 * Method untuk ngecek instal sudah berhasil atau berlum
 * @return true kalo sudah berhasil
function install_success()
    $db_file = APPPATH . 'config/database.php';
    if (!is_file($db_file)) {
        throw new Exception(get_alert('error', 'File database.php in application/config/ not exists'));
    # cek pengaturan database
    include APPPATH . 'config/database.php';
    $link = @mysqli_connect($db['default']['hostname'], $db['default']['username'], $db['default']['password']);
    if (!$link) {
        throw new Exception(get_alert('error', 'Failed to connect to the server: ' . mysqli_connect_error()));
    } elseif (!@mysqli_select_db($link, $db['default']['database'])) {
        throw new Exception(get_alert('error', 'Failed to connect to the database: ' . mysqli_error($link)));
    $CI =& get_instance();
    if ($CI->db->table_exists('pengaturan')) {
        # cek record install-success
        $success = get_pengaturan('install-success', 'value');
        if (empty($success)) {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
    return true;
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>Email Template</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("mapel");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        <table class=\"table table-striped datatable\">\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th>Nama template</th>\n                    <th width=\"15%\"></th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n                ";
     // line 27
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["template"]) ? $context["template"] : null);
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["e"]) {
         // line 28
         echo "                <tr>\n                    <td>";
         // line 29
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["e"]) ? $context["e"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
         echo "</td>\n                    <td>\n                        <a href=\"";
         // line 31
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("email/edit/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["e"]) ? $context["e"] : null, "id")), "html", null, true);
         echo "\" class=\"btn btn-default\">Edit</a>\n                    </td>\n                </tr>\n                ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['e'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 35
     echo "            </tbody>\n        </table>\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Esempio n. 3
 function edit($segment_3 = '', $segment_4 = '')
     $id = (int) $segment_3;
     $uri_back = (string) $segment_4;
     # ambil satu
     $retrieve = $this->mapel_model->retrieve($id);
     if (empty($retrieve)) {
     if (!empty($uri_back)) {
         $uri_back = deurl_redirect($uri_back);
     } else {
         $uri_back = site_url('mapel');
     $data['uri_back'] = $uri_back;
     $data['mapel'] = $retrieve;
     if ($this->form_validation->run('mapel/edit') == TRUE and !is_demo_app()) {
         $nama = $this->input->post('nama', TRUE);
         $info = $this->input->post('info', TRUE);
         $aktif = $this->input->post('status', TRUE);
         if (empty($aktif)) {
             $aktif = 0;
         $this->mapel_model->update($id, $nama, $info, $aktif);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('mapel', get_alert('success', 'Matapelajaran berhasil di perbaharui.'));
     $this->twig->display('edit-mapel.html', $data);
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>Manajemen Matapelajaran</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("mapel");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        <div class=\"row-fluid\">\n            <div class=\"span2\">\n                <a href=\"";
     // line 21
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("mapel/add"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Tambah Mapel</a>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"span10\">\n                Atur matapelajaran yang ada di sekolah<br>\n                <b>Note: </b> Matapelajaran tidak dapat dihapus namun dapat di ubah menjadi tidak aktif\n            </div>\n        </div>\n\n        <br>\n        <table class=\"table table-striped\">\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th width=\"5%\">No</th>\n                    <th>Matapelajaran</th>\n                    <th>Aktif</th>\n                    <th width=\"15%\"></th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n                ";
     // line 40
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["mapels"]) ? $context["mapels"] : null);
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["no"] => $context["v"]) {
         // line 41
         echo "                <tr>\n                    <td>";
         // line 42
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["no"]) ? $context["no"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo ".</td>\n                    <td>\n                        ";
         // line 44
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["v"]) ? $context["v"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\n                        <br><small>";
         // line 45
         echo nl2br(twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["v"]) ? $context["v"] : null, "info"), "html", null, true));
         echo "</small>\n                    </td>\n                    <td>\n                        ";
         // line 48
         if ($this->getAttribute(isset($context["v"]) ? $context["v"] : null, "aktif") == 1) {
             // line 49
             echo "                        <i class=\"icon-ok\"></i>\n                        ";
         } else {
             // line 51
             echo "                        <i class=\"icon-minus\"></i>\n                        ";
         // line 53
         echo "                    </td>\n                    <td>\n                        <a class=\"btn btn-default\" href=\"";
         // line 55
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("mapel/edit/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["v"]) ? $context["v"] : null, "id") . "/" . enurl_redirect(current_url())), "html", null, true);
         echo "\"><i class=\"icon-edit\"></i> Edit</a>\n                    </td>\n                </tr>\n                ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['no'], $context['v'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 59
     echo "            </tbody>\n        </table>\n\n        <br>\n        ";
     // line 63
     echo isset($context["pagination"]) ? $context["pagination"] : null;
     echo "\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>";
     // line 10
     echo anchor("email", "Email Template");
