/** *ͼÏñ´¦Àíº¯Êý **/ function gdpic($srcFile, $dstFile, $width, $height, $type = '') { require_once ROOT_PATH . "inc/waterimage.php"; if (is_array($type)) { //½ØÈ¡Ò»²¿·Ö,ÒÔÂú×ãÆ¥Åä³ß´ç cutimg($srcFile, $dstFile, $x = $type[x] ? $type[x] : 0, $y = $type[y] ? $type[y] : 0, $width, $height, $x2 = $type[x2] ? $type[x2] : 0, $y2 = $type[y2] ? $type[y2] : 0, $scale = $type[s] ? $type[s] : 100, $fix = $type[fix] ? $type[fix] : ''); } elseif ($type == 1) { //³É±ÈÀýµÄËõ·Å ResizeImage($srcFile, $dstFile, $width, $height); } else { //Óë³ß´ç²»Æ¥Åäʱ.ÓÃÉ«²ÊÌî³ä gdfillcolor($srcFile, $dstFile, $width, $height); } }
function GetContent($part, &$attachments) { $config = GetConfig(); $meta_return = NULL; DecodeBase64Part($part); if (BannedFileName($part->ctype_parameters['name']) || BannedFileName($part->ctype_parameters['name'])) { return NULL; } if ($part->ctype_primary == "application" && $part->ctype_secondary == "octet-stream") { if ($part->disposition == "attachment") { $image_endings = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "jpeg", "pjpeg"); foreach ($image_endings as $type) { if (eregi(".{$type}\$", $part->d_parameters["filename"])) { $part->ctype_primary = "image"; $part->ctype_secondary = $type; break; } } } else { $mimeDecodedEmail = DecodeMIMEMail($part->body); FilterTextParts($mimeDecodedEmail); foreach ($mimeDecodedEmail->parts as $section) { $meta_return .= GetContent($section, $attachments); } } } if ($part->ctype_primary == "multipart" && $part->ctype_secondary == "appledouble") { $mimeDecodedEmail = DecodeMIMEMail("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=" . $part->ctype_parameters["boundary"] . "\n" . $part->body); FilterTextParts($mimeDecodedEmail); FilterAppleFile($mimeDecodedEmail); foreach ($mimeDecodedEmail->parts as $section) { $meta_return .= GetContent($section, $attachments); } } else { switch (strtolower($part->ctype_primary)) { case 'multipart': FilterTextParts($part); foreach ($part->parts as $section) { $meta_return .= GetContent($section, $attachments); } break; case 'text': HandleMessageEncoding($part->headers["content-transfer-encoding"], $part->ctype_parameters["charset"], $part->body); //go through each sub-section if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'enriched') { //convert enriched text to HTML $meta_return .= etf2HTML($part->body) . "\n"; } elseif ($part->ctype_secondary == 'html') { //strip excess HTML $meta_return .= HTML2HTML($part->body) . "\n"; } else { //regular text, so just strip the pgp signature if (ALLOW_HTML_IN_BODY) { $meta_return .= $part->body . "\n"; } else { $meta_return .= htmlentities($part->body) . "\n"; } $meta_return = StripPGP($meta_return); } break; case 'image': $file = GenerateImageFileName($config["REALPHOTOSDIR"], $part->ctype_secondary); //This makes sure there is no collision $ctr = 0; while (file_exists($file) && $ctr < 1000) { $file = GenerateImageFileName($config["REALPHOTOSDIR"], $part->ctype_secondary); $ctr++; } if ($ctr >= 1000) { die("Unable to find a name for images that does not collide\n"); } $fileName = basename($file); $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $part->body); fclose($fp); @exec('chmod 755 ' . $file); if ($config["USE_IMAGEMAGICK"] && $config["AUTO_SMART_SHARP"]) { ImageMagickSharpen($file); } $mimeTag = '<!--Mime Type of File is ' . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary . ' -->'; $thumbImage = NULL; $cid = trim($part->headers["content-id"], "<>"); //cids are in <cid> if ($config["RESIZE_LARGE_IMAGES"]) { list($thumbImage, $fullImage) = ResizeImage($file, strtolower($part->ctype_secondary)); } $attachments["image_files"][] = array($thumbImage ? $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] . $thumbImage : NULL, $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] . $fileName, $part->ctype_secondary); if ($thumbImage) { $marime = DetermineImageSize($file); $marimex = $marime[0] + 20; $marimey = $marime[1] + 20; $attachments["html"][] .= $mimeTag . '<div class="' . $config["IMAGEDIV"] . '"><a href="' . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $fullImage . '" onclick="window.open(' . "'" . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $fullImage . "','" . "full_size_image" . "','" . "toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,height=" . $marimey . ",width=" . $marimex . "');" . "return false;" . '"><img src="' . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $thumbImage . '" alt="' . $part->ctype_parameters['name'] . '" title="' . $part->ctype_parameters['name'] . '" style="' . $config["IMAGESTYLE"] . '" class="' . $config["IMAGECLASS"] . '" /></a></div>' . "\n"; if ($cid) { $attachments["cids"][$cid] = array($config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $fullImage, count($attachments["html"]) - 1); } } else { $attachments["html"][] .= $mimeTag . '<div class="' . $config["IMAGEDIV"] . '"><img src="' . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $fileName . '" alt="' . $part->ctype_parameters['name'] . '" style="' . $config["IMAGESTYLE"] . '" class="' . $config["IMAGECLASS"] . '" /></div>' . "\n"; if ($cid) { $attachments["cids"][$cid] = array($config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $fileName, count($attachments["html"]) - 1); } } break; default: if (in_array(strtolower($part->ctype_primary), $config["SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES"])) { //pgp signature - then forget it if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'pgp-signature') { break; } //other attachments save to FILESDIR $filename = $part->ctype_parameters['name']; $file = $config["REALFILESDIR"] . $filename; $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $part->body); fclose($fp); @exec('chmod 755 ' . $file); $cid = trim($part->headers["content-id"], "<>"); //cids are in <cid> if ($part->ctype_secondary == "3gpp" || $part->ctype_secondary == "3gp" || $part->ctype_secondary == "3g2" || $part->ctype_secondary == "3gpp2") { if ($config["3GP_QT"]) { //Shamelessly borrowed from http://www.postneo.com/2003/12/19/embedding-3gpp-in-html $attachments["html"][] = '<!--Mime Type of File is ' . