Esempio n. 1
function __wps_show_group($page)  

	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	$gid = '';

	if (isset($_GET['gid'])) {
		$gid = $_GET['gid'];
	} else {
		if (isset($_POST['gid'])) {
			$gid = $_POST['gid'];
	$group_url = __wps__get_url('group');
	if (strpos($group_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
		$q = "&";
	} else {
		$q = "?";
	// Check if private or public
	$sql = "SELECT private FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_groups WHERE gid = %d";
	$private = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $gid));

	if (is_user_logged_in()) {
		if ($gid != '') {
			// Wrapper
			$html = "<div class='__wps__wrapper'>";
				$plugin = WPS_PLUGIN_URL;

				// Group views, therefore considered active, so update last activity
				$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_groups SET last_activity = %s WHERE gid = %d", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $gid ));

				$group = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . 'symposium_groups WHERE gid=%d', $gid));

				// Use default layout, or templates?
				if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_group_templates') == "on") {
					$template = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_template_group');
					$template = str_replace("[]", "", stripslashes($template));
				} else {				
					$template = "<div id='group_header_div'><div id='group_header_panel'>";
					$template .= "<div id='group_details'>";
					$template .= "<div id='group_name'>[group_name]</div>";
					$template .= "<div id='group_description'>[group_description]</div>";
					$template .= "<div style='padding-top: 15px;padding-bottom: 15px;'>[actions]</div>";
					$template .= "</div>";
					$template .= "</div>";
					$template .= "<div id='group_photo' class='corners'>[avatar,170]</div>";
					$template .= "</div>";
					$template .= "<div id='group_wrapper'>";
					$template .= "<div id='force_group_page' style='display:none'>[default]</div>";
					$template .= "<div id='group_body_wrapper'>";
					$template .= "[menu_tabs]";
					$template .= "<div id='group_body' class='group_body_full'>[page]</div>";
					$template .= "</div>";
					$template .= "</div>";
				// Buttons									
				$buttons = "";
				$member_of = __wps__member_of($gid);
				if (is_user_logged_in()) {
					if ($member_of != "yes") {
						if ($member_of == "no") {

							// Not a member, or pending, so show join button
							$member_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(gmid) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_group_members WHERE group_id = %d", $gid));
							if ($group->max_members == 0 || $member_count < $group->max_members) {
								if ($group->private != "on") {
									$buttons .='<input type="submit" value="'.__("Join Group", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" id="groups_join_button" class="__wps__button">';
									$buttons .='<p id="groups_join_button_done" style="padding:6px;display:none">'.__('You are now a member of this group.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</p>';
								} else {
									$buttons .='<input type="submit" value="'.__("Request to Join", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" id="groups_join_button" class="__wps__button">';
									$buttons .='<p id="groups_join_button_done" style="padding:6px;display:none">'.__('Your membership is awaiting approval.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</p>';
							} else {
								$buttons .='<p>'.__('Group membership is full.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</p>';

						} else {
							// Asked to join, waiting for decision
							$buttons .= "<p>".__("Your request to join is awaiting approval.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</p>";

					} else {

						if (__wps__group_admin($gid) != "yes") {
							// Is a member, so show leave button (if not an admin)
							$buttons .='<input type="submit" value="'.__("Leave Group", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" id="groups_leave_button" class="__wps__button">';
							$buttons .='<p id="groups_leave_button_done" style="padding:6px;display:none">'.__('You are no longer a member of this group.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</p>';

					if (__wps__group_admin($gid) == "yes" || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {
						// Admin, so can delete group
						if (__wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {
							$buttons .= '<input type="submit" value="'.__("Delete Group", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" id="groups_delete_button" class="__wps__button">';
							$buttons .='<p id="groups_delete_button_done" style="padding:6px;display:none">'.__('Group deleted.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</p>';
						} else {
							$buttons .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$gid.'" value="'.__("Delete Group", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" id="groups_delete_button_request" class="__wps__button">';
				} else {
					$buttons = "";
				// Replace Header Codes
				$template = str_replace("[group_name]", stripslashes($group->name), $template);
				$template = str_replace("[group_description]", stripslashes($group->description), $template);
				$template = str_replace("[actions]", $buttons, $template);

				// Avatar
				if (strpos($template, '[avatar') !== FALSE) {
					if (strpos($template, '[avatar]')) {
						$template = str_replace("[avatar]", __wps__get_group_avatar($gid, 200), $template);						
					} else {
						$x = strpos($template, '[avatar');
						$avatar = substr($template, 0, $x);
						$avatar2 = substr($template, $x+8, 3);
						$avatar3 = substr($template, $x+12, strlen($template)-$x-12);

						$template = $avatar . __wps__get_group_avatar($gid, $avatar2) . $avatar3;
				// Menu
				if (strpos($template, '[menu]') !== false) {
					// vertical menu
					$menu = "";
					$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_all" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('All Groups', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
					$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_about" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('Welcome page', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
					if ($member_of == "yes" || $group->content_private != "on") {
						$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_wall" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('Group Activity', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
						if ($group->group_forum == "on") {
							$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_forum" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('Group Forum', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
						$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_members" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('Active Members', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
					if (__wps__group_admin($gid) == "yes" || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {
						$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_settings" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('Group Settings', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
						if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_group_invites') == 'on') {
							$menu .= '<div id="group_menu_invites" class="__wps__group_menu">'.__('Group Invites', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
					$template = str_replace("[menu]", $menu, $template);
				} else {
					// horizontal menu
					$template = str_replace("[menu_tabs]", __wps__show_group_menu_tabs($gid, $member_of, $group), $template);

				// Body
				if ($member_of == "yes" || $group->content_private != "on") {
					$template = str_replace("[page]", "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/busy.gif' />", $template);
					$template = str_replace("[default]", $page, $template);
				} else {
					$private_link = '';
					if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
						$private_link .= " <a href=".wp_login_url( $group_url.$q.'gid='.$gid )." class='simplemodal-login' title='".__("Login", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."'>".__("Login", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).".</a>";
					$template = str_replace("[page]", $private_link, $template);
					$template = str_replace("[default]", "", $template);
				$template .= "<br class='clear' />";
				$html .= $template;

			$html .= "</div>"; // End of Wrapper
			$html .= "<br class='clear' />";
		} else {
			$html = __("Group not found, sorry.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
	} else {
		$html = __wps__show_login_link(__("You need to <a href='%s'>login</a> to access this group.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
	// Filter for header
	$html = apply_filters ( '__wps__group_header_filter', $html, $gid );

	return $html;								

Esempio n. 2
function __wps__activity_stream($uid1='', $version='wall', $limit_from=0, $limit_count=10, $post='', $show_add_comment=true) {

	// Get button style from extension if available
	$button_style = __wps__get_extension_button_style();

	// version = stream_activity, friends_activity, all_activity
	// uid1 = the user's page (which we are looking at)
	// uid2 = the current user
	// $limit_from (starting post)
	// $limit_count (how many to show)
	// $post (individual activity post ID if applicable)
	global $wpdb,$current_user;
	if ($uid1 == '') $uid1 = $current_user->ID;
	$uid2 = $current_user->ID;
	// Get privacy level for this member's activity

	$privacy = $uid1 > 0 ? __wps__get_meta($uid1, 'wall_share') : 'public';

	$html = "";

	$html = apply_filters( '__wps__activity_top', $html, $uid1, $uid2, $version );										
	if (is_user_logged_in() || $privacy == 'public') {	
		$is_friend = ($uid1 > 0) ? __wps__friend_of($uid1, $current_user->ID) : false;	
		if ( ($uid1 == $uid2) || (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($privacy) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'public') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && $is_friend) || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {

			$profile_page = __wps__get_url('profile');
			if ($profile_page[strlen($profile_page)-1] != '/') { $profile_page .= '/'; }
			$q = __wps__string_query($profile_page);	
			$html .= "<div id='__wps__wall'>";
				if ( 
					  ( ($version == 'stream_activity') && ($uid2 > 0) ) || 
					    ($limit_from == 0) && 
					    ($post == '') && 
					    ($uid1 != '') && 
					    ( ($uid1 == $uid2) || ($is_friend))
					   ) && (is_user_logged_in())
				   ) {
					// Post Comment Input
					if ($show_add_comment) {

						if ($uid1 == $uid2) {							
							$whatsup = stripslashes(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_status_label'));
							$whatsup = str_replace("'", "`", $whatsup);
						} else {
							$whatsup = __('Write a comment...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);

