')); $chkgroup; foreach ($staff_groups as $staff_group) { if ($ldap->checkGroup($name, $staff_group)) { $chkgroup = true; break; } } $config = $this->getConfig(); if ($config->get('multiauth-staff-register') && $chkgroup) { if (!($info = $this->lookup($username, false))) { return; } $errors = array(); $staff = array(); $staff['username'] = $info['username']; $staff['firstname'] = $info['first']; $staff['lastname'] = $info['last']; $staff['email'] = $info['email']; $staff['isadmin'] = 0; $staff['isactive'] = 1; $staff['group_id'] = 1; $staff['dept_id'] = 1; $staff['welcome_email'] = "on"; $staff['timezone_id'] = 8; $staff['isvisible'] = 1; Staff::create($staff, $errors); if (($user = StaffSession::lookup($username)) && $user->getId()) { if (!$user instanceof StaffSession) { $user = new StaffSession($user->getId()); } return $user; } } } break; case 'client': // Lookup all the information on the user. Try to get the email // addresss as well as the username when looking up the user // locally. if (!($info = $this->search($username)[0])) { return; } $acct = ClientAccount::lookupByUsername($username); if ($acct && $acct->getId()) { $client = new ClientSession(new EndUser($acct->getUser())); } if (!$client) { $info['name'] = $info['first'] . " " . $info['last']; $client = new ClientCreateRequest($this, $username, $info); //if (!$cfg || !$cfg->isClientRegistrationEnabled() && self::$config->get('multiauth-force-register')) { // return $client->attemptAutoRegister(); //} } return $client; } return null; }