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary . ' -->' . '<a href="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '">Video' . '<object ' . 'classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" ' . 'codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" ' . 'width="128" ' . 'height="112"> ' . '<param name="src" VALUE="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '"> ' . '<param name="autoplay" VALUE="false"> ' . '<param name="controller" VALUE="true"> ' . '<embed ' . 'src="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '" ' . 'width="128" ' . 'height="112" ' . 'autoplay="true" ' . 'controller="true" ' . 'type="video/quicktime" ' . 'pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" ' . 'width="128" ' . 'height="150"></embed> ' . '</object></a>'; } else { if (file_exists($config["3GP_FFMPEG"])) { $fileName = basename($file); //options from http://www.getid3.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1290& $scaledFileName = "thumb." . $fileName; $scaledFile = $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] . $scaledFileName; @exec(escapeshellcmd($config["3GP_FFMPEG"]) . " -i " . escapeshellarg($file) . " -y -ss 00:00:01 -vframes 1 -an -sameq -f gif " . escapeshellarg($scaledFile)); @exec('chmod 755 ' . escapeshellarg($scaledFile)); $attachments["html"][] .= '<!--Mime Type of File is ' . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary . ' --><div class="' . $config["3GPDIV"] . '"><a href="' . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $fileName . '"><img src="' . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $scaledFileName . '" alt="' . $part->ctype_parameters['name'] . '" style="' . $config["IMAGESTYLE"] . '" class="' . $config["IMAGECLASS"] . '" /></a></div>' . "\n"; } else { $attachments["html"][] = '<!--Mime Type of File is ' . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary . ' --><div class="' . $config["ATTACHMENTDIV"] . '"><a href="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '" class="' . $config["3GPCLASS"] . '">' . $part->ctype_parameters['name'] . '</a></div>' . "\n"; } } } elseif ($part->ctype_secondary == "x-shockwave-flash") { $attachments["html"][] = '<!--Mime Type of File is ' . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary . ' -->' . '<object ' . 'classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ' . 'codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" ' . 'width="" ' . 'height=""> ' . '<param name="movie" value="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '"> ' . '<param name="quality" value="high"> ' . '<embed ' . 'src="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '" ' . 'width="" ' . 'height="" ' . 'quality="high" ' . 'pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" ' . 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ' . 'width="" ' . 'height=""></embed> ' . '</object>'; } else { $attachments["html"][] = '<!--Mime Type of File is ' . $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary . ' --><a href="' . $config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename . '">' . $part->ctype_parameters['name'] . '</a>' . "\n"; } if ($cid) { $attachments["cids"][$cid] = array($config["URLFILESDIR"] . $filename, count($attachments["html"]) - 1); } } break; } } return $meta_return; }
$query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE deleted='0' AND id=" . MySQLQuote($product_id); $product = MySQLSELECT($query); $query = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE deleted='0'"; $cat_list = MySQLSELECT($query); // $smarty = new SmartyEx; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $product_id = $_POST['product_id']; $product_category = $_POST['product_category']; $product_price = $_POST['product_price']; $product_name = $_POST['product_name']; $product_description = $_POST['product_description']; $basefilename = basename($_FILES['product_image']['name']); if (!empty($basefilename)) { $tmp_upload = UPLOADS . $basefilename; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['product_image']['tmp_name'], $tmp_upload)) { ResizeImage($tmp_upload, 800, 600); rename($tmp_upload . '_resized', SYS_IMAGES_PATH . $basefilename); unlink($tmp_upload); } unlink(SYS_IMAGES_PATH . $product['product_image']); MySQLUPDATE('products', array('id' => $product_id), array('product_category' => $product_category, 'product_price' => MySQLQuote($product_price), 'product_name' => MySQLQuote($product_name), 'product_image' => MySQLQuote($basefilename), 'product_description' => MySQLQuote($product_description), 'updated_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } else { MySQLUPDATE('products', array('id' => $product_id), array('product_category' => $product_category, 'product_price' => MySQLQuote($product_price), 'product_name' => MySQLQuote($product_name), 'product_description' => MySQLQuote($product_description), 'updated_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } $_SESSION['flash']['update_product_ok'] = '1'; header('Location: /quanly/product_detail.php?product_id=' . $product_id); exit; } if (isset($_SESSION['flash']['update_product_ok'])) { $smarty->assign('update_ok', '1'); unset($_SESSION['flash']['update_product_ok']);
echo $font_style; ?> ;overflow:hidden;"><?php echo $ovr->overlay_text; ?> </textarea> <?php } ?> <?php if ($ovr->image != '' && $ovr->show_image_on_area == 1) { $src = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/files/' . uid() . '/' . $ovr->image; $r_url = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/files/' . uid() . '/' . $ovr->image; ResizeImage($r_url, $r_url, 1024, 768, 80); echo "<img data-show='{$ovr->always_show_image}' src=" . $src . '?rand=' . rand(100000, 999999) . '"'; $visibility = 'hidden'; if ($ovr->always_show_image != 0) { $visibility = 'visible'; } ?> style="opacity:<?php echo (int) $ovr->image_opacity / 100; ?> ;height: <?php echo $points[2]; ?> px; width: <?php echo $points[3]; ?>