     echo " / Edit</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("email");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        ";
     // line 19
     echo get_alert("success", "Ubah bentuk atau kata - kata template email selain {\$...}");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 21
     echo form_open("email/edit/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["template"]) ? $context["template"] : null, "id"), array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">ID</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <p style=\"margin-top:5px;\">";
     // line 25
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["template"]) ? $context["template"] : null, "id"), "html", null, true);
     echo "</p>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Nama</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <p style=\"margin-top:5px;\">";
     // line 31
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["template"]) ? $context["template"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
     echo "</p>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Subject</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" class=\"span12\" value=\"";
     // line 37
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("subject", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["template"]) ? $context["template"] : null, "subject")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 38
     echo form_error("subject");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Body</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"body\" id=\"body\" style=\"height:300px;width:100%;\">";
     // line 44
     echo set_value("body", html_entity_decode($this->getAttribute(isset($context["template"]) ? $context["template"] : null, "body")));
     echo "</textarea>\n                    ";
     // line 45
     echo form_error("body");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    ";
     // line 50
     if (is_demo_app() == false) {
         // line 51
         echo "                    <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n                    ";
     // line 53
     echo "                    <a href=\"";
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("email"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn btn-default\">Kembali</a>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
     // line 56
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
 public function login()
     if (need_login()) {
         redirect(base_url() . "intro");
     $params["alert"] = get_alert();
     $this->load->view("login", $params);
Esempio n. 7
function callout_box()
    $alert = get_alert();
    if (!empty($alert)) {
        $type = $alert['type'];
        $msg = $alert['msg'];
        $title = empty($alert['title']) ? '' : "<h4>" . $alert['title'] . "</h4>";
        return "<div class='callout callout-{$type}'>{$title}<p>{$msg}</p></div>";
Esempio n. 8
function render_alert($type = '', $msg = '')
    if (empty($type) && empty($msg)) {
        $alert = get_alert();
        if (empty($alert)) {
            return '';
        $type = $alert['type'];
        $msg = $alert['msg'];
    return empty($msg) ? '' : '<div class="alert alert-' . $type . '" role="alert">' . $msg . '</div>';
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>Manajemen Kelas</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("kelas");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n            <div class=\"panel-heading\">\n                Edit Kelas\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"panel-body\">\n                ";
     // line 24
     echo form_open("kelas/edit/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "id"), array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Nama Kelas <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" class=\"span5\" placeholder=\"Nama Kelas\" value=\"";
     // line 28
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "nama")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                            ";
     // line 29
     echo form_error("nama");
     echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    ";
     // line 32
     if (!(null === $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "parent_id"))) {
         // line 33
         echo "                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Status</label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <label class=\"checkbox inline\">\n                                <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"status\" ";
         // line 37
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_checkbox("status", "1", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "aktif") == 1 ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo ">\n                                Aktif\n                            </label>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    ";
     // line 43
     echo "                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            ";
     // line 45
     if (is_demo_app() == false) {
         // line 46
         echo "                            <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Simpan</button>\n                            ";
     // line 48
     echo "                            <a href=\"";
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("kelas"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn\">Batal</a>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                ";
     // line 51
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n            </div>\n        </div>\n\n        <p class=\"text-warning\"><b>NB:</b> Kelas tidak dapat di hapus namun dapat di ubah menjadi tidak aktif.</p>\n\n        ";
     // line 57
     echo isset($context["kelas_hirarki"]) ? $context["kelas_hirarki"] : null;
     echo "\n\n        <br>\n        <div id=\"response_update\"></div>\n        <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"update-hirarki\">Update Hirarki</button>\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>";
     // line 10
     echo anchor(isset($context["uri_back"]) ? $context["uri_back"] : null, "Manajemen Matapelajaran");
     echo " / Edit</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("mapel");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        ";
     // line 19
     echo form_open("mapel/edit/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["mapel"]) ? $context["mapel"] : null, "id") . "/" . enurl_redirect(isset($context["uri_back"]) ? $context["uri_back"] : null), array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Nama <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" class=\"span8\" value=\"";
     // line 23
