  * minify css and return css link
  * if minify is disabled: return direct css links
  * @return string with html tag
  * @param array $stylesheets with css files
 public function minifycss($stylesheets)
     if (Zend_Registry::get('config')->cache->enable == 1 && Zend_Registry::get('config')->cache->minifycss == 1) {
         // check file
         $target = Zend_Registry::get('config')->pub->path . 'stylesheets/' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->cache->minifiedcssfile;
         $targeturl = 'stylesheets/' . Zend_Registry::get('config')->cache->minifiedcssfile;
         if (file_exists($target)) {
             return "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen, handheld, projection, tv\" href=\"" . $targeturl . "\" />\n";
         // load and minify files
         $all = "";
         foreach ($stylesheets as $css) {
             $csscontent = file_get_contents(Zend_Registry::get('config')->pub->path . $css);
             $csscontent = CssMin::minify($csscontent);
             $all .= $csscontent;
         file_put_contents($target, $all);
         return "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen, handheld, projection, tv\" href=\"" . $targeturl . "\" />\n";
     } else {
         $ret = "";
         foreach ($stylesheets as $css) {
             $ret = $ret . "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen, handheld, projection, tv\" href=\"" . $css . "\" />\n";
         return $ret;
Esempio n. 2
 public function load($resource, $type = null)
     $publishPath = $this->pathHelper->joinPaths($this->assetDirectory, $resource);
     $tmpPath = $this->pathHelper->joinPaths(sys_get_temp_dir(), $resource);
     $fs = $this->getFilesystem();
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         $fs->dumpFile($tmpPath, "/* --- composition: {$resource} ---*/");
     $tmpFile = fopen($tmpPath, "a");
     foreach ($this->compositions[$resource] as $asset) {
         $path = $this->locator->locate($asset);
         switch ($type) {
             case 'css':
                 if (preg_match('/\\.min\\.css/', $asset)) {
                     $content = file_get_contents($path);
                 } else {
                     $content = \CssMin::minify(file_get_contents($path));
                 $content = file_get_contents($path);
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             fwrite($tmpFile, "\n\n/* --- asset: {$asset} ({$path}) ---*/\n\n" . $content);
     if ($this->publishMode && $resource !== null) {
         $fs->copy($tmpPath, $publishPath);
     return $tmpPath;
  * Implements {@link aCssParserPlugin::parse()}.
  * @param integer $index Current index
  * @param string $char Current char
  * @param string $previousChar Previous char
  * @return mixed TRUE will break the processing; FALSE continue with the next plugin; integer set a new index and break the processing
 public function parse($index, $char, $previousChar, $state)
     if ($char === "@" && $state === "T_DOCUMENT" && strtolower(substr($this->parser->getSource(), $index, 7)) === "@import") {
         return $index + 7;
     } elseif (($char === ";" || $char === "\n") && $state === "T_AT_IMPORT") {
         $this->buffer = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(";");
         $pos = false;
         foreach (array(")", "\"", "'") as $needle) {
             if (($pos = strrpos($this->buffer, $needle)) !== false) {
         $import = substr($this->buffer, 0, $pos + 1);
         if (stripos($import, "url(") === 0) {
             $import = substr($import, 4, -1);
         $import = trim($import, " \t\n\r\v'\"");
         $mediaTypes = array_filter(array_map("trim", explode(",", trim(substr($this->buffer, $pos + 1), " \t\n\r\v{"))));
         if ($pos) {
             $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtImportToken($import, $mediaTypes));
         } else {
             CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": Invalid @import at-rule syntax", $this->parser->buffer));
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