						$html .= "<div id='symposium_user_id' style='display:none'>".strtolower($current_user->ID)."</div>";
						$html .= "<div id='symposium_user_login' style='display:none'>".strtolower($current_user->user_login)."</div>";
						$html .= "<div id='symposium_user_email' style='display:none'>".strtolower($current_user->user_email)."</div>";		

						// Add status surrounding div
						$html .= '<div id="symposium_add_status">';
							// The textarea			
							$html .= '<textarea ';
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_elastic')) $html .= 'class="elastic" ';
							$html .= 'id="__wps__comment"  onblur="this.value=(this.value==\'\') ? \''.$whatsup.'\' : this.value;" onfocus="this.value=(this.value==\''.$whatsup.'\') ? \'\' : this.value;">';
							$html .= $whatsup;
							$html .= '</textarea>';

							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_buttons')) {
								$html .= '<input id="__wps__add_comment" type="submit" class="__wps__button" style="'.$button_style.'" value="'.__('Post', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" /><br />';
							} else {
								$html .= '<br />';

							// Embed YouTube...
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX."_activity_youtube")) {
								$html .= '<input type="submit" id="activity_youtube_embed_button" onclick="return false;" class="__wps__button" style="'.$button_style.'" value="'.__('YouTube', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'">';
								$html .= '<div id="activity_youtube_embed_id"></div>';
							// Attach an image...
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX."_activity_images")) {
								$html .= show_upload_form(
									__('Add image', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN),

						$html .= '</div>'; // End surrounding div


				$html = apply_filters( '__wps__activity_below_whatsup', $html, $uid1, $uid2, $version );										

				if ($post != '') {
					$post_cid = 'c.cid = '.$post.' AND ';
				} else {
					$post_cid = '';

				// Add groups join if in use
				if (function_exists('__wps__groups')) {
					$groups = "LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_groups g ON c.subject_uid = g.gid";
					$group_field = ", g.content_private";
				} else {
					$groups = "";
					$group_field = ", 'on' as content_private";

				if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= '$version='.$version.'<br />';
				if ($version == "all_activity" || $version == "stream_activity") {
					$sql = "SELECT c.*, u.display_name, u2.display_name AS subject_name" . $group_field . "   
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments c 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON c.author_uid = u.ID 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u2 ON c.subject_uid = u2.ID 
					" . $groups . "
					WHERE ( ".$post_cid." c.comment_parent = 0 
					  ) AND c.type != 'photo' 
					ORDER BY c.comment_timestamp DESC LIMIT %d,%d";					
					$comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $limit_from, $limit_count));	
				if ($version == "friends_activity") {
					$sql = "SELECT c.*, u.display_name, u2.display_name AS subject_name" . $group_field . " 
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments c 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON c.author_uid = u.ID 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u2 ON c.subject_uid = u2.ID 
					" . $groups . "
					WHERE ( ".$post_cid." (
					      ( (c.subject_uid = %d) OR (c.author_uid = %d) OR (c.subject_uid = %d) OR (c.author_uid = %d)  
					   OR ( c.author_uid IN (SELECT friend_to FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_friends WHERE friend_from = %d)) ) AND c.comment_parent = 0 
				   	   OR ( 
				   	   		%d IN (SELECT author_uid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments WHERE comment_parent = c.cid ) 
							AND ( c.author_uid IN (SELECT friend_to FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_friends WHERE friend_from = %d)) 
				   	   	  ) )
					  ) AND c.type != 'photo' 
					ORDER BY c.comment_timestamp DESC LIMIT %d,%d";	
					$comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid1, $uid1, $uid2, $uid2, $uid1, $uid1, $uid1, $limit_from, $limit_count));	
				if ($version == "wall") {
					$sql = "SELECT c.*, u.display_name, u2.display_name AS subject_name" . $group_field . " 
							FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments c 
							LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON c.author_uid = u.ID 
							LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u2 ON c.subject_uid = u2.ID 
							" . $groups . "
							WHERE (".$post_cid." (
							      ( (c.subject_uid = %d OR c.author_uid = %d) AND c.comment_parent = 0 )
						   	   OR ( %d IN (SELECT author_uid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments WHERE comment_parent = c.cid  ) )
							  ) ) AND c.type != 'photo' 
							ORDER BY c.comment_timestamp DESC LIMIT %d,%d";
					$comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid1, $uid1, $uid1, $limit_from, $limit_count));	

				if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $wpdb->last_query.'<br />';

				// Build wall
				if ($comments) {
					$cnt = 0;
					foreach ($comments as $comment) {
						$continue = true;
						if (is_user_logged_in() && $version == "friends_activity" && $uid1 != $uid2 && $comment->author_uid == $uid1 && $comment->subject_uid == $uid1) {
							$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments c 
									WHERE c.comment_parent = %d AND c.is_group != 'on'
									  AND c.author_uid != %d";
							if ($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid, $uid1)) == 0) $continue = false;
							if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $wpdb->last_query.'<br />';

						if ($continue) {

							if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= '<br>continue<br>';
							$privacy = __wps__get_meta($comment->author_uid, 'wall_share');
							if ( ($comment->subject_uid == $uid1) 
								|| ($comment->author_uid == $uid1) 
								|| (strtolower($privacy) == 'everyone' && $uid2 > 0) 
								|| (strtolower($privacy) == 'public') 
								|| (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && (__wps__friend_of($comment->author_uid, $uid1) || (__wps__friend_of($comment->author_uid, $uid2) && $version == "stream_activity") ) ) 
								) {
								// If a group post and user is not the author we need to check privacy of group settings
								if ($comment->is_group == 'on' && $comment->author_uid != $uid2) {
									// If not private group, or a member, then display
									if ($comment->content_private != 'on' || __wps__member_of($comment->subject_uid) == 'yes') {
										$private_group = '';
									} else {
										// Otherwise hide
										$private_group = 'on';
								} else {
									// Not a group post so not applicable
									$private_group = '';
								if ($private_group != 'on') {
									// Check to avoid poke's (as private)								
									if  ( ($comment->type != 'poke') || ($comment->type == 'poke' && ($comment->author_uid == $uid2 || $comment->subject_uid == $uid2 )) ) {	
										$comment_div = "<div class='wall_post_div' id='post_".$comment->cid."'>";
											// Avatar
											$comment_inner_div = "<div class='wall_post_avatar'>";
												$comment_inner_div .= get_avatar($comment->author_uid, 64);
											$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
											$user_info = get_user_by('id', $comment->author_uid);
											if ($user_info && $user_info->user_login != 'nobody') {
												$comment_inner_div .= '<a href="'.$profile_page.$q.'uid='.$comment->author_uid.'">'.stripslashes($comment->display_name).'</a> ';
												if ($comment->author_uid != $comment->subject_uid && !$comment->is_group) {
													$comment_inner_div .= ' &rarr; ';
													$user_info = get_userdata($comment->subject_uid);
													if ($user_info->user_login != 'nobody') {
														$comment_inner_div .= '<a href="'.$profile_page.$q.'uid='.$comment->subject_uid.'">'.stripslashes($comment->subject_name).'</a> ';
													} else {
														$comment_inner_div .= stripslashes($comment->subject_name).' ';
											} else {
												$comment_inner_div .= stripslashes($comment->display_name).' ';
												if ($comment->author_uid != $comment->subject_uid && !$comment->is_group) {
													$comment_inner_div .= ' &rarr; ';
													$user_info = get_userdata($comment->subject_uid);
													if ($user_info->user_login != 'nobody') {
														$comment_inner_div .= '<a href="'.$profile_page.$q.'uid='.$comment->subject_uid.'">'.stripslashes($comment->subject_name).'</a> ';
													} else {
														$comment_inner_div .= stripslashes($comment->subject_name).' ';
											$comment_inner_div .= __wps__time_ago($comment->comment_timestamp).".";