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["mapel"]) ? $context["mapel"] : null, "nama")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 24
     echo form_error("nama");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Deskripsi</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"info\" class=\"span12\" rows=\"5\">";
     // line 30
     echo set_value("info", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["mapel"]) ? $context["mapel"] : null, "info"));
     echo "</textarea>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Status</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <label class=\"checkbox inline\">\n                        <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"status\" ";
     // line 37
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_checkbox("status", "1", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["mapel"]) ? $context["mapel"] : null, "aktif") == 1 ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo ">\n                        Aktif\n                    </label>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    ";
     // line 44
     if (is_demo_app() == false) {
         // line 45
         echo "                    <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n                    ";
     // line 47
     echo "                    <a href=\"";
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["uri_back"]) ? $context["uri_back"] : null, "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn\">Batal</a>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
     // line 50
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Esempio n. 11
 function index()
     if (is_login()) {
     if ($this->form_validation->run('login') == TRUE) {
         $email = $this->input->post('email', TRUE);
         $password = md5($this->input->post('password', TRUE));
         $get_login = $this->login_model->retrieve(null, $email, $password);
         if (empty($get_login)) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('login', get_alert('warning', 'Maaf akun tidak ditemukan.'));
         } else {
             # cari user yang login
             if (!empty($get_login['pengajar_id'])) {
                 $user = $this->pengajar_model->retrieve($get_login['pengajar_id']);
                 $user_type = empty($get_login['is_admin']) ? 'pengajar' : 'admin';
             } elseif (!empty($get_login['siswa_id'])) {
                 $user = $this->siswa_model->retrieve($get_login['siswa_id']);
                 $user_type = 'siswa';
             # cek jika user berstatus tidak aktif
             if ($user['status_id'] != 1) {
                 $this->session->set_flashdata('login', get_alert('warning', 'Maaf status anda tidak aktif.'));
             $data_session['login_' . APP_PREFIX][$user_type] = array('login' => $get_login, 'user' => $user);
             $_SESSION['E-LEARNING']['KCFINDER'] = array();
             $_SESSION['E-LEARNING']['KCFINDER']['disabled'] = false;
             $_SESSION['E-LEARNING']['KCFINDER']['uploadDir'] = "";
             if ($user_type == 'admin') {
                 $_SESSION['E-LEARNING']['KCFINDER']['uploadURL'] = base_url('assets/uploads/');
             } else {
                 $user_folder = './assets/uploads/' . $get_login['id'];
                 if (!is_dir($user_folder)) {
                     mkdir($user_folder, 0755);
                     chmod($user_folder, 0755);
                 $_SESSION['E-LEARNING']['KCFINDER']['uploadURL'] = base_url('assets/uploads/' . $get_login['id']);
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>";
     // line 10
     echo anchor("mapel", "Manajemen Matapelajaran");
     echo " / Tambah</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("mapel");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        ";
     // line 19
     echo form_open("mapel/add", array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Nama <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" class=\"span8\" value=\"";
     // line 23
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 24
     echo form_error("nama");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Deskripsi</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"info\" class=\"span12\" rows=\"5\">";
     // line 30
     echo set_value("info");
     echo "</textarea>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    ";
     // line 35
     if (is_demo_app() == false) {
         // line 36
         echo "                    <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Simpan</button>\n                    ";
     // line 38
     echo "                    <a href=\"";
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("mapel"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn\">Batal</a>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
     // line 41
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Esempio n. 13
 function pengaturan()
     if (!is_admin()) {
     $data['comp_js'] = get_tinymce('tinymce, textarea.tinymce');
     if ($this->form_validation->run('pengaturan') == true) {
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
             # cek ada tidak, kalo ada update
             $retrieve = $this->config_model->retrieve($key);
             if (!empty($retrieve)) {
                 $this->config_model->update($key, $retrieve['nama'], $val);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('pengaturan', get_alert('success', 'Pengaturan berhasil diperbaharui.'));
     $this->twig->display('pengaturan.html', $data);
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>Manajemen Kelas</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("kelas");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        <div class=\"panel panel-default\">\n            <div class=\"panel-heading\">\n                Tambah Kelas\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"panel-body\">\n                ";
     // line 24
     echo form_open("kelas", array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Nama Kelas <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" class=\"span5\" placeholder=\"Nama Kelas\" value=\"";
     // line 28
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                            <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Simpan</button>\n                            ";
     // line 30
     echo form_error("nama");
     echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                ";
     // line 33
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n            </div>\n        </div>\n\n        <p><b>Note:</b> Kelas tidak dapat di hapus namun dapat di ubah menjadi tidak aktif</p>\n\n        ";
     // line 39
     echo isset($context["kelas_hirarki"]) ? $context["kelas_hirarki"] : null;