 public function __invoke($file, $minify = null)
     if (!is_file($this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('File "' . $this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file . '" not found.');
     $less = new \lessc();
     $info = pathinfo($file);
     $newFile = $this->getOptions()->getDestinationDir() . $info['filename'] . '.' . filemtime($this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file) . '.css';
     $_file = $this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $newFile;
     if (!is_file($_file)) {
         $globPattern = $this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $this->getOptions()->getDestinationDir() . $info['filename'] . '.*.css';
         foreach (Glob::glob($globPattern, Glob::GLOB_BRACE) as $match) {
             if (preg_match("/^" . $info['filename'] . "\\.[0-9]{10}\\.css\$/", basename($match))) {
         $compiledFile = new \SplFileObject($_file, 'w');
         $result = $less->compileFile($this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file);
         if (is_null($minify) && $this->getOptions()->getMinify() || $minify === true) {
             $result = \CssMin::minify($result);
     return $newFile;
Esempio n. 5
 function prepare($source, $min = true)
     if ($min) {
         $source = \CssMin::minify($source);
     return trim($source);
Esempio n. 6
 public function load($resource, $type = null)
     $publishPath = $this->pathHelper->joinPaths($this->assetDirectory, $resource);
     $tmpPath = $this->pathHelper->joinPaths(sys_get_temp_dir(), $resource);
     $path = $this->locator->locate($resource);
     $fs = $this->getFilesystem();
     $fs->dumpFile($tmpPath, null);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'css':
             // minify only if it isnt already minified
             if (preg_match('/\\.min\\.css/', $resource)) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($path);
             } else {
                 $content = \CssMin::minify(file_get_contents($path));
             $content = file_get_contents($path);
     file_put_contents($tmpPath, $content);
     if ($this->publishMode && $resource !== null) {
         $fs->copy($tmpPath, $publishPath);
     return $tmpPath;
Esempio n. 7
 * Apply CssMin to $content.
 * @param string $filename target filename
 * @param string $content Content to filter.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return string
	public function output($filename, $content) {
		App::import('Vendor', 'cssmin', array('file' => $this->_settings['path']));
		if (!class_exists('CssMin')) {
			throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot not load filter class "%s".', 'CssMin'));
		return CssMin::minify($content);
Esempio n. 8
  * Constructer.
  * Creates instances of {@link aCssMinifierFilter filters} and {@link aCssMinifierPlugin plugins}.
  * @param string $source CSS source [optional]
  * @param array $filters Filter configuration [optional]
  * @param array $plugins Plugin configuration [optional]
  * @return void
 public function __construct($source = null, array $filters = null, array $plugins = null)
     $filters = array_merge(array("ImportImports" => false, "RemoveComments" => true, "RemoveEmptyRulesets" => true, "RemoveEmptyAtBlocks" => true, "ConvertLevel3Properties" => false, "ConvertLevel3AtKeyframes" => false, "Variables" => true, "RemoveLastDelarationSemiColon" => true), is_array($filters) ? $filters : array());
     $plugins = array_merge(array("Variables" => true, "ConvertFontWeight" => false, "ConvertHslColors" => false, "ConvertRgbColors" => false, "ConvertNamedColors" => false, "CompressColorValues" => false, "CompressUnitValues" => false, "CompressExpressionValues" => false), is_array($plugins) ? $plugins : array());
     // Filters
     foreach ($filters as $name => $config) {
         if ($config !== false) {
             $class = "Css" . $name . "MinifierFilter";
             $config = is_array($config) ? $config : array();
             if (class_exists($class)) {
                 $this->filters[] = new $class($this, $config);