											$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='__wps__activity_icons'>";
												// Like/dislike icons
												if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_activity_likes') && is_user_logged_in() && $comment->author_uid != $uid2 ) {
													$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND uid = %d";
													$already_liked = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid, $current_user->ID));
													if (!$already_liked) {
														$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='wall_post_like delete_post_top'>";
															$comment_inner_div .= "<img class='wall_add_like' title='".__('You like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."' data-action='like' rel='".$comment->cid."' style='width:20px;height:20px;' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/good.png' />";
															$comment_inner_div .= "<img class='wall_add_like' title='".__('You do not like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."' data-action='dislike' rel='".$comment->cid."' style='width:20px;height:20px' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/bad.png' />";
														$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
												// Delete and report
												$comment_inner_div .= "<div style='width:60px; float:right;height:16px;'>";
												if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_allow_reports') == 'on') {
													$comment_inner_div .= " <a title='post_".$comment->cid."' href='javascript:void(0);' class='report_post report_post_top symposium_report'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/warning.png' style='width:16px;height:16px' /></a>";
												if (__wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5 || $comment->subject_uid == $uid2 || $comment->author_uid == $uid2) {
													$comment_inner_div .= " <a title='".$comment->cid."' rel='post' href='javascript:void(0);' class='delete_post delete_post_top'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/delete.png' style='width:16px;height:16px' /></a>";
												$comment_inner_div .= '</div>';

												// Likes/Dislikes
												if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_activity_likes')) {
													$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'like'";
													$likes = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid));
													$start_likes = $likes;
													$sql = "SELECT vid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'like' AND uid=%d";
													$youlike = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid, $uid2));
													$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'dislike'";
													$dislikes = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid));
													$sql = "SELECT vid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'dislike' AND uid=%d";
													$youdislike = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid, $uid2));
													$comment_inner_div .= "<div id='__wps__likes_".$comment->cid."'>";
														if ($likes) {
															$link = '<a id="symposium_show_likes" href="javascript:void(0)" rel="'.$comment->cid.'">';
															$comment_inner_div .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/good.png' style='width:16px;height:16px' /> ";
															if ($youlike) {
																$comment_inner_div .= __('You', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																if ($likes > 1) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s%d others</a> like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $likes);
																if ($likes == 1) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s1 other</a> person likes this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link);
																if ($likes == 0) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= ' '.__('like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
															} else {
																if ($likes > 1) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= sprintf(__('%s%d people</a> like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $likes);
																if ($likes == 1) {
																	$sql = "SELECT uid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'like'";
																	$uid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid));
																	$comment_inner_div .= __wps__profile_link($uid).' '.__('likes this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
														if ($dislikes) {
															if ($start_likes) $comment_inner_div .= '<br />';
															$link = '<a id="symposium_show_likes" href="javascript:void(0)" rel="'.$comment->cid.'">';
															$comment_inner_div .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/bad.png' style='width:16px;height:16px' /> ";
															if ($youdislike) {
																$comment_inner_div .= __('You', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																if ($dislikes > 1) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s%d others</a> don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $dislikes);
																if ($dislikes == 1) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s1 other</a> person don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link);
																if ($dislikes == 0) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= ' '.__('don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
															} else {
																if ($dislikes > 1) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= sprintf(__('%s%d people</a> don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $dislikes);
																if ($dislikes == 1) {
																	$sql = "SELECT uid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'dislike'";
																	$uid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid));
																	$comment_inner_div .= __wps__profile_link($uid).' '.__('doesn\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
													$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
												$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
											// Always show reply fields or not?
											$show_class = (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_comments')) ? '' : 'symposium_wall_replies';
											$show_field = (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_comments')) ? '' : 'display:none;';
											// $text = the comment
											$text = $comment->comment;
											// Added to or comment on a gallery
											if ($comment->type == 'gallery' && strpos($text, '[]')) {

												$lib = explode('[]', $text);
												$text = '<div style="width:100%">';
												// Add message
												$text .= $lib[0].'<br />';
												$action = $lib[2];
												$aid = $lib[1];
												if ($action == 'comment') {
													$single_iid = $lib[3];
													$comment_text = $lib[4];

												// Get album title
												$sql = "SELECT name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_gallery WHERE gid = %d";
												$album_title = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $aid));
												$text .= '<div id="wps_gallery_album_name_'.$aid.'" style="display:none">'.stripslashes($album_title).'</div>';
												// Get images
												$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_gallery_items WHERE gid = %d ORDER BY photo_order";
												$photos = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $aid));		

												$cnt = 0;
												if ($photos) {
	   												foreach ($photos as $photo) {	
														// DB or Filesystem?
														if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_db') == "on") {
															$thumb_src = WP_CONTENT_URL."/plugins/wp-symposium/get_album_item.php?iid=".$photo->iid."&size=photo";
														} else {
											    	        $thumb_src = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_url').'/members/'.$photo->owner.'/media/'.$aid.'/thumb_'.$photo->name;
														$image = $thumb_src;
														$iid = $photo->iid;
														$name = $photo->title;

														if (($action == 'added' && $cnt == 1) || ($action == 'comment' && $iid == $single_iid)) {
															$image = preg_replace('/thumb_/', 'show_', $image, 1);												
															$title = '';		
										  					$text .= '<a class="__wps__photo_cover_action wps_gallery_album" data-name="'.stripslashes($title).'" data-iid="'.$iid.'" href="'.$image.'" rev="'.$cnt.'" rel="symposium_gallery_photos_'.$aid.'" title="'.$name.'">';
															$text .= '<img class="profile_activity_gallery_first_image" src="'.$image.'" /><br />';
															$text .= '</a>';
														if ($action == 'added') {
															if (sizeof($photos) > 2) {
																if ($cnt == 2) {
																	$text .= '<div id="wps_comment_plus" style="height:55px;overflow:hidden;width:100%">';
																if ($cnt > 1 && $cnt <= sizeof($photos)) {
												  					$text .= '<a class="__wps__photo_cover_action wps_gallery_album" data-name="'.stripslashes($title).'" data-owner="'.$photo->owner.'" data-iid="'.$iid.'" href="'.$image.'" rev="'.$cnt.'" rel="symposium_gallery_photos_'.$aid.'" title="'.$name.'">';
																	$text .= '<img style="width:50px;height:50px;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;float:left;" src="'.$image.'" />';
																	$text .= '</a>';
																if ($cnt == sizeof($photos)) {
																	$text .= '</div>';
														} else {
															if ($iid != $single_iid) {
																if (!isset($title)) $title = '';
											  					$text .= '<a class="__wps__photo_cover_action wps_gallery_album" data-name="'.stripslashes($title).'" data-iid="'.$iid.'" href="'.$image.'" rev="'.$cnt.'" rel="symposium_gallery_photos_'.$aid.'" title="'.$name.'">';
																$text .= '<img style="display:none;" src="'.$image.'" />';
																$text .= '</a>';
													if ($cnt > 7 && $action == 'added') {
														$text .= '<div id="wps_gallery_comment_more" style="clear:both;cursor:pointer">';
														$text .= __('more...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
												if ($action == 'comment') {
													$text .= $comment_text;
												$text .= '</div>';