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 41
     if (is_demo_app() == false) {
         // line 42
         echo "        <br>\n        <div id=\"response_update\"></div>\n        <button class=\"btn btn-primary\" id=\"update-hirarki\">Update Hirarki</button>\n        ";
     // line 46
     echo "    </div>\n</div>\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 4
     echo "<h4>Edit Username</h4>\n";
     // line 5
     echo get_flashdata("edit");
     echo "\n\n";
     // line 7
     if (is_demo_app() && $this->getAttribute(isset($context["login"]) ? $context["login"] : null, "is_admin") == true) {
         // line 8
         echo "    ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n";
     // line 10
     echo "\n";
     // line 11
     echo form_open("pengajar/edit_username/" . (isset($context["status_id"]) ? $context["status_id"] : null) . "/" . (isset($context["pengajar_id"]) ? $context["pengajar_id"] : null));
     echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"login_id\" value=\"";
     // line 12
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["login"]) ? $context["login"] : null, "id"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n<table class=\"table table-striped\">\n    <tbody>\n        <tr>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"";
     // line 17
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("username", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["login"]) ? $context["login"] : null, "username")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                <br>";
     // line 18
     echo form_error("username");
     echo "\n            </td>\n            ";
     // line 20
     if (is_demo_app() == false || $this->getAttribute(isset($context["login"]) ? $context["login"] : null, "is_admin") == false) {
         // line 21
         echo "            <td width=\"20%\">\n                <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n            </td>\n            ";
     // line 25
     echo "        </tr>\n    </tbody>\n</table>\n";
     // line 28
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 4
     echo "<h4>Edit Foto</h4>\n";
     // line 5
     echo get_flashdata("edit");
     echo "\n\n";
     // line 7
     if (is_demo_app() && $this->getAttribute(isset($context["pengajar"]) ? $context["pengajar"] : null, "is_admin") == true) {
         // line 8
         echo "    ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n";
     // line 10
     echo "\n";
     // line 11
     echo form_open_multipart("pengajar/edit_picture/" . (isset($context["status_id"]) ? $context["status_id"] : null) . "/" . (isset($context["pengajar_id"]) ? $context["pengajar_id"] : null));
     echo "\n<table class=\"table table-striped\">\n    <tbody>\n        <tr>\n            <td>\n                <img class=\"img-polaroid\" src=\"";
     // line 16
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, get_url_image_pengajar($this->getAttribute(isset($context["pengajar"]) ? $context["pengajar"] : null, "foto"), "medium", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["pengajar"]) ? $context["pengajar"] : null, "jenis_kelamin")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n            </td>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"file\" name=\"userfile\" class=\"btn btn-small\" style=\"max-width:190px;\">\n                ";
     // line 20
     echo !twig_test_empty(isset($context["error_upload"]) ? $context["error_upload"] : null) ? isset($context["error_upload"]) ? $context["error_upload"] : null : "";
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        ";
     // line 23
     if (is_demo_app() == false || $this->getAttribute(isset($context["pengajar"]) ? $context["pengajar"] : null, "is_admin") == false) {
         // line 24
         echo "        <tr>\n            <td colspan=\"2\">\n                <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n            </td>\n        </tr>\n        ";
     // line 30
     echo "    </tbody>\n</table>\n";
     // line 32
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 4
     echo "<h4>Edit Password</h4>\n";
     // line 5
     echo get_flashdata("edit");
     echo "\n\n";
     // line 7
     if (is_demo_app() && $this->getAttribute(isset($context["login"]) ? $context["login"] : null, "is_admin") == true) {
         // line 8
         echo "    ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n";
     // line 10
     echo "\n";
     // line 11
     echo form_open("pengajar/edit_password/" . (isset($context["status_id"]) ? $context["status_id"] : null) . "/" . (isset($context["pengajar_id"]) ? $context["pengajar_id"] : null));
     echo "\n<table class=\"table table-striped\">\n    <tbody>\n        <tr>\n            <th width=\"35%\">Password Baru <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\">\n                <br>";
     // line 18
     echo form_error("password");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Ulangi Password <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"password\" name=\"password2\">\n                <br>";
     // line 25
     echo form_error("password2");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        ";
     // line 28
     if (is_demo_app() == false || $this->getAttribute(isset($context["login"]) ? $context["login"] : null, "is_admin") == false) {
         // line 29
         echo "        <tr>\n            <td colspan=\"2\">\n                <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n            </td>\n        </tr>\n        ";
     // line 35
     echo "    </tbody>\n</table>\n";
     // line 37
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n";
Esempio n. 18
 function reset_jawaban($tugas_id, $siswa_id)
     # jika pengajar atau admin
     if (is_pengajar() or is_admin()) {
         $tugas_id = (int) $tugas_id;
         $tugas = $this->tugas_model->retrieve($tugas_id);
         if (empty($tugas)) {
         $siswa = $this->siswa_model->retrieve($siswa_id);
         if (empty($siswa)) {
         # hapus history
         $history_id = 'history-mengerjakan-' . $siswa['id'] . '-' . $tugas['id'];
         # hapus nilai
         $retrieve_nilai = $this->tugas_model->retrieve_nilai(null, $tugas['id'], $siswa['id']);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('tugas', get_alert('success', 'Siswa berhasil dianggap belum mengerjakan.'));
         redirect('tugas/nilai/' . $tugas['id']);
     } else {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('tugas', get_alert('warning', 'Akses ditolak.'));
Esempio n. 19
 function del($segment_3 = '', $segment_4 = '')
     $msg_id = (int) $segment_3;
     $retrieve = $this->msg_model->retrieve(get_sess_data('login', 'id'), $msg_id);