             } else {
                 CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": The filter <code>" . $name . "</code> with the class name <code>" . $class . "</code> was not found"));
     // Plugins
     foreach ($plugins as $name => $config) {
         if ($config !== false) {
             $class = "Css" . $name . "MinifierPlugin";
             $config = is_array($config) ? $config : array();
             if (class_exists($class)) {
                 $this->plugins[] = new $class($this, $config);
             } else {
                 CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": The plugin <code>" . $name . "</code> with the class name <code>" . $class . "</code> was not found"));
     // --
     if (!is_null($source)) {
Esempio n. 9
 public static function minifyCss($cssList, $concat = false)
     $websiteHelper = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('website');
     $cacheHelper = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('cache');
     if (null === ($hashStack = $cacheHelper->load(strtolower(__CLASS__), ''))) {
         $hashStack = array();
     $container = $cssList->getContainer();
     foreach ($container->getArrayCopy() as $css) {
         if (preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\//', $css->href) != false && strpos($css->href, $websiteHelper->getUrl()) !== 0) {
         $path = str_replace($websiteHelper->getUrl(), '', $css->href);
         if (!is_file($websiteHelper->getPath() . $path) || !file_exists($websiteHelper->getPath() . $path)) {
         $hash = sha1_file($websiteHelper->getPath() . $path);
         $name = Tools_Filesystem_Tools::basename($path);
         if (!$hash) {
         if (!isset($hashStack[$path]) || $hashStack[$path]['hash'] !== $hash) {
             $compressor = new CssMin();
             $cssContent = Tools_Filesystem_Tools::getFile($path);
             $cssContent = preg_replace('/url\\([\'"]?([^)\'"]*)[\'"]?\\)/', 'url("../' . dirname($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '${1}")', $cssContent);
             $hashStack[$path] = array('hash' => $hash, 'content' => $compressor->run($cssContent));
             Tools_Filesystem_Tools::saveFile($websiteHelper->getPath() . $websiteHelper->getTmp() . $hash . '.css', $hashStack[$path]['content']);
         if (!$concat) {
             $css->href = $websiteHelper->getUrl() . $websiteHelper->getTmp() . $hash . '.css?' . $name;
         } else {
             $concatCss = isset($concatCss) ? $concatCss . PHP_EOL . "/* {$path} */" . PHP_EOL . $hashStack[$path]['content'] : "/* {$path} */" . PHP_EOL . $hashStack[$path]['content'];
     if (isset($concatCss) && !empty($concatCss)) {
         $cname = sha1($concatCss) . '.concat.min.css';
         $concatPath = $websiteHelper->getPath() . $websiteHelper->getTmp() . $cname;
         if (!file_exists($concatPath) || sha1_file($concatPath) !== sha1($concatCss)) {
             Tools_Filesystem_Tools::saveFile($concatPath, $concatCss);
         $cssList->setStylesheet($websiteHelper->getUrl() . $websiteHelper->getTmp() . $cname);
     $cacheHelper->save(strtolower(__CLASS__), $hashStack, '', array(), Helpers_Action_Cache::CACHE_LONG);
     return $cssList;
Esempio n. 10
 public function apply($in, $params = [])
     if (!class_exists('\\CssMin')) {
         throw new Exception('Assets: class \\CssMin not found');
         return $in;
     return \CssMin::minify($in);
Esempio n. 11
  * New resource file update handler.
  * @param string $resource  Resource full path
  * @param string $extension Resource extension
  * @param string $content   Compiled output resource content
 public function renderer($resource, &$extension, &$content)
     // If CSS resource has been updated
     if ($extension === 'css') {
         // Read updated CSS resource file and compile it
         $content = \CssMin::minify($content);
     } elseif ($extension === 'js') {
         $content = \JShrink\Minifier::minify($content);
  * Implements {@link aCssParserPlugin::parse()}.