											// Check for any associated uploaded images for activity
											$directory = WP_CONTENT_DIR."/wps-content/members/".$comment->subject_uid.'/activity/';
											if (file_exists($directory)) {
												$handler = opendir($directory);
												while ($image = readdir($handler)) {
													$path_parts = pathinfo($image);
													if ($path_parts['filename'] == $comment->cid) {
														$directoryURL = WP_CONTENT_URL."/wps-content/members/".$comment->subject_uid.'/activity/'.$image;
														$text .= '<div style="margin-bottom:5px"></div>';
														// sort out text for title bar of dialog box
														if (strlen($comment->comment) < 75) {
															$title_bar = $comment->comment;
														} else {
															$title_bar = substr($comment->comment, 0, 75).'...';
														// remove emoticons to avoid breaking image link to popup
														$remove = array("{{", "}}", ":)",";)",":-)",":(",":'(",":x",":X",":D",":|",":?",":z",":P");
														foreach ($remove as $key => $value){
														   $title_bar  = str_replace($value, "", $title_bar);
														// rev = this image to default on (would be a count of all images included)
														// rel = the 'group' of images to be included
														$text .= "<a target='_blank' href='".$directoryURL."' rev='1' rel='symposium_activity_images_".$comment->cid."' data-owner='".$comment->subject_uid."' data-name='".$title_bar."' data-iid='".$comment->cid."' class='wps_gallery_album'>";
														$text .= '<img class="profile_activity_image" src="'.$directoryURL.'" />';
														$text .= '</a>';
											// Finally show comment...!
											$text = stripslashes($text);
											$comment_inner_div .= '<div class="next_comment '.$show_class.'" id="'.$comment->cid.'">';
											if ($comment->is_group) {
												$url = __wps__get_url('group');
												$q = __wps__string_query($url);
												$url .= $q.'gid='.$comment->subject_uid.'&post='.$comment->cid;
												$group_name = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_groups WHERE gid = %d", $comment->subject_uid));
												$comment_inner_div .= __("Group post in", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." <a href='".$url."'>".stripslashes($group_name)."</a>: ".__wps__make_url($text);
											} else {
												$comment_inner_div .= __wps__make_url($text);
											$comment_inner_div = apply_filters( '__wps__activity_row_item_filter', $comment_inner_div, $comment );									
											// Replies +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
											$sql = "SELECT c.*, u.display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments c 
												LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON c.author_uid = u.ID 
												LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments p ON c.comment_parent = p.cid 
												WHERE c.comment_parent = %d AND c.is_group != 'on' ORDER BY c.cid";
											$replies = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $comment->cid));	
											$count = 0;
											if ($replies) {
												if (count($replies) > 4) {
													$comment_inner_div .= "<div id='view_all_comments_div'>";
													$comment_inner_div .= "<a title='".$comment->cid."' class='view_all_comments' href='javascript:void(0);'>".__(sprintf("View all %d comments", count($replies)), WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
													$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
												foreach ($replies as $reply) {
													if ($count > count($replies)-4) {
														$reply_style = "";
													} else {
														$reply_style = "display:none; ";
													$comment_inner_div .= "<div id='".$reply->cid."' class='reply_div' style='".$reply_style."'>";
														$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='__wps__wall_reply_div'>";
															$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='wall_reply'>";
																$comment_inner_div .= '<a href="'.$profile_page.$q.'uid='.$reply->author_uid.'">'.stripslashes($reply->display_name).'</a> ';
																$comment_inner_div .= __wps__time_ago($reply->comment_timestamp).".";
																$comment_inner_div .= '<div style="width:50px; float:right;">';
																if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_allow_reports') == 'on') {
																	$comment_inner_div .= " <a title='post_".$reply->cid."' href='javascript:void(0);' style='padding:0px' class='report_post symposium_report reply_warning'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/warning.png' style='width:14px;height:14px' /></a>";

																// Like/dislike icons for reply
																if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_activity_likes') && is_user_logged_in() && $reply->author_uid != $uid2 ) {
																	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND uid = %d";
																	$already_liked = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid, $current_user->ID));
																	if (!$already_liked) {
																		$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='wall_post_like delete_reply' style='margin:0;padding:0;'>";
																			$comment_inner_div .= "<img class='wall_add_like' title='".__('You like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."' data-action='like' rel='".$reply->cid."' style='padding:0;width:20px;height:20px;' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/good.png' />";
																			$comment_inner_div .= "<img class='wall_add_like' title='".__('You do not like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."' data-action='dislike' rel='".$reply->cid."' style='padding:0;width:20px;height:20px' src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/bad.png' />";
																		$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";

																if (__wps__get_current_userlevel($uid2) == 5 || $reply->subject_uid == $uid2 || $reply->author_uid == $uid2) {
																	$comment_inner_div .= " <a title='".$reply->cid."' rel='reply' href='javascript:void(0);' style='padding:0px' class='delete_post delete_reply'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/delete.png' style='width:14px;height:14px' /></a>";
																$comment_inner_div .= '</div>';
																$comment_inner_div .= "<br />";
																// Likes/Dislikes for replies
																if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_activity_likes')) {
																	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'like'";
																	$likes = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid));
																	$start_likes = $likes;
																	$sql = "SELECT vid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'like' AND uid=%d";
																	$youlike = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid, $uid2));
																	$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'dislike'";
																	$dislikes = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid));
																	$sql = "SELECT vid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'dislike' AND uid=%d";
																	$youdislike = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid, $uid2));
																	$comment_inner_div .= "<div id='__wps__likes_".$reply->cid."'>";
																		if ($likes) {
																			$link = '<a id="symposium_show_likes" href="javascript:void(0)" rel="'.$reply->cid.'">';
																			$comment_inner_div .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/good.png' style='width:16px;height:16px' /> ";
																			if ($youlike) {
																				$comment_inner_div .= __('You', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																				if ($likes > 1) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s%d others</a> like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $likes);
																				if ($likes == 1) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s1 other person</a> likes this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link);
																				if ($likes == 0) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= ' '.__('like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																			} else {
																				if ($likes > 1) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= sprintf(__('%s%d people</a> like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $likes);
																				if ($likes == 1) {
																					$sql = "SELECT uid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'like'";
																					$uid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid));
																					$comment_inner_div .= __wps__profile_link($uid).' '.__('likes this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																		if ($dislikes) {
																			if ($start_likes) $comment_inner_div .= '<br />';
																			$link = '<a id="symposium_show_likes" href="javascript:void(0)" rel="'.$reply->cid.'">';
																			$comment_inner_div .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/smilies/bad.png' style='width:16px;height:16px' /> ";
																			if ($youdislike) {
																				$comment_inner_div .= __('You', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																				if ($dislikes > 1) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s%d others</a> don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $dislikes);
																				if ($dislikes == 1) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= ' '.sprintf(__('and %s1 other</a> person don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link);
																				if ($dislikes == 0) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= ' '.__('don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																			} else {
																				if ($dislikes > 1) {
																					$comment_inner_div .= sprintf(__('%s%d people</a> don\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $link, $dislikes);
																				if ($dislikes == 1) {
																					$sql = "SELECT uid FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_likes WHERE cid = %d AND type = 'dislike'";
																					$uid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $reply->cid));
																					$comment_inner_div .= __wps__profile_link($uid).' '.__('doesn\'t like this.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
																	$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
																$comment_inner_div .= __wps__make_url(stripslashes($reply->comment));
															$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
														$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
														$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='wall_reply_avatar'>";
															$comment_inner_div .= get_avatar($reply->author_uid, 40);
														$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";		
													$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
											} else {
												$comment_inner_div .= "<div class='no_wall_replies'></div>";
											$comment_inner_div .= "<div style='clear:both;' id='__wps__comment_".$comment->cid."'></div>";
											// Reply (comment) field
											if ( 
													(is_user_logged_in()) && 
														($uid1 == $uid2) || 
															strtolower($privacy) == 'everyone' || 
															strtolower($privacy) == 'public' || 
															(strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && $is_friend) || 
															($version = "stream_activity" && strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($comment->author_uid, $current_user->ID))
												if ($comment->type != 'gallery' && $comment->type != 'friend') {
													$comment_inner_div .= '<div style="margin-top:5px;'.$show_field.'" id="__wps__reply_div_'.$comment->cid.'" >';
													$comment_inner_div .= '<textarea title="'.$comment->cid.'" class="__wps__reply';
													if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_elastic')) $comment_inner_div .= ' elastic';
													$comment_inner_div .= '" id="__wps__reply_'.$comment->cid.'" onblur="this.value=(this.value==\'\') ? \''.__('Write a comment...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'\' : this.value;" onfocus="this.value=(this.value==\''.__('Write a comment...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'\') ? \'\' : this.value;">'.__('Write a comment...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</textarea>';
													if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_buttons')) {
														$comment_inner_div .= '<br /><input title="'.$comment->cid.'" type="submit" style="width:75px;'.$button_style.'" class="__wps__button symposium_add_reply" value="'.__('Add', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
													$comment_inner_div .= '<input id="symposium_author_'.$comment->cid.'" type="hidden" value="'.$comment->subject_uid.'" />';
													$comment_inner_div .= '</div>';

