function updategroupcreditlog($fid, $uid) { global $_G; if (empty($fid) || empty($uid)) { return false; } $today = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP); $updategroupcredit = getcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid); if ($updategroupcredit < $today) { $status = DB::result_first("SELECT logdate FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupcreditslog') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' AND uid='{$uid}' AND logdate='{$today}'"); if (empty($status)) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET commoncredits=commoncredits+1 WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('forum_groupcreditslog') . " (fid, uid, logdate) VALUES ('{$fid}', '{$uid}', '{$today}')"); if (empty($_G['forum']) || empty($_G['forum']['level'])) { $forum = DB::fetch_first("SELECT name, level, commoncredits FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); } else { $_G['forum']['commoncredits']++; $forum =& $_G['forum']; } if (empty($_G['grouplevels'])) { loadcache('grouplevels'); } $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']]; if ($grouplevel['type'] == 'default' && !($forum['commoncredits'] >= $grouplevel['creditshigher'] && $forum['commoncredits'] < $grouplevel['creditslower'])) { $levelid = DB::result_first("SELECT levelid FROM " . DB::table('forum_grouplevel') . " WHERE type='default' AND creditshigher<='{$forum['commoncredits']}' AND creditslower>'{$forum['commoncredits']}' LIMIT 1"); if (!empty($levelid)) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET level='{$levelid}' WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); $groupfounderuid = DB::result_first("SELECT founderuid FROM " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); notification_add($groupfounderuid, 'system', 'grouplevel_update', array('groupname' => '<a href="forum.php?mod=group&fid=' . $fid . '">' . $forum['name'] . '</a>', 'newlevel' => $_G['grouplevels'][$levelid]['leveltitle'])); } } } dsetcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid, $today, 86400); } }
function global_footer() { global $_G; if (!$this->allow) { return; } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/smstong/smstong.func.php'; $data = DB::fetch_first("SELECT mobile FROM " . DB::table("common_member_profile") . " WHERE uid = {$_G['uid']}"); if ($_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['reportmsgnotify'] && $_G['gp_mod'] == 'report' && $_G['gp_reportsubmit']) { $content = $_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['reportmsgnotifymsg']; $rp = array('$username', '$tid', '$message'); $sm = array($_G['username'], $_G['gp_rid'], $_G['gp_message']); $content = str_replace($rp, $sm, $content); $arraymobile = explode(',', $_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['reportmsgnotifymobile']); foreach ($arraymobile as $mobile) { $ret = sendsms($_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['smsusername'], $_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['smspassword'], $mobile, $content); } } elseif ($_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['loggingmsgnotify'] && ismobile($data['mobile']) && $_G['cookie']['loginmark'] != $_G['cookie']['lastvisit']) { dsetcookie('loginmark', $_G['cookie']['lastvisit']); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/function/function_misc.php'; $content = $_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['loggingmsgnotifymsg']; $rp = array('$username', '$logtime', '$ipaddress', '$location'); $sm = array($_G['username'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s', TIMESTAMP), $_G['clientip'], str_replace('-', '', str_replace(' ', '', convertip($_G['clientip'])))); $content = str_replace($rp, $sm, $content); $ret = sendsms($_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['smsusername'], $_G['cache']['plugin']['smstong']['smspassword'], $data['mobile'], $content); } }
function cloudaddons_removelog($rid) { global $_G; $reason = $_G['cookie']['uninstallreason']; dsetcookie('uninstallreason', '', -1); cloudaddons_open('&mod=app&ac=removelog&rid=' . $rid . '&reason=' . $reason); }