  * @param integer $index Current index
  * @param string $char Current char
  * @param string $previousChar Previous char
  * @return mixed TRUE will break the processing; FALSE continue with the next plugin; integer set a new index and break the processing
 public function parse($index, $char, $previousChar, $state)
     // Start of Ruleset and selectors
     if ($char === "," && ($state === "T_DOCUMENT" || $state === "T_AT_MEDIA" || $state === "T_RULESET::SELECTORS")) {
         if ($state !== "T_RULESET::SELECTORS") {
         $this->selectors[] = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(",{");
     } elseif ($char === "{" && ($state === "T_DOCUMENT" || $state === "T_AT_MEDIA" || $state === "T_RULESET::SELECTORS")) {
         if ($this->parser->getBuffer() !== "") {
             $this->selectors[] = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(",{");
             if ($state == "T_RULESET::SELECTORS") {
             $this->parser->appendToken(new CssRulesetStartToken($this->selectors));
             $this->selectors = array();
     } elseif ($char === ":" && $state === "T_RULESET") {
         $this->buffer = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(":;", true);
     } elseif ($char === ":" && $state === "T_RULESET_DECLARATION") {
         // Ignore Internet Explorer filter declarations
         if ($this->buffer === "filter") {
             return false;
         CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": Unterminated declaration", $this->buffer . ":" . $this->parser->getBuffer() . "_"));
     } elseif (($char === ";" || $char === "}") && $state === "T_RULESET_DECLARATION") {
         $value = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(";}");
         if (strtolower(substr($value, -10, 10)) === "!important") {
             $value = trim(substr($value, 0, -10));
             $isImportant = true;
         } else {
             $isImportant = false;
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssRulesetDeclarationToken($this->buffer, $value, $this->parser->getMediaTypes(), $isImportant));
         // Declaration ends with a right curly brace; so we have to end the ruleset
         if ($char === "}") {
             $this->parser->appendToken(new CssRulesetEndToken());
         $this->buffer = "";
     } elseif ($char === "}" && $state === "T_RULESET") {
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssRulesetEndToken());
         $this->buffer = "";
         $this->selectors = array();
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 13
 public function init($cssData)
     $this->parsedCSS = CssMin::parse($cssData, $plugins);
     if ($this->selCount > $this->conf['css.']['scriptmergerBless.']['threshold'] && isset($this->conf['css.']['scriptmergerBless.']['activate']) && $this->conf['css.']['scriptmergerBless.']['activate'] == 1) {
     } else {
         $this->cssFiles[] = $cssData;
     return array_reverse($this->cssFiles);
  * Implements {@link aCssMinifierFilter::filter()}.
  * @param array $tokens Array of objects of type aCssToken
  * @return integer Count of added, changed or removed tokens; a return value large than 0 will rebuild the array
 public function apply(array &$tokens)
     $variables = array();
     $defaultMediaTypes = array("all");
     $mediaTypes = array();
     $remove = array();
     for ($i = 0, $l = count($tokens); $i < $l; $i++) {
         // @variables at-rule block found
         if (get_class($tokens[$i]) === "CssAtVariablesStartToken") {
             $remove[] = $i;
             $mediaTypes = count($tokens[$i]->MediaTypes) == 0 ? $defaultMediaTypes : $tokens[$i]->MediaTypes;
             foreach ($mediaTypes as $mediaType) {
                 if (!isset($variables[$mediaType])) {
                     $variables[$mediaType] = array();
             // Read the variable declaration tokens
             for ($i = $i; $i < $l; $i++) {
                 // Found a variable declaration => read the variable values
                 if (get_class($tokens[$i]) === "CssAtVariablesDeclarationToken") {
                     foreach ($mediaTypes as $mediaType) {
                         $variables[$mediaType][$tokens[$i]->Property] = $tokens[$i]->Value;
                     $remove[] = $i;
                 } elseif (get_class($tokens[$i]) === "CssAtVariablesEndToken") {
                     $remove[] = $i;
     // Variables in @variables at-rule blocks
     foreach ($variables as $mediaType => $null) {
         foreach ($variables[$mediaType] as $variable => $value) {
             // If a var() statement in a variable value found...
             if (stripos($value, "var") !== false && preg_match_all("/var\\((.+)\\)/iSU", $value, $m)) {
                 // ... then replace the var() statement with the variable values.
                 for ($i = 0, $l = count($m[0]); $i < $l; $i++) {
                     $variables[$mediaType][$variable] = str_replace($m[0][$i], isset($variables[$mediaType][$m[1][$i]]) ? $variables[$mediaType][$m[1][$i]] : "", $variables[$mediaType][$variable]);
     // Remove the complete @variables at-rule block
     foreach ($remove as $i) {
         $tokens[$i] = null;
     if (!($plugin = $this->minifier->getPlugin("CssVariablesMinifierPlugin"))) {
         CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": The plugin <code>CssVariablesMinifierPlugin</code> was not found but is required for <code>" . __CLASS__ . "</code>"));
     } else {
     return count($remove);
Esempio n. 15
 public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset)
     $filters = $this->filters;
     $plugins = $this->plugins;
     if (isset($filters['ImportImports']) && true === $filters['ImportImports']) {
         if ($dir = $asset->getSourceDirectory()) {
             $filters['ImportImports'] = array('BasePath' => $dir);
         } else {
     $asset->setContent(\CssMin::minify($asset->getContent(), $filters, $plugins));
  * Get a file's content, minified.