											$comment_inner_div .= "</div>";
											$comment_inner_div = apply_filters( '__wps__activity_item_inner_filter', $comment_inner_div );										
										$comment_div .= $comment_inner_div."</div>";
										$comment_div = apply_filters( '__wps__activity_item_filter', $comment_div );
										// Check if forcing UTF8 (to handle umlets, etc)
										if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_force_utf8') == 'on') 
											$comment_div = utf8_decode($comment_div);
										$html .= $comment_div;
							} else {
								// Protected by privacy settings
						} // Comment by member with no replies and looking at friends activity
					$id = 'wall';
					if ($version == "all_activity" || $version == "stream_activity") { $id='all'; }
					if ($version == "friends_activity") { $id='activity'; }
					if ($post == '' && $cnt > 0) {
						// Set next comment to show
						// old version was $next (regression testing) = $limit_from+$cnt+1;
						$next = $limit_from+$limit_count;
						if (is_user_logged_in()) $html .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='".$id."' class='showmore_wall' title='".($next)."'>".__("more...", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
					} else {
						if ($post == '') {
							$html .= "<br />".__("Nothing to show, sorry.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
				} else {
					$html .= "<br />".__("Nothing to show, sorry.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
			$html .= "</div>";

			} else {

			if ($version == "friends_activity") {
				$html .= '<p>'.__("Sorry, this member has chosen not to share their activity.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);

			if ($version == "wall") {
				$html .= '<p>'.__("Sorry, this member has chosen not to share their activity.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
		return $html;
//		return __wps__buffer($html);
	} else {

		return __wps__show_login_link(__("Please <a href='%s'>login</a> to view this member's profile.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), false);
	return $html;
Esempio n. 3
function __wps__members($attr) {	

	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	$plugin = WPS_PLUGIN_URL;
	$dbpage = $plugin.'/symposium_members_db.php';
	$roles = isset($attr['roles']) ? $attr['roles'] : '';
	if ($roles) {
		if (strpos($roles, ' ') !== FALSE) $roles = str_replace(' ', '', $roles);
		if (strpos($roles, '_') !== FALSE) $roles = str_replace('_', '', $roles);
	$html = '<div class="__wps__wrapper">';

		if (!is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'dir_hide_public') ) {

			echo __wps__show_login_link(__("You need to be <a href='%s'>logged in</a> to view the directory.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));

		} else {

			// If 'term' is passed as a parameter, it will influence the results
			$me = $current_user->ID;
			$page = 1;

			// Now check against shortcode parameter (overrides global roles)
			if ( !isset( $wp_roles ) ) $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();													
			if ($roles) {
				$dir_levels = $roles;
			} else {
				// Get included global levels
				$dir_levels = strtolower(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_level'));
				if (strpos($dir_levels, ' ') !== FALSE) $dir_levels = str_replace(' ', '', $dir_levels);
				if (strpos($dir_levels, '_') !== FALSE) $dir_levels = str_replace('_', '', $dir_levels);
			$html .= '<div id="__wps__directory_roles" style="display:none">'.$dir_levels.'</div>';
			// Stores start value for more
			$start = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length')+1;
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_directory_start" style="display:none">'.$start.'</div>';
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_directory_page_length" style="display:none">'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length').'</div>';
			$term = "";
			if (isset($_POST['member'])) { $term .= strtolower($_POST['member']); }
			if (isset($_GET['term'])) { $term .= strtolower($_GET['term']); }
			$html .= "<div class='members_row' style='padding:0px'>";
				$html .= '<div style="float:right; padding:0px;padding-top:2px;">';
				$html .= '<input id="members_go_button" type="submit" class="__wps__button" value="'.__("Search", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
				if (is_user_logged_in()) {
					$html .= '<div style="clear:both;"><input type="checkbox" id="symposium_member_friends" /> '.__('Only friends', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
				$html .= '</div>';	
				$html .= '<input type="text" id="symposium_member" autocomplete="off" name="symposium_member" class="members_search_box" value="'.$term.'" />';
				if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite') && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus')) {
					$html .= '<div style="clear:both">';
					$html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="symposium_show_advanced" /> '.__('Advanced search', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>';
					$html .= '</div>';
			$html .= "</div>";

			if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite') && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus')) {
				// Loop through extended fields and offer as a search options (if there are any)
				$extensions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_extended WHERE search = 'on' ORDER BY extended_order, extended_name");

				if ($extensions) {

					$html .= "<div id='symposium_advanced_search' style='width:90%;padding:0px;display:none;'>";
					$html .= "<table style='border:0'>";	

					foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
						$html .= '<tr>';

							if ($extension->extended_type == 'Checkbox') {
								$html .= '<td id="__wps__ext_label_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= stripslashes($extension->extended_name);
								$html .= '</td><td id="__wps__ext_value_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= '<input rel="checkbox" id="'.$extension->eid.'" class="symposium_extended_search" type="checkbox" name="extended_value[]" />';
								$html .= '</td>';
							if ($extension->extended_type == 'List') {
								$html .= '<td id="__wps__ext_label_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= stripslashes($extension->extended_name).':';
								$html .= '</td><td id="__wps__ext_value_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= '<select rel="list" id="'.$extension->eid.'" class="symposium_extended_search" name="extended_value[]">';
								$items = explode(',', $extension->extended_default);
								$html .= '<option value="'.__('Any', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'">'.__('Any', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
								foreach ($items as $item) {
									$html .= '<option value="'.$item.'">'.$item.'</option>';
								$html .= '</select>';
								$html .= '</td>';

						$html .= '</tr>';
					$html .= "</table>";
					$html .= "</div>";					
			// Sort by option
			$order = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_atoz_order');
			if ($order == 'surname') { $orderby = 'surname'; }
			if ($order == 'display_name') { $orderby = 'u.display_name'; }
			if ($order == 'distance') { $orderby = 'distance, u.display_name'; }
			if ($order == 'last_activity') { $orderby = 'cast(m4.meta_value as datetime) DESC'; }		

			$html .= '<br /><div id="symposium_members_orderby_div">';
				$html .= __('Sort by:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' ';
				$html .= '<select id="symposium_members_orderby">';
					$html .= '<option value="last_activity"';
						if ($order == 'last_activity') $html .= ' SELECTED';
						$html .= '>'.__('Last activity', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
					$html .= '<option value="display_name"';
						if ($order == 'display_name') $html .= ' SELECTED';
						$html .= '>'.__('Display name', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
					$html .= '<option value="surname"';
						if ($order == 'surname') $html .= ' SELECTED';
						$html .= '>'.__('Surname (if entered in display name)', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
					if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_distance') && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus') && !get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_hide_location')) {
						$html .= '<option value="distance"';
							if ($order == 'distance') $html .= ' SELECTED';
							$html .= '>'.__('Distance', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
				$html .= '</select>';
			$html .= '</div>';
			// A to Z
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_members_atoz">';
				for ($i = 65; $i <= 90; $i++) { 
					if (chr($i) != strtoupper($term)) {
						// Get directory URL worked out
						$member_url = __wps__get_url('members');
						$q = __wps__string_query($member_url);
						$html .= '<a href="'.$member_url.$q.'term='.chr($i).'">'.chr($i).'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
					} else {
						$html .= '<strong>'.chr($i).'</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
			$html .= '</div>';

			$html .= '<div id="__wps__members">';

				$search_limit = 1000;
				$sql_ext = strlen($term) != 1 ? "OR (lower(u.display_name) LIKE '% %".$term."%')" : "";
				$lat = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'plus_lat');
				if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_distance') && $lat != 0 && is_user_logged_in() && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus')) {
					$long = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'plus_long');
					$measure = ($value = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX."_plus_lat_long")) ? $value : '';
					$show_alt = ($value = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX."_plus_show_alt")) ? $value : '';
					$sql = "SELECT u.ID as uid, u.display_name, cast(m4.meta_value as datetime) as last_activity, 
					  WHEN u.display_name LIKE '% %' THEN right(u.display_name, length(u.display_name)-locate(' ', u.display_name))
					  ELSE u.display_name
					END AS surname,
					CASE m7.meta_value
					  WHEN '0' THEN 99999
					  ELSE FLOOR(((ACOS(SIN(".$lat." * PI() / 180) * SIN(m7.meta_value * PI() / 180) + COS(".$lat." * PI() / 180) * COS(m7.meta_value * PI() / 180) * COS((".$long." - m8.meta_value) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515))
					END AS distance 
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m4 ON m4.user_id = u.ID
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m7 ON m7.user_id = u.ID
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m8 ON m8.user_id = u.ID
					m4.meta_key = 'symposium_last_activity' AND 
					m7.meta_key = 'symposium_plus_lat' AND 
					m8.meta_key = 'symposium_plus_long' AND 
					(u.display_name IS NOT NULL) AND
					       (lower(u.display_name) LIKE '".$term."%') 
					ORDER BY ".$orderby." 
					LIMIT 0,".$search_limit;