function common_base() { global $_G; if (!isset($_G['connect'])) { $_G['connect']['url'] = ''; $_G['connect']['api_url'] = ''; $_G['connect']['avatar_url'] = ''; $_G['connect']['qzone_public_share_url'] = ''; $_G['connect']['referer'] = !$_G['inajax'] && CURSCRIPT != 'member' ? $_G['basefilename'] . ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '') : dreferer(); $_G['connect']['weibo_public_appkey'] = 'ce7fb946290e4109bdc9175108b6db3a'; $_G['connect']['login_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=login&op=init&referer=' . urlencode($_G['connect']['referer'] ? $_G['connect']['referer'] : 'index.php'); $_G['connect']['callback_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=login&op=callback'; $_G['connect']['discuz_new_feed_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=feed&op=new'; $_G['connect']['discuz_remove_feed_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=feed&op=remove'; $_G['connect']['discuz_new_share_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=share&op=new'; $_G['connect']['discuz_new_share_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=plugin&id=qqconnect:spacecp&pluginop=new'; $_G['connect']['discuz_change_qq_url'] = $_G['siteurl'] . 'connect.php?mod=login&op=change'; $_G['connect']['auth_fields'] = array('is_user_info' => 1, 'is_feed' => 2); if ($_G['uid']) { dsetcookie('connect_is_bind', $_G['member']['conisbind'], 31536000); if (!$_G['member']['conisbind'] && $_G['cookie']['connect_login']) { $_G['cookie']['connect_login'] = 0; dsetcookie('connect_login'); } } if (!$_G['uid'] && !defined('IN_MOBILE')) { $_G['setting']['pluginhooks']['global_login_text'] = tpl_login_bar(); } } }
function viewthread_updateviews($tableid) { global $_G; if (!$_G['setting']['preventrefresh'] || $_G['cookie']['viewid'] != 'tid_' . $_G['tid']) { if (!$tableid && $_G['setting']['optimizeviews']) { if ($_G['forum_thread']['addviews']) { if ($_G['forum_thread']['addviews'] < 100) { C::t('forum_threadaddviews')->update_by_tid($_G['tid']); } else { if (!discuz_process::islocked('update_thread_view')) { $row = C::t('forum_threadaddviews')->fetch($_G['tid']); C::t('forum_threadaddviews')->update($_G['tid'], array('addviews' => 0)); C::t('forum_thread')->increase($_G['tid'], array('views' => $row['addviews'] + 1), true); discuz_process::unlock('update_thread_view'); } } } else { C::t('forum_threadaddviews')->insert(array('tid' => $_G['tid'], 'addviews' => 1), false, true); } } else { C::t('forum_thread')->increase($_G['tid'], array('views' => 1), true, $tableid); } } dsetcookie('viewid', 'tid_' . $_G['tid']); }
public static function mobileoutput() { global $_G; if (!defined('TPL_DEFAULT')) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $content = preg_replace("/href=\"(\\w+\\.php)(.*?)\"/e", "mobilereplace('\\1', '\\2')", $content); ob_start(); $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . $content; if ('utf-8' != CHARSET) { @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $content = diconv($content, CHARSET, 'utf-8'); } echo $content; exit; } elseif (defined('TPL_DEFAULT') && !$_G['cookie']['dismobilemessage'] && $_G['mobile']) { ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); $_G['forcemobilemessage'] = true; $query_sting_tmp = str_replace(array('&mobile=yes', 'mobile=yes'), array(''), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_G['setting']['mobile']['pageurl'] = $_G['siteurl'] . substr($_G['PHP_SELF'], 1) . ($query_sting_tmp ? '?' . $query_sting_tmp . '&mobile=no' : '?mobile=no'); unset($query_sting_tmp); dsetcookie('dismobilemessage', '1', 3600); showmessage('not_in_mobile'); exit; } }
function cleartaskstatus() { global $_G; if (!DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_mytask') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND status='0'")) { dsetcookie('taskdoing_' . $_G['uid']); } }
function plugin_myrepeats() { global $_G; if (!$_G['uid']) { return; } /* 读取可以使用马甲的用户组 usergroups 变量值。需要注意参数的读取方式,详情见插件手册-参数读取 。 */ $myrepeatsusergroups = (array) dunserialize($_G['cache']['plugin']['myrepeats']['use rgroups']); if (in_array('', $myrepeatsusergroups)) { $myrepeatsusergroups = array(); } $userlist = array(); /* 对当前登录用户进行马甲验证, 即当前用户组不再权限许可范围内, 但其他帐号所在用户组有权限, 则当 前用户也有使用权限。*/ if (!in_array($_G['groupid'], $myrepeatsusergroups)) { if (!isset($_G['cookie']['myrepeat_rr'])) { /* 这里需要注意一下你所建的数据表对象的构建, 即 source/plugin/myrepeats/t able/下的 table_新建表名.php */ $users = count(C::t('#myrepeats#myrepeats')->fetch_all_by_username($_G['username'])); dsetcookie('myrepeat_rr', 'R' . $users, 86400); } else { $users = substr($_G['cookie']['myrepeat_rr'], 1); } if (!$users) { return ''; } } /* 前台显示代码 */ $this->value['global_usernav_extra1'] = '<script>' . 'function showmyrepeats() {if(!$(\'myrepeats_menu\')) {' . 'menu=document.createElement(\'div\');\'myrepeats_menu\'; .display=\'none\';menu.className=\'p_pop\';' . '$(\'append_parent\').appendChild(menu);' . 'ajaxget(\'plugin.php?id=myrepeats:switch&list=yes\',\'myrepeats_menu\',\'a jaxwaitid\');}' . 'showMenu({\'ctrlid\':\'myrepeats\',\'duration\':2});}' . '</script>' . '<span class="pipe">|</span><a id="myrepeats" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=plugin& id=myrepeats:memcp" class="showmenu cur1" onmouseover="delayShow(this, showmyrepeat s)">' . lang('plugin/myrepeats', 'switch') . '</a>' . "\n"; }