     if (empty($retrieve['retrieve'])) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', get_alert('success', 'Pesan tidak ditemukan.'));
     $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', get_alert('success', 'Pesan berhasil dihapus.'));
     $segment_4 = (int) $segment_4;
     if (!empty($segment_4)) {
         $retrieve = $this->msg_model->retrieve(get_sess_data('login', 'id'), $segment_4);
         if (empty($retrieve['retrieve'])) {
         } else {
             redirect('message/detail/' . $segment_4);
Esempio n. 20
 public function forgot_password()
     $this->mTitle = "Forgot Password";
     $this->mViewFile = 'account/forgot_password';
     $this->mViewData['alert'] = get_alert();
     if (validate_form()) {
         $email = $this->input->post('email');
         $user = $this->users->get_by(array('email' => $email, 'active' => 1));
         if (!empty($user)) {
             // generate unique code
             $forgot_password_code = generate_unique_code();
             $this->users->update($user['id'], array('forgot_password_code' => $forgot_password_code, 'forgot_password_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             // send Reset Password email (make sure config/email.php is properly set first)
             $to_name = $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'];
             $subject = 'Reset Password';
             $user['forgot_password_code'] = $forgot_password_code;
             send_email($user['email'], $to_name, $subject, 'reset_password', $user);
             // success
             set_alert('success', 'A email is sent to you to reset your password.');
         } else {
             // failed
             set_alert('danger', 'No record found.');
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>";
     // line 10
     echo anchor(isset($context["uri_back"]) ? $context["uri_back"] : null, "Matapelajaran Kelas");
     echo " / Atur Matapelajaran</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("mapel");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        <div class=\"bs-callout bs-callout-info\">\n        <p>\n            Pilih matapelajaran yang ingin di masukkan pada <b>";
     // line 21
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "nama", array(), "array"), "html", null, true);
     echo "</b>\n        </p>\n        </div>\n        <br>\n\n        ";
     // line 26
     echo form_open("kelas/mapel_kelas/add/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["parent"]) ? $context["parent"] : null, "id", array(), "array") . "/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "id", array(), "array") . "/" . enurl_redirect(isset($context["uri_back"]) ? $context["uri_back"] : null));
     echo "\n        <table class=\"table table-striped\">\n        <tbody>\n            ";
     // line 29
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["mapels"]) ? $context["mapels"] : null);
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["m"]) {
         // line 30
         echo "            ";
         $context["checked"] = get_row_data("mapel_model", "retrieve_kelas", array(0 => null, 1 => $this->getAttribute(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null, "id", array(), "array"), 2 => $this->getAttribute(isset($context["m"]) ? $context["m"] : null, "id")));
         // line 31
         echo "            <tr>\n                <td>\n                    <label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mapel[]\" value=\"";
         // line 33
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["m"]) ? $context["m"] : null, "id"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\" style=\"margin-top:-2px;margin-right:5px;\" ";
         echo $this->getAttribute(isset($context["m"]) ? $context["m"] : null, "aktif") != 1 ? "disabled" : "";
         echo " ";
         echo twig_test_empty(isset($context["checked"]) ? $context["checked"] : null) || $this->getAttribute(isset($context["checked"]) ? $context["checked"] : null, "aktif") == 0 ? "" : "checked";
         echo "> <b>";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["m"]) ? $context["m"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
         echo "</b></label>\n                    <small>";
         // line 34
         echo nl2br(twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["m"]) ? $context["m"] : null, "info"), "html", null, true));
         echo "</small>\n                </td>\n            </tr>\n            ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['m'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 38
     echo "        </tbody>\n        </table>\n        <br>\n        ";
     // line 41
     if (is_demo_app() == false) {
         // line 42
         echo "        <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Simpan</button>\n        ";
     // line 44
     echo "        <a href=\"";
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["uri_back"]) ? $context["uri_back"] : null, "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn btn-default\">Kembali</a>\n        ";
     // line 45
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Esempio n. 22
 function delete($segment_3 = '', $segment_4 = '')
     # versi 1.2 siswa tidak bisa tambah,edit,hapus materi
     if (is_siswa()) {
     $materi_id = (int) $segment_3;
     $uri_back = (string) $segment_4;
     if (empty($uri_back)) {
         $uri_back = site_url('materi');
     } else {
         $uri_back = deurl_redirect($uri_back);
     $materi = $this->materi_model->retrieve($materi_id);
     if (empty($materi)) {
     # cek kepemilikan
     if (is_pengajar() and $materi['pengajar_id'] != get_sess_data('user', 'id')) {
     if (is_siswa() and $materi['siswa_id'] != get_sess_data('user', 'id')) {
     # jika file
     if (!empty($materi['file']) and is_file(get_path_file($materi['file']))) {
     $this->session->set_flashdata('materi', get_alert('warning', 'Materi berhasil dihapus.'));
Esempio n. 23
 function edit_pilihan($segment_3 = '', $segment_4 = '', $segment_5 = '')
     $tugas_id = (int) $segment_3;
     $pertanyaan_id = (int) $segment_4;
     $pilihan_id = (int) $segment_5;
     $tugas = $this->tugas_model->retrieve($tugas_id);
     if (empty($tugas) or $tugas['type_id'] != 3) {
         exit("Tugas tidak ditemukan");
     # jika sebagai pengajar, cek kepemilikan
     if (is_pengajar() and $tugas['pengajar_id'] != get_sess_data('user', 'id')) {
         exit("Tugas tidak ditemukan");
     $pertanyaan = $this->tugas_model->retrieve_pertanyaan($pertanyaan_id);
     if (empty($pertanyaan)) {
         exit("Pertanyaan tidak ditemukan");
     $pilihan = $this->tugas_model->retrieve_pilihan($pilihan_id, $pertanyaan['id']);
     if (empty($pilihan)) {
         exit("Pilihan tidak ditemukan");
     $data['pilihan'] = $pilihan;