function GetMySmallImg($classid, $no, $insertfile, $filepath, $yname, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $name, $id, $cjid, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r, $efileftp_fr; if (empty($yname)) { return ""; } $no = "[s]" . $no; $filer = ResizeImage($yname, $name, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $public_r['spickill']); if ($filer['file']) { $insertfile = "small" . $insertfile . $filer['filetype']; $filesize = @filesize($filer['file']); //写入数据库 $filetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //变量处理 $filesize = (int) $filesize; $classid = (int) $classid; $id = (int) $id; $cjid = (int) $cjid; $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsfile(filename,filesize,adduser,path,filetime,classid,no,type,id,cjid,onclick,fpath) values('{$insertfile}',{$filesize},'{$username}','{$filepath}','{$filetime}',{$classid},'{$no}',1,{$id},{$cjid},0,'{$public_r['fpath']}');"); //FileServer if ($public_r['openfileserver']) { $efileftp_fr[] = $name . $filer['filetype']; } } return $filer; }
case "11": if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['newname']) && $HTTP_POST_VARS['newname'] != '') { $uploadnm = $HTTP_POST_VARS['newname']; } else { if ($HTTP_POST_FILES['the_file']['name'] != urldecode($HTTP_POST_FILES['the_file']['name'])) { $uploadnm = urldecode($HTTP_POST_FILES['the_file']['name']); } else { $uploadnm = $HTTP_POST_FILES['the_file']['name']; } } $size = array($HTTP_POST_VARS['newX'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['newY']); $kp = ""; //if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['newX'] == "" || $HTTP_POST_VARS['newY'] == "") { $kp = "1"; //} $upload_error = ResizeImage($HTTP_POST_FILES['the_file'], $the_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uploadnm, $size[0], $size[1], $HTTP_POST_FILES['the_file']['type'], (int) isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['Sharpen']), $kp); break; } if ($upload_error != "") { echo $upload_error; } else { echo "<script>\n"; echo "if (window.opener._dlg_) { \n"; //echo " window.opener._dlg_.frames['centru'].location.reload(true);\n"; echo "\twindow.opener._dlg_.frames['centru'].location = window.opener._dlg_.frames['centru'].location + '&rand=' + Math.random();\n"; echo "} else { \n"; echo "\twindow.opener.parent.frames['centru'].location.reload(true);\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "window.close();</script>"; } exit;
function InputFile($filez, $filesize = 500) { $CI =& get_instance(); $file_up = $_FILES[$filez]['name']; $file_up = date("YmdHis") . "." . str_replace("-", "_", url_title($file_up)); $myfile_up = $_FILES[$filez]['tmp_name']; $ukuranfile_up = $_FILES[$filez]['size']; if ($filez == "foto") { $up_file = "./" . $CI->config->item('path_upload') . "/foto/" . $file_up; } else { $up_file = "./" . $CI->config->item('path_upload') . "/" . $file_up; } $ext_file = strrchr($file_up, '.'); if ($ukuranfile_up < $filesize * 1024) { if (strtolower($ext_file) == ".jpg" || strtolower($ext_file) == ".JPG" || strtolower($ext_file) == ".jpeg" || strtolower($ext_file) == ".png") { if (copy($myfile_up, $up_file)) { ResizeImage($up_file, 250, 250); return $file_up; } } else { if (copy($myfile_up, $up_file)) { return $file_up; } else { return 3; } } } else { return 2; } }
<?php $img = $_GET['img']; $height = $_GET['h']; $width = $_GET['w']; $smimg = ResizeImage('../' . $img, $width, $height, '../upload/' . microtime()); header("content-type:image/png"); echo file_get_contents($smimg); function ResizeImage($imgPath, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $name) { $ary = explode(".", $imgPath); $ext = $ary[count($ary) - 1]; if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jepg") { $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgPath); } elseif ($ext == "png") { $im = imagecreatefrompng($imgPath); } elseif ($ext == "gif") { $im = imagecreatefromgif($imgPath); } if ($im) { if (file_exists("{$name}.jpg")) { unlink("{$name}.jpg"); } $width = imagesx($im); $height = imagesy($im); if ($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth || $maxheight && $height > $maxheight) { if ($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth) { $widthratio = $maxwidth / $width; $RESIZEWIDTH = true; } if ($maxheight && $height > $maxheight) {
if ($im) { // Insert the row $sql = "INSERT INTO " . ADS_IMAGES_TABLE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$id}, 0, '', 1)"; if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert images row', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $img_seq_no = $db->sql_nextid(); // First create the thumbnail $filename = ADS_IMAGES_PATH . "ad" . $id . "_img" . $img_seq_no . "_thumb"; ResizeImage($im, $ads_config['thumb_img_width'], $ads_config['thumb_img_height'], $filename); // Then create the medium size image $filename = ADS_IMAGES_PATH . "ad" . $id . "_img" . $img_seq_no . "_medium"; ResizeImage($im, $ads_config['medium_img_width'], $ads_config['medium_img_height'], $filename); // Then create the large size image $filename = ADS_IMAGES_PATH . "ad" . $id . "_img" . $img_seq_no . "_large"; ResizeImage($im, $ads_config['large_img_width'], $ads_config['large_img_height'], $filename); if (file_exists(ADS_IMAGES_PATH . 'ad' . $id . '_img' . $img_seq_no . '_thumb.jpg') and file_exists(ADS_IMAGES_PATH . 'ad' . $id . '_img' . $img_seq_no . '_medium.jpg') and file_exists(ADS_IMAGES_PATH . 'ad' . $id . '_img' . $img_seq_no . '_large.jpg')) { // Update the row $sql = "UPDATE " . ADS_IMAGES_TABLE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET img_deleted_ind = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = {$id}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND img_seq_no = {$img_seq_no}"; } else { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['image_creation_failed']); } if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert images row', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } // Now destroy the temporary image ImageDestroy($im); // Put out the confirmation message $template->assign_vars(array('META' => '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=' . append_sid("ads_item.{$phpEx}?id={$id}") . '">')); $message = $lang['create_img_confirmation'] . "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['click_to_add_images'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("ads_images.{$phpEx}?id={$id}") . "\">", "</a>") . "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['click_to_view_ad'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("ads_item.{$phpEx}?id={$id}") . "\">", "</a>") . "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['click_return_ads_index'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("adverts.{$phpEx}") . "\">", "</a>"); message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