function global_footer() { global $_G; $qqmedal = unserialize($_G['setting']['qqmedal']); if (!$_G['setting']['connect']['allow'] || $_G['cookie']['has_qqmedal'] == 1 || !$_G['cookie']['client_created'] || time() - $_G['cookie']['client_created'] > 60 && $_G['cookie']['client_created'] || !empty($_G['inajax']) || !empty($_G['inshowmessage']) || !$_G['uid'] || !$_G['member']['conisbind'] || !$qqmedal['allowed']) { return; } $mid = $_G['setting']['qqmedalid']; if (!$mid) { return; } // 判断勋章是否可用 $medal = C::t('forum_medal')->fetch_all_by_id($mid); $available = $medal[0]['available']; if (!$available) { return; } if (C::t('common_member_medal')->count_by_uid_medalid($_G['uid'], $mid)) { $cookie_expires = 2592000; dsetcookie('has_qqmedal', 1, $cookie_expires); } elseif ($_G['cookie']['has_qqmedal'] == 2) { // 待发状态奖励勋章 $result = C::t('common_member_field_forum')->fetch($_G['uid']); $medals = $result['medals']; $medalsnew = $medals ? $mid . "\t" . $medals : $mid; C::t('common_member_field_forum')->update($_G['uid'], array('medals' => $medalsnew)); C::t('common_member_medal')->insert(array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'medalid' => $mid), 0, 1); C::t('forum_medallog')->insert(array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'medalid' => $mid, 'type' => 0, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP, 'expiration' => '', 'status' => 0)); $cookie_expires = 2592000; dsetcookie('has_qqmedal', 1, $cookie_expires); } else { return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="source/plugin/qqmedal/template/qqmedal.css" /><script>showWindow(\'open_medal\', \'plugin.php?id=qqmedal:medal\');</script>'; } }
function check_update() { if (defined('UPDATE_CHECKED')) { return; } $ver = $_COOKIE['ver']; if ($ver == VERSION) { return; } $query = DB::query("SELECT v FROM setting WHERE k='version'", 'SILENT'); $res = DB::fetch($query); $current_version = $res['v']; dsetcookie('ver', $current_version); if ($current_version != VERSION) { // load update script while ($current_version) { $filepath = SYSTEM_ROOT . "./function/updater/{$current_version}.php"; if (file_exists($filepath)) { include $filepath; exit; } else { $current_version = substr($current_version, 0, strrpos($current_version, '.')); } } include SYSTEM_ROOT . './function/updater/fallback.php'; exit; } else { define('UPDATE_CHECKED', true); return; } }
function make_secqaa($idhash) { global $_G; loadcache('secqaa'); $secqaakey = max(1, random(1, 1)); if ($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['type']) { $etype = explode(':', $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']); if (count($etype) > 1 && preg_match('/^[\\w\\_]+$/', $etype[0]) && preg_match('/^[\\w\\_]+$/', $etype[1])) { $qaafile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/' . $etype[0] . '/secqaa/secqaa_' . $etype[1] . '.php'; $class = $etype[1]; } else { $qaafile = libfile('secqaa/' . $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question'], 'class'); $class = $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']; } if (file_exists($qaafile)) { @(include_once $qaafile); $class = 'secqaa_' . $class; if (class_exists($class)) { $qaa = new $class(); if (method_exists($qaa, 'make')) { $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['answer'] = md5($qaa->make($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question'])); } } } } dsetcookie('secqaa' . $idhash, authcode($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['answer'] . "\t" . (TIMESTAMP - 180) . "\t" . $idhash . "\t" . FORMHASH, 'ENCODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 0, 1, true); return $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']; }