  * @param  string $path The file path.
  * @return string       The file's content, minified.
 public function executeGetMinified($path)
     $manager = $this->managers()->getManagerOf('file');
     if (!$manager->exists($path)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('"' . $path . '" : no such file or directory', 404);
     $out = $manager->read($path);
     if ($manager->extension($manager->filename($path)) != 'min' && false) {
         $ext = $manager->extension($path);
         switch ($ext) {
             case 'js':
                 $out = \JSMinPlus::minify($out);
             case 'css':
                 $minifier = new \CssMin();
                 $out = $minifier->minify($out);
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot minify "' . $path . '" : unsupported file type', 406);
     $this->responseContent->setChannel(1, $out);
Esempio n. 17
 public function packer($file, $type)
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
     $fileDst = preg_replace('/\\.(js|css)$/', '.min.\\1', $file);
     if ($type == "js") {
         $minContent = JSMin::minify(file_get_contents($file));
     } else {
         $minContent = CssMin::minify(file_get_contents($file));
     echo " " . $file . "  -> " . $fileDst . "\n";
     file_put_contents($fileDst, $minContent);
     echo shell_exec("git add " . $fileDst);
Esempio n. 18
 public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset)
     $filters = $this->filters;
     $plugins = $this->plugins;
     if (isset($filters['ImportImports']) && true === $filters['ImportImports']) {
         $root = $asset->getSourceRoot();
         $path = $asset->getSourcePath();
         if ($root && $path) {
             $filters['ImportImports'] = array('BasePath' => dirname($root . '/' . $path));
         } else {
     $asset->setContent(\CssMin::minify($asset->getContent(), $filters, $plugins));
Esempio n. 19
 protected function createComponentCss()
     $cssLoader = new \WebLoader\CssLoader(null, null, true);
     $cssLoader->sourcePath = __DIR__ . "/css";
     $cssLoader->tempUri = $this->tempUri;
     $cssLoader->tempPath = $this->tempPath;
     foreach ($this->css as $css) {
     $cssLoader->filters[] = function ($code) {
         return \CssMin::minify($code);
     return $cssLoader;
  * Implements {@link aCssParserPlugin::parse()}.
  * @param integer $index Current index
  * @param string $char Current char
  * @param string $previousChar Previous char
  * @return mixed TRUE will break the processing; FALSE continue with the next plugin; integer set a new index and break the processing
 public function parse($index, $char, $previousChar, $state)
     // Start of @page at-rule block
     if ($char === "@" && $state === "T_DOCUMENT" && strtolower(substr($this->parser->getSource(), $index, 5)) === "@page") {
         return $index + 5;
     } elseif ($char === "{" && $state === "T_AT_PAGE::SELECTOR") {
         $selector = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer("{");
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtPageStartToken($selector));
     } elseif ($char === ":" && $state === "T_AT_PAGE") {
         $this->buffer = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(":", true);
     } elseif ($char === ":" && $state === "T_AT_PAGE_DECLARATION") {
         // Ignore Internet Explorer filter declarations
         if ($this->buffer === "filter") {
             return false;
         CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": Unterminated @page declaration", $this->buffer . ":" . $this->parser->getBuffer() . "_"));
     } elseif (($char === ";" || $char === "}") && $state == "T_AT_PAGE_DECLARATION") {
         $value = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(";}");
         if (strtolower(substr($value, -10, 10)) == "!important") {
             $value = trim(substr($value, 0, -10));
             $isImportant = true;
         } else {
             $isImportant = false;
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtPageDeclarationToken($this->buffer, $value, $isImportant));
         // --
         if ($char === "}") {
             $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtPageEndToken());
         $this->buffer = "";
     } elseif ($char === "}" && $state === "T_AT_PAGE") {
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtPageEndToken());
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 21
 public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset)
     $filters = $this->filters;
     $plugins = $this->plugins;
     if (isset($filters['ImportImports']) && true === $filters['ImportImports']) {
         // find the base path
         $sourceUrl = $asset->getSourceUrl();
         if (self::isAbsoluteUrl($sourceUrl) || self::isAbsolutePath($sourceUrl)) {
             $filters['ImportImports'] = array('BasePath' => dirname($sourceUrl));
         } elseif ($this->baseDir) {
             $filters['ImportImports'] = array('BasePath' => $this->baseDir);
             if ('.' != ($dir = dirname($sourceUrl))) {
                 $filters['ImportImports']['BasePath'] .= '/' . $dir;
     $asset->setContent(\CssMin::minify($asset->getContent(), $filters, $plugins));
Esempio n. 22
  * Constructer.