function DisplayImage($Image, $Size) { if ($Image != "" && $Size != "") { if (!file_exists("upload/{$Image}...{$Size}")) { $NewThumb = ResizeImage("upload/{$Image}", $Size); imagejpeg($NewThumb, "upload/{$Image}...{$Size}"); chmod("upload/{$Image}...{$Size}", 0644); } return "<img src=\"/upload/{$Image}...{$Size}\" border=\"0\">"; } }
function upload_content_file($DestPath, $DestLinkPath, $MinW, $MaxW) { global $ResultTargetID, $ResizeSizeX, $ResizeSizeY, $html; $StatusMessage = ""; $tt_FileName = ""; $max_FileName = ""; $FileObject = $_FILES["upload_file"]; if (!isset($FileObject) || $FileObject["size"] <= 0) { $StatusMessage = "El fitxer no és vàlid !! (" . $FileObject["size"] . ")"; ShowPopUp($StatusMessage); } else { $uid = uniqid(); $uploadedfile = $FileObject['tmp_name']; $Name = $uid . "-" . normalitzar($FileObject['name']); $tt_Name = "tt_" . $Name; $tt_FileName = $DestPath . "/" . $tt_Name; $FileName = $DestPath . "/" . $Name; $linkn = vvar("linkn", $FileObject['name']); if (esgrafic($Name)) { if (ResizeImage($uploadedfile, $MinW, 0, $tt_FileName) != TRUE) { $StatusMessage .= "Unable to resize the file to MIN specified dimensions. "; } if (ResizeImage($uploadedfile, $MaxW, 0, $FileName) != TRUE) { $StatusMessage .= "Unable to resize the file to MAX specified dimensions. "; } imagedestroy($uploadedfile); $html = " <a href=" . $DestLinkPath . "/" . $Name . "><img src=" . $DestLinkPath . "/" . $tt_Name . "></a> "; } else { move_uploaded_file($FileObject['tmp_name'], $FileName); $html = " <a href=\"" . $DestLinkPath . "/" . $Name . "\">" . $linkn . "</a> "; } } // debug(); CloseWindow($ResultTargetID, $html); }
function GetMySmallImg($classid, $no, $insertfile, $filepath, $yname, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $name, $id, $cjid, $userid, $username, $modtype = 0, $fstb = 1) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r, $efileftp_fr; if (empty($yname)) { return ""; } $no = "[s]" . $no; $maxwidth = (int) $maxwidth; $maxheight = (int) $maxheight; $filer = ResizeImage($yname, $name, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $public_r['spickill']); if ($filer['file']) { $insertfile = "small" . $insertfile . $filer['filetype']; $filesize = @filesize($filer['file']); //写入数据库 $pubid = 0; if ($id && !$cjid) { $pubid = ReturnInfoPubid($classid, $id); } //变量处理 $filesize = (int) $filesize; $classid = (int) $classid; $id = (int) $id; $cjid = (int) $cjid; eInsertFileTable($insertfile, $filesize, $filepath, $username, $classid, $no, 1, $id, $cjid, $public_r[fpath], $pubid, $modtype, $fstb); //FileServer if ($public_r['openfileserver']) { $efileftp_fr[] = $name . $filer['filetype']; } } return $filer; }
<?php // see https://github.com/yosun/php-image-resize - returns $newurl (unless $notincluded, then echos) require_once 'libs/ImageResize.php'; function ResizeImage($x, $y, $imageurl) { if ($x > 0 && $y > 0 && strlen($imageurl) > 3) { $data = parse_url(str_replace('/', '!', $imageurl)); $newfilename = $data['scheme'] . '~' . $data['host'] . '~' . $x . '~' . $y . $data['path']; $newfilepath = 'temp/' . $newfilename; $newsavedfilepath = 'resized/' . $newfilename; $baseurl = 'http://futurestore.areality3d.com'; if (!file_exists($newsavedfilepath)) { $handle = copy($imageurl, $newfilepath); $image = new ImageResize($newfilepath); $image->crop($x, $y); $image->save($newsavedfilepath); $newurl = $baseurl . '/' . $newsavedfilepath; } else { $newurl = $baseurl . '/' . $newsavedfilepath; } return $newurl; } else { return 'need x,y,imageurl'; } } if ($notincluded == 1) { echo ResizeImage($x, $y, $imageurl); }
/** * handler for dl requests */ function ProcessDlRequest() { global $config; global $http_return_code; /* run this puppy through premailer */ $premailer = Premailer::html($_POST["html"], true, "hpricot", $config[BASE_URL]); $html = $premailer["html"]; /* create static versions of resized images */ $matches = []; $num_full_pattern_matches = preg_match_all('#<img.*?src="([^"]*?\\/[^/]*\\.[^"]+)#i', $html, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_full_pattern_matches; $i++) { if (stripos($matches[1][$i], "/img?src=") !== FALSE) { $src_matches = []; if (preg_match('#/img\\?src=(.*)&method=(.*)&params=(.*)#i', $matches[1][$i], $src_matches) !== FALSE) { $file_name = urldecode($src_matches[1]); $file_name = substr($file_name, strlen($config[BASE_URL] . $config[UPLOADS_URL])); $method = urldecode($src_matches[2]); $params = urldecode($src_matches[3]); $params = explode(",", $params); $width = (int) $params[0]; $height = (int) $params[1]; $static_file_name = $method . "_" . $width . "x" . $height . "_" . $file_name; $html = str_ireplace($matches[1][$i], $config[BASE_URL] . $config[STATIC_URL] . urlencode($static_file_name), $html); $image = ResizeImage($file_name, $method, $width, $height); $image->writeImage($config[BASE_DIR] . $config[STATIC_DIR] . $static_file_name); } } } /* perform the requested action */ switch ($_POST["action"]) { case "download": header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $_POST["filename"] . "\""); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($html)); echo $html; break; case "email": $to = $_POST["rcpt"]; $subject = $_POST["subject"]; $headers = array(); $headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0"; $headers[] = "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"; $headers[] = "To: {$to}"; $headers[] = "Subject: {$subject}"; $headers = implode("\r\n", $headers); if (mail($to, $subject, $html, $headers) === FALSE) { $http_return_code = 500; return; } break; } }