function getinvite() { global $_G; $result = array(); $cookies = empty($_G['cookie']['invite_auth']) ? array() : explode(',', $_G['cookie']['invite_auth']); $cookiecount = count($cookies); if ($cookiecount == 2) { $id = intval($cookies[0]); $code = $cookies[1]; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_invite') . " WHERE id='{$id}'"); if ($invite = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($invite['code'] == $code && empty($invite['fuid']) && (empty($invite['endtime']) || $_G['timestamp'] < $invite['endtime'])) { $result['uid'] = $invite['uid']; $result['id'] = $invite['id']; $result['appid'] = $invite['appid']; } } } elseif ($cookiecount == 3) { $uid = intval($cookies[0]); $code = $cookies[1]; $appid = intval($cookies[2]); $invite_code = space_key($uid, $appid); if ($code == $invite_code) { $result['uid'] = $uid; $result['appid'] = $appid; } } if ($result['uid']) { $member = getuserbyuid($result['uid']); $result['username'] = $member['username']; } else { dsetcookie('invite_auth', '', -86400 * 365); } return $result; }
function updatemembercount($creditarr, $uids = 0, $checkgroup = true, $ruletxt = '') { global $_G; if (!$uids) { $uids = intval($_G['uid']); } $uids = is_array($uids) ? $uids : array($uids); if ($uids && ($creditarr || $this->extrasql)) { if ($this->extrasql) { $creditarr = array_merge($creditarr, $this->extrasql); } $sql = array(); $allowkey = array('extcredits1', 'extcredits2', 'extcredits3', 'extcredits4', 'extcredits5', 'extcredits6', 'extcredits7', 'extcredits8', 'friends', 'posts', 'threads', 'oltime', 'digestposts', 'doings', 'blogs', 'albums', 'sharings', 'attachsize', 'views', 'todayattachs', 'todayattachsize'); $creditnotice = $_G['setting']['creditnotice'] && $_G['uid'] && $uids == array($_G['uid']); if ($creditnotice) { if (!isset($_G['cookiecredits'])) { $_G['cookiecredits'] = !empty($_COOKIE['creditnotice']) ? explode('D', $_COOKIE['creditnotice']) : array_fill(0, 9, 0); for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) { $_G['cookiecreditsbase'][$i] = getuserprofile('extcredits' . $i); } } if ($ruletxt) { $_G['cookiecreditsrule'][$ruletxt] = $ruletxt; } } //$critarr 各项积分参数extcredit设置的值 $settingValue = WebUtils::getDzPluginAppbymeAppConfig('dzsyscache_forum_extcredit_base'); foreach ($creditarr as $key => $value) { $mutilute = 1; foreach ($settingValue as $k => $v) { if ($key == 'extcredits' . $k) { $mutilute = $v * 0.01; } } if (!empty($key) && $value && in_array($key, $allowkey)) { $sql[$key] = $value * $mutilute; if ($creditnotice && substr($key, 0, 10) == 'extcredits') { $i = substr($key, 10); $_G['cookiecredits'][$i] += $value * $mutilute; } } } if ($creditnotice) { dsetcookie('creditnotice', implode('D', $_G['cookiecredits']) . 'D' . $_G['uid']); dsetcookie('creditbase', '0D' . implode('D', $_G['cookiecreditsbase'])); if (!empty($_G['cookiecreditsrule'])) { dsetcookie('creditrule', strip_tags(implode("\t", $_G['cookiecreditsrule']))); } } //var_dump($sql);die; if ($sql) { C::t('common_member_count')->increase($uids, $sql); } if ($checkgroup && count($uids) == 1) { $this->checkusergroup($uids[0]); } $this->extrasql = array(); } }
function do_login($uid) { global $cookiever; $user = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM member WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); $password_hash = substr(md5($user['password']), 8, 8); $login_exp = TIMESTAMP + 900; dsetcookie('token', authcode("{$cookiever}\t{$uid}\t{$user[username]}\t{$login_exp}\t{$password_hash}", 'ENCODE')); }
function clearcookies() { global $discuz_uid, $discuz_user, $discuz_pw, $discuz_secques, $adminid, $credits; foreach (array('sid', 'auth', 'visitedfid', 'onlinedetail', 'loginuser', 'activationauth', 'indextype') as $k) { dsetcookie($k); } $discuz_uid = $adminid = $credits = 0; $discuz_user = $discuz_pw = $discuz_secques = ''; }
function get_user_level() { global $_G; $status = 0; $name = milu_lang('free_user'); $file_name = PICK_DIR . '/data/pick_auth.txt'; $msg_arr = array(); $vip_show = '<img border="0" src="' . PICK_URL . '/static/image/vip.gif" /> ' . milu_lang('vip_user') . ' '; $msg_arr = get_user_pick_info(); if ($msg_arr < 0) { $status = -1; $name = milu_lang('no_query_info'); } $web_qq = get_contents(GET_URL . 'plugin.php?id=pick_user:upgrade&myac=get_qq&tpl=no', array('cache' => 3600 * 24 * 2)); $msg_arr = unserialize($msg_arr); extract($msg_arr); $show_use_time = $exp_dateline ? " " . milu_lang('no_user_dateline') . ":<font style='color:#09C'>" . dgmdate($exp_dateline) . '</font>' : ''; if ($msg == 'succeed') { dsetcookie('pick_auth', $msg, -1); $show_use_time = $show_use_time ? $show_use_time : milu_lang('forever_use'); $name = $vip_show . $show_use_time; $status = 1; } else { if ($msg == 'timeout') { @unlink($file_name); $name = milu_lang('no_free_use'); $status = -2; } else { if ($msg == 'free' || $msg == 'first') { //如果是免费版本 if (VIP) { $status = 2; $name = milu_lang('free_use') . ' ' . $show_use_time; } } else { $status = -3; if ($msg == 'error') { $why = milu_lang('lan_network'); } else { $why = milu_lang('no_conn_server'); } $name = milu_lang('user_no_query') . ' (' . $why . ')'; } } } if ($status < 0) { $show_upgrade = ''; //服务器网络限制,无法检测升级 } else { $show_upgrade = VIP ? '<a href="?' . PICK_GO . 