					$members = $wpdb->get_results($sql);							

				} else {

					$members = $wpdb->get_results("
					SELECT u.ID as uid, u.display_name, cast(m4.meta_value as datetime) as last_activity, 99999 as distance,
					  WHEN u.display_name LIKE '% %' THEN right(u.display_name, length(u.display_name)-locate(' ', u.display_name))
					  ELSE u.display_name
					END AS surname
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m4 ON u.ID = m4.user_id
					m4.meta_key = 'symposium_last_activity' AND 
					(u.display_name IS NOT NULL) AND
					       (lower(u.display_name) LIKE '".$term."%') 
					ORDER BY ".$orderby." 
					LIMIT 0,".$search_limit);	

				if (WPS_DEBUG) {
					$html .= $wpdb->last_query;
					$html .= '<p>Returned '.count($members).' records.</p>';
				} else {
					$html .= '<div style="display:none">'.$wpdb->last_query.'</div>';

				if ($members) {

					if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= '<p>Processing $members.</p>';
					$inactive = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_online');
					$offline = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_offline');
					$profile = __wps__get_url('profile');
					$mailpage = __wps__get_url('mail');
					$q = __wps__string_query($mailpage);
					$count = 0;

					$user_info = get_user_by('login', 'nobody');
					$nobody_id = $user_info ? $user_info->ID : 0;

					foreach ($members as $member) {
						if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Member: '.$member->display_name.'<br />';
						$user_info = get_userdata($member->uid);							

						// Check to see if this member is in the included list of roles
						if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking capabilities... ';
						$user = get_userdata( $member->uid );
						$capabilities = $user->{$wpdb->base_prefix.'capabilities'};
						$include = false;
						if ($capabilities) {
							foreach ( $capabilities as $role => $name ) {
								if ($role) {
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $role.'<br />';
									$role = strtolower($role);
									$role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
									$role = str_replace('_', '', $role);
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking role '.$role.' against '.$dir_levels.'<br />';
									if (strpos($dir_levels, $role) !== FALSE) $include = true;
								} else {
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'no role<br />';
						} else {
							if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'no capabilities.<br />';
							// No capabilities, so let's assume they should be included
							$include = true;

						if ($include && ($member->uid != $nobody_id)) {

								if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Include!<br />';

								$city = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'extended_city');
								$country = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'extended_country');
								$share = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'share');
								$wall_share = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'wall_share');
								if ($count > get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length')) break;

								$time_now = time();
								$last_active_minutes = strtotime($member->last_activity);
								$last_active_minutes = floor(($time_now-$last_active_minutes)/60);
								$html .= "<div class='members_row";
									$is_friend = __wps__friend_of($member->uid, $current_user->ID);
									if ($is_friend || $member->uid == $me) {
										$html .= " row_odd corners";		
									} else {
										$html .= " row corners";		
									$html .= "'>";

									$html .= "<div class='members_info'>";

										$html .= "<div class='members_avatar'>";
											$html .= get_avatar($member->uid, 64);
										$html .= "</div>";	

										$html .= "<div style='padding-left: 75px;'>";						

											if ( ($member->uid == $me) || (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($share) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($share) == 'public') || (strtolower($share) == 'friends only' && $is_friend) ) {
												$html .= "<div class='members_location'>";
													if ($city != '') {
														$html .= $city;
													if ($country != '') {
														if ($city != '') {
															$html .= ', '.$country;
														} else {
															$html .= $country;
												$html .= "</div>";

											if (function_exists('__wps__mail') && !get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
												// Show Send Mail button
												if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dir_buttons') && $member->uid != $current_user->ID) {
													if ($is_friend) {
														// A friend
														$html .= "<div class='mail_icon' style='display:none;float:right; margin-right:5px;'>";
														$html .= '<img style="cursor:pointer" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/orange-tick.gif" onclick="document.location = \''.$mailpage.$q.'view=compose&to='.$member->uid.'\';">';
														$html .= "</div>";

											$html .= __wps__profile_link($member->uid);

											if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
												$html .= ', ';
											} else {
												$html .= '<br />';
											$html .= __('last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($member->last_activity).". ";
											if ($last_active_minutes >= $offline) {
												//$html .= '<img src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/loggedout.gif">';
											} else {
												if ($last_active_minutes >= $inactive) {
													$html .= '<img src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/inactive.gif">';
												} else {
													$html .= '<img src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/online.gif">';

											// Distance
											if (function_exists('__wps__profile_plus') && is_user_logged_in() && $member->distance < 99999 && $member->uid != $current_user->ID) {
												// if privacy settings permit
												if ( (strtolower($share) == 'everyone') 
													|| (strtolower($share) == 'public') 
													|| (strtolower($share) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($member->uid, $current_user->ID)) 
													) {		
													if ($measure != 'on') { 
														$distance = intval(($member->distance/5)*8);
														$miles = __('km', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
													} else {
														$distance = $member->distance;
														$miles = __('miles', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
													$html .= '<br />'.__('Distance', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': '.$distance.' '.$miles;
													if ($show_alt == 'on') {
														if ($measure != 'on') { 
															$html .= ' ('.intval(($distance/8)*5).' '.__('miles', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).')';
														} else {
															$html .= ' ('.intval(($distance/5)*8).' '.__('km', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).')';
											if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {

												// Show label if entered
												if ($label = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'profile_label'))
													$html .= '<div class="__wps__members_info_label">'.$label.'</div>';															

												// if privacy settings permit
												if ( (strtolower($wall_share) == 'everyone') 
													|| (strtolower($wall_share) == 'public') 
													|| (strtolower($wall_share) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($member->uid, $current_user->ID)) 
													) {		
													// Show comment
													$sql = "SELECT cid, comment, type FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments
															WHERE author_uid = %d AND comment_parent = 0 AND type = 'post'
															ORDER BY cid DESC 
															LIMIT 0,1";
													$comment = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $member->uid));
													if ($comment) {
														$html .= '<div style="max-height:250px">'.__wps__buffer(__wps__make_url(stripslashes($comment->comment))).'</div>';
													// Show latest non-status activity if applicable
													if (function_exists('__wps__forum')) {
														$sql = "SELECT cid, comment FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments
																WHERE author_uid = %d AND comment_parent = 0 AND type = 'forum' 
																ORDER BY cid DESC 
																LIMIT 0,1";
														$forum = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $member->uid));
														if ($forum && (!$comment || $forum->cid != $comment->cid)) {
															$html .= '<div>'.__wps__buffer(__wps__make_url(stripslashes($forum->comment))).'</div>';
											// Show add as a friend
											if (is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dir_buttons') && $member->uid != $current_user->ID) {
												if (__wps__pending_friendship($member->uid)) {
													// Pending
													$html .= sprintf(__('%s request sent.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend'));
												} else {
													if (!$is_friend) {
														// Not a friend
														$html .= '<div id="addasfriend_done1_'.$member->uid.'">';
														$html .= '<input class="add_as_friend_message addfriend_text" title="'.$member->uid.'" id="addtext_'.$member->uid.'" type="text" onclick="this.value=\'\'" value="'.sprintf(__('Add as a %s...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'">';
														$html .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$member->uid.'" class="addasfriend __wps__button" value="'.__('Add', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" /> ';						
														$html .= '</div>';
														$html .= '<div id="addasfriend_done2_'.$member->uid.'" class="hidden">'.sprintf(__('%s Request Sent', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'</div>';	

											// Filter for individual member reults
											$html = apply_filters ( '__wps__directory_member_filter', $html, $member->uid);
										$html .= "</div>";	
									$html .= "</div>";	// members_info

								$html .= "</div>";	// members_row
						} // if ($include)
					} // foreach ($members as $member)

					$html .= "<div id='showmore_directory_div' style='text-align:center; width:100%'><a href='javascript:void(0)' id='showmore_directory'>".__("more...", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a></div>";

				} else {
					$html .= '<br />'.__('No members found', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."....";
				} // if ($members)