<th> AutoSharpened <br/><p>WARNING-This feature takes a lot of processing power</p></th> <?php foreach ($images as $image) { print "<td>"; ImageMagickSharpen(POSTIE_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "test_files" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $image, $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] . "Sharp-" . $image); print "<img src='" . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . "/Sharp-" . $image . "'>"; print "</td>\n"; } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <th> Scaled & Rotated</th> <?php foreach ($images as $image) { $result = ResizeImage(POSTIE_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "test_files" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $image, substr($image, -3, 3)); RotateImages(90, array(array(null, $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] . $result[0], 'jpg'))); print "<td>"; $size = DetermineImageSize($config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $result[0]); print "{$size['1']} x {$size['0']}<br\\>\n"; print "<img src='" . $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] . $result[0] . "'>"; print "</td>\n"; } ?> </tr> </table> </div>
} elseif ($Page == $Pages) { $PreviousPage = $Page - 1; $Pagination['Output'] = "<a href='?page={$PreviousPage}'>Previous</a> — Page <b>{$Page}</b> of <b>{$Pages}</b>."; } else { $NextPage = $Page + 1; $PreviousPage = $Page - 1; $Pagination['Output'] = "<a href='?page={$PreviousPage}'>Previous</a> — Page <b>{$Page}</b> of <b>{$Pages}</b>. — <a href='?page={$NextPage}'>Next</a>"; } $Pagination['Output'] = "<div style='clear:both;'>{$Pagination['Output']}</div>"; echo $Pagination['Output']; } } foreach ($Files as $File) { if (the($File) == 'Image') { if ($Generate == 'Thumbnails') { if (!file_exists("{$Path}/{$Thumbnail['Directory']}/{$Thumbnail['Size']}_{$File}")) { ResizeImage("{$Path}/{$Directory}/{$File}", "{$Path}/{$Thumbnail['Directory']}/{$Thumbnail['Size']}_{$File}", $Thumbnail['Size']); } } echo "<div class='GalleryContainer'>\r\t\t\t\t\t<a href='/{$Directory}/{$File}' rel='Gallery'>\r\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src='/{$Thumbnail['Directory']}/{$Thumbnail['Size']}_{$File}' class='GalleryImage' border='0' />\r\t\t\t\t\t</a>\r\t\t\t\t</div>"; } } if ($Pagination['is'] == 'On') { if ($Pages > 1) { echo $Pagination['Output']; } } if ($Colorbox == 'Yes!') { echo "<script>\$(\"a[rel='Gallery']\").colorbox();</script>"; } echo "</center>";
<?php if ($submitted == 1) { require_once '_conn.php'; // generate thumbnails require_once 'image.resizer.php'; $photo_large = ResizeImage(256, 256, $photo); $photo_thumb = ResizeImage(64, 64, $photo); $query = mins('items', array('name', 'photo', 'model', 'description', 'price', 'photo_large', 'photo_thumb'), array($name, $photo, $model, $description, $price, $photo_large, $photo_thumb)); mquery($query); $id_i = mysql_insert_id(); $json['id_i'] = '"' . $id_i . '"'; echo stripslashes(json_encode($json)); } else { ?> <form> <div id="name"><label for="name">name</label> <input type="text" name="name" /></div> <div id="photo"><label for="photo">photo</label> <input type="text" name="photo" /></div> <div id="model"><label for="model">model</label> <input type="text" name="model" /></div> <div id="description"><label for="description">description</label> <input type="text" name="description" /></div> <div id="price"><label for="price">price</label> <input type="text" name="price" /></div> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> <?php }
<?php if ($submitted == 1 && $id_i > 0) { $filepath = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; // TODO add azure storage if (strlen($_FILES['file']['name']) > 2) { $uniqid = uniqid('pic'); $newpath = 'img/' . $uniqid . '.' . $_FILES['file']['name']; move_uploaded_file($filepath, $newpath); $urlpath = 'http://futurestore.areality3d.com/' . $newpath; require_once '_conn.php'; $query = mupd('items', 'photo', $urlpath, 'id_i', $id_i); mquery($query); require_once 'image.resizer.php'; $photo_large = ResizeImage(256, 256, $urlpath); $photo_thumb = ResizeImage(64, 64, $urlpath); $query = mupd('items', 'photo_thumb', $photo_thumb, 'id_i', $id_i); mquery($query); $query = mupd('items', 'photo_large', $photo_large, 'id_i', $id_i); mquery($query); } }
function sys_ResizeImg($file, $width, $height, $docut = 0, $target_filename = '') { global $public_r, $tranpicturetype; if (!$file || !$width || !$height) { return $file; } //扩展名 $filetype = GetFiletype($file); if (!strstr($tranpicturetype, ',' . $filetype . ',')) { return $file; } $efileurl = eReturnFileUrl(); if (strstr($file, $efileurl)) { $file = str_replace($efileurl, '/d/file/', $file); } if (strstr($file, '://')) { return $file; } $filename = ECMS_PATH . substr($file, 1); if (!file_exists($filename)) { return $file; } if ($target_filename) { $newfilename = $target_filename; } else { $newfilename = md5($file . '-' . $width . '-' . $height . '-' . $docut); } $newname = ECMS_PATH . 'e/data/tmp/titlepic/' . $newfilename; if (empty($target_filename) && file_exists($newname . $filetype)) { return $public_r['newsurl'] . 'e/data/tmp/titlepic/' . $newfilename . $filetype; } if (!defined('InEmpireCMSGd')) { include_once ECMS_PATH . 'e/class/gd.php'; } $filer = ResizeImage($filename, $newname, $width, $height, $docut); $fileurl = $public_r['newsurl'] . 'e/data/tmp/titlepic/' . $newfilename . $filer['filetype']; return $fileurl; }
function sys_ResizeImg($file,$width,$height,$docut=0,$target_filename='',$target_path='e/data/tmp/titlepic/'){ global $public_r,$ecms_config; if(!$file||!$width||!$height) { return $file; } //扩展名 $filetype=GetFiletype($file); if(!strstr($ecms_config['sets']['tranpicturetype'],','.$filetype.',')) { return $file; } $efileurl=eReturnFileUrl(); if(strstr($file,$efileurl)) { $file=str_replace($efileurl,'/data/',$file); } if(strstr($file,'://')) { return $file; } $filename=eReturnEcmsMainPortPath().substr($file,1);//moreport if(!file_exists($filename)) { return $file; } if($target_filename) { $newfilename=$target_filename; } else { $newfilename=md5($file.'-'.$width.'-'.$height.'-'.$docut); } $newpath=ECMS_PATH.$target_path; $newurl=$public_r['newsurl'].$target_path; $newname=$newpath.$newfilename; if(empty($target_filename)&&file_exists($newname.$filetype)) { return $newurl.$newfilename.$filetype; } if(!defined('InEmpireCMSGd')) { include_once ECMS_PATH.DASHBOARD.'/class/gd.php'; } $filer=ResizeImage($filename,$newname,$width,$height,$docut); $fileurl=$newurl.$newfilename.$filer['filetype']; return $fileurl; }
