if (isset($matricula) and $matricula != '') {
                            //Verifica a situação de corte da matrícula em questão.
                            require_once "agu3_conscadastro_002_classe.php";
                            $Consulta = new ConsultaAguaBase($matricula);
                            $sqlcorte = $Consulta->GetAguaCorteMatMovSQL();
                            $resultcorte = db_query($sqlcorte) or die($sqlcorte);
                            if (pg_numrows($resultcorte) > 0) {
                                $x42_codsituacao = pg_result($resultcorte, 0, "x42_codsituacao");
                                //echo $x42_codsituacao;
                                //Verifico se o codigo da situação da matricula esta na tabela de restriçoes configdbprefagua
                                $w16_recibodbpref = false;
                                $sExibeDebitos = "select w16_recibodbpref \n\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom configdbprefagua \n\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere w16_instit = {$DB_INSTITUICAO} and w16_aguacortesituacao = {$x42_codsituacao} ";
                                $rsExibeDebitos = db_query($sExibeDebitos);
                                if (pg_num_rows($rsExibeDebitos) > 0) {
                                    db_fieldsmemory($rsExibeDebitos, 0);
                                if ($w16_recibodbpref !== false && $w16_recibodbpref == 3) {
                                    $lExibe = false;
$pdf = new PDF();
$head2 = "Relatório de Empenhos por CGM";
$head3 = "CGM:" . $numcgm;
$pri = true;
$p = 0;
$flt_vlrcorr = 0;
$flt_juro = 0;
$flt_multa = 0;
$flt_desconto = 0;
for ($x = 0; $x < $clempempenho->numrows; $x++) {
    db_fieldsmemory($result, $x);
    if ($pdf->gety() > $pdf->h - 30 || $pri == true) {
        $pdf->setfont('arial', 'b', 7);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Empenho", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Dotação", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(20, 4, "Emissão", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Ordem", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Nº Lic.", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "NF", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Valor Emp.", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Valor Liq.", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Valor Pago", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->cell(19, 4, "Valor Anul.", 1, 1, "C", 1);
        $pri = false;
 function Header()
     //$dados = @pg_exec("select nomeinst,ender,munic,uf,telef,email,url,logo from db_config where codigo = ".@$GLOBALS["DB_instit"]);
     //$url = @pg_result($dados,0,"url");
     //global $nomeinst;
     //$nomeinst = pg_result($dados,0,"nomeinst");
     //global $ender;
     //$ender = pg_result($dados,0,"ender");
     $sql = "select nomeinst,ender,upper(munic) as munic,uf,telef,email,url,logo from db_config where codigo = " . db_getsession("DB_instit");
     $result = pg_query($sql);
     global $nomeinst;
     global $ender;
     global $munic;
     //echo $sql;
     db_fieldsmemory($result, 0);
     $Letra = 'Times';
     $this->Image("imagens/files/logo_boleto.png", 95, 9, 24);
     $this->SetFont($Letra, '', 10);
     $this->MultiCell(0, 4, "ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL", 0, "C", 0);
     $this->SetFont($Letra, 'B', 13);
     $this->MultiCell(0, 6, $nomeinst, 0, "C", 0);
     $this->SetFont($Letra, 'B', 12);
     $this->MultiCell(0, 4, @$GLOBALS["head1"], 0, "C", 0);
function db_getcadbancobranca($arretipo, $ip, $datahj, $instit, $tipomod)
    $sSql = "  select k48_sequencial,                                                                                                                   ";
    $sSql .= "         k48_cadconvenio,                                                                                                                  ";
    $sSql .= "         ar12_cadconveniomodalidade                                                                                                        ";
    $sSql .= "    from modcarnepadrao                                                                                                                    ";
    $sSql .= "         inner join cadconvenio                on cadconvenio.ar11_sequencial                  = modcarnepadrao.k48_cadconvenio            ";
    $sSql .= "         inner join cadtipoconvenio            on cadtipoconvenio.ar12_sequencial              = cadconvenio.ar11_cadtipoconvenio          ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join conveniocobranca           on conveniocobranca.ar13_cadconvenio            = cadconvenio.ar11_sequencial               ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join modcarnepadraotipo         on modcarnepadraotipo.k49_modcarnepadrao        = modcarnepadrao.k48_sequencial             ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join modcarneexcessao           on modcarneexcessao.k36_modcarnepadrao          = modcarnepadrao.k48_sequencial             ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join modcarnepadraocadmodcarne  on modcarnepadraocadmodcarne.m01_modcarnepadrao = modcarnepadrao.k48_sequencial             ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join cadmodcarne                on cadmodcarne.k47_sequencial                   = modcarnepadraocadmodcarne.m01_cadmodcarne ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join modcarnepadraolayouttxt    on modcarnepadraolayouttxt.m02_modcarnepadrao   = modcarnepadrao.k48_sequencial             ";
