Esempio n. 1
 public function notify()
     if ($GLOBALS['pay_req']['class_name']) {
         $_REQUEST['class_name'] = $GLOBALS['pay_req']['class_name'];
     $class_name = quotes(trim($_REQUEST['class_name']));
     $payment_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "payment where class_name = '" . $class_name . "'");
     if ($payment_info) {
         require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/payment/" . $payment_info['class_name'] . "_payment.php";
         $payment_class = $payment_info['class_name'] . "_payment";
         $payment_object = new $payment_class();
         $_REQUEST = quotes($_REQUEST);
         $payment_code = $payment_object->notify($_REQUEST);
 public function index()
     $id = intval($GLOBALS['request']['id']);
     $email = strim($GLOBALS['request']['email']);
     $pwd = strim($GLOBALS['request']['pwd']);
     if (!dealIdIsExist($id, 1)) {
         $result = responseErrorInfo("deal_id参数错误");
     $user = user_check($email, $pwd);
     $user_id = intval($user['id']);
     // 不知道为什么要冻结
     $deal_info = $this->getDealInfo($id, $user_id);
     $leader_info = getLeaderInfo($id);
     $deal_new_info = $this->getNewDeal_info($deal_info);
     // $stock_info = $this->getStockAndUnStock ( $deal_info );
     // $history_info = $this->getHistoryInfo ( $deal_info );
     // $plan_info = $this->getPlanInfo ( $deal_info );
     $result = responseSuccessInfo("项目详情");
     $result["deal_info"] = $deal_new_info;
     $result['leader_info'] = $leader_info;
     // $result ['stock_info'] = $stock_info;
     // $result ['history_info'] = $history_info;
     // $result ['plan_info'] = $plan_info;
     if ($user_id > 0) {
         $is_focus = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select  count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_focus_log where deal_id = " . $id . " and user_id = " . $user_id);
         $result['is_focus'] = $is_focus;
     $result['business_url'] = get_domain() . url_mapi_html("deal#business", array("id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id));
     $result['teams_url'] = get_domain() . url_mapi_html("deal#teams", array("id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id));
     $result['history_url'] = get_domain() . url_mapi_html("deal#history", array("id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id));
     $result['plans_url'] = get_domain() . url_mapi_html("deal#plans", array("id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id));
     $url = replace_mapi(url_wap("deal#show", array("id" => $id)));
     $result['share_url'] = $url;
     if ($GLOBALS['m_config']['wx_appid'] != '' && $GLOBALS['m_config']['wx_secrit'] != '') {
         $weixin_1 = new weixin($GLOBALS['m_config']['wx_appid'], $GLOBALS['m_config']['wx_secrit'], $url);
         $wx_url = $weixin_1->scope_get_code();
         $result['wx_share_url'] = $wx_url;
Esempio n. 3
    $nav_list = get_nav_list();
    $nav_list = init_nav_list($nav_list);
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("nav_list", $nav_list);
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("site_name", app_conf("SITE_NAME"));
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("seo_title", app_conf("SEO_TITLE"));
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("seo_keyword", app_conf("SEO_KEYWORD"));
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("seo_description", app_conf("SEO_DESCRIPTION"));
    $helps = load_auto_cache("helps");
    $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("helps", $helps);
    $GLOBALS['db']->query("delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_order where order_status = 0 and credit_pay = 0 and  " . NOW_TIME . " - create_time > " . 24 * 3600 * 3);
    $has_deal_notify = intval($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_notify"));
    define("HAS_DEAL_NOTIFY", $has_deal_notify);
    if ($user_info) {
        $user_notify_count = intval($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_notify where user_id = " . intval($user_info['id']) . " and is_read = 0"));
        $user_message_count = intval($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_message where user_id = " . intval($user_info['id']) . " and is_read = 0"));
        $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("USER_NOTIFY_COUNT", $user_notify_count);
        $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("USER_MESSAGE_COUNT", $user_message_count);
        $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("HIDE_USER_NOTIFY", intval(es_cookie::get("hide_user_notify")));
//页脚的文章分类信息 star
$help_cates = load_auto_cache("new_hepls");
$GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("help_cates", $help_cates);
//页脚的文章分类信息 end
$GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("now", NOW_TIME);
Esempio n. 4
 public function project_follow()
     if (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 1) {
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['deal_id']);
     $deal_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where id = " . $id . " and is_delete = 0 and is_effect = 1");
     $deal_info['deal_type'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select name from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate where id=" . $deal_info['cate_id']);
     $deal_info['login_time'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select login_time from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where id=" . $deal_info['user_id']);
     $deal_info = cache_deal_extra($deal_info);
     //		$comment_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from ".DB_PREFIX."deal_comment where deal_id = ".$id." and log_id = 0 and status=1");
     //		$GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('comment_count',$comment_count);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("id", $id);
     $user_name = $GLOBALS['user_info']['user_name'];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_name", $user_name);
     $cate = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select name from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate where id =" . $deal_info['cate_id']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("cate", $cate);
     get_investor_info($id, 1);
Esempio n. 5
 public function index()
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->caching = true;
     $cache_id = md5(MODULE_NAME . ACTION_NAME);
