Esempio n. 1
MAX_commonRegisterGlobalsArray(array('trackerid', 'inherit'));
if (empty($trackerid)) {
    $trackerid = 0;
$conversionsid = NULL;
$variablesScript = '';
MAX_commonSendContentTypeHeader("application/x-javascript", $charset);
// Log the tracker impression
$logVars = false;
$aConversion = $aConversionInfo = array();
if ($conf['logging']['trackerImpressions']) {
    // Only log and gather variable data if this conversion connects back
    $aConversion = MAX_trackerCheckForValidAction($trackerid);
    if (!empty($aConversion)) {
        $aConversionInfo = MAX_Delivery_log_logConversion($trackerid, $aConversion);
        // Generate code required to send variable values to the {$conf['file']['conversionvars']} script
        if (isset($inherit)) {
            $variablesScript = MAX_trackerbuildJSVariablesScript($trackerid, $aConversionInfo['deliveryLog:oxLogConversion:logConversion'], $inherit);
        } else {
            $variablesScript = MAX_trackerbuildJSVariablesScript($trackerid, $aConversionInfo['deliveryLog:oxLogConversion:logConversion']);
        $logVars = true;
// Write the code for seding the variable values
if ($logVars) {
    echo "{$variablesScript}";
// Post tracker render hook
OX_Delivery_Common_hook('postTrackerRender', array(&$aConversion, &$aConversionInfo, &$trackerid, &$inherit));
Esempio n. 2
$conversionsid = NULL;
$variablesScript = '';
MAX_commonSendContentTypeHeader("application/x-javascript", $charset);
// Log the tracker impression
$logVars = false;
$aConversion = $aConversionInfo = array();
if ($conf['logging']['trackerImpressions']) {
    // Only log and gather variable data if this conversion connects back
    $aConversion = MAX_trackerCheckForValidAction($trackerid);
    if (!empty($aConversion)) {
        $aConversionInfo = MAX_Delivery_log_logConversion($trackerid, $aConversion);
        // Generate code required to send variable values to the {$conf['file']['conversionvars']} script
        if (isset($inherit)) {
            $variablesScript = MAX_trackerbuildJSVariablesScript($trackerid, $aConversionInfo, $inherit);
        } else {
            $variablesScript = MAX_trackerbuildJSVariablesScript($trackerid, $aConversionInfo);
        $logVars = true;
// Write the code for tracking the variable values, and any
// additional appended tracker code
if ($logVars) {
    // The $logVars variable contains the code for tracking
    // the variable values (if required by the tracker), and
    // also the code for appending any additional tracker code
    // IF there was a conversion
    echo "{$variablesScript}";
} else {
    if ($append == true) {