'pick_info&ac=pick_check">' . milu_lang('check_new') . '</a>' : '<a href="?' . PICK_GO . 'pick_info&ac=pick_check">' . milu_lang('up_to_vip') . '</a>'; } $re['show_user_name'] = $name; $re['show_upgrade'] = $show_upgrade; $re['status'] = $status; $re['web_qq'] = $web_qq; return $re; }
function clearcookies() { global $discuz_uid, $discuz_user, $discuz_pw, $discuz_secques, $adminid, $credits; dsetcookie('sid', '', -86400 * 365); dsetcookie('auth', '', -86400 * 365); dsetcookie('visitedfid', '', -86400 * 365); dsetcookie('onlinedetail', '', -86400 * 365, 0); $discuz_uid = $adminid = $credits = 0; $discuz_user = $discuz_pw = $discuz_secques = ''; }
function userlogin() { global $db, $tablepre, $_DCACHE, $ucresult, $username, $password, $questionid, $answer, $loginfield; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; if ($loginfield == 'uid') { $isuid = 1; } elseif ($loginfield == 'email') { $isuid = 2; } else { $isuid = 0; } $ucresult = uc_user_login($username, $password, $isuid, 1, $questionid, $answer); list($tmp['uid'], $tmp['username'], $tmp['password'], $tmp['email'], $duplicate) = daddslashes($ucresult, 1); $ucresult = $tmp; if ($duplicate && $ucresult['uid'] > 0) { if ($olduid = $db->result_first("SELECT uid FROM {$tablepre}members WHERE username='******'username']) . "'")) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/membermerge.func.php'; membermerge($olduid, $ucresult['uid']); uc_user_merge_remove($ucresult['username']); } else { return 0; } } if ($ucresult['uid'] <= 0) { return 0; } $member = $db->fetch_first("SELECT m.uid AS discuz_uid, m.username AS discuz_user, m.password AS discuz_pw, m.secques AS discuz_secques,\r\n\t\, m.adminid, m.groupid, m.styleid, m.lastvisit, m.lastpost, u.allowinvisible\r\n\t\tFROM {$tablepre}members m LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}usergroups u USING (groupid)\r\n\t\tWHERE m.uid='{$ucresult['uid']}'"); if (!$member) { return -1; } $member['discuz_userss'] = $member['discuz_user']; $member['discuz_user'] = addslashes($member['discuz_user']); foreach ($member as $var => $value) { $GLOBALS[$var] = $value; } if (addslashes($member['email']) != $ucresult['email']) { $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET email='{$ucresult['email']}' WHERE uid='{$ucresult['uid']}'"); } if ($questionid > 0 && empty($member['discuz_secques'])) { $GLOBALS['discuz_secques'] = random(8); $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET secques='{$GLOBALS['discuz_secques']}' WHERE uid='{$ucresult['uid']}'"); } $GLOBALS['styleid'] = $member['styleid'] ? $member['styleid'] : $_DCACHE['settings']['styleid']; $cookietime = intval(isset($_POST['cookietime']) ? $_POST['cookietime'] : 0); dsetcookie('cookietime', $cookietime, 31536000); dsetcookie('auth', authcode("{$member['discuz_pw']}\t{$member['discuz_secques']}\t{$member['discuz_uid']}", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime, 1, true); dsetcookie('loginuser'); dsetcookie('activationauth'); dsetcookie('pmnum'); $GLOBALS['sessionexists'] = 0; if ($_DCACHE['settings']['frameon'] && $_DCOOKIE['frameon'] == 'yes') { $GLOBALS['extrahead'] .= '<script>if(top != self) {parent.leftmenu.location.reload();}</script>'; } return 1; }
function global_footer() { global $_G; if ($_G['mod'] == 'forumdisplay' || $_G['mod'] == 'viewthread' || $_G['mod'] == 'post' || $_G['mod'] == 'redirect') { $fiddb = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('dsu_marcofidts') . " WHERE fid='" . intval($_G['fid']) . "'"); $groups = explode(",", $fiddb['groups']); if ($_G['fid'] == $fiddb['fid'] && in_array($_G['groupid'], $groups)) { if (!$_G['cookie']["dsu_marcofidts_{$_G[fid]}"]) { dsetcookie('dsu_marcofidts_back', base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); dheader('Location: plugin.php?id=dsu_marcofidts&fid=' . intval($_G['fid']) . ''); } } } }