/** * Get Resource */ public function GetResource($displayId = 0) { $proportional = Kit::GetParam('proportional', _GET, _BOOL, true); $thumb = Kit::GetParam('thumb', _GET, _BOOL, false); $dynamic = isset($_REQUEST['dynamic']); $file = $this->storedAs; $width = intval(Kit::GetParam('width', _REQUEST, _DOUBLE, 80)); $height = intval(Kit::GetParam('height', _REQUEST, _DOUBLE, 80)); // File upload directory.. get this from the settings object $library = Config::GetSetting("LIBRARY_LOCATION"); $fileName = $library . $file; Debug::Audit(sprintf('Image Request %dx%d %s. Thumb: %s', $width, $height, $fileName, $thumb)); // If we are a thumb request then output the cached thumbnail if ($thumb) { $fileName = $library . sprintf('tn_%dx%d_%s', $width, $height, $file); // If the thumbnail doesn't exist then create one if (!file_exists($fileName)) { Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'File doesnt exist, creating a thumbnail for ' . $fileName); if (!($info = getimagesize($library . $file))) { die($library . $file . ' is not an image'); } ResizeImage($library . $file, $fileName, $width, $height, $proportional, 'file'); } } // Get the info for this new temporary file if (!($info = getimagesize($fileName))) { $fileName = 'theme/default/img/forms/filenotfound.png'; $this->ReturnFile($fileName); exit; } if ($dynamic && !$thumb && $info[2]) { $width = intval(Kit::GetParam('width', _REQUEST, _DOUBLE, 80)); $height = intval(Kit::GetParam('height', _REQUEST, _DOUBLE, 80)); // dynamically create an image of the correct size - used for previews ResizeImage($fileName, '', $width, $height, $proportional, 'browser'); exit; } if (!file_exists($fileName)) { //not sure Debug::LogEntry('audit', "Cant find: {$uid}", 'module', 'GetResource'); $fileName = 'theme/default/img/forms/filenotfound.png'; } $this->ReturnFile($fileName); exit; }
function ReplaceKeywords($Matches) { if ($Matches[2]) { $GoodStuff = $Matches[3]; } else { $GoodStuff = $Matches[4]; } if ($GoodStuff !== "") { switch (strtolower($Matches[1])) { case "total": switch (strtolower($GoodStuff)) { case "pages": $pageTotal = mysql_query("Select `ID` from `Wiki_Pages`"); $totalPages = mysql_num_rows($pageTotal); return number_format($totalPages); break; } break; case "ad": $position = strtolower($GoodStuff); if ($position == 'right') { $class = 'right'; } elseif ($position == 'left') { $class = 'left'; } $ID = uuid(); return "<div id='{$ID}' class='{$class}'><iframe id='scraper-friend' src='https://ads.wetfish.net/friendship/scraper.html' style='width:175px; height:640px; border:0; outline:0; overflow:hidden;' scrolling='no'></iframe></div>"; break; case "ads": $ID = uuid(); $ID2 = uuid(); return "<div id='{$ID}' class='left'><iframe id='scraper-friend' src='https://ads.wetfish.net/friendship/scraper.html' style='width:175px; height:640px; border:0; outline:0; overflow:hidden;' scrolling='no'></iframe></div>" . "<div id='{$ID2}' class='right'><iframe id='scraper-friend' src='https://ads.wetfish.net/friendship/scraper.html' style='width:175px; height:640px; border:0; outline:0; overflow:hidden;' scrolling='no'></iframe></div>"; break; case "pre": $GoodStuff = trim(str_replace(array("{", "}", '[', ']'), array("{", "}", '[', ']'), $GoodStuff)); return "<pre>{$GoodStuff}</pre>"; break; case "center": return "<center>{$GoodStuff}</center>"; break; case "magic": $Words = str_split_unicode(html_entity_decode($GoodStuff, false, 'UTF-8')); $Splitter = ''; foreach ($Words as $Word) { $magic .= "<span class='magic'>{$Word}</span>"; } return "<span class='brew'>{$GoodStuff}</span>"; break; case "color": $args = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 3); if (count($args) == 3) { if ($args[1]) { $args[1] = "background-color:{$args[1]}"; } return "<span style='color:{$args[0]}; {$args[1]}'>{$args[2]}</span>"; } elseif (count($args) == 2) { return "<span style='color:{$args[0]}'>{$args[1]}</span>"; } else { return $GoodStuff; } break; case "infobox": $args = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 3); if ($args[2]) { return "<div class='wiki-box' style='{$args[0]}'><div class='wiki-box-title'>{$args[1]}</div>{$args[2]}</div>"; } else { return "<div class='wiki-box'><div class='wiki-box-title'>{$args[0]}</div>{$args[1]}</div>"; } break; case "titlebox": $args = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 2); return "<header class='title-box'><h1>{$args[0]}</h1><span>{$args[1]}</span></header>"; break; case "box": $args = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 2); if ($args[1]) { return "<div class='wiki-box' style='{$args[0]}'>{$args[1]}</div>"; } else { return "<div class='wiki-box'>{$args[0]}</div>"; } break; case "title": return "<div class='wiki-box-title'>{$GoodStuff}</div>"; break; case "style": $args = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 2); $args[0] = preg_replace("/([\\s\n]| )+/", " ", $args[0]); return "<div style='{$args[0]}'>{$args[1]}</div>"; break; case "right": return "<div class='right'>{$GoodStuff}</div>"; break; case "left": return "<div class='left'>{$GoodStuff}</div>"; break; case "bold": case "b": return "<b>{$GoodStuff}</b>"; break; case "underline": case "u": return "<u>{$GoodStuff}</u>"; break; case "italic": case "italics": case "i": return "<i>{$GoodStuff}</i>"; break; case "strike": case "s": return "<span class='strike'>{$GoodStuff}</span>"; break; case "big": return "<span class='big'>{$GoodStuff}</span>"; break; case "medium": case "med": return "<span class='medium'>{$GoodStuff}</span>"; break; case "small": case "sml": return "<span class='small'>{$GoodStuff}</span>"; break; case "redirect": if (isset($_GET['random'])) { return "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=/{$GoodStuff}/?random'>You're being brought to '{$GoodStuff}'..."; } else { return "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=/{$GoodStuff}'>You're being brought to '{$GoodStuff}'..."; } break; case "heading": //return "<a name='".str_replace(array("<", ">", """, "'", "\", "`", " "), "", $GoodStuff)."'