Esempio n. 1
  * 追加JSON高度信息
  * @param array     $result    原要数据的数据
  * @param Exception $exception 异常对象
  * @return array
 protected function _appendDebugJson(array $result, Exception $exception)
     if (!\Comm\Misc::isProEnv()) {
         $result['_debug']['code'] = $exception->getCode();
         $result['_debug']['message'] = $exception->getMessage();
         $result['_debug']['file'] = $exception->getFile();
         $result['_debug']['line'] = $exception->getLine();
         $result['_debug']['trace'] = $exception->getTraceAsString();
         if (method_exists($exception, 'getMetadata')) {
             $result['_debug']['metadata'] = $exception->getMetadata();
     return $result;
Esempio n. 2
 * instance. Your object should have a method log(string $message).
$min_errorLogger = !\Comm\Misc::isProEnv();
 * To allow debug mode output, you must set this option to true.
 * Once true, you can send the cookie minDebug to request debug mode output. The
 * cookie value should match the URIs you'd like to debug. E.g. to debug
 * /min/f=file1.js send the cookie minDebug=file1.js
 * You can manually enable debugging by appending "&debug" to a URI.
 * E.g. /min/?f=script1.js,script2.js&debug
 * In 'debug' mode, Minify combines files with no minification and adds comments
 * to indicate line #s of the original files.
$min_allowDebugFlag = !\Comm\Misc::isProEnv();
 * For best performance, specify your temp directory here. Otherwise Minify
 * will have to load extra code to guess. Some examples below:
//$min_cachePath = 'c:\\WINDOWS\\Temp';
//$min_cachePath = '/tmp';
//$min_cachePath = preg_replace('/^\\d+;/', '', session_save_path());
 * To use APC/Memcache/ZendPlatform for cache storage, require the class and
 * set $min_cachePath to an instance. Example below:
//$min_cachePath = new Minify_Cache_APC();
 * Leave an empty string to use PHP's $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].
Esempio n. 3
  * 加载JS
  * @param string $path
  * @param boolean $return
  * @param boolean $absolutely
  * @return \mixed
 public static function js($path, $with_version = true, $return = false, $absolutely = false)
     $src = $absolutely ? $path : self::path('static/js/' . $path);
     if (!\Comm\Misc::isProEnv()) {
         $src .= (strpos($src, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . "debug=1";
     if ($with_version) {
         $ver = self::jsVer();
         $src .= "&version={$ver}";
     $result = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$src}\"></script>";
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
         return null;