    $sSql .= "         left  join db_layouttxt               on db_layouttxt.db50_codigo                     = modcarnepadraolayouttxt.m02_db_layouttxt  ";
    $sSql .= "   where k48_dataini  <= '{$datahj}'                                                                                                       ";
    $sSql .= "     and k48_datafim  >= '{$datahj}'                                                                                                       ";
    $sSql .= "     and k48_instit     = {$instit}                                                                                                        ";
    $sSql .= "     and k48_cadtipomod = {$tipomod}                                                                                                       ";
    $sSql .= "     and ar12_cadconveniomodalidade = 1                                                                                                    ";
    if (!empty($iArretipo)) {
        $sSql .= "   and case                                                                 ";
        $sSql .= "        when k49_tipo is not null then k49_tipo = {$arretipo} else true     ";
        $sSql .= "       end                                                                  ";
    if (!empty($sIp)) {
        $sSql .= "   and case                                                                 ";
        $sSql .= "          when k36_ip is not null then k36_ip = '{$ip}' else true           ";
        $sSql .= "       end                                                                  ";
    $rsConsultaRegra = db_query($sSql);
    $iNroLinhas = pg_num_rows($rsConsultaRegra);
    if ($iNroLinhas > 0) {
        db_fieldsmemory($rsConsultaRegra, 0);
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
            $sqlid = "select * from db_usuarios where lower(login) = 'funcionario'";
            $resultid = db_query($sqlid);
            $li = pg_num_rows($resultid);
            if ($li > 0) {
                db_fieldsmemory($resultid, 0);
                $ins = " insert into db_permherda values ({$usu},{$id_usuario})";
                $resins = db_query($ins);
                $codperf = $usu;
    $sqlid = "select * from db_usuarios where lower(login) = 'contribuinte'";
    $resultid = db_query($sqlid);
    $li = pg_num_rows($resultid);
    if ($li > 0) {
        db_fieldsmemory($resultid, 0);
        $ins = " insert into db_permherda values ({$usu},{$id_usuario})";
        $resins = db_query($ins);
        $codperf = $usu;
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["DB_codperfil"] = $id_usuario;

		<td> <?php 
db_logon(isset($login) ? false : true, $w13_liberaatucgm, $w13_liberaescritorios);

 		<td align="left"> <?php 
        $tipo = "8";
    } elseif ($tipodados == "inscr") {
        $tipo = "9";
$sequencia = pg_exec("select nextval('db_certidaoweb_codcert_seq')");
$seq2 = pg_result($sequencia, 0, 0);
$tamanho = strlen($seq2);
$seq = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 7 - $tamanho; $i++) {
    $seq .= "0";
$seq .= $seq2;
$sql = pg_exec("select cgc from db_config limit 1");
for ($i = 0; $i < pg_numfields($sql); $i++) {
    db_fieldsmemory($sql, 0);
$nros = $seq . $cgc . $ano . $mes1 . $dia . $hora . $min . $sec . $ano . $mes2 . $dia;
$t1 = strrev($nros);
$cod = ereg_replace(" ", "", $seq);
$arquivo = $root . "/" . "certidoes/certidao" . $cod . ".php";
$fd = fopen($arquivo, "w");
$ffputs = '<html>' . "\n";
$ffputs .= '<head>' . "\n";
$ffputs .= '<title>Documento sem t&iacute;tulo</title>' . "\n";
$ffputs .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">' . "\n";
$ffputs .= '</head>' . "\n";
$ffputs .= '<STYLE>' . "\n";
 if (isset($numcgm) && !empty($numcgm)) {
     $sqlcgm = "select * from fc_tipocertidao({$numcgm},'c','{$data}','{$whereissvar}',{$sTipo})";
     $resultcgm = pg_query($sqlcgm);
     $linhascgm = pg_num_rows($resultcgm);
     if ($linhascgm > 0) {
         db_fieldsmemory($resultcgm, 0);
         $titulo = "CGM";
         $origem = "{$numcgm}";
     $opcao = 'n';
 $certidao = $fc_tipocertidao;
 $sql_config = "select * from configdbpref where w13_instit = {$instit}";
 $result_config = pg_query($sql_config);
 $iNumRowns = pg_num_rows($result_config);
 db_fieldsmemory($result_config, 0);
 if ($certidao == "positiva") {
     if ($w13_libcertpos == 't') {
         if ($iNumRowns == 0) {
             $sMsg = "As informações e/ou condições disponíveis são insuficientes para a emissão de certidão negativa por meio da Internet.";
             $sMsg .= "Para maiores informações, dirija-se ao órgão competente da Administração Municipal.";
         echo "\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:js_certidao(1,'{$titulo}','{$origem}', '{$individualconjunta}')\">CERTIDÃO POSITIVA {$link}</a>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>\n";
     } else {
         //db_msgbox("Certidão não liberada pelo site, procure a Prefeitura.");
         if ($i == 0) {
             db_msgbox("As informações e/ou condições disponíveis são insuficientes para a emissão de certidão negativa por meio da Internet. Para maiores informações, dirija-se ao órgão competente da Administração Municipal.");
 } elseif ($certidao == "regular") {
echo $Te60_numcgm;
db_input("e60_numcgm", 8, "", true, "text", 3);
db_input("z01_nome", 40, "", true, "text", 3);