function setloginstatus($member, $cookietime) { global $_G; $_G['uid'] = $member['uid']; $_G['username'] = $member['username']; $_G['adminid'] = $member['adminid']; $_G['groupid'] = $member['groupid']; $_G['formhash'] = formhash(); $_G['session']['invisible'] = getuserprofile('invisible'); $_G['member'] = $member; $_G['core']->session->isnew = 1; dsetcookie('auth', authcode("{$member['password']}\t{$member['uid']}", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime, 1, true); dsetcookie('loginuser'); dsetcookie('activationauth'); dsetcookie('pmnum'); }
function connect_login($connect_member) { global $_G; if (!($member = getuserbyuid($connect_member['uid'], 1))) { return false; } else { if (isset($member['_inarchive'])) { C::t('common_member_archive')->move_to_master($member['uid']); } } require_once libfile('function/member'); $cookietime = 1296000; setloginstatus($member, $cookietime); dsetcookie('connect_login', 1, $cookietime); dsetcookie('connect_is_bind', '1', 31536000); dsetcookie('connect_uin', $connect_member['conopenid'], 31536000); return true; }
function updatesession($force = false) { global $_G; static $updated = false; if (!$updated) { if ($_G['uid']) { if ($_G['cookie']['ulastactivity']) { $ulastactivity = authcode($_G['cookie']['ulastactivity'], 'DECODE'); } else { $ulastactivity = getuserprofile('lastactivity'); dsetcookie('ulastactivity', authcode($ulastactivity, 'ENCODE'), 31536000); } } $discuz =& discuz_core::instance(); $oltimespan = $_G['setting']['oltimespan']; $lastolupdate = $discuz->session->var['lastolupdate']; if ($_G['uid'] && $oltimespan && TIMESTAMP - ($lastolupdate ? $lastolupdate : $ulastactivity) > $oltimespan * 60) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_onlinetime') . "\r\n\t\t\t\tSET total=total+'{$oltimespan}', thismonth=thismonth+'{$oltimespan}', lastupdate='" . TIMESTAMP . "'\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); if (!DB::affected_rows()) { DB::insert('common_onlinetime', array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'thismonth' => $oltimespan, 'total' => $oltimespan, 'lastupdate' => TIMESTAMP)); } $discuz->session->set('lastolupdate', TIMESTAMP); } foreach ($discuz->session->var as $k => $v) { if (isset($_G['member'][$k]) && $k != 'lastactivity') { $discuz->session->set($k, $_G['member'][$k]); } } foreach ($_G['action'] as $k => $v) { $discuz->session->set($k, $v); } $discuz->session->update(); $updated = true; if ($_G['uid'] && TIMESTAMP - $ulastactivity > 21600) { if ($oltimespan && TIMESTAMP - $ulastactivity > 43200) { $total = DB::result_first("SELECT total FROM " . DB::table('common_onlinetime') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); DB::update('common_member_count', array('oltime' => round(intval($total) / 60)), "uid='{$_G['uid']}'", 1); } dsetcookie('ulastactivity', authcode(TIMESTAMP, 'ENCODE'), 31536000); DB::update('common_member_status', array('lastip' => $_G['clientip'], 'lastactivity' => TIMESTAMP, 'lastvisit' => TIMESTAMP), "uid='{$_G['uid']}'", 1); } } return $updated; }
private function _setThreadSupport($res, $tid, $action) { global $_G; require_once libfile('function/forum'); dsetcookie('discuz_recommend', '', -1, 0); $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($tid); if (!$_G['setting']['recommendthread']['status'] || !$_G['group']['allowrecommend']) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'no_privilege_recommend'); } if ($thread['authorid'] == $_G['uid'] && !$_G['setting']['recommendthread']['ownthread']) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'recommend_self_disallow', array('{recommendc}' => $thread['recommends'])); } if (C::t('forum_memberrecommend')->fetch_by_recommenduid_tid($_G['uid'], $tid)) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'recommend_duplicate', array('{recommendc}' => $thread['recommends'])); } $recommendcount = C::t('forum_memberrecommend')->count_by_recommenduid_dateline($_G['uid'], $_G['timestamp'] - 86400); if ($_G['setting']['recommendthread']['daycount'] && $recommendcount >= $_G['setting']['recommendthread']['daycount']) { return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'recommend_outoftimes', array('{recommendc}' => $thread['recommends'])); } $_G['group']['allowrecommend'] = intval($action == 'support' ? $_G['group']['allowrecommend'] : -$_G['group']['allowrecommend']); $fieldarr = array(); if ($action == 'support') { $heatadd = 'recommend_add=recommend_add+1'; $fieldarr['recommend_add'] = 1; } else { $heatadd = 'recommend_sub=recommend_sub+1'; $fieldarr['recommend_sub'] = 1; } update_threadpartake($tid); $fieldarr['heats'] = 