		$html .= '</div>'; // __wps__members
	$html .= '</div>'; // __wps__wrapper

	// Filter for header
	$html = apply_filters ( 'symposium_member_header_filter', $html );

	// Send HTML
	return $html;

						$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "</div>";
				$html .= "</div>";
		} else {
			$html .= __("Not a member of any groups.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);

		echo $html;
	} else {

		echo __wps__show_login_link(__("You need to be <a href='%s'>logged in</a> to view this member's groups.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));


// Show Friends
if ($_POST['action'] == 'menu_friends') {

	$uid1 = $_POST['uid1'];

	$share = __wps__get_meta($uid1, 'wall_share');

	if (is_user_logged_in() || $share == 'public') {
	if (is_user_logged_in()) {
		if ( __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5 ) {
			$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_events WHERE eid = %d";
			$rows_affected = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare($sql, $eid) );
			$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_events_bookings WHERE event_id = %d";
			$rows_affected = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare($sql, $eid) );
		} else {
			$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_events WHERE eid = %d AND event_owner = %d";
			$rows_affected = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare($sql, $eid, $current_user->ID) );
			$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_events_bookings WHERE event_id = %d";
			$rows_affected = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare($sql, $eid) );
	} else {
		echo __wps__show_login_link(__("You need to be <a href='%s'>logged in</a> to delete events.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
	echo 'OK';

// Add Event
if ($_POST['action'] == 'addEvent') {

	global $current_user, $wpdb;
	$name = $_POST['name'];
	$desc = $_POST['desc'];
	$location = $_POST['location'];
Esempio n. 6
function __wps__show_profile($page)  

	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	$uid = '';
	if (isset($_POST['from']) && $_POST['from'] == 'small_search') {
		if ($_POST['uid'] == '') {
			$search = $_POST['member_small'];
			$uid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT u.ID FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u WHERE u.display_name LIKE '%s%%'", $search));
	if ($uid == '') {

		if (isset($_GET['uid'])) {
			$uid = $_GET['uid'];
		} else {
			if (isset($_POST['uid'])) {
				$uid = $_POST['uid'];
			} else {
				$uid = $current_user->ID;

	$uid2 = $current_user->ID;

	// resolve stubs if using permalinks
	if ( get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && get_query_var('stub')) {
		$stubs = explode('/', get_query_var('stub'));
		$stub0 = $stubs[0];
		if (WPS_DEBUG) echo $stub0.'<br />';
		if ($stub0) {
			$sql = "SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE replace(display_name, ' ', '') = %s";
			$id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $stub0));
			if (WPS_DEBUG) echo $wpdb->last_query.'<br />';
			if ($id) {
				$uid = $id;
	// Use default layout, or templates?
	if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_templates') != "on") {
		$html = "<div class='__wps__wrapper'>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_header_div'>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_label'>[profile_label]</div>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_header_panel'>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_photo' class='corners'>[avatar,200]</div>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_details'>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_name'>[display_name]</div>";
			$html .= "<p>[location]<br />[born]</p>";

			// Include any extended fields
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_extended";
			$extensions = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

			$ext_rows = array();		
			if ($extensions) {		
				foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
					array_push ($ext_rows, array (	'eid'=>$extension->eid,
													'order'=>$extension->extended_order ) );
			if ($ext_rows) {
				$include = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_extended_fields');
				$ext_rows = __wps__sub_val_sort($ext_rows,'order');
				foreach ($ext_rows as $row) {
					if (strpos($include, $row['eid'].',') !== FALSE)
						$html .= '[ext_'.$row['slug'].']';
			$html .= "</div>";
			$html .= "</div>";
			$html .= "</div>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_actions_div'>[actions][poke][follow]</div>";
			$html .= "<div id='force_profile_page' style='display:none'>".$page."</div>";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_body_tabs_wrapper'>";
			$html .= "[menu_tabs]";
			$html .= "<div id='profile_body' class='profile_body_no_menu'>[page]</div>";
			$html .= "</div>";

		$html .= '</div>';

		$privacy = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'share');
		$html .= '<div id="__wps__current_user_page" style="display:none">'.$uid.'</div>';

		if (is_user_logged_in() || $privacy == 'public') {		

			$display_name = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE ID = %d", $uid));
			$html = str_replace("[display_name]", $display_name, $html);		

			// Profile label
			if ($label = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'profile_label')) {
				$html = str_replace("[profile_label]", $label, $html);
			} else {
				$html = str_replace("<div id='profile_label'>[profile_label]</div>", '', $html);
			// Follow/Unfollow
			if (function_exists('__wps__profile_plus') && is_user_logged_in() && $uid != $uid2) {
				if (__wps__is_following($uid2, $uid)) {
					$html = str_replace("[follow]", '<input type="submit" ref="unfollow" value="'.__('Unfollow', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" class="__wps__button follow-button">', $html);
				} else {
					$html = str_replace("[follow]", '<input type="submit" ref="follow" value="'.__('Follow', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" class="__wps__button follow-button">', $html);
			} else {
				$html = str_replace("[follow]", '', $html);
			// Poke
			if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_poke') == 'on' && is_user_logged_in() && $uid != $uid2) {
				$html = str_replace("[poke]", '<input type="submit" value="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_poke_label').'" class="__wps__button poke-button">', $html);
			} else {
				$html = str_replace("[poke]", '', $html);
			// Extended fields
			if (strpos($html, '[ext_') !== FALSE) {
				// Prepare array for use
				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_extended";
				$extensions = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
				$ext_rows = array();		
				if ($extensions) {		
					foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
						$value = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'extended_'.$extension->extended_slug);

						// New way
						$value = stripslashes($extension->extended_default);

						if ($extension->extended_type == "List") {
							$sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta WHERE user_id = %d and meta_key = 'symposium_extended_".$extension->extended_slug."'";
							if ($listitem = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid))) {
								$value = stripslashes($listitem->meta_value);

						if ($extension->extended_type == "Checkbox") {
							$sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta WHERE user_id = %d and meta_key = 'symposium_extended_".$extension->extended_slug."'";
							if ($checkbox = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid))) {
								$value = stripslashes($checkbox->meta_value);

						if ($extension->extended_type == "Text" || $extension->extended_type == "Textarea") {
							$sql = "SELECT meta_value FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta WHERE user_id = %d and meta_key = 'symposium_extended_".$extension->extended_slug."'";
							if ($text = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid))) {
								$value = stripslashes($text->meta_value);

						if ($extension->extended_type == 'Checkbox' || $value) {
							array_push ($ext_rows, array (	'slug'=>$extension->extended_slug,
															'order'=>$extension->extended_order ) );
				$c = 0;
				while ($c < 100 && strpos($html, '[ext_') !== FALSE) {
					$ext = '';
					$s1 = strpos($html, '[ext_');
					$s2 = strpos($html, ']', $s1+1);
					$start = substr($html, 0, $s1);
					$code = substr($html, $s1+5, $s2-$s1-5);		

					$end = substr($html, $s2+1, strlen($html)-$s1);
					if ( ($uid == $uid2) || (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($privacy) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'public') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($uid, $current_user->ID)) ) {

						if ($ext_rows) {
							$ext_rows = __wps__sub_val_sort($ext_rows,'order');
							foreach ($ext_rows as $row) {
								if (strtolower($row['slug']) == strtolower($code)) {
									if ($row['type'] == 'Checkbox' && !$row['value'] && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_show_unchecked') != 'on') { 
										// Don't show if unchecked and chosen not to show (in Profile config)
									} else {

										if ($row['type'] == 'Text' && $row['value']) {
											$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_label">'.$row['name'].'</div>';
											$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_value">'.stripslashes(stripslashes($row['value'])).'</div>';
										if ($row['type'] == 'Textarea' && $row['value']) {
											$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_label">'.stripslashes($row['name']).'</div>';
											$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_value">'.stripslashes(str_replace(chr(10),'<br />',__wps__make_url(stripslashes($row['value'])))).'</div>';
										if ($row['type'] == 'List' && $row['value']) {
											$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_label">'.stripslashes($row['name']).'</div>';
											$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_value">'.str_replace(chr(10),'<br />',stripslashes(__wps__make_url($row['value']))).'</div>';
										if ($row['type'] == 'Checkbox') {
											if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_show_unchecked') == 'on' || $row['value']) {
												$ext .= '<div class="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_label">';
												$ext .= stripslashes($row['name'])."&nbsp;";
												if ($row['value']) { 
													$ext .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/tick.png' />"; 
												} else {
													$ext .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/cross.png' />"; 
												$ext .= '</div>';
						if ($c == 1) {
							$html = $start.'<div id="__wps__profile_page_header_ext_fields">'.$ext;
						} else {
							$html = $start.$ext;
						if (strpos($end, '[ext_') === FALSE)
							$html .= '</div>';
						$html .= $end;