//-----------  dotacão
if (isset($e60_coddot) and $e60_coddot != "") {
    $sql = $clorcdotacao->sql_query($e60_anousu, $e60_coddot, "o56_elemento,o56_descr,fc_estruturaldotacao(o58_anousu,o58_coddot) as o58_estrutdespesa");
    $res = $clorcdotacao->sql_record($sql);
    if ($clorcdotacao->numrows > 0) {
        db_fieldsmemory($res, 0, true);
  <td  align="right" nowrap title="<?php 
echo $Te60_coddot;
echo $Le60_coddot;
  <td  colspan=2   align="left" >
db_input("e60_coddot", 8, "", true, "text", 3);
    <td class="tabfonte" height="108" valign="middle" align="center"> <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000">
          <td class="tabfonte" width="9%" height="26">&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Codigo 
            </strong> </td>
          <td width="79%" height="26" align="center" class="tabfonte">&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o 
          <td class="tabfonte" width="12%" height="26" align="center"> <strong>Tipo</strong></td>
for ($contador = 0; $contador < pg_numrows($result); $contador++) {
    db_fieldsmemory($result, $contador);
          <td class="tabfonte" width="9%"> 
    echo $q07_ativ;

          <td class="tabfonte" width="79%">&nbsp; 
    echo $q03_descr;
$pdf->SetFont($Letra, 'B', 10);
$linhastomador = pg_numrows($resulttomador);
if ($linhastomador == 0) {
} else {
    $pdf->Cell(3, 1, "RETENÇÃO COMO TOMADOR: ", 0, 0, "L", 1);
$pdf->SetFont($Letra, '', 8);
if ($linhastomador != 0) {
    $total = 0;
    $totali = 0;
    $totalvp = 0;
    for ($t = 0; $t < $linhastomador; $t++) {
        db_fieldsmemory($resulttomador, $t);
        $pdf->Cell(26, 6, 'Mês: ' . db_mes($w08_mes), 1, 0, "L", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(50, 6, 'CPF ou CNPJ: ' . db_cgccpf($w08_cnpj), 1, 0, "L", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(114, 6, 'Nome ou Razão Social: ' . $w08_nome, 1, 1, "L", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(114, 6, 'Serviço: ' . $w08_servico, 1, 0, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Nota: ' . $w08_nota, 1, 0, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Serie: ' . $w08_serie, 1, 1, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Valor: ' . db_formatar($w08_valreceita, 'f'), 1, 0, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Alíquota: ' . $w08_aliquota . " %", 1, 0, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Imposto: ' . db_formatar($w08_imposto, 'f'), 1, 0, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Data do pagto: ' . ($w09_dtpaga != '' ? db_formatar($w09_dtpaga, 'd') : 'não efetuado'), 1, 0, "L", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(38, 6, 'Valor pago: ' . ($w09_valpago != '' ? db_formatar($w09_valpago, 'f') : 'nâo efetuado'), 1, 1, "L", 0);
        $total += $w08_valreceita;
        $totali += $w08_imposto;
 *  Este programa e distribuido na expectativa de ser util, mas SEM   
 *  QUALQUER GARANTIA; sem mesmo a garantia implicita de              
 *  PARTICULAR. Consulte a Licenca Publica Geral GNU para obter mais  
 *  detalhes.                                                         
 *  Voce deve ter recebido uma copia da Licenca Publica Geral GNU     
 *  junto com este programa; se nao, escreva para a Free Software     
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA          
 *  02111-1307, USA.                                                  
 *  Copia da licenca no diretorio licenca/licenca_en.txt 
 *                                licenca/licenca_pt.txt 
$config = pg_exec("select nomeinst,logo,tx_banc from db_config where codigo = " . db_getsession("DB_instit"));
db_fieldsmemory($config, 0);
<table width="630" height="55">
    <td width="17%" align="center"><a href="" onClick="print();return false" title="Clique aqui para imprimir">
	<img border="0" src="imagens/<?php 
echo @$logo;
" width="49" height="44"></a></td>
    <td width="83%" align="center"><font color="#000000" size="4">
echo $nomeinst;
</strong></font> <br>
        <font color="#000099" size="3">Guia de Recolhimento de ITBI N&uacute;mero 
        : <?php 
        <body bgcolor="#ccffcc" onblur="foco()">
         <form name="form">
                <Table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <caption align="center" class="bold3">Cálculo do ISSQN</caprion>
                 <tr height="100%"></tr>
                  <td align="center" class="texto" id="calcula">
                   Valor Bruto: R$<br>
                   <input type="text"   onkeypress="return js_teclas(event)" name="valorbruto" id="valorbruto" size="20" value="" style="text-align:right;"><br><br>
                   Informe a Alíquota:<br>
                   <select name="base1" onChange="EscolheAliquota();calcular()">
                    <option value="">Escolha</option>
    for ($x = 0; $x < $linhas; $x++) {
        // eu robson alterei a linha abaixo pois estava com 0 fixo no db_fieldsmemory
        db_fieldsmemory($query, $x);
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $q81_valexe;
        echo $q81_valexe;
                   <input type="text" name="base2" size="5" value="" style="text-align:center"><br><br>
                   Valor à Pagar: R$<br>
                   <input type="text" name="valorpagar" id="valorpagar" size="15" value="0.00" readonly style="text-align:right; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eaeaea; font-weight: bold;"><br><br><br>
   <input type="text" name="mes_vcto" id="mes_vcto" size="2" maxlength="2" value="<?php 