     $data['pertanyaan'] = $pertanyaan;
     $data['tugas'] = $tugas;
     $data['comp_js'] = get_tinymce('konten', 'advanced', array('autosave'));
     if ($this->form_validation->run('tugas/pilihan') == TRUE) {
         $post_pilihan = $this->input->post('pilihan', true);
         $post_konten = $this->input->post('konten', true);
         $this->tugas_model->update_pilihan($pilihan['id'], $pertanyaan['id'], $post_konten, $pilihan['kunci'], $post_pilihan);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('tugas', get_alert('success', 'Pilihan berhasil diperbaharui.'));
         redirect('tugas/edit_pilihan/' . $tugas['id'] . '/' . $pertanyaan['id'] . '/' . $pilihan_id);
     $this->twig->display('edit-pilihan.html', $data);
Esempio n. 24
 function komentar($segment_3 = '', $segment_4 = '')
     # panggil datatables dan combobox
     $data['comp_js'] = load_comp_js(array(base_url('assets/comp/datatables/jquery.dataTables.js'), base_url('assets/comp/datatables/datatable-bootstrap2.js'), base_url('assets/comp/datatables/script.js')));
     $data['comp_css'] = load_comp_css(array(base_url('assets/comp/datatables/datatable-bootstrap2.css')));
     switch ($segment_3) {
         case 'laporan':
             if (!is_admin()) {
             $field_id = 'laporkan-komentar';
             $retrieve_field = retrieve_field($field_id);
             if (isset($retrieve_field['value'])) {
                 $field_value = json_decode($retrieve_field['value'], 1);
             } else {
                 $field_value = array();
             # aksi
             $get_act = !empty($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act'] : '';
             if (!empty($get_act) and in_array($get_act, array(1, 2))) {
                 $id = (string) $_GET['id'];
                 if (empty($id)) {
                 # hapus komentar dan laporan
                 if (!empty($field_value[$id])) {
                     $laporan = $field_value[$id];
                     if ($get_act == 1) {
                         # hapus komentar
                     # hapus laporan
                     update_field($field_id, 'Laporan Komentar', json_encode($field_value));
                     $this->session->set_flashdata('komentar', get_alert('success', 'Komentar ' . ($get_act == 1 ? 'dan laporan ' : '') . 'berhasil dihapus.'));
                 } else {
             # format data
             $results = array();
             foreach ($field_value as $id => $val) {
                 $val['id'] = $id;
                 # cari materi
                 $materi = $this->materi_model->retrieve($val['materi_id']);
                 if (empty($materi)) {
                     # hapus laporan
                     update_field($field_id, 'Laporan Komentar', json_encode($field_value));
                 $val['materi'] = $materi;
                 $login = $this->get_user_data($val['login_id']);
                 $val['login'] = $login;
                 $komentar = $this->komentar_model->retrieve($val['komentar_id']);
                 if (empty($komentar)) {
                     # hapus laporan
                     update_field($field_id, 'Laporan Komentar', json_encode($field_value));
                 $val['komentar'] = $komentar;
                 $val['komentar']['login'] = $this->get_user_data($komentar['login_id']);
                 $results[] = $val;
             $data['laporan'] = $results;
             $this->twig->display('list-komentar-laporan.html', $data);
         case 'delete':
             if (!is_admin()) {
             $komentar = $this->komentar_model->retrieve((int) $segment_4);
             if (empty($komentar)) {
                 show_error('Komentar tidak ditemukan');
             # hapus komentar
             $this->session->set_flashdata('komentar', get_alert('success', 'Komentar berhasil dihapus.'));
             $login_id = null;
             if (!is_admin()) {
                 $login_id = get_sess_data('login', 'id');
             $retrieve_all = $this->komentar_model->retrieve_all($no_of_records = "all", $page_no = 1, $login_id, $materi_id = null, $tampil = 1);
             foreach ($retrieve_all as $key => $val) {
                 $val['materi'] = $this->materi_model->retrieve($val['materi_id']);
                 $retrieve_all[$key] = $this->format_komentar($val);
             $data['komentar'] = $retrieve_all;
             if (is_admin()) {
                 # hitung jumlah laporan
                 $field_id = 'laporkan-komentar';
                 $retrieve_field = retrieve_field($field_id);
                 if (isset($retrieve_field['value'])) {
                     $field_value = json_decode($retrieve_field['value'], 1);
                 } else {
                     $field_value = array();
                 $data['jml_laporan'] = count($field_value);
             $this->twig->display('list-komentar.html', $data);
Esempio n. 25
 public function render_msg()
     $alert = get_alert();
     if (!empty($alert)) {
         $type = $alert['type'];
         $msg = $alert['msg'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($this->mFlashMsg['error'])) {
             $type = 'danger';
             $msg = implode('<br/>', $this->mFlashMsg['error']);
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->mFlashMsg['success'])) {
                 $type = 'success';
                 $msg = $this->mFlashMsg['success'];
             } else {
                 return '';
     return render_alert($type, $msg);
Esempio n. 26
 function kelas($act = 'list', $id = '')
     $data = array('web_title' => 'Manajemen Kelas | Administrator', 'module_title' => 'Manajemen Kelas', 'comp_css' => load_comp_css(array(base_url('assets/comp/nestedSortable/nestedSortable.css'))), 'comp_js' => load_comp_js(array(base_url('assets/comp/nestedSortable/jquery.mjs.nestedSortable.js'), base_url('assets/comp/nestedSortable/kelas.js'))));
     switch ($act) {
         case 'edit':
             $content_file = 'admin_kelas/edit.html';
             $id = (int) $id;
             $kelas = $this->kelas_model->retrieve($id, true);
             if (empty($kelas)) {
             $data['kelas'] = $kelas;
             if ($this->form_validation->run('admin/kelas/edit') == TRUE) {
                 $nama = $this->input->post('nama', TRUE);
                 if (empty($kelas['parent_id'])) {
                     $aktif = 1;
                 } else {
                     $aktif = $this->input->post('status', TRUE);
                     if (empty($aktif)) {
                         $aktif = 0;
                 //update kelas
                 $this->kelas_model->update($id, $nama, $kelas['parent_id'], $kelas['urutan'], $aktif);
                 $this->session->set_flashdata('kelas', get_alert('success', $kelas['nama'] . ' berhasil di perbaharui'));
         case 'list':