					} else {
						$html = $start.$end;
			$location = "";
			$born = "";
			if ( ($uid == $uid2) || (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($privacy) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'public') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($uid, $uid2)) ) {
				$city = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'extended_city');
				$country = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'extended_country');
				if ($city != '') { $location .= $city; }
				if ($city != '' && $country != '') { $location .= ", "; }
				if ($country != '') { $location .= $country; }
				$day = (int)__wps__get_meta($uid, 'dob_day');
				$month = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'dob_month');
				$year = (int)__wps__get_meta($uid, 'dob_year');
				if ($year > 0 || $month > 0 || $day > 0) {
					$monthname = __wps__get_monthname($month);
					if ($day == 0) $day = '';
					if ($year == 0) $year = '';
					$born = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dob_format');
					$born = ( $born != '') ? $born : __('Born', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' %monthname %day%th, %year';
					$day0 = str_pad($day, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
					$month = ($month > 0) ? str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '';
					$month0 = ($month > 0) ? str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '';
					$year = ($year > 0) ? $year : '';
					$born = str_replace('%0day', $day0, $born);
					$born = str_replace('%day', $day, $born);
					$born = str_replace('%monthname', $monthname, $born);
					$born = str_replace('%0month', $month0, $born);
					$born = str_replace('%month', $month, $born);
					$born = str_replace('%year', $year, $born);
					$th = 'th';
					if ($day == 1 || $day == 21 || $day == 31) $th = 'st';
					if ($day == 2 || $day == 22) $th = 'nd';
					if ($day == 3 || $day == 23) $th = 'rd';
					if (strpos($born, '%th')) {
						if ($day) {
							$born = str_replace('%th', $th, $born);
						} else {
							$born = str_replace('%th', '', $born);
					$born = str_replace(' ,', ',', $born);
					if ($year == '') $born = str_replace(', ', '', $born);
					$born = apply_filters ( '__wps__profile_born', $born, $day, $month, $year );
			} else {
				if (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only') {
					$html = str_replace("[born]", sprintf(__("Personal information only for %s.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friends')), $html);						
				if (strtolower($privacy) == 'nobody') {
					$html = str_replace("[born]", __("Personal information is private.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $html);						
			$html = str_replace("[location]", $location, $html);
			if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dob') == 'on') {
				$html = str_replace("[born]", $born, $html);
			} else {
				$html = str_replace("[born]", "", $html);
			if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
				$actions = '';
				if ($uid == $uid2) {

					// Facebook Connect
					if (function_exists('__wps__facebook'))						
						$actions .= __wps__get_facebook();	
				} else {
					// Buttons									
					if (__wps__friend_of($uid, $uid2)) {
						// A friend
						// Send mail
						if (function_exists('__wps__mail'))
							$actions .= '<input type="submit" class="__wps__button" id="profile_send_mail_button" value="'.__('Send a Mail...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
					if (!__wps__friend_of($uid, $uid2)) {
						if (__wps__pending_friendship($uid)) {
							// Pending
							$actions .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$uid.'" id="cancelfriendrequest" class="__wps__button" value="'.sprintf(__('Cancel %s Request', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'" /> ';
							$actions .= '<div id="cancelfriendrequest_done" class="hidden addasfriend_input">'.sprintf(__('%s Request Cancelled', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'</div>';
						} else {							
							// Not a friend
							$actions .= '<div id="addasfriend_done1_'.$uid.'" class="addasfriend_input">';
							$actions .= '<div id="add_as_friend_message">';
							$actions .= '<input type="text" title="'.$uid.'" id="addfriend" class="input-field" onclick="this.value=\'\'" value="'.sprintf(__('Add as a %s', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'...."';
							if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_buttons')) {
								$actions .= ' style="width:210px"';
							$actions .= '>';
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_buttons')) {
								$actions .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$uid.'" id="addasfriend" class="__wps__button" value="'.__('Add', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" /> ';
							$actions .= '</div></div>';
							$actions .= '<div id="addasfriend_done2_'.$uid.'" class="hidden addasfriend_input">'.sprintf(__('%s Request Sent', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'</div>';

						if (__wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {
							// Send mail if WPS admin
							if (function_exists('__wps__mail'))
								$actions .= '<input type="submit" class="__wps__button" style="float:left" id="profile_send_mail_button" value="'.__('Send a Mail...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
				$html = str_replace("[actions]", $actions, $html);						
			} else {
				$html = str_replace("[actions]", "", $html);												
			// Photo
			if (strpos($html, '[avatar') !== FALSE) {
				if (strpos($html, '[avatar]')) {
					$html = str_replace("[avatar]", get_avatar($uid, 200), $html);						
				} else {
					$x = strpos($html, '[avatar');
					$y = strpos($html, ']', $x);
					$diff = $y-$x-8;
					$avatar = substr($html, 0, $x);
					$avatar2 = substr($html, $x+8, $diff);
					$avatar3 = substr($html, $x+$diff+9, strlen($html)-$x-($diff+9));
					$html = $avatar . get_avatar($uid, $avatar2) . $avatar3;

			// Put in menu
			$html = str_replace("[menu_tabs]", __wps__show_profile_menu_tabs($uid, $uid2), $html);

			// add activity stream
			if ($page == 'activity' || $page == 'all') {
				$view = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_profile_default');
				switch($view) {									
					case 'extended':$view = ''; break;
					case 'all':$view = 'all_activity'; break;
					case 'activity':$view = 'friends_activity'; break;
					case 'extended':$view = ''; break;
					default: break;
				$body = __wps__buffer(__wps__profile_body($uid, $uid2, 0, $view, 0, false));
			} else {
				$body = '';
			$html = str_replace("[page]", $body, $html);												

			// Filter for profile header
			$html = apply_filters ( '__wps__profile_header_filter', $html, $uid );			
		} else {
			$html = __wps__show_login_link(__("Please <a href='%s'>login</a> to view this member's profile.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));

	} else {
		$share = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'share');
		if (WPS_DEBUG) echo 'UID:'.$uid.'<br />';
		$html = '<div id="__wps__current_user_page" style="display:none">'.$uid.'</div>';
		if (is_user_logged_in() || $share == 'public') {		
			$user = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE ID = %d", $uid));
			if ($user) {
				// Wrapper
				$html .= "<div class='__wps__wrapper'>";
					$html .= __wps__profile_header($uid, $current_user->ID, __wps__get_url('mail'), $user->display_name);
					if ($page != 'header') {
						if (isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] != '') {
							$page = $_GET['view'];
						if (isset($_POST['view']) && $_POST['view'] != '') {
							$page = $_POST['view'];
						if ($page == '') { $page = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_profile_default'); }
						$template = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_template_profile_body');
						$template = str_replace("[]", "", stripslashes($template));
						// Put in forced profile page
						$template = str_replace("[default]", $page, stripslashes($template));
						// Put in busy image
						$template = str_replace("[page]", "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/busy.gif' />", stripslashes($template));
						// Put in menu
						$template = str_replace("[menu]", __wps__show_profile_menu($uid, $current_user->ID), stripslashes($template));
						$template = str_replace("[menu_tabs]", __wps__show_profile_menu_tabs($uid, $current_user->ID), stripslashes($template));
						$html .= $template;
						$html .= "<br class='clear' />";
				$html .= "</div>";
				$html .= "<div style='clear: both'></div>";
			} else {
				$html = __("Member not found, sorry", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
		} else {
			$html = __wps__show_login_link(__("Please <a href='%s'>login</a> to view this member's profile.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
		// Finally, substitute other codes
		$html = str_replace("[menu_tabs]", __wps__show_profile_menu_tabs($uid, $current_user->ID), stripslashes($html));

		// Facebook Connect

	return $html;