echo date('m');
   <input type="text" name="ano_vcto" id="ano_vcto" size="4" maxlength="4" value="<?php 
echo date('Y');
   <input type="button" value="Voltar" onclick="js_voltar();" class="botao">
   <input type="button" name="enviar" id="enviar" value="Emite Recibo" class="botao" onClick="return js_emiterecibo();" disabled >
   <input type='hidden' name='debito' id='debito' value=''>
   <input type="hidden" value="" name="numpres" id ="numpres" size="60">
require_once "classes/db_configdbpref_classe.php";
$clconfigdbpref = new cl_configdbpref();
$rs_agrupadebitos = $clconfigdbpref->sql_record($clconfigdbpref->sql_query_file(db_getsession('DB_instit'), "w13_agrupadebrecibos"));
if ($clconfigdbpref->numrows > 0) {
    db_fieldsmemory($rs_agrupadebitos, 0);
    if ($w13_agrupadebrecibos == 't') {
 			<script type="text/javascript">
 				agrupadebrecibos = true;
    $pdf->Cell(65, 6, '' . db_formatar($total, 'f'), 1, 0, "R", 0);
    $pdf->Cell(35, 6, '', 1, 0, "R", 0);
    $pdf->Cell(40, 6, '' . db_formatar($totali, 'f'), 1, 0, "R", 0);
    $pdf->Cell(50, 6, '', 1, 0, "R", 0);
} else {
    if (pg_numrows($resultval) != 0) {
        $total = 0;
        $totali = 0;
        $pdf->Cell(25, 6, 'Mês', 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(40, 6, 'Valor', 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(35, 6, 'Aliquota - %', 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(40, 6, 'Imposto', 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(50, 6, 'Data pgto:', 1, 1, "C", 1);
        db_fieldsmemory($resultval, 0);
        $pdf->Cell(25, 6, '' . db_mes($w07_mes), 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(40, 6, '' . db_formatar($w07_valor, 'f'), 1, 0, "R", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(35, 6, '' . $w07_aliquota . " %", 1, 0, "C", 1);
        $pdf->Cell(40, 6, '' . db_formatar($w07_imposto, 'f'), 1, 0, "R", 0);
        if ($w07_dtpaga != "") {
            $w07_dtpaga = db_formatar($w07_dtpaga, 'd');
        } else {
            $w07_dtpaga = "Não efetuado";
        $pdf->Cell(50, 6, '' . $w07_dtpaga, 1, 1, "C", 1);
        $total += $w07_valor;
        $totali += $w07_imposto;
        $pdf->Cell(65, 6, '' . db_formatar(@$total, 'f'), 1, 0, "R", 0);
        $pdf->Cell(35, 6, '', 1, 0, "R", 0);
$pdf->image('imagens/files/logo_boleto.png', 10, 2, 17);
$pdf->setfont('arial', 'B', 10);
$coluna = 30;
$pdf->text($coluna, 5, $nomeinst);
$pdf->setfont('arial', '', 8);
$pdf->text($coluna, 9, $ender);
$pdf->text($coluna, 12, $munic . ' - ' . $uf);
$pdf->text($coluna, 15, $telef);
$pdf->text($coluna, 18, $email);
$pdf->text($coluna, 21, $url);
$clquery->sql_query("cgm", "z01_nome", "", "z01_numcgm= {$q20_numcgm}");
db_fieldsmemory($clquery->result, 0);
$pdf->setfont('arial', 'B', 10);
$pdf->multicell(0, 4, 'ISSQN COM RETENÇÃO NA FONTE', 0, "C", 0);
$altura = 6;
$pdf->setfont('arial', 'B', 8);
$pdf->cell(130, $altura, 'TOMADOR DO SERVIÇO', 1, 0, "C", 0);
$pdf->cell(60, $altura, 'DADOS DA PLANILHA', 1, 1, "C", 0);
$pdf->setfont('arial', '', 8);
$pdf->cell(130, $altura, 'NOME : ' . strtoupper($z01_nome), 1, 0, "L", 0);
$pdf->cell(60, $altura, 'CODIGO : ' . db_formatar($planilha, 's', '0', 4, 'e'), 1, 1, "L", 0);
$pdf->cell(130, $altura, 'INSCRIÇÃO : ' . $q20_inscr, 1, 0, "L", 0);
$pdf->cell(60, $altura, 'COMPETÊNCIA : ' . db_formatar($q20_mes, 's', '0', 2, 'e') . '/' . $q20_ano, 1, 1, "L", 0);
$pdf->multicell(190, $altura, 'OBSERVAÇÃO :  Os valores registrados nesta planilha somente serão considerados após o pagamento desta guia.', 1, "L", 0);
$linha = 65;
         } else {
             $sEmailUpdate = ", email = '{$sEmailServ}' ";
         $sSqlUpdate = " update db_usuarios set senha = '{$sPassword}'\n\t\t\t                                              {$sEmailUpdate}\n\t\t\t                        where login = '******' and usuext = '1' ";
         $queryUpdate = db_query($sSqlUpdate);
         $sCpf = $oGet->numcpf;
         $sSenha = $oPost->senhasrv;
         //verifica se email
         if (isset($sEmailServ) && $sEmailServ != '') {
             $sMsg = "Entre em contato com a Prefeitura para atualizar seu cadastrado.";
         } else {
             $mensagemDestinatario = "\n\t\t\t\t                         {$nomeinst}\n\t\t\t\t                         Esqueci Minha Senha - Prefeitura On-Line\n\t\t\t\t                         --------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t                         Nome:     {$z01_nome}\n\t\t\t\t                         CPF:      {$sCpf}\n\t\t\t\t                         E-mail:   {$sEmailServ}\n\n\t\t\t\t                         Atenção!\n\t\t\t\t                         Alguém tentou realizar um novo pedido de senha com seus dados.\n\t\t\t\t                         " . date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - " . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . "\n\t\t\t\t                         Uma nova senha foi gerada para acesso ao Portal.\n\n\t\t\t\t                         Login Internet: {$z01_numcgm}\n\t\t\t\t                         Senha Internet: {$sSenha}\n\n\t\t\t\t                         Utilize Login e Senha para acessar suas informações no Portal da Prefeitura na Internet.\n\n\t\t\t\t                         {$url}/dbpref/\n\n\t\t\t\t                         Não responda este e-mail, ele foi gerado automaticamente pelo Servidor.\n\n\t\t\t\t                         --------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t";