             $content_file = 'admin_kelas/add.html';
             if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
                 //insert kelas
                 $nama = $this->input->post('nama', TRUE);
                 $this->session->set_flashdata('kelas', get_alert('success', 'Kelas berhasil di tambah'));
     $str_kelas = '';
     $data['kelas_hirarki'] = $str_kelas;
     $data = array_merge(default_parser_item(), $data);
     $this->twig->display($content_file, $data);
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>Matapelajaran Kelas</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("mapel");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     if (is_demo_app()) {
         // line 16
         echo "            ";
         echo get_alert("warning", get_demo_msg());
         echo "\n        ";
     // line 18
     echo "\n        <div class=\"row-fluid\">\n            <div class=\"span6\">\n                <div class=\"panel panel-default\">\n                    <div class=\"panel-heading as-link\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#form-filter\">\n                        <b><i class=\"icon-search\"></i> Filter Kelas</b>\n                    </div>\n                    <div id=\"form-filter\" class=\"collapse\">\n                        <div class=\"panel-body\">\n                            <form class=\"form-horizontal row-fluid\" method=\"post\" action=\"";
     // line 27
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("kelas/mapel_kelas/list"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                                <table class=\"table table-form table-condensed\">\n                                    <tr>\n                                        <td class=\"pull-right\">Parent Kelas</td>\n                                        <td>\n                                            <select name=\"parent_kelas\" id=\"parent-kelas\">\n                                                <option>--pilih--</option>\n                                                ";
     // line 34
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["parent_kelas"]) ? $context["parent_kelas"] : null);
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["pk"]) {
         // line 35
         echo "                                                <option value=\"";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["pk"]) ? $context["pk"] : null, "id"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\" ";
         echo $this->getAttribute(isset($context["filter"]) ? $context["filter"] : null, "parent_id") == $this->getAttribute(isset($context["pk"]) ? $context["pk"] : null, "id") ? "selected" : "";
         echo ">";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["pk"]) ? $context["pk"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
         echo "</option>\n                                                ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['pk'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 37
     echo "                                            </select>\n                                        </td>\n                                    </tr>\n                                    <tr>\n                                        <td class=\"pull-right\">Sub Kelas</td>\n                                        <td>\n                                            <select name=\"sub_kelas\" id=\"sub-kelas\">\n                                                <option>--pilih--</option>\n                                                ";
     // line 45
     if (!twig_test_empty(isset($context["sub_kelas"]) ? $context["sub_kelas"] : null)) {
         // line 46
         echo "                                                    ";
         $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
         $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["sub_kelas"]) ? $context["sub_kelas"] : null);
         foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["sk"]) {
             // line 47
             echo "                                                    <option value=\"";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["sk"]) ? $context["sk"] : null, "id"), "html", null, true);
             echo "\" ";
             echo $this->getAttribute(isset($context["filter"]) ? $context["filter"] : null, "sub_id") == $this->getAttribute(isset($context["sk"]) ? $context["sk"] : null, "id") ? "selected" : "";
             echo ">";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["sk"]) ? $context["sk"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
             echo "</option>\n                                                    ";
         $_parent = $context['_parent'];
         unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['sk'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
         $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
         // line 49
         echo "                                                ";
     // line 50
     echo "                                            </select>\n                                        </td>\n                                    </tr>\n                                    <tr>\n                                        <td></td>\n                                        <td>\n                                            <button class=\"btn btn-small btn-primary\" type=\"submit\">Submit</button>\n                                        </td>\n                                    </tr>\n                                </table>\n                            </form>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"span6\">\n                Atur matapelajaran yang ada pada masing - masing kelas\n            </div>\n        </div>\n\n        ";
     // line 70
     echo isset($context["mapel_kelas_hirarki"]) ? $context["mapel_kelas_hirarki"] : null;
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Esempio n. 28
 function index($step = '')
     switch ($step) {
         case '4':
             if (!empty($this->db_error)) {
             $check = $this->config_model->retrieve('nama-sekolah');
             if (empty($check)) {
             # cek kelas
             $check = $this->db->count_all_results('kelas');
             if (empty($check)) {
             if ($this->form_validation->run('register/pengajar') == true) {
                 $nip = $this->input->post('nip', TRUE);
                 $nama = $this->input->post('nama', TRUE);
                 $jenis_kelamin = $this->input->post('jenis_kelamin', TRUE);
                 $tempat_lahir = $this->input->post('tempat_lahir', TRUE);
                 $tgl_lahir = $this->input->post('tgl_lahir', TRUE);
                 $bln_lahir = $this->input->post('bln_lahir', TRUE);