  *  Create instances of the used {@link aCssParserPlugin plugins}.
  * @param string $source CSS source [optional]
  * @param array $plugins Plugin configuration [optional]
  * @return void
 public function __construct($source = null, array $plugins = null)
     $plugins = array_merge(array("Comment" => true, "String" => true, "Url" => true, "Expression" => true, "Ruleset" => true, "AtCharset" => true, "AtFontFace" => true, "AtImport" => true, "AtKeyframes" => true, "AtMedia" => true, "AtPage" => true, "AtVariables" => true), is_array($plugins) ? $plugins : array());
     // Create plugin instances
     foreach ($plugins as $name => $config) {
         if ($config !== false) {
             $class = "Css" . $name . "ParserPlugin";
             $config = is_array($config) ? $config : array();
             if (class_exists($class)) {
                 $this->plugins[] = new $class($this, $config);
             } else {
                 CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": The plugin <code>" . $name . "</code> with the class name <code>" . $class . "</code> was not found"));
     if (!is_null($source)) {
Esempio n. 23
 public function renderCss($critical = false, $type = null, $isMobile = false)
     if ($critical) {
         $this->renderCssCritical($type, $isMobile);
     } else {
         $config = $this->getPresenter()->context->parameters['scriptLoader']['css' . ($isMobile ? '_mobile' : '')];
         if (!$this->getPresenter()->context->parameters['scriptLoader']['enable']) {
             if (!is_null($config['default'])) {
                 foreach ($config['default'] as $css) {
                     echo '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection,tv" href="/' . $css . '">';
         } else {
             $cache = new Cache($this->getPresenter()->storage, 'scriptLoader');
             if (is_null($cache->load('css' . ($isMobile ? '_mobile' : '')))) {
                 $cssFile = '';
                 $cssFiles = array();
                 if (!is_null($config['default'])) {
                     foreach ($config['default'] as $css) {
                         $cssFile .= \CssMin::minify(file_get_contents($this->getPresenter()->context->parameters['wwwDir'] . '/' . $css));
                         $cssFiles[] = $this->getPresenter()->context->parameters['wwwDir'] . '/' . $css;
                 $cache->save('css' . ($isMobile ? '_mobile' : ''), true, array(Cache::FILES => $cssFiles));
                 file_put_contents($this->getPresenter()->context->parameters['wwwDir'] . '/css/css.css', $cssFile);
             echo '<script>
       var cb = function() {
         var l = document.createElement(\'link\'); l.rel = \'stylesheet\';
         l.href = \'/css/css.css\';
         var h = document.getElementsByTagName(\'head\')[0]; h.parentNode.insertBefore(l, h);
       var raf = requestAnimationFrame || mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
           webkitRequestAnimationFrame || msRequestAnimationFrame;
       if (raf) raf(cb);
       else window.addEventListener(\'load\', cb);
             //echo '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection,tv" href="/css/css.css">';
  * Implements {@link aCssParserPlugin::parse()}.