             $sTring = $clconfigdbpref->sql_record($clconfigdbpref->sql_query_file(db_getsession('DB_instit'), "w13_emailadmin"));
             $rsConsultaConfigDBPref = $sTring;
             db_fieldsmemory($rsConsultaConfigDBPref, 0);
             if (isset($sEmailServ) && $sEmailServ != '') {
                 $oMail = new Smtp();
                 $oMail->Send($mailpref, $w13_emailadmin, 'Prefeitura On-Line - Esqueci Minha Senha', $mensagemDestinatario);
                 msgbox("Uma mensagem foi encaminhada para o e-mail: {$sEmailServ}");
             db_logs("", "", 0, "Esqueci minha senha: cgc ou cpf - {$sCgcCpf}");
     } else {
         $sMsg = "Dados informados NÃO encontrados no cadastro da Prefeitura!\\n\n                   Procure o balcão da Prefeitura para realizar seu cadastro.";
 } else {
     $sMsg = "Dados informados NÃO encontrados no cadastro da Prefeitura!\\n\n                 Procure o balcão da Prefeitura para realizar seu cadastro.";
     $distanciar = 4;
 } else {
 if (trim($dvalor) != "") {
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     $valoritem = $dvaltot;
 if (trim($dquant) != "") {
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 $ddvalor = "";
 if (isset($dotacao) && trim($dotacao) != "") {
     $result_orcreservasol = $clorcreservasol->sql_record($clorcreservasol->sql_query_orcreserva(null, null, "o82_codres as codigodareserva,o80_valor as valorreserva", "", "o82_solicitem={$codigo} and o80_coddot={$dotacao}"));
     $ddvalor = "NÃO";
     if ($clorcreservasol->numrows > 0) {
         db_fieldsmemory($result_orcreservasol, 0);
         global $valorreserva;
         if ($valorreserva == $valimp) {
             $ddvalor = "TOTAL";
         } else {
             $ddvalor = "PARCIAL - R\$ " . db_formatar($valorreserva, "f");
 $xtotal += $valimp;
 $valimp = db_formatar($valimp, 'f');
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     if ($clarqproc->numrows != 0) {
         db_fieldsmemory($result_arqproc, 0);
         $result_procandam_arq = $clprocandam->sql_record($clprocandam->sql_query_com(null, "*", "p61_codandam desc limit 1", "p61_codproc = {$codproc}"));
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if (isset($login)) {
    $sSql = "select db_usuarios.id_usuario, senha, u.cgmlogin, usuarioativo         ";
    $sSql .= "  from db_usuarios                                                     ";
    $sSql .= "       inner join db_usuacgm u on u.id_usuario = db_usuarios.id_usuario";
    $sSql .= " where login        = '******'                                      ";
    $sSql .= "   and usuext       = 1                                                ";
    $result = db_query($conn, $sSql);
    if (pg_numrows($result) == 0) {
        $erroscripts = "1";
    } elseif (Encriptacao::hash($DB_senha) != pg_result($result, 0, "senha")) {
        $erroscripts = "2";
    } elseif (pg_result($result, 0, "usuarioativo") != 1) {
        $erroscripts = "5";
    } else {
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        $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["DB_login"] = $cgmlogin;
        $DB_LOGADO = "";
        db_logs("", "", "0", "index.php - Usuário fez login.");
        $sql = "select fc_permissaodbpref({$cgmlogin},0,0)";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (pg_numrows($result) == 0) {
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    function estrutura_sistema($picture = null)
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        $label = "L" . $picture;
        global ${$label}, ${$title}, ${$picture}, $mascara;
        if (!class_exists('cl_conparametro')) {
            db_msgbox('Classe conparametro não incluida!');
        $result = $clconparametro->sql_record($clconparametro->sql_query_file("", "{$picture} as mascara"));
        if ($clconparametro->numrows > 0) {
            db_fieldsmemory($result, 0);
            $tamanho = strlen($mascara);
        } else {
            db_msgbox('Configuração de Parametros não encontrada ! Contate o suporte !');
        if ($this->funcao_onchange != null) {
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        if ($this->mascara == true && $this->input == false) {
      <td nowrap title="Máscara do campo <?php 
            echo @$picture;
      <input name="mascara_<?php 
            echo $picture;
"  readonly disabled size='<?php 
            echo $this->size;
' type="text"  value="<?php 
            echo $mascara;
"    >
        if ($this->input == false) {
      <td nowrap title="<?php 
            echo @${$title};
            echo @${$label};
    <input title="<?php 
        echo @${$title};
        echo $picture;
" maxlength='<?php 
        echo $tamanho;
        echo $this->size;
' type="text"  value="<?php 
        echo @${$picture};
     onKeyPress="return js_mascara01_<?php 
        echo $picture;
        echo $funcao;
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      <input name='verifica' type="button" value='Verificar' onclick="js_mascara02_<?php 
            echo $picture;
            echo $this->nomeform;
            echo $picture;
.value);" <?php 
            echo $this->db_opcao == 22 || $this->db_opcao == 33 || $this->db_opcao == 3 ? "disabled " : "";
        if ($this->input == false) {
    function js_mascara01_<?php 
        echo $picture;
      var evt = (evt) ? evt : (window.event) ? window.event : "";
      if(evt.charCode >47 && evt.charCode <58 ){//8:backspace|46:delete|190:. 