></a>$GoodStuff<hr />"; return "<div class='clear'>{$GoodStuff}</div><hr />"; break; case "subheading": //return "<a name='".str_replace(array("<", ">", """, "'", "\", "`", " "), "", $GoodStuff)."'></a>$GoodStuff<hr />"; return "{$GoodStuff}<hr />"; break; case "url": list($link, $text) = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 2); $link = trim($link); $text = trim($text); $url = parse_url($link); switch ($url['scheme']) { case "http": case "https": case "ftp": case "irc": if (empty($text)) { $text = $link; } return "<a href='{$link}' target='_blank'>{$text}</a>"; break; case "fish": $link = "https://wiki.wetfish.net/{$url['host']}"; if (empty($text)) { $text = $url['host']; } return "<a href='{$link}'>{$text}</a>"; break; default: if (empty($text)) { $text = $link; } return "<a href='http://{$link}' target='_blank'>{$text}</a>"; break; } break; case "image": case "img": //list($Link, $Size, $Position, $Border, $Text) = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 5); $args = explode('|', $GoodStuff, 6); $Link = trim($args[0]); $Border = trim($args[3]); $Text = trim($args[4]); $rand = trim($args[5]); $path = pathinfo($Link); // If a video extension was used if (preg_match('/^(webm|mp4|ogv)$/i', $path['extension'])) { // Output a special html5 player that behaves like a gif $options = array('autoplay' => true, 'controls' => false, 'muted' => true, 'loop' => true); return embed_html5($Link, $options); } // $args[1] = trim(str_replace('px', '', strtolower($args[1]))); // $args[2] = trim(str_replace('px', '', strtolower($args[2]))); $args[1] = trim($args[1]); $args[2] = trim($args[2]); if (empty($args[1])) { $args[1] = 0; } if (is_numeric($args[1]) and (is_string($args[2]) or empty($args[2]))) { $Size = $args[1]; $Position = $args[2]; } elseif (is_string($args[1]) and (is_numeric($args[2]) or empty($args[2]))) { $Size = $args[2]; $Position = $args[1]; } if (strtolower($Position) == "right" or strtolower($Position) == "left") { $Position = "float:{$Position};"; } elseif (strtolower($Position) == "border") { $Border = true; } elseif (empty($Text)) { $Text = $Position; } if ($Border) { $Border = "border: 4px solid #C17EE8; padding:4px; margin-bottom:16px; border-radius:8px; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px;"; } else { unset($Border); } if (is_numeric($Size) and $Size < 1600 and $Size > 0 and strpos($Link, 'http://') === false) { $Info = pathinfo($Link); // Make sure the file actually exists if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . "/upload/{$Info['basename']}")) { // Display an icon if the image can't be loaded $ImageText = "<a href='#error' class='exempt'><img src='/upload/apple.gif' title='There was an error loading this image' border='0' /></a>"; } else { if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . "/upload/{$Size}_{$Info['basename']}")) { ResizeImage($Link, __DIR__ . "/upload/{$Size}_{$Info['basename']}", $Size); } $ImageText = "<a href='/{$Link}' class='exempt'><img src='/upload/{$Size}_{$Info['basename']}' border='0' /></a>"; } } else { if (strpos($Link, 'http://') === false && strpos($Link, 'https://') === false) { $Link = "/{$Link}"; } unset($Size); $URL = parse_url($Link); // Make sure wiki images exist if (preg_match("{^/upload}", $URL['path']) && !file_exists(__DIR__ . "{$URL['path']}")) { // Display an icon if the image can't be loaded $ImageText = "<a href='#error' class='exempt'><img src='/upload/apple.gif' title='There was an error loading this image' border='0' /></a>"; } else { if ($URL['host'] == "glitch.wetfish.net") { $class = "class='glitchme'"; } // This is a terrible hack and really should be expanded to parse and reconstruct the url if ($rand) { $rand = "&rand=" . mt_rand(); } // Lol I should finish this some time if (is_numeric($Size) and $Size < 1600 and $Size > 0) { $size = "style=''"; } $ImageText = "<img src='{$Link}{$rand}' {$class} />"; } } if ($Text) { $Text = "<div class='small'>{$Text}</div>"; } return "<div style='margin:0px 8px; display:inline-block; max-width:100%; {$Position} {$Border}'>{$ImageText} {$Text}</div>"; break; case "red": case "redtube": $URL = parse_url($GoodStuff); $Video = trim($URL['path'], '/'); return "<object height='344' width='434'> <param name='movie' value='https://embed.redtube.com/player/'> <param name='FlashVars' value='id={$Video}&style=redtube&autostart=false'> <embed src='https://embed.redtube.com/player/?id={$Video}&style=redtube' flashvars='autostart=false' pluginspage='https://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' height='344' width='434' /> </object>"; break; case "motherless": $URL = parse_url($GoodStuff); if ($URL['host'] == "motherless.com") { $Video = trim($URL['path'], '/'); $Data = file_get_contents($GoodStuff); preg_match("/var __file_url = '(.*?)';/", $Data, $Filename); return "<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='https://motherless.com/flash/player.swf' style='' id='player' name='player' quality='high' allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' flashvars='file=https://members.motherless.com/movies/{$Filename['1']}.flv&image=https://motherless.com/thumbs/{$Video}.jpg&mute=false&streamer=lighttpd&link=https://motherless.com/{$Video}' width='680' height='560'>"; } break; case "video": $url = parse_url($GoodStuff); if (preg_match("/(^|\\.)youtube.com\$/i", $url['host'])) { return embed_youtube($GoodStuff); } if (preg_match("/(^|\\.)youtu.be\$/i", $url['host'])) { return embed_youtube($GoodStuff); } if (preg_match("/(^|\\.)vimeo.com\$/i", $url['host'])) { return embed_vimeo($GoodStuff); } if (preg_match("/(^|\\.)vine.co\$/i", $url['host'])) { return embed_vine($GoodStuff); } // Otherwise, it must be a html5 video! return embed_html5($GoodStuff); break; case "youtube": return embed_youtube($GoodStuff); break; case "vimeo": return embed_vimeo($GoodStuff); break; case "vine": return embed_vine($GoodStuff); break; case "playlist": $url = parse_url($GoodStuff); parse_str($url['query'], $query); return "<iframe