0; $fieldarr['recommends'] = $_G['group']['allowrecommend']; C::t('forum_thread')->increase($tid, $fieldarr); C::t('forum_memberrecommend')->insert(array('tid' => $tid, 'recommenduid' => $_G['uid'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'])); dsetcookie('recommend', 1, 43200); $recommendv = $_G['group']['allowrecommend'] > 0 ? '+' . $_G['group']['allowrecommend'] : $_G['group']['allowrecommend']; if ($_G['setting']['recommendthread']['daycount']) { $daycount = $_G['setting']['recommendthread']['daycount'] - $recommendcount; $params = array('noError' => 1, '{recommendv}' => $recommendv, '{recommendc}' => $thread['recommends'], '{daycount}' => $daycount); return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'recommend_daycount_succeed', $params); } else { $params = array('noError' => 1, '{recommendv}' => $recommendv, '{recommendc}' => $thread['recommends']); return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'recommend_succed', $params); } }
function global_footer() { global $_G; if ($_G['uid']) { if (!$this->cookiefooter) { $query = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table("plugin_dsuampper") . " WHERE uid = '{$_G['uid']}'"); $lasttime = dgmdate($query['lasttime'], 'Ymd', $this->vars['offset']); } else { $lasttime = $this->cookiefooter; } if ($lasttime <= dgmdate($_G['timestamp'] - 86400, 'Ymd', $this->vars['offset']) && !$this->cookieforce && $_G['mod'] != 'post') { $return = "<script>showWindow('pper', 'plugin.php?id=dsu_amupper:ppering');</script>"; } if (!$_G['cache']['plugin']['dsu_amupper']['force'] && !$this->cookieforce) { dsetcookie('dsu_amupper_force' . $_G['uid'], $_G['timestamp'], 600); } } return $return; }
function common() { global $_G, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck, $connect_guest; if ($_G['uid'] && $_G['member']['conisbind']) { dheader('location: ' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'index.php'); } $connect_guest = array(); if ($_G['connectguest'] && (submitcheck('regsubmit', 0, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck) || submitcheck('loginsubmit', 1, $seccodestatus))) { if (!$_GET['auth_hash']) { $_GET['auth_hash'] = $_G['cookie']['con_auth_hash']; } $conopenid = authcode($_GET['auth_hash']); $connect_guest = C::t('#qqconnect#common_connect_guest')->fetch($conopenid); if (!$connect_guest) { dsetcookie('con_auth_hash'); showmessage('qqconnect:connect_login_first'); } } }
function global_footer() { global $db, $tablepre, $discuz_uid, $discuz_user, $scriptlang; if(!$discuz_uid) { return; } @include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/plugin_myrepeats.php'; $_DPLUGIN['myrepeats']['vars']['usergroups'] = (array)unserialize($_DPLUGIN['myrepeats']['vars']['usergroups']); if(in_array('', $_DPLUGIN['myrepeats']['vars']['usergroups'])) { $_DPLUGIN['myrepeats']['vars']['usergroups'] = array(); } if(!in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $_DPLUGIN['myrepeats']['vars']['usergroups'])) { if(isset($GLOBALS['_DCOOKIE']['mrn'])) { $count = $GLOBALS['_DCOOKIE']['mrn']; } else { $count = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}myrepeats WHERE username='******'"); dsetcookie('mrn', $count, 3600); } if(!$count) { return; } } if(isset($GLOBALS['_DCOOKIE']['mrd'])) { $userlist = explode("\t", $GLOBALS['_DCOOKIE']['mrd']); } else { $userlist = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT username FROM {$tablepre}myrepeats WHERE uid='$discuz_uid'"); while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $userlist[] = $user['username']; } dsetcookie('mrd', implode("\t", $userlist), 3600); } $widthstr = count($userlist) > 5 ? ' inlinelist" style="width:255px;' : '" style="'; $list = '<script>$(\'umenu\').innerHTML = \'<span id="myrepeats" onmouseover="showMenu(">['.$scriptlang['myrepeats']['switch'].']</span>\' + $(\'umenu\').innerHTML;</script><ul id="myrepeats_menu" class="popupmenu_popup'.$widthstr.'display:none;">'; foreach($userlist as $user) { $user = stripslashes($user); $list .= '<li class="wide"><a href="plugin.php?id=myrepeats:switch&username='******'">'.$user.'</a></li>'; } $list .= '<li class="wide" style="clear:both"><a href="plugin.php?id=myrepeats:memcp">'.$scriptlang['myrepeats']['memcp'].'</a></li></ul>'; return $list; }