      var  str='<?php 
        echo $mascara;
      var  tam=obj.length;
      var  dig=str.substr(tam,1); 
        echo $this->nomeform;
        echo $picture;
        return true;
      }else if(evt.charCode=='0'){
        return true;
        return false;
    function js_mascara02_<?php 
        echo $picture;
      var str='<?php 
        echo $mascara;
      var obj=document.<?php 
        echo $this->nomeform;
        echo $picture;
        if ($this->autocompletar == true) {
        var  tam=<?php 
            echo strlen(str_replace(".", "", $mascara));
          for(var i=obj.length; i<tam; i++){
      //analise da estrutura passada
     var nada='';
     var matriz=str.split(nada);
     var tam=matriz.length;
     var arr=new Array();
     var cont=0;
      for(i=0; i<tam; i++){
      for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
        var pos=arr[i]; 
        var strpos=obj.substr(pos,1); 
        if(strpos!='' && strpos!='.'){
        echo $this->nomeform;
        echo $picture;
        if ($this->reload == true) {
            echo $this->nomeform;
            echo $this->nomeform;
    function js_mascara03_<?php 
        echo $picture;
        echo $this->nomeform;
        echo $picture;
        if ($this->autocompletar == true) {
            echo strlen(str_replace(".", "", $mascara));
        for(i=obj.length; i<tam; i++){
      //analise da estrutura passada
      var str='<?php 
        echo $mascara;
      var nada='';
      var matriz=str.split(nada);
      var tam=matriz.length;
      var arr=new Array();
      var cont=0;
      for(var i=0; i<tam; i++){
      for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
        if(strpos!='' && strpos!='.'){
        echo $this->nomeform;
        echo $picture;
        $this->nomeform = "form1";
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        $this->botao = false;
if (isset($sql) && $sql != "") {
    $coluna = "";
    $virgula = "";
    $colunas = split("#", $quais_colunas);
    $totcol = sizeof($colunas);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $totcol; $i++) {
        $coluna .= $virgula . $colunas[$i];
        $virgula = ",";
    $result90 = pg_query($sql);
    $numrows90 = @pg_numrows($result90);
    if ($numrows90 != false && $numrows90 > 0) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows90; $i++) {
            db_fieldsmemory($result90, $i, true);
            $coluna = "";
            $virgula = "";
            echo "<tr id='id_{$i}'>";
            for ($s = 0; $s < $totcol; $s++) {
                $nomcol = $colunas[$s];
                echo "<td id='idcol_{$s}'>" . ($GLOBALS[$nomcol] == "" ? "&nbsp;" : "") . "" . $GLOBALS[$nomcol] . "</td>";
            if (empty($db_opcao) || $db_opcao == 1 || $db_opcao == 2) {
                echo "<td>\n                       <a title='ALTERAR CONTEÚDO DA LINHA' href='' onclick=\"parent.js_alterarlinhas({$i});return false;\">&nbsp;A&nbsp;</a>\n                       <a title='EXCLUIR CONTEÚDO DA LINHA' href='' onclick=\"parent.js_excluirlinhas({$i});return false;\">&nbsp;E&nbsp;</a> \n                    </td>";
            } else {
                echo "<td>\n                       <a title='ALTERAR CONTEÚDO DA LINHA' href='' onclick=\"return false;\">&nbsp;A&nbsp;</a>\n                       <a title='EXCLUIR CONTEÚDO DA LINHA' href='' onclick=\"return false;\">&nbsp;E&nbsp;</a> \n                    </td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "<input name='conta_linha' value='{$i}' type='hidden' >";
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                                     //// ASSINATURAS DA AUTORIZACAO
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                                         $ord = "AUTORIZO" . "\n\n\n" . "__________________________________";
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                                                 $sqltexto = "select * from db_config where codigo = " . db_getsession("DB_instit");
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                                                 $sqltexto = "select * from db_usuarios where id_usuario = " . db_getsession("DB_id_usuario");
                                                 $resulttexto = pg_exec($sqltexto);
                                                 db_fieldsmemory($resulttexto, 0, true);
                                                 $sqltexto = "select * from db_textos where id_instit = " . db_getsession("DB_instit") . " and ( descrtexto like 'ordemdecompra%')";
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                                                     db_fieldsmemory($result_endent, 0, true);
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                                                     global $numero;
                                                     global $compl;
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                                                     if (!in_array("cl_orcreservasol", get_declared_classes())) {
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                                                     $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 109, $xlin + 22, 'Val. Aprox.');
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                                                             $just = "\nJUSTIFICATIVA: " . trim($just);
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                                                             if ($susaquant == "t") {
                                                                 $unid .= " \n{$quantunid} UNIDADES\n";
                                                         } else {
                                                             $unid = "SERVIÇO";
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                                                                 $dcoddot = pg_result($this->recorddasdotac, $i, $this->dcoddot);
                                                                 $dvalor = pg_result($this->recorddasdotac, $i, $this->dvalor);
                                                                 $delemento = pg_result($this->recorddasdotac, $i, $this->delemento);
                                                                 //	      $dreserva = pg_result($this->recorddasdotac,$i,$this->dreserva);
                                                                 array_push($arr_dotac, $dcoddot);
                                                                 if (isset($dcoddot) && trim($dcoddot) != "") {
                                                                     $result_orcreservasol = $clorcreservasol->sql_record($clorcreservasol->sql_query_orcreserva(null, null, "o82_codres as codigodareserva,o80_valor as valorreserva", "", "o82_solicitem={$codigo} and o80_coddot={$dcoddot}"));
                                                                     $ddvalor = "NÃO";
                                                                     if ($clorcreservasol->numrows > 0) {
                                                                         db_fieldsmemory($result_orcreservasol, 0);
                                                                         global $valorreserva;
                                                                         $valorreserva = db_formatar($valorreserva, "f");