                 $thn_lahir = $this->input->post('thn_lahir', TRUE);
                 $alamat = $this->input->post('alamat', TRUE);
                 $username = $this->input->post('username', TRUE);
                 $password = $this->input->post('password2', TRUE);
                 $is_admin = 1;
                 $foto = null;
                 if (empty($thn_lahir)) {
                     $tanggal_lahir = null;
                 } else {
                     $tanggal_lahir = $thn_lahir . '-' . $bln_lahir . '-' . $tgl_lahir;
                 # simpan data siswa
                 $pengajar_id = $this->pengajar_model->create($nip, $nama, $jenis_kelamin, $tempat_lahir, $tanggal_lahir, $alamat, $foto, 1);
                 # simpan data login
                 $this->login_model->create($username, $password, null, $pengajar_id, $is_admin);
                 # create success install
                 $this->config_model->create('install-success', 'install-success', '1');
                 $this->session->set_flashdata('login', get_alert('success', 'Instalasi e-learning berhasil, silahkan login sebagai administrator.'));
             # cek admin
             $this->db->where('is_admin', 1);
             $result = $this->db->get('login');
             $result = $result->row_array();
             $data['success'] = false;
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $data['success'] = true;
             $this->twig->display('install-step-4.html', $data);
         case '3':
             if (!empty($this->db_error)) {
             $check = $this->config_model->retrieve('nama-sekolah');
             if (empty($check)) {
             # cek kelas
             $check = $this->db->count_all_results('kelas');
             if (!empty($check)) {
             if (!empty($_POST)) {
                 # simpan kelas
                 foreach ($_POST['kelas'] as $key => $val) {
                     # cek parent sudah ada belum
                     $this->db->where('nama', "KELAS {$key}");
                     $this->db->where('parent_id', null);
                     $result = $this->db->get('kelas');
                     $parent = $result->row_array();
                     if (empty($parent)) {
                         $parent_id = $this->kelas_model->create("KELAS {$key}", null);
                     } else {
                         $parent_id = $parent['id'];
                     # simpan child
                     foreach ($val as $child) {
                         $this->db->where('nama', "KELAS {$key} - {$child}");
                         $this->db->where('parent_id', $parent_id);
                         $result = $this->db->get('kelas');
                         $result = $result->row_array();
                         if (empty($result)) {
                             $this->kelas_model->create("KELAS {$key} - {$child}", $parent_id);
                 # simpan mapel
                 foreach ($_POST['mapel'] as $nama) {
                     # cek mapel
                     $this->db->where('nama', $nama);
                     $result = $this->db->get('mapel');
                     $result = $result->row_array();
                     if (empty($result)) {
             $data['jenjang'] = get_pengaturan('jenjang', 'value');
             $this->twig->display('install-step-3.html', $data);
         case '2':
             if (!empty($this->db_error)) {
             $check = $this->config_model->retrieve('nama-sekolah');
             if (!empty($check)) {
             if ($this->form_validation->run('setup/index/2') == true) {
                 foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                     $this->config_model->create($key, $key, $val);
         case '1':
             if (empty($this->db_error)) {
                 # cek tabel pengaturan, jika sudah ada lanjut ke step 2
                 if ($this->db->table_exists('pengaturan')) {
                 # run query
                 $sql = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'install/table-master');
                 $sql = str_replace('{$prefix}', $this->prefix, $sql);
                 $sqls = explode(';', $sql);
                 foreach ($sqls as $statement) {
                     $statment = $statement . ";";
             $set_base_url = explode('index.php', current_url());
             $data['set_base_url'] = $set_base_url[0];
             $data['error'] = $this->db_error;
             $this->twig->display('install-step-1.html', $data);
Esempio n. 29
 function reset_password($kode = '')
     if (empty($kode)) {
     $login = $this->login_model->retrieve($id = null, $username = null, $password = null, $siswa_id = null, $pengajar_id = null, $is_admin = null, $reset_kode = $kode);
     if (empty($login)) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('lupa_password', get_alert('warning', 'Reset kode tidak benar.'));
     if ($this->form_validation->run('reset_password') == true) {
         # update password
         $this->login_model->update_password($login['id'], $this->input->post('password', true));
         # update reset kode
         $this->login_model->update($id = $login['id'], $username = $login['username'], $siswa_id = $login['siswa_id'], $pengajar_id = $login['pengajar_id'], $is_admin = $login['is_admin'], $reset_kode = null);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('login', get_alert('success', 'Password berhasil diperbaharui, silahkan login menggunakan password baru anda.'));
     $data['login'] = $login;
     $this->twig->display('reset-password.html', $data);
Esempio n. 30
 function reset_jawaban($tugas_id, $siswa_id)
     # jika pengajar atau admin
     if (is_pengajar() or is_admin()) {
         $tugas_id = (int) $tugas_id;
         $tugas = $this->tugas_model->retrieve($tugas_id);
         if (empty($tugas)) {
         $siswa = $this->siswa_model->retrieve($siswa_id);
         if (empty($siswa)) {
         # hapus history
         $history_id = 'history-mengerjakan-' . $siswa['id'] . '-' . $tugas['id'];
         $history = retrieve_field($history_id);
         $history_value = json_decode($history['value'], 1);
         # hapus nilai
         $retrieve_nilai = $this->tugas_model->retrieve_nilai(null, $tugas['id'], $siswa['id']);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('tugas', get_alert('success', 'Siswa berhasil dianggap belum mengerjakan.'));
         if ($tugas['type_id'] == 3) {
             redirect('tugas/nilai/' . $tugas['id']);
         } else {
             # jika tugas upload, dihapus juga file uploadnya biar g menuh-menuhin space
             if ($tugas['type_id'] == 1 && is_file(get_path_file($history_value['file_name']))) {
             redirect('tugas/koreksi/' . $tugas['id']);
     } else {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('tugas', get_alert('warning', 'Akses ditolak.'));