  * @param integer $index Current index
  * @param string $char Current char
  * @param string $previousChar Previous char
  * @return mixed TRUE will break the processing; FALSE continue with the next plugin; integer set a new index and break the processing
 public function parse($index, $char, $previousChar, $state)
     // Start of @variables at-rule block
     if ($char === "@" && $state === "T_DOCUMENT" && strtolower(substr($this->parser->getSource(), $index, 10)) === "@variables") {
         return $index + 10;
     } elseif ($char === "{" && $state === "T_AT_VARIABLES::PREPARE") {
         $mediaTypes = array_filter(array_map("trim", explode(",", $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer("{"))));
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtVariablesStartToken($mediaTypes));
     // Start of @variables declaration
     if ($char === ":" && $state === "T_AT_VARIABLES") {
         $this->buffer = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(":");
     } elseif ($char === ":" && $state === "T_AT_VARIABLES_DECLARATION") {
         // Ignore Internet Explorer filter declarations
         if ($this->buffer === "filter") {
             return false;
         CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": Unterminated @variables declaration", $this->buffer . ":" . $this->parser->getBuffer() . "_"));
     } elseif (($char === ";" || $char === "}") && $state === "T_AT_VARIABLES_DECLARATION") {
         $value = $this->parser->getAndClearBuffer(";}");
         if (strtolower(substr($value, -10, 10)) === "!important") {
             $value = trim(substr($value, 0, -10));
             $isImportant = true;
         } else {
             $isImportant = false;
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtVariablesDeclarationToken($this->buffer, $value, $isImportant));
         $this->buffer = "";
     } elseif ($char === "}" && $state === "T_AT_VARIABLES") {
         $this->parser->appendToken(new CssAtVariablesEndToken());
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
	public function compileLessFile( $less_file = '', $css_file = '', $css_min_file = '' ){
		global $wp_filesystem;

		if( empty( $less_file ) )
			$less_file      = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/assets/css/style.less';
		if( empty( $css_file ) )
			$css_file       = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/assets/css/style.css';
		if( empty( $css_min_file ) )
			$css_min_file       = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/assets/css/style.min.css';

		// Write less file
    	if ( is_writable( $css_file ) && is_writable( $css_min_file ) ) {

			if ( ! class_exists( 'lessc' ) ){
				include( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/lessc.inc.php' );
			if ( ! class_exists( 'cssmin' ) ){
				include( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/cssmin.inc.php' );

			try {

				$less         = new lessc;

				$compiled_css = $less->compileFile( $less_file );

				if ( $compiled_css != '' ){
					$wp_filesystem->put_contents( $css_file, $compiled_css );

					$compiled_css_min = CssMin::minify( $compiled_css );
					if ( $compiled_css_min != '' )
						$wp_filesystem->put_contents( $css_min_file, $compiled_css_min );

			} catch ( exception $ex ) {

				//echo ( __( 'Could not compile .less:', 'sass' ) . ' ' . $ex->getMessage() );

Esempio n. 26
 protected function minify($scripts, $ext, $output)
     $path = $this->rootDir();
     $outfile = "{$path}/{$output}";
     if (file_exists($outfile)) {
         if ($this->ttl == -1) {
             // never recompile
             return true;
         $fileage = time() - filemtime($outfile);
         if ($fileage < $this->ttl) {
             return true;
     $str = $this->join_files($scripts);
     switch ($ext) {
         case "css":
             switch ($this->cssmin) {
                 case "cssmin":
                     $packed = \CssMin::minify($str);
                     $packed = $str;
         case "js":
             switch ($this->jsmin) {
                 case "packer":
                     $packer = new \JavaScriptPacker($str, "Normal", true, false);
                     $packed = $packer->pack();
                 case "jshrink":
                     $packed = \JShrink\Minifier::minify($str);
                     $packed = $str;
     $this->fileClient->put($outfile, $packed);
  * Implements {@link aCssParserPlugin::parse()}.