                                                                         if ($valorreserva == $valimp) {
                                                                             $ddvalor = "TOTAL";
                                                                         } else {
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                                                             $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 5, $xlin + 268, substr($this->Sorgao, 0, 35));
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                                                         global $contapagina;
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                                                         if (!in_array("cl_orcreservasol", get_declared_classes())) {
                                                             include "classes/db_orcreservasol_classe.php";
                                                         $clorcreservasol = new cl_orcreservasol();
                                                         ////////// MODELO 111  -  SOLICITAÇÃO DE COMPRA
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                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 109, $xlin + 22, 'Val. Aprox.');
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                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 125, $xlin + 22, ':  R$ ' . $this->Svalor);
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                                                                 $descricaoitem = $resum;
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                                                                 $scodpcmater = trim($scodpcmater) . " - ";
                                                             if (isset($prazo) && trim($prazo) != "") {
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                                                             if (isset($pgto) && trim($pgto) != "") {
                                                                 $pgto = "\nCONDIÇÃO: " . trim($pgto);
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                                                                 $resum = "\nRESUMO: " . trim($resum);
                                                             if (isset($just) && trim($just) != "") {
                                                                 $just = "\nJUSTIFICATIVA: " . trim($just);
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                                                                 $barran = "\n";
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                                                                 if ($susaquant == "t") {
                                                                     $unid .= " ({$quantunid} UNIDADES)\n";
                                                             } else {
                                                                 $unid = $barran . "\nSERVIÇO";
                                                             $descricaoitem .= " - " . $unid;
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                                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 105, $xlin + 211, "EM________________DE______________________________DE_____________");
                                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 115, $xlin + 224, "ASSINATURA E CARIMBO DA AUTORIDADE COMPETENTE");
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                                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 10, $xlin + 242, "- A QUANTIDADE DE TALÕES IMPRESSOS:");
                                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 10, $xlin + 246, "- A NUMERAÇÃO:");
                                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 10, $xlin + 250, "- O NUMERO DA AUTORIZAÇÃO PARA IMPRESSÃO:");
                                                                         $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 10, $xlin + 254, "- O CNPJ E O NÚMERO DE INSCRIÇÃO MUNICIPAL DA GRÁFICA:");
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text(134, $xlin - 8, 'DATA DE EMISSÃO : ');
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text(175, $xlin - 8, $this->emissao);
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text(128, $xlin - 3, 'NOTA DE EMPENHO N' . CHR(176) . ': ');
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text(40, $xlin - 8, $this->municpref);
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text(40, $xlin - 2, $this->emailpref);
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                                                                                     $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 30, $xlin + 38.5, 'Agencia:');
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 17, $xlin + 14, ':  ' . db_formatar($this->funcao, 'funcao') . ' - ' . $this->descr_funcao);
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 17, $xlin + 48, ':  ' . $this->descr_licitacao);
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 107, $xlin + 7, 'Numcgm');
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 140, $xlin + 7, strlen($this->cnpj) == 11 ? 'CPF' : 'CNPJ');
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 107, $xlin + 11, 'Nome');
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 107, $xlin + 15, 'Endereço');
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 124, $xlin + 11, ': ' . $this->nome);
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 124, $xlin + 15, ': ' . $this->ender . '  ' . $this->compl);
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 124, $xlin + 19, ': ' . $this->munic . '-' . $this->uf . '    CEP : ' . $this->cep);
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 157, $xlin + 34.0, 'Data do Empenho');
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 108, $xlin + 44.5, 'Valor Estorno');
                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 157, $xlin + 44.5, 'Data do Estorno');
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                                                                                 $this->objpdf->text($xcol + 108, $xlin + 27, 'AUTORIZAÇÃO N' . chr(176) . ' ' . db_formatar($this->numaut, 's', '0', 5, 'e'));
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for ($i = 0; $i < $linhasdeb; $i++) {
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    echo "<tr class='texto'>\n\t\t\t<td align= 'center'> {$d63_codigo}</td>\n\t\t\t<td align= 'center'> " . db_formatar($d63_datalanc, 'd') . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td align= 'center'><input name='imprime' value='Imprime' class='botao' type='submit' onclick='js_cod({$d63_codigo});'></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n    \t";
$numpres = "";
if (isset($imprime)) {
    $sqlnumpre = "select * from debcontapedidotiponumpre where d67_codigo={$cod}";
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        db_fieldsmemory($resultnumpre, $i);
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    //echo"<br> cod = $cod";
    //echo"<br> cgm = $d70_numcgm";
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Esempio n. 26
 function Header()