     $image_list = load_dynamic_cache("INDEX_IMAGE_LIST");
     if ($image_list === false) {
         $image_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "index_image order by sort asc");
         set_dynamic_cache("INDEX_IMAGE_LIST", $image_list);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("image_list", $image_list);
     $cate_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate where is_delete=0 order by sort asc");
     $cate_result = array();
     foreach ($cate_list as $k => $v) {
         $cate_result[$v['id']] = $v;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("cate_list", $cate_result);
     $page_size = 5;
     $limit = "0,5";
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("current_page", 1);
     $deal_result = get_deal_list($limit, 'is_recommend=1');
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("deal_list", $deal_result['list']);
     $deal_invest_result = get_deal_list($limit, '');
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("deal_list_invest", $deal_invest_result['list']);
     $shu = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where is_recommend=1 and type=0");
     $shu = $shu[0]['count(*)'];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("shu", $shu);
     $all_shu = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where type=0");
     $all_shu = $all_shu[0]['count(*)'];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("all_shu", $all_shu);
     $g_links = get_link_by_id();
     if (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 0) {
         $condition = " and 1=1 ";
     } elseif (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 1) {
         $condition = " and type=0 ";
     } elseif (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 2) {
         $condition = " and type=1 ";
     $virtual_effect = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where is_effect = 1 and is_delete=0 {$condition}");
     $virtual_person = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum((support_count+virtual_num)) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where is_effect = 1 and is_delete=0 {$condition}");
     $virtual_money = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(support_amount+virtual_price) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where is_effect = 1 and is_delete=0 {$condition}");
     $zhuce_num = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) as num from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where is_effect = 1");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("zhuce_num", $zhuce_num);
     $virtual_effect = floor($virtual_effect * 2.3);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("virtual_effect", $virtual_effect);
     $virtual_person = floor($virtual_person * 2.7);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("virtual_person", $virtual_person);
     //$virtual_money = floor($virtual_money*2.1);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("virtual_money", number_format($virtual_money, 2));
     /*虚拟的累计项目总个数,支持总人数,项目支持总金额 结束*/
     if (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 0) {
         $condition = " d.is_delete = 0 and d.is_effect = 1 ";
     } elseif (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 1) {
         $condition = " d.is_delete = 0 and d.is_effect = 1 and d.type=0 ";
     } elseif (app_conf("INVEST_STATUS") == 2) {
         $condition = " d.is_delete = 0 and d.is_effect = 1 and d.type=1 ";
     if ($GLOBALS['user_info']['user_level'] != 0) {
         $level = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT level from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_level where id=" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['user_level']);
         $condition .= " AND (d.user_level ='' or d.user_level=0 or d.user_level <={$level})   ";
     } else {
         $condition .= " AND (d.user_level =0 or d.user_level =1 or d.user_level ='') AND d.is_recommend='1'";
     $deal_cate_array = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select d.* from (select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal order by sort asc)  as d left join " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cate as dc on where {$condition} group by d.cate_id order by dc.sort asc ");
     $deal_cate = array();
     $now_time = NOW_TIME;
     foreach ($deal_cate_array as $k => $v) {
         if ($v['id'] > 0) {
             $v['cate_name'] = $cate_result[$v['cate_id']]['name'];
             $v['percent'] = round($v['support_amount'] / $v['limit_price'] * 100);
             $v['num_days'] = ceil(($v['end_time'] - $v['begin_time']) / (24 * 3600));
             $v['remain_days'] = ceil(($v['end_time'] - $now_time) / (24 * 3600));
             if ($v['begin_time'] > $now_time) {
                 $v['left_days'] = intval(($now_time - $v['create_time']) / 24 / 3600);
             $v['num_days'] = ceil(($v['end_time'] - $v['begin_time']) / (24 * 3600));
             $deal_ids[] = $v['id'];
             $deal_cate[$v['id']] = $v;
     foreach ($deal_cate as $k => $v) {
         if ($v['type'] == 1) {
             $deal_cate[$k]['virtual_person'] = $deal_cate[$k]['invote_num'];
             $deal_cate[$k]['support_count'] = $deal_cate[$k]['invote_num'];
             $deal_cate[$k]['support_amount'] = $deal_cate[$k]['invote_money'];
             $deal_cate[$k]['percent'] = round($deal_cate[$k]['support_amount'] / $v['limit_price'] * 100);
         } else {
             $deal_cate[$k]['virtual_person'] = $deal_cate[$k]['virtual_num'];
             $deal_cate[$k]['support_count'] = $deal_cate[$k]['virtual_num'] + $deal_cate[$k]['support_count'];
             $deal_cate[$k]['support_amount'] = $deal_cate[$k]['virtual_price'] + $deal_cate[$k]['support_amount'];
             $deal_cate[$k]['percent'] = round($deal_cate[$k]['support_amount'] / $v['limit_price'] * 100);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("deal_cate", $deal_cate);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("g_links", $g_links);
     $topic_num = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) as num from " . DB_PREFIX . "zhuanti where 1 ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("topic_num", $topic_num);
     $topic_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "zhuanti where state=1 order by sort desc limit 0,3");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("topic_list", $topic_list);