  * @param integer $index Current index
  * @param string $char Current char
  * @param string $previousChar Previous char
  * @return mixed TRUE will break the processing; FALSE continue with the next plugin; integer set a new index and break the processing
 public function parse($index, $char, $previousChar, $state)
     // Start of string
     if (($char === "\"" || $char === "'") && $state !== "T_STRING") {
         $this->delimiterChar = $char;
     } elseif ($char === "\n" && $previousChar === "\\" && $state === "T_STRING") {
         $this->parser->setBuffer(substr($this->parser->getBuffer(), 0, -2));
     } elseif ($char === "\n" && $previousChar !== "\\" && $state === "T_STRING") {
         $line = $this->parser->getBuffer();
         $this->parser->setBuffer(substr($this->parser->getBuffer(), 0, -1) . $this->delimiterChar);
         // Replace the LF with the current string char
         CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": Unterminated string literal", $line . "_"));
         $this->delimiterChar = null;
     } elseif ($char === $this->delimiterChar && $state === "T_STRING") {
         // If the Previous char is a escape char count the amount of the previous escape chars. If the amount of
         // escape chars is uneven do not end the string
         if ($previousChar == "\\") {
             $source = $this->parser->getSource();
             $c = 1;
             $i = $index - 2;
             while (substr($source, $i, 1) === "\\") {
             if ($c % 2) {
                 return false;
         $this->delimiterChar = null;
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 28
  * Implements {@link aCssParserPlugin::parse()}.
  * @param integer $index Current index
  * @param string $char Current char
  * @param string $previousChar Previous char
  * @return mixed TRUE will break the processing; FALSE continue with the next plugin; integer set a new index and break the processing
 public function parse($index, $char, $previousChar, $state)
     // Start of string
     if ($char === "(" && strtolower(substr($this->parser->getSource(), $index - 3, 4)) === "url(" && $state !== "T_URL") {
     } elseif ($char === "\n" && $previousChar === "\\" && $state === "T_URL") {
         $this->parser->setBuffer(substr($this->parser->getBuffer(), 0, -2));
     } elseif ($char === "\n" && $previousChar !== "\\" && $state === "T_URL") {
         $line = $this->parser->getBuffer();
         $this->parser->setBuffer(substr($this->parser->getBuffer(), 0, -1) . ")");
         // Replace the LF with the url string delimiter
         CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": Unterminated string literal", $line . "_"));
     } elseif ($char === ")" && $state === "T_URL") {
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 29
 public function minify($format, $content, $compression_option = "remote")
     if ($format == "js") {
         if ($compression_option == "remote") {
             return $this->getMinified($this->urlJS, $content);
             // remote compression
         } else {
             require "vendor/JShrink/Minifier.php";
             return \JShrink\Minifier::minify($content);
             // local compression
     if ($format == "css") {
         if ($compression_option == "remote") {
             return $this->getMinified($this->urlCSS, $content);
             // remote compression
         } else {
             require "vendor/cssmin/cssmin-v3.0.1-minified.php";
             return CssMin::minify($content);
             // local compression
  * Implements {@link aCssMinifierPlugin::minify()}.
  * @param aCssToken $token Token to process
  * @return boolean Return TRUE to break the processing of this token; FALSE to continue
 public function apply(aCssToken &$token)
     if (stripos($token->Value, "var") !== false && preg_match_all($this->reMatch, $token->Value, $m)) {
         $mediaTypes = $token->MediaTypes;
         if (!in_array("all", $mediaTypes)) {
             $mediaTypes[] = "all";
         for ($i = 0, $l = count($m[0]); $i < $l; $i++) {
             $variable = trim($m[1][$i]);
             foreach ($mediaTypes as $mediaType) {
                 if (isset($this->variables[$mediaType], $this->variables[$mediaType][$variable])) {
                     // Variable value found => set the declaration value to the variable value and return
                     $token->Value = str_replace($m[0][$i], $this->variables[$mediaType][$variable], $token->Value);
                     continue 2;
             // If no value was found trigger an error and replace the token with a CssNullToken
             CssMin::triggerError(new CssError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__ . ": No value found for variable <code>" . $variable . "</code> in media types <code>" . implode(", ", $mediaTypes) . "</code>", (string) $token));
             $token = new CssNullToken();
             return true;
     return false;