     //$dados = @pg_exec("select nomeinst,ender,munic,uf,telef,email,url,logo from db_config where codigo = ".@$GLOBALS["DB_instit"]);
     //$url = @pg_result($dados,0,"url");
     //global $nomeinst;
     //$nomeinst = pg_result($dados,0,"nomeinst");
     //global $ender;
     //$ender = pg_result($dados,0,"ender");
     $sql = "select nomeinst,bairro,cgc,ender,upper(munic) as munic,uf,telef,email,url,logo, db12_extenso\n\t\tfrom db_config \n\t\tinner join db_uf on db12_uf = uf\n\t\twhere codigo = " . db_getsession("DB_instit");
     $result = pg_query($sql);
     global $nomeinst;
     global $ender;
     global $munic;
     global $cgc;
     global $bairro;
     global $uf;
     //echo $sql;
     db_fieldsmemory($result, 0);
     /// seta a margem esquerda que veio do relatorio
     $S = $this->lMargin;
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  	<tr class="texto">
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    	<td align="left" ><input name="incluir" type="submit" value="Incluir" class="botao" onClick="return js_verifica()" >

if ($cod != "") {
    echo "\n\t<script>\n\t\tdocument.form1.incluir.value='Alterar';\n\t</script>\n\t";
    $sql = "select * from itbi where it01_guia={$cod}";
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    $sqlurb = "select * from itburbano where it05_guia={$cod}";
    $resulturb = pg_query($sqlurb);
    $linhasurb = pg_num_rows($resulturb);
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        db_fieldsmemory($resulturb, 0);
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     if ($elementos_numpres[$cont] == pg_result($result, $i, "k00_numpre") && $listaunica) {
         $listaunica = false;
         $resultunica = db_query("select *,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,2,13)::float8 as uvlrhis,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,15,13)::float8 as uvlrcor,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,28,13)::float8 as uvlrjuros,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,41,13)::float8 as uvlrmulta,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,54,13)::float8 as uvlrdesconto,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         (substr(fc_calcula,15,13)::float8+\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,28,13)::float8+\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,41,13)::float8-\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         substr(fc_calcula,54,13)::float8) as utotal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                         from (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                         select r.k00_numpre,r.k00_dtvenc as dtvencunic, r.k00_dtoper as dtoperunic, r.k00_percdes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                                fc_calcula(r.k00_numpre,0,0,r.k00_dtvenc,r.k00_dtvenc," . db_getsession("DB_anousu") . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         from recibounica r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                         where r.k00_numpre = " . pg_result($result, $i, "k00_numpre") . " and r.k00_dtvenc >= '" . date('Y-m-d', $DB_DATACALC) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                         ) as unica");
         for ($unicont = 0; $unicont < pg_numrows($resultunica); $unicont++) {
             db_fieldsmemory($resultunica, $unicont);
             if ($dtvencunic >= date('Y-m-d', $DB_DATACALC)) {
                 $dtvencunic = db_formatar($dtvencunic, 'd');
                 $dtoperunic = db_formatar($dtoperunic, 'd');
                 $corunica = "#009933";
                 $uvlrcorr = 0;
                 $histdesc = "";
                 $resulthist = db_query("select k00_dtoper as dtlhist,k00_hora, login,substr(k00_histtxt,0,80) as k00_histtxt\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                             from arrehist\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                              left outer join db_usuarios on id_usuario = k00_id_usuario\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                             where k00_numpre = " . pg_result($result, $i, "k00_numpre") . " and k00_numpar = 0");
                 if (pg_numrows($resulthist) > 0) {
                     for ($di = 0; $di < pg_numrows($resulthist); $di++) {
                         db_fieldsmemory($resulthist, $di);
                         $histdesc .= $dtlhist . " " . $k00_hora . " " . $login . " " . $k00_histtxt . "\n";
                 echo "<tr bgcolor=\"{$corunica}\">\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" nowrap>00</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" nowrap>00</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" id=\"vcto_parcela{$i}\" name=\"vcto_parcela{$i}\" style=\"font-size:11px\" nowrap>" . $dtvencunic . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px;color:white\" nowrap>Parcela Única com {$k00_percdes}% desconto</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . number_format($uvlrhis, 2, ".", ",") . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . number_format($uvlrcorr, 2, ".", ",") . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . number_format($uvlrjuros, 2, ".", ",") . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . number_format($uvlrmulta, 2, ".", ",") . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . number_format($uvlrdesconto, 2, ".", ",") . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . number_format($utotal, 2, ".", ",") . "</td>\n";
                 echo "<td class=\"borda\" style=\"font-size:11px\" align=\"center\" nowrap><input type=\"button\" style=\"border:none;background-color:write\" name=\"unica\" onclick=\"js_emiteunica('{$k00_numpre}')\" value=\"U\">";
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                                                     $this->objpdf->Setfont('Arial', '', 8);
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                                                     $this->objpdf->Setfont('Arial', 'b', 8);
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                                                     $this->objpdf->Setfont('Arial', '', 8);
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                                                     $this->objpdf->Setfont('Arial', '', 8);
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<tr class="titulo">
	<td colspan="2" align="center"> Incluir Debito em conta</td>
<tr class="texto">
	<td>Bancos conveniados:</td>
	<select  name="banco" >
	    	<option value="0">selecione</option>
$sql = "select * from bancos inner join debcontaparam on d62_banco=codbco inner join configdbpref on d62_instituicao=w13_instit;";
$resultbc = pg_query($sql);
$linhasbc = pg_num_rows($resultbc);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $linhasbc; $i++) {
    db_fieldsmemory($resultbc, $i);
    echo "<option value ='{$codbco}'> {$nomebco} </option>";
		<input type="hidden" name="ag" size="10" value="9999">
		<input type="hidden" name="conta" size="15" value="9999">

echo "<tr class='texto'><td colspan='2'>Nome: {$z01_nome} </td> </tr>";
echo "<tr class='texto'><td colspan='2'>CPF/CNPJ: {$z01_cgccpf} </td></tr>";
echo "<tr class='texto'><td colspan='2'>CGM: {$z01_numcgm} </td></tr>";
echo "<tr class='texto'>";