function make_secqaa($idhash) { global $_G; loadcache('secqaa'); $secqaakey = max(1, random(1, 1)); if ($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['type']) { if (file_exists($qaafile = libfile('secqaa/' . $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question'], 'class'))) { @(include_once $qaafile); $class = 'secqaa_' . $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']; if (class_exists($class)) { $qaa = new $class(); if (method_exists($qaa, 'make')) { $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['answer'] = md5($qaa->make($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question'])); } } } } dsetcookie('secqaa' . $idhash, authcode($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['answer'] . "\t" . (TIMESTAMP - 180) . "\t" . $idhash . "\t" . FORMHASH, 'ENCODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 0, 1, true); return $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']; }
function updategroupcreditlog($fid, $uid) { global $_G; if (empty($fid) || empty($uid)) { return false; } $today = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP); $updategroupcredit = getcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid); if ($updategroupcredit < $today) { $status = C::t('forum_groupcreditslog')->check_logdate($fid, $uid, $today); if (empty($status)) { C::t('forum_forum')->update_commoncredits($fid); C::t('forum_groupcreditslog')->insert(array('fid' => $fid, 'uid' => $uid, 'logdate' => $today), false, true); if (empty($_G['forum']) || empty($_G['forum']['level'])) { $forum = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch($fid); $forum = array('name' => $forum['name'], 'level' => $forum['level'], 'commoncredits' => $forum['commoncredits']); } else { $_G['forum']['commoncredits']++; $forum =& $_G['forum']; } if (empty($_G['grouplevels'])) { loadcache('grouplevels'); } $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']]; if ($grouplevel['type'] == 'default' && !($forum['commoncredits'] >= $grouplevel['creditshigher'] && $forum['commoncredits'] < $grouplevel['creditslower'])) { $levelinfo = C::t('forum_grouplevel')->fetch_by_credits($forum['commoncredits']); $levelid = $levelinfo['levelid']; if (!empty($levelid)) { C::t('forum_forum')->update_group_level($levelid, $fid); $query = C::t('forum_forumfield')->fetch($fid); $groupfounderuid = $query['founderuid']; notification_add($groupfounderuid, 'system', 'grouplevel_update', array('groupname' => '<a href="forum.php?mod=group&fid=' . $fid . '">' . $forum['name'] . '</a>', 'newlevel' => $_G['grouplevels'][$levelid]['leveltitle'], 'from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'changeusergroup')); } } } dsetcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid, $today, 86400); } }
function plugin_myrepeats() { global $_G; if (!$_G['uid']) { return; } $myrepeatsusergroups = (array) dunserialize($_G['cache']['plugin']['myrepeats']['usergroups']); if (in_array('', $myrepeatsusergroups)) { $myrepeatsusergroups = array(); } $userlist = array(); if (!in_array($_G['groupid'], $myrepeatsusergroups)) { if (!isset($_G['cookie']['myrepeat_rr'])) { $users = count(C::t('#myrepeats#myrepeats')->fetch_all_by_username($_G['username'])); dsetcookie('myrepeat_rr', 'R' . $users, 86400); } else { $users = substr($_G['cookie']['myrepeat_rr'], 1); } if (!$users) { return ''; } } $this->value['global_usernav_extra1'] = '<script>' . 'function showmyrepeats() {if(!$(\'myrepeats_menu\')) {' . 'menu=document.createElement(\'div\');\'myrepeats_menu\';\'none\';menu.className=\'p_pop\';' . '$(\'append_parent\').appendChild(menu);' . 'ajaxget(\'plugin.php?id=myrepeats:switch&list=yes\',\'myrepeats_menu\',\'ajaxwaitid\');}' . 'showMenu({\'ctrlid\':\'myrepeats\',\'duration\':2});}' . '</script>' . '<span class="pipe">|</span><a id="myrepeats" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=plugin&id=myrepeats:memcp" class="showmenu cur1" onmouseover="delayShow(this, showmyrepeats)">' . lang('plugin/myrepeats', 'switch') . '</a>' . "\n"; }
function init_cookie() { global $cookiever, $uid, $username; $cookiever = '2'; if (!empty($_COOKIE['token'])) { list($cc, $uid, $username, $exptime, $password) = explode("\t", authcode($_COOKIE['token'], 'DECODE')); if (!$uid || $cc != $cookiever) { unset($uid, $username, $exptime); dsetcookie('token'); } elseif ($exptime < TIMESTAMP) { $user = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM member WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); $_password = substr(md5($user['password']), 8, 8); if ($user && $password == $_password) { $exptime = TIMESTAMP + 900; dsetcookie('token', authcode("{$cookiever}\t{$uid}\t{$user[username]}\t{$exptime}\t{$password}", 'ENCODE')); } else { unset($uid, $username, $exptime); dsetcookie('token'); } } } else { $uid = $username = ''; } }