width='640' height='360' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list={$query['list']}&index={$query['index']}' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>"; break; case "soundcloud": return embed_soundcloud($GoodStuff); break; case "ytcracker": return "<iframe width='100%' height='450' scrolling='no' frameborder='no' src='https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/users/2977873&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true'></iframe>"; break; case "load": case "embed": $URL = parse_url($GoodStuff); if (empty($URL['scheme'])) { $URL['scheme'] = "http"; } if (empty($URL['host'])) { $URL['host'] = "wiki.wetfish.net"; } if ($URL['path'] == 'index.php' or empty($URL['path']) or $URL['path'] == $_GET['SUPERdickPAGE'] or !empty($_GET['load'])) { $URL['path'] = 'yousosilly.php'; } if (empty($URL['query'])) { $Query = array(); foreach ($_GET as $Key => $Value) { if ($Key != 'SUPERdickPAGE') { $Query[] = "{$Key}=" . urlencode($Value); } } $URL['query'] = implode('&', $Query); } if (preg_match('/^.*\\.?wetfish.net$/i', $URL['host'])) { $ID = uuid(); if ($URL['host'] == 'danger.wetfish.net') { $URL['path'] = substr($URL['path'], 1); if (preg_match("/^[a-f0-9]+\$/", $URL['path'])) { $URL['query'] = "hash={$URL['path']}"; $URL['path'] = "view.php"; } } //return "<iframe src='{$URL['scheme']}://{$URL['host']}/{$URL['path']}?{$URL['query']}' style='height:0px; width:0px; display:none;'></iframe> /**/ if ($URL['host'] != "wiki.wetfish.net") { return "<div id='{$ID}'><script>\$('#{$ID}').load('/load.php?id={$ID}&url={$URL['scheme']}://{$URL['host']}/{$URL['path']}?" . urlencode($URL['query']) . "');</script></div>"; } else { return "<div id='{$ID}'><script>\$('#{$ID}').load('/{$URL['path']}?{$URL['query']}&load=true');</script></div>"; } /**/ //return "LOL GOOGLE HACKED WETFISH"; } break; case "music": list($Derp, $Delay) = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 2); $URL = parse_url($Derp); parse_str($URL['query'], $Query); if (strpos($Derp, 'http://') === false or strpos($Link, 'https://') === false or strpos($Derp, 'http://') !== false and preg_match('/^.*\\.?wetfish.net$/i', $URL['host'])) { if ($Delay) { $Unique = uuid(); $Delay *= 1000; $Javascript = "<script>setTimeout(\"\$('#{$Unique}').show()\", {$Delay})</script>"; return "{$Javascript}<embed id='{$Unique}' src='{$Derp}' width='0' height='0' autostart='true' loop='true' hidden='true' style='display:none;'></embed>"; } else { return "<embed src='{$GoodStuff}' width='0' height='0' autostart='true' loop='true' hidden='true'></embed>"; } } break; case "flash": list($url, $width, $height) = explode("|", $GoodStuff); return "<object width='{$width}' height='{$height}'><param name='movie' value='{$url}'><embed src='{$url}' width='{$width}' height='{$height}'></embed></object>"; break; case "drainbow": case "dblrainbow": case "doublerainbow": case "rainbow2": $Words = str_split_unicode(html_entity_decode($GoodStuff, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $Splitter = ''; foreach ($Words as $Word) { /* $RandomRed = rand(0, 255); $RandomGreen = rand(0, 255); $RandomBlue = rand(0, 255); $InvertedRed = 255 - $RandomRed; $InvertedGreen = 255 - $RandomGreen; $InvertedBlue = 255 - $RandomBlue; */ $rainbowCounter++; $randomHue = $rainbowCounter * 24 % 360; $randomSaturation = rand(0, 5) + 95; $randomLuminosity = rand(0, 24) + 44; $invertedHue = ($randomHue + 180) % 360; //background-color:rgb($InvertedRed, $InvertedGreen, $InvertedBlue); //$Stuff .= "<span style='color:rgb($RandomRed, $RandomGreen, $RandomBlue); background-color:rgb($InvertedRed, $InvertedGreen, $InvertedBlue);'>$Word</span>$Splitter"; $Stuff .= "<span style='font-size:110%; color:hsla({$randomHue}, {$randomSaturation}%, {$randomLuminosity}%, 0.8); text-shadow:1px 1px #000; background-color:hsla({$invertedHue}, {$randomSaturation}%, {$randomLuminosity}%, 0.6);'>" . $Word . "</span>{$Splitter}"; } return $Stuff; break; case "snow": return '<script type="text/javascript" src="/snowstorm.js"></script>'; break; case "rainbow": $Words = str_split_unicode(html_entity_decode($GoodStuff, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $Splitter = ''; foreach ($Words as $Word) { /* $RandomRed = rand(0, 255); $RandomGreen = rand(0, 255); $RandomBlue = rand(0, 255); $InvertedRed = 255 - $RandomRed; $InvertedGreen = 255 - $RandomGreen; $InvertedBlue = 255 - $RandomBlue; */ $rainbowCounter++; $randomHue = -1 * $rainbowCounter * 24 % 360; $randomSaturation = rand(0, 5) + 95; $randomLuminosity = rand(0, 24) + 44; $invertedHue = ($randomHue + 180) % 360; //background-color:rgb($InvertedRed, $InvertedGreen, $InvertedBlue); //$Stuff .= "<span style='color:rgb($RandomRed, $RandomGreen, $RandomBlue); background-color:rgb($InvertedRed, $InvertedGreen, $InvertedBlue);'>$Word</span>$Splitter"; $Stuff .= "<span style='font-size:110%; color:hsla({$randomHue}, {$randomSaturation}%, {$randomLuminosity}%, 0.8); text-shadow:1px 1px #000;'>" . $Word . "</span>{$Splitter}"; } return $Stuff; break; case "glitch": $Splitter = ' '; $Words = preg_split("/{$Splitter}/", $GoodStuff); if (count($Words) == 1) { $Words = str_split($GoodStuff); $Splitter = ''; } foreach ($Words as $Word) { $rainbowCounter++; $randomHue = rand(0, 360); $randomSaturation = rand(0, 5) + 95; $randomLuminosity = rand(0, 44) + 14; $invertedHue = ($randomHue + 180) % 360; $Stuff .= "<span style='font-size:110%; color:hsl({$randomHue}, {$randomSaturation}%, {$randomLuminosity}%); background-color:hsl({$invertedHue}, {$randomSaturation}%, {$randomLuminosity}%);'>{$Word}</span>{$Splitter}"; } return $Stuff; break; case "anchor": return "<a name='{$GoodStuff}'> </a>"; break; case "codepen": return embed_codepen($GoodStuff); break; case "fb": case "fishbux": list($amount, $image) = explode("|", $GoodStuff, 2); // Make sure image is an integer $image = (int) $image; // If none is set, generate a random image if (!$image) { $image = mt_rand(2, 4); } return "<div class='fishbux'> {$amount} <div class='wrap'><img src='/upload/fishbux/bux{$image}.gif'></div></div>"; break; } } else { // Self documenting! if ($Matches[1]) { return $Matches[